Kingston Gazette, August 11, 1818, page 6

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Penmanship. %m Fully in-1: v v I HFRE/S. by the las? Will T/3* R FOHNSON. rehVctfuilym- j NT \7 and Tefhraent of the late Vi 'Vorn,; the inhabitant, of King.-j! RICH; ^)P:VrTlNSGN, Efq;. in tor., that he has opened a School in the | j his life time »J Sandwich, tn the province Houfe formerly occupied by Mr. Moore. ! of Upper Canada, Robert Gilletpie, as a Public Houfe, for the Inftru&ion | William Giikii -n, and George Moftatt, of Young Ladies and Gentlemen in the I \ are jpiutly and feverally, appointed Ait of PtNMjvsmPt on a P*an entirely jjtoefery Legatees of his Eftate, and new. Hours of tuition will be from 7 },j Execute** of laid Will, to 9 o'clftek \. M. and 4 to 6 P.) | I do hereby rcqueft all perfons having ivJ for the indniction of thofe attending'. I claim? upon (aid Eftate, to prefent the ether Schools, who may with to become!!fame to me; duly authenticated, for Ptintla of Mr. Jwhnibn' and from 10 to f: payment; and all perlons indebted I 2'o'clock A. M. and from 2104 P.M. |!thereto, are required to pay to me the ftjjr thole not attending other Schools I: amount of their refpe&ive accounts. An evening School will alfo he attended |j Debts due to faid Eftate in the to. forthe'inrtrudtion of feting Gen-j j province of Upper Canada or in the ticmeu Merchants and others, who have j United States, bordering thereon, may toot other time t > i';-are. jbe paid to George Jacob, Efq. of band- Y-ung Ladies who alreadv write a : wich, John A (kin, ard James Gordon, TO BANK OR any term 0f year8 n0t exceed-. in Fifteen, bn the mo{t reaiona. 0£ |jpper Canada* ble terms—That wcn known valuable (land in the public ywe% f,tuate on the point at Gananoq),a an(j recent|y occu¬ pied by Seth DotKnfi? together with the Houle, Barn, St|t,lcs, &c—For fur- ther particulars ap^y lo trje fubferiber. JOEL STONE. Gananoqua Jat\m ^ igi3. 33//" I Ei'qrs. of Ambeiftbt.rg, or to either of d to go<--d h*nd. ard have been taught draw¬ ing will be taught to Pei form E.egant j I them, they being duly anthonze fi'ecimens, of different hand? in one \ receive the fame and grant acqmtu month, or no pay will be exacted. A Young gentlemen, who wifh to im- 5 prove tr.e> Round Text hand, for the j r_ irpofeof making fair and elegant en¬ tries on Ledgers, or their fine hand, may $c affirt-d that by attending one or two conrfesof txtrciTeSj nfrer this method of Teaching,they will be able to write with the Urmoft freedom and eafc. All thole who do not complete their hands in two coorfes of exercifes, (hall be exempt from all charge except Stationary, for what time they think proper 10 attend after- wardd—Provided the clafs con fills of twenty Scholars that pay. No more than twenty Scholars will be received in one Oafs. Specimens of Mr. J's. per¬ formances, may be feen at Mr. Moore's, Mr. Walker's, and Mr. Olcott's.—For terms apply to Mr. J. at his School Itoom, or at Mr. Olcott's. DANCING ACADEMY. Mr. Johnson will alfo commence aisDancing Academy at Mr. Moor'* iUTembly Room, foon as twenty fubferi bers arc obtained, P< 1] thofe who think proper to favour Mr. J. in cither of the above branches of Education, may be afTnred that every attention fhall be paid on his part to initru& them according to the br([ of his abilities. Kingston, Aug. 3* 10W3 For Sale by PRIVATE CONTRACT. Valuable Freehold Eftate, con- fitting of a Grift