it is fai ?, that *h" Secretary of State t >r Poreiira Afikirs has applied to the Pone to appoint the Rev-----------M.icdonild a >£UHop Mr. Mactiontl.j is a Roman Carbolic, and a tnoft excellent and exemplary man, reiiding in G<eng<try« in Up¬ per Canada, where he oil! t atesasa priest.—It is further laid, that two or three ad¬ ditional Catholic Priefts are ap-j •pointed toiflift Mr. Mac. I on dd;, tur as Upper Canada is a Pro-! teftaat colony, within t he! diocefsofthe Bifti >p of Qoe-| bee, and is no1, in a*y ra inner; dependent on '■he Pop (h Hier-' archy o\ Lower Canada, we, truft there is no truth what¬ ever in thi i r port." [pampMet.yct that he fcacJ furnKheJ the :*>areu*a]s which cOwpofed it to the writer If General Gore would make <n afKd;iv:t, denying that fa&t and Hating that he knew nothing of the contents til! he received the pamphlet from Qneb* c, and that he had only fluked it to the Attorney-General officially, then he would prcfi the profceutfon no fat titer. Mr. Serjeant Copley faid, Ke l#r%d no doubt General Gore would do this. The Court recommended the defen¬ dant to conlider this propofiriun, and in the mean time grauted the rule to (hew Caiifc, which is to remain open to enable | the patties to communicate. KINGSTON, TUESDAY, JUSE 9, 181S. t • • * Extraordinary Feat Wednefctay fe'nni^ht. a i concnurie fit fiUMonabfoa as-j fern bledat Marion, the beau-, tiful feat or the Karl of Charle- jnoftt near Dublin, to wi nd&- a wonderfu! feat of activity, !|R'-v. AI*ol EHirt, oik; of the Directors performed by Baron Oflet, of jK.'™ W™- * £ «***n. *?■ °[ •, , . T ■ ,•» i If his 1 own. of which we have obtained tlie i6ih Lancers. One hun¬ dred ftones were placed at a, yard apart, and a* one extrem- Amonjj the most humane improve¬ ments of the present agi*. may he class¬ ed tin* new mod* of instructing deaf ai.d dumb persons, first tried, some } onr< at»n, in France, thence introdu¬ ced into America by Mr. Gallaiulet, mid lately es'tablinhpcl at Hartford iu the Stiit* of Connecticut, in an institu¬ tion called the Asylum. 'The expert- meat is attended with a d* ^ree of 9.UC* Cf*ssj?ery gratifying to the friends of humanity ; a* may be seen in the fol¬ lowing letter on the subject from the a copy for publication. It contain* some valuable information, in answer to a letter of enquirv, written at th Vdl U ;iU.t! I, dllll a wilt w/iiiv»w«- ;»"« iMiki wi 'w^wi**, »i»'»*v« **' *"" ity there w;is a bafke: ; he was; request of ij.e friends of an interesting 4 . , jA j-r ,. I young boy. who has the mi-Jortnrie to to ride to ea<h Hone, diimount, ' d an,, (i;,1Tforo (]anil)- h0t fr.,!T1 and pick it up, return to thei fofket, again diftr.nuftt, and; droptirinto it—making hioi mount and dismount two hun-, i dred times. An hour was the; time given, but the talk was ' performed, with cate, in forty- his. birth ; h>t in coesequonce of earlv sickness3 which affected hi* organs of hearing so as to leave him incapable of distinguishing sounds. rf'cn, run! oth<*f dcslgfcf- A brilliant Star of Armory suspen¬ ded at the head of the Itoom, caught rlie eye, nnd diffused its lusture with the most happy effect. The Saloon nnd Orchestra were neat¬ ly decorated, and appeared a catiop) of laurel boughs cnf\< ined with (lowers, decorated with a star of Oak wreath in trout, and illuminated on eitheir side by beautiful transparencies. Dancing commenced about 10 o'¬ clock and was kept no with crent spirit j till 2—When the company vat down to an Elegant Supper, con5ivting of all the dclecaci«s which the season afforded. Nothing was wanting to promote the hilarity of the evening—Uannoov of spirit was Increased hy the harmony of music. Several foa-ts were given, ac¬ companied by appropriate tunes which were performed in a,masterly Rfyle bv the Baud of the 37th Regiment. After sup'H'r, Dancing was again re¬ sumed, and tho' numbers disappeared, the chosen few seemed to return with renewed pleasure to An amusement. Dc*\lt) trip it as iji' ^o On the tight fantdstastit toe. In short the night passed away '"» the happiest manner 'ti'I break ofdaj. when the company n tired, pleased and di lighted with the eveuiu"'s en- ttTtainment. ** II....."ilikrthegpsoscldfun reijrn, And these wc aeVi ihaVl ro'-et a^ain."— | j Theatre haa t>e?n very handfotnety vol- nntcerrd to bin ufc, by the Truflees, arrd the band of the 371b Kcgt. through the favour of Colonel Burer. We have no hetiiation in prediAmg that the audience will be highly gratifi¬ ed hy the performance, and Mr. K very well fatisfied with the generofity of the Kinglton audience. DRAMATICUS. June 9» 181«. Il\KTFoan, April 2Qth, ISIS. Mjj Dx. ar S'i'y Vorrs of the ISA iu-t. was received i- . -p „ ei, a „-. » tiii- ii:i\. In answer I have to inform Jive mum** From the ap-. v,,oa,-a^the ,Waf aad<!umb b«yya«. parent want of tramillg n trie.|;,J(iak ot- (...U:U)f be adm;tt?d into tho tider and his fteed, nets were; Conueetk'oi A«-j t*«tn yt present, on a - CAIlfide) aUlV in favor of time— ! cou..«. nf hi* a-.-. It is a regulation oi £ . , ' »v, ,• ___ „,,,. the institution to receive none cmdor tor neirher tlie vi^or nor . . ,, . ...',.,. c u re tune v<>ar< of age. At an earli er pen- P'labiluy of the one, garter- adt!mn ihftt,chndwH have not s»»i'i- Warda fo eminently confpt-ljcicntninrarityof rnim'roacquire know- c:ous ) nor the fleetnefs and; \e*&in the waj in which U most b» fteadinefs ol the other, were at! e?.M,..ui.ieated to the .leaf and -lumb. firll perceptible, iiut wnea,j s.ut ilnili.rft.u yr;trs ,t M^t;: aitd^>ro« aircv a few lurus, the BaiWTl|jwftUcyfl»u5cr pifpUft have made wij diftnounted far the purpofej of fcrtitehim bis ear with bh\ feo', while 1 he hori'e ftv.)d; quietly «% waiting his m^i'cer'sj will,"'any odds were offered on' them. COURT OF KING'S BF.NCH, Saturday- Ap»i1 i U The Kin^v. General Give. The rlefcidant in thi* calr, it will be tfColk&edi wai Governor «.f Uppei Ca..ada. At the fitting* after Ja» "-'rm he wa« fonnd gmlty of p .bhlh.og a lihel reflecting on the chnraft^r of Dr. Thorpe, who was Chief Jollice of the colony. The evidence cttlrf* at the trial to the lihil and its pMbl.cation, waiMi. S-rjeant Firth, who was At¬ torney-General to the colony. Mr. Sergeant Firth Mated, that he jrcokaed at the Government H'.ufe, in the apartment wheic oflttia .'tlli: projirrsi irt lenr»inj{, tnanifcstl) •or fIn- waul of thai inn'urily « hi.-h a t'fw more vear* would taxv th«m. From what I liav.: wn <-f tin1 nu[nlshcr<*9 m> opinion is. thut antes* a child is uu- conint(*nli mