iK^tofTOtfBjfe&herin pertbm *■ hy rcm.ming Dircaors, to U'rve Junng tlie ^.^^ All bSIs, t>oni.,flotci and of the company, an] that of their' offi-' prow, Wrhich (hall "ft have been holden time ..f luc» lug*\» Cafliiw and Cierk evny contraa and enKa>?cmenl, on be- cers and (ervanta, »•> they, or a majority dnrn., three v ■>'• ",'ai month-, at the /• ••"'•""'•'■ / ul,onihc du half of the Company, fhall be ligntd by of them (hall from time 10 time think ex- U,..,,,*, to the day of election, or of ofthe «**£*'jjf/"^ W widl the Prcfident or V,ce-Prelident ; and pedient, not inconfiitent with U«r, or ,1,, „.,,.-, ,r.„,iv*, where the votes of I*. <rf to •«£ <£» g> * ■£&££ ..o.mterf.gned or attclted by the Cafh- thefe article, of anociatio,,. lh« •! ., k holder, ft* u. he giver.. two or more iu.et.es to the '"" " ., f [h'company j and the funds of Trnnlyfimrti. Thi, affociation fhall I ..... » "• b.H a Hock holder, tic. of the U.reCtor, , tl at u to y. y no ^ ^ wd ^ ^^ twenty yCilr8 f,om ^ firft ,„,;;. .„u,H.n.l,e I'ownofK.ngrton, ^^^^^r^J^k^, fpouGble for any contrad or engage, it commences operation, and no lo„Ker; ,,.lll,..oi1,:,th„tte11lha.e nuhecap- ^^^^"^^^ ,Lt whatever nnkfs the fame (hall be but the proprietor, of two third, of the it,l .lode, itml being a natural born fob- and fa, thful behaviotir .and everycie K Capital Stock of the company, may by ;a ol His MajcHy.ora fnbjea of His w,th like cond.t.on and frrenes,,* fa* b^VlC*unt<: g their concurring vote,, at a general Le? Wr^h^.-Jrf g-t J,r.^t3* 1?tTdthS "££* The books, papers, cor- ting to be calle^ for that Epre* fp. ,ih ..';n han.cut. or a fubj d of His Ma- qualetojDi ti■ P refpondencc and funds of the Company, pofe. rev.fe or alter theie art.c e»,o, any .-.!!y, having becme lull, by the con- Fjltcth, i he eomp*I.y "' ' "? '? ., ; . f bjeft to the jn. of them, or defolve the company at any bssacitattts S5n=*rsBTSs*> ^A?^.^^ !-»tt5^j!ar ALMANACK, the Year of our 18 18. fc thi, ," -r, «,C which yibv, Hull uevenhelefs be competent for the with the Company pers for Six month, previous to the tun. .„., e.'ntcly preceded the day of Elcc- dirc&or*, on behalf of the Company, to Twentieth Half yearly dividends fhall appointed for uch meeting ; and *» ion (|»il L capable tvf beingeleaed or take and hold mmtgage, on property^ be made of lo much of the profits of the v.ded alfo, tha no jen&m« altcrat.oo ch(.ie,aDi.c1froltu, laid" bank, or way ot additional fecurity for debt, con- Company A; fhalli appear to the Dired- ^^"2^^^ ™? f£ flwl lcMve?sfrch t^ed with the (aid Company in the ors advifeable, and fhall be payable at holder or Stockholders to be bound be 7W, Nim of the DMb rn office counc of its dealings ; but on no ac fuch place or places as the pikers yond the amount of hi3, her or their fhall he r'-.cMc-aed for the next fucce.d- count fhall money be lent upon mort fhall appoint, of which they flnl. give btoefc. ;„fe-vvclve rvontha, of which the Prcii- gage, or upon lands and other fixed prop- public Notice in the Kmgtlon Gazette, Twcntyjijth. Immediately on an ■ i',rt and Vice Prefident fh>ll always be crty, nor inch be purchafed bv the com- at lealt thirty days before ; and the Di- dilution of this affociation, cfirte. of the number panv upon any pretext, except in the rcdorB (hall every year at the general mcafurce (hall be taken by the Direttora Eleventh No Dneftor fhall be e; ti- fpecul cafe above recited. meeting for election thereof, lay before then exifting, for clofing all the concern* t'cci! any IdUv or emoltvnxiU, ui»kf« Sixteenth. The total amount of the the Stockholders for their information, of the company, and for dividing the CI- rhefa ■.tfhMi. have been all wed to him, debes which the Company (hall at any an exaa and particular llatemeut of the pital and profits, which may remain, byar'eneiai rrectin^ of th< ftotk-huld- time owe, whether by Bond, bill, or amount of the debt, due to, and by the among the Stockholders, in pioportiou er«.,fcut thetlockhfh!e.b«.avr &k.