Kingston Gazette, July 21, 1818, page 1

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[TUESDAY, JLLY 21, 1818] [VOLUME VIII KINGSTON Kingston, Upper Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollars per Annum—Exclusive of Postage, ••^Tjbj •^A'£-iMfc*ASXa**v; .^^•^■'aata&yjf^aMawMra^iRj^'* Atrrnls for the Kingston Gazette. ferneH Tirun. J AMES KANKIX, Esq, York. VH ttsUAll AT.L-XN. Frq, BrockciHo. A. SUV"- WOOD, E-q. ltrfivfl»>,& M-VAKtt. lvq. Mt/nlrval, \. MOWER, Winter. Sophia-bnrgh, Mr. SAMOjM.SOLMF.S. Paiier Hangings.* THE fnb'Vnber !ip.- jnft received ■* v*ny elegant affjri *ient of Pstoei Hangings ; which he HF*«« for fale oi W*lbn.*Meter i.-, at ihe fhop recently oc cupied bv N. Palmer. Three or four hundred Gallons of PAINTER'S OIL, Boiled and "raw, nfq funer'or cjiwHty THEODORE BROCKET. KifgSon, June 22d, 1818. 5tr To Let AND PofFcffion givm immediately, . the lower part of the large Red Store (with a wharf) lately occupied as foch by Air. W. Mitchell, and Gtuate in front of Mrs. Cartwright's dwelling honfe. For particular* aoply to ALLEN MACLEAN. , Kingston, June 291*1818. S Notice. ^TTTHEUEASby the hft Will and V y Tdbmentof the Sate Ruloph Ortrom. deccafc d, in his life 'imeof Sid- Pcy, County of Haflin^s. Piovince i*t Up-,.*" Canada. FUzakth Ostrom. Ah) GiUtrt, and Ros<uvll Leadens, are joi -t y and everally npp.a.-ed ExsC^tris and Execurors to his bit Will :' d Ted^ rr.cnt. We do hereby rcquett nil per fun* wlware inJehted v> *'aM Eftatc to rali i;iitWdi»ii;»\ nit H* '"',';': a**** 5* To ///re. 4 Pair df Stout Canadian Horfes and Waggon — Enquire at this Office. King (ton, June 15, iSi3. 3 INFORMS the Ladies of Kingfton, that (lie carrier on the ;1 tiiiine* // i; $ ?a duarnakhrs Commissariat CONTRACT. E \ 1 -ED Tender will be received dt this Offire Until 12 o'clock on Monday the 3d of Augnd rj$xt, for the undermentioned lupply of Firewood, Confiftinsr of • each, Hick iry. Maple, White Ok. Birch, and Iron Wood, to be delivered a*- follows. . Ont- thoufand Cord.* of Wood to be J delivered into the Fuel Yard at King* ton an or before the 20th November BOOT,SHOE and LEATHER n i$% */ 1¥L 1 !n Store Strerr, next door to Mr. F'fk'ft . c-1 ore ; where every attention will b.- j*«fd t.- thofe who may favour her with- thm cuftflia, 1 ^.^ Cor(Js of Wo„d> tQ fee dcliver. J,,)___________________________ ;ed at Bridge Ifland. on or before the ,'.,,,' , ,. , - j> S^pt. 1818. and ■ 4 NY perron defi.oua to clear from , QneThoufandCoads of Wood to be i."l_ five to littv acaes of Laud, fitnate j^Hvered int» the Fuel Yatd at Kingfton ..n tlu-hay l,de, nmem.les from King* bawMJ1 2rth November, 1818, and ifl ton, aiijoming Co!. J.ihnfoi.'s, may havejjMaTchj ,819. the timber upon the fame, ft being very jj 'fhcVoodmofi be of the following convenient fur rafting to town, 01 for the ,< dimenfi,,n9 :_l|ie Ricks to b« cut full purpoft of fupplyinjj the Steam Boats. ;| four fect ^ and t|lc Cord ,„ he ci.{ht rot further particulars enquire of the:!feet< by four f«t fooi inches in height. proprietor, on the premifes. J. C WILSON. July 6, 1818. 6 PROPOSALS BT AMOS L4TX Author ar.d Publilhef of the late Maps oi the Northern psrt oJ the State of New Yoik, Upper and Lowei Canada, for revifing, cosrciling, and publifliing, by Stihfcrtptic»n, A FULL AND CORRECT MAP state Qy&MmronK, On a Scale *f 7 miles to an inch. The lizt of thin Map is four feet four! >n:he fq:.j-*re» comprifing <*. i-*rgc part of ,clllors ao«1 „ake hMMfiM P«yvc t,, |] ^■»"X"'«' * »uJ New-Je^cy, with a, . The Tenders muftfpecify wo UiretWi for the performance of the agreement. djftsiant Corny Gen'/s Office. Kingston, 9ih Ju^y, 1818 7 WILLI J MS 2i Co. ntthe Sign of the GOLD'/N i L.