Kingston Gazette, July 14, 1818, page 1

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[TUESDAY*, JULY 14, 1818.1 KING TON [VOLUME VIII.------No. 7] m - Kingston, Upper Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollars per Annum—Exclusive of Postage. Agents for the Kingston Gazette. ftw" Timu..MMK$ fU\K!N, Esq. York, Wii.MAM ALLAN, Esq, ftrockviMc, A. SHERWOOD, E q. Br-MvUl^s. M-NABB, Montreal, V MOWER, Printer. 8w>bia-burKb, Mr. SAMU fl soi.MF.S. A vassffm 1 O litre. | T?"OM the Town of' Kingfton on Pair of Stout Canadian Horfes., J1 Friday laft, a fmall Bay Horfe \ and Waggon—Enquire at this | he has a white ftrjpe in hk face, his mane P-ipor Hanging's. ^]| 1 H E fubfenber has juft received a til very elegant aflurtment of Panrr Hangings ; which he offer* for lale on reafonahleterrn*, at the (hop recently oc cupied by N. Palmer. Three or four hundred Gallons of PAINTER* OIL, boiled and raw, of a fnr.enor quality, THEODORE BROCKET. Ktngftou, June zzd, 1 8 i 8. 5".f AND PoiTefliou giveu immediately, ihe lower part of the W-e kc-.i Office. Kingflon, June 15, 1818. |j hogged, fhort tail, mane and tail black, J j| a white fpot upon one of his hind feet — - - — : btlow the fetlock, the fkin off the cap MRS KURTSUALTS, j! of his right fore knee, from a cut, is a- TTNFORMS the Ladles of &■*&■%{! £ 8 oroye.^old .- Whoever will Ji that (he carries on the Millinery Jif Mantua-making Business, In Store Street, next door to Mr. FilVa Store ; where every attention will be g I he faid tiorfeto Mrs Patricks at Kingfton, or to Mr Fcrgufon near the Town, will be fuitablv rewarded. W. P. PATRICK. Kingston, July 6, 181 S« 6 Store ; where every attention will be | ff^f R Qnin(,a ft,.^,/. pa.dtothofewhomay favour bcr witkj y 0ST, iu thi« Town, on Wednef- • , jr - I j day Evening lalt, a letter limned * J * I si C. F Any perfon finding fucb, & I toon delivering the tame at Mr. Moore's | \ NY perfon defi-ous to clear from : C.ffee Houfe, will be entitled to the J-lTSL five to fifty aeacs of Land, fituate a^ovc fum. 6wap >n ihr. bay fide, nine irulca from Kings-. : ton, adjoining Col. fohnfon's, may have , tv xt -n r* i> t n r» *« i" xt t* 0* EL ujon thefame, it being very ■ A DVER1ISEMLNT. Iconvenreflt for rafting to town, oj for the " T F the perfon who went by the names , purpofe of fupplyiog the Steam Boats. • JL of 23 I David Price, and David Do ihr Kingston., June 17, 1818. Sir—As the gentleman who ha> fa¬ vored me With the accompanying com¬ munication, has no objections, I lend it to you for infertion in the Gazette, And am, See. ROBERT GOURLAY. Robert Gourtay, Efq. Sir—1 lake the liberty to enclofe you the copy of a letUr received from a friend who has recently applied at Downing Street for a grant of land in thia Province and am fnt Your refpedtful and obedient Servant, THOMAS DALTON. Kingston, June 15//; 1 * 1 b\ (Copy.) " Colonial Deputtment. Downing St. March, 181 & SlR, •* I am direfied by Lord Bathurft to acquaint you, in reply to yonr letter of the 2ttl inftant, that His .i?ajeity's Go- \euimtni have ceafed to gi\e a:.y «n cou.agCT.cnt to individuals defirotM of B For particulars npply to ALLEN M.aCLEAN. Kingdon. June 2<;. 