Kingston Gazette, June 23, 1818, page 2

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r *er t Wa- Uli I* • «>" '« ■• &•!'«< l- 'lie people • f lilt- PiavifiC^ to tee, even during rive Wit winch ;iff nlcvl lit U itr king proofs of their loyalty ai'd *a- lUF« rep r h fen* L>xne, h gnly raifufi the merit or regularI ttiops«» while •he triouce due 10 L'afiadiui ra:taiinns -\as un [the fro*tie? rf the Prov:rice vvh. 'of nature. W dread of arbitra- ikcrity ; yet, (], tc the peace, • ry power aff,,./,- \\\$ free cxci- Lhe grea er parr f them have cif'e of reifoi, arcj manly ienti- been denied u>e pledge of their cx.rao di* ary iei vices ; and . *e land, /'; : promised to them, Sua tltftnucd. uy them, has been* withheld. ! Such ineratitude, fuch injtis* tice, fuch in policy, your fa;; y withheld. the pvin-jj Royal Hi^hnefs may be well ci-> es of the mutt *<>yai iubjccls \[ allured, couid not exift without hi re were* ftigrna ifed by cer¬ tain officers, ignorant m hu- Trent \xm have been let a- fide. Legiilafcm have £eew brought iiito<ierifion ; and con- temp' from the mother coun trj feems faftga;heringftrength to difurrte the people of Can¬ ada from the.r Inends at home '1 he imme'ii;re interference of ) our Roy,*l Hiffhsds may do much to chock exiftin^ evils ; and may ivholly Fenway th<ife exrra«»Tdir ary Influences; and, were yonr Royal Highnefs fuf- ii *n character, and ftill more Ificiently informed as to thefe*] -which fpnng from the fyftem fo ofdrcunvfhtices wh ch affed: jjand at the true ftate of Upper) of patronage and favoritiim, \i Canada, we flatter QurfelvesJ 'the land-ziai ting; denarrmei't. v, in this parr of the world. It v sn->t lis with the innnorta' Brock. He JjftJy appreciated! Canadian voi i h ; and his m< m- o: v will ha pily lung efceriih, ic he minds of: the Canadian people, a due regard for the genuine £pi;it of a British Sol Vicr, at once generous and brave. The loyal inhabitants of Up- pC'- Caca >a would difdara to notice the miireprefemarionsof in. ividuals, fo contrary to no¬ torious truth, if th«*le had not obvioufly cor.fpired, with ot'h-.| er caufes, to lefikn the mutual regard which {hou!d iubfift be¬ tween Bririlhfubje&g here and! at h« me, and to influence the conduct of minitters towards the general intcrcit of this Pro- wince* '] he loyal fubje&S of His Ma- jcn\ in Uppe»* Can da fu fie red grievoufly, during ihe war, in their p«operty ; and many were bereft of their all. An &fjicial\\ is elligvior., on this fubjeel, took place ; the claims of luf- ic ers were authenticated ; and there was every reai'on to ex p^ct, that recompence w -uld iinmediate^ follow ; yet noth¬ ing Jus f.JloA-ed, but delay and c jappuintmerit* Surely, if there is among mankind a iin^le p incipleof juftice. this is one, that the individuals of a nation Otght not, pir'i.-Uy, lo bear the weight of public calami y. Suiely, individuals who have expoledubeir lives for goevern- n-enf, fhould not. in retum^£nd government r gardleCs of tnofe very principles, which it is in¬ tended to fuftain, The people of t;,;S Province are well aware, moft important changes would Other evils, however^ greatly fpeedity t.ike place, as well for retard the profperhy of Upper be .glory of the rhrone, as for jCanada, eviis' which can oflljp the benefir of its fuhjects, IbereMioved by the interference Permit the io\al fubiecls oft i of the Britilh