Kingston Gazette, July 28, 1818, page 1

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[TUESDAY, JULYM, 1818.] KINGSTON [VOLUME VIII.------No. 9.] GAZETTE Kingston, Upper Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.—Pr ice Four Dollars per Annum—Exclusive of Postage >-** i> Jgcnfsfor the Kingston Gazette, groat Tmn.J AM ES RAN Kl >*, L;>q. York, WILLIAM ALLAN. Brf|v Brorkvillo. \. SWIia^VOOl), E&$ |dvHIev8. .\iN\»B,F-(). VftfMWftl, N. MOVVJ-R, Printer. 1o|)hio>biirfft., Mr S A MUF L S«) LM F.S. Commissariat CONTRACT. <2[E\I.ED Tenders will he received O '.t rhw Office until 12 t/cln k on Monday the ttl *rf rViifnlft next, for the jndenr.ct,tin,.ed luuplyof Firewood, Confiding of ; each. Hickory, Maple, White 0;«k, Birch, and Iron Wood, to kit delivered as follows. On/? rhonfand Cords of Wood to he Jeliverec! into the Fuel Ya d at K'ngs fpflon or befote the 2cth November lext. ThVtv Cords of Wo.-d, to be deliver- *dat Bridge Ifhnd, on or before the Kph Srpt. 1818, and One Thoofhnd Coadfl of Wood to be delivered int i the Fuel Yard at Kin«-;fton Irtwcerj z^thNovember, 1S18, and id Mmcr>, 1819. The Wood mtift He of the foll-.wmtr <njcnfion« :—the llielc to be cut Full ttyl feet \\wg% and the Cord to he tight nf1, *;)' tour feet four inches in height. The- Tv^'cir mm'Koeciiy wo ImetiVs wthe performance vf 'heacfieement. djjistant Corny Gen Is Office* Kingston*, 91I1 July, |8l8« 7 71 i| It /V./.A / 1M A '■.......'•" t/vJl* Sigu of die COLON LAS flaw? ftrcet,. l<'rfp*dfui!) inform the inhabitants i*f KingftoO, a>.d its •ic-inuy. th:.t they lull continue ifecfri jE?0O£ flf^rf S&06 Manufactory wheu tb'-v keeoconflantly on h»:td. a large a&vrtroeatof Lady's and Gentlemen's boots and Shoes of A New Line of STAGES, 1 ^ST78f7"It*L commence running on 6th I v 7 July, and leave the Carrying] Plate Monday and Thnrfday, 2 o'clock. I The fare for York, a diltance of toSJ miles, will be £ 2 : o : 8—and paid as follows, From (. arrying Place to Blan- chard.s 18 miles at 4c!, 6f: from Blan- charrir. to Hamilton village, 16 miles at 4d c,/^ : horn Hamilton village to Hart wells, 14 miles at 4d, 4/8 ; from Hart- weilato Duwilligars, 25 miles, at 50!: • c/"i ; from DewJ'ligars to Gallaway*, 20 mil's Hi 5d ftfo ; fr.m Gallaweys to York . miles at cd 6/3 iJ 2 ; o : 8. Propuciort BF-NJ YOUNG, ARCH. BLANLHARD, ELIJAH BUCK, THO HA1TWELL, NATH DEWILLIOAR, JACOB GALLAW..Y. IfumHion. July i9 iSiS. 6 PROPOSALS Author 3.nd Publisher of the late Maps i»': the North-in part of the State of New York, Upper and Lower Canada, for renting, corre&ing, and publishing, by Subscription, A FUL-L AND CORRECT M A P STATE oIneW-YOUK, On a Scale of 7 milts to an inch. The Cv/.z of this M?o is four feet four inchc« fquare, cotnprrfinjj a Urge part of Peonfylvania and New Jerfcy, .with a part of Coone&icut, Maflachufctts Ver- 'inunt, and Qpj er Canada. This Map extend* frc m t!.e Canada Line, or 45J1 degree of North Latitude, fouth to the ciiy of Philadelphia : and (torn Pitts¬ burgh in Pcnr.fylvania on th: welt, to Vrvv H'vfu in Coimeflicut vu tlie call tin extent of cooshy i> hcj'ly alt ui. eluded within the linei of Latitude anq citude that define the exteripj., uo To be sold bv Appraisement.' THE HOUSEHOLD FUBNJ- TURE, kc. beloniriug to May." General TiNtlK6 Widi)rin(;tov. cor.'