,f A- •iantVon."}-: wit *He #:ck exto« nn-iirn, although the landed iiitereft of J?.ngHuKl, from il1 grounded rind illiberal fears, an jealous nf the fcheme pro$»t»{Vd, Should il aitr»& aitcnti.ui uri I create m- tereli on this (kit of the \tl.utic, 1 (lull pulhfh line an edition <>f Mir i*nt\* on die poor law-, of E *g!and, of whuh I have a cot>y ; and, fium wlich life peti¬ tion contained in the handbill is an ex trad. It makers not a farthing to ivc, whether the aKu.'c* and bad policy which | vei>h d.urn this Province be cirecicd » "tlnongh Parliament., through a Conven-i •tiop, 01 Gr.vernoi, provided they are cor- reeled, md an unbounded extent of Brie-1 i'(h loil be made eqinl to the want* of, "miUiows«i Bihifh lu'-jeds who cannot/, at home, tind room wlurum to eicct a] cot.aire f * independent rdidence. As! Mu ii'ibcri K-rr's letter to the " tint a trfii&tyf ^mwflj'/' w!itfC t only laid, / tf<« '&/</, and that, it idas retU*i*di to aid fo. Mr. Miles hlfrtftlf, to'U me that he was prefent at Montreal, when llagerman, wa3 under examination Tor forgery ! ! ! Worthy fiiendp of Niagara DiPri& ! wild had fuch confidence in me as 10 be¬ gin a work, with my advice* wbuH has iincc reached the noble height of king* rng together resectable men, from every crua-n er whffte the light ot rea-fifi has fpiead, to eonfalt for the welfare d 'his noble Province, which might j>iveiefuge to million ' f the detlitute. ftlne1! not from yonr duty—--adhere to the princi¬ ples you have adopted, and fnppirt the trnih. It is fo'eigis to this foil ; fctlt if my i)r other farmers will plant and water it, 'noil gl rionfly will it thrive, Hover* Iiihabi-! i fnadow thofe damnable influences which 7c he made in duplicate* dnd attested by tiOo /•' tittefses J to be used in cafes auhcre the Individudls cannot attend in perfon to re¬ ceive their refpeclive claim*. TORNKY. 11 ted on the parade oppclu« the Mam 11 County nf FrofiU.qac. J Guard, with inftructiona to prevent that clafa of people, who are dead to fhame, and delicacy, from expoling themfelves. S. H. I tan:.s of New\ altle Dilh.ct appeared in *he Upp* r Canada Gazette, i lent an ex- trHfci of the Rcibutton of the Conven¬ tion, <n that fubje£i, to he puivifhed in that miwfpaprc, a* a reply* The- Edi¬ tor pr\\rt me reaiuu to believe this (houM nppe?" in hfa nest paper, but two havt fiftc* been pidiUfhed without thUarti'c!e r] hat.-Mi-e o* thr petiole in power atY.rk were the writers of what Mv. Robert KVr< ba« puhli'hed under the head ' im- pr.'pnei.y and evil tendency" I havenofc the'call thutht ; but their parttaTicy to-! wa*ft" him, and the exneriv: injultu'r of j which ili^y can he guilty uf tii me, ib ' fi^mowftrnied by the hii 'nentK'Sied. Ko eot naver in I .osinon would dare itf»»fnm to mfcrt a vrbU i'-,c°' ag®i*»$ an fe'3itfiiwi- a! vii ' feftiie pvifi;4 Dmcc to a reply con- rhe j,ubU now fo UiHun^itly grow up. Under fuch a lyltcn of corrupion as now prevails, and in fuch a place aidCing- I Ib»n, overwh^itned with the tnfliences <>f power, innocence itlelf cannot tefafe. I go r hither to take my tttal next week. 1 vvifh you to