Kingston Gazette, August 25, 1818, page 4

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T. 5-1 ?th dmj is jm lis lied, TRANS ACTIONS OF THE tPPEfi canaoia\ cowrE\rro*\ OF frjesds ro Eswiitr'i ADDRESSES, ifrs royal uu;nxr** the prince regent; sir pbre«;h:\e ma:tt,and, To be had at the G ZETTI OK f ICE, and Strifes in town®, country, TO FOR any term of yea . in Fifteen* on the 1 FT ra. not exceed- molt reafona- ble terms—That well known valuable I Itand in the public line, fituate on the I point at Gauanoqua. and recently occu¬ pied by Setb Downs, together with the j Hou-.e, Bam, Stable*, &c — For fur- l her particulars apply to the fubferiber. JOEL STONE. Gananoqua Jan. 9, 1818. 33//* price 1/6 il A NV perrc'n *fi«M" *<* c]c& froal I '£%: Hve to fjfty acJteg 0f Land, fnnate on the bay fide, :,:ncrr,,ic, from Kings ton, adjoining Col Johnfon's, may have the timber up.Vn t|ie |amCi jt being very convenient for rafting t0 rown, or for the purpofe of fuppVyi„g the Steam Boats, j For further p,rticulars enquire of the proprietor, on the prerotfea. -J. C. WILSON. July 6, 18 lg. 6 i I" UST receded and for fale at this Of O fice, pric« if$9 Poems on bis Do- \\medk Circumstances, by Lord Byron.— Summonses Subpoenas and! With the Siaraf tit Legion of Honour, lO j! Executions, for the COURT {jand other Poo-fts ; to which is prefixed, — f ( \V »I? nTJW,QTS ?"& £?/* °/'^ Noble Author. BLA NK i NOTICE. ' TaparrHEREAS", by the last Will WW and TeiLrruut of the late RICH Rl) PATT1NSON. Efq. in hii 're litne »f Sandwich in the province' f OF REQUESTS, For Sale at this Office. ■ - * GAN/iNOQUA Store & Mill **. 3 of Upper Canada. 00 KS will be opened at Moor's Coffee Houfe, on Thurfday, the i6ih inft. to receive Subfcriptions to the Bank of Upper Canada, and will remain open from day to day, ■ From 10 to 2 o'clock of each day, under the fu- pcrintendauce of a Committee appointed for that purpofe, until the whole of faid Mock mail have been fubferibed for. Kingston, July 13,1818 7 •jnpHE fkWcrJberVrefpc&fiiily ifc "Jl form the public that they have removed to the Store lately occupied by Meflrs. John* and Finkle, and have re ceived of the late importations, and of¬ fer for Sale, ■ a good and well felected afTortment of • o: Upon Canada, Robert Gil'ef ie. j | /^~A r_j^ RLF.S life DON A LJD having WiMiam Gilkif n.and George Moffat t, j; (j^j t^Q r^ Srotlier John McDmi are joktiy and federally, appointed j -^ ;|p.{, par, liei0i,p, thoWm-t* m fe- Executors of fa id Will. t I do hereby r*q[ue{t all perfons ha'.*'r.? j j claim!- up n laid ftate to prcfent toel, $ame to me. duly authentic -ced, for S payment; and all perfons indebted)) there!..*, are required to rav to me the ar».o". t of their rcfper.tive aeeoulits. , imitate, and j ture ., •,• ^ cfl„jlU t^\ UI10vr the firm of C & j. McDonald, Who feeep for fait a crtneral aflbft- a gi neral • mem or i Dents due to faid Eilate in theij province of Upper CKflada or in tliCij United states, horocrinjj thei'/on, may 11 DHlr GOOD GROCERIES. HARDWARE, CROCKERY, be pa.d ta George Tac-b, Llq. oi Sand- j j an(^ mf.ft art;c|c., entjuired for at a Conn- fffch, John A&Iq and James Gordon, j!tiy st-re, which they offer low for Efqrs. o| Amhe.ltl.u.rg,or to either fj|C:,ni.Saw Logs,Square Timber,Stave>. . iheoi, ihey being duly authorized to ! potaflies, »itcT moll kinds of country! feceive the fame and giant acq iit!-tnce*« I produce G MOFFATT, - Ti.,v* Montrcl, 20-"h March, I ft i 8. 44yr •sy.■•!