Kingston Gazette, August 4, 1818, page 5

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tem^tfrnm ?U? prfflteaiptrhlc, tether with their foul and unfounded iusitiua- tions a^jn'ri^t his character—his name. I am proud to say is VVji^hh iru- For your satisfaction, it may lint he unnecessary to say, the farce commenc¬ ed by Mr. Oourlay's diMuandin^ Trom ine,iu a most peremptory martyr, my Reasons for having chanucd my seuti- mem*, and having impeached his cha- ^i:tv-f, in a Utt t recently addressed ky me to you, winch demand wa- tecond'rl by tin* majority, and with the* gr^atc^t a^Minnce, whilst I was slat¬ ing my reasons they interrupted ma in the mid^t, sayiu*. tSnt I was insult¬ ing Mr. (Jouilay and 'he convention, taking up too much of their time, and it wa*1 tc^ved bv Mr. (ionrlay, and se«*ndcd by Mr. Iv>b<;rt Hamilton, trmfT -*uouid he expuu^ed froin the m^tiTT, as i could no longer be con aidered a member after having changed my sentiments —This motion however, A\t] not meet with success. 1 herewith transmit the whole as res¬ pect.-) myself- 'hat you may the better judge the conduct of your friend* To John Newcastle. V. S. My protest, agrrmst the pro- ccrditi^iof the Conveutiori) \\a* uot admitted upon the journals. R. J. K. FOR TIIF. KINGSTON G \ZV.TT.T.. | For lie Kington Gaicffe. TO THE SUIrUHJRTkltS OP THk i-'itfK.Si&TO L.XgCtftY. . I timeiitubie a>ib<* circumstance K It Is bo i»*-s trw, a-v|>iri! afgenei'O'-ify is wattling in carry into effect those measure, ot Mr.Gour- lay9w.iuCh hive beeiisounauimowii approved b> the PiuviilCr? Tiir great txtrn-inu which iia?been made liyycmr Representatives bi tli* late general Cmiwitiflii, held at korfc, 6in .Tuly,tmght have amused yifti (o put ii into 'heir power, tri have ervtd y»(u effectually, by h-ieia1i> coming forward sriih your Dollar (;i crii'iti^eoiuiileratifMi, Hdtttrm ihe caufcf ina\ t • annate, which cannot be otherwise than l.e- iwi'Cial to the CttUOtry,) to have Mipportffl s-« great and glortausa struggle, Wliai a falling oil i- h;"-e ! it yon will In.en with credulity t<> 'lie faleofaua^irdity, andsnAVr yourselves to he impo<ii! ripOPlfy arch designing mer\ you *ie imttorihy of those greal blessings which kverewaitiog to crown your Hlbris. Where >- voni uiafiiatiimi'y ttcil ? you aiv sinking »ith .in ebb ode, never 10 ri-e again. Do not ex- pret everv day 10 find uuottier Guar I ay ; >»»u iiuvr iH'arlv exhausted hfeeodeavors, in i\.$- inbed riHiemmi he will &ecj>0ver ytfur aiia- ih\, vvhJcKhaa blaied die hue prospects of a rich harvest : \<«u will .* 'infinnei boo w'ten iie t r is no longer to of found aino -g>l you. ThetrU aute of awarm iffb may escape your bosoms ftir tftclow %lf a generous snan^er, who i:a.-> been ioauliedaud piiwoupd for your takes. What have vOaseeii La thf conduct of \wit Uepresemaiivrsto cbec!c that ardour wiwch von hr-t came boldly forward with ? 'hey, or . 'io »r»*ater parraf «ne*n, ia\t'gei.e-ou l> gi*en hrirtfmc and money 'o con*mce yon how sin- '•ere liicv are 10 onrrs voilf own procoediiiga m.oexecuiion s and none bn; '.bn-e, svbb^e-nek ce^itico co.ouel ibciii»bav^eveii solicited to be * C- i fir cntmun<"» la »-i n■■»»'■!«»■ persons sent out by the British nmet:t. and soldier; At* han;< rl 0B8BRVER No. <z~ Concluded. I have questioned settt' rs, sent out! ty the British government, and dfe- chari;ed soldi r«, respecting their grant-, and have (with very f?