a- A [TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1818.1 KINGSTON [VOLUME nil?----No. 16] GA ETT l Kingston, Upper Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollars per Annum—Exclusive of Postage. Agents for the Kingston Gazette. frnesf Town, JAMF.S RANKIN, Esq, York, WILLI AM ALL\N, 1 >q, Brockvillc, A. SHKRVVOOI), Esq. Bollwlie, S. MN \HB, fcq. Montreal, N. MOWER- Printer, 8ftnlna*V.rr*h, Mr.SAMDKLSOI.MFS. Articles of Aypociotion of'.he BANKOl^TPERCANADA. TO ALL-TO WHOM THESE Pfl'C- SKN VS SHALL COMK. /*; // knnwn tend made mmffisl ___ that zl\: the Subscribers han-for¬ med an Assoriuton rr limited Co-part- ngr$hq*i mni do hereby agree :?8k each other^ to conduct Hjskisc, liasiness in the manner hereiwrfter specified and described* by and under the name or Mtule of the Bank of (tpper Canada. And we do he re bit mtdutdhj covenant declare and agree- that fi&fvtfotchig are i'td shall he the fan film nt it Ar¬ ticles of this our AaSoGiUtion aid a- gr&'went zcfth each other*.!)) &Mchije\ and all persons :cho at ana time herc- nftrr maif transact business with tin said Company shall be bound and rag- vlatt d. First. TV Capital Stock of f!v< said Company Jiall UOt exe«**d On* Hundred and Twenty Five Thousand Pounds current wimwv of rhislVovince. divided into f\vr thousand shares of twenty Rw Pfiond^citcb ; and f°r rh(i purpose of raising the said Capital stock, n book of subscription Ann be oii?tii»d in this Town on Thursday the 18rb iiiAftutt* at Moore's C. H. from the hour- of ten *n two o'clock, under the sopwlnteiuHuPe^f Jobt; Ciimwilifc Bi*npmHi WhUuAV,Jnhn VI Balfour.) hm** ?3ickstHa. «nd Samuel Swur, or ■»f, commence the business and opera- t'*ona of the said Bank, but no Bank Bflb, or Bank Notes hall be issued or ontin circulation, tiof any Bill or Note *>e discounted at the Bank, until ten thousand Pounds in gold »r silver, or Montreal Bank notes shall be actually paid in and received on account of the fcp^cviptions to the said Capital Stock. Third. For the qood management ot :;>e affairs of the said Association or '••mpany, there thall be thirteen I)i- ervtor-, who shall be annually elected m> fiio proprietors or holders of the said •:»ita! ^toek, at a general meeting '■':*■ roof lo be annually holdori: at which ann"o| meeting the $aid proprietors .and *j ckh^'dcrs shall vote according • o the nil'* herdnnffer established^ in r^-pect to voting at general meetings : a.ul the Directors SO c.hoscn bj a ma- jorii) in conformity to such rule, .hall be capable of serving a^ Directors. for twelve months (unless anyof them j»ai! be removed for uial-adumdsi»ation be¬ fore the expiration of that period by a sT'ii^ral meeting of stockholders, or unless suspended as hereinafter provi¬ ded) and at their first meeting after *UCil .l.ttion, shall choose out of their number, a President aud Vice-Presi¬ dent, and their places respectively» from time to time. ii!l up when vacant by death, resignation, absence from the Province, or removal asabovesaid. in ease of death j resignation, absence irom the Province for three months at a • t'tne, or the removal of a Director bj theStockh ild<*rs, his place iu case ol s»ch removal silall be tilled up by thi *aid stockholder*., and in the other ca¬ ses by the remaining Directors, or a maintitv of them, to servo however on- j \y u-.t:! tue succeeding general meeting as nlrnv'sa'd. Fttt'rtll* The Directors tor 'he limp britiu •'»•;!* have power to appoint sue! >r>tc-M*s. I ■-■rk.