and Saw Mill, 3 rood rW'Hi^ H-o£e. ontHo-fc*. -Vc. together With about two acre* of [.and, lifuated immediately in the vicinity of Bdlvlile, Bay of Qmnte.U.Canada, and commands as much bufinef<= or more than any other Mills upon the Stream and now under Rent for about One Thoiifand Dollars per. Annum ; the dwelling Hmife h well calculated for Public B'ifir.efs : many other advanta¬ ges are attached to the Premifes too nu¬ merous to defcribe. One half of the purchafe Money would be expected to be paid down, the other half by inftal- mencffllstx twelve and eighteen months, f< cured by bond and Mortgage upon the rremffes. An indisputable title will be given Such a property is feldom to be met •with and is well worth the attention of a") gentleman fond of Mills and Ma¬ chinery. A quantity of Town Lot* upon the bank of the River Moira in Bellville, a p ace faft incterfing in commerce and population ; terms of payment made ea- fy. Enquire of Smith Bartlet, Efqr. Kingfron, or Thomas Coleman, Efq. Bellville. H Mhnti* 3J •%• 1818. 10 TH'. fubferiber begs leave to inform bi< friends and the public, that he has commenced the AUCTION BUSINESS, fa the Market Plsce, oppofite to Mr Daniel Brown's, where every attention will be paid to thofe who may favour him with their comma ids. MICH A FL MOHAN Auction? every day at eleven o'clock. June 22. a NOTICE. A S the Subfcriber, is about to clofe -x3\_ bis bufind's here, he requehS all that ase Indebted by Note 01 otherwife, to Call and difchargc the fame without delay. S. H ..WLEY Kingfton, June 15th 1818. Oats, Peafe and Flour for fale by 8.' Hawley. ances G. MOFFATT. Montreal, 20ih March, 1818. 44y£ EL A NK Summonses Suhpcenas and Executions, for 'lie COURT OF REQUESTS, For Sale at this Office. Store & Mills. harles Mcdonald having taken his brother 'John McDon- aid, into partnership, the bufweft in fu¬ ture will be conducted under the firm of C & J. McDon-ild, Who keep for fale a general aflbrt- ment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES HARD WARE, CROCKERY, and moft articles enquired for at a Coun¬ try Store, which they offer low for Cafh, Saw Logs, Square Timber, Staves, Potafhes, and molt kinds of country Produce. They have a good Giift and Saw Mill in full operation—can Manufact¬ ure FLOUR, uqual to any Mill in the Province ; they will ftipply orders foi Sawed timber of almoft any defcription at lhort Notice. c. h j. Mcdonald, Gananoqua, Jan. 10, 1818. $%tf All thou indebted toCharlss McDon¬ ald, whofe accounts have become due, are requeued to to make immedi¬ ate payment. THE SUBSCRIBER, EGS leave to inform his friends Si 21 the public generally, that he ha« removed from his former ftand to the (hop lately occupied by Jonas Abbot & Co. near the Market Place, where he has now on hand, a general afTortment of Hardware, FOR SALE, njlHAT beautir.,1 an(j very valuable JL. Farm fituatetf upon Point Pieafant, in Maryiburirh, containing 200 acres, being Lots No. 18 and 19, eaft of the Rock ; there are Rearlt 100 acres under good improvement, and 73 bearirg apf)le and Pear tftes. For particulars enquire of Mr. Walter M'Cuniffe, merchant, Kingftop, or Mr. Wm. Ben- niker of Maryfburgh. . Having been informed that Aaron Conner has been ffefpafling, by cutting timber, throwing down my fences, and putting cattle into my enclofure ; now I hereby forbid faid Conner taking away the timber he cut-^-I alfo forbid all and every perfon or perfons to aid or aflift faid Conner to work or take laid timber a way, nor purchafe it of him ; if they do, hey may exped to be ptofecuted as the Law directs. JOHN McBEAN. Maryfburgh, i March 28. 