\v execp- tieu-) received answers, that they are iatisfierj, ThtHY is** seemino; distinction in the made of g.rintuuv la.d-. and the term ou which settlers receive them 5 but ! im rrot sufficienfly nc^oanitcd with teit distinction, becatvM? my infoitna- ttnn doeft wot ro'ne from a'n authentic *»iiice. The disttnetioti i- as fellows. That govern Hi this country, receive *h<iv d^d- Clearnf Co^r. Bet persons that ap¬ ply for laed at the Provincial bind Of- «ce, irhcther British hotu nhjectK, or ilieas, are charged with a t iiltng sum 'of money, on roteniu» to> >i o. tAv, 1*bU is a point of eomplniut* on whi»'I. Mr. G'oir'ay and his party, $frfn to lnv much stress^bu' they are so ne.fair, a- not to mark out the distinction. Reflection. When a man is actuaU «rU by motives that are. uncongenial t the pure interests o^ the people, ft ml to gratify his thirst foT ambitious pop¬ ularity, sets no bounds to his proceed¬ ings, but by cr-iTiy allure n»ent, draw- them iit, to his support, he cantiotbt t good memlier of the community. When rt rna^i 1 ides about, from place to p|acc,stinlug the people up to^trifo, he cannot be a good member of com¬ munity. Whenn man by such pfoceedTrtfl*, hns drawu a !arsel)o<ly of the people Jrtto his measures, he becomes a dan- ricri'Us member of the community. The extent of an vftsct, is in pro¬ portion to the cause that produced it. An eff^c* often produces a new cause of greater maii-it'ide ; thus linked and I'.lded, they b'eome bulky or extensive. So it is with Mr. GourlnyN en-UN which on^iuat*'d in a diincnlty at Ihe seat of government, but now calls it the ^reat cause. The l?.<t effect, 5s very commonly tiever produced, but leaves its cau<e in J the lurch, and at once destroys that1 hopeful expectation, which succeedins causes \\\\v!- raided, by producing suc¬ ceeding effects* If we measure Mr. Gourlay's cause, uvlemnitfrd fiji has actually been paid wit of ;heir pOi-ket>. Such vvo-iid be &o\tt(i an i'.ju-.- tee in i\vi: "amities, to give their time A'td nioney when tli-ir cirr*nn>>;inrcs foi *>id it, t Lei me mtrejii \ou loflj with alaeriiy ; liie bit** branch Coavevtlona have afforded yon op- «.rlii»ni;r? to renew \onr exertions. Those invvn&hi]is who have oot beld meetto^arfl a^- ai>i invite;* :o meei: together : let e\er\ man . >uw-cnbe what bis civeum^taocev *sitl a'lmiij of, an<S -**e ihat the moo y i>» without low of liie.'*. jilarpd. by your t'l< rk,:, in your lo-inci Treasure!**bauds, ajid remitted, by them, to toe T»ea c.i'ef> of toe Branch Couveattoiis, ae- eoi ding 10 die District*! ib**) rep: e&eut I am a member of one of those Convention*-: and in v lime, money and *»ei vie<v., wbtcb have been si»t'-it,yon are :ii%ar:il> nelcometo; I *v; 11 i?oi a'lejn;! chillir.^from !hefuno> ror them,or foi oo«' n*. u-.' :-ei Aire I uoilertar^e for \om. Tbou*atvds uiciv are w bn would readilv join :ii t!*ejrveai paiMtf^did HOI iheir <.\ uaitoiiAOOd a, ^oiiumeiiuroihid iii'->n making tbejrseoti- mr..i* L.n'un ; tbo>j^a si seoerou? sacriJiee won!-.! he more wortbj their caarae'er-a-io^n. For my oh it part, rather tlian I woidd sarritice o;te Mncle eOliineui, which an ca'or ti»e jjood of my country, [would lo*e my US. and for¬ tuity thcu**b t am lint for admnit-enDg a me- lieine whose eft-c^ are worse than t!:e.Ii-ea--e. Toe boands of moderation should be ob^rv* d; an ea-,and t^en le correctaove will resiort us roUeaUb unci Itappines*. -•/ Member t-l the Friends of Enquiry. U b. C * Gazetfe, fhirrl column, ten1*" TInP ftoTn top, instead of reading '* btrlmm sapiential read verbum *B*»ltv The tphigenia was tele graphed on Saturday evening On >>tnulay, the steam-boat Malsham, the^vi loaded for Montreal, after discharging a grcai part of h«?r cargo, lo';k h<^r departure for the Iphigenia, onboard of which she fouud our noble ne# Governor Heneral, His Grace t^ Divke of RttHMONi>, together *\ih Sir PtiiE- c.uine Maitlan'o, their" respective suites, and some b" his grace's fanv'y. The Duke declined embarking in toe Steam-Boat, which,after -ailing round the frigate, returned ye-terday with Major Hilher, of Sir Peregrine'ssuito. We learn that the Imp'-rial Farlia- rifent was prorogued on ttie 6th June arid dissolved on the 9th. We expect to hear of some warm conflicts at the general election. The ministry will Inve to exert all their inlluei ce to secure a decided majority. Though theterj' prosprousstate of the coun¬ try, at the latest date*, may consider¬ ably help to draw or at Least to blunt the talons of opposition. The l;mi^euia was at anchor 30 miles bulo.vcarly this morning. M.tlllilED, On Sandfly the 2d Lnstrtnt, bv the Kev. Oiucial Stuart, Mr. Richard M/skiti) to Miss Surah I Feller, by licence. DROWKEU, On Stindxy eveuimj la-t, about 11 o'clock, wi.ile attempting to go on b<:ard a Schooner lay \\\% at Mr. Thomson's wharf, Mr. Philip Pember, youngest son of Midow .\lartha Pern- her, of this town, a^ed 11) years. . ; t • • » t TO HALFPAY bTOCERS. !f fTlHE undcrfigned Agent jfor Half J- pay, begs leave to inform rei Conftitueut8 in the two Provinces, th;:t by a late regulation of the Right Hon¬ orable the Payniallcr General, all affida¬ vits of Halfpay arc required to be fur- nifhed in future of the following Tenor in Triplicate, duly executed in the nfual form, of which all concerned will pleafeto take notice accordingly. JOHN MUNTRO. AgMfor Hal/pay. Quebec, ZOtb jfyril, 1818.* FORM OF Tin-. ArrmWFT. Appeared perfonal ly before me, and made oath, that he had not during any part of the period, from the 25th of 18 to the 2fth of 18 both days incUifive, any other place or employ, ment of profit, Civil or Military, llfidtl His Biitannic Majtfty, or fn the Service of any other Government, bebdes the ul- lowai ce granted to him by Lis Bntatl nic M.ijclty, as a reduced of the Sworn before rne'l at > tcw6 this day of J ] do ait. it and declare that I ver¬ ily believe the above affidavit to be genuine and authentic. IJORS *A '-«**"■-" KINGSTON, TUESDJl, AUGUSTA* 1818. FOK THE KINUSTON GAZETTE. Mr. Mile*, Si U, ! observed in your la^t Gazette, a c «n.ituiucftt"on from 11. G. U< rrbrrtnjj, stati. i\ to tne pub'ic, that m) ootmno- Uication in your Ga/.ette of the 2tv< of F-ttlv, to have been, in many partieu- JEWELRY AND SILVER PL -TE, By pnvare Sale, For a few days at the\on ]{00m 0j J.Jnbald Mcbon:ll G"ld au! Silver W,,Li,e9f Gold (Chains, ScaU, Keys, PttWf Broaches, | Earrings Pearl and colore^ done Kings, I Neck Chains, Lockets, Bracelets and ; Snaps, Tooih pick Cair^ &c- silver Spoons, Forfei, l-iih Knives, Bj utter do. Snuff Boxen, Thimbles, Pencils- Tooih] ' picko, Aromatic Boxes, Nutrir,,^ O.a. J Iters, Speflacies, Fruit Knives, P'.at-djl Candlesticks, Bottle Slides, llviks.'L*- ! b'c, Dcfei t, Try, TauMy, Gia-Hvy and Tu- re-n S;> uns, SugarTtings &c< Watch ' Materials and GlafTe-, Nectdlea, Pins, Cutlery, Braces, Spurs, Penctils, Puifcb, See. &C. Black Ornaments ;; and a'!o a ADVERTISEMENT. - THE fnbfci iber ref;,cc"tfully informs the inhabitants of the T\>%vn and Townfhip of Kin^fton, the towufhip of Pittiburgh and Wolf Iflaud, that he has purchafed the POTASH WORK Lately occupied by Mr. A. Nfacpher fen, in the vicinity of this town j wlicie he will receive good House Ashes, At the rate cf (even pence H. Cy. per Bi'ihel, when delivered at the Wc.