o Til FOR SALE, Nrcafonab'e turn*, U,M wll known t'land tot a Tavr.i. miratcj m the age or Prcicott, Lot* N.». 9 a~d 1|9 B NOTICE. i n ate fn ':ling i WHEREAS, by the last Wi and TclLimi-nt of tlic lai RICHARD PATTINSON, Efq. in he King's Highway, anH ?. J hit fife tirhenf Sandwich, in the province large rwoftory framed Houfe, we.Il fin- of UffHH Canada, Robert GiUefpie, ifhe . with a targe KftcllCO in the rear, u WjHiaffi Grkif'-u, and Geoige Moifatt, || Valuable Lands II FOR SALE, IN the Third Conteflion of the Town Ivp of PitfbiTjih, being Lois No 6. the half of No -7, and No. ,8—An Mlindilputablc title w.|| he given, and the fkii* nf PirfK.i-, i_ < • r kt J I °f Hallowell, deceafed, are reqnerled to imp or : Kfbnr^h, being Lots No-i ,, •,, , , J f . \. ,- K.if^f\T« J* , J* „ . |j call without delay, and fettle the fame ftab'-site for twenty fpan* of ho •■fen, a fhed j arc jointly and leveraily, appoint? Seventy feet long, End a £"od houfe on j fiduciary Legatees of his Eftate, and the rear Lor, fir for the accommodation Executor* of faid Will. , of a efpe&abU? family. Toe w< o t eff I do hereby rtxjnell a)l prrfons having the building* thereon, being Sr.jjried in tlaims upon faid E'late, to prefent the 2 workmanlike manner, and at prefrnt fame to me, duly authenticated, fur ocenpirdby Mr. Alexander B. McD»n> payment ; and all perfons , indebted ell, as a Hotel. I thereto, are Squired to pay to me the For further particulars, apply to the amount of their rcfpettfve accounts, fubfeiber*. or to Mr Alexander Mac- i f Debts due to faid Eflaie in the Don.*', Junior, Merchant, Piefcott, by provi.ee of Upper Canada or in the wh\m the terms may be made known, j. United States, uordering theveon, may 11 *M\ST received and for fale at this Of indif-utable title and immediate) be paid to George Jacob, Efq «>f Sand- *j| fcti pncc ,y\sf poems on fa l)0. with, John AlktO, and James Gordon, J mtitic Circumstances, by Lord Byron.— Efqrs. of Amberftburg, or to either of! With the Star f the Legion of 'honour* them, they being duly authored to j I and other Poems j to which ia prefixed, receive the fame and grant acduittattcea ' - - - G. MOFi' \TT. Montreal, 20'h March, 1818. 44yi md poflefli >n will be given, ALEX. MACDONELL&Co. Kingilon, 3d Tan. 1818. 32tf terms 01 j ayment nude taiv. H. C. THOMSON. KingKon, July 2*. r8f7. -%z BLANK BAIL BO D8, • _____For sale at this Office. Officers Half Pay, and Artil¬ lery Penfion BLANKS, For fale at this Office. / Cv; Rags ! Rags VSH paid for Clean COT- ON and LINEN ft AGS, (Of any Col <r,) AT THIS OFFICE. To Let, A ND immediate poflcflinn given, the BLA NK Summonses Subpoenas and Executions for i he COURT OF REQUESTS, : For Sale at this Office. The Lift of the Note Author. Nov- 28. 32 OUSE and premifeB in Sruart-| yjlle, lately occupied by Mr. Dahon,j fituated within half a mile of this Tow a favoiaWe firuaiion for a •nd family. ai»d no lefs fo for a jbifUller, or Inn Keener. For further particulars enquiie uf the fubferiber. E. BARNETT, Wiwr'ton, Pel- 24. 