Kingston Gazette, September 1, 1818, page 6

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Th is t day is lis lied* TRANSACTIONS OF Tilt VrPER CANADIAN CQ&VSSTIG??. OF FRiENDS TO ENQU1PV; ADDRESSES, TO 'UTS *OTAT fffCRKFSS TC-J5 PWWCE REGENT, SJ« PfcftECrRlNE KAITLAXD, «S.c. Sc. &c. To be ban at the GAZETTE OF- £lCEt and Stores in Town & country, —price 1/6. ~ IO jb',f ter■;*»—That velf'j-newn valuable Nlanri in the public line, tituate on the 'point at Gananotjua, and recently occu¬ pied by Seth Downs, together with the Route, Barn, Stables, &c.~Fc.r fur¬ ther particulars apply to the fubfcribet. JOEL STONE. Gananojua Jan. 9, 18 13. $$ff BLANK — _*j NOTICE. ^T^THEREAS. by the last Will V? and Tdbnmt of the late RKH * RD PATT1NS9N, Efq. in hi" life time of Sandwich, in the province of Upper Canada, Robert Gillefote, tVi'iam Gi'kif u, and George Moffat t, fere ' 'ijuly and ieverally, appointed ffjiciary Legatees of bis Eftate, and •Kxecutirs of faid Will. I do hereby requeft all perfons having {claims upon laid Pilate, to prefent the fame 10 me, duly authenticated, for baymetit; and all perrons indebted then-fr, are required to pay to me the tamo^ of their refpec'tive aceoaflts. Debt dfct to laid Eilate in the toroviwee of Upper Canada or in the Ur ited States, ^ordering thereon, may be raid to GcOTg • ]ae b, Efq <>f Sand *i< h. John Afeifi rand lames Gordon, £fqrs. of A'mheMtbi.rg, or to either of therr., t'hey being duly authorised to receive the fame and grant acquittances G MOFF \T'l\ Montreal* io:h March, 18 18 4471 Summonses Subpoenas and Executions, for the COURT OF REQUESTS, For Sale at this Office. ton, adjoining Col. John Ton's, may have the timber upon the fame, it being very convenient for rafting to town, or for the purpofe or fupplying the Steam Boats. For Further particulars enquire of the proprietor* on the premifes. J; C. WILSON. July 6, 1818. 0 - '7---------------------'----------- ' ------ UST received and for fale at this Of fice, price iy8, Points on his Do- ,mestic Circumstances, by Lord Byron.^— With the Star of the Legion of Honour, and other Poem* ; to which is prefixed, GAHAHOQUA Store & Mills. harles McDonald having taken his brother John McDon¬ ald, into partnership, the oulineU in fu¬ ture will be conducted under the firm of C & J. McDoruld, Who keep for laic a general affort- menr of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES., HARD CROCKER?, and renfl articles .nquired tor at a Coun¬ try Store, which they offer low for Cafli, Saw Logs, Square Timber,Stave*. Potatoes, and moil kinds of county The Lift of the Noble Author Nov. 28, 32 • ■ 0 Kingston Hotel. ROBERT WALKER, returns his fincere and grateful acknowl¬ edgments to hi- friends, and the public in general, for their liberal fuppdrt dur¬ ing the laft ti^i'teen years, and takes this opportunity of acquainting them, he ftiil continues to keep the above ele¬ gant Eftablifhnrnt. where travellers and families can be accommodated w/'th fep- arate r&mt, anievery attention paid.— Some maliciou* »*& unprincipled per¬ fons having rep efented and circulated a rep rt that hi- charges are extravagant, iie beg; leave >o acquaint the public, that thev are a- moderate as any houfe in the town of Kinirfton, with very fu- peri«">r aocomm Jationf.. Kingston, JiBj [f> i8tg-_______Jtf ri"^ 1 FO SALE, m 1 i o -a j • I i*t§ f HE weft half of ot number c 1 hey have a oood Gtift and w // , r k c j r ,, D- J r \\ m on the fou-h tide ot MMUh or Prince Mr Mi'l in full operation—can Manufact- i»»» 1 111 nil: 1'LIS. I c UUII — ton .