-,aud -servant* .u,d- rth-i It 4*i '111*111 it «tJifc * I ,%t*M'* *' M'ttl fl • V . ' , Tlinji|i| -r-i a:*--h;iH heuvce-aiy h.r i-v■•-. uu^ u i|i.mi-*iiiv rii»ti»iwl«WW>«*u«Ul.-n I*-. m , .,-'.. . .. , , u *' \ '* , . ftf ;>;......'«!).,,....ss o: ihe said Lompcny, :n,d ti thai I have bfimx :\n r «ri "ii «»r "l* •-t- ' .• ,. t iRHiiimvc !,;,.(,', allow tn'-m such con;>e:i-atie:i i rthvn jj. . „, * !v.ll ,-o,,r n w-op« .." t { ^ ......... ...... mui|; rtr i\i*r*.itti«: e.'-niM '.«ei -i»■ * - > ^ fc i" ■••- . ' ■ , , . - . . ofprrw ■.,< ) (;ni, :k„t;IMOK fa;i:.bi.?»ff!fiTmii^ ever, to the person or separate proper¬ ty o! any present or future member of this Company, except as abovemen- tioned. And all suit* to be brought against this Company (if any shall be) shall be brought against the President for the time being: and in ease of hi- death or removal from office, pending any suit against him, measures shall be taken at the expence of thf- compain for substituting his successor in otlic*- as a defendant ; so that persons having demands upon the company, may not be prejudiced or delayed by (hat event. or if the person suiujj, shall go on an- ainst the person first named as defen¬ dant, (notwithstanding hi death or n - moval from olfue) tins GAi/ipauy shal' take no advantage of such proceeding on that account ; and ull recoveries had in manner aforesaid, -hall be con- elusive upon the company, so far a- to render the Company* - said joint stock or property liable thereby, and no furthers and therConipany shall immediately pay lheamnu..t of such re¬ covery out of their joint stock, but not otherwise. And in ca«60l any *iit at l/av. the President for the time b*&t$ shall havt.- full power in his own name. and on behalf of the Company, to pro- secote to judgmeni and exeeation in the manner and form as by the laws of this Province it is provided ; it being expressly understood and declared that [all persons dealing with the said Coin- [pany agree to these terms, and are to be bound thereby. Seventh. TUe^e articles- of agreement shall be published in the Kingston Gazette for three months, and tor the information of all persons who may transact business with Ol in any man¬ ner give credit to |hh company, every Bond, Bill. Note, rr other instrume .1 Ninth Nunc but a ftock holder, ac¬ tually refident in the Town of Kin^lton, and holding at lead ten (haie* in the cap itnl ftock, and King a natural born fnb- j*fl of His Majefty, or a fubject of His Majcfty naturalized by act of the Brit- ifh Parliament, or a fubjtAof His Ma- jtfty, having become fuch by the con- quelt and ceffion of this Province, or any person who fl.nil have rcfided feven years in the Province, and in any of the above Cafes, who (hall have refided three year^ in this Town, one of which (hall have immediately preceded the day of Elec¬ tion, (hall be capable of being elected or ehofen a Dirt-rtor of the faid Bank, or (ha«l ferve as fuch. Tenth. Nin^ of the Directors in office fhall be re-el*-c^ed fov the next fucceed :ng twelve monthb, of winch the? Preli- Irut and Vice-Piefideut (ha)l always be of the number Eleventh. No Dueftor fhall be e-ti- t'ed to any falary or emolument, unlel- the farr.e (hall have been a1!, wed to him. by a general meuing of the Hock hold- cs, but the Hock holders may make fuch compenfation to rhe Prefident or Vice- Prelident. for their extraordinary attend¬ ance at the Ba*ik, as fhall appear to them to be reat •-nah'e and proper Twelfth. Not le(s than five Dinftor* (hall c< Ritute