-ks, .and fix pei;cc when collected ^ town ; the Afhcs to be paid for in Merchan¬ dize. A Sleigh or Cart is to be fent round Town to colhd the A(hc£ once a week, or oftener if uecefTary. Huufeholders, etc. will do well tofave iheit Alhes, a^ the quantity made in one honfe will amount to ± coi tidcrubie lum in the com fe of j ytar- L. NORTON. Kingston T st /fug. 1818. N. Y>. Care !hould be taken to keep Ino rtine* ory . a,)Cj c\^tlUt a.» none, but cd. ictf Edward Jones, g »EGS lcivc n.oll itlpicuuiiy 10 in- jL* form his friends and ll»c public of pwilxHbility ! lil l-i,ipti • ill not be produced. i«e!- dMttl causes o»c« produce i«*.rtnl etf-rts • but v/I.'iIp tftc uJ^ect is heW m view,tbe lasl rifrct isflepciident on thv fi-rstcau^audwliena m-w subject is Tai^i..hetir:-tobiPct.^ost.rno,u:nl) ptstrciigtli of a cause, are therefore, the only ground* by which to measure its success. Cjlv4pT.vss—Pmise-nml consider, «M» or not, good U the ro^try , sn ,:0;ne out of such a Gourlay has drawn you into. I you continue to follow him, he will h»- me* auu r c employmeut, both for your ti mouev—hut time will discover both the object, and thesubject,more fully,and the warmth produced by momentary impulse, will resume it» proper tempe¬ rature and cordiality. Let me advise every inhabitant of this Province^ now favourable to Gourlay's cause, to in- ve^i^ate his writings and conduct, sitico he came to this country. There a discerning eve v ill discover, a fligh¬ ty eccentric character, busy to root out cornel lints, and promising to see every complaint adjusted. Such char- jtcior* ^emually promise much, but ef- fcvt little. OBSEliVER. the following particular*. 1 havo ph dg- cd myself, undei trte solemnity of an oath, and am perfectly auare. tiiat in ea-e of untruti. 1 am. by T'ie lawsol my country, liable to all Hie pains and pe¬ nalties o\' perjury. 1st, That the f#id Borthtong was far deficient in the fulUhnent of his con¬ tract to me. 2d, That no specific quantity of Staves was proved to have becu deliv¬ ered by th« said B^rthron^, 3d, In order to shew that specific quantity (instead of calling far Ber- throog's receipt, which he has ev.T ac¬ knowledged to me he had at the time in his pocket) ( was called on to prove :he quantity furnished by myself. . 4th, That ! produced my receipts, 1 which were rejected fur want of proof to establish the hand writing. 5th, Th»t a continuance was pro- xv<ed, that I might have time to pro* urethe uecessary witucafies, and de¬ cided by the referees that they had it not in their power to grant such conti¬ nuance. Sift) That I wa« addressed by Mr. ■sherwood, one of the referees, saying >hatas i could not prove the hand wri¬ ting to my receipts, they should he un¬ der the necessity of placing a quantity of Staves, which it appeared highly probable might have been my own pro- I perty, to the credit of this said iier-' throng. And 7th, That the said Berthrtfttg had recently,and in presence of a witness, acknowledged to me, that he stiil had in hii possession the Culler's receipts lor all the Staves delivered me, and could produce them at his pleasure ; and when 1 proposed to him to do so, aivd let us avoid any further expense of Lawsuits, he replied, he chose it should be decided by Law, or words to that e fleet. B. WHITNEY. Aug. 1,1818. Error—We are requested to cor¬ rect the following error, which hap* I pened in the M.S. copy of the letter < ol R. 0. Kraser, I&4. to Mr. Uomlry, vu : oa lac |lart;c (1 >ck of excellent G.ilt Chains ,| ;n g<rteia|f %}fa he has jull uccived an • Seals, K.ys, Snaps, Broach*** and Ear- jj clrganl aiTottu.cnt cf fitt^SuW whakfitlr. J| 1)RY & FANCY G00DSf Confiltiug partiy of the following a«W cUr, viz j- pair of Iron Grry», about fir « Mm years old, well known in hJ» place fur their excellence in