• more wtortrf* Hiw NcfrmtttolM ; not jiilrinsirnlly iiid«*"fl ; bul, as pledges. t\\nt vmlvilli landing every evil mllu- pjtce, tn run down my character, si.I! there i*&re$ntM p««pli\ so generous os lo believe roe ho'iesl and sincere. Before closing this subject, 1 shall apin say, that 1 trust it. will not es- rape the notice of the Post Master General. I have Urowgbt it forward, now, only urged by the extant* MJy of the person in fault ; but, it should not have been forgotten at home ; and, there, f can <ti!l further set forth, th< wretched state, of Post Olftcc arrange Went in this Province. In November last 1 put into the Post-office of Niag¬ ara a parcel of letters for the Western District, and I did >o attended by a witness. About 7 weeks afterwards! found occasion to make enquiry as to these letter*, at the Po«t-niKces, to which they were destined, viz. Sand¬ wich and Amherstbur^h, and had the mortification to discover, that not one of them had been forwarded thither. Than the Post-oflice, no establishment ought to be more nicely regulated oi dore narrowly watched. All commer¬ cial transactions depend upon it : ami, net business alone, but the mc-ft tft;H- ratp concerns of friendship, confidence arid love. W*5 have now to turn our attention to the second letter in course, that of Ha merman, which I shall cause to be reprinted by the side ol this. [» seems ostensively, to have be'Mi called forth, by the vhort notice which ( to. k ol fbe writer, in the part of t!jis communica¬ tion, dnkd T2th June, when I said as little of him as coru-ct narrative w UU nri:;iit. i had indeed b-:en advised ro take no rtotv? oi him whatever, for. said a geutlenv* % w the least notic:- vil! makj him ur'.-'d.1' At that tim?. 1 had bean put :;*- pn*se*siofl of a Cir¬ cular, which i was told Ilj^ennan had profusely distributed through Adol- phustowa : hut of this, a copy of n hieli t shall insert, f then despised to take account : indeed, the people of Adol- plmMown had soljioiently replied to it at (J.in tiu.e. (CIRCULAR.) Ernest Tovn, Wth Majf} ISIS. SIR, i i consideration of the honor dove thr by Ihe inhabitants of wjj m/tive TuX'tsltip, in con fir fting the Report sr'-irh I urcic up for transmission ft* Mr liohcrt Q ai'lajj. I have thought H mo duty t*> injur in ;nou that in eon- $rquince ufM*\ (*> nrlujfs principle- Jbivfng heat ascertained to he Uiilrltl diffrn-ttt frtttli those evprcssed in his per Canada ; as his frit nds and Rl - Ljtioss in this countr^J who icere ac¬ quainted with him in K.iglund, hate deserted htm. ami publicly wtnonncca his true character ; and, <£fl Mr. Gourlat/ in one of his late i/.fVf'V'ftW* /'•* the inhabitants of this countriimrvn;a>- ked that he xcas glad he had not rcceii - ed ami more reports, as (hey u'o'ild have encumbered him too much: / did not forward to him the report of the Township of Jdolphustoicn.—And in this measure I WUS actuated not only by mi/ uirn opinion, hut at the request of your Chairman^ Mr. Fishery and several other gentlemen of the count rt/. I feel myself also called upon to make this communication to you, from a con* seien/ious belief thut Mr. Gourlay* a oh- ject is not what ice at first thought it to be, that he has imposed upon usy and. that, actuated by sinister motives, his conduct and principles lend to disturb that quiet, happiness^ and security, which we have hitherto oijoyed under the wild influence of indulged tutzsy and the fostering care oj' a beloved sovereign. Should the Inhabitants of the Tojcn- ship think proper to call a meeting on some future day (and'trooidd be ice/l north the trouble) / mill with pleasure attends