% inch Note, or other contract whatfoever, iliall Company, fpecifying the amount of Bank to their refpedive intereft. compel-l-«tion to the Prefidert ■ r Vice- not exceed treble the amount of the cap- Notes then in circulation, and thea- In Witnefs whereof, we have hereum Pr Ti • tit rprthetr e^rarirdiDuyattenq- ital flock adtually paid in (over and a- mount of fuch debts ah in their opinion to fet our names at Kingfton. an.e *th« Banlc, as fhal appear to them b ove a turn equal in amount to fuch are bad, or doubtful ; as alfo, dating the (7 3 months.) tb'tcrefl.....l-i'e .nd nrope- n:o;.ey, asmay be depofited in the Bai-k furplus or profit, if any remaining after ' vj: I, ' ; -~ ~ -7 Tc-..;7. N 1 teS tha- five Dir & n for fcfe keeping) and in cafe of excrf., dedudion of lolTes & provisions for div- B ^»1 received and for fale at m AtH v £ii.i.*c . "^i,/,., he rranfaction the D'iredor^ und.r whofe adminiftra- idends—Provided that the rendc"ing_of ** UtUce, price 7Td. the of » Vic w.Set.l 'he P-clid.nr. or t ion it (hnll happen, iliall be liable for fuch ftatements fhall not extend, to give MONTREAL Vice-; icli-.'• nt <nall always be one, ex- the fame, in their natural and private any right to the Stockholders not divec- cei'l 1 cafe < f iicknctA and neceflarv ab- capacities but'• fnall not exempt the tors, to infpcA the account of any indi- fcetK.'*, I" which cale theii pl^ce? may company or the lauds, tenements, goods vidun! or individuals with the Company. For the Year of our Lord ht 0 ■ p • ■'i by any oilier Direct arwhom or cructeis thereof from bemg ai\'o l'rdiiV T~wcmyjfrjf ifcfovt Iflaivde a reii* the F-i.lv -••t or Vice t'lefidtnt io fick for 1 uch excels ; fuch Directors howev- ure in payment of any part of the fum or or -.bk'l.t. (hafl fefpectively b)' writing, cr, as fliall have been abfent when the laid fhares fubfenbed by any perfon or per- Biulei -heir hands, appoint for that pur- excels was contracted, or fliall have en- fons, co partnerfhip, body politic or cor- tttt ANTED in a refpeftnble Hntr pole. The Pteiident and Vice-Preli- tered their proteft ajrainft it, upon the porate, the party failing in paying the f f jn t}fo rfown, a Strong fa. dert, flvall v »te at the board ab Dirtct- minutes of the proceedings of the board, firft inilalment of six per centum, fuccee- tive Young Woman, without a famil ' ors, and in cnlc i fheie being an equal may refpe&ively exhonorate and dis- ding the depofit of two per centum herein as houfe-maid. Application to be made r.nn'bt'r of votes foi and again{1 any charge themfelvck therefrom, by ple;id- before required to be made at the time at this Office, quell ion bef nt-them, the Prefident, and ing and proving fuch abfence, or fhewing of fubferibing, fhall refpcftively forfeit Kinvston, Auv. \ i8ifi. fn hi* a.bfen.e, the Vice-Prelident, flull fuch minutes. the faid depofit to and for the ufe of the haw a carting voice. Seventeenth. The fh a res of the Capi- faid Company, and the flock fhall be 7F/7//^\ 7T7) (Cy IT 1 (C^ Thirteenth. Any numbe- of ftockhol- tal Stock fhall be afligi.able and trans- fold at public fale for the behoof of the Jill ({J) Jl%£3) JtLl§} det s, not lefs than fifty, who together fcrable, according to fuch rules and forms company; and on failure of paying the a pa,*r r 1 p , >>,,ii ' e Droi)rietorsi t>f two hundred and a^ may be ellablilhed in that behalf, by other inllalments, or any of them, the f\ UM1.0 rn n 1 °" ,.,. ., ■ V in • .v t j £ t\* a i_ tr e «•• 1 • n i» c „' years oirj, well Known in this tmy (hares, (hall have power at any time the board of Directors, but no aflign- party 01 parties tailing therein, fhall tor- rAaot- f,,r *h*S* ._ ~u • u r . 