think lictle oi the conie- O'trnce, fbi they will ncithei daurt nor dttitirb :ne. I only wim the Fmends ro En^iiry may perlevere ; fid, in time, if tftey continue acting asftneere huieii trnn ought to do, Hell itief uHall not prevail asjaiofi them. ROBERT GOURIAY. do hereby authorize of to receive from WILLIAM ALLAN, of the town of York, Efq. all fuch fum or fums of Money as aie due to me for Militia Services during the late War, and acquittances to grant in as full and ample a manner as 1 niyfclf j could or would do were I perfonaliy prtfenr. GIVEN under my hand at this day of in the year of cur Lord one thqufand . eight hundred and Witnefs » • -» '• - V KINGSTON, TUESDAY, SEl'TEWR. 1, 1818. * * * • • We observe, by a proclamation in the Upper Canada GazeUe of the 29th August, that Parliament is to meet at York on Monday, the Tith du> of Oc¬ tober next, ufor the actual despatch of public business.'* i From the Niagara Speflator, We have the iatisfaciion to inform the public, that the operations at the Salt IVorhy on ;hc 12 Mile Ctcek. Grantham, aie fuch as to warrant the belief, that with the additional improve¬ ments now making by the proprietor, W. H. Menitt, Efq, this fction of Upper Canada can be lupo'ied with Salt, from thefe Woiks, of fuperiftr quality, and on reafonable terms. - y I HEilEASa MAD DQG haf lately paifed through the Town of Kinglton, whieh, it i« <"ai(!t has bitten Cattle, Hog9 and Dogs, in i^ paflage through. Thefe are, therefore, to eommand all and every perfoti or perfons having cat¬ tle, hog?, or dog3, which have been bit¬ ten by fuid mad dog, that they imm.di* ately deflroy or fecure them, to prevent any accident happening to the public of their cattle. All and every perfon or perfnns, whci fhaj] rcfufe, or neglect, to comply mt\^ [this <irder, (htU he profecuted aatheluwf ' in fuch cafes, dne&9. Given under our hrmds and feal«, at Kingftcu, this 281I1 day of Auguftt 1818.' Thomas MarkJancL E mo to fuj.o^rt a vehiee but, fo U j-, ;u v^nna...., Whirh H:,vescu:u-.ncy to {lander and lies whi e truth htnv.J<V« n lirideiloot* and div- er^ti w. held ^ nangfet, While fpcai/'-g of the tnlnence.tf power over the Prefa m Can -da, ! h-Al \ w-aaothcr rti'1 trove ti.tiao.^i-iry in- be remem'i"»cred, that [ Mv ftoifcg. it wiii p.ivi Mr Miles the Edit r of the Kin;r, (ion G^.e--te, ■ U<tii f.r his independent M '.tlietw ip'^t, and fatd wbdi h-him- felf aM&reA me wa* '.rue, that the file uf hi- \>Hpei- W great»y hu-t, a&d lince hi piib!ie.tti<'U of ny wri'ini;-', \C» back w'H ho U> M.er ttirifed upon Km tun. ihan this man iufertcd fa hi-- new - paper an a-u'ei- , a- ri wnitirn t'V hi rtielt- wheret", after h.oiarn inn on ihe uditcui- tv whieh an £ iitor of a new,pa,..er -'»..-< |. cinicnd w'l'h, aii'.^li H.^eui^c./, politud i arti-^ he an.-d^riz,-,- 0 5 foi h'< i^erti.u. ^f wlsa' 1 w" Tee. uconing thj 1-h^eiuvois. and f.iv-, " the p.nUnl, •• xfa thr.e eKD'Htoi, c>>uld only fprin;- •from hale iMin-iph--, and a cold, un¬ it ftrUng heart, re,- i dlels ot the p^ 1 »• which" n.ight cht.cby be irivtn to it .'