and I pledge myself to advance such proofs of my asset tions^us I think will tend to a conviction in the minds of every unprejudiced person, of their truth and correctness, I remain, Sir, Your obedient humble serv%t* 1). ihlGERMAN. The Inhabitants of Adolphustown thought proper to meet on a future (lay. viz. the 6ih of June, and reported u This meeting do disapprove of the " withdrawing the Report of this " Tov>nship, dated the 5th Januury, u 1818,2'/ answer to Mr. Gourlay's w first address to the Resident Land " Owners of Upper Canada." Jt is a spectacle (says Seneca) worthy of a God, to see a man who is so bold av to march against fortune, and so courageous as to challenge her. Self-sufficiency is the source of im- porfinonee ; we ought to be the last to Btlmlr* and b.^ist of ocr laud.Me actioub—leave tha; to others. G. KINGSTON, TUESDAY, AUuUSTXK, 1818. COMMDNirATTONg. ----------------- Mr. GOURLATS TRIAL. On Saturday,the I cth inftout, the cafe of the King vs. Rbt. Gourfayfat publish¬ ing a fediiious Libel, was tried before ihe Court of Affizcs, n:W fitting in this Town. The publication charged as li- bellou.- was the Niagara Petition to the Prtute Regent. It being a caufe of great expectation, the Court houfewas thronged beyond who* was ever known en any roi mev occalion. The folicitor general opened ihe pr 'fecution. and pro¬ duced Stephen Mi!es> Printer, a* a wit- nctHj to prove tht_ publication of the pamphlet, which tt*>t being precifely pro¬ ved, "»a* admitted bv the defendant.— 0 Mi. Gourlay entered int.» a very full de fence, which, we underftand, will prob¬ ably be publrnSed- Ht called John Clark, E'q. of Niagara, to prove his chaiaoier and condofl i1 that Diftiift, & ih'ji the Petili m charged to be a libel, alihuugh written by the defendant, was -xanit e', a;j[>roved and published by a O'limftrec of the Reprefmtativee of th^tDiflri^, with their names annexed tn the v ubiicati*.n. The defendant alfo eal'cd Junes Wilkie, Kfij- Ordnance ft ire keeper, of Kindlon, who teftified that, from his earlicft years, he had been we'd acquainted with Mr. Gourlay, hav¬ ing beer* brought up in the fame neigh¬ bourhood and ferved under his command as a commandant of volunteers in Fite- ihire ; alfo that Mr. Gourlay*s character ii' his native country was fair and irre- pioachable, and !.* family and connec- lious, of the fir ft refpeftability. The fo'teitor General replied at great length Judge Campbell, who hadexerciied much patience and candour during the argu¬ ments, delivered a learned and able charge to the Jury, who withdrew, and in :;bout hilf an hour returned inio Court, with a verdia of NOTGUIL- TT, As foon 23 the verdift was deliv ercd, an inftantaneous and general burll ' f Spplaufe, Wltich continued for fome minufea, marked the Hate of the public feeling on this intetefling fuojed. Thus the vet diet of a Jury, after a full rind f::ir difcuflion in Ccirt, has eilablifh- eil the righl of uniting in a Petition to he Ftince Regent, and ufing the rcqui- fitc mean* of forming fuch union ; and has refuted themQftevtraordrnary charge, thai a large proportion of the loyal in¬ habitants <>f this Province have been guilty of i feditiotts Libel, by the circa* l-tii.g and adopting th,e Petition in quef- tion u.i Monday, Hie i /in mtt, a numtavi >r Gentlemen pave Mr. Gonilay a Din- "er at M lorc'si'ofTc- Houfe. At ffven o'clock. Cue company, confiding of be¬ tween 30 a^d 40, fat down to a table j fu-f i(h/d in »Vli Mooie't* bell l*yle. Mr |T. Ddlton prcfided, alTuted by Mr. S. (Johns as vice-preiident. After the cloth was removed, Mr. Dalton address¬ ed himfelf to the company