Kingston Gazette, July 28, 1818, page 6

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FOR SALE, If NOTICE. ONrcafowibic'ti■ rr -,W«*twellfertown1jlOTTHEREAS, by the last Will ftandfor a Tavrrn, fituate'Ain the'j y v and Peftament of the late Villas «' Pretc tt. Lots *fc> 9 and n,\\ KkH \ RD PATTINSON, Efq in fronting ihe Kmg'i hi'.-hwdy, and ; larpe two ftory framed Hoult, well tin ftbed, with a targe Kitchen in the u* * ftahiiug for twenty fpans of horfes. .1 filed I his lite time of Sandwich, in the province of Upper Canada, Robert Gillefpie, William Gllkifon, and George MofTatt, are jointly and feveraily, appointed fe veniy fe-t Jong, and a good houfe on j | iTduciary Legatees of his Eftate* and the rear 1 ct, fir for the accommodttion of a cgfpectablc family. The wi .oh: of tiie buildings thereon, being tit iihed in Executors of fa id Will. I do lu reby rtqueft all perfons having : claims up. n laid Ellate, to prefent the ft workmanlike maimer, and at prefent j | lamc to me, duly authenticated, for occupied by Mr. Alexander B. McDon- j 'payment ; and all perfons indebted ell, as a Hotel, ['thereto, are required to pay to tnc the For further particulars, apply to the j: amount of their refpedive accounts. fubfciibers, or to Vjr Alexander Mac-] Debts due to faid Eft ate m the Doiiell, Junior, Me chant, Ptefcott, by j I tjroviuce of Upper Canada or in the whom the terms may be made known, j j United States, bordering thereon, may and an indifimtabie title and immediate| j be paid to George Jacob, Efq. of Sand¬ wich, John A/kin, and James Gordon, F.fqrs. of Amhci, or to either of • hem, they bein • duly authorized to receive the fame and grant acquittances G. MOFFATT. Montreal, 2G-h March, 1818. 44Vj pofjefiion will be given, ALCX. MACDONELL & Co. Kingfton, 3d J.,n. 1818. ;22tf Rags I Rags ! c_> ASH paid for Clean COT- j TON and LINEN p A (Oi any A'i THIS (1 ^i X Color,; OFFICE. y To Let, AND immediate pi.fiViTim given, th - _ HOUSE and preiiitfes in Stuart ND i ■ viile. lately occupied by Mr. Dalton, fituatcd within hair a mile of this Town,' a favorable fituation for a Gentleman and family, and no lefs fo for a Dilrill-r. of I in Keeuer. For fwthei particulars enquire kf the fubfeviber.* E. BARNETT. Kindlon, Feb. 24, ; 8 -! 3 • 43tf V „L ,iisLE LANDS FOR HALE. jng^HE following (Insularly IJ -iefi' ahie. and trul\ val¬ uable Lands may he had, md immediate poll*, ffion given, with nude iable \ ■ !e«, at me-far below their real value /and it is but feld >m, even in a country fo ex tenfive as Canada, where uncultivated Lands may in general be readily ob¬ tained, fituatiung fo eligible and Advantageous, in good neighbourhoods, can be iecured. Lot 1. Cor.orifing 70 Acre of the verv richfft Btcch, MapV, Elm and Oak Land, in the 4th Conceffion of H«»pe, 'yi"g upon Smith** Creek, with 15 acres cleaned and fenced, new log. houfe. well built and dove tailed, fruit trees, Sec. with a mill-feat, between 4 and 5 miles from the flouriflifng little Town of Toronto, on Lake Ontario, where there is an excellent market either for birring w felling. The Land is of the very Cnft quality, and in a good populous neigh bo rhood, forming altogether a moil defirable refidence, Within a fhort mile of the great road be¬ tween York and Kingfton. 