\S 1 ttorc Hrecta Itefpcdtfully inform the inhahitanta »>f Kin^rftnfl, and it-. vicinity, thnt they ftiil co■itinue their Boot and Shoe Manufactory where they keeu conitantly »>n hand, a 1-uge aflortmentof Lady* and Gentlemeo*a Boots and Shoe* of every dcferiptiiin- Likewife a fopply of good Sole and Upper Leather, of dll kiiids. iheir prefect a{T»rtment K much ^"•ore complete, than they have hitherto had. Kingfton, June 23 1 813. 4*f [PUBLISHED BY RD^UKST.] From the Montreal Gazette. SIR, BA NK of Upper Canada. aivl all ihofe wu> haveai-y tlcdlands s± \ ainll feiil Ert«t« »rc r«qisd-ted to prodnce them cliilv atfrfted, in i»rdct that a fin renrnt .f ihe eflate may he cfF^t.-d a ipecdily uh poffiUle after the tint day 1 f Scptf" her next. Bellv.l • 22.6 June, i3i8. 5 For Sale, V the fubfcrlber, (2 *srtri North __ of f >bo C'vimnaoscti EfM ) CHERRY Boards and Phnk, 18 inch Shinies, and Cord Wood. JOHN TUTTLE. K:.'^stoni g&k May, 0 &• ' Dwelling Houfe and Bake honfe A Al. vo LET for any numb-r nfyevW I p-rt ot' < o ii ccticut, Mailachufats. Ver-1 m<)iitt And Upper Canada* Thiw ,/>ap' extend fn>m the Canada Line, orACthi octree of N< uh Latitude, louth to ihe: city of Philadelphia : and from Pitts- j bnr^h in Pcnnfyivania on the weft, to New Havrn in Connecticut on the call Till* extent of com try is nearly all in¬ cluded within the line? of Latitude and' Longitude that define the extcrioi limits of the State or Nlew York. Th'. Pub!iflier having been employed 'for uj>ward?«or twenty four years in ex-" I pktfing and iurveywg various parts of | the United States ;^nJ Upper and "Low* jer Canada, and aifo in c.-mpiling and j publifliing Maps, which have met with ] very liberal patronage and encourage- meut, is fl .cteied in the belief, that his p.efei.t undertaking will be equally well I received by the public, and iifurc rum a liberal remuneration for all hid exertions a:-d e deavors to promote and extend the knowledge of Five Btolhm s f «m wreh in dairle Bay ma;< elegant old. k v.lle. Brown ot and a'^ fcveek ivv «• i ' : years h»^h—a white tlai \\u ' fquare dock—tvots Tfj | head high—'he ha^ u and carries her rai1 limbed, and when from the charges alleged againft my character- or add to 't the deep dci "avi- ty, theattrodotMCiiftteof p jury. The.- - Tore upon the Uilcmnhy of an oatn, and under the full imtfreffion of All the f lemn obligation'; thereby i.npolcd,! fubmlt the fullowiiiy Itatement. Some time in the latter pa*t of t^09» or commencement of 1810, I eont ac^.l tn deliver to the houfe of Meflr* Pa kcr, (Girrard, Oglevie a>-.d Co. at Montreul, a quantity >f white Oak Staves, not of the defcriptfep of Staves ufuaily fold u\ Montreal. Bit Ihort or thick Stave?, = he quantity as nearly as I eari recolkctt wa^ from id to tz 000—Which qinati- ry to the big heft li -nt*, I concaM+ed with one Horatio G. Btthron-?. to .le¬ aver me at 'vloutreal, for the purpofe of neetin?