nearly in thefc words- Gentlemen, Fellow Countrymen, It ib |K-culiarl)' gratifying to me (a? I am >ure it is to every one present) to witness the universal joy that ha* been diffused by the firmness and integrity of a Canadian Jury, in protecting from the rude hand of spoilers, the ben, the dearest, the hallowed right of every British subject ; it is a sure pledge that Eng- lisb Liberty v.ill be perpetuated in tipper Canada. We are met to express to each oth¬ er, in -ocial harmony,our unbounded sat^fac- tion at the happy escape of Mr. Gourlay from Ihe merciless fangs of low minded pride, bol¬ stered and propped by a *• utile brief authori¬ ty."—This event buf such immense import¬ ance to every man in the country whohasany, 'he least, regard tor the inestimable blessings of our glorious Constitution, that it would in¬ deed be wonderful did not your hear la this da^ overflow with mirth and hilarity. The following toads were given from the l.hair, and drank with ihouts of applauie Between each toaftan appio- prjdte long was called for and fung with true patriotic feeling and mirthful glee. The King. His Jtoyat Highness the Prince Regent. May his cm* be open 10 the Petitions 01 'ins loyal subjects,and his band» ready to redress their wrongs. The Duke of Richmond\ whose character in Kngiawd and lreiaud ailords a happy presage irfliis govermnei.t hi this country. His Excellent Sir Peregrine Maitland, Lieu- tenaiu Governor oi this i'lovuice. May bis admiiiUtratiuD justify the high expectations formed of U, by piomoiiogau Enqoiry into the ^•tateof the Province. The Constitutional right of Petitioning. lJisappoiiituicut and disgrace to those who would Stifle It by criminal prosecutions. Robert Gourlay, wliose liouorable acquittal .\ e commemorate. May his slauderers, a^sal l- ants and prosecutor* blush for their abuse of aim. Air. Gourlay rose, and addressed lbs: compa- •j as follows: Gentlemen, 1 am a poor public spehker, yet, were I really a good one, no language could expres* my feelings on this occasion. As it concerns ■nysiclf individually, I sincerely thank yoaio lUeiloaat dwue me : uo traveller, " yeiteU Uj Fnc pi&fait nlfirm" coulfl rver baCc half the alisfucumi from welcome to a hospitable re- -rcal, as 1 now experience in your company ; —but, Gentlemen, when I Coii-ider, thai, with my deliverance, is connected iliatotilic freedom of this country, and the most valuable public rigln of British subject., 1 am most tro. ly proud of this occasion—I sympathize with yon as fellow subjects;—1 rejoice with you a- men ; and all personal suflering and abuse links into nothing:—under such circumstance, charity to my enemies becomes an easy virtue. Genilemen, whatever may have been tho I, or whatever may have been ^all1l 1 declare, upon my honor, that no expression ever drop¬ ped from my pen lainted with malice. An enthusiastic regard for the cause which I es¬ poused, while I uas conscious of tlie best m- ieulion^.and had my eye hxed on the might\ good which might result, has of leu made mc severe with thoee who opposed it :—perhaps impmdeiitl) severe, for, it ^s often the be>t policy to answer mean and base reflections with silence and contempt.—Gentlemen, I con¬ fess to you, that in one or two instances 1 have erred; but error is human. Now, that the great objects in view are so well established, 1 shall be most happy to have done with peii) warfare and party bickering!; as soon as the ends of justice and the law are sufficiently sat¬ isfied, I shall be most ready anJ willing to ex¬ change forgiveness with my enemies in every quarter. The Integrity of Judge* and the In'eprnd- ence of Juries, equally entitled to respect. The Li/ierly of the Press, the safeguard of civil Liberty. Impartiality* the first duty of a Magistrate, Reformation or removal from office to those who -acrii.ee if to personal or party frcliag.