181^ 43tf V.iL'.'ABLt LANDS FOR SALE. GAXANOQUA Store & Mills. I TO LET, 10 R any term elf years not exceed- in Fiftern, or the mod rtafona- ble YGrms—That w;!l known valuable llaud in the public line, fituate on the point at Gananodtia and recently occu- T'ied by "^eth I)»;wn> together with the Hoo e, Aatnif Stabe-*, &c —For fur- I titer particulars appy fo tt;r fubferiber. JOKJ SfONE. Gananoqua *Jan* Q. 181S* 33'/ Notice. \' LL perfohs indebted to treEftatr im of the late James Comfting, late I with Mr. James McGregor, now in charge of the cftablifhment, at Hallow- ell bridge ;—and thofe who have claims againft tlie faid eitate, are dcfired 10 prefent them for adjuftment. The flock in Trade of the deceafed confiding of a very complete aflorttruint of Goods well laid in, and very fu it able jto the Country, is now felling off at pri¬ nces i'o low, as 'will defeivedly cldini the I attention of the public. Cafh 01 Country produce will be tak-' en in payment, and a credit of 6 momi given to rrfponfible Farmers, or others.) JOhNCUMMING\v WM. MITCHELL, j Kingston* 09 27, 18 I 7. J 2 Executors SMITH & BUTTER WORTH, METURN their fincere tharjc;t0 their friends and the public in oc, neral, for the liberal encouragemefct \hn they have received fince they re corn, menced the Hatting Bttfinefs. Trtej have an extenfivc aflbrtmeut of Ladies and Children's EOlj?. NETS, of various colors aqd fhapes. Genilemen^s Beaver & £& CaftorH -\TS, Likewife, Knapt and Wo# Hats, Which they will fell very low Ot cafh or aDorcved credit. pp Produce taken in payment, jJan. %, m Public No lice. n>l ^tH \ rles McDonald h^in^ n'[j;^ taken hfc brother John McDm j Gentleman I} ^ jnt0 panoerfljip rhebufinef' w ftt-j turc will be conducted unrJc: tl*e firm f*r C h ). WcDoniid, Who keep ftr fale a ^ uerai aflorc- "dhy GOODS, GROCERIES HARDWARE, CROCKERY, and mi»(T artir^e*- enquired fo- at z Pc'iTn* try St >'C, whiVh they offei low f' Blank A*$e<>Mieri! fjsts, for sale at 0m Office"—Also-. Anth¬ er fkfu TubLesAor Vit use o behoofs. v irnpiHE following finguhrly ig . fi-a^e, *nd trulv val- u^ ^atid .I'^y r>e had, and injmediace!. poT ffi .'» iriven.'w.th unde. iable titles, '\ p' "V^ wnK:n tney ,OHCI low ror itr-e far below th:ir rt'J value ; and I \ J**1 J,Saw t*o^s. Square Timber, Staves iti.'-it fell -m, ever, in z country foex-l P^-a^es, and moll kind« of country |enfiv* «r Canada vrikers oncu'tivaied! j * ,^ncc' L^n^ may in general be reid-'y ob J J^ry have t good Grift and <aw tained, thit Gurauons fo eligible and ,' Ml ' \n fnI1 operation—can ManiifecU •da-.t igeoH4, in good neighbourhoods, ' Ut * -OUR, nqual to any Mill in ihc Car, ■• fecurrd. .^'^V **f ** %T% <»rflm fei . . 1. Comprifioj ^o Acc< of'he' bawed timber 01 almoft any defen'ption m ieheA Be^ch. Maple, Elm andi at ftnn &<**ict. e s j. Mcdonald. Ganao&qua J>vt. ro. 1818. 33// ADtlinft indebted to Charts Mo 13 ^»»- O < !.ani, in the 4th Cmcefflon of P pie lyiigupon Smitb'« Cvek, with] 15 a- es chared ad fen.-ed, n w log-( he .ic, well bui t and Jove tai edf fruit' tree*. &c and 5 T;1es from the flmirimtno btt.ci Town 0' Torinte- on l.«ke Ontario, wli-rc t!*ere U an excellent naafkct eiiiei r.)i buymr/ or felling* The Land i: if the very rlrlt quail ■., and in a crood aid, wlicfe account'1 hr. ve »> ec.»me with a mi'l fat. between ±} j »"e, »r« f eqOefted to to make immtdi- : i«:e pavincnt. THE SUBSCRIBER, MEGS kave I* inf-.r,,. In- FnVnd* & 11 NEW IRONMONGERY S TORE. Joli 11 Watkiiis, ESPECTFU'IY acquaints his L friends and ihc P< b'ic in general* that he has opened z wbolelaie and retail Hardvvaie St<^e. at the (land for¬ merly occupied bv MclTrs. H. W. Wilkinfon 3c Co. liiam Street, and fiom the arrangement* he has made, will have