a boardyfor ihc tranlaction >f bufineffi, whereof the Prefident or Vice-Prefidcut ih^ll always be one, ex¬ cept in cafe cf iickncls and nece'laiv ab- Ictnce, in v/hich cafe their places may be fupplicd b/any other Dirrftorwhom the Prefident or Vice*Prefident fo Gck or abfeut, fhall refpcctively by writing, under their hands, appoint for that pnr- po(e. The Piefident and Vice-Prcfu dent, (hall vo'e at the hoard ab Direct¬ or*, and in cafe of thee being an equa number of votes for and agaii.lt any e enactor ienn« "'II qiiei!ion before them, ihc Prefident, anc ,y may he charyd ; Jn b|ft abfencej fa Vice-Prefident, fhall «:r ci.ntra.'t. by the effect or terms ot v. hicli theCompai «r hdd liable, for the payment of mo- j havftacaft;n„ vofca .. >,W.UII Pp«rifttl| declare, in svch.j .fhtr!ntllh Al,y number of ftockbul I'ome rr**n nlirtr; o! f <••; fc* »i,|!.o .. \\i.\\ ik 1 Mfl-M p<w 1.- aud a thoriti" * r m - k .«<! .^ .,,..■....,.. i'.ti.-;.;■•, r-i'.ia'..n:tnd .rd-rie.j; of Un ?,"'s r ■.....,.1 .:„/••♦ ,-ot!' •"!'• !.....«mJCo.np»i»y,a*'chnllJM fs",n v.... 1 fh ': . ;.i-n.....!rD».-rrili d bv Mie Liyf-Laws and li-- tW0,T,d,,VhT,. ,f i-:; j .^ii--;;- ;^,hrr w'.rib-»l, -tall '>" P-'y-h"- '» C-'il -rji ri-i-il upmi In and between the par- Si]veren,.v or M ,..■,. ,, k 1. J ^ ^^ ^ O.rree.inth^ rovMu,. ... th« "•<.)- ^ fc «,.rf,.'lowiiu. Hiai is to *ay. two m , nv » f _ ____,'............. , 0,.rfoIlowiiU, »l««(is to-ay. two pr ren»um «t»en ti)- wWe of 'lie Sm,-k has^een wfcpn n-.i.l rpn (lay* p'vv-.u.s ________ I Tw-utv live thnt^and pounds is r.oi Mil^eiibed 111 ooe month after (he said Be -k of subscription shall have been ..........,- . , . !.'4»,„ KjtvrfB !•! open: A., then, and In such caseitnMi) r„.ir..h,v.n«l»?-nc-v,.. , he K«V- ^ ^ ,„r rormer sab*cri. ton Gazette ; m |«r tW*» •• . ;ub,criber J, incr,ase hi., hcr, p-nwo.svv.th.n ten A >s a .. . tmv ^ ^b^Jp^ to two hundred BMftnr inov.dod : another pa, men! n,.t j j '^^ h n<|t S(lb„,ribf,d withit. ^vcevdMUt^n per Mtotat% whfurv<-t fhf.y shall rrquire it, at such time uu(\ p!aco a^ thov shall appoint for that p-moc^ RhW thirty dr.vs prefWtt* Iit»Hce n< aforesaid : and the ron,:wn- drrsltnM be payable in «nrh iuMa'm.'uts as a majoritv of the Director shall acrpou^nn :'bnt no after in-talment fhall exceed ton per centum upon the Capital *toi-k, for thf pc>m.Mit ofvvhich thMtvdaysnntu-eshallalxvays be ^iven. Secoml. ItWfurtiennutnally agreed unon. that whenever tho sum of two thousand pound^hall have been ar- lUflUy deposited or paid in on account ofthesobveripfionsto the sftid >tock, notice thrnnf *bnU be given bv the person* under who^ superiutendaneH the sai-e shall have been received, in the-tttiie'ton Gazett-. and the -aid persons shall at the same time in like manner, notify Hw time and plaee of holdina a ffwtinft of the «Hlw«tt»M^ which shall be at the dl*t8UCe of not less than ten day- from the Am *W» notification for proceeding to theelec tiou of the number of Directors heiein- affcr mentioned : and Mich election rilidl then and there be made by a ma- jnritv of shares voted for, in manner hereinafter prescribed, in respect to the annual elections of Directors; and the persons who shall then and there be chosen, shall b ■ the first Directors,aud shall beeainbl^ o( serving flOiil the expiration of the day lixed for making theaun.