•i..ti...^^ii . , /,. r^« nrtn i K/f-n ■ ,u Fdwani** Bav. ,n the towmiiip o uie FLOUR, -iqual to any Mill in the J ^;'-% ** , } . • • • . r> -ii r i j r '-'arvfbiirp-h. o>nta,n,nK °',c hundrei Province? they w^l fapply t.rdrr» for. ar>101 !*?n» ** . f . ■ o . r 1 > 1 n. 1 c • cre& Said Lol w weU timbered, an< I ^awed timber of almoft any dtfcr«pt:ci ;! L V l dW iA , r, •%?&* SVITR k BU\ T!iR WORTH, J3 ETURN their fmcere thanks to 'iL their fritnd- and theonbKc in jje l^erai, for the libeta) encouragement that they have received finoe they re com- irjtnced the Hatting Bufrsfs. Th^y Iiave a>. extenfive afibrtment of Lidi-s and Children's BON- NETS, ot various colors and ihapes. of d d ac tort Notice. ! j dements on e%ch fide, which renders i, C & J. McDON M D " :'eli wonh the ?ttentmn of thofe who sr> «■'.»«a*a ..«/! w.'ih to Dorcwue—Lnquire ot the Gananoqva. fan. 10, I5i»/ %?,tj r ' AllfhoG indebted xmOttJm '■ • Pr,'ltcr« aid, whole account rnv-r be,- -;j jt»ne l6, rtlg_________________ttj Sly"Tft£dt0 tom&kr :tr"!i"'i Valuable Lands. THE SUBSCRIBER. * tOB laic bv the fubferiber Lot No. 1 R and kji in the tenth Concrflion, jjand half Lot Hi* «B, in the 6th co<- yEOS leave ton c"n> hi. r'-ic- '.- & j ,vffiw.., of the 'J'owi.fhip of Picrty. Ap- he *!'-■ • toe public generaltyj ^**t removed From his formet (land to the! loniM A hoot :•'. j r- to |OHN BURNETT. Gentlemen's Beaver k fin^i (hoplattlyoecnoied hy jc.r-. Abbot 3s 1 Cj9#,yrff .15, f|cv »ea» ^»« \<%».'.f» P-.u.- »!... r,c!; /"oo]||naF ncv"""" ': ,nL :! general aflcrtmcilt ofjj H'insston. Mai 0*5 18.1$. cot'.lfc, Knapt and■ W liars. Whvhttr.v wi'l fell very low foi4 caih • p:>t'( ved credit n E E R. Hardware, Cutlery, 0. Pr iuce taken in payment* 4,, 2 3*tf. i I Which he will fell on the mo ft moderate &or Pale terms. PRIVATE CONTRACT. V;!'n;Vb'e Fre.'ho'd Eftate, con fiflinc;-fa Grift and Saw Mill, fe roo« iHvtllfrig Houfe, out houfe*, -Vr. \p$< n r with about two acres «f ■ .and, fit iird iurne.iiatcly in the vicinity of B^1 " iUe, Bav of Quinte.U. Canada, and co•'• inand* as much bufineL or more than any other Mills upon the Stream $»vd row under Rent for about One the I foJ TK nfand Dollar* per. dwJ '? Hoofc is well Annum ; calculated * UST recej A- at lh^ Store of S. \-%J Bartkt,acSfiCsgnffH!8f |j| kir relsof Beer, of a fupetior quality, for fdlt for call. 18'.S. I Mm 5, 49 To let, the (h^p lately occupied by the fubferiber, and pofleflion given im mediately. SAMtTEL SHAV/. Kingston, $th Jan. 181 8. 32 j For Sa ; at this Office, A READY RE^KONErt, Shewingr the value of Grains of var'°us i J. >e/ Guiinef« : many othe» advauta-1 gt- ar« attached to the Prem ft.ctous to defcribe. One h pi rchai'e Money would be expected to be paid down, the other half by inftal- ments cf six twelve and eighteen months, f\ cured by bond and Mortgage upon the picrifes. An indifoutable title will be irivK<-. Such a property is feldom to be met j With and is well worth the attention of j Spa gentleman fond of Mills and Ma- chiVrry. A qumtity of Town Lot* upon the h*rk of the Rivet Moira in BelKille, a p1?'. *nft fncrerting in commerce and } population ; terms of Daymen made e&- jy. L»"ji)ire of Smith Bartiet, Elqr 3< '< 1., or Thomas Coleman, Efq B' v-iife tfoifle $d /fug 1818. 10 ^.b l"bf« riber begs leave to inform JL : fnetids and the public, that he ha*«. uu.enced the /... T'ib.S BU-INESS, in the Market Place, oppofite to Mr. D-iicl Brown's, where every attention \v"/j; b<- nai" ro thofe who may favour hint with their command*. Yrh H« -1. MOP AN. Aucti* nc every day at eleven o'clock. June 2 2. 