- v and Q Manufact- .SMITH & BU I TERWOR'I II, LTURN their fincere thanks to have a good Grift ! Mill in full operation—can u«e F: OUR, itqnal to any Mill in the j Province i thev will ftipplv ^rcics foi , Rawed limber of alcnoft any defcription i at ftiort Notice. c. s< j. McDonald. Gananoqua, Jan i o, i 8 i H. ^pj AHthofc indebted toCharlas McUon- Kingston Hotel. nOBB'Kt WALKER, return. m\j his 11 «:ere and grateful atkuowl- cdjfn'^nr- t * ify fdcuds, and the public in general fuitbeir liberal fupport dur¬ ing the Ult eignteeu years, and takes this o^V)Ovtuofty 01 acquainting the.i>t lie ftr-i eoeUwwes to keep the above eli* EHablilunent. where travellers and families can br accomn>odated with Sep¬ arate rooftt'Sj and every attention paid.—: SoT.e malici-tis and unprincipled per¬ fons Fiavilis rt-prefented and circulated a report that hi charges are extravagant, he beg- leave to acquaint the public, that thev area- moderate as a1 v houfe ■ in the town (f KmjjUon, with very fa- j>eri.r riCComnK'dr.tions. Kimstcn, %/neiSt iSfS. ^tf DRY AND FANCY • .GOOIBS, " adapted to the feafon, confiding partly of the following at tides, viz. Black. Blue, Grey, and Brown Su. perfinr and fecond Cloths. White and coloured Flannels, alTorted tingle and double milled woollen Kerfeymere.*, La- \ LL perfons indebted to theEftate] ^ pd{ece cloth? 0fdjffrrenl co]our|# ^T3L of the late James Cummhg, latej of Hallowell, dtceafed, are requeued to call without delay, and fettle the fame with Mr."James McGiugor. now in* Notice. Velvets, Corduroys,, corded Kctfey- meres, and Princes Cord, Cotton*. Ker- fevnere, Fuftians, Janes, Metfcills, Or- jmimities and Nankeens; Ruflia duck, Charge of tbe dhblimmeut, at Hallow-j j Brnwf] Holland, Imitation Sheeting* and coarfe Canvafs, Plain and fiourcd Bombazetts afforted col uirs, White an3 coloured Cambricks, plain a< d fi^ure'il Jackonets and book Mr.flins, fu^er- mon Calicoes, Cot- em Loom wr*ug!,[ LIIj their friend- and the public in <e- [ f aM> whole neral, for Hie liberal encouragement tbatljclue, are rcQUefted to tiiey have received fiuee they re com-j are payment. FOR SAL E,. | rjflB'Z w-ft half of ' ot numSer 5, Jl. on ihn fouth tide of fouth or Prince Edward'^ B^y- in the town/hi;) of Maryfbnrgh, containing one hundred acres. Said i ot is we.'l timbered, and fcitlementri on each fide, which renders it well wonh the attention of thof- who v. ifii to p of chafe—Enquire of the ell bridge ;—and thofewho have claims agaiutt the faid eilate, are deiired to pieient them for adjuftment. The liock in Trade of the deceafed,) eoafiftiBg of a very complete affortment, ! firic p^^ ^ C|>m of Good* well laid in, and very tollable- = tQn ghirting, Stc- to the Country,!, now felling ofF at pn-, f rottong^ G\.Yrii^ and [,oflg C'o:l)8, cts (o low, a. will .Jefe. vedly claim the; j Gf|1,b7,m3, rt.ipcd c-ttm, Turkey (tripe attention of the public , . and ^pron ^^ks, 1-ifli I inens, Linen Cafh or Country produce will he tak-|jand rmton Bedtieks, Funu'rure ( ali¬ en in payment, and a credit ofdmontha; L^ r.inen ( anbrkks, Linen and cot- given to refpcnflble Farmers, or others, [j ton pja„er Table i'loths. Strckinetw JOhNCUMMlNGA Ex,culorp: [and Stockmen Drawer?, Silk, loiinett, WM. MITCHELL* J 1 j Me-fcilK Swan=down, aod Parent tod Kings Ion, Oct 27, I 8 I 7. 32 'iVcfring, >i»k a-;d Cotton Leno ani itMul Mul 4-4 6 4 7 4 Shawl*, a few FOR SALE, A TWO HORSE KRFECTl.y 1 ew—Likewiff, a j Gentlemen* Woollen few thoufand 18 inch SHING \£,£$. — Inquire of I S, MERRILL. Kingston, April 21, I 8 18. 