11 r\ 1 '•'■'■ • * ii . . c n ti l i'j a- a. r • . 1 • • 1 « re p»acc r<jr tneir excellence in Har nefs and by thenifelves or their pioxies, to call a rr.ent 01 transtcr fhall be valid or eftcdt- feit the oil Pinal depofit of two per cent- KaAAU . »;n 1. aj u a *> 1 r.i » il 11 r 1 1 r r l /r c • 1 i« • 1 1 •% • oauu.c , win oe loici Dy Auction. OQ ceneral meeting of the stockholders, lor ual, unlets Inch ailignment or transfer urn. and the dividends unpaid prior to VA9*w■ i%* »-•»» :-rt «. , , , . 1 .urii/r • nt?L j nj* 1 1 t .« * t-ri . rricaj In" lAtn mlt. at one o clock in purioles relative to the laid Ailoctatioa, Iliall be entered or rcgiltered in a book the time for making fuch payment, and the Market Pla-e__Th giving at lead fix week's notice thereof or books, to be kept by the Directors during the delay of the fame. perfon who will be fom ^^^Kf 9 in at V?\\ one New fpaper published in for that purpofe, nor until the perfon or 7<wenty fecond. The faid Company from the Town ° *"** this town, and fpecifying in fuch notice perfons making the fame, fhall previoufly fhall not dircAly or indirectly deal in f(insston \d Auv 1818 the tine and place for fuch meeti,g with difeharge all debt; actually due by him, any thing, excepting Bills of Exchange, , ,r ' * ,0"3 the object 01 objetfrs thereof ; and the her, or them, to the faid company,which gold or filver, bullion, or in the fale of FARIVIS FOR SAT F directors, or any I'even of them, fhall may exceed in amount the lemaining Goods really and tmly pledged for mo- mllF f«Kf k ff f r\c have the like px.wer at anytime (upon (lock belonging to fuch perfon or per- nev lent, and not redeemed in due time, F I „,„!"• •' !!" ^'eafarra obfervinB the like foi malitie>) to call a fons, and in no cafe lhall any fradional or'in the fale of ftock pledged for money a7~ f xr T^ 33 acres, in the town- gen r I meeting, a above faid. And if pa.t of a Iharc.or other than a complete lent, and not fo redeemed, which faid £°, a Af -uTS 2cJcoll"ffion» ha' the ohjtrt for which any general meeting (hare or lhares, be alT.gnable or goods and ftock fo pledged and ™f if," *rame lioufe, a large Barn rnllvd either by the Stockholder, or Di- transferable. It is hereby further ex- not fo redeemed, fhall be fold by !^ t a ?$*"£ r°r' "^ le.^r.a.ab.ue find, fliallbetoconfider prefsly agreed and declared, that any the faid Company, at Public Sale, at t u ' ?"' °f th.e ^ft f,tual,oflp of.ipropofa: for the-removaloftheP.es- Sock holder, who (hall transfer in man- any time not lefs than ten days after the ^iY7 7 *L™?*?" • u fdrut, VkL-Prefideat, or oiher Direaor ner aforefaid, all his ftock or (hares in period for redemption; and if upon fuch , V ?V- a " or Diners, for mal-adminiftration, this Company, to any other perfon or fale of Goods of Stock, there fhall be a townft,PofK«nRfton, containing 10O then and in fuch cafe the perfon or per- pcrfons whatever, fhall ipfofado ceafeto furplu., after deduding the expences of V*T9 • timbtr€«» and ab(>u£ 3«> ««n £>«■ fo propofed to be removed, fhall be a member of this Campany, and that Sale, over the payment of the money P Sh RAR^rrrr frp n the day on which fuch notice (hall any perfon or perfons whatfoever, who lent, fuch furplus fhall be paid to the A *1 « r V IMWt*'***■- li II bcpub'.fhed, be lufpeiided from the fhall accept a traribfei of anv ftock or proprietors thereof refpetfivcly. _"". '.J " .. __ ^L nmtiM^the^^^or^wor. (hares in this Company, fhall ^ jUb Twenty third. The board of Di- fL|lrrt pQrprL;frn fire; and if be he the Prcfident or Vice- become and be a member of' this Coo. pa- redors, are hereby fully empowered to V>MUlCI* V-alcCllinil *\*& b« plaw fhall be tilted up by the, ^according to theje aiticjegpf affoda- make fa* oAer bye lairs and re«ui». Fflj Safe &r t&3 ^&W •