-. Our worthy visitors from other Districts. m The following volunteers were given from various pa*ts of the table. A. straight jacket, instead of a >ilk gown, for the advocate of the new doctrine, thai the inhabitants of this Province may 'ike in a general Petition, hut mitM not publiekly pro¬ pose or communicate a Petition to each other. for the purpose of forming such union, on pain of prosecution for it as a Libel, whether true or false. \lav the rights and privileges of a virtuous people ever be supported. May those who have taken an active part in the measures adopted by ihefrieuds of enquiry neverregrei what ibev have done. The finger of scorn, pointed at tluv»e, who, for want of rational argument*, attack, their opponents, in ihesteeers,wIihClobsand whips, and fi<*ts,and teefli and nails. The immortal Wellington* the glory of Great Britain, the pride of Ireland, and mc admira¬ tion ;>f the world. May the matter contained in the pamphlefs ('enounced as noxious by the .Solicitor Gener¬ al, prove an antidote to corruption. The evening w&S&penl insonal hilarity! and before the company separated, this sentinien; »a drank ; " Happy 10 meet, happy (opart, and happy to meet again." Mr. Miles, 1 am credUablyinformed, that the most sati-fn<<"fory evidence has been iiurtii •!< V.nrk. of an order having been received, gfumP months since, from tin' Prince Hn&t ;it? authori'/ing the ad- miHsioQ of Avmcriran settlers i» to this Country, llf such b^ the ca^e, why it, not that ordi.T prnniuUnttd ?- and an eruiuration iinrtuced, under the sanction of Governrntfiit. of a description of people, \vh04, alone are quaiilicd, to prostrate ouir lofty forests, and change the face of tfhe Country, fiom a howl- rogwilderne*Hs,into Verdant lields, and whoare Callhy susceptible of loyal at¬ tachment, to. the country they adopt. It must bie obvious to every one, who, has thn? smallest knowledge of Upper Cauaida, and of the induce¬ ments it holcSs forth j to agricultural pursuits, an«d the sure reward it of¬ fers, to the tindustrious husbandman, that, never tdid a country suffer more, for the want of an encreased popula¬ tion of yeom^nrv^ than it does,—then, why should any measure be suppressed which has fo/r its object, the remedy of that want,ain*l the consequent prosper¬ ity, of the country ? " Something is rotten in the State of Denmark !n and I fear, too much may¬ be found, to exist, in justification of the late measures, resorted to by Rob¬ ert Gourlay, instituting an enquiry in¬ to the conduct of administration. Canadians J \ Those of you, who, have come fvmvaid, in sincerity of heart, and purity of intention (and 1 trust, you are all actuated by such con¬ siderations) to support a generous stranger, in averting your rights, upon constitutional principles ;—maintain your*ground!-—contribute your Utmost aid to the cau*e you have begun ! The present time 1 hope, is propitious to your views! Your illustrious Gov¬ ernor in chief and his renowned Co¬ adjutor are aiTived, and the Govern¬ ment of this IVovince is soon to de¬ volve upou a person from whose admin¬ istration you |,ave much to hope: ARIS TIDES. dugmtlG) 1818. Mr. Miles. SIR, You will oblige a corrifpondent by infetting the following Certificate in your paper, foi t[ie fatisfa&ion of Town- fliip Reprefemarives for the new Caillc Dillrift. Much morc might be faid upon the fubjc^ but as it is r.ot the intention