[Tuesday; September \i isis.l K M Off £1 *■ [VOLUME VIII.—"No. 14] E. Kingston, Upper Canada—Printed and Published By STEPHEN MILES —Price Four Dollars per Annum—Exclusive of Postage. 3 isfV-3*- *C^3Z5^^£UW^%M:A^ '?*u;£38?gi9?5bs Apwttjter the Kingston Gazette. r,c.>ostTotw...l V.vU-K RANKIN, E>q. Tork, WILLI AM ALLAN, lUq, BtodtviUe, A. SH KR WOO D, l^q. Bdtvtll^S. »'3*A!)B. Esq. Montreal, S. MOW^R. Printer. 6ophi.vh:ireh. Mr. S \ VniFI. S'M.vrS. $ftiete& of Aworif'tlmt of'lhc BANKOFUPP.^H CANADA <0 f, commence thf* business and opera* tions of the said.Bank, but no Bank Kills or Bank Notes hall b«* issued or put ia circulation, nor any Bill or Note he ^counted at the Bank, until tin |ever, to th» person or Jepn -ate proper* || A™/£. None but a (lock holder, ac- tv of my prvsont or futuiv3 member of this Ompa.v, preset as abovemen- ti'nod. And nl!* jits to be brought \i> TO AM. TO WHOM THRHi PUT tiSStfi* SHALL COMK. VI )> *? •*/ h-itnzcn and inndr wmiffrsf* JT7-- "• 7' tv ?/?<> Stt-snif^rs hwvfur- t/:>'ri m '/.v-vt/V//v?? or Hii'ifnl C"-iHtrf- ffVnr/*//*, •/•*/ //'; hrrtfoj HgWPB ;:/"//' <w/' ef'ketn to mwfrrtt B pvir/icn Bnifocsn in the manner hererutft.» itpefifii dtrd tliwcfiksth \;f {tori under the ntwm or Bask of TJfpes Canada. iftfrf "OS//' h:rc":f wuf'iflfyi covenant flvciarv <fiui 'tirec. that the* foUttninp are wd sh'/U'/y //•«* ftmttrtm nt'd Ar- tte&tM }fthf.s ntr .1s\:-id'tt/o?t a.'ul at- grc '.?Hf zct'fh C.tre) ./'/.■•». 'W/ 'ditch:?'* findnilpefvoHSt who at ••/»)// jf&wp fte/v fl/A*r ;'.</// ti'fittpart IshpSSS n'>:fh flic said GowptviJJ sh'.'llbe bound and. re%- li/ntcd. F;rst. T*t<? CfttDtftl Stock nf th said C"tt&'pn*ii 'di" 1 v.ot «mvwI On }{•• cr«»d and TwPiltv Piw Th'»v). ind ' Pft-l*4s current mour\ of thi'Province. dm:l*r1 into fi% > (Iiom md •li-w - of tw<M'?y fiw Pound en eh ; and f• ' (he purnos" of raisins the said Capita: stor!;. a book ->f sv»b cripti"n -ha!' be r»p^n: rj :n *hi* Tow.j on Thursdav fiw lfi'.*» instate, at Moore's C- IL ir»•:«i thfi- a our5 nf ti*w '^ t\ n oVio.lv, iv; l^*r tjjp MiiTintTidanceof Jfthts Cunmin^. 15-ViiwMii Whitney. J4vii M B»'four. J/vhfi F?tjji?50!i, Robert RidurrdsoWi Jri- ■< NicknIN. and Sum::.-' Sliaw. ot m»V two o!thorn : nrdjo nutltmte trppu | und<*r fh:Mr *npj nnienO'inre iint^lli"**- shall hftVs bf*ou an election of Piw<> t :r* a^ h'^c-inoff'r pr >vi»b-d, WhK« T. oV. ^hnli be hea:d^d v iih the pre^Htf Ari»r!r^ nf t"'.f>arfn«*r-»hip or A;:rt*f- hV'Wf, I»«d »Tl»)i iVtnitpU0 op: t* until th.4'. Mf-.rlc of (?irt -aid ('tpital Stock shftJ^ tern- •>« r. 5Hi) -. ?;h d %<?fJ v^tson pr p ;■ •* rv. i i pvtfuov>iiip« bouj tMm- ti -r h«Tp! rate- w ho n»ny ^r **hali i»-- C/«n>^ • • MV.b.r- t'f tlr- ^vii ri.ilion. nifl) It and ' WHiJ ^har<'-. » Bank, until t.'nj against tbi> Cct.t.pany (if any shall op> hotisafrd Pnundsin gold or stiver • «r j -hal! t» brought against the Pre»idTO< fafrfhe tim*, b^iuii: a©d in ca^e of hi i Moutreal Bank notes shall be aifuallv • paid in and received on ace .out of the •npM-pption- to the savdCapnal Stock Third. For the good mana,^pvnr cj I he a!fair> of the said A sreiation or C>oi0pHUT« tliore rthfcH b^ iliir-rou Di- ■ • *otoi's whOFhall b^ aun^aliy ehctjd l«3 fhe proprietors or hohh-i> of the raid . pita I "'ock. at a /**n*Tal in p«in^ irn-of it. bvaimiinlSy holden : atU'Mch umual n^Mtiii the -aid prvpriotor- ■\ kj 4 K*bh*«!tier* «h«tl t^te arccrding to the n. i-» h. rviimtu r e^tablKftpd, in p>9pf*pf tovrt:i*;i at general muetingS ; *nd the Ditcct«T»SO rho.sen by a mu- ■ irj vicowfrrffdty to »Utli rule, *-ha!! ■ap I/I.