FO* SALE, 1| NOTICE. ONrMfonab!ctcr m^tkatwxllknownJl^rWTHERKAS. by the last Will rtand foi a 1'avcrn, (Ituated in theli v V Vil'age ofPrcfcrttt, Lota No. 9 and II, fronting the King's Highway, and a J:»rf»e two llnry framed Ho ife, well tin- Hhcd, with a large Kitchen it the rear, ftabiing for twenty fpans ofhorfes* a fhed ICvcaty feet long, and a good houfe no the rear Lot, Jit for the accommodation of a refpodabic family. Tiie wlio'eof the bnftdingfl thereon, being finiuVd in a w •rkniiinlike manner, and at prefeut occupied by Mr. Alexander 3. McDon- elW as a Hotel. For further particulars, apnly to the hibfcribers, or to Mr Alexander Mac- D'nell, Junior, Merchant. Pieicolt, by whom the terms may be made known, and an indifnutable title and immediate poflefiion will be given. ALEX. MACDONELL&Co. Kiitgltou, 3d Jan. 1818. 32tf Rags! Rags ! ASH paid for Clean COT¬ TON and L1NEM HAGS, (Of any Color,) AT THIS OFFICE. and Teilament of the late RICHARD PATT1NSGN, Efq in his life time of Sandwich, in the province of Upper Canada, Robert Gillefpie, Wiiliam Giikilon, and George Moffatt, 1 are jointly and fcverally, appointed fiduciary Legatee* of his Eftate, and Execut. rs of faid Will. I do heirby re quell all perfons having claim* upon faid fcllhue, to prefent the fame to me, duly authenticated, for .payment; and all ntrlons , indebted I \ hereto, are required to pay to me the amount of their refpeclive a< counts. Debts due to faid Eltaie in the 't province of Upper Canada or in the I United States, ^ordering thereon, may ! be paid to George Jacob, Efq. of Sand- || TO LET, FOR any term of years not exceed in Fifteen, on the mod reafona blc terms—That well known valuable Hand in the public line, fituate on the point at Gananoqua. and recently occu¬ pied by Seth Downs, together with the Houfe, Barn, Stables, &c-—For fur¬ ther particular*apply to the fubferiber. JOEL STONE. Gananoqua Jan. 9, 1818. 33// To Let, ■wich, John Allcin, and James Gordon, Elqrs. of Aniherlibtrg, or to cither of (hem, they being duly authorized to receive the fame and grant acquittances G. MOFFATT. Montreal, 20th March, 18 1 8- 4+/I BLANK Summonses Suhpcenas and Executions, for the COURT OF REQUESTS, For Sale at this Office. A NO immediate poffeffion given, the HOUSE and premifra in Stuart- ville, lately occupied by Mr. Dal ton, (ituated within halt a mile of this Town, | afavoiab'e fituaiion for a Gentleman and family* and no lefs fo foi a iJirtiller, or Inn Keeper. For further particulars enquiie of the fubferiber. E. BARNETT, fTmrrt&n, Feb. 24, i S1S 4.3tf valuable lands FOR SALE. THE following fingukrly dcfirabic, and trulv val¬ uable Land* may he had, and immediate pofpflion given, with undeniable titles, at rate-far below their real value ; and it i« '^ut fcldom, even in a country fo ex- tenfive as Canada, where uncultivated Land* may in general be readily ob¬ tained, trnt filiations ro eligible and advantageous, in good neighbourhoods, can he ftcured. Lot t. Comprifing 70 Acres of (he ar—tv rt/ihefl Rrch, M^plr, T\rr\ »nH t).