u»tttccff4rjly to wound Mr. KettU feelinjTg junlcfbtie further com¬ mits himfelf the matter will reft here. u I Certify, and am Willing if required to be put under Oathf that Robert J. Kerr in the prclence of my lclf and others ; did declare, that he Knew hit, Conduit at the late general Convention held at Y..rk 6th July I 818wau wrong but that he ha'< detained the members of that Convention two days, and would detain them aa much longer as lay in his power." Signed, DAVIS HAWLEY. Kingfton, Aug. 14, 1818. Ycfierday morning, at 6 o'clock, Maj. Gen. Tinling WiJdrmgton, and fuite, left this place for Lower Canada. The ulual falute was fired on the occa- fion. MELONS.—We hare seen in the garden of the Rev. Mr. Feriuault of this town,some extraordinary Melons. On one vine we counted L2rt« and an¬ other 26. From H secd-^ then- is grow¬ ing 132 Inr^c melons that will nteas- ure from 1*2 to 18 inches, with at least the like number of smaller ones. 1 A report is currant, though not cred¬ ited, in the U- State* papers, that the Floridas have been ceded to the United States by Spain. f Tori, August I 3. * His Excellency Major General ^ir Peregrine Maitland. K. C. B. Lady Sarah Maitland and family and Major Hillier, A. D. C. to His Excellency, arrived here yefterday in the Steam- Boat. His Excellency took the ufnal oaths as Lieutenant Governor of this Province this day at 12 o'clock. Jewelry 6f Silver PLATE, By private Sale, For a few days at the Auclion Room $ Archibald Mc DoneII. Gold and Silver Watchefi, Goll Chains, Seals, Keys, Pins, Broache*, Eauings, Pearl and colored llonr Kingt, Neck Chains, Lockets, fitacettta and Snaps, Tooth pi< k Cafes, &c. Siiver Sporn% Forks, frifh Knives, Butter do. Snuff Boxes, Thimbles, Pencils, Tooth picks. Aromatic Boxes, Nutro'g Gra¬ ters, Spedaclcs, Fruit drives, Plared Candlesticks, Bcttle Slides, Forks, Ta¬ ble, Defert, Tea, Taddy, Gravy aivl Tu¬ reen Spoons, Sugar Tonga, &c. Watch Materials and Glafles, Netd ei, Pins, Cutlery, Braces, Spurs, Pencil-, Purftt, 5cc. &c. Black Ornaments ; and alfo a large ft^ck of excellent Gilt Chains, Seal9, Keys, Snaps, Broaches and Ear¬ rings—S"ld wbolrfale. The ah( ve Goods are molUy London m*^de and are of the latcll patterns and bed quality. N. B. Old GOLD and.SHvcr Lace, Diamonds, Pearls, «c Bought. C^" V> anted in excha ge for goods or pan (_'afh,a few Tons fir It Pot or Pear] Aihes, delivered in Montreal 01 Qncbcc a« may be agreed up<»n. Kingston, Aug. 3, IOw2 Land CounciL The three next Land Council day* will be on Wednefday the 2d and 23d of September, and 14th of Odlobcr. MARRIED, On Saturday laft, Capt. Otty, of the Royal Navy, to Mil» Eliza Crook- (hank. PUBLIC SALE. THE whole of the PICKETING ro-md the Town of Ktrgfti n, [from the water's edge near Block Houie No. 1, to the water's edge at the Naval Uofpiial, will be fold in Lets at Public Audiou, for the bench of Government, on MONDAT the 24/* AUGUST in* fhuit. The Sale to commence at 12 c'clock, near Block H.-ufc No. I. AfTt.Commy. Gen. Office, Kinrriloa, 18th Aug .It, 1818 m/ITR- WHITEL.VW, being about J-vJL to return to Eu-ope, »eqnells.ail peifona to whom he is indebted iuiiric- diately to Csnd in their accounts, and they lhall be paid: Thole alfo w!io me. indebted to him are requclled to lettic their accounts with as little lofs of time a&.poflinle. Kingfton, Auguft 17. ttvrt Montreal, August 8. Yefterday morning, the Car of Com¬ merce arrived from Quebec, having on board 1380 fettlere. VVc believe tin's in by far the grcatcfl nuriiber that was ever carried in thi« river ai one trip. On this fhort voyage 5 BIRTHS took place. Sir Ralph Abercrombie. The