1818- 5 To Let, PROPOSALS ST AMOS Leir, \ England* hear of form-thing much to j lis advantage. If he is dead, any \ }erfon pofllfling fuch knowledge is re expe£t a paiTageat the expenfe of Gov¬ ernment, nor any afTittauee after their iarrivulin the Colony* Lord Batburfl A Author and Publifhei of the late Maps j' jueiled to communicate it 10 Mr. Wn*-|jk however ready to receive proyofals of the Northern piirt of the State ofj uat* FuFbMAw. of New York, New Vork, Upper and Lower Canada, HOUSE, elegantly faulted, and I .fo' reviling, correcting, and publifiuiig,! Wvli fiuifhed and ornamented with bX Subrcrrption, A FULL AND CORRECT pairings, and an excellent Cellar; alfoj a Bmu7 ju feet fqoare, and a good Gar- j den and Yard.—For further particulars enquire of HENRT BJKER* Jun IS ftf Notice. M A P Sookrick M.»iitAY, 1'Tqinrc, of Kmeft Pown,abit wotifJ relieve hii> relational He was . 11 STATE OPNEIT-YOBK, On a Scale of 7 miles to an inch. The fi/e of thia Map is four feet four I •■iCTHlilfEASbv theh.ft Will and liochcj, Iquarc, comprifing a large part of1 V W Teltiment <>t 1 lie latt R' \ ;Pcnuiyivania and New- Jc- icy, whh i *f Oltt'om. dcceaM, it. hi^ life ti.neof Sid- j *purt ot Connecticut, Maflacbufetta Ver lliSSP Canada. This ' . yp anavla Line., or 45in ucy, County of Ha(Un£*< Provi'iCt nf{{mnut« and Upper Upper Canada, Elizabeth Ostrom Mel Extend- frvwn the L Gilbert* and Rwwell t.ravens, **e jointly • jdtgree of N«.i'.h Laiirude, foutn t . the and leverally :ipp<»v '<>d Executrix and ilclty ot Philadelphia : and fr\.m Pitts- Executors In his laft Will aid Tcfta-" j j burjth in Veonlyivania o<. the well, to iC eaft M. pieru. We do hereby req'kft 3H per-. |. Ncw-liave.n in ^onneiticui on th f.UM who are indehled t" faid F ft ate to' ■Tbu extent ot country is nearly all in-J call iinmedi^telv on ihe fnbfcTibjlig Ex-i{cludcd Within the linea of Latitude and j J wU |iaw^ a ]arge alTurttmcu teutons and make immediate payment ;ULoVtgilude that dcfiiie vhe cxUrioi Ijand Gcutltmeri's Booits ai |nd all thole vv*>o have any demands ag- j [Utults t theS'ateof New York. j every delcripti^n. «iuft faid Eftateare requelled 10 produce /( 'Ihe Pnblifher havir.^bten employed them duly attehVd, in order that a fct-*.foi upwards ot twenty four years in ex¬ ilement of the eftate may be as 1 [plotlug and lurveying various part» of ipredily as poffihlc after the firll day of; [the United St aim and Upper and Low- Septeri her next. !er Canada, and alio in compiling and JBEE GILBERT,! p^ jpublilhing Maps, which have met with! R. LEHVENS, J ****?* flvery liberal patronage and encourage-* Bellville, 22d June, 1818. 5 J ment, is fl.iitcred in the belief, that his Ipiefent unueitdking will be equally well 1RV1A* $2rtl*> I [deceived by the public, and iufure him a or to: [from any pcrfoua willing to undertake either in perfon ai by their Apents the cultivation ul targ- r grant3 of land, ei- frum an kjUpleaiant anxiety. He was! l'lcr at tne Cape ot Good Hope, or in U feet h'"ph, liAht brown hair, pale com-! {the North American Provinces, under jlcxioii, *&& #try thin. 4tf ithc following couditiona. ----------------------------------------------1—--------' I Such ^rait will only be made to ihoie BOOT, SHOE ami LEATHER [who can engage to take out and locate '■Opon the land granted, ten Settler* at the feail ; and the quantity of land granted in each cale will be in the proportion of j 100 acres for every fettler propofed to be token out. In order to prevent any evaliou ot this eoudtCJ ttr, th< perfon fep. IVILLI.1 MS 2c Co, at the plying for a grant of land will be requi- Sigti of tlhe GOLDKN .