47 ' [ j pieces plain and coloured Luteilnngtf, W !GGON,\ \ Ladtee coloured filk Glove-. Lad-s and Cotton and Worf- j ted Hoes, Silk Handkfs. Pocket do. •Cotton Laces, Cotton Fringe*, RibboBSfc j! hread. Tape, Sewing filk, Pius, Silk- ; twill and Brace*, &c 8cc. < accounts have become to make immedi- rr.enced the Baiting Bujinefs. have an extenfjve afforicnent of Th- y I Ladies and Children's BON-j. JSETS, of various coiors and' THE SUBSCRIBER, Printer. June 16, iS 1-8- tf3 Bl ant Si • tmmonses Valuable Lands. thapes. ). EGS Lave to foforo) hin fr-fends & the puhtfczefijgtalJyi (hat he ha^j "removed ffOiH his fortnei ftand to the Gentlemen s Beaver & fine* i(hoF?aUly flccnolVH by Jon.s Ahbot5c CaitorH TS, I,' C... neai 'he Maikct Pace, where he Likewiie, ' Knapt ajld Wool \ \ has now on hand, a general afTortment ot Hats, « WmL-ri fiWy \K)1 iti very tew rorf ca(h 01 apprcved credit Produce taken in payment jjf^OR Tale by the fnbfcriber Lot No. J_ 1 8 and 19, in the tenth Conccffion, and half Lot No. 18, in the 6th con- Ctffion, of the Tow fhip of Pirrcy. Ap¬ ply tr, JOHN BURNETT. jotf Kingston, Maj (jth, 1818. I Hardware, Cutlerv. &c. an 2. For Sale by PRIVAl'E CONTRACT. A Valuable Freehold Eilate, co«i- GtLing of a Giill and Saw .Mill, B^good Dwlliu^ Houfe, out ho u fee, Sic- t,-(f."io" with <ibont two acre^ of Land,! ft lati-d immediately in the vicinity of ■ Be vi'le, Bay of Quinte,U.Canada, and j co".-rands as much bufiuef. or more i^tr* j i Which he will (ell on the moil moderate terms. To lt-t, the fhop lately occuju'ed by the fnbfcriber, ind poiFefTion given im mediately. SAMUEL SHAW. Kingston, $tb Jan. ! 81 8. 32 BEER. If"UST icceiv !<tJJ B;utlrt,3,^ ved at the Store of S. iQfldignment ol 94 bar¬ rels ot Beer, of a fupcrior quality, for fa!e for ca(li. /Ifav C, 1818. and EXECUTIONS, For the District Courts, for Sale at this Office. To Let, AND pofleflion given the firft of May next, a number of rooms in the j line- BaiiMeks. Enquire of H. EARL. March 1 i I.ikewifea quantity of well flavoured i Stronjj Jamaica Spirits, warranted good !retail proof Liquor at 1 to z. Co^niac Brandy, Holland Gin, Port and Tct.e- riffe Wines, Lyme J nice, Peonenuint, 71 wan key, Hyfon and Hyfeni Skill i caa Loaf and iViufcovado Sugars, Ctiffe^ Allfpicf, Pepper, Indigo, Starch, Softft 3 42 * A Card. Fi>T Blue, T< bacco and S^uft. WALTER M'CUNIFFE, Kingston, July 27, 1 $ 1 8 ScCo. 9 • * 49 1 Ho 0 Jes Tracts, ! For Sa .;at this Office, A READY RECKONER, F various defcription?, can be had -it thl3 Office ; where accefs (My f [alio bt* had to h firall Circulating Li- brary, on reafonuhie terms. June 10, 18 i8. ADVER IIS E"M E NT. THE fubfciiber inform., the Merch¬ ants and Traders of Upper Cana¬ da anrjjStt^t -cii VWw^i\.Lkt^litft 'he 'has Uommenced bufinefs in this City, as a General .Sgent and Commifllon Merch- :anl----^\ny bufme h entrufted co bis care j will meet with diligent attention. BENJAMIN HART. Montn\ >l, tofh ATay. 1818. c r m6 Notice. • qp HE itibfcrjbtr refped \_ the public, that he in afuii >rms tends to con- i a Gold Coins. FERGUSON'S tL , ..... . « . ; s Shewing the value of Grains of various than any other Mills upon the btreamij ad now under iieiit for about One! Thoufand Doliart per. Annum ; the t ,-. dwelling Hoafe is well calculated few ; j£urren* »n tW Province f Upper Cana Public Uufmefs : many othei advanta- S i ALSO. gcare attached to the Prcmifes too <iu-;| _ _ if.eroiii to defcribc. One half of the ], Tmnroved Tab?