Parliament* Mis Majefly, mer ly to fav as ] Deeply penetrated with thefe [iv^«^rnird r>y another if tn? jranrf-—i! what was recnfdecj bpenly ai the kulc <>f the metting was fcontrarJt#ed as foon a^ its bearing againft \hc culprits wa*- di- covered ; ! utf perl«ap«s the tiffuc of pal pahTe failehoods publillird by tlum, without a name in the KingUon Gazette I of i he 9th June, forms the hefl evidence, I taken in connection wi'h t!r*r idfoccy of holding a fecond meeti'g, to conf-Wr themfeKea with viBorgt after I was— eighty mites off 11 The nanric of Mr. Jonas Jones (hoti?4H not have been mentioned t y me, had hi- affoewtefi not announced him. Til! the 27»h av. I had been given to believe thai he poflcfltd fomc fhdre cf fenfe a-'d difrrction. Alas ! what can we think Trt the Bdiforof the Kingston &tttotfa Silt, On looking ovrr yol»t IftM rinmbor 1 ***ftj$r<»atlv «nrprisrii fo fru i that II had kictltT£(1 ttlft (li ploa^nro of _\1 r |(imir!ar, because, in the di-rharye. of my duty, J had returned \im the I'oaf Office, a packet 11 hich had bpon -Mldvssed to him, by Mr. Daniel ilau'-nnan. Cf usure so nnprovoked I rnti'iot <v.i)\'v to pa>8without comment 9 '• ricftnufirhf \v construed hto aex|niftHence in Us justice- Air- Ci our lay iis>.it. that " (fie moment any letter or pocket is put into a Pot Office, that foment it becomes the property of hir^t n Um it is addressed, and that n i her th» much, a* theppfent. time, on' tiiis iuhjed. a> may induce yc*af Roy«l Hi^hnefs to oider en¬ quiry to be made. Tie lands or the Crown in Upper Canada aie of iminenfe [extent, not only ftrctchiug far and wide into tne wilderneld ; but (cattered over t^e Provir.ce! and intermixed with pnvate property, .already cultivated | ihe difpofal < iihefe lands is left to Minillerii at home, w bo, (row their are* ignorant cf many ex*fling drciiB'iflaaces and liable to be itHpt&d upon by artful and interejica T€p rgfcn - tatt ns ; and to a Council t men rcfidihg in th« Province who, faihg varhujly conmElcd, poetically and pcrso.uttfy* with ap- J pi 1 cants far grants^ and, like other av*';. JusCLpiible 0/ partialities and prejudices, have fallen into a train \of proceedings9 which has given much dijTatistafflon Ire* a^u fes in % his denar merit, it is wu uerjhcd., c^n^e. iome years ag , 10 ft ch a pi»rh* rhat rhe l^ome miniitu * nrpoied rcitriaions on tt^e Land Council or U;-'P" 1 Can^oa. '1 heir; hnwever, have not fjfzcijaly removed the evil * t\ iyftero of patronage anoia- voritiim, in the difpofal of Crown land?, isjtiti believed -o ?xift%m (iCjtniclivt of mar.A rec¬ titude aad virtuous feeling in the community> as it is jicbvcrftve \ of general confidence and rejpett \for government / a fpecies of in- \fiit£tu€r conrecled with the pccuU of a Member <T Parliament wIv.ef|M>u-.jjhryt 0WIier^ hor tne m&Mi , ^ ' jj es ftuh a c.uife as that of the ftlf-ftiled t ommitiee o' Augufta ? It w»8 Mr. Jon-? who was haranguing aeamlt our Addref** to (he R^enci when I and the major part of the people left the meet* ing, difcufted wi.h an intruder perfift- feniiments, and molt ferii»ufl) inclined to ! ;ivc fuch needful changes fpeedily effected, »he underfigned loyal fubj els of Bri¬ tain, dwelling in Upper Cana¬ da, now take the extraordinary [lep i f fending home Comuii- fi(vner< to%bear to the Throne \ and humbiv entreat vour k->v. al i.i'ghp fs Q 'live ear to the