following anecdote of this d?i- tinguifhed officer, rcfltds the higheft honor on his private character. During the refidence of Sir Ralph at the ancient rtfidei.ee of hib family in Clackman- nanfhirc, his humility and chrillian deportment pointed him out as a proper perfon to fill the office of an elder in his parifli church. Being ordained accord¬ ing to the rites of the church of Scotland, when the iol«mn fervices were ended, he addrefTed the minffter to the following purpofe :—4t Sir, I have often been emrufted by my fovereign with honora¬ ble and important command* in my profeflion as a foldier, and his maji-fly has been pleafed to reward my fervices with diftinguifhed marks ot his royal ap¬ probation ; but to be the humble iuftru- ment of putting tokens of my Saviour's dying love into the hands of the meaneft of his followers, I conceive to be the hip heft honor I can receive on this fide of heaven." Important Difcovery. We have been informed by a gentle¬ man who has made trial of the experi¬ ment, that holding a wound to the fire, will immediately ftop the flowing of blood from it ; that having received a fevere wound in the toot, and after having become almoft exhaulted by the lofs of blood, he was induced to try the above experiment, and found it effectual. The wound mull be held to the fire, for fome confiderable length of time. Joseph Bonaparte ihe Ex-King of Spain vre are told is at Gra volley Point, and is some expected to visit this town. ACKNOWLEDGMENT. We find it impoflible to comply wfth the requeft of" D. D. J." from Broek- villc, and " Obferver>>' this week. TO LET, A ND immediate po(Rffion given, xm. that large a<»d convenient H- mc, with a complete Merchant Shop, Ware H-iufe and out hoilfeff, and an excellent Gtrfcn, JM/Ag is jfe iffbtf 0|$ e* place in the Vfllage of Bellvtlle, front¬ ing Maine, Water and Bridge Street*. For partici.lars apply to the fubferiber i;i the Townmip of Richmond. ANDREW K1MMERLY. 12th Aug. 1818. iZlf Drugs Sf Patent MEDICINES, OI' almolt every defcription, fold at Dr. MARSHALL'S Surgery, oppofitc Air. Kirby's Stoie. N.B. Soda Powdere. Kingston, Aug 17, 1818. 12W4 COME into the enclofure of the l-o. fcribcr, on the 10th inft. thue Pigs. The owner is requefted to prove property, pay charges aud take tiicra away. A. GAliiOT. Inn keeper. Kingston Aug. t c, 1818. 12.3 NOTICE. ALL pcrfons indebted to the fubfcri- ber, are requefted to call and fet¬ tle their refpedi've accounts on or before I the 5th Seprember next , al which time, he intends embarking for England, and will leave fuch accounts 39 remain on- fettled, with an attorney for Collection. Thofe having demands will pleafe pre. lent them for payment- JERRT WHITEHEAD. Kingston, Aug. 15,1818. \% To Let, ' THE Houfe, See. at prefent occupi* ed by Doctor Short ; nearly op¬ pofitc the School Houfe.—Inquire on the premifes. Kingston, August wth, 1818. 11 SECOND NOTICE. CREDITORS of the late Charles Stuart, Etq. are requefted to meet the Executors to his Eftate, at Walker's Hotel, on Monday the 24th inft. at one o'clock, on bufmefs rel¬ ative to the Eftate. Geo. Okill Stuart, ■ Allan Mclean. Kingseon, Aug. 1, iftiS. 10 TO LET, *'T1HE Dwelling Houfe and Shop JL next door to T. MarklauJ. Efq. lately ocenped by Mr. A. McPhciio.i. For further particulars application Buy be made to the fubferibcr. Wm. MITCHELL. Kingston, Auy. 3. »oif Wanted Immediate*^ ONE hundicd cord* ol \VH1TE OAK BARK ; for which ten¬ ders will be received until ihe .4A mtt. by the fubferthers, and pay«r»vii. ma».e on delivery ol the tattte at 'h\, place UNDERHIj.L, ArivlN-O.N-x ci. Kingston, .fth Augutij X5i*. tq