■ mM-rttt and imonvndmg individual;-- 1 • -aft ♦ \,, Odc>. there i« glKfcl vealon tobc.uevc. •« tie' th« alTertiofi there contained, i •MiofiMii^ elfe bnl « vindictive_ calumny. oi". '.lii'repreientation." fwea invoice lf\ '*!(juuc!ed tjpOu g" It nvtift be remembeved, that I w;.- arrefted at Kinglton, on the oath of M/. Wi'.e-', wiii.-h proved that 1 had given bim, for ptiblti at ion, tit; pamphlet orin- ^ed here, and fe t all over the P'ovin.-c iy the Committee of thi- Diftricl* Vir„ iMi'os was under no other obligation to (give his oath, thin any Sun-keeper. t > fwear to any :»rt;ele of (ale entered in hi* and a pretty job it won1! be, ii Storekeepers or > ihcrs, wit to fubmit, humbly, to rcquefts i>f this nj>tu>e. A- boei an hour hero re my erreit, Mr. Ste¬ phen VIlies came into the houfe vvhertf [ was at dinner, and, with a imile on hjs( C^nvtinancc, croff. 1 the fm m, to Ihakc | was a htilt furpnied j at tlieiiiVi^t with fitch an advance ; a»d 1 fiijcoridud, after it came out, that he j had, by his oath, broViglit me toaneit,1 "icittd curious furoiiics ui many. Thg [Snme few remarks "po»i theabove^isf^rai regards inysclfe will doubtless beexpe%cd. Having haw.1 time to consider of tbt articlr j nulch [ inserted in iny pap«*>\ and bee ullu- Idccl iu by Vlr. GcMiriay ; J take this o^ortuui- \ jrf baying thrtt I w9< wrong^ aitdi*rai>kl> c*>A/e«i ilittt I was not the auihqroiit jbut be- impressed to insert it, did so, witsiot su.fi- clently reelecting on eocsequeuces, Itevtaiil¬ ly hud the app^ranef* of my u eotring aie li?ts,*s when (here \sa> no occasion. \i\<\ %$ the present seems to be tin* Blest opportunity, | I tluak it my duty to endeavor to du^uay %± i'sir a^ it lie? in my power, mmp idle amour.-* *|iat are now in circulation, With reg.rd to iiic o:ttli madeby ine,previou» to Mr. G's^revi ;■?*? i e will have it that L was an in firmer* a cbaraeie? which I utterly d- est; &mc say I wasr.ompttted to do it, and otlters Ifat I a^ flittered into compliance:-— \- ag;2i0ti!ftt I wave r-'fMvrd («' ;irii!t focthh on Sz tfiatQTl^ for ft,-.; uFjfivl ^ ofifence to other*. Fhirfe r^orty a ' rui 1 ,;u.riial>le,ai»d i (dicnlous in ;hrr-xtrcir»e. Thev'^rt, ie fac i; .h:s • ihi- day thu Mr.-G i .:• arr: tedj a young: lad rode up ttlrh^ too. Mud -4..d it Ktt» Mr. MurklaudV d-^re that 1 »v(Kiki /all down ai his^ore at 8 o'lock ; 1 itceofdin^Jy vreat, wi.h tlie suppoiijftnthai ii iVtts ioiomplete ^ome bu>ines» that ,^J ^ !'*it undone between n- ii| ii>;* iHorni.g . iiuj- in^him bu?y in hi»offie«, I waned 15 or 2(1 rftimu'ev, wben I was called in, ;j.nd be^ffidu- ^amplileis were feft with me b> >ii. (J. m dis- ■ o »(d", was shown to me. 1 was al^l if ii v ;r- ('>rv^ , o which I ianurdiatfl^ answered i.iihe.ilannatise^Scmadrnaihtoitaccorain^l , i m . l clear my friend " who holds asovrn- u\e •', idacoMfrOfn ceu-ure * and also correct a stauMwent'»r Mi. GV. v.hvrehesay^ihat I toll hun ! n-asat Montreal when the unfortunate pev&Oil alluded to \u-- under examination, &c« I do rial recollect of baying; that an examina¬ tion actually took place, but that it was repQff Ud ^o and so. 1 also take this* opportunity of expressing: my