-aWMecti-m: and the Duectors sm chosen, shall as soon thereafter a- circu;n=.taucesc*;ii couvcuieutl) allow (wo month* after the said Book of sub¬ scription shall have b'*en opened, then, and in such ca-e, the deficiency may be subscribed for b\ any per-on or per¬ sons, body politic or corporate. Sivtk. It is Inreby expressly and ex¬ plicitly declared, To" be the object and intention of the persons who associate themselves under the style or lirm of the Bank of Upper Canada* that tin joint slock or property of the said j Company, (exclusive of dividend^ to lire made in the manner hereinafter \mentioned) shall alone be responsible for the debts and engagements of the said Company. And that no person, who shall or may deal with this Com¬ pany, 01 to whom they "hall or ma\ become in any wise indebted, "hall en any pretence whatever have recourse against the separate property of any present or future member of this com¬ pany, or ajraiust their persons, farther than may be necessary to secure the faithful application of the fund- there¬ of, to the purposes to which by these presents they are liable. But all per- sons accepting any bond, bill note or other contract of thi" company, sigueJ by the President, or Vice-President and countersigned or attested by the Ca^hierof the company, for the tim- beitt?, ordealin* with it in any other manner whatsoever, thereby respec¬ tively give credit to the said joint task or proper!N of the said Compaii) , audthereb> respectively disavow ha¬ ving recourse, on any pietcuce what- It copv nftlte sivth article ol this ass.ci- ation sin Ibi'in.serteiil in the buikb, ok ■ i rv,ry f>-»-on dejMo^jtiu^ money or • ther va:ii).blppp.pnrty witn the Com¬ pany for wife * u todv ."or u iVluted co. |i) shail be delivei^-d to eVeiy meh person before any aotch dep.-slt sha: bt | rneeived from u'v.\. And i? i- h< rie, expressly d-clared, hlha-t no cug.itv..*MM »!t Chfl be [CijaHy made, >in the name of tn paid Compan) nuiess it contniu a li::n- tatiou'or re-uii tiou. \q thf effect abev.- recited. And the 'Company hereby •xpressly disavow at 11 " responsibility for any debtors engagement, which ma\ be made in theltf name, not con- tainrns; a limitation on restriction to the etl'-'t ;ifore*aid. Eighth. The miflftber of votes to which each SlockWtilder or Stock holders, Co-paitnerflirp body politic or corporate, holding Iftock in the faid Company, fhall be entitled on every occafion, when in conformity to the pmvi&ona 3nd requiiremcnrs of theft articles the votes ^hereof are to be given, fliall be in the fyroporcion follow¬ ing, that is to fay. For one fhare, and not nu>r« than two, one vo»te • for every two fhares above two, and not exccciiing ten, one vote, making fifve votes for ten ihares ; foreveiy four (hares above ten, and not exceeding ^thirty, one vote making ten votes forttbirty fhares; tor every fix flia»'-!» above thirty, and not exceeding fixty, on% vote, making fifteen votes fo> lixty- (hares ; and for every eight (ham abovv€ fixty, and not exceeding one huntijred, one vote, making twenty votes ffor 0ne hundred. But no pcrfon or peiifons, Co-partner- ftlp, body politic or cojrDo;ate( (hall be entitled to a greai.er nU,nber than twenty votes and ;a]] ftock holders refident within this Province, or clfe where, may vote by Pmqxv, if he, (he, or'they (hall fee lit, provided that fuch proxy be a Rock holdQr, and do produce ,3 fufficieotauth-Tity fr,om his conft:iu- cnt or conftituents, for- f0 reprefentine, and voting for him, hc;T| or them, r,ro vided alfo, that after tl^ firft eleftio'. of Directors, no (hare or I fharcS ofthecapi tal Rock of the Company (hall confer a right of voting