2d. 200 Acres, beihif Lot No. the 5th Conciflion of H« pe, the eveat road between Hope mi'ton. leading to the new and flounfh las f-!t*:ements of C a van and Mnnaghan, on the" Wicc Lake, in which more than coo es and perfons have actually lora' d and fcarcely five mile from the Town of Tor nto, where there i& a t good ma<ket ; it is in an old Cettlemeut, j and th* neighborhood is popo'bus a»-d cxcelle .t- There are about 30 acres Cleared and fenced, whh n fine ftrvam of j Irving water, and the greater part of the' J and of fupenor quality, the relt good Meadow BLANK Summonses Subpoenas and Executions, for the COURT ' OF REQUESTS, For Sale at this Office. — \: 1, in along fide and Ha- G ANANOOUA Store &■ Mills. ' ff^tHARLES McDONA! D havitig \_J taken his brother J^bn McDw ahU into partnci »li.:p, the biiiinefs in fn- urc will be cundnctccl under the tirm uf C &*J. McDon-V-l, Who keep for fait a g.neial alTort- imetr of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. HARDWARE, CROCKERY, and moft article;, enquired for at a Coun try St- ie, which they offer low for Cafh, "\iw Log;s,Sr|uare Tinjber, Staves. Potafhes, and moil kinds of couutiy Produce. They have a good Grift and ^aw Mill in full operation—can Manufact¬ ure FLOUR, i.qual to any Mill in the Province ; they will fnpply orders for Sawed timber of almoft any defcriptton at fhort Notice. c. ft j. McDonald. Ganaroqua, Jan 10, 1 8 i 8. $$(f AlllhoU indebud t« Chadss Mcl>«^v aid, whofc account", have become due, are requcftcd to to make immedi¬ ate payment. THE SUBSCRIBER, KJlEGS leave to inform his friends & } the public generally* that he ha, removed from his former ltand to the (hop lattly occupied by Jon?.3 Abbot Si Co. neai the Market P'ace, where he has now on hand, a general afiortuient of Hardware, - Ctttlerv, &c. Which he will fell on the moil moderate ter.nii. To let, the (hop lately occupied by the lubferiberj and poffeffion given im- mediate'.y. SAMUEL SHAW. A mjston, $th Jan. I 818. 32 Tf) LET FOR any tecft, of years'not exewd- m Fifteen^ on the moft reafona ble .erms—Thai. wen known valuable llandin thepubl{c ];ne< fltuate on t^t point at Gananv.q„a^ ancj recrntly occu. pied by Seth DMwns> together with the Houle, Barn, |tables, &c—For f'ir- ther particulate apply to tRt fubferiber. JOEL STONE. Gananoqua J^. 9, 1818. 33//- FOR SALE, rSnHAT beautiful and very valuable JL Fai m. fitua.tcd upon Point Plcafant, in Maryfburgh, containing 200 a<re3, being Lots No. ift and 19, call of the Rock ; there arc nearly 100 acres under good improvement, and 73 bearing apple and Pear trees. For particular? enquire of Mr. Walter M'Cun'rTe, [merchant, Kini-llon, or Mr. Win. Ben niker of Maryfhurgh. Having been informed that Aaron Conner has heen trefpaffing, by cutting I timber, throwing down my fences, and putting cattle into mv enclofure ; now I-hereby forbid laid Conner taking-away th( timber he cut — I a!fo forbid all and every per foil or perlons to aid or affift faid Conner to work or take laid timber a way, nor pnrchafe it of him ; if th^y do, they may exped to be ptofecuted as the Law- directs. JOHNMcBEAN. Maryfourgh, March 28. 