regret, atbaviiig given publicity to lite letter signed M R« '■*• 9tfti£K* and others, which have only led to unplea-ant discussion, recrimina- tlcni and invective, fair arpum^ju ;uul fftp did reasoning being entirely thrown aside. Hoviup said thus much, 1 trust the public will pass the matter o\er; and 1 assure rny mucli respected panous, that a more strict neu¬ trality nail be observed on my part than ever;. k<%epin$ constantly in blind, the age advice of a kt ve-end lrieiul, who has often told me that 1 m«i& put my foot down, and say to my cor- roiiiv34^n**»,i% Genlle^iea, if you will abuse each other, I fcanuot help it. although it bvery d'^agreeable to me; J w ill print for you all, it is my living, but i will take no part in your qtiarrels, iTjtht your own battles/'- Into the bands of Him, who is the best judge of my heart and the purity of my PBteottons, 1 commend nv.self; v ith1 the humble assurance that He yrill give me wisdom to direct me in all my concerns in life, in thatwdy which shall best suit the e»dfor which 4 w,as cheated and de- d.1 Kditor TOR THF, KINGSTON QAZETtB. Upon travelling the old road from 01- cott's 1 Ad to Abbot'b and Beach's intt»f in ii.tngft.on, I was lately (Irtic^, fTigre; than ever before, with the e)p--u!cou8 J com fe, or rather the various courfes, and { the uneven ground, of that mad ; and am truly glad to learn,that a public high¬ way is at laft laid out and eftahjifhed. in j continuation of ft ore tlreet, nearly in a direct line, from O'cott'a through to Ab¬ bot's and Beach's. I think there mull bea Caving of nearly half a mile, in a b<iUt a rnile and a half. It is matter of j altoni-fhment, that the public authorities] fhonid (o lon<4" have fuftcred iuch a crook J in a road of fo much tiavel, and fo near the Town of Kirigfton ; and that (eve- | ral individuals fhould have io peffevtfr- ingly oppofed fo neceffary an imptove- n>ent. It is to be hoped, the new road will now be cut through and opened, as foon as cirenmftauces will admit. Prob- hWv many inhabitants in town, and in the neighborhood, will contribute liber- ally, in labour, if not in money, towards defraying the ex pence. The diftaucc, Ifrpm the end of It ore itreet to Abbot's ! i i^iti to be but about a mile. The fav- jug jn travel, in |{g* courts of 4 hnglp : yefar, will be an important confiderati»*/n ; jas it will fave about three quarters of a 1 mile to every perfon and team, every time of going to and returning from t'Wii ; and it i» a road of rjiore travel than any other in the country. Wlpi, Mien, will be Uit ray;uM ^ a ion? fwcc€3f J lion of years ™d with tbe ^^ ;n ' th,Esq. Peier Snii - Jt^lin Cuinming, Esq, William Rubins. Efcd» ■ 1 GQVEHNMES T SALE. TOY AUCTION, will be fold at the llii Government wharf, on Monday 14th September next. 3 lar^e quantity of nevy (^imaged and >unferKtc^ablc Which will be iuld in lots to fiiit pur chafers. Sal*; to commence at 11 o'clock, pre¬ cisely. ARCHD. McDONELL, ' /luclioiider. Kingston, August 2qtht 1 31B- 14 i creak <i travel. It will; bc ;ncaLuiHblc. The old road. »n the me.an l|fne> ^gj br , keot o:>cn, f<»r thofe mhtoAjiiojjff* H" fo 1 mut*1 el that way into town . notyvithiUndi.