cither iifo perfonf or by proxy, which fhall noc^ave ^en holden huing three Calendai, months at the leatt, prior to the dav cnf e[eaion, or of the general meeting. w!.herc lhc vo;C3 tlf ihc itock-holucra ate twv ^ rjvea. >" oles lelanve to the faid tffoeisaion, iving at leail fix week's notice thereof M ie.i(l one Ncw!paper publilbed in 'hl« town, and 'pecifying in fuch notice ■he time and place for fuch meeting With :hc«*bjc& ol objefta thereof { and the diredlor*, or any Uvea of them, than have : be like power at any time (upur . bfervtng the like founalitii-) to cail :i gener I meeting as a'>ove luid. Aud if he objeit for which any general meeting sHed either bv the Stockholders or l_)j ■cCt rfl as above faid, fh«dl be t 1 confide A a pfopulal for the removal ot the Pies- '<nt, Vice-Prefident, or other Dircftoi 01! Div^ftero, for mal-adminiftiauon ;hen and in fuch cafe the pcrfon or per- 1009 fo propofed to be removed, fhall From the day on which fuch notice fha' •nil be publifiic J, be lufper.ded from tht. ^xeeution of the dotiet of hi-* .»r their of ■ice ; and if he be the Prefident or Vice "'■esdt his place (tail be BHed up by tht remaining Directors, to ferve during the time of fuch fufpenfion. Fourteenth Every Cafh'er and Cle»k of the Bank before he enters upon the du¬ ties of hi« office, fhall ^ive bond, with iwoor more fureties, to the (attefa&ion of ihc Directors ; that is to fay. Every "fhier in a fum not lef- than ten I hoti fend Pounds, with condition for his good 4-*d faithful behaviour ; and every Clerk w:th like condition and fureties,, ill fuch 1 im as the Directors (hall coufider jdc- lOate to the trott to be icp le<i in him Fifteenth. The Company (hall not ■iold any lands and teoanients, but fuch ,: maybe neerffiry for the rran^aftion •nd accommodation of the buGuefs of lhc fiank and for no orh^r purpoie : It Ihall nevcrthelcffl he competent for the ttreftors, on behalf of the Company, to tke and hold mortgage*on properiy,hv a*ay of additional fcctiritv for debts con rafted with th? faid Company in the ourfe of its dcalin b»t on no ac •pwnt fhall money be lent upon moft ^agc, or upon land" and other fixed prop¬ erty, nor fuch be purchaied by ihecom- :?ny upon any pretext, except in the fpecial cafe above recited, 'Sixteenth The tora' amount of the debts which the (011 pany lh. II at any •ime owe, whether by Bond, bill. . r N ue. or other contract wluufocve., (hall .< exceed tiebie the amount of the cap- ral (loik aftually paid hi ( 'vcr aud a- bove a iuin equal in amount to fuel money, as may be ■lepofned in the '/><Kik for fife keeping) and iu cafe of ext\ fs the Diieftors, under whofe -adminiilrn- tion it (hall happen, fhall be iiabie for the fame, in their natural and private capacities but it fhall not except the company or the lands, tenement-, goods or chatte thereof from biing alfo Iiabie for fuch excefa ; fuch Dirtftors howev¬ er, as Ihall have been abfenf when the faid excefs was coutrucicil, 01 (ha'l have en¬ tered their prot<tk ^gainll it, upon the minutes of the proceedings of the board* may icfpeftively exhonor.ee and dis¬ charge thenilclve-* therefrom, by pie d- ing and proving fuch abfcr.ee, or (hewing fuch minutes. Seventeenth. The (hares of the Capi¬ tal Stock fliall be afllguable and trans- ferahle accoiding to Inch rules and forms as may be eiiahlilhcd in that behalf, by the board of Direftors, but no affigrt- meut or transTcr fhall be valid or cfftcl- ual, uidef» foch affignment or transfer (hall be