1818A 44tt BLANk""BAFL BONDS. For ^ale ar this (ime, and Officers Half P.v, and Artil¬ lery Penilon BLANKS, For fale at this Office. - fa mil: 3d. loo Actes, ocenppying e entire fi le of the Gannanoqt For 82 » at this Office, A READY RECKONER, r« 0,1 - in the Townftlip of South Grofey, Dre-|| tr'A of Johnftown, confiding whoMy o broken f onts, the back parts extending to the road from the Ridecu Retilement tw Kingllon, from which latter place it is fcarcely 30 miles diitant. The Land is good and well timbered, and the fituation fingulatly beautifol and roman¬ tic, with wooded iflands in front. n ear'v 1 re lake, Shewm? the va^ue ^ Grains of various Gold Coins, i current in the Province of Upper Cana da. ALSO, FERGUSON'S Improved Tabl? of the value of Grains ot Gold Coin,n :er or under weight. The above Lands are particularly deferving of notice. The lit nations wev' -hofen by a competent judge, and hey will be fold remaikably cheap, the concentrate his proprietor mining t«> forces in an-ther quarter. For further particulars, apply to R. C.UORNE, Efq.York; C. FOTrL ERG1LL, Efq. Toronto j WM HA¬ MILTON, Efq. Kino Iron or Prefcott ; otto SHAW AR.YibUR, Efq. Mon¬ treal. April 1, iSt8.________________47t "TO LET,. A KD p "fliffino given on the firft of jl \ Mail next, the (.'pule and premi- fth at prr lent a o-1 ied by D- cio Ged def It hcirg a U 'lb tl«.ulc, bt 'et fcproatt'iy or t gethei. to t*e p' ! Ifl^Sr received and for fale ar thi* CLP Office, price 74d the MONTREAL ALMANACK, For the Year of our Lord 1 8 1 8. S?/fo—£SS/?rS on PRACTICAL HUSBANDRY, AddreiTeri to the Canadian Farmers. By C F Grece, of Montreal. November 14. 32 lTST received and for fale at this Of fice, price l/*8j Poems on his Do¬ mestic Circumstances, by Lord Byron.— With the Star itf the Legion of Honour', and other Poem'-- ; to which is prefixed, The Lift of the Noble Author* Nov. 28. $2 Kingston Hotel. >OB.KT WALKER, returns his Rnceire and grateful acknowl¬ edgments t» hi fii-nds, and the public in general, forfhei" liberal lupport dur¬ ing the l.ift eighteen years, and take;, thiH op{n0l,,.mly of acqiKnutm, the.n, he ftill Qfontmue^ to ktep the abeve ele- g.u.t Ellj;,bli!hmrnt, wheie traveling ^nd ies ran be accommodritril with ftp- arate ro^roSi and every altention taitl.— oorpc dvaliiunib and onprinclpl^d per- ions having reprefeiited and cfrru'attd a report t|mt his charges are extravagant% he begffc leave to acquaint the public, that thty are a* moderate as a*:v honft in the tuwn of Kin^fton, with very in- perior aocomm* d;-t:ons. Kingston, June 15, 1818. jtf FOR SALE, Hi^HE weft half of Lot number 5, JM. on the fouth fide of fonth or Prince Edward's Bay, in the towidhip of Maryfburgh, containing O'-e hundred acres, tjaid l.ot is well timbered, and lettlemeots on each fide, which renders it weil worth the attention of thofe who wifh to purchaie—Enquire of the Printer. June 16, 1818. tfj Valuable Lands. FOR fale by the fubferiber Lot No. 18 and 19, iu the tenth Conceflion, and half Lot No. t8, in the 6th con¬ ceflion, uf the Towrfhip of Pit rev. Ap¬ ply to JOHN BURNETT. jotf Kingston^ May 9//;, 1818. It Will •Vppi) 47ci Fat Sale, a r|Q>Y the fubferiber, (2 doors North iLJJ c^f J hn Cummings Efq ) CHi-.RRY Boards an : Plank, 18 Lvch Shr jt;! s, and Cord W-. od. JOHN rrTTTLE. Kingston, 30^/j Ma$t i8iii. i • 49 Boo Tracts, i t B EER. TTUST received at the Store of S. ^JJ' Bartlet, a conlignmentof 94 bar reisof fteer, of a fuperior quality, for fale for cafh. •May 5, 1818. OP various defciiptions, can be had att this Office ; where accefs may alio be (had to a fmall Circulating Li¬ brary, o»n reafonuhie terms. Jume 10, 1818. AD^E RTlSEMENT. IF th*r p€rfon who went by the name" of £?avid Price, and David Duel or Price, (\^'ul vvhofc real name is David Price D'ut:vU!S) a,K^ was Pefiding- in (8-4 at the Biay ol Qiianty, in llppe^Canada, is now ll'vulR> he wi'l.on bit* 10 Fnglanrf' near °^ fomethiiig much to his g|jlvsufl;*g& if he is dead, any pc fon tj^offefling fuch knowledge is re qu.fted to con munic^te it to Mr. Wil¬ liam Fireman, of New York, or to i,0DERiick Mackay, I'lfquirc, of Ivcneft Town a3* ll w°nld relieve his relations frc-m aif' unpleafant anxiety. He was fix feet l^'J'^' ^?