detail*, vthicl' it will be in tfieii power to relate ; ^bove all, that your Ro)al Higfiheft Would Kend out to -lii^s Province a Cfm.miilion, conliftint; of dil creet and wife mm; — men ofj Ivufineis and talent, who ma 1 be above'-very influence here ; and who may be iniiruclej to! enquire im<i all" exijting four- ties >>f evil aW nteans of improve¬ ment. I 'I I c>] FOB Tin* Ki"<-ro\ c\7.t;tte. Mr. Got m.fY* Letter t» Mw to witty InhnhitouU of Niagara DUhkt— etJiiUnui'tL Pnfcoir i$ fitifatcd at one cotner of the tewefhip of Aiigulta whi-ir dwell Solon on |. nc, ! ^ C. 1 U\\ BflllHR^ Lltl*. H. Wa**trf D. u an(] othc»- of nor-tiety . '-Hi^grments being made in tl.i- ttiwtifhtp h. ch, mc, iUig of which } hive yiv<n actv.lir,t in (he kinait-m Gfeetie of z<\ ii |, I nwde an extortion through O^for'J, Wo^ord, [Elmfly, B^ftar'Jr Vonge and Elisaheth. town, in all of which towrihips, 1 found the jjcope greatly pleafed with our pro pofalff. Ky holding a meeting in lu^ufta, e»- e»y ler (5 hie man mull be hutuA thni tv,at their teltow; fubjefts at I'-me.aiepreile'i han1wiihf,ax-|.wr circumjiancesofthts Province. atioQ ; and hir h it from their f^/t/ not witrefj'cd in any other part wifh, thar relief fhould be al-\\of the Brafn empire. It is vainl forded from thence. Car.aJa|jto look for improvement, tm- contains- wi: hin itfelf, ample means of exonerating govoi n- ii ent from ihe cliiims of fof- feiers by war ; and it is within theykri of your Royal Higlmefs to remove, by a (ingle breath, the cvii now fo jultly coitiplaia- ed of. Millions vi icres of fer¬ tile land lie, here, at the difpo¬ fal of your Royal Highoe&9 up¬ on the credit of which, pin un¬ der proper mana;:emcnt,not < n- ly the *air claims of loyal fui fertrs could be satisfied^ but vafl fun^.s might he railed, for the improvement of the Province, ard the eventual inaeafe of ie venue to Britain. Another o-r;evjnce. manifeft- ingt^e neelecc of government to the c. nreTs of Upper Ca- ra^-5 is equally notorious, and and mud be, ifp'jfible. ftill more nbhorent to the generous feel¬ ings of your Roy^l Hijrhnefs. The young men cf this Pro¬ vince* were encouraged to vr./un- teer in its defence, by a pronr- ife of their crn.r ander^, to re- c-.mcr.d that laid jfcouid be granted 'herr,* at thetermino* tin or *hewar, as a reward tor the- fervices * * Under the faith of this proTttife* ar.d in obedience to jtil a radical change fhalt be ef- jfected. It matters not what •chambers fill fituations of pub !!ic ttuit at preicnt. Suehis the \Cou*fe of things, that they are in* \fcnjibly or awn into the vortex. Difappointment, at lay, vexation and coffufi'^n have f-.r *wn out ing in declaiming on a' fnijefl wht»Hy foreign to the bnth»efs at iffiie ; iiidccti, a[ any rate, the .'-sddrefs k<{ the DiHrift |f»f Niagaia. ought nut to have bee* a fnh;cct of complaint. It waa printed rtWfrrly to'give the ptibHc an opp**rtuoi- ty «f improving upon it, by difpaffiffidte critici'm ; and, every Dittiici has b right to preiVnt fuch an Addrcb as bift fuit" the ideas or need of ils inhabitants. The Inhabitants of Niaeara, by no means, . \ri(htfd to prefs th^r's upon any one If the friend* 6f Mr Jones—Ubc Ji'd.u', the Piu.ii and the lenbe, think that al! is over, tn<y may yet be miila- ken. Wc may h-.vr to fiibmit t«> the common vagabondi; but thert arc ways «>f m iking men TO « fact f J foi theiVtrrffcondut* ; atid, I ?t*>(i. (hat uei- iher the Governor, no* Bifh'-p ot (an¬ te, wll prove Milenf-ile to the £jrni$ vi- lation of decency a^d cotn-mon fenfe, in a Di'triS Judge, or,' eitablilhed Clergy¬ man. The fuV'iwng ha enfiy of tie notes fa l*n at I he meeting) and atlcjlcd by the Cirri' s fl'imllUre. At a meeting of Tnh;»bitarrs of th- ; ti wnfhi' of Auytifta., held at the hoiife aflfaacHurd, ihe 27th of May, 18.8 — Kichaid Arnold, Lhj, in the chair: ir was moved ard carried, imanv/noofly, that the i.aines of the pcrfons ptefent be recorded. 2d. Vfr CJourlay havincr invited only r< the Inhabitarts f * ngufta" t'» meet him at Ifa-.c Hurd'fi, enters his nrotelt '•\\.^\ 0 :-vi: th fe wh<i *'<.- not rtfdtM lh- IhtilitartiSi ^caking or vi tiiig on th»0 oc cafinn. 3d. In the newfpapers cotitafninjf Kefolufions of •• V\r (. nmrnittcc of rlw InhaMifautsi^f Aoiftfto," OVwxr Luert, rnfTorinted for Olivet Everts. 4th. ITm ivctititrat wbu'h the Com* rrtitte was apuolntcdj was »ut the *cgu> 1;t, annual and legal l\jvvn Xleethig- fth. Heman L^r» len, Ffq. was at the meeting which appointed tie 1 ommit- tee. ?ir' fays, * he ihink.i John w>;..\p Clerk • c->uld have no view t* wa.<N hm/erins\\/ v 1 "\ » "* rnc cnaracterot ino4e wh • had uaiito*:- ro- >a 1 n 1 ti- rPI 1 „ r i^iened) John I ennocii, ly attacked mine. The clci-aSer of * h * J ' thefe people wss qiiite low enough ; On the 2-81h Niay I reached John^- they line! brought thernfelves into ad?- town, ;*nd next day proceeded by 'he lemma, from which nothing bui candid | ila^e, to the ferry houfe in Lancailer. confeflion and a|»ol«»gy could extricate (leavingihe pamphlets and papers at the them ; and, as I had heard at King Hon, j fbires and taven^, along the whole that there were, a«ron\j then), fome'; route. The 30th and 31ft I palled through a confuieiurV.e portion of Glen- who ttg.etted wfeft they^ had d- ne. my drfi^n was, after r )>a'i*fliii'i» a ftw faib, before thecaHecHwbody oi th irneigh jbuiirs to .(Ford (0 opportunity foi re- conciliation, by Jrelariny myfc'f willing lo forgive every »,nt' ft'h * fh"uld c«.nfcfs his error Unfortunately a very differ ei.t ipn ft than thai of repei.tan e pr vail¬ ed in tie bnaiis »-r thrfeinfatuated mm. I was 1:0 f'oncrs^'^d at the place of meeting, than, a-'P^Vd of a eombina gary, and. on the ift }\w, get into the 1/illricl of Oltaway, where 1 had moft hearty welcome from the principal in- i hahitajits. Mr. NfcDonetl, the ^rffent [ Membci of AfTcnbly for th;-t Diftrifl, Mr. Mear*,the forme? .'lember, Colo¬ nel Fortune, Mr. Grant, and many o- thers, feemed all equally willing to ef- [ pouic the great public caule ; and as¬ sured me, that, though, oh account of I the extreme dittanacto York .they might not lend a member to the convention. 1 meafures f(jr enquiry into th. ihite of [the Proviiice, and advance a ium of mo. dividual of that ttwdhip, who attended jj«ey» in atd» proportionutc to the contri- this meeting, yet many camcfoi w.u-d »ind j bntion i»f ar?y other Diiliict. I (hook hand* wiih rne n*olt eo-dially, and [! On the 3d June I retraced my fteps ne ge-'tleman landed '-^e a to e inriina- 1! into the upper part of Glcngaiy, and. j thf ple.ifnre to find the ptoide ai-j I ting, that, five t«* »tje, were in my fa¬ vour. Knowing the f^nfufion which a com bfnation, even of a «fW defperate cliar- ?c3ers, can orodu^ m a multitude, I cal¬ led for, and obtained, a liil o\ thole pre¬ sent, refident in Augnfta—proteiled a gainft the inteiftfcnc^of oihern, atid rr- aiiiied that everf 'ac* cilabhliied before of this unb«n>py fyfteui ; and] the* bmdi of the Crown, the 1^ ™**** ,r? »«*•« *Jtn(t^ ; I • i and, that ihn co^luna 10 i was (trength- iglving ..way of Which has ere- Lned by partj/.ana fr^m othert .wnlhips. j they wuld, neverthtlef*, approwofou [aied fuch mi fchief,* have thereA jihad not, prioi to my arrival in Au- ' 'by come ro Ktlle value.