Kingston Gazette, September 8, 1818, page 4

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SOOT,SHOE andLEATHER Joseph Scott, TO IIw ;*i /fT Williams & r©. at the WWjLm Sign of the GOLIV-'.N L.\S. (tore ftreet, KefpcCtfuUy inform the inhabitants of Kingfton, and its vicinity, that they ftill continue their Boot and S/ioe Manufactory where they keep conltantly on hand, a large afTbrtment of Lady's a«d Gentlemen's BooU and Shoes of every defcription. Likewite, a fupply of good Sole and Upper Leather, of all kinds. J heir pafent afiortment is much more complete, than they have hitherto had. 4t| — Kingfton, June 23 1818. FARMS FOR SALE. THE fubfc u'ber offer a for faiea farm containing* 33 acres, in the town- fhip of Erneft Town, 2d coneefTion, ha¬ ving a good frame Houfe, a large Barn -and Shed, an excellent ftand for a tavern and rtore, and one of the beli Gtuation.8 in the country for a mechanic. Alfo—One of the belt farms in the townfhip of Kttiffftoo, containing 100 acres, well timbered, and about 30 acies ander improvement. SMTH BART LET. April 28 1818. 4&tf Drugs Sf Patent MEDICINES, OF almoft every defcriptum, fold a Dr. MARSHALL'S Surgery, profite •Vir. K'riy's Store. NB. Soda Powders. Kingston, Aug 17, 1818. IIW4 1 _ - - —- - * T K E fubferibers offer for fale, four hundred buihels of Barley. JvS RANKEN&Co. Tr-'st Town, 2GV/> June, 181 8. 8// Church Catechifm For Sale at this Ofice. SURGEON, ftc. fa HAS received by the late arrivals, a frefh fupply of DRUG'S«ud CHE"I€ALS: Confiiting of the following articles. Genuine Alcohol or fpirits of Wine, Concentrated Vitriolic Acid, Barclay's B.loius Pills, Barclay's Aromatic fpts- of Vinegar, Crude Tartar, Red Lead, Vermillion, Shell Lac, Oil, Turpentine, Epfom Salts, Mace, Cloves and Cinnamon, Sal Ammoniac, Arfenic and Borax, for faldering. Kingston, Aug. Z[fi, t8l8. 13 N. B. Soda Powders. A Farm FOR SALE, PLEASANTLY fjcuated on the fhore of the bay of Qjiinte, and immediately oppofite the Upper Gap—, being the Eait half of Lot No. 18 in the firft conceffion of Frederick (burgh—. About 40 acres are under improvement, •well fenced, and a new frame Houfe, with a good eeller on thepreirifes. The above farm will be fold together with a pair of ftrong work Hovfcs, a Waggon and Farming utenfils. Application to be made to the Prin¬ ter. July 27 9- Notice. WHEREAS by; the laO. Will and Teftament of the late Oitrom, deceafed, in his life time of Sid¬ ney, County of HaftingR, Province, of Upper Canada, Elizabeth Ostrom, Abel Gilbert, avd R04well Leavens, are jointly and feverally appointed Executrix and Executors to his laft Will and Telia- mem. We do heieby reqneft all pcr- fon* who are indebted to laid Eitate to call immediately on .he fubfcrfbing Ex¬ ecutors and make immediate payment ; and all thofe who have any demands ag- ainft fa-.d Eft ate are requeued to produce them duly attefted, in order that a fet- tlement of the eitate may be effected as fpeedily a<i poiTible after the fir it day of September next. Bellville, 22d June? 1818. } To Lef, THE Houfe, &c at prefent occityi; el by Doctor Short ; nearly op- pofite the School Houfe.—Inquire on the premifefl. Kingston, August I lib-, 1818. It " TO LET, THE Dwelting Houfe and Shop next door to T. Markland, Efq. lately occuped by Mr. A. v cPhctfon. For further particulars application may be made to the fnbfcriber. Wm MITCHELL. Kingston, Aug. 3. lOtf " TO LET, AND immediate poffeflion given, that large and convenient Houfe, with a cor.plete Merchant Shop Ware Houfe and out houfes, and an excellent Gard'-n, ftanding in the moft public place in the Village of Bellville, front¬ ing Maine, Water and Bridge Streets, For particulars apply to the fubferiber in the Townfhip of Richmond. ANDREW K1MMERLY. 12th Aug. 18[£• 1 2tf TOBE SOLD, i Schooner, 5 Ot 18 tons burthen, in good condi¬ tion, with Sails and fiigging complete. The terms of payment made ealy—en* quire of the Printer. July 20. 8 THE SUBSCRIBER RESP CTFULLY informs his hiend" and the public, that he haa removed his FURNACE utenhls from Camden, to the h ufe formerly occupied by Benjamin Booth for that purpofe, in the front of Erneft Town, i 6 miles from Kinj.Hon ; where all bufircft in his line will be done, as ufual, at the (horteft notice, with this only exception, that all woik mull be paid for on delive¬ JOSEPH H. SMITH, N. B. All order* in the above line may be left with John Filk, Kinglton. Ernest Town, August 25, 1818 I Jtl FLO UIl By the Cwt. and BRAN, for fale by MONJEAU & St. GERMAIN. Aug. e;, 13

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