- my cn^aiTc»nent. But to c vne it the facts in a« few worda as poflibki when the lime drew m^jh tint the con¬ tracts ihould be Fulfilled, 1 met thi? faid Brthrong at Mo-.:»cal ; he told me he hod fome fHaves, but i^kuowledged he jlnd not a quantity fufRcieflt to meet hi* etitra»»e*Yteni to me. 1 thcfcfoie let a- bout piuchaling the fti^C6 in queiti >u, hut found them extremely feirce. and to be obtained o ily in lma!l pijan.iiie-;: the exaft quantity purchafefd and i>.:ia f r bj myftif, 1 do n »t now reoolleft. But I recoheft well of p Tchafing $6&3 f'oni a Mr. Kvereit of Kh^don. 1 Jaily fi+ ited theraft^ in port, and enr/a^e.! ev»?y sma'l pircel I c«uM obtain and *Sen £ found th re was itill a deScfrncy, I pur*. ctlMed thick pipe Staves -):?d empioycJ men to cut them offt-. the length r-*q ur« ed. But notwitlillandin^ every e^fut» all the tlavei I co-ild rrfndin, added i 1 what Bfthrong had Utpph'cd, on t • tnoming the contract wa- ro have been Company We underftand that 'a] fulfilled, the^c was ll ill a deficienev of vifionary parfonagr had travelled into onedeferip<i^n of itavc*of my hnvetl lim> I |thc wihierntfs t>> build cadlea in the air ; j its of about 300, and -noie of BerTtroa^ \ J and a^ivincinj: in dilappointment to the j to me ; but Err which dert^iency [ rnsde l^njftli ' hi, feather became a BomfpUBiWi 'rerrn^ witrt EvfHKn Pit ie= r an t (fb. ^'n'll m RofRa ; and that he is now, not at) yet there was fulfkient time to have cOt Elba, no- yet at St. Hrlena, but upon! off the quantity required, had thef b-ed i|h."' way t'> the Old Bailey, trembling] infilled on ; thilfl circu-nflanced I cv>- fi lercd that Bethrong was in .ny pow rf but did not intend to avail m\ felf t*f any advantage I might poffrU over htm in tonfequeocc of his ne^left 0>i mv re^ turn from JVfontreal, I cr. fT d the ri-*er The Editor nf the Montreal Herald i* extremely hnn^aue in his lail j number. lie will not, at thin ft^gc of! ihe perfecution, iyitate paity f'eiings wivh mure Indian ftorieft He will be iilent, and therrHy will have the great] merit, at teaft, of putting a lo:k upon) A n ,- ., , , %n » 1 his stable after (he h or fen a;e ftolen. 10OIU be openedUt: Moor. , ^ ^ ^ ^ b||derfland 3 C. fF.e iloufc. on lh,.taa>Mle; _ ^.^ ? unJe;lla„d lhat' 16 ft mft. t., receve*Jo I ^ HmQf^ RrfW Bav ^ tUe Bank „f Upper Canada, and «H I •„ fits> ,ndWh| M weak brains reman, open fr.-m day to day, *rom 10 ^ North #<fftj to 1 o'clock of each ('ay, under ihe Itt- ' peri.itendance of a Committee appointed for that purpofe, until the wh-'ie of faid Hock fli.iU have beer, fiibfcribed for. h int-slon, July 13,1818 7/ M MW^rfM -D. i^f^;h"Iaw,r.f lmcwutry, under;, O) Brnek It fcVe underlt md all this of the matter, five [What ipufl we un^erlland of hi4* vafsts < < fomu-.n hands; jF^ fo'tUer tn6>rmation upon this envi 1 wd I ;Oushead» I heg leave to re6 o'f*iive Reader to the latl Montreal Coivr»nttwhcrc,by the bye, rather h,v—Clc»n [the Editor hv fteppod wher one of his lail f'*en a little (ordinary b-n»ndar»e^ to fc^ve bifl main i he '.or. lv ao, a 'I, and Carrie? her; -^ Per the in-. |to Ogdentburgh, for th- pnrodfe of ef- number of' jfeAiRir an arran^ereat with rVbec:l to 1 • ku; tranfidions, but xyrs* nftding him at lhi>me,%vhen I 'va« ab«<ur t.> embark to [rOcrofsihe >iv'e\\ V was arr.-ll d ai the lame in th, left fore foot, from an old ! .battery of"f i 2 N. W. ^eru guns upon Jfoi, cf tin* fame Brthr .n<, ^»d wa, in- cork which is growing 0:,t of the front j ja P^=or LfpaaaJe 01 80 H. V. Ferrer oes j;formedby die officer, it was forth- rim* that nuy be a^iced upon. * or pat -1» general improvement and ticulars euquhe ct WaLTERM'CT^NIFFE. Kingfton, June 2, 18 18- itf of the Koof Whoever will return her to tsie fttbf n'ber fhalit receive the above Reward. A 1 wo year old g*ay colt belonging to H. Elliot a^comGranted her. JONAS JONES. BrackviHe, 4 July, iS.S. 7 j In ibis mot'ry catdog;ue of fingularl [individuals we find o-ily four EfquireSn Colin to be tour - for grand fulfillment »fa contract I then pro- cured biill for my appearance at enrrt* and employed Count*, who afTured me from hie own knowledge of the rrano- acti n between rn" and Dfthron^, thai I hid nothing to fiat* from the rcf*:>».