«ed t.» pay down a fum at the rate of J L -6 (tore Urec'Jiefocafully kfarmh£1^ tur tvery f^tler, which fu* will be :the mhabitanta of lCiiogfton, and its .repaid to him fo loon after hi* arrival in t vicinity, that they Hill: continue iheir| <he 'v olony, as the fettlers (hall hdve JJ / ^J ^ f It been located upon the land affigtied. I a300C Clflti' k5/106 .«1 am only further t<> acquaint you, that Manufactory where they keep conftantly | 'iu cafc of your being willing u, under- .t of Lady's id^ the cultivation of laud under thefe id Shoes of. jconditions, cither at the Cape of Go<-d ery dticription. J Hope, or in North America, and in the Likewile a fupply off g*od Sole and Upper Leather, of all kinds. i heir prcfent alignment is much SyoU free of expeoce, and the neceiTary more complete, than they have hitherto jjtonnage will be provided for the convey had. ' "'" "" *" Kiugfton, June 23 i?t8. , event of your propofal being approved [by his Lordfliip, a gram will be made to Offft ^ I: liberal remuneration for all bia exertions Y the fubfciiber, (2 doors North j ^r.d endeavors to prom .tc and extend the uf Juki! Camming* Efq ) j f general improvement a:-d knowledge of CHERRY Boards and Pbnk I W» own country, and the adjoining Pro- lb inch vShin^les, and Cord Wood JOHN TUTtLE. Kingston, yoth May, i 818. 1 Dwelling Houfe and Bakp-houfe LET for any number 'if year* tl>;:t. m;y b^- a(.-»ccd upon. For par¬ ticular cnqniie 'f IV \LTER M'CUNIFFE. Ki'ugilon, June 2, 1818. Ilf AS vmi e&. This Map will he printed on fine wove paper, handftmciy coloitU, anddclivcrcd to SuUfcribcrti, In the Sheet, - - at * 7 Bis, Made portable in a bo"k, 10 Mounted on rollers and | varnift^d, 3 SubfoipUons will be received at t's'a Qffict. 4tf New Store. T JO FBTfti'-i fuhferiher bc>is le^ve to inform Jl. liis friends the public, that he has commenced the .?< T770V BOJNBSS, in the Market Place, oppofite to Mr. DmiM Brown's, where every attention will b-naid to thofe who may favour him with their eommftiwi*- MLH.\KL Moa \N. Auctions every day at eleven o'clock. *ivne 22. 4 A yew ST W Line oj 312SL ! A NOTICE. S the Subfcribcr, ii ab*mt to clofe his bufinefs here, he n-qi.r A\ ILL e^mmC'Ce runnmg on 6th July, and l^avc the Carrying Place Monday at d Thnrlday, 2 o'clock. The f&re for York, a diltance of 108 u.i-es, will be £ 2 : o : Sr— and paid as totlowb. From Lprrying Place to Blan chards 18 miles at 4'K 6/: fom Ukn chards to Hamilton village, 16 ttiles at 4d ^ : (torn Hamilton village? to Hart-1 wells, 14 miles at 4^ 4/8 ; fioni Ban- wclUto Dcwilligars, 25 miles at 5d-j tc/i ; from DewiUigars to GallawayB, 20 miles at jd 8/4; IV-td Gallaweygto Vu.k, 15 miles at fd 6/3 £***«*. that are Irxrieritcd by Note -a oiht.v.;f; ,, - ViVlTMn delay. . S H'.WLEY KingO'ii. Jurt? 1 5th 1X18. Oats, P-ale and FlttUT for £>k by S.iiawley. pan \ fale n Rule* for the bj iJoP ^HOlT. 3 ai? Office—Mffwfr Game ofWMlti r 4u ELIJAH BUCK, THO. HART WELL, MATH DEWILl IGAlt, JAIOB GrtLLAWAY. Hamilton, Jtdy i, \*t&______6 MULTIPLlJAilON 1 ablcs. For \ be ui^ of Schools, For iak attliib Office* HE fubferiber informs his friends and the public in general, that he has removed bis Good's from the Store belonging to Doctor Forward, to the houfe oi Mr. fohn Daiy, where he will j have conttaatly on hand a choice affort- m^pt ^f Dry Goods, Groceries, Liquors, $c. ijc %e> and will continue to difpofe of them ou the lUttft liberal terms for Cafh or appro* ved credit He avails himieif of this opportunity to tender his grateful thanks for the great fupport and encourage ment that he has already met with, and •affiues them that every exertion ou his part will be made to nui u a coutinuancc of their favors. JOHN CLARK. Emejl Town, 13//; June, 1818. 