-.g | 'otne pcrfoni have he... t..fore been uVei j vd with a falft iugy^'Hion, (hat it AM tnttndfd iv (hut up rh;. 0y roa,j fro;n tUe giite, round i^y G.iVb j.>n, to Hcafh'^ ; vybeieau i Bnderftand \here was uo fuch iiiiention. The openiu., 0f the new road, as laid out, will be a gVeat accommeda-1 U<m to the ptiblic at \^rge ; and it mull be a valuable imp;MVcmc„r. to the town to Heighten and ihl;\tt.n the principal approach to it. Ao) \^x\t Inconveniences to private individiiiib liugltt noL to be put in competition w'ftfa f(lCh public be¬ nefits. Every perfon vilicinjr Kingito.i, by taking notice of t'he c,l<0^educls and hngth and uiievennef^ 0f ^be road now tiavclltd. will be «X)i\vinced of the im- portance of the pmpofecJ alteration The inhabitants of a rpovvu bke Kings- ton fhould be proud Qf fucb improve- ment», and give them .d\\ t|ie encourage¬ ment in their power. NUMA. Ernest Towm 4*gH& 26, 1818. LEFT, through miiHke, ga board the Steam Boat Charlotte,at Gan- anoque on her way up, on Saturday the i5!hin(l a blue SURTOUT COAT, lined with black bornbazetie and trim¬ med with ii'lk IWlft, barrel buttons.— The Coat had h^en \yorn fomg. It tpuil have been taken out with forne of I the Baggage at ICingllon, as it was not on hoard Sunday morning. The fuh Iciibcr will be thankful to any prrl >n wild may have (aid CWt fn pofTcfllon through miitake, to give Information to the ftibfcrtbtr, at Gananoqtie, or to the Capt'iin on board the Stpapf) Boat, where it may f)e b*J« EPH. WEBSTER. GananaquC) Aug. 19, \ 818. 14 Founds TV the Ball Ally of the fubferiber, a II jiiver WATCH The owner is re .,,,,.>!,.,» .- r ;•■ i-:-r-M^I'j- 111 Hi'" ^es and take it. DANIEL BROWN. SIR, JEfaffA "j ^u^-19,1818, We the unrtprri«r:i»*il iU-.inct Ilpprcsi'D* tatlfesfoi ttiefiiPiids U> t'nqiiry, request that >on vvill call a n;p*»:'uiji; «Jt the LtfWCf Ur;mcb ^'ouvfiiiioii, at t!:t* hoiisi- #f Mr. hiw.uiij, \q K;tip;'. Tr.iwi. on Saturday l'0th S«ut, m ^trai :(> oMotk roreuoon, t<» tftke into ro.:-i'i.':ioa ■!u* javnifni of all <'X[UMirv* ine'.'rpn l»« t!ie la'.p |jru-«'Ct:tion of the King vs. Fi.jbi-rt Go»n> lay ; a> a^o ^orn<* nth -r niatoTs. 11 wuhM at the same thxtk be ile»:ra!il**, rlra| as ma;iy tOvynshlp Rcpivs-entatisea sliualil at- e.da^ Can make Ue.Q&viaVeni. W^are.i-r. D. WASH lit I ft V. -.PaUL PETEltaON, DAVIS H \WLEV. To H. C> ThomfJi, Efq. Sec'y of the I ,onuer Branch Convention of friend* t§ Enquiry^ GEljtLEMEM, In compliance with the above rer quilltion, I be^ leaye to notify, that a meeting of the Branch ('onvention will be teld at Ernest T*>wn, oa the day aboVe mentioned. H C THOMSON, SecV, ' To the Members of the Lo<wer Branch Convention. ' 4VV3 " 1 mm V to IVOLP ISLAM). THE fubferiber refpee^fuHy infrn.8 hi- fiends and the public in gene¬ ral, that he baa taken the Feny between Kinglton and Wolf Ifland. Thofe who wifh to favor him with their cullou. lhall be attended to at th-' ihorte.j Willi t Sc eyery attention paid to tbjeiraoeortirtiOr il iti.ni and comfort. — Apply to the MsP- feviber, oppofitftothe ^ppiy Matk rtP ce «W- *» DANIEL &RQW&- r nplHfi fubferiber refpetStfully inh.frr.a Kingston, Sept. i, i.SiS. H I * THE SUBSCRIBER EGS to inform the public, that he will ihortly receive an extcniive bifortment of DOUBLE and SINGLE STOVES, DOG IRONS, and Hollow lFares, Mai.ufa&urtd at the Iron Work* hi the Diftritt of Three Rivers ; wliicu he will be enabled to difpofe uf at an un¬ commonly low rate for cafh. JOHN MACAULAY. Kingston, 24/h August, 1818. 