* Thet gufta/been acau&hrfed with a finglein- poor fubjecis of His Majefly, driven from home by chlhefs, * to whom portii n> of land are granted, derivefinall advuni ge from their grant: : and Loval- ifts of the United Empire, the defcer/fiftfs of thofe who fac- (rififcj their all. in America, in behalf or Britilh rule, men whole names were ordered on record for their vir umus ad¬ herence to your Ro\a) father ; the descendants of thefe men* \cannot realize the benefit expected \fromtheir del'ii-ed rewards.* Under this fyftem ot inter- nal management, and weaken¬ ed from 01 her caufes. "Uppei Ca- tiada now pines in cou.paritive decay. Poverty and difcon¬ tent a"e experienced in a i nd > ready alive in our comnnni intercft It had been, with iriuch drffieulty, that 1, jcoiiid procure horfep on my advance; i I now, they were cheerfully volnniecrid ,- ( and, through the aseal of nne worthy in-' | dividual, 1 waa able to attend two tiain- ! i ing me.lings on rhe 4*!) of June, At the firll I dileovered that fome iynora *t officn has the smallest right to use liberties with it." This assertion though made with his characteristic assurance, is nevertheless anourous, if i)v the "right to use liberties,** be [menl the privil^^e of tlv writer fo [withdraw hi* letter But this is ocfc the ouly iu-tanre, whic;. u _l»t uc quoted from Mr. GourfctjrN n "-^paper rtfrt«ionv? whtroin he is bffraj -I by it malevol.-itt dispo-it!:--n, infoiiutr. urary, or inconsistency, and it anjioars n.. d- f d to refnind him that ROtnPtbipz mora is required for the estaWfabmonr of hi; |jriucif)le<-by the Ci Mn-qnitnf'* of Canada, than Ms mere dictum, ho*-. ever dr^matieafly -Ivanc^d. Althovgfa ho affirms that he kuorf^ tHfi /w, he Compels me to .contradict him without much ceremony, and to deny the exactness of his dcfinitiou. i t^nt^ra to ay that any person writing a letter ji< xcurranti-rf in using the liberty of withdrawing **, after ha rln? Indued it in a Tost Oilice ; and t f^rlli^r avrr Mint the Master of every oilire is iu Httty bound to return if. provided the l^iSou demaudiiii !f -jii prov«» >afis- hctorAy that lieis the writer. Perhaps itl the populous towns o\ Europe, and in those places, where Mr. (lourlay may have? resided, obstacles are snmf- times'-ppG-ed lo fho execution of this rule bv the difficulty of id-^nf.h intj the wrifrr,arid by the immei se' nuniber? of letters which arc daily rrcriv-d and di-patched : still such" is t!w ««4tled rub* c»f practice thrrsc/jfiout t*l»e wide extent of the Brflfifc ElnpirK This indeed nutat be too urli known to require demotistrsfion, and ii wo&ld'h* a waste of time (0 enlace *>" ^e manifold inconve iences which wonld result (especially to merc-.^'jle rnd*i trom the intredncticii of r.^nlaticji'i' into th* post office, fonnd d raj iN># fronrtay*fs docfrinm It i- thevrf^ra evid Mil" thai although Mr. f/o.