- sisting of, an Imperial Patent Diniio.' Table, two Chaise Lounges, \taJif>g#- ny Sofa, I\>mbroke and Card Table>i Carpets, and Window Curtains of Rf " Moreen,Side Boftrd,Chairs,lJcdstearf»- with Moreen curtains, &c. A line Pian"1 Forte, with additional Key«, by Chr- fniMite: an elegant Harp, by L)odJ : also, a Chariot, built by Hall, Lor^.u Acre,—Sleighs. &c. PLATti. 1°. strong plated oblona Dishes wJ**' covers, Tea Cm, Wine Coolers, Can¬ dlesticks, Salvers, Spoons, Fork*, &.*' WLNKS. Choice old Madeira. Port, Claret, old Uock, Tent, Alba Flora, kc. HORSES. Severn! fine Charters, n«;leh dra" well in Harness,nud a well trained ai d complete Lady's liorse ; two very lii«- Cows, iu full milk. Kingston Juty '10, 1818. 8 L NEW From the Montreal Herald* The late Meetings in U.Canada* Hud thefe meetings not rummoned the attenliui of the political writers \t\ Bolton, they never would have engage^ our notice Toe B"ttonians know wtl! enough that Britifh Subjects have an undoubted right to afTemble peaceab'y in bodies to deliberate on, and petiti>>q the Throne for a redrefs of grievances. Of the extent of grievances which exi$ in LTpper Canada, we have no exatl knowledge ; hut if we aic to judge fro<n the fentiments of the F'e. holdvrs iro*n York down wards« which includes we "ail ah-ng the front of faid land, twen- fuppofe t*»e greater half of ihc popu- ty-two feer, then North 286 feet, then .latum of the Province, we ;n y be hd to Weft 72, then South 286 feet to the 'conclude, that they are not very tre?&' place ©f beginning. inor f > alarming as ha* been repref ntci io £ale to commence at 12 o'clock, noon, the Niagara dirt : nor can we with JOHN McLEANi [an iu8i»T»rnatory writer 'hit, a " ra.tfcai change i" theSy>*cm-»f Government 13 1 wanted" It refpefl^ble au;h rity is entitled to any eredit, ab»ft« haw ex-ded iin the Lnd boaid—Mon--poliea hav§ ,been granted, delays h^ve roinrti nea 'been utr* ,mtable ; too rruch liberality Sheriff's Sale. ON Saturday ihe firft day of Auguft next, will be fold at the Court Houfe, in the Town of Kingftotl. by vir¬ tue of an Bxecution out of his Ma:,elly'» f.'ourt of King's Bench, at the fitit of Samuel Aykroyd, a^arnfl the Laud*arid' tencmentfi of Henry Andy, all that certain tradt* or parcel of land, bei-ie part of Lot No. |#, in the thud Con. of the Towitftiiu of Kinglton, butted, i bounded or o.herwife drScribed audi knewn as follows v'£ 2 beginning at McMichael'ft c mer, being the South wrefl angle of Pi id tra<3 nf land, then Sheriff" M. Dut. Kingston, 15th July, 1S18 ,on ! linxi'.t tif the S:ate i»f NcwYoik. *l'he Publifber having been tmploy„ecj for upw:«rda of twenty f'>t!t ycatb in c^ p-oring and lurveying various parts 0f the United States and Upper and L«.iW. ci- Canada, and a!fo in compiling i..nj publishing Maps which have met w;;^ ever; Li i^coiicunTir » M*'v.*n «w« ~..— ~- MpuhOinuig lvjapSf wnicn nave mei «.-tt[ y Jeicription. Ijverv libera! pntr< nage and eneoura,.,c .ikcw.fc a fvpply of g'-od Sole and j|mfcrltt;fi fluttered in the belief, that ry Upper Leather, of all kiuds. ■ .