1818.? 44tf BLANK BAIL BONDS, ■ For sale at this Office, OOKSwill be opened at Moor*s Coffee Houle, on Thurfday, the 16th inft. to receive Subfcriptions to the Bank of Upper Canada, and will remain open from day to day, from to to 2 o'clock of each day, under the Fin perintendance of a Committee appointed for that purpofe, until the whole of faid flock fhall have been fubferibed for. Kingston, July 13,1818 7 Notice. A LL perfons indebted to the Eftate of the late James dimming, late ofHallowell, deceafed, are requeued to call without delay, and fettle the fame with Mr. James McGregor, now in charge of the eftablifhment, at Hallow- ell bridge ;—and thofe who have claims again ft the faid eftate, are defired to prefent them for adjnftment. The flock in Trade of the deceafed, confiding of a very complete afTortment of Goods well laid in, and very fuitablc to the Country, is now felling off at pri¬ ces fo low, as will defervedly claim the attention of the public. Cafli or Country produce will be tak¬ en in payment, and a credit of 6 months given to refponfible Farmers, 01 others. UATSL SMITH & BUTTERWOfcTH* RETURN their fincere thanks to thefr friends and the public in ge# neral, for the liberal encouragement that they have received fince they re com* menced the Hatting Bujinefe, They have an extenfive«afTortment of Ladies and Children's BOtf, NETS, of various colors and fhapes. Gentlemen's Beaver & firto CattorHATS, Likewife, Knapt and Wool Hats. Which they will fell very low fof cafh or approved credit. Produce taken in payment. Jan. 2. 32tk Officers Half P*y, and Artil¬ lery Pen (ion BLANKS, For fale at this OhV-e. 11ST received and f°r ^a^e at this Of- *_P fice, price i/i>> Poems on his Do¬ mestic Circumstam'** by Lord Byron.— With the6Wo/ the Legion of Honour, and other Poems j to which is prefixed, The Life of the N0t* Author. Nov. 28. 32 Kings (.on Ho tel. t-% OBERT WALKER, returns A; his fincere and gra*efu' acknowl¬ edgments to his fiends, and the public in general, forthe'ir liberal ^pport dur¬ ing0 the laft tigfrfn T^r8, and takes this opportunity of acquainting th he ftill continues f° kceP thc above *' gant Eftabliflimef}^ wh<rrf ^/ellers and L.iili -aw L^ a )mmorjat-rl fep- families can be accommodated v- eTi injd — irate rooms, and every atrentior paid.— Some malicious and unprincif^ed per¬ fons Laving represented and ciictilated a report that his charges are ext avagant, he begs leave to acquaint thc public, thai they are as moderate as a T houfe m the town of King (ton, with verv fo- pcior accommodations. ^ Kingston, June 15, 1 8 l 8. 3tr~ Cutlery, & Which he will fell on the moft moderate terms. To let, the fliop lately occupied by the fubferiber, and poftefiion given im mediately. SAMUEL SHAW. Kingston, p/j Jan. 1818. 32 various ■ For Sa. i at this Office, A READY RECKONER, Shewing the value of Grains of Gold Coins, current in the Province of Upper Cana da. ALSO, FERGUSONS Improved Tab?* of the value of Grain? of Gold Coin, * ?er or under weight* FOR PjptHE weft half©/Lot nrjmbcr. 