* of si*rv\r.j as Directors, f;»i tuc-U-- nOiith? (tinIos?any ot them^hatl ;n? r<?D« v.Mi for mnl-adndni>tation be- ir.re tho <\piration of that p-M-iod by a »\Mwral meeting of stockJioidcM, or "t-1 ai<j susp^iided a^ hcrrinafter jirovi- dod) and at iheir first meeting after •i.eh 11 ot:.ui, -hall choose out of their .-.•mbcr, a I'r.-Mdrnt and Vice-Presi- fl-'iit, an3 their places re-peetmdy, from lime to time, hll up when vacauf l»v d-.-Hth, rt^im»at5nn, absence from the I rrvlnce, or removal a< aDo^r^aid. In Jea-.rof death, revjonation,absence horn *la-r* irovince for three months at a tirn^. or the removai ol a Director by far- rfockholdeta, his place in case ol ofili rLtnoval shall be tilled up by the -aid jitivrkholdeJJi, and in the other ca- M-s by the remaining Directors, or a . i. i> j ritv ofthein. toserve bow ever, on¬ ly antiUliR «ucceediug general meeting ;;s nbovc^aid. Fourth. The Directors for the time bring shall have power to appoint such , oTicers, ci-rk^, and servants under them I ii i ciioH h.. n«rH««nn for exeotttine *he nusiue^s ol the said Company, and to :,ilo*A them M»ch corr<peu«ation for thril rrvicee*. respectively as shall be n a ou- :!>;<• aud pmprr ; all which, toguthei • ,i doath or t> mova I from office, pending any sail against him, irtossure* shall b<- (nken at the expence of the company for substituting his Processor in office as a defendant ; so tbar persons having 'demands upon the company, may nor be n-' iudiced or delayed by that event. or ••♦ person suing, shall go mi ni- inijt i..»* person first named as o.;f<-:'.- daot, (uotwiti»stauding hi- death or r - movnl troni office) this fcompatW su-a\ take no advantage of such prnceedint: on that account; a^d all recoverie* had :n rranner aforesaid, «hall be con- elusive upi u the company, so far a to render the Company's «aid joint stock or properly liable thereby, and no further; and thejCorapany skti in.n»ediately pay the imount of sue h re¬ covery out of their j-Mnt stock, but not otherwise. And Hi oaseofan) suit at Liw, the President for the time bcim- >:haU hare full power in his own name. and on behalf of the Company, to pro- si*cute to judgment and execution in the manner and form as by the laus cf this Province it is p>Mvid"d ; it beina ex. r°ss!y understood and declared that nil persons dealing \vith the said Com¬ pany ai>ree to these terms, and are to be bound thereby. Seventh. The-* - -rectos of affreenjem -hall be pnbi: •% " in the Kingston Qui tte for fhn -; ;;ths, and for th^ •nfonnation ••'* a ' u-v?ons who mav transact busin • • : ,,r in any roan* nergivecrodi t- '•■ company, every bond, Bii: "• . ; ? instrume \ or contra.* !■ .!•* Q » ,r terms o wMch Hi* t." • " "; rpu-, '.: i hargfd or h- Id i«r.;;,. , i ■ ■ w\ . *il s!l ■• ' i"lU; a. t'r,, | j .res.'vili-'. //;V ;i , tually tetideut in the Town of Kingfton, and holding at Icafl ten mares in the cap- it^l ftock, and being a natural born 6ib- j. A of His Majcfty, or a fpbjeS *>f Hi^ Majefty naturalized by act of the Brit- ifh Parliament, or a fubjtft of His Ma- jrfly, having become fuch by the coq- qucft and cefliun of this Province, or any person who fhall have refilled (even years fu the Province, and in any of the above cafes, who fhall have refidrd three years til this Town, one of which fhall have immediately preceded the day of Elec¬ tion, fhall be capable of being elected or Lh'den a Dii*efl< r of the (aid bank, or lhall fetve a, fuch » Tenth. Nin* of the Dircclors in office l"hall be re-clcded for the next luccecd- ing twelve months, of which the Preli- litnt and Vice-Pwlldcm lhall always be of the number. I Eleventh. No Diieftor (hall be e<ui-j tied to :-v falary or emolument, unltU 1 money, as may be depofited in the Bank for fi'.fc keeping) a»>d in cafe of excfi'* the Din flora, under whofe admintlira^ tion it {ball happen, Avail be liable fov ihc fame, iq their natural and private capacities, out it fhall not exempt the company or the land*, tenements jjoods or chattels thereof from heiny alio liable for fuch excels ; fuch Directors howev¬ er, as fhali have been abfent when the fvid excefs was contracted, or fhall have en¬ tered their protelt Rgainll it, upon the minutes of the proceedings of the board, may relpediively eshonorate and dia- chaige thcttifelvca therefrom, by ple;-d- ing and proving fuch abfence, oi ihewit^g Inch minutes. Seventeenth. The fhares of the Capi¬ tal Stock fhall be affiliable and traus- Iferable, accord!1 % to fuch rules and forms as may be eOabliihed in that behalf, by (the board of Direddm, but no affign- rnent or trai^fer (lull be valid or cfFecV ualjUnkfs fuch affignment or transfer r;ie far. e (hall have been allowed to him, 11 fhall be entered or regiflered in a Boofc pa , in 'i! A nm- !;:•- e- ! - \ •■ ■ '■ vvtth th« e\pcr.cc»ot b«"'!M:if. \H^\ ut ./ rhr jofu'j" * vvm (ting to tin f -t • by a general meeting of the tWk-hold- eis, but the ftock holders may make fuch compenfation to the Prefulent or Vice- Prclideut. for iheir extraordinary attend¬ ance at the Bank, as fhall appear to them to be real nahle and proper. Twelfth. Not lef^ than five Directors fhall ci-ftitute a board-fbl 'he traidaiftiuu "f bufincis. wbereof the Prefidcnt ur Vice-Prefident fhall always he one, ex¬ cept in cafe >.f iickntfs and neceflaiy ab- fcence, in which cale their places may be fupplitd by any other Direci'>r whom the Preiident or Vice-Picrfident (b fick or abfent, fl>all refpeftjvely by writing, under their hands, appoint foi tint pur- pofe. The Prefidcnt and Vice-Piefi-! dert. fhail v-»te at the board a& Direct-1 ors, and in c.ife of there being an cqua( number of votes for and againft any queUion before them, the Prcfident, and fn h[> abfence, the Vice-Prcfidciit, fhall have a calling voice. Ihiruemh Any number of (luckhol- ders, not lefs than fifiy, who tOgVtb§r jt\\r.l\ be proprietors of two hundred and " r ' '"•' " V ftv Shares,toll have power at any time M- ,.,-■ • ■ " ' ^'.r•, Hf.-!i. U -d 'if ' ., •• rent, a;uUU oih-i c i f.uicwch'S, sLa'i • ipj "' ,1"* v^*v " f <" ' - V*' * ; U dofirtvd. vt.t of th« fuiwh of tbtt||a|itiii Mia'db- ?»sntirtl in Hit? t-t .kle•■>:. i vcrv person d \)- .-...'ifin^ n*:-!--V lit, not 1 sobper'be f°r s i-.cn au a-- b«, shr, or thev J»« tir::k two hundred Rh«reK- and il [« hwh) mtrrtH ^hnf tho cinr^ro^vM-tivvly -no- l| .•:t r-.tV.pun>. The *aid DirectorN tnli t\U-Ai<e be c-apab ofexoiv'iM.u. Micii ptter p- 'WW and ^.'.horitp^ for ih- v-.-n ir^u\aii:j^ai»d orderingM&* utf ;: ' y ih< mlelvee or their proxies, to call a " 1 -.•">cral meeting of the Stockholders, for B« ofes .ilit'veio the faid Affociation, | ; tll « at Jcaii lix week's notice thereof Si'vrcoii'.. or M.'.dtr.! !>fl».k i.n!^ MfMtM »« *'s ' ««****■ i" fl"" mil"" r,rWioui.)u'.thn<i. U-u.V t.vo ,„, none hnvu.- 1.....r 5£iv. .» hi t*- M '; I; K- wlWJ^tB||| |V,r any for, too Ohv.-n : <«s r> vf*ftw . - " •' I •%••:,..,- Ne«-<?aper publilhcd in , » ...j , ' •,,= ". '■•.,««. i-ccirvinz in loch iiot.