3 N- B. All kinds of Country Produce taken in cxchancc for Merchandize, and the mod libeial pi ices will be given tor the fame FARMS FOR SALE. THE fubfciiber offcrb for fait a farm containing 33 acrts, iu 'he town- ihip of El He II Town, 2^ couccflion, ha-! vmg a good frame I*0',|t, a large Bavn and Shed, an excellent (laud for a tavern I and dove, and one of lj,e bell liUialioite li: the country for a mechanic* jilfo—0'ie of the Lt|l farms in the townlhip of Kingdon, containing loo acres, well timbered, auj about 30 acies under improvement. SMITH BARTLET. April 28 1818. 48tf ance of younclf or your'Agtnt and the Settlers. Whom you may have engaged to accompany you- The expencc of victualling the Scttkrs will be dcfra\ed by ;onrfe)f.M 1 am. Sir, &c. &c. &c. (Signed) Hy. GOLDORN. Church Catechifm For Sale it thu Otfke. R(twdo7i) June 25/&, 1818. At a numerous meeting of the res¬ pectable inhabitants of this Township having been convened at the house of Mr. Lewis Rosfbu.-h,—Jeremiah Co- vort, Esq. being called to the Chair, the Address of Mr. Robert Gourtoy, and other Papers to the Resident Land Owners of Upper Canada, dated April 2d 1818, were read over, arid their \\ hole tenor and sentiments uuauimous- ly approved of. In conformity to the recommenda¬ tion* therein contained, the meeting proceeded to elect a H^presentftUrf: and Clerk, vVhen Samuel CurrraUugs, lv;q, was appointed to the foi-m^r sit¬ uation, and Mr. William Zevirk th*» latter• A Committee also was appoin¬ ted to forward the views of the Meet¬ ing, viz. Samuel Rosebush, Dani**l Huffman, and James llubbol. The thanks of the meeting were u- nauimouslv voted to Mr. Gourlay, fo> 'lis zealous exertions in behalf of the Province, and to Jeremiah Covert, Iv- .juliv. for liberal!) fulfilling thedutie .)f the Chair* JEREMIAH COVERT. Wit. 2i-vuk. Ckrk, Mr. Covort then addressed the iVteetiug as followb. Gentlemen^ It s;ives me much pleasure to be pre* seilt when so respi'claule u mcetii.; ,)iosents itself for the virtuous purpo • f Petitioning our 1 riucc for the reli 1 con titutiou, which has ^o lout; b^en (lie admiration ofsurtound>wg nations; it embraces all that good disponed mei| • an desire, and nffcts to the people a sacred riiihr, of peac ably meehiiij f0f the purpose of Petitioning a | rioce < ver read) to listen to his faithful sut>- jerts and redress their gtievunces Factious discontent |S despicable and mean, but who Khali call us f&ctiou*« but those who bavt* too long shared in 'he spoils of the Peop't- r I shall not trespass upon your time by a labyrii\Ul of argument, your own good sense * ilk [point out to you \*h«re th mischief Ii**s, it comes home to most of us, and 1 trust vou will shew that spirit and magnanimity so solemn an occasion re* juircs. So loiii^as your intentions are virtuous and your proceedings eon-Ui* (utional, you may laugh to