^t browii hair, pale corn- pinion,' »a(i vcrY *&*• 4^ BANK of Upper Canada. OOOKSwiT be opened at Moor's £j) Coffee lfoufe, on Thnrfday, the 16'h inft. to receive Subfcriptions to the Bank of Upper Canada, and wil' remain open from day to day, from 10 to 2 o'clock of each day, under the ft'* perintendance of a Committee aop^inted for that purpofe, until the whole of faid ftock fhall have been lubferibed for. Kingston, July 13,1818 7 j Notice. ALL perfons indebted to tie "Eftat.e j of the late jfames Gumming* late of Hailowell, deceafed, are requefted toj call without delay, and fettle the fame] with Mr. [ames McGregor, now in ggF charge of the eftablifhment, at Hallow- ell bridge ;—and thole who have claims defired to prefent them for adjuHment. The Mock in Trade of the deceafed, confiding of a very complete affortment! IfjIHE Snbfcribers, Executors to the of Goods well laid in, and very fuitablej J J_ £state Qc Charles Stuart. EfcmVe MATl% SMITH & BUTTERWORTH, METURN their fincere thanks to their frienda and the public in ge¬ neral, for the liberal encouragement that they have received fince they re com- menced the Hatting Bifinefs, They have an extenlive affortment of Ladies and Children's BON. NETS, of various colors ihapes. Gemlemen's Beaver & againit the faid ellate, are ■ fine jCaltorHATS, Likewife, Knapt and Wool Hats. Which they will fell very low cafh or approved credit. Produce taken in payment. Jan- *• 32trV Public Notice. to the Country, is now felling off at pri-1| deceafed, late Sheriff of the |\j.^and[ ces fo low, as will deleivedly claim the attention of the pubii j ic"t,hereby requests all thofe indebt¬ ed to the laid E"tare to rrake iromediate i en Caih or Country produce will be tak-j | payment to the faid Executors ;and all in payment, and a credit of 6 month*j {thofe who have demand* against tKfe given to refponfible Farmers, or others. | Estate are requested to produce the ktk JOHN GUMMING 1 Fx<.r,]tovs ! duly attested, in order that .. Settlement WM. MITCHELL, j i'x^ut0,8| I of the E,late m3v be ^^ ^ fp^ Kinguon, Oclzj, 1817. ■ 32 j j as pcflible after thenmtday of July 18«8. GEOKGE 0. STUART, FOR SALE, A TWO BOUSE W4GG0N, J JERFECTLY new— Likewife, a few ihoufand 18 inch SHING¬ LES.— Inquire of S. MERRILL. Kingston, April 2 t, 1818. 47 Blank Summonses and EXECUTIONS, For the District Courts, for Sale it this Office, ALLAN McLEAN, Kingston, August I j, 1817. 7 Exee- J mors. 32tf To Let, NDpofleffion ojven the fir ft of May the AN XA. next, a nun be- <>f rooms in line Barracks. Enquire of K. EARL. March 3 42 I A Card. 1 THE fubferiber informs the Merch¬ ants and Traders of Upper Cana¬ da and State of New York, that he ha- commenced bufirefs in this City, as a Genera' Agent and Com million Merch¬ ant— A\y hufine s eutridfed to his care will nieet wirh diligent attention. BENJAMIN H ;RT. Montreal, 1 oth ftlav, 1918. 