*. . «- rr ____ _ 'p'cfeut undertaking will be tonally \\,c|) Their prfffut afftrtmeM w mud. jv..ccivcll ^ tjlC public, and iiifure hiq r-orecomplete, than they fed. K-'ngfton, Jime »3 1818. m-*---------- have hilht»tn tn a iif Notice. I liberal remuneration for all his exerticou< emieavors ropromote-*nd extend it|ic general improvement avd knowledge (1f w ■"- nd the adjoining ro- HE:?F,\Sby tl.c lnft Will and ■ r 1 • i- iir •■• re 1 1 tobuhfcribers, Oftrom. dectat'd, iu \w lite uie ot bul-|| ^ #^ ,<{^ h:- own country, a vim cr. ThiV Map will he printed on fine w»ove paper, handf »mtly colored, and(JehveTUJ ney. Couuty <J H^fliti^S Pm*t«C* of Ilpner Canada, Fll&ahcth Oslrom. Ahcl Gilbert, and Rosivcll Leai>tns> are jointly Ex Will a-*d Ft 7 ftu. 10 and lewratlv-ppoi-ted Lxtcntux an —.....reft A fexeuitors t" his bft a- mm. Wrdohcitt>y requett an per- I11 the Sheet, - - at - Marie pOli »ble in a bo- k, Mounted on fpHew and 7 va-n'uS'd. J Sulfa iptlom will h received at $$ft 10 1 Qfie* fi«s who are hulebled to laid EforVtO call immediately °" (T1C foWcriWiig Ex cc»jtor- and make i-nmediate oavfneot " and all thoft who have *i liofl faid Eftatf nre requeiteo 10 p th tlem k Septen k?x next- Brttnlie. 22d June, 1818. _______5 A NY perfon HefuoiiK to cltar fr- ,m m____five to fit'tv acacs of Land, fit'.,at(. .y'lcminTaV \[.-n tl'.bay fide, pittfmile* fp>m K«ta» ,fl (aid EftMrm req«HrW.oprod.Wej ton,. ■■joirinK Col J :hnf»r. . ,«jW em«^>v?.ttdlc<l.inoukr that a fee jtl.e turner upon the farne. .t b,n,^ M ith, eftate may be dk&td a ..o-wenlent for raftmg to wm, « -• the S as poffibk afttr'.he firrt- day ,f unroofe of lupp.y.". At to. B^t ' 1 i?.< To Let. JFoc further particulars enqjiftt of the moprietur, on the premifes. p •? J. C. WILSON. July 6, 1818. 6 roiwi9tt?;erj/ S T O R E. TTOHN WATK1NS returnshii fim <iJ3 cere thank* to his friends and rlh* public in general, for the vciy iibe a [upport he has received finee his com) mencement, and bega le^ve t-j infbrtfm them that he has now arrived and opxen I for fale, a very e^terifivc and wcit lcic:c ted afTortrnciu of Hardware, Cut- lerij, <$c. v.' which he will difpofe uf unufually Tftiw J for Calh, Produce, or approved credit- — amongft which are feveral tons of wceli aflbricd Swedes and EngUfli iron, rou^nd and fquare rod lum, Crawley Sc L bh^lt ter Steel ; wr.-u^ht Nails from 4.1 to J 3od. cut Shingle and LlapboaidiugC^ 1 f .Spike- ^("hA^,' hoVle-Sur.e^uda^^Ai.-.'j Ploughlliare Moulds, Frying Tan;— Window Glafa, 7ibySi, 8{ by 9!. 7 by 0 8 by 10 ; Tin Plate, 1 C, 1 *J W, I X, D ; , D X, 3 D X ) Spade, and Shovel?, fiom No. o to 4 ; Tiace] iialters and Log Chains ; Sheet Iron and Double Sheet in bundles; bar and fhret C 'pper. Anvils, Vices, smiths ano Kitchen Bed. *w% ; liroug Ko.^ks and Hinges aflarted fi/es—Lo^ktoc all def cHptiuns—100 (cits Cait Dox.», 3x2. 3;x2},4*2{ 4x3 4;x3i'4Tx3i —'°° fata Waggon, 3-U2, i^zit 4^3 jx3J, 6x4, 4x2!—Grindtt »ne», Pauiu. Putty, boilM Liutleed Oil in Jars and Cafl<s—white Repe—Anchors, Brafs Kettles, Mill, CroflcQt, Pit, Hand and every other defcription of Saws ; Gun>, ( arpenter'» tools of ail dcfcn'p'ioi-. Plane*, Chifels and Gouges, Hammers, Sec. Stc. 8tc« (lampt and cait Brafat ab- inet Ware—Saddle IVeee, Webbiny, Biit«», Stiirups, Buckles, and all kind.^ of Saddlery—Tin and Iron Teakettles, .^aucep^ns, Tea Boilers—Hollow ware, Sugar Kettles, Potalh Boilers, Bake Pans &c. &c, Stc.—Poitabie Writing D« Acs—Iron Wire afforted, from No-9 to 22—braf* do. aflbrted—a few excel¬ lent Silver Watches—Hambro and Cod Lines—Shop Twine, &c. Steelyard*— and various other articles too numerous toi'fert. N B. 50 Barrels FLOUR, for fale as above. 