*k Land, in the 4th ConrciTion of Hi pc, lying upon Smith** Cveek, with 15 a.res cleared and fenced, new log. houfe, well Kuilt and dove tailed, fruit trees, &c, with a mill-feat 1 between 4I fcnd y miles from the flourtfliing little Town of Toronto, on Lake Ontario, Where there is an exccllcn: market cither for buy fag Of felling. The Land Wof the very nrft quality, and in a good populous neighborhood, f ifming altogether a moft oeurablc refidence, within a fliort miieof the great road be¬ tween York and Kinjifton. 2d. 200 \cres being Lot No. I, in the 5th ConcefBm of Hope, alongfide the great void between Hope and Ha¬ milton, leading to the new and flourifh in ; fettlemeotfi of Cavan and Monag^ati, on the Rice Lake, in which more th;m 500 families and perfons have actually located, and fcarccly five mile from the Town of Toronto, where there is a good maT^et ; it i& in an old fettlement, and th° neighborhood 13 popolous and excellent- There are about 30 acres cleared and fenced, with a fine dream of living water* and the greater part of the Land of fuperior quality, the rell good °9 GANANOQUA Store & Mills. CHARLES MeDONALD having taken his brother John McDon al'h into 03rtnerfhipt the huiineU in fu¬ ture will be conducted under the iiim of C & J. McDonald, Who keep for faie a general afibrt- metit of DRY GOOD GROCERIES HARDWARE, CROCKERY, and moft articles enquired for at a Coun¬ try Stoie, which they offer low for j Calh.Saw Legs, Sotiare Timber, Staves, Potatoes, and moil kinds of country Produce. They have a good Grift and Saw Mill in full operation—can Manufact- u.e FI.OUR, uqual to any Mill in the Province; they will fiipplyordetfi fo. Sawed limber of almoft any defcription at (holt Notice. C ik j. Mcdonald. Gananoqua, Jan 1 o, 1818. 3 yf AllthoU indebted tdCharlss McDon¬ ald, whole accounts have become due, are rt-qucAed to to make immedi- ate payment, THE SUBSCRIBER, Removal. Scott & MfcGee, Surgeons^ Chemists fcf Druggists-, MAVE removed to the Store lately occupied by Taylor & Parker, fituate nearly oppofitc Moore's Coffee houfe, between Mr. Patrick Smyth'* Crockery Store and the CuAom Houfe office. The ufual attention will be paid to every branch of the Profefliafi. They have on hand a general af£>rt- mentof DYE STUFFS. PATENT MEDICINES and OILS; ACIDS and eveiy Chemical in ule. Kingston, tjtb May-, 1818. 50tf FOR SALE, ~ f J^H AT beautiful and very valuable 1 Farm.fituatcd upon Point Pleafant, in Marylburgh, containing 200 acres, being Lt*t8 No. 18 and 19, e itl of the Rock ; 1 here are nearly tOOacres under good impiovemenc, and 73 bearii.g apple and Pear trees. F«»r particulars enquire t»f Mr. Walter M'Cuniffe, merchant, Kiaigfton, tir Mr. Wm. Ben- niker or Mnryflniigh. Hnving been informed that Aaron Conner ha* been tuipafling, by cutting timber, throwing down my fences, and putting catt)( i"to my enclolurc ; now I hereby foi bid faid Conner taking away thi timber he cut—I alfo forbid ail and ev-ry ptifon or perfons to aid or aflift faid Conner to work or take laid timber a way, nor purchafe it of him ; if they do, j 'hey may expect to be piolecuted ae the Law directs. JOHNMcBEAN. Maiyfbnrgli, ) !f Notice* ALL perfons indebted to treEdatc of the late James Cumming* late of Hallowell, dtceafed, are reqi»eftcd to call without delay, and fettle the fame with Mr. Jamfs McGregor, now in charge of the eftablifhment, at Hallow¬ ell bridge ;—and thofe who have claims againft the faid eiiate, are defued to prefent them for adjuftment. The (lock in Trade of the deceafed, conlifting of a