4 j i\OTICE. iiblcribrr, is about to clofe s here, he rcquefts all that arc I 'CeM :d by Note 01 oihcrwife, to Call a id dit .hargc the fame without delay. S. H WLEY Kingft • . June 1 cth 1818. Oais, P.uic and Flour tax falej by St Hawlc^, 5 Cold Coins, current iti the Province «»f Upper da. ALSO. C^na ifca too iiu- II lalf of the; I Improved Tab!* of the value of Gra,ns of Gold Coin, n 'cr or under weight. Fo> Hale, Y the fubferiber, (2 doors N^th of J"hn dimming Efq ) CHERRY Boards and Plaflk, 18 inch Shingles, and. Cord Wood. JOHNTUTTLfi Kingston, $oih May, 1818. ' Tracts, OF various defcriptions, can be had at this Office ; where accefa Uiav (alio be had to a fmall Circulating Li¬ brary, on realbnuhle terms. June 10, 1818. ADVERTISEMENT. ~TF the perfon who went by the names .11 of David Price, and David DoSor j Price, (but whofe real name is David t Price Downes) and was rcftding in 1814 1 f at the Bay of (Quality, in Upper Canada, is now living, he will, on his return to England, hear of fomething much to his advantage. If he is dead, any pe'fon pofl'f fling fuch knowledge is re¬ queued to communicate it to Mr. Wil¬ liam Freeman, of New York, or to HoDF.RiCR Mack/uY, Ffquire, of Frnefi Ti-\vii,a!» it would relieve his relations [from an unplenlant anxiety. He was fix feet high, light brown hair, pale com¬ plexion, 2nd very thin. 4tf TO HALF PAY OFFICERS. t r-Tl H E fubferiber refpeafilly * hic friends and th^- public, has received a new fuppply of GOODS, From -ontreal, well adapted to the lea" fon. I Thofe who may favour hirr with tVk',r cuftom may rely * npoUD it, fliall r.ave 1 them on the muft reafonable terms, c'\ cr at private fale or public Auction; *or Cam. MICHAEL MORAN- Kingston, July 2 1, I 8! 8. ___^ ri iKE underfigned Agent for Half JL. pay, begs leave to inform his ijConftituents in the two Provinces, that Informs; I hy a late regulation of the Right II on- tha'.1 ne I: ova^'e tnr Pavmafter General, all affida- ! vitft of Halfnay are required to be fur- j nifhed in future of the following Tenor in Triplicate, duly executed in the ufual form, of which all concerned will ■ pleafe to take notice accordingly. h JO H N M UN RO, Agent for Half fay. Quibect loth April, 1818. AS tli • .^ubii Blank Deeds ai Memorials, For fale at rhis Office. id p. OME into the enclofure of the i'1^' fcriber.on the 10th infl. tlWe gs. The owntr is lequelled to p 1 ove Ih. property, pay charges and take tl',lcm 11 aw.»y Kingston Aug. l5 A. G/«BIOrr Inn keeper. 1818. i1E"3 I FORM OF THE AFFIDAVIT. Appeared perfonal ly before me, and made oath, that he had not during any part of the period, from the 25th of 18 to the 24th of 18 both days inc'iuiive, any other place or employ. merit of profit, Civil or Military, under His Britannic Majeity, or in the Service. oS any other Government, be fides the al- lowance granted to him by his Britan nic Majcily/as! a reduced of the Sworn before me " tow6 day of I do atteft and declare that I ver¬ ily believe the <:bove affidavit to be genuine and authentic,. of Upper Canada. j>OOKS#ill be opened at Moor's ±3 Coffee Houfe, on Thurfday, the 16th inft. to receive Subfctiptions to the Bank of Upper Canada, and will remain open from day to day, from 10 to l o'clock of each day, under the fn- perintendance of a Committee appointed for that purpofe, until the whole of faid flock iliall have been fubferibed for. Kingston, July 13,1818 7 j^prtE 9iibfcr(Uri Wpeftfully ib. I j? fnrm the pubtic that they have removed to the Store lately occupied by Meffrs. Johns and Finkle, and have re» ceived of the late importations, and of¬ fer for Sale, a good and well fclcfted affortment of DRY AND FANCY G O OJBS, Notice. 