8 Joseph Scott, HGMGEON, fTTAq rrrcived thf foil.wing articles: jand too much pmun'ouf-ffs, pardaliries, ■LX !>y lidl arrivals, viz : J land neplerBs, are faid t« have chi-icijr- ized the admimftratiort in U per Canada for tnany years hark ; and the P*ad lawa Aiumatte Vinegar, Efleuct Burgamqt, Rofe, Spirits Lav.nder, Pink Sau- Rotige. Soda Powders, late from London ; And a general aftortment of Medicine. * Kingston. July z\Jl> 1818. aie a dif«racc to the, taafmuch ces, and Carmine, generally tiled a9 'as the non-icfident or reiijvnt m nopo- 8 JI li/ers of uncuhivated lands, are not bound to contribute to r ake rada through their own lauds ; this v;ift burden falls on the mduftrirua Stttlers, wl>o exhauil th-mfelves to enrich other*. But-will the late neetings lead to any ulteriour advantage to Upper Canada. "v TT\ II "PJ J lor w'-' r'ie g^vanccs cmplaiuej ^\' *>e J JJOllarS tteWClra ftedreffed ? We ve^nreto pred.d rhae LOST,vefterday,threeGoldW^ch|jthcmcmbtrrt:of *•* Grand Convention, SE\LS and Steel Key. Who-1 Wl11/'ot ty*"] a finKlc objeft p inud ever (houhl Ii d the fame, and return, «« ,n tlK'ir "ufli-n. The 500J pe»plfa them to thu Office, will receive thcabove-iof Bo,,on °»ffi" n« to ?»'^ credit to ,cward. * i*n7 profpefl ot revolt in t^efe Proffncn, lu!y 21. 8.' j^"1" News-Papers umv expiels lhen?r felves ti*c4y on the menfuie- of ETqvertt) rTlH£ fuhferiber lefpcAfuily" informs *- Yiis inenvSb a:n5 trie pubnc, thai he has icctivcd a new lupp^ly of GOODS, From ?ilontreal, well adapted to the fea- lon. Thofe who may favour him with th^ir cttflem may rely upon it, (lull have ment ; but if they conli let thpft exprejr fions mark* of diiluyalty, (hoy are miferab^y mi(bken \ no battle of BunkerVhill wiM follow ; no rebelUouf outrages will tarnifn the reputation of thefe province*. Our over weening nci^b-^or^ ne-^d make no cakitletfiom en our di!i.ffe£iion to the pamtt State. »Ve may l*meiime|con»plam of land );oarrN —but let ^e American pitizeifl tiiemon the mott reafouabl? terms, eith J jremember, that for one ;*c\ of imufti c in tx at private ulc or public Au&ion, for: jthefe province*, there *tcjiftf committ-*4 jirt the United'States* and that corrupttof| ifll. MICHXELMORAN. Kingston* July 2 X, 18 \ 8. 8 Notice* ALL perfons having any claims.on theEitatcof the late Mr.. FUL-j L:0K,are >equeHedtomakc them known to Mrs. Shaw- without delay. Kingston, July I £, 18 |8. 8 npiHE fubferibcre offer for fale, fourj jL hundred bufhcls of ! To Hire. ND Poffcffion given -'mme^lately. lower part of the 'arge o A -he Stow (with a wharf) lately occupud a.- fuch by Mr. W. M'tcM), and fituatr » font of Mrs. Cart Wright's honfe. } For partic.-lars apply to ALLEN MACLEAN. Kinglron,JuneJ9" l8l8<_____. 5 T" IlKfthfcrtbet \*& **".t0 ^ff" bU friends and the puW»C that he has aimr.icuced the ALCTiO\ BCJSiyE^ in the Lvla.ket FUc oppofitc to ... Daniel BrWo, whe.c ««, aUcrt.. Will be paid to thole who may fetM ^^hlh^rHAKSLMOaAN. ArjAJoiw every day at ^vcno'clop.^ 3vv it* 4 P.iir of Stout Lanacian \£%. and Waggon—Enquire Office. Kinefton, June 15, 1818. H at rfes tht9 3 Mm. KUBTSBALTS, llTNFORMS the Ladies of ^ingjo,,, j.L that (he carritb on tlie Millinery % Mwduunwkh.