very complete afTorrment (of Goods well laid in, and very fuit^blc I to the Country, is now felling off at pri¬ ces fo low, as will defeivedly claim the attention of the public. - j Cafh or Country produce will be tak¬ en in payment, and a credit of 6 mouth* 'given to refponfible Farmers, or others* JOHN GUMMING,! ^ WM. MITCHELL, \ Excculor8 Kingston, OQ 27, 1S17- 32 FOR SALE, A TWO HORSE WJGGON9\ IjERFECTLY new—Likewife, a few thcufand 18-inch SHING¬ LES-—Inquiie of S. MERRILL. Kingston, April 2 1, 1813. 47 Blank Summonse For the District Courts, for Sale at this Oflice. S To Let, ANDpoflcfiion given the fir ft of May next, a number of rooms in the line Barracks. Enquire of H. EARL. «M 13- 42 March 28. 1818, 44tf BLANK BAIL BONDS, For sale ar this Office, Officers Half P.iy, and Artil- karj Penfion BLANKS, For falc at this OtHcc- I9B6S Irave to inform hi- fn'em U the public generally, that he ds Sc e has removed from his former ttai d to the (hop lately occupied by Jonas Abbot & C». near the Market P ace, where ho has now on hand, a grncral aiTorrmi-nt fcf JUST received and for falc at this Of fice, price 1/8, Poems on his Do¬ mestic Circumstances, by Lord Byron.— With the Star o/* the Legion of Honour. and other Poems ; to which is prefixed, The Lift of the Noble Auttyr. Nov. 28. 32 Kingston Hotel. \ Hardware, Cutl ery, &c, A 1* a dow ^d. too Acres, occuppying nearly one entire fid<e of the Gannanoque Lake, y: the Townfhip of Sonth Crofljy, Dfo- x*\f\ of Jffhnrtown, confiding wholly r.f broken fionts, the back p^rts extending to fhe road fiom tht Ridean Settlement to Kingflon, from which latter place it ififcareely 30 miles diftant- The Land 5-i good and well timbered, and the fitltafioa Gngolatly beautiful and roman¬ tic, with wooded iflandt' in front. The above Lands are particularly deferring of notice. The fit nations were ch.ofen by a compere, t jud^e and th'-y will be fold rema. kably ebi ap, the proprietor Wlfhmg to conceuitate hib forccj* in another quarter. Fot further particulars, apply f» R C. MORNE. Efq. Yo;k ; C. FOTH- PRGILL, Efq. Toronto ; WM H'- W11.TON, EfM. KinpAon or Picfcott; 01 to SHAW ARMOUR, Efq. Mon- treat. April t. r8?8. 47t TO LET, J\ T^T> pofTf flion give X'\ May next, the i; ifcn o»» 1 he firft of ou)>- .o.d piemu ft: nT pi. Ltfitocc< pied by Doctor Ged d .t 1'iiga Doubh H-ufc, 11 will Lc it». ' p«rtu.-j or t getliec. Appt) to tbe ! j.iter. J£u%dUta9 x'cta Jp Which he will fell on the moft moderate term*. To let, the fhop latelv occupied bv the lubfciiber, and pcflcflion given im mediately, SAMUEL SHAW. Kingston. $th Jan. 18 18 32 For Sa jat this Office, A READY RECKONER, Shewing the value of Grains of various Gold Coins, current in the Province of Upper Cana da. JLSO, PRRGtSON'S Improver! Tab!» of (he vnlne of Grains of Gold Coin, 1 »er or under weight I 1jr!'!» " received and for falc ar thi- ]<*]* Office, ;n'.-e7lrj. the MONTREU. ALMANACK, For the V. ..r .: our Lord 1 S 1 8. Alfo—ESS ATS en CI 1CAL HUSBANDRY, AddrciTcd t<» the Canadian Farmeia. By C F GatcE, of Montreal I November 14. ~z FOR SALE, rROBERT WALKER, %j r< tnrns his fir.cere and gtatefful acknowl¬ edgment*5 to his tiiendsj and the prb'ie in general, for their liberal fupport dur¬ ing the lalt eighteen years and take^ this opportuniry of acfjuaintinij them, he ftiil continues to keep the above ele gant Kltahlilhment, where travellers and families can be accommodated with fep- aiate rooms and every btce'it'on ^aid.