5» M on the fouth fideoffouth jr Pn"cc Edward's Bay, in the towi,{h,'D of Maryfburgh, containing one hundred acres. Said Lot is well timbe ed» an.d fettlementson each fide, which cndcrs ft well worth the attention of tP^ wbo wifh to purchafe-17—-— of the Printer. June 16, [818. ______lJ3 VaTuaT)Ie Lai*ds- LIOR (ale by the fubferiber Lot No. T 18 and 19, in the tenth C;n"ffion' and half Lot No, 18, in the ^th cor- ceffion, of the Townfhip of KS3L*J* 11* l JL • 5otf Enquire Ply to JOHN BURN Kingston, May Qth 1 8 18. 3 For Sale, Y the fubferiber, (2 doors North Of John summing- Efq ) CHERRY Boards and PLnk. 18 inch Shingles, and Cord Wood. JOHN TUTTLE. Kingston, 30th May, 1818. r rT* HE fubferiber refpeafufly mforros 1 his friends and the public, that he has received a new fuppoly vf R. received at th ejore of S. bar for Blank Deeds and GOODS, irusT Q* Bartlet, a eonfignmeut of ?A rels of Beer, of a iupeiior qutUty fait for cafh. '1%5, 181 8, 49 Wookf&~7Wcts .iti b« J»r« *«»; :,n Dc had ;<JLCi]ption?, c r at this Office ,• where £1* OF various defi at thia Office; where £*** "!*? alio be had to a (Wjal! CircdS00* hh biary, on reafonuble terms. June io, 1 S18. A D VE RTISE M E N T- [8 ; i^perionwhowenlby !rl;":^es JI f David Price, and DaviT ^ft Memorials, For fale at this OiBcfe. ■ MULTIPLlCAliON Tables, For theufe oi Srcho«>: For te at tuid Uffice. ontreal, well adapted to the fea Price, (but whoie real name j;« David m r8'4 Price Downes) and was refidinj* f ,^ at the 13ay oi Ouanty, in Upttt CaRad*» r • 1 mi . ■ return u> ij> now living, lie will, on his , E tiis Lngland, hear of foraethinc » , k.v »a_____... Tf k.. i* !-ead. much to advantage. If he is ? From fon. Thofe who may favour him with th h M#M may rely' up,.,- ir, (hail havt , ^^ °': the rri"ft real. ter- H, eith j Roderick Mackay., »«lqwire, r at unvate lale . r pu' .- . ..fti-i... fori! Town, a* it would relieve hiV dh any dge U re perfoa puiTeffiag fuch knowh.^- '\'c 1 , ° • vir Wjl- queitid to communicate u to v -ik, or to , ^r .rrielt liam Freeman, of New Jl *'" j horn 211 unpieafant anxiety. t MICHAEL MORAN. ! fix feet high. Ifffhtbrown hair.\V** relations iiz was %itQil9 July 2 1, 1818. . fix fee 1 high, light brown hair/ 8 . j plexioiij aud vcrj tliiu. com «rf JOHN CUMMING,\V WM. MITCHELL, j IL Kingston, 00 Zf, 1817. x ecutore 32 FOR SALE, A TWO HORSE WAGGON, 1 PERFECTLY new—Likewife, a few thoufand 18 inch SB ING¬ LES.—lnquiie of S. MERRILL. Kingston, April 2 l, 181 8. 47 Blank Summonses and EXECUTIONS, For the District Courts, for Sale at this Office. ! To Let, AND pofTeffion given the firft of May next, a^number of rooms in the line Bai racks'. Enquire of H. EARL. Marc h t$Z 42 A Card. THE fubicriber informe the Merch ant« and Tr-\4i >■■ -TTT' - •r->t^'ta ants and Traders of Uoper Cana¬ da and State of New York, that he has commenced bulinefs in this City, as a General /'.gent and Commiftion Merch ant—Any bufme's entrufted to his care will meet with diligent attention. BENJAMIN HART. Montreal, \oth May, I 8 18. 5?m6 Notice. * HE fubferiber refpeclfully informs the public, that he intends to con¬ tinue the Boating bufinefs this fea fon ; therefore, if any perfons wiflies to tranf- port Plank, Boards, Brick, Lime, Sand, &c. &c he offers them his fervices.— Apply at Mr. JohnDawfon's, Kingdon. WILLIAM YEREX. April 13. 