^c ™......i' , . ,,. I • y» „ . ,i i:v ': ', ■■-m.-i a-..' ;)'•>:•-• for fuch meeting with , ttl.nr^i.\oli:.^a..d.urlcn.Y H 10 *»" ^ "^.....' '" **?* .' '..■. ,v ,, ,,' ,bje^ thereof ; and the lV„,or.lK-^ineompa..y,M.ha ! I« p-r-on be on■ ...* lu^b depositsh.V,fr -. , | ; J fc f the, M ...t,h,niyt.,B>. Law. ana ^,-1,.,^^ ,1 ' . / „M. ^(1. •' - r r., .obfervmc the like tcrrsIiueO to call a nc 'can b- Irgaivj mad; i,:; che na*rt« oftai M utv * . -./ . , ;r i -1 »■ i . . • fffneral meetino a« aocve imu, nno u . . t • *• . i_ »h»a o"iec\ or vnicn artv general mretmi' iid itaUon or re-trtetsoti. Un the either abovo a; cvF*\ w* 1 ,. rt ., *%? IP f ■ .. j i-lati m4 turrf::'f. /v///i. it \s further ovpoanicd in inor-.-d mi it \>i and b«t»wi the |x iti:-« "■» thi: agruemunt, thn if *•»«' &aiu CaiHial Stock -f Ont: HJttdr«d ain iTvfsrtif) five thousand p-tti*d« i^ not LiiWeiibrtdin one month aft-r tne wd JH*-. v. .,{ i\\\Kc.npt\an shall have beea ea^Mtmaj t0 the? be cot«petewMV«rany former sub^n 0 Tt • crease hi?, her. purpose, Uivit.u Mdrty irays pr nofieeB«afon-a-d : and rli- - roinair,- or faid »*» D«.*i« & mjj-j Ma;^ ex- tntion or re-friction. tfn (ll0 effect above recited. And the 'Company he~?b> jxprf.sly di-avoiv a^ii reSp^OrreibiUt) for any debtors estjacrement, which may bcinad« in theiir name, not con- lai-nni; a limitation o\T restriction to thi- etf- ct aforesaid. Eighth. The mincer of votes to which each Stockli.older or Stock¬ holders, Co part»erfhijn body politic o corporate, holding Rock in the fai Company, fhall be entitled on evety occafion, when in <.»oi.foicnity to the pr ivifions and reqni|r^rcentB of the*, articles the vote^ thereof are to be ^iveii, fhall be in the [proportion Follow¬ ing, that is to fay, Forr one (bare, and not more than iwo, one vo,te ; for every two fhare* above two, and not exceeding ten, one vote, making lf,ve vote-* for ten fhares ; for every four fhares above ttn, and ni»t exceeding thirty, *ne vott, making ten volee for- thirty fhares ; tor every fix (harts abt;v^ thirty, and not exceeding fixty, o^e vote, making fifteen vote? for fixty (haie3 ; and for every eight fhares ab^ve fixty, and not exceeding ore hui.j^j^ one vote, r.......- t A innmm o, touhem thev shall or may making twenty votes for one hundred. the same <hallha,, boon refltM -n ^, wise indebtuU shall ou But no peifon or pCTfons> Co-partntr- th? Kington Gazttfe. niu. the -aid : | income / ..._rt^ t^A r^eourse Aha. but* oolitlCOT Cwrn^^ (ball be scrr-c uvcu : but no a*t-r mri*««Ht \\\^^[i a c^,r '..._„ wl.rt atrial shall exceed t-r- ««*» upon thy ' d tthicn shall exceed f./-' ***** "V™ «' K^ °r ,im °f capital sto.-k.fo. -r..i.av^-nlol which | «™ J- 6-irffl, that tlu thirtvday^o^--^ of the said upon, that wh,;;^vr the sum of luo L ^ a ) i iej, hereiaafter t^^audpou^WMn-nhave been nc; ^^^ftfc(lie be responsible tually depo,itodorpa.d in nMttt Hj^^i aud ^a.emcots of the ffhifiotecripfei* to the ,aid mock, ^ lte^« fl<| ortee (hereof Ml ** W* ^ ^ "Jj ,»r^"^> d.aMith this Com- «-•*»»-! suponnr.ndaoce .^^ shall or may 0 o p pPrS«ns shall at th-- unue liflW »'« !«• innnner, notify the tin..- a.id piaoe of tolriinsa iBefetlU{!«f Hv wllWf«»Wt which shall be at the aistaii^ <-f not bn than tpn a:n sfrom the time nf W»h tmlififaiion for pr<»r-B*n« *o If «tec- (kM of the numberi i ^W«e- heijm- <• *• ,..,wl - ■■ ■' ■ r« "i*-i-.i'tri : present uio ttfWT menHou.!. - • u ^ eptjfl tliall then and thor '. •......I Wi a wa |j .u...;_„^_ iority of shares v<,< ■! F-r, N -•>»'--'rl u.u.ual elections ol ,'.;-.: a»«, IH- ,,,,,o,.s who shall i.'