13 the public, that^ h^-ha«, can> a>-1 will, cure the bi:e of a Mad pojr, if ap¬ plied to in fealou, on the (hprteil notice, and on uaf>uardc ttrrm^.— Pr»-of of bl$ abilities can be procured, if required. SAMUEL WO D. • fChigsion* (6th Conccffun) Sept. 1. 1*3 • IVm. Rennie, Wig Maker 8} Hair Drpwr, RESPECTFULLY Inform? the Ladies and Gentlemen of K-i'^'t ton, that he has iuli received a Maud- foihe aftoi tftienf of London made PKIZETTES & WIGS, Perfumery, CAifhry, £$. Kingston. August $ i, l S i 8 Uuth h now out ; he \* % mere »yc«»- phant.. leady, ut any cail.to btnei to pow- e., for p.V or for threat*. When at Yo.k. i^Vd inteilicence. feyMttft w*at Canada Gazette. From the U}>p-r Adjutant General's Office, 1 fork, i 7 th .August, i«18. j Militia General Orders, Lis E'scel.ency Lieutenant Go* .. yernor Sjr Petegrine Makland K. C. B» apeuonofthe WW.** ?rm^ Jho j | ha„ btCn plealed to appoint Wm. Ah I Idsagove.nmen. place, at &Ittg«0A»| ^ ^ ^ T|JWn of York, Eftjuire, \ ! compelled Miles to put the article j p fter for thc f^aal pU!pofeofre- a,ove quoted from, ti&ktt paper. ij cejvi, nd 4,aiibu,ing to the refpeC- cxneftedihat ,he man^ .own conle.encc, I ^ cfaiinants the fum of Twenty-bix afterrefl.aion.orpubl.creproach^.uldiiUhoufand, five hundred and ninety Far the Kittgffon Gazette-. ' The English and American &<»ws- Pajjers are tilled mt^ accounts of em- igmtions from England, and other parts of the British klaftd*, ^ the Uni- jted Scales, I'pon the pn„cijde of thr Ml^l the natives of Mie most seditiou- i a n«»w discoyetyj Great Britain are i i t-.dncc him, V analog5* > i" a «"»« P3 (incc hi.n, t- apaiog 2 > in a nuute y«* j ^d& fcVcntt.cn ihillings and tnre< cr, foi wh.tbchuddoi.e ; bnt.no: I | I ^r.h; s Province Currency; beint m, within thefe fevy days Vrceivcd j • ' ^^ . of ^ ai]a,cUcd ^Uim fa h from him a letter with thefe Wordy " The papers I forward as ycu d-fin-d. •« You IvWperceive that I have ^enyou «' a I'utle rub, in >r,y laft Gazette : y<ra mult I three «gl Jibe amount ot tfte aomraca eiHtms lv* jiaireaibof pay and allowances due to ?" I j th? Mi.itia of tht* Ptc-viuce. Mr. Allan will commence the pay¬ ment of thefe claims on Tuelday the subject* in this cotluVr» |U)W fortunate it is for Upper Caua^Hi ^u1 how unfor- tuiiale, alas ! for the poor United States, that British kmignirits should sreer their course io ^nt, State-^ in pre¬ ference to the Pro*i«tes I Does nnt th« author of this ^javou^|e (jiSCovevy de- j rfervea tricolouivd ^<ie8 pf Wisiion^ " Loyalty and l;utrioii:m fr •iOlIN BULL. Joseph SURGEON, Sfe. S^c. HAS received by the late £m«ais» freth fnpply of DRUGS and CHEMICALS; Con(ift«'rtg