-rlav may be a very cool man in his o«n conceit, he hfts b< en raiiier ■• liasfv' in vffyftig that I fake -fc unuaninrahl^ Iibellies in this way;" Rfifl I aav inclined to think that au accc>ation * f tin nature from one who i^ hmielf iSlarUijtiy addicted to the bud bafcif ^hich he affects to reprove, can ',ave weight only uiih Miose ini^ttlded persons, uhove mind-. * c. hold in leading strings by thb doughty eliam- pion of Rt fotm. Permit me, Mr- Editor, on fakttw my leave, to seisce this opportuniif of a(*drps>ini5 a few words to my fellow* ^i- \ ts in this D'trict, and o| rx- pr. *irig a hope that before ndttpfrug measures for the r« dn*SSol"(»ric\aucej. they will pause, and calmly con i(|(;r whether they have H cr-in- plaint. If they feel them-:!vr:« nrr- grruwd in any way, their ri-ht lo petition is un,;ue-t.iiMiabh\ but I frai.Uv confers that with n.y limited knowledge, I can discover no abn-ei which50pre^inxriy a-k for n formation, as to ju-tif\ tii*7' novel am! alarmia^ •tep>, which is proposed f r '»r adnpilnn, of transmitting a Petition n the Subject to the I'rimv J Cedent through (\)mrni*s;onersappr.intcd bj 1 rroeimial Comwttffen* Arc we not nt this moment the most happy p-'^ple 00 the face 0/ the gi^be, p*»*<e«-ing a ferule country,** which frmitas like Kden in iier summer dress,'1 and a Cnra j Constitution of (I'.virnnn'nt ? »\tt we j not unbord mum! with taves, and" j favour d with the fn*ttertn^ n»re and ; prot't lion of the greatest of .\'a;i^n<? And can au\ manoi c muHii sensi* for the meeting, (ho"1' he Committed, im-! individuak had been prejndked againft mediately, to w'i^'g- A i le<k wa9.J|the caufc 1 al the fecond, in Wi'i.uns /^, ihe Militia palleu beyond j|iuprcnidy tidied with ihegiitjj II j ft»r tlide pnrpo»cs» I'ominated by the meeting, and w F,Q:^ f°r hU triuble, by foreoftl.t gP^ttmeii prefTH who were defirou^ «f rcgn'**rproceedings In my puMitl d account ot th -nee- tinjr, I waved l r c"al °f the difguftinji cohdo£k of the b 'r"* t,f defperad e--, and am iorry toihin^* ,hat> ih bis Majeliy's dommiolM, I/h*'u,d W»B'ef> fiich inde¬ cency ; ctrtnt* * H{ 'lorr'c< * never had experience a! lut ■ *" ,,lr't mfoleoi har¬ dihood* What wa* aJerted by one, town, op«n war bad been declared a- U'aiafl it by leading chataifcrs ; but at* both pl?cc 1 had the iari ,t;jclirn to fee hrw eafy it was, by explanation, to give a very different oalt txhe Gnuntenanees an.ui.d me ; and ;«t both places, I left many tiuevrdy nhli^g t.* excit ih. m- leaves, infotwardm^ ur viewa. (It- he r wttiUA .:.) ii There was a 001-C r«rr«Ut fall nf Snow I j at Liverpool, on the 24th of AptU one instant iiua^im? thar (iie unani- pelitiv>n of tin- people of Upper Canada, wtieu pre-onled in prijMff form to our .Provincial Harlutmcnt, a..u!d not meet with th,:t d^rre «C res(»ectful attention to wl.iih it is entitled ? Away then with \«.n:' Town. lh'p Mretings, ar.d jour vitrr\£ useless Convent!ous?y our de^i^ninj a id mali^nunt spirits ! Let u- my fellow suhj *ctsm n>nJur»'ly reflect ou the consequent1'^ whirli r.-*y result f«.im the prosecution t*f ii'jca • s'raordinary mea^on>*. I.-i us •vince a prudent (Uio'it he termed -•unmannerij") distrust of a ^nn^er, who say- he comes from 11 fill at grwil expenHe of tmu> and money, wi^hntil any other earthly vlow fliau to serve ub3 fur Ettgufedtf ^faAu^iou^ of t

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