Hatnifft ar;dl Saddle ; will he f»M by Audionf on Fiid«y the 14th inft. at one o'clock it> the Maikci Place—The pioprrtyot a perfon who will be fame time abfent fr^m t?»e Town. KmgH'm, $d Aisg. 1818. to t Penmanship. MR. JOHNSON, rcfpedPilly m- totms the inhabits t^ ot King«- ton, tr-at he h^s opeiud a School rn the IJoufc lorn.crly occupied by Mr. Moo'e» as a Public Houfe, for the I .ftrudiofl of Young Ladiefl.and Gtntlcnu-n 10 the A»t of PhKMANStitp* on apian entrfe'y new. Hours of tuition will be from *J to 9 o'clet k A. M. and fom 4 to 6 r\ M for the inllrudtion of thole a* tending other Schools, who may wifh to become r'upiU of Mr. J hnion. and fun 10 10 12 o'clock A. M. and z 104 P Mt lor thofc not atteading uthcr School-*. An evening Si hool wiil ,lf«- be attended ;o. for the iiiSt■ uction of Young Gen- thtneu Mcr.-h;Uis aud *therdt ■ .0 have not other time 11 fpare. Y'ung Ladies who ahcadv write a good h nd. and rnve been tauj>h; ^r»w. ing, wilt be ta< ^h: to pefo*m Eleirntit f^ecimens, of difTcent fund- in one month, or no p^y will be exJCtvd 1 oong grntlemcn, who with to im¬ prove their Round Text hand, f»r the p..rpole-f m king fair and elr^dn! en- ti ic- on 1 .e 'orr% or theii tine i.anrl, may be afTuridtrnt by attending one or two courlcsof <xri >|(es1afu!r tnii rccth d of teaching,they will he able towritew ti the utmoft freedorn aid eafc. Ml tlv-C; who do 11 t O're letx-thci' h3i)'!» iu tw> courier of cxerc:fe- fh?ll beexetrrpt frnta all charge except Sutioriaty, for what tiiee they think pr .pcr J° attcn 1 d^Xer- war J—Provided the c-afr COftfifc of twenty Scholars that p^y No moit than twenty Scholars will be receive.! iu one Oafs. Specimens of Mr J's. L>n'- formances, mzy be feen at Mr Moore'*, Mr. Walker's, «nd Mr. Olcut. 's.— F-r terms apply to Mr J. at his School Room, 01 at Mr. 01c tt%. DJNCINcTao. / DEMK Mr. John so* will a!l> e • h*S Dancing Academy at Mr. Moor'* AtTembly Room, foun is twenty fek'^rf- bers are oboimd. ^llthuftwlto ihi k proper tt favour Mr. J in either ot the above branches of Education, m<iv bn •.tVim-d that every attention ihall be ,?ai>l • »n lii% pari to mliriiift them accovUutg to the bell «»f his abilities Kingston*, /lug. 3* I'he ab ve Goods are moflily London ; .|:il>. to nave ueen, iu m»«j rv,WMM"ll . e.t_ t a J \* lar". incorrect. But for the truth of ! made and are ot the lateft psuttema and j bell quality. N B. Old GOLD and Kibe* Lace, Diamonds, Pearls, 8cc Bought. iow3 C5* Vv anted in exchange ^oj-. goods or ] part ^'afh, a few Ten-, firil P<at or Pcail j , AfheA, de'ivered in Montreal, ur Quebec j as may be agTeed upon. Kingston, Aug. 3. ifO W2 A Grievance in addui-m to the Grievances puffed a$t York* rjTlH.\T no Biitifh liibjc.a need ap. JL ply lor paflage on boaitd his Ma- jelly's Biitteaux, as the African Ma¬ jors have the unlimited contro>ul uf them from Kingftnn to Montreal* Kingfton iSfhJuly, 1S1.8. ivrp FOR SALE, On Reasonable Te^rms, C| STILLS, with VVoim%_One of ® 95 Gallons, and the oth>;r45. En¬ quire of the Printer, Aug 4-_______________ 'Q TO LEr, THE Dwelling Hi.ufe and Shop next door to T. Mainland, Efq. lately oecuped by Mr. A. A^cPheifon. For further particulars application may be made to the fubferiber. Wm. MITCiiELL. Kingston, Au%. 3. lOtf SlRAYED OR STOLEN, I^ROM offthe Common, i^dr Kings j ton, on Sunday the 2C)th July, a midling hxvd red H«nl'e, left hind foot white. Whoever will rei urn <.,ud Horfe to the fubferiber, or give i.,f0rm.:tio:i where he can be obtained, Gm\\ be gaie rouflv rcwared for their HOoU* NICHOLAS MuRlN. Kingston, Aug. 3. '818. 