conftai'tly on hmd, * general aiT-rtment \o( HARDWARE, Cutlery. Sec. which be will be enabled to difpofe of f->r C1/J1.. on nupiwMC'rtdit, at nearly th- Montreal Prices ; am'^g which are the folio wing 1 viz: Eng-'«" ai-d Sweedn Iron, Crowley and Blillcr Steel, Wroueht and Cut NaiUj T1^? Chains Sheet Iron, Horfe Shoes, Frying Psus, Sh vels and Spades, Plough Moulds, Hollow Ware, Crindfror.e*, Chiflela and Gouges, Locks and Hinges, Files, Knives and Forks, Pockei and Pen¬ knives. Fifh Hocks Brafs Cocks, Bruftea, hammers, Augur*, Sawn, Planes, Tea Trays, Stampt and Call brafc FOR SALE, A TWO HORSE WAGGOHA PERFECTLY new—T ikewife, a, _, few thotifand 18 inch SHING- I'JtHE Subfcribem, Executors to t^ LBS*—lnqui.eof Ij B- E»tatC of Charles Stuart, Efquire, S. MERRILL. I Jdrceafed, late Sheriff of the MicHaiJ, Kingston^ /tpril 21, 1818. 47 j j P«tri6t,herehy requests all thofe indrln- cd to the faid Estate to make imn et'.utft payment to the faid Execurors 5 and all {ihofe who have demands 3%iins; the. For tlie District Courts, fort j Estate are requested to producc*he fame Blank Summonses Sale at this Office, Notice. i A LL perfons having any demands a- \-t\- gainft the Eftateof the la'e Bry- !an Crawford. Efq. of .'dolphullown. de- ce^fed, are heteby requetred to produce ;their cJaifhS, duly authenticated. — 4lfo% \m perfons indetlcdtothc faid Ellateare hereby reqnefled to make immediate . payment to William Alexander Grunt, Executor. Kingston, jCjth Jul}* 1817* 32! [duly attested, in order that a Statement of the Estate may be effefted a> fprcdily as pofGMe after the first day of July 1818. GEORGE O. STUART,! Exec* ALLAN McLEAN, j mors. Kingston, August 11, 1817.—^2tf i To Let, ANDnoflefiion given the firft oFMay rTrxt. a number 1 f rooms in the line Barracks. Enquire of H. EARL March 13. 42 ..{t drfjic-bie refidence, *• removed fiom hii former ftaud ro tlie 11 pt»i)til .us neiifhbo *fepo a] ogether a m witliin a fliort micof th • great road be¬ tween Yr-rk aod Kfngftoni 2d. 200 \cres, being Lot No. |, in the 51b Goncdfion <>f H* pc, ah'nyfre. tl^e £Tci»t road between iit*pe and Ha- mi'On, L*a ling to the new and flounfh j ii»^ fettlcRients of Cavan and Mona^haii. j en the Rice Lake, in which OKife 'hinij^r 500 families a^d perfona have actually located, and fcarccly five mi'e from the To.vn of I'oi n o. where there is a g i(.-d ma ker ; i: is in an old fettleutnt, ani the ue'gl,; orunod is popcou* ar.d excellent. I h re are about 30 arre^ cleated and fenced, with a fine dream of livi- 2 w t-. and the greater part of the I - - of fuperior quality, the icll good j Mtauuw 3d. iro Acies? OCCUppytrrg nearly Q1V ! •'" fi le f the Gannan-q-ie Lake. in 'lit * ownfhip * f South Crcfby, Ois- tn'cl •- Johnft'swn, confifling wholly <>f bjoken fronts, the back parts extending t'> 'he road from the Sideau Settlement t< K ngflon, from which latter place it J fsftrtelv 30 mileB diftant- The Land j J 18 good arid wed umbered, and tin! fit tat ;i hntMilHiiy beautiful and roman- j t , w .. wooded iflaud- in front, Tiis above Loids are particularly d'Uv'g oi notice. The Gtuationa we- cho1enbyac< apeient judge, and' th' *^ *• i 1 be -Vd reo arkabiy cbea,«, the: pr >r .