— Some malicious and unprincipled per¬ fons having represented and circulated a 1 port that his charges are extiavagant, lie beg* leave to acquaint the public, that they are a*- moderate iisany houfe fo the town of Kiugllon, with very fu pci if r accfimn-. dattOQS. , Kingston* June l$t iBlE* 3^-f FOR SALE, PJplSE «?eft bsilfof Lo1 number 5, JjC on the fouth fide offotJth or Prince Edward'* E ty, in the lowi.ihip of Marylbiiiffb, containing o*c hundred acres Said -r.t i« well ri'-^red, and 'ert'ement, on ..acl. fide, whi^h tenders ii I vvd! wo-ih the aittnti.)n of thofe who w.fli 10 purcbafe—Enqtllfc of the Printer JllMC ! 6, l8»8. _________tfj Valuable Lands. IOR fale'y the inhfcriber Lot NT.„ 19, in theteni!' Concdli- o, I A Card. THE fubferiber informs the Merch-t ants and Traders of Upper Caoft-j da and State of New York, thaf he hasi commenced bufmefs in thin Ctty. as a General Agent and Commiflion Merch ant-—Any bufme s entrufted to his care 1 will meet with diligent attention. BENJAMIN HART. Montreal, loth May, I R1 R. 5tm6 Notice. THE fubferiberrefpeftfnlly informs the public, that he intends to ecu-J ttmie the Boating bufinef* this fcafon ;] Vhi'rtffoi't,'fi «try r«f'lnns wYflies to traui- pott Plank, Boards, Brick, L-imc, »Sand, 4c &c. he crTcr6 them hia fcrvicea.— Apply at Mr. lohn Dnwf'-n's. Kino'Ion. WILLIAM YERfcX. April tj. 181S- 46. For Sale, By the fubferiber, AQdozs.n/'lMith/r Brazen Sto?tt. ROBt. kirilARDSON. Kingston, May t$d% r8i8. 52 To Let, 4 ND immediate po^elljon given, /y Two convenient Hcufes, with Shops, in (lore llteet, near Mr. Blake's Tavern, on the corner of the ftreet lead¬ ing ftorn the Attillery Barracks to the French Chinch For particulars apply to JOHN W. FERGUSON, Store Street, Kingston, Edb 17,1 8 I 8- 38 fTr ANTED to hire, a refpeaable V f Woman as a Wet Nurfc—En-, quire of 1 he Printer. &ingti mi, June 9th, iSiR. 2 i SMITH & BU1TERWORTHf BETURN their fincere thank* tq their friends and the public in oC, ncral, for the liberal encouragcnient t*'aj they have received fiuce they re com. menced the Hutting Bufmefs. Thrv have an extenlive aflbrtment of Ladies and Children's BON. NETS, of various colors and fhapes. Gentlemen's Beaver & fine CaitorHATS, 1/tkewife, Knapt and Wool Hats. Which they 1*ill fell very law fof cafh or approved credit. Produce taken in payment. Jan. 2. jidg Public Notice. THE Subfcribers, Executors to tho Estate of Charles Stuart, E(qmref dtceafed, late Sheriff of the Midland, District,hereby fequc&ts all thofe indebt¬ ed to the faid Estate to make immcJiatc payment to the laid Executors ;and all thofe who have demands against the Estate are recjue-ted to produce the fame dtily attested, in order that a Settlement I ct the Estate may be efkfted ax fpeti fl/ I as poflible after the first dav of July 1848. * GEORGE O. STUART, 7 Ek«a ALLAN McLEANi j uion; Kingston, August 11, 1817.