^ in St <e .->tre<-t. ftfJtt door to Mr P^ where every atunnon w> , Barley. here is yet comparatively but a Jh.i /.v-^, whereas it has become an aelual' fubla xt in the hoaftcd land of freedom. Wt nhink it probable, that the people 'compnfing the Town meetings in the diltricl of Niagara, mav, after more mature reflection, find that they h;x afted rather inc(»nfidcrate!y in being !c;J by any individual, however much bia talrnts m;iy have been the theme uf panegyric, or however plauilble hi? abdraft arguments j which by the wayf may a« fwer in England, but may be exccediti^ly unfit for Upper Canada, al¬ though the laws in both countries are To Let, IF T^OR one or two years and poutifion given immediately, the dwelling houfe belonging to Mrs. Finkle, late I Moor's Coffee Houfe. For terms ap¬ ply t'> Johns JS* Finite* Kin-stony 14/A July* I« 18. 7'-f ■ .the fame. Upon the whole, we think J AS RANKEN&CoJ the meeti-e* can be productive of njf Ernest Town* 29/A June, 1818. B{fj J farther injury tho: the lofspf a- Doilc: to each individual who fuhferibed, and about 5 dollars mure iu expenfe a-id lofa of time, brfides feveral mental items which no man can ellimatc. Thefe volumarv factifices wiil amount in iJiiy to mote NOTICE. 1 , -*!\»;'e .-:ci t . thole who may favour t lierr cuitom- >* 6. ier wi'h T 1 Boards Sf Plank. / ij ^HR-EE quarter and I inch Boards, 1. aid one and a half and two inch Plank, for fale by the fubferiber. Wm. STOUGHTON Kingfton, July 13. 1S1 3- _ 7lf A S the Subi'criber, is about to cloffj jr\. his bo fin efa here, he re<jueft& all j that are Indebted by Note 01 otherwife,] to Call and difcharge the fame without delay. S H\WLEY. Kingfton, June 1 eth 1818* Oats, Peate and Ffuur for fele| by S. Hawlcy. 3 F 11 vlULTlin.lCA:lON fables. For tncuseor Scho For tale at this Office, jls TO oE SOLD, A Schooner, Oh 8 tons burthen, in good condi- iion, with Sails and (tigging complete. The terms of payment made caly—en- quire of the Priutct- July *o» OR fale at thi« Office— Standard Rules for the Game of JfH/S T— by Bob Skoit. 46 A Dwelling Houfe and Bake-houfe to LET for any number '»f years that m*y be agreed upon. For par- ticulars enqnuc « f WALTER M'CUNIFFE. ! Kingfton, June 2, 1818. itf Writing Sf Wrap¬ ping Paper, For fale at this Office. than the regular taxes laid by the Lcgifiatureoaihe didi'itr in iy/o or three years. The IJoilon bdrtore ug »r .,, bre more modeii when they make remarks on Conventrons* Let them remember their owu at Hartford* and how it h*a Gtvce Jcgiidid the federal party, and how eager the Chiefs oi that party yoked he-'dclves to the Car of a Democratx Prefdentf when Ire vifiut( Bollon ! LPIBLIMIL.' ..1 it..!;fiJLST 1 From the Canadian Conrc/it. 8 ATTORN1ES Kank Btib oi , posw, iVr silt a: U}|s Plliec. In the Canadian CoucuQt. of the inllont, v^c rind an account ot the bid* '•t lud'Ct ncnt f >und in the Court f King's Bench agjunft vtricus pcrunj connected with the H<i 10.• 9 U»y I Company, or with the Scu'cncm ui i<cd aiver, upon cha ^e> wnich nr- dcfciibed as limilar to tuoic Lrou^hj ^Hutit the tfuft'tlf VVtil Comyauy, in lie Cumt <>1 OvW a.d i cruiincr, l! t j.nticlc i> evidently the ptQd>.d;on of to |,imvochi- for the latter Cut* p»ny. a^- ; toftwiuden with ;bc j 5u^**u»i; o

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