1818. ADVERTISEMENT. The fubferiber oilers for Sale th* Following Lots of Land. - 200 acres in 4th and 500 in the :, 6th concefiion of the Gore between Erneft Town and Frederickfburgh. No. 18 and 19 in the 8ih concefiion • of Murray. No. 31 Eaft half 2d con. of Sidny. No. 9—10th concefiion of Rawden. No. 4—8th conceffion, Huntingdon, No. 14, 15, 17, 18,25 and 26 in thc 9th conceffion of Thurlow. No. 34 and 35 in the 4th conceffion of Vaughan, near York. Also, Several valuable Town Lots in the Town of Kingfton. WM. CRAWFORD. Fredericishurgh, Jan. 10, 1817. S4if Smiths Work. qpHE fubferiber moft refurclfDlrf Jl informs the gentlemen 1 f Kings¬ ton, that he is juft arrived here front Dublin, and has commenced the buu- nefs of Black and White Smith, in all its branches ; more particularly that or horfe Shewing, in which he will give the greateit fatisfa&ion to thole that em¬ ploy him. Thev may rely on having their work well done, cheap and veat, bv applying at Mr. J. Meagher*, Barnes ftreet, where he ban con.:;:-no.-d. A)\ orders in that line will be gladl/ received and rliie~t attention given. rccEived and ftric,f< attention given.* Kingston 13th 0#. «« 46. ND To Let, AND immediate pofTeflion given, Two convenient Houfes, with Shops, in (lore ftreet, near Mr. Blake's Tavern, on the corner of the ftreet lead- ing from the Artillery Barracks to the French Chuich For particulars apply to JOHN W FERGUSON, Store Street, Kingston, Eeb 17,1 818. 38 F¥l H E U ibfcribers beg 1<-ave to infortu JL their friends and the public in ge. neral, that they carry on the TAILORING BUSINESS , in Main Street, where they intend mak¬ ing every article in their line, on more reafonable terms than las been done for a number of years back. Thofe who wifh to favor them with their cuftorrf may rely on having their work well mad/ and on the ftiorteft notice, for Cam*. * Norris h Stevens. Kingston, Sept. 9, 1817. 32 FOR SALE, f\ Nreafonable terms, that well known Oats and Peas, For fale by Monjeau k 3l Germain. June 8. (5 P A Dwelling Houfe and Bake-houfe . to LET for any number of years that msy be agreed upon. For par¬ ticulars enquire of WA LTER M'CUNIFFE. Kjngfton, June 2, 1818. j tf Joseph Scott, 81 RGEON, HAS received the following articles by laft arrivals, viz : Aromatic Vinegar. EfTence Burgamot, Kofe, Spirits Lavender, Pink Sau¬ ces, and Carmine, generally ufed as Rouge. Soda Powders, late from London ; And a general aflbriment of ftand for a Tavern, fituated in the Village of Prefcott, Lots No. 9 and n, fronting the King's Highway, and a large two ftory framed Houfe, well fin- ifhed, with a large Kitchen in the rear, (tabling for twenty fpans of horfea, a ftied feventy feet long, and a good houfe on the rear Lot, fit for the accommodation of a refpeaable family. The whole of the buildings thereon, being finifhed in a workmanlike manner, and at prefent occupied by Mr. Alexander B. McDon- el!, a3 a Hotel. For further particulars, apply to the fubferibers, or to Mr. Alexander Mac- Donell, Junior, Merchant, Prefcott, by whom the terms may be made known, and an indifputable title and immediate pofTeffion will be given. MACDONELL & Co. Kingfton, 3d Jan. 1818. 32tf ALEX. R ags ! R t ags g^iNSH paid for Clean COT TON and LINEN RAG 9 (Of any Color,) AT THIS OFFICE. 1 Medicine. Kingston, Jalj ay?, 181$, 8 j To Let, AND immediate polTeflion given, the HOUSE and premifes in Stuart* ville, lately occupied by Mr. Dalron, fituated within half.a mile of this Town, a,favorable (ituation for a Gentleman znd family, and no lefs fo for ft Diftiller, or Inn Keeper. Fo, further particulars enquire v{ the fubferiber, E. BARN LIT, Kings ton B Feb. 24, i 618- 4|tf ■

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