icorn the maliiinaucy of your opposcrs^aud defy rh**ir i»>"**r. Fron\ the IVafithighn Cay Ga*.eitg. Valuable Improvement. Mr. John Heuiy Tilge, late frotl Leipzic in G'Traany, has made* valuable d'Tcovoy in the mode of Riffening hnts, by which they are made water-yroof,-— We have leen one of thefe hats im- ntrried in water for twtitty-tour hnur^ ; when taken out it was perfectly II iff and in good form* Though hars m^.le u\ (tliibway are rendered perfectly water¬ proof, yet they are as lol't, light and pliable a** any other Mr. Tilgc ii at prcfent engaged with Mr. W H. Hatner, of thi^ place in the manufacture of thefe watc proof h-its ; from wl^otn alone they arc tu \>c obtained* LONDON, May 7. When the lift fliips left St Helena, Duonap'irte (till contiuued in a four mood, took no exercile, and refufed 10 fee any vitft >is. Dn coni«qnciiee-oirL»ir rmifi'ailrtiliir^i inj> between count Montho'un and jun. Gourgon, ai St. Helena, the latter ha; ref **ird to Europe in the Camden. It in Itated that Buonaparte peremptorily forbade the decillon of the quarrel by duel. Mr. B<ik;olin. at wl» iff bouW Buonaparte refided when he firft landed, has alio returned to England with hii family 'I he ridiculous reports cir¬ culated yelleiday, that a fecret cor« refpnndence had been detected at St. Helena, are without the leal! foundation* The celebrated chieltain, lir Gre^or MacGrcgor, whole exploits in Sotuh America have been th^- theme of fo much converfation in Efig'und, had a narrro^ efcape a few day^ ago- by the accidental overtutning. near Wooler, of a lia^e coach, in which he was a paflVngcr for Edinburgh. A young lady in the coach had her collar bone broken, and wai fo much bruiled that fne wa.p, abliged to be left at Wooler. The Duke of Wellington and fuite from France, was landed at Dover oft the 2d of May, from the I.otd Duncan Packet, and proceeded for Loudon, i\ cx- f grievances generally beiietred t. ,1 in this piouutv. it would be pr«; umption in mc to point out t- >ou that dutiful cAmtmuuce of the IfritW From the Boston Daily /Itlv. of Tuef-hy. Captain KoLbins from Calcutta, ar¬ rived yelte-nay, report-i the following :—- " The Purier of the Thoraas-Greci ville, which we fpoke April 7,: thtc days out from St. Helena, informer! ui that Bonaoarte wae a little indifp«>led, and wan about moving his quarter* tvi fomc other part of the iflaild, thinking hi» prefent fituation unhealthy. The governor had given him 'hi* libruy. He had become extremely frafttoUt ftnd unealy, and appealed perfectly unhappy, lie objected to having intcrc«>urle wjtti any one, and appeared to wifh to live by hunfelf. Bertrand, and one ottwr Frenchman, wa? ftill with him ; all Hi other attendant had left him, he b*»fAjp quaireled with them all^ and it wa» thought the two betorc mentioned wou!4 alio leave him. Wc underftand that when the Intel¬ ligence of the death of the Prmcefs Charlotte reached Buonaparte. In um overwhelmed with grief, and llwl for tome time he confined himftlf u-i.h tit feeing any pcrion. It appeal thai he had concluded on being relealed u lu-n the Prince!* attended the thr tip, and BiuB have had f^me indication ' f t'at event, as the Prince Lp*|*ldi lur hulband, had been his aid-dc-c.cs'p. Hif hope^ iif liberty, he now has rcjion 10 believe, arc vciylic^cr.— 1

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