• ifhing to concentrate hi?» », formintr!1-1^ the public trC,,erallv, that he ha«. j |p*Hiet Ware, Wire, Tin Ware, Pins ft«p lately rem';i'ed Sy Jon?s Abbot & C;>, near ihe Market P ace, where he has now on hand, a genera! aflbrtmeut of Hardware* Cutlery, &c. huh lie will fell on the m ft moderate Needles Fowling GnnsBrafs Kettles &c. &c. He alfo offers for fale a fmall aiTort- ment of Crockery a.id GlafsWare. Kingfton, 30th March, 1818. 44 f FOR % at this Omlt~$t~a~ndard\ Rules for the Game of IVHiST— by Bob Sho*t. 46 A Card. THE fuhiVv.Vr iufarm the Merch. MU and Traders of Upper Can*-, da and St*,- of New York, th,' It. W Icommenced bnfjnef* hi this C«ty, as a! ! General Agent and Commiflion Merch-1 ant—Any buline s enmifted to his care will met with dl%«lt attention. friTlBE fubferiber mr.ft refiMfilUb BENJAMIN HART. | -11 bJbriw the genttwew of KhjL Montreal \0th May. i«i8- Jfrofij J t<-n, that be h juff arrived here fu,m j Dublin, and hat corr.mefice<! the bi|& ADVERTISKMENT. The fubferiber offers for Sale the roliowincr Lots of Land. 200 acic« in 4th and 500 in the 6th concrflton of the Gore bttwerp Ernefl Town and Frederickfbnrgh. No. 18 and 19 in the 8;h coucefTioa r>f Murray. No- ^i Eaft half a«f eon. of^idry. No. 9—roth cone (Hon 1 f K-wdrn. Mo. 4—Pth conceilii-n, Hnntin^'J-tn* No. 14. 15, 17, 18, 2 J and 261*"the 9th crrneeiTion of Thurlow. No 34 and 35 in the 4th conceffipU' of Vauglran, near York. At. so, Several valuable Town Lots in & Town of Kinpilon. . WM. CRAWFORP- F^&^ikWaft, Jon. i&, ^V7. \\\i Smiths Work. I term*. To let, the fli in lately occupied bv the fubferiber, an! pofTcffion given im mediately. SAMUEL SHAW. Kingston, $th Jan. 1818. 32 For 8a ?at t!u\ Office, A READY RECKONER, Shewing- the value of Grains of various Gold Coins, current in the Provide* of Upper Cana da. ALSO, FERGUSON'S Improved Table of ihe value of Grains of Gold Coin, i ?er or tinder weight. Removal. c t or 1 an the' quarter, " fu'iliei Miticnlar-1, apply to R. .'• N-, Ma. Yo k ; C. FOTH- ]'.. . Efq. Toronto j WM H U I ON, Efq. Ktugftou or Prcfcott;! 0 SH\W ARMOUR, Efq. Mon- trea'. A;<ril 1, 1818. 471 TO LET, i) pofllffion given'on the firft of M-ty next, the i.'oulc '•mi premf- ie« :i pn feitt occupied by Du&oi Ged de« it Ke-ing a Doub Houfe, it will be Id feparatcly or : gciher. tT^ the P'inier. JUST received and for fale at thi- Office, prirc 74d. the MONTREAL ALMANACK, For the Year of our Lord 18 18. Alfo—ESSAYS on PR ACTICAL HUSBANDRY, Addrefled to the Canadian Farmers. ByC F. GKECE,of Montreal. November 14. ^2 FOB SALE, " Fanning- Mills. OF a fupcrior quality • which wt be kept coriflantly on hand by tl fubferiber. price 25 dollars P J. FITCH. Kingston Collins9 Cr<el,\ rotf Scott & M'Gee, SurgeWS) Cb( mists £sf Druggists\ t|| AVE rem >ved to the Store lately IL occupied by Taylor & Parker, fituate nearly oppofite Moore's Coffee houfe, between Mi- Patrick Smyth's Crockery Store and the CuHom Houfe I office. The ufual attention will be paid to every branch r.f the Profdlion. They have on baild a general afT.irt- mentof DYE STUFFS, PATENT MEDICINES and OILS; ACIDS and evciy Chemical in ufe. Kingston, gt/y May* 1818. jotf FOR SALE, finHAT beautiful and very valuable A Farm,fituated upon Point Pleafant, in Maryfliurgii, containing 200 acres, being Lots No. 18 and 19, ca(t of the Rock ; there are nearly 100 acres under good improvement* and 73 beaiii g *pple and Pear tree*- For particulars enquire of Mr. \Valter M'Cum'fFe, merchant, Kindlon, or Mr. Wo, Ben- niker of MaiyfburgR* I Having been informed that