■» of che value of Grains j| perfon pofllftng fuch knowledge is re purcnafe Money would be expected tor of Gold Coin, 4 rer or under weight. | quoted to c^rrmiouicate it to Mr. Wil he pa •• down, the other half by infraUJi -^ rnvnrs <. f-ik twelve and eighteen montiis, j i ftvured by bond Mortgage upon the ! j F the perfon who went oi~ David Price, and I) \ Price, (but whole real name is David j Price Detunes) and was re fid in ^ in 184 [at the bay of Qwatty, in Upper Canada, is nowliving, he will, on his return to England, hear of iomething much to lhis advance. If he is dead, any , , • tmiie the Boating buiinefs this fcafon ; bv the names • ,, r -r r .- ' ■ . , .. ci ; thereiore, it any perlons wilhes to tranf- tavid Doctor tf Q, 1 r, „., u • , , . _, Fbt Sale, li \m FreemAH* of New Yoik, or to iioDERjci; Mac^a/, f.fquire, of Km eft [Town,aa it wouJd relieve his relations premifes. An indifputabie title will be j! Tp> V tin-fnbfc: tb.r. (2 doori North }( from sn unpleasant anxiety. £'ve~ fj-fl-3 nf J'.bn Curnmiii^ Eft] J j£x fee. biirh, ii^t brown hair :$icb a property h feldom to fee met [j CHERRY Boards an.3 Punk. ' ■with and is well wonh the attention of a'". ST'-ntleman fond of Mills and Ma- chnttrv. A quantity of Town Lots upon the bank of the i£iv«.r Moiia in Bellvilk, a jp)b£t tali iucrerliiig in commerce and population ; terms < f paymeui made ea fy# Enquire of Smith Bart let, EfqrJ; fix feet high, iigM brown hair, thin. Atf plexton, and very 18 inch .siii'.olt's, and Cord Wood, JOHNTUTTLE. Kingston, 1,0th May, 1818. 1 Kiffton, or Thomas Cokman, Efq J rriHEfubfcriber refpeAfully *- hi"? fiifridg and the p.blic, informs that he Pel hi lie ^d Aug. I 8 1 8. TO Wil iHE fubferiber begs leave to inform JL hicfrien{1^ and the public, thai he ftss commenced the '^LCilvS BUhlNESS, in the Ma: kct Place, oppofitc to Vlr. D.snic I Brown^s, wbere tvtrv attention will be paid 10 thole who may favour him witli their comma 'ds. MH HAKL MORAK, Auction e\eiy tiny at eleven o'clock. June 22. 4 JV O Tl CE. A S the 'i-bitriUr, \< about to elojL <fL$k- hi- '<■' -fiiul's here, he reqnelU all lhal arc hv.^tcd bv Note 01 otherwifj-. to Cal! and ii.Lhai-c the fame without delay- B. Pi WLEY. Kfngfl- n, June r \{U 181 !*'• O.iis, Pcafe and Hour for fole by $* liaw lev, 3 has received a new iuppply (if GOOD From .' 'ontreal, well adapted to the fea- fon. Thofe who may favour him with tbeir cullom may uly upon it, flvail have the>w o.i the molt reasonable terms, eith er at private lale or public Auction, for Cafh. MICHAEL MORAN. Kingston, July 2 1, 1 8 l 8. 8 .-.- FEATHERS. AQUAN7TTY of excellent new . GOOSE FEATHKRS for foe, and rnay be fctn ;it Mr. Tolbert'* houfe, oppofite Mr. Aykroyd's new building. 10th Auguft. i\Vp Blank Deeds and Memorials, For lale at this Office^ I TO HALF PAY OFFICERS. ?HE undeniJgned Agent for Half pay, be£8 ieave to inform his Conftiiuente in '<-he two Provinces, that by a late reguJa£,on of the Right Hon¬ orable the Parm'^'ler General, all affida¬ vits of Halfpay are required to be fur- nifhed in future of the following Tenor in Triplicate.* ^uly executed in the ulual form, of vvnich all concerned will pleaTe to take no>t'ee accordingly. JOHN M U$ R °» Agent for Half pay. QuAet, ic^h April, 1818. I OHM OF TiiE AFFIDAVIT. Appeared perfonal ly before me, a>m* made oath, that he had not doing r.any pan of the period, from the 25th OP 18 to the24th of !^ both days other place or employ¬ ment of profit, CC'V'1 or Military, under His Britannic MIai^y» or in the Service of my other Go°Vt*rm^nt» belides the al¬ lowance granted* to n,m D)' his Britan nic Majeiiy, as ;a educed (,f the Szuarn llefors me . iow6 day iv 1 do attle" a:!C' declare that I ver- fly belir\ve the above affidavit to be neiii.