10W3 Wanted immediau y9 NEhundred cords ot vVHITEj Superfine Weft of England Cloths and LalHincrcs, of the molt iV.ihiocabk co'ors. IrUh Li -em, Buiifh Shirting, Linen and Cotton Cambrics, Corded Cambric, Lenop and Mud in fl, Jaconet and Mu.i Muflins, Fancy MuJliii Handkcrchiefoj Ban ianua and Barcalona do teieGing ham«, Black a».d colored Silks, Silk and Cotton Sfcawls and fcarfe, Fi'ie corded Dimities, White Jane, white and buff MjiuiU Quilting, Black Florentine, tine badrafed Calicoes Bombazettci and Bombaz nes of all Colors, Linen Diaper and Huckabuck. white and Col¬ oured Flann Is, Ruffia Sheetingaud Of- naburg. AweHchofca afTortment of Thread and Laces and Ribbons* Straw Bonnets, Ladies lVtife (hell Combs, Cambric and lace Fo tings, and a number of arti¬ cles, too numerous to inlett. 4 Crate** f Bine CROCKERY Ware. GROCERIES. Jamaica SpiritsBrandy, iloHand Gin. Port and other Wines, Peppermint and Shrub, Hyfon and Twaukey Tea., double and Single refined Sogattj Mul- covado do. Spermaceti, Mould and dipt Candles, Soap, March and Fig blue, &c. &c. &c I All of which will be fold for Calh or apprr>ved credit. Kingston, yh Aug. 181 8. to For Hale by PRIVATE CONTRACT. A Valuable Freehold EMate, cn^~ f;'Un?ofaG ill .md Saw .will,. a ^ood Dw-llii ^ Houfe 9*u hoofed, 3re, together with about two acre of Landj itiuated immediately in the vicinity n£ Bellville, Eay of (^iii -U-.U.Canada, and commands as much bufmefs ur more than any other Mil's uuon the Stream a-'d now under Kent for about One Thoufand Dollars per. Annum ; lbs dwelling Houfe is well calculated (>.T Public Bufiueft : rnauy other advanta¬ ges are attached to the Premifea tou u i- m»*rou8 to defer ihe. One half of the purchase Money would be rxpefted to be paid down, the other haif by intiaU mcntsefsix twelve and e>gh;een Tiomh?, fecured by bond and Mortgage upon the p'emifes. An indisputable title will be given. Such a property is feldom to be met with and is well w»rih the attention of an\ gentleman fend of Mills and Ma¬ chinery. A quantity of Town Lot* upon the biik of the River Moira in Bellville, a place fall incrcrfing in commeicc --nd population ; te»ir»s nf paymeni mad^ ea-« ly. Enquire of SlDi h Bjrt'et, Elqr. Ktttgdon, ur Thoma Co'.ctnau, Efij. Bellville Bellville id Aug 1K18. \o PUBLIC NO I ICE. CREDITORS of the late Charles Stuart, Eiq. are requeued to meet the Executors to his Eitatc, at Walker's Hotel, on Monday the I7*b inll. at one o'clock, 011 buiiucla rel¬ ative to the Kft-ate. Geo. OkillStoart, Allan Mcllak. Kingston, Aug 1, 181 S. IW third uiq ({_]) OAK BARK? f-,r Which ten Jers will be received uniil the 2+lh inlk. by the t'ublcnbers, and pay'Meut made I n de'ivery of the lame at tb|| pjac . .....---- ! UNUE^Ull.L, ATKINSON & Co.'. at this Otnce. ■ ol" last «ekV I B++ I* ^»* "^ -j ^'m ** %' l818' WANTED inarefptttaolc Houfe in ihis Town, a Strong Ac¬ tive Young Woman, without a family, ■ as boufe-maid. Application to be i I PUBLIC MTiCE. WHEREAS a Patent hath been illucd for the Well halve* cf - j jLi'tsuumber 17, in tfac 111 an 1 2d co.i- ctflious of the low.ifh p of F ederick*-. burg in the Midland D;1ri&. in 'le ti;»ine ol the Heirs of the late A-Ijutant Wilbam Fiafer, f.ibjed to the payment ut a certain Mou^a^c to the late John Giant of i.acuiue. Now thefc iire,jo require any tciiou who itwy be inp&ilea- fion ot fuch ^lulti'agc to product the lame to the fubferiber on or before the full day 01 UCt .bci next, in oider i< en- a? c him tu have fa:d incumbruD c re¬ moved. 10 1 JAMES M'cNABBi Agent ',< the titirsoftkc h • Ai'ju-ant lint* J*ft*f+*m Bellville, 20.h y-y# 10 4 o. i ^-.

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