entered or ngille.ed in a bo..k or bo k»t to be kept by the Di'tctois for that pnrpofe, nor until the perfon or pcrCana making the fame, (hail prcviotifly ldif»harge all debtHaftually due by h»mf her, or them, to the faid company .which m?y exceed in amnent the <e fining flock belonging to Aieh perfon or per- fiins, and in no caf>* fhall any fraftimji part of a (hare, or other than a complete (hare or (hart** ht alb^ ••-••- -.r transferable. It h hereby furtiur ex- prefsly agreed and declared that ^ny ttockholdei, who fhall transfer in rr.a.11- ner aforcjaid, all hi» llork or fhares in this Company, to any oth< r perf.-n or ptrfons whatever, (had tpfnfatfo ccale Co be a member -f this Campauy. aid tlut any perfon or pert IU wiiatlorver who (hall accept a transfer of any ft >ck or fliare-; in this Company, (hall iffo f-3u become and be a member of this Compa- ny, according to thefc aiticlesof aiTucia- tion. Eighteenth All bilU, bonds, notes and every contract and engagement, on be¬ half «»f (he Company, (hall be Ggntd if the Prefident or Vice Prefident ; and . v*C£ 1 ....... ; Aug countcrfigned or attcllcd Sy the Cafli- iei of the Company ; and the fancta of the company fhall in no cafe be held re- fj o fible for any coitcuft 01 COgsge- meiit whatever unlets the fame fh . tc i . f.t ncd and com Urligned, 01 atultd as afore faid. Nineteenth The books* paper0, c t- efpondence and tur.dt. of the Comp^ yt lliali ai all times, be fuhje^t to the ;n- foeftion of ihe Dirtfloiv, b»'t no Ur.ck- bolder not Di'cftor, fhall infpeftthe 30 count of any individual or mdividua'?, with the Company. Twentieth cialf yearly dividends fliall Se made '^f fo much of the profits ofthti Jompany as Ihall appear to the Direft. »rs advjfeable, and fhall be payable a* lach place or places as the Ditf&ort lliali appoint, of which they fh dl grve oobltc Notice in the Kindlon G.«zct ef at leall thirty days before ; and thi Di¬ rectors (hall every year at the general meeting for election thereof, lay before the Stockholders for their inf nmvion, an exaft and particular ftatement ff the amount of the debts due to, and Sy the Company,(pecifyingthe amount nfBai k Note** then in circulation, and ihe 2- ifldin • of Inch debts *t in their npii ion -.re bad, or doubtful ; as alio, dating fbe furplu&or profit, if ?*ny remaining after icdinHion of lolTes & orovifton- for oiv. ■ fdends. — Provided that the rende i-^ of Inch (l.^temcnts fhall not ext nd, to ^ive 1 »y right to the Stockholder- not *ii" ec- t'rs, to inlpeft the account of any indi¬ vidual or individuals with the Coinpjtiy. Twenty Jivjl If there (hall be a U\V me in payment of any part of the fu n of fharcd fubferibed by a y per<a 1 *>r per- Ions, CO partnerrntfj. body politic or c in- porate, the party hiiin^ in p-'.yir.g the tuft inilahecnt of six per ccutum fueree- ding the depolit of two per centum heieio before icquired eo htf .niJeat t:u' ti nc of fubferhiug, (hail reipcctively ftrreit the faid depofit to and 'o\ the ofc f die laid Company, and (he U»ck fhall »e f>ldat public faV for the bohi'Or : the company ; and on failure of \wytit\* -lie other inrlalmeuu, or my of them, the party o' pa-ties fading therein, 'hail f »r- fcit theo'iginal depnfit of rw» ue Ceuf- IJ'im. a"d the divid.viuK unpud ,• for .* the time for maki -e; Inch pqyuteut, md luring thedririy ol theiame Twenty frond. The aid r*orno:ny (hi-luot .lireil;y or i;.di "V ■' n a*'y ihiu^.evepoi; Rill- : \th .ie. gold or nivcr, builiou, ur iu th.- fate ff 11' 45