1 ALL perfons indebted to the Eftate of the late James dimming, late'.} adapted to the feafon, con lifting partly of the following ai tides*, viz. Black. Blue, Grey, and Brown StK perfine and fecond Cloths, White and coloured Flannels, afTorted fingle aal double milled woollen Kerfeymcrci, La¬ dies Peliece Cloths of different c«)lour^ I .Velvets, C'-rduioys, corded Keifcy- jof Hahowell, dtccafed, are reqnefted to, ^^ and princ(fs Cord> Cot|(Jf| Re% call without delay, and fettle the fame, feymerCf Fullians, Janes, Metfeills, I)i. with Mr James McGregor, now inj m£mMcs and Nankeens; Ruffia duck, charge of the ettablifhmem, at HaloW-. j^ Holland, Imitation Sheetinp ellbridge;—and thole who have claims, jandcoarfc Canv2f8> pla(n ana figurc4 agatnft the Lid ellate, are defired to | Bombazetts afTorted colours, White and prefent them for adjustment. 1 colourt.d Cambricks plain and figured Theftockm Trade of the deceafed,. | jackonets and bock Mufl;n9< f confining ofavtry complete W^:|finehiit,IDdcoB.W8 Calic,eS loU of Goods well laid in, and very fuitablej : tQn ShlVt;ng, Steem Loom wronghfc at this to the Coui.try, i? now felling off at pri-i cea to low, as will defervediy claim the 1 attention of the public. Cafh or Country produce will be tak- en in payment, and a credit of 6 months given to refnonfible Farmers, or others. JOHNCUMMtkG.i v WM. MITCHELL, j llxcculors Kingston. Del 2 7, 18 17. 32 FOR SALLU A TWO HORSE WAGGON* JERFECT'.Y new— Likewife, a few thoufand 18 inch SHING¬ LES.—Inquire of S. MERRILL. Kingston, April z (, 1818. 47 ottous, Gurrap! 1 Ginghams, ftriperi cottoni Tnrl and AorOn checks. Irifli line: Blank Summonses and EXECUTIONS* For the District Courts* for Sale at this Office. To Let, ANDpofTerTion given the firft of May next, a number of rooms in the linr Barracks. Enquire of H. EARL agnfi and Long Cloths* key (tripe pron cnecKs, inui Linens, Linen and Cotton dedtitk,», Funiture Cali¬ coes; Lined fcambricka, Linen and o>t» ton Diaper Table Cloths, Stock in etts and Stockinett Drawers, Si^k, Tot J v. tt, Merfe11I«, Swanadown, and Patent • vrH Veiting, Silk and C otton Leu-> and Mul Mnl 4 4^47 4 Shawls, n fc« pieces plain and coloured LtittfttiRgf» Ladies coloured filk Gloves, Ijfftivi and Gentlemens Woollen Cotton and VVori- terj Hoes, Silk Handkfh. docket do. Cotton Lacesj Cotton Fringes, Ribbing, Thread. Tape< ^ewin?% filk, Piiu, ^ilk- twill and Braces, &c &c. Likewife a quantity of well flavonred Strong Jamaica Spirits, warranted good' retail proof I iriuor at 1 to 2, Co^niafi Brandy, Holland Gin, Port and Ter.o rifle Wines, Lyme Juice, Peppermint, Twankey, Hylon and HyfonSkin Teas Loaf and .Viufcovado Sugars, Coffee, Ailfpice, Pepper, Indigo, Starch, Soap» Fi'vr Blue Tobacco and Snuff. WALTEM M*CUNIFFE, & Co. Kingston, July 27,1818. $ ' torch '3 42 A Card. THE fubferiber informs the Merch¬ ant av.d Vte&m or '0 cpe'r Ca'r. s- da and State of New York, that he has commenced bufinefs in ihfa City, as a General Agent and Commiflion Merch ! ant — Any bufine's entrufted to his care will meet with diligent attention. BENJAMIN ffs.RT. Montreal, loth May, 1818. 