—- However, the next news f h*d frrfih i.he r |ht» own country, and the adjoiutug Pro-JlTfTlOR one or twe jvincea. ll-l*-^ given immed 'i'hi^ Map will he printed on fine wove • houfe bcl^nnbg to TH"/- fubfcrlber begs 'eave to inform | hi« friends and the public, that lie has commenced the in the Market Place, ojtpofite to ih Djniei Btowu's, v/heie every att.-ntio- |J will b-paid ro thofe who may favour |j him with their commands. M1CHAKL MOHAN. AuAionE every day at eleven o'clock. June 22. l p Will DC pi paper, han»!fomcly colored, andcclivertd to sMthi^ribe.s, 7 Db. I !0 In tlic Sheet, - - at Made poit.ib.e in a bo »k, Mounted on to'.lers and f varn.fhcd* 3 Office. Subfct ipiions will be received ai fix* A New Line of ST A G ES, NOTICE. ^ jWl*$£££."SrsS S the Subfcriber, h about to clofr | p;aie \,\ .1Kjay 3wd Thuriday, 2 o'clock, The fare for Yoik, a diUancc of to8 nilcH, will be £ 2 : o : S—and paid as bin btfftavfs here, he rcq«J»*P- "1* A that are Indebted by Nate 01 otiiei w:f.-- to C=ii and difchargc the lame with', ut dv^lay. 8. HAW LEY Kfngfton, June 15th 1818. Oats, Pcai'e and Flour for (Ac by S. Hawley. TTjlOR fale at ton Office—Standard it1 Rules for the Game of IVHJST— bv Bod Snoir. 46 To .Let, T|710R one or two years and pttfl! flion 'fetelVj the dwelling g 10 Mrs. Finkle, late Moor's» off.e Houfy». For terms ap¬ ply to Joins i£ Firk./e. Kingston, I4I& Ju.tyy 1K18. Ttf Boards § Plank. fj^HREE quarter and 1 inch Bontds, 8 a^d one and h half and two inch Plank, for fair by th. fohferiber. Wm. stouohton. . Kingflon, July 13 1818. 7*lf land t'^efe happen Robcrtfons viz. Colin Rubertfon, Efq la-ceny- Co-in Rnbertfon, Efq. for dealing in a dwelling Vionle. ^ j Tuit, and federal .-onths p>evioo9 to the Colin R'Jbertfoo, Ef«j. for tiot and] |time at which I had b-.-en bound to cr^ke pulling down a honfe. ^ J |my Hppearflnce, wis from a man who n I Colin Robettfcn, Efq. for rl-t and had never feeu. dating to me aty impriionment. Connie! and his friend was dead, that rhe Are trui'e four Colin Robmfons, defence of my fuit had fallen inU his with their four Efquiies at their heels hands, .md that for wine of infffuft'on he had fuffer^ftj ijtidgentent to po a?3 nft me, (I think at UticM.) -^nd trnt he taken the rel»on!ib:iity upon hhifelf of teferrf,.;< all differ nces to Samuel Sher¬ wood, David Ford and George C. Co- nant, Elquires. I he time named for the hearing the 1 CAME into the enclofure of the iub- fcriber on the 4.1I1 inlt. a M AJ^E The owner is requcded to prove his pro- oertv. pav charges, and take h,r away. V J V JOHN ABiiOT Kbgstoa, 9iA July 1818. gw | ATrORNlE$ Blank Bills o ^ Costs, £<# y^ this Oiike. i io.lowi. Fr.