5 \ m6 Notice. rHE fublcribtr refpcdfully informs the public, that he intends to con¬ tinue the Boating bulinefs this feafon ; therefore, it anv perfons wiflies to tranf- port Plank, Boards, Brick, Lime, Sand, ^c. &t. he offers them his fervices.— Apply at Mr. John Pawh-n's, King (Ion. WILLIAM YEREX. April 13 1818. 46. ADVERTISEMENT, The fubferiber offers for Sale thb Following Lots of Land. 200 acres in 4th and 500111 the 6th conctflion of the Gore between Ernefl Town and Frederick (burgh. No. 18 an4 19 in the 81 h coucefliofl of Murray. No. 31 Eaft half 2d con. of-^idny. No. 9—1 oth conc-ffion t>f Rawden. No. 4—8th conccflie.n, Huntingdon. No. 14, 15, 17, 18, 25 and 26 in the 9th conceffion of Thr.riow. No. 34 and 5$ in the 4th conctffiufi of Vaughan, near York. Also, Several valuable Town Lots in the 1 Town of Kingflloo. WM. CRAWFORD. Fred-rich.;burgh, Jan 10, 1817. o,tf Smith's Work. THE K'!ino, For Sale, By the fubferiber, 40 dogs- of'Double Br men Btmit ROBt. RICHARDSON. Kingston, May 2$d, 1818. 52 To Let, A ND immediate poFeflion given, Xa_ Two convenient Houfes, with Shops, in ffore itrtet, near Mr. Blake's Tavern, on the corner of the ftreet lead¬ ing f!orn the Artillery Barracks to the French Chimb For particulars apply to JOHN W FERGUSON, Store Street, Kingston, Lib 17,1818. 38 fubferiber m<.(t rtfpe&fnfly informs the gentlemen of "" ton, that he is juft arrived here from Dublin, and has commence* the bufi. nef? of Black and White . n ith. in all its bianches ; rr<;re particularly that 0f horfe Shewing, in which he will m*a the greatcft fatisfaaiun 10 thofe that em, ploy him. They may re'y oti hating their work well done, clveafi awl vtH. by applying at Mr. J. Meagher*, Barrack ftrcet, where he has commerced. All orders in that line will be g'adty received and ({lift attention given. Kingston 13th Ocl. $f ■ Oats and Peas, f""|HHE fubferibers beg leave to inform J_ their friends and the public iu ge¬ neral, that they carry on the TAT WRING BUSINESS in Main Street, where they intend rnak» ing every article in their line, on more reafonable terms than has been dene for a number of years back. Thofe who wifh to favor them with their curtom, may rely on having their work well made, and on the flifcrteS notice, for Cafh. Nonis & Stevens, Kingston, Sept. 9. 1817- ^2 For fale by M-onjeau & St. June 8. Germain. 6 PUBLIC NOTICE. ■ THE Paitnerfhip heretofore exit¬ ing under the Firm of : icDom aid and Jones, ibthis^day diiTolvei by mutual confent. All perlonb holding accounts againft [_faid Fiim, are requefted to prefent them for feltlement, and all indebted to faid Tirm to make immediate payment. PETER McDONALD, EDWARD JONES, ' The BuOnefs in future will be carried on by Edward Jones, who is autNnifed to fettle all account* as afove mentioned. May ay, I THE PANOPLIST, For the Year 1816, For Sale at this Office. [Complete ] *8 lank Deeds and Memo For fale at this Office. 11 To Let, ? nHAT well known large white 1 STO RE, in front of the Dwelling houfe of the fubferiber. It i> well cal¬ culated for Commercial Buih eK having a large commodious cellar, capable of holding 1000 barrels, with the advantage of the wharf, where veiTels of 40 tons may load and unloaded. Foiwanlera would do well to impiove this opportur nity. For particulars apply to the lub« Icriber on the p»r rr [fea, JAMES ROBINSON.

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