5 1 m6 Notice. THE fubferiber refpeftfully inform?, the public, that he intends to con¬ tinue the Boating bufiuefs this feafon ; therefore, if any perfons wifhes lo trans¬ port Plank, Boards, Brick, Lime, Sand, l&c &c, he offers them his fcrvices___ Apply at Mr. John Dawfon's, Kingfton. WILLIAM YEREX. April 13. 1818. 46. Executive Council Office, York, 22d July, 1818. NOTICE is hereby given to CHRISTOPHER THOMSON, or his Reprefentative, by order of His Honor the Adminiftrater in Council, to make good any pretention to the Weft half of Lot number Seventeen in the fixthconceffion, on the Napane River, in the Townfhip of Frederickfourgh, [within Six months from this date, or the j lame will be thrown open to other appli- I cants. JOHN SMALL, nm6 6\ E. C. ■ * 1HE fubferiber returns his thanks to his friends and the public for their part favors in his line of INSPECT- ING, and informs them he has fitted up a convenient place in the Cellar of his new rtore, with all the neceffary appen daijes, for the purpofe of Infpe&ing Pot and Pearl A flies, Pork, Beef and Flour, where thofe who favor him with their cuftom will find it done with the great- eft exactnefs and expedition : likewife, ftorage for one thoufand barrels in the Cellar, and good dry (forage for other goods, with the advantage of a Wharf for loading and unloading. JAMES ROBINSON. To Let AND Poffeflion given immediately, . the lower part of the large Ued Store (with a wharf) lately occupied as fuch by Mr. W. Mitchell, and fituate in front of Mrs. Cartwright's dwelling houfe. For particulars apply to ALLAN MACLEAN. Kingfton, June 20, 1618. rr^HB fnbfcribers beg leave tc inforrn JL their friends and the public in ge¬ neral, that they crfrry >n the TJTLOR1NG BUSINESS in Main Street, wh-re they mte«d asata reafonable terms than has been done f0f a number of years back Thofe who v.'idi to favor them with their cuftont, may rely on having their work well made! and on the fhorteft notice, for C,-lh, Norris & Stevens, Kingston, Sept. 9, 1817. ?2 """ FOR SALl£ ON reafonable tc ms, that well known ftand for a Tavern, fituated in the Village of Prefectt, Lots No. 9 and it- fronting the King's Hithway, and a huge two (lory framed Houfe, well fin- lfhed, with a large Kitchen in the rear, (tabling for twenty fpans of horfes, a Hied feventy feet long, 2nd a good houfe on the rear Lot, fit for the accommodation of a refpec" family. The whole of the buildings thereon, being fin-nitd in a workmanlike manner, and at prefent occupied by Mr. Alexander 3. McDon- ell, as a Hotel. For further particulars, apply to the fubfeu'bers, or to Mr. Alexander Mac- Donell, Junior, Merchant, Prefcott, by whom the terms may be made known, and an indifputable title and immediate poffeflion will be given. ALEX. MACDONELL & Co. Kingfton, 3d Jan. 1818. ftft , Rags! Rags! ASH paid for Clean COT- TON and LINEN RAG \ (Of any AT THIS Color,) OFFICE. 9 1 To Let, AND immediate poffeflion given, the HOUSE and premifes in Stuart- ville, lately occupied by Mr. Dahon, fituated within half a mile of this Town, a favorable fituation for a Gentleman and family, and no lefs fu for a Diftiller, or Inn Keeper. For further particulars enquire of the fubferiber. E. 3ARNETT, Kingston, Feb. 24, 1818. 43^ THE fubferiber having been appoin¬ ted Agent for the Bank of Mon¬ treal, any fum required can be obtained at his Office for good Bills on Montreal or Quebec, or for Specie. THOMAS MARKLAND, Agent. i Kingston, zjth July 1818. »

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