t)f the Tdlowin^; articles. Genuine Alcohol q- fpirits of W ine> Concentrated Vitriolic Acid, Barclay*s BtloiUS Pills, Barclay's Aromatic fpts of Vinegar, Crude Tartar, Red Lead, Vermillion, Shell Lac, Oil, Turpentine, Epfom Salts, Mice, Clove's and Cinnamon, ^al Ammoniac, Avfenic and Borax, for faldering* Kingston., dug. l*Jl, l % i S. N. B. Soda Powders. -----r To Let, THE Dwelling Hottfe of JOHNS & FINKLE. Au 2-3' L — . : »3 liviions man : at preachi>»^ and prayer ■ncetiu^, he i« a couiUnt attendant. I ftylV.fU with i|n in ihe M^hod.,1 ir-tctin^, t'.e Lilt itidayl tfa* in K.'Qg" ILn ; ba, fee a-.v the fruit of the tree -U-e the charity, wh'im exiles mt> to tk world, aa rt mM ^ M "M principles fwr the Mul ofu cold un/'e. in-' hcirr L'lin k of Mr lies, pwint nr to an .•.ffc«io«, as lf i ty.w* u»4-v, b^^i:^g ** lioUiiu^- cli whole is paid. The names of the per forts vVhofe claims have been admitted, will be tranfmitted to the Commanding Officers of each Regiment refpe&ively, ' inft.rxnation ol thofe concerned. Ey Hi- Excellency's Command. ; N. COFFItli Adjt- Genl. Miiitia, tJpper Canada. Mr. Eoitor, It is with_regrLl? | QotJce the un¬ concerned lndaLicnc,0< |fceJ^agiftraiea 11of" Ki'n^itor., towards a n^[mc€f which, Will (if not ainady) ^ to Jnj„Itthe health of the inbabit?nts 0f ^j, place—*- How manv inltaact* |ia.tti, v..p beard of. Foil ml NOTICE. THE Copartner^iip exilitng- heretrw foie, between MaGan & Kc.ly, a$ Pedlars, is this day difTolyed, by mntuai • confent. All thofe who at indebted- ■ as Well as credited, are recjueited to nuL* immediate arranirements with Pat. Ma- ' Gan, wlv» ii--fully authoriu,d to fettle tlie atfairs • llht hrm., PAT. McGAN. Kingfton, Sept. i4 i8i3. 14W.] 9 \T Saturday the 2zd inft. on Wolf I Ifland more, a (mail (liokeel boat. The owner is reqnefL-d t" prove proper¬ ty* pay chafes, and take It awav. rSAACT. BARR4TT. Wolf Ifland, August 22, 1818. i^w3 T .** • ve we A- ■ l X » wBete nuclea«Hwl« ijj a <fywjj or Vil¬ lage, oa. been the jsaij^ 0f Jnfcaious dif- eafes, ragi^ g and cari -n 0jr th.,ufands of our fellow fubjet^s ;, ^he 0lie X now allude to. istW the w^ 0f proper buil#- intfs.,beingereaed in ( of the ^,)Wn> witere, the mod k»u^ rllr]\t a..d mod indecent eKpolures v, ^.^ be .lV.0;dt.^ . or if a^li^atipn was m ^ ^ ^ rjyi^ Strai/d or Stolen, TfTiftOU the common in ]ti«^ftobt a .P large* Itronj;, Chefnut coined, \HOR$E% in hiL-h ftefh ; has no wh.te about him ; (hod all round- The aW»| erwill well reward any prion returning him to ihe ffcbfcube/. T0U3.vUnTLE^AG^ HE fubferiber, havJog fcle&td %' Beautiful auhrjhttent of DRY & FANCY ROOPSj fuitable for the l'eaf->n, and that a; a vt>y moderate mte, which he expects «t»aj his ufnal cheapneL of felting ^o'm1"')'? will, he hopes, entitle him to a <.'»ntiuu- a-ice of his former customers, »- he can atford his tjoods ctienprr thin ^n1 P. MAG W. Kingston, Azg. 28, tS>8. 14 vj -Vgullii}' 'M LOST, A Book belon^infl t-.'he Circulating r\ Library Vi^ LVChrjcfa; o. t .e A.1 ventures of a Cioinea." '.Vfioo-er wi'l return ir to the Piim.-.', (&.k-3 be ii.- warded For their iroubtc. 25 Au-