-^nc ai1^ authenti . 7. . .; -port r'jank, Boards, Brick, Lime, Sand, fkc &c. he oners them his l&vices.— Apply at Mr JohnDawfon'fi, Kindlon. WILLIAM YEREX. April 13, ioi8. 46. To Let, ■ AND immediate poireffion given, Two convenient Houfes, with Shops, in Itore ftitet, near Mr. Blake's Tavern, on the corner of the ftreet lead- ling from the Artillery Barracks to the French Church For particulars apply to JOHN W. FERGUSON, Store Street, Kingston, Eeb 17,1 S18. 38 He w c:^ njlHE fubfofberp beg leave to inforth JL their friends and the public m g«v* ! neral, that they carry on the TAILORING BUSINESS HI Main Street, where t!h.y intend ttmm ing every article in their Iin4 on n'°<e rwaltoA»hltetceawsttea\i Uvaa^ttnV;i,e')% a number of years back. Thole v>hn wifh 10 favor them with their cuftom may rely on having theirwotkweil mad(»k and on the Jhorteft noricc, for • 'dh. Nor; is & Stevens. Kingston, Sept. p, 1817- 32 N inc'ufive, any c° Executive Council Office, York, 22d July, 1818. TOTICE i* hereby given to j CHRISTOPHER THOMSON," orhi^ Rcprefcntaiive, by order of Hib Honor the Adminiflrator in Council, to make good any pretention to the Weft half of Lot number Seventeen in the fmh conccffion j on the Napaiu Rfver, in the Townrtiip of Frcdti iVkibur^h, within Six months from this dare, or the fame will be thrown open to other appli¬ cants, . JOHN SMALL, nm6 C. E. C. FOR SALE, ONreafonable terqis, tl.c.t v. ell k no wil ttand for a Tavern, fituated m\fik Vil'age of Prefcott, Lots No. 9 and u, fronting the King's Highway, and a largre two (lory framed Houfe, well fin- ifhed, with a large Kite lieu in the rear, ftabling for twenty fpans of he lies, a flietl feventy feet long, and a good houfe on the rear Lot, tit for the accommodation of a relpeclable family. The who'^of the buildings thereon, being liniflied in a workmanlike manner, and at prefenl occupied by Mr. Alcxandet B. McDon- ell, as a Hotel. For further particulars, apply to the fubfeibers, or to Mr. Alexander-Mac- Donell, Junior, Merchant, Piefcott, b^ whom the terms may be made known, and an indifputabie title and immediate poffeffion will be given. ALEX. MACDONELL & Co. ■ King ft on, 3d Jan. 1818. .32^ I Rags ! Rags! ASH paid for Clean TON and LINEN ~1 Ci II A (Of any AT THIS Gr Color,) OFFICE, y at this V. MpHE fubferiber returns his thanks to I his friends and the public for their part favors in his line of INSPECT ING, and inform*them he has fitted up a convenient place in the Cellar of his new (lore, with all the nectlTary appen dages, for the purpofe <»f InfpecVng pv>t and Pearl Afhes, Pork, Beef and Flour, , where thofe who favor him with their' I cuftom will find it done with the great- eft exa&nefs and expedition : likewife, ftoragc for one thoufand barreK in the Cellar, and good dry ftorage for other Goods, with the advantage <»f a Wharf for loading and unloading. . J JAMES ROBINSON. To Lei, AND immediate pofTeffion given, the HOUSE and preau&siu Stuart- ville, lately occupied by Mr. Dalton, j fituated within h-df a mile of this Town, a favorable litui, h . for a Gentleman and family, aid no lefs fa for a Diftiller, or Inn Keeper. Foj further particulars enquite of the fubferiber. E. BARNETT, Kingston, Feb. 24, 18 I 8. 451| TH E fubferiber having been appoin¬ ted Agent for the Bank of Moil- treat, any fum required can be nbtaintd at his Office for good Bills on Alontrru'l or QuebrCi or for Specie. THOMAS MARKLANO, Ac iff?-'* Kingston., 27th July i6i6. y r

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