Aaron Conner has been tr< IpaiTing, by cutting timber, throwing down my fences, and putting cattle into r;iy enclofurc ; now I hereby forbid laid £onner taking away the timber lie cut—^ alfo forbid all and every peifon or perf 'n? to aid or aflift faid Conner to work or ^ake laid timber a way, norpurchafc rV of him ; if they do, tbey may exped to r^c P'ofccuted as the Law diredts. j(JMNMcBEAN. Not ice. THE fubferiber refpeft fully informs the public, that he intends to con¬ tinue the Beating bufineffl thin feafon ; therefore, if any perkns wiflres to tranf- poit Plank, B«»aidn, Brick, Lime, band, Sec SiL. he offers them his fervices.— Apply at Mr JohnDawfon**, Kinriflon. WILLIAM VEREX. April 13, 1818. 46. fjf^ll E fubferiber having; ^determined J, on rem.-ving from Kingilon early ! in July next, will on the firlt day of ! June cornmence felling off at first crj/l, !thc whole of his Stock in Trade with¬ out I'eiVrve, conlxiling of a (mail but general afibnrnent of Dry Goods, Groceries>, Hardware & Crockery. Thofe who have any claims agafnil him. or the late firm of A. Macpherfou 6c Co arc requefted to prefent the fame [previous to hi* leaving Town ; aid thofe who are indebted to him, or to tfyem, iwil! be pleafed to call and setile their refpeClive accounts without delay, elfe he will be under the neceffity of lodging all fuch as may remain unfettled on his leaving Town, in the hands of an Attor¬ ney for collection. ALLAN MACPHERSON. Kingston* 2 1st May% IK 18. CSVrj ' For Sale, By the fubferiber, 40 dozs. of Double Brow?? Stout. ROBt. RICHARDSON. Kingston, Msy2$d9 1818. C2 neb. of Black and White Sn-ith. in all its blanches ; more particularly thai r,[ horfe Shewing, in which he will gjve j the gtcaieil fatirfaflion to thofe that cm.- ploy him. Thev may reiy on hav[ng their work well dote, chcrp and meat, by applying at Mr. j. Mtaghers Banaek llreet. where he hap commenced. All order*in that line will *.; gladly received and ftnft attention given. Kingston 13th 08. 32 flj^HE fubferibers beg leave to inform 1 their friends and the public in gC?" DCra)f that they carry on the TATLORim BUSINESS in Main Street, where they intend malf- ing every article in their tine, on more reafonable terms than has been done for a number of years back. Thofe who Wlfll ro favor them with their cufiom, may reiy on having their work well tr.aiig, and on the fhortelf notice, for Csfh. Norris & Stevens-* Kingston* Sept. 9, 1817* 32 THE PANOPLIST, For the Year 18 i6, For Sale at this Office. [ivomplete ] 28 Maiyfbu Maich z 8, 18*8.5 To Let, immediate poflcfljon given, Two convenient Houfes. with' 44rfjJS AND ~ *■ * •"* «-«nivciiiciit nuuirs, Shops, in Itorc tticct, near Mi. Bldkc'a Tavern, on the corner of the ftrcei lead¬ ing from the Artillery Barracks to the French Chuicb. For particulars anply te JOHN W. FERGUSON, Store Street, Kmgimg, E«k. i7,i8ii. Blank Deeds and Memorials, For fale at this Office. To Let, THAT well known large whrre STORE, in front 0/the Dwelling (houfe of the fubferiber. It h well cjI- culatcdfor Commercial Bniinefi, having a large commodious cellar, c.i[>ablc of holding locobancls, with the advantage of the wharf, where vc/Ttla of 40 ton* may load and unloaded. For warden would do well to improve this opportu¬ nity. Fo» particular apply to the fub¬ feriber on the p-cwilci. JAMES RQbltlSOH. j8 j 1 ki%*tm$ Almrth. 1 yh 4'