—32tf ADVERTISEMENT. The lubferiber offer* for S^c lU Following Lots of Land. 200 acre* in q$\ a'id ;ooin the 6th ennceffion ofiiw Gore bftwcei Erneft Town and FredcricStfturghi No^ t8 and ig in the 8th conceffioo of Mtirray. No. ^t E»fl half zdcrm. of Stiff* No 9—ipth conct'flion of Raw den. No. 4—8th conctffion, Huntingdon. No. 14, 15, 17, i8f 25 and 261*01'* 9th conceffion of Thur'ow. No. 34 and 35 in the 4th coflceffio* of Vaughan, near York- Also, Several valuable Town Lots in the Town of K'nrft.n. WM. CRAWFORD. Frcderidsburgh, Jan. to, 1817. 34$ Smiths Work. npHE fubferiber moft ref;,ffV,.]| informs the gentlemen of KinR8l J t/>n, that he is juft arrived here fror| Dublin, and has commenced the hut; 'utxc Smuh, m all more particularly thai 0f 1 ^ t 1 »cfs of Black and W„iic ita branches horfc .Shewing, m wfefcj, he Will sm the grealeii fetisfa&j.Mi 10 thofe that *m. Tl may rely on ploy him. their wo.k well done, cheap and «m"t! applying at Mr. j. Meagher*, fiar.ack itreet, where he has commenced. All orders in that line will be gladlv received and ftu'ct attention given. Kingston 13th OH. 32 LOU PR rj4> i8;8. 47 'J Fnninug1 Mills, ? BF a f,,Pcrior q^il>t> ; wl.i. h will '\ be kept con (I antly u baud by the -)fcribcr, .n'cr 25 d. "ar- 18 and ai.d half Lot Mo. 3, in ff»« 6th co»- ccfiio- , of the low. HmP of Pier.-y. Ao- •*) to JOHN nnHNETT. 50if Oats and Peas, For fa'e bv Monjeau & St. Germain. June 8. (, '*tnXs/on, maygi/j- 1818- BEEH. mgj\ M 1? J FITCH. ou Collins Creek* 1 ^ cotf Ii JUST .eceived at th«. Store of S. BjmI.i, acoud/nmcni1 ° 94 har rclsof Beer, ->f a fuperior quality, For iaie for calh- May 5. 1818. 49 Books <S? Tracts. OF various defciiptionv/ can 'K ua': al thi" Cffice ; whe> ' at'^cfs rr»a^ alfo be had to a final] Cir.culatinK Li btary, "ii r<-a!c.-H' 1 c teruib. Juuc if>> i8iSr PUB tIC NOTICE. THK Partnerihip heretofore exift- inj> under the Firm ofMcDon- .dd and j'-ncs, is this day diflolvci by mutual confent- All pet Ions holding accounts againlt laid Firm, are requciled to orefent thc«n for fcitlcinent, and all indebted to faid Firm tu T.ake immediate payment. I peter McDonald, EDWARD JONES, The Bufmcl; in future will be carried on by Edward Jones, who is authorifeO rr fettle all accounts ad above mentioned. May 27. ' 1 ~%3rTo'Lei, 11/iOR the term of eight or nineycan, IL on reafonahle terms, the preiTtlfrs a» prrfn.t occupied by the fubferiber, ■• iifilliogof a taige Two flory boufc. bake houle liable. Sec For ip ly ro the fiibu'itbcr. • OVlSi TAPIN. ni£llv>u, June 2, lttl8. X'J FTlHE fubferibers beg leave to inform JL their friend^ and the public in ge< neral, that they carry on the TAILORING BUSINESS 111 Alain^ Streets where they intend mat frig every article in their line, on more rcafonable terms than has been d«»ne for a number of years back. Thofe who wifh ro favor them with their pufloau Day icly on having their work well madc^ and on ihe (hortefi notice, for Cafh. Nori is &: Stevens. Kingston, Sept. y, 1817- 11 TH PANOPLI&T, For the Year 1816, Sale at this Office. [complete J ForS 29 Blank Deeds and Memorials, For fale at this Office. To Let, particu • rHAT well k own larpe whirc STORE, in front of the Dwelling houfe of the fubferiber. It i> wei! cal¬ culated for Commercial Bnliiivfr, having a large commodious cellar, capable oi huldhig 1000 barrels, with tht advantage of the wharf, where VeffeL of 40 ttfitf nay load and unloaded. Foiwa«2ert would do well to impiove thla op; oit-u* ■ity. For particulars apply to tlu lub- 'criber on tin- pTiniiee, JAMES ROBINSON.