^m 1 ar.ynit/ Place to bian- chards 18 miles iit 44, 6f: from Blau- chards to Hamilton village, lO miles at 401 cylj.: from Hamilton village to Hart- wclit., 14 mile? at 40, 4/"^ ; frcwa Hart- wellHto Dewilligais 25 miles, at yd ic/"t ; from DewiUigar* to GallawayH, j 20 miles at. 5d S/4 ; fr -m Galiawcys toj York 1 5 miles at §d 6/3 J.' 2 • © s 3. Proprietors BENJ YuUNG, ARCH. BLANvHARD, ELIJAH BUCK, THO HARTWELL, NATH DEWILL1GAR, JACOB GALLAWaY. Hamilton, July 1, t&l8. ____^ Haifa Gwrtea llemanh LOST, in this Town on Wednef- day Evening hM^ a |ctter finned :.vl. A. F Any perlun finding filch, Sc upon delivering the fflmeat Mr. Moore's Coffee Hnufe, will l,e entitled to the ar/ove fum. 6wip one and the lame Colin liobertfon ; or do thev con fid nf the Sire and hti three promiling offspring, all walking in the!: fame glorious path ? 11*-.hey '-re the-1J fame family, pleafe find a paflajjc for th.-m in ti»e Spring to the oromifed (land, alias The Earl of Scikuk'd colony, of Red River, and you will gicatly I jparties on this qncilion, I think was 'oblige atl your Readers. March 23d, 1818. AMICUS. ADVERTISEMENT. IF the perfon who went by the nnmes of David Price* im] David Dotlor Price, (but whole rc^^ rnme is David Price Dews) and w,* reflding in 18*4 I at the Ba| of QiiaM^ ,'n Upper Canada, is now living, he wii on his return to Bhgland, hear of 1 ,mething miich to hi* advantage, jf he is dead, any perfon poffeffing f«cq knowledge id re qiiefted to corrmunic3tc jt to Mr. Wil¬ liam F*keman, of j^c;V York, or to '-OR THE KINGSTON G\ZF.TTE. " Reputation Good my Lord, in Man or IVoman ^ is a Jewel There is an old adage, but not the lcf& [true for being old, which fays that one misfortune fcldom on^es alone. I had the misfortune forhc 7 or 8 years fince, to h;ive art award found again It me at Og- dentotrgh, in rhe llatc of New York, in favour of a man to whom I Owed nut a faithing, for a fum amounting to nearly! t2,OOG dollar*—and add to this nn-for-' tune, 1 have fmlained a lof* of icputa t!r>n in as much as a r<port ha* been cir., Cdlated much to my prejudice, that thisb March, 181 i—f»< having |o(t or mis- ll^id the paper* ietativt to tliat tranlac- tion, 1 can fpeak fd^'.ef. only f orr( mem¬ ory, which 13 leu forcibly impuiUd fori my mind than fome other part^ relat¬ ing to ihe trahfndion. H iwever, when the Referees the paitie* with Couufd aiui lHe witnefTcs were aflembled. the o:n- Urad being read upon whieh t:.e (uit was predicated, Bethroug waa called on to pro?e on his p.rl the deivery of the tlaves al nmc and place andinquan- tity as therein fperificd, for which, pur¬ pofe a Mi Truman Briflot wa% called, who dtp >fed a-nd fard, ixit he was at Montreal when a quantity of daves vvaa delivered to Meflr>. Pa.kcr. Cvrra-d, O-' glivie & Co. amounting to about 22,000, By one of the RcfciT<a—1? I Uiidrilt^itd 6 i\ ilom-UCK Mackav Kfquire, of Krneft II Pown,a^ it would tc,jjcVc. Yas relations 11 from an unpleafant anv{etY« Me was MULTIPLICAIION ( .......... rabks, For thculcof Schools,!! ik feet high, lightbi )Wa liair>palecom For (ale at this Office. Ucxiori, and very th:^ ^f poor man had bren ruined in confequence yon light, thia of Scavw was I of having been by mc unjullly kept outi delivered to the li.»ufe ot MelT.*. FaJccr of his tioneft dews. My money I do( and Co by Mx. Berhrm^ on account of 1 Mr. Whitney, auJ in fulfilrDrtit of th^ c-ntiaci which you have nc.ird rc^J.— Wknels—a part ot tbem t undentooi belonged to .'.ir. oerhron^end a pa t if them I u«de?do>d t^e o ;-zd io M. vVhitnej. Da yuu K<... whit o^Ji •- not like to part with but for an aqutva lent, but my reputation 1 ho'.d mofl fa- cred. 1 fliall therefore lay before the; public fuch a llatement of prin. ipal fed* relative to that mmfnaion as Jh.iU :n the J evceof the world Either ex.mJpate re L1

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