- .;-d WP ">'• [■1, sen, shall be. ih- « : - PP*W >cl ^hII be capaWe of - *-«* nuf. the iqiira1i,lll..f.he.l,> ,«.-i !«;'« *.ae annual eleition • ' ' ;oehoseiushalla,so u t^^'^ any pretence whatever have recourse tfiiMf the separate property ol any pVeaeilt or future member of (his com¬ pany, or against their persons, iaitl.er than maybe neces>ary to secure the roithful application ofthe funds there- ol, to the porpo-.es t> which by these ,rcsentstlu-V are liable. But all per. g any bond, bill note m oth-T contract o this company, signed bvthe Pr-Mdmt, or ViM-Presidmt, R;,d .-ouiit.T-.ijsn d or attend by th« tVhierof thi* company, forth? tunc h,in^ordoalin- v.ithitin any othr-i MitaeC what.o vor, thereby re,p?c- t.v'v aive credit to the said joint to k or property of the .aid Company, and thereby respectively disavow ha- Iritis coarse, on any p^lMMM vita! (hip,body politico! corpo;.atCf fhall be entitled to a gre^ler nu^bei tl)an twenty votes, and aj| ftock holders refident within \hU Province, or tlfe where, m;«y vote by pVOXy, if he, (het or they fhali fee fit, Provided that fuch pn.xv be a ilock houlcr| auCJ ,]0 produce a fuffi iei't <n)tl)..v;ty frt,m hi« conilitu- Mt or cotlftltnents, tv%r f{> repreltnting and voting for birr, Lcrj or them, fro vided alio, that after ^nt, f,rft eicflio-- of Directors no (hart ou |]VfirCs of the cap! tal 11 ck cf the Com^any f\^\\ confer a ripht «f voting either ;n perfon, or by proxy, which lhall ry kavc btren holden during three Calend|r months, at thc- leall, p'ior to the da\ 0fciccUon, or of the general raeetingi [vherc the voice oi tkc llo(;k-holdcr» we to begive«j. •he oV'jecl: for which a.tv genera! meeting j^led either by the Stockholders or Di teftnrl as above faid, (hail be t*> confider of a '.iropo'al for the removal ofthe Pies- j ""dent, Vice Prefident, or other Direft'.r | or Diir«^ersf for mal-adminiltration, then and in fuch cafe the perfon or per- foilfl fo propofed to be removed, nSnll from the day on which fuch iiotice (hall tuft bepublinhed, be fufpended from the execution o' the duties of his or their of- fice ; and if he be the Prefident or Vice- Pi-^dt. his place (hall be filled up by the remaining Directors, to fetve during the time of fuch fufpenfion. Fourteenth* Everv Cafhter and Clerk of ihe Bank before he enters upon the do. ties of his office fhall give bond, with two or more foreties, to the faiisfa£li..n of the Diredorb ; that is to fay. Every Cafhier in a fum not !efs than ten Thou- fand Pounds, with condition for his good aid faithful behaviour ; and every Clrik witu like condition and fureiic^, in fuch fum as the Directors (hall confider ade¬ quate to the trull to be repofed in him. Fifteenth. The Company (hall not hold any lands and tenements, but fuch as may be necefTary for the transaction nnd accommodation ofthe bufinefs ofthe Bank and for no other purpofe : It dial! neverthelefs be competent for the direftors, on behalf of the Company, to take and h°ld mortgage^ on properly»b\ way of additional ftcufity for debts con* crafted with the faid Company in thc courfc of its dealings ; b-'t on no ac count fhall money be lent upon mort ;Tage, or upon lands and other fixed prop¬ erty, nor fuch be purchafed by ihe com- pany upon any pie'ext, excep: in the fpccial cafe above recited. Sixteenth The total amount of the '"ebts which the Company (ball at any limt owe, whether by Bond, bill, or Note, or other contract whatfoever, (lull not exceed treble the amount of the cap ital Hock atVially paid in («»verand a or bonks, to be k«pt by the Directors for that piirpofe, nor until the perfo'i or pirfons making the fame, (hail previoufly dilcharge all debts aAnally due by hi.n, her, or them, to the laid company,which may exceed in amount the remaining (lock belonging to fuch p'.rfon or per- fona, and in no caf- ^hal! ar y frac^i- n^l part of a (hare, or other than a complete' iliare or fhares, be afii^r able or transferable. It ia hereby further es- prefdy agreed and declared, thai any ftoclcholder, who fhall transfer in man- ntr aforefaid. all his (lock ir fhave> in this Company, to any other peril.n or peifons whatever. (hail ipfo faclo venfeto be a member of this Camoany. and ih^t any prrfon or perf ns whatfoever, who iholl accept a rransfex of any dock dt (hares in this Company (hall ipfo faclo become and be a member of this Compa¬ ny, according to ihefc articles of aflocia* tion. Eighteenth, \\\ hfll», hoftdk, wot** ^*Hl e/ery (oifaft and cngagtmenr, on bo half i'f the Company fhali be figmd by i(k Prefident or Vice- Prefident \ a-i4 [couuterfigned or attefted by the Cafh¬ ier of the Company ; and the funds of the company mail in no cafe be bfld re* fpO'ifible for any coat" St or engage* ment whi*evei unli fn the fame fhall V* rfo ilgncd&nd courUriigned, or «ttelltd Ui aftw fr.id. Nineteenth The b■■ .k*; papers, car* refpondence and fundc of the Company, (hall ar all time*, be fubjeft to the in- fpeAion of the ISiredort, but no (lock- holder not Direftor, fhall infpeel the ac¬ count of any ("dividual or individuals, [With the Company. Twentieth ilalf vearlv dividends fhall be made of fo much ofthe profit- of the Company as (hail appear tn the D»»t&- ors advifeablc, and fhall be payable at fuch place or place, as the l..ir ors (hall apooirr, of which they (h dl give public Notice ia the Kmgdon Gazette, at lead thirty days before ; and the Di* re&ors dial! every year at the general meeting for elcftion thereof, lay before the Stockholders, for their infmmanors an exaftand particular tlatemeut of the amount ofthe debts due to, and by thr Company,fpecifyingthe amount of 3a; it Notes then in circulation, and the a* mount of fuch debts as in their opinion arc bad, or doubtful ; as alfo, tHting x\vt fur plus or profit, if any remaining after deduction of lofte* & provifions for div¬ idends.—Provided that the rendering of fuch ftatcmenti lhall noi extend, to giv« any right to the Stockholders not direc¬ tors, to infpeft the account of any indi¬ vidual or individuals with the Company, Twenty frfl If there (hall be a fail¬ ure in payment of any part of the fum »?r (haves iubicubed by any perfon or per* ions, co- partnership, body politic or cor¬ porate, the party failing in paying tte tirfl iuilalrnent of six per centum, fuccee- ding the depofit oi two per centum herein before required to be made at the time of fubferibing, (hall refpeftively f< rfeit ;he faid depofit to and foi the ufeof ihe ifaid Company, and the Ilock (hall he Crld at public fade fo>" the behoof of ti>e company ; and on failure of j aying the other inllalrnem?, or any of them, tha 1 party o» parties fading therein, fliall for¬ feit theoiiginal depoit: of two per cent* urn. aud the dividends unpaid prior to he time fot making *uch payment] ar»4 Sai ii>g the d'-lay of the iamc^ Twentyfct/nd. The laid Company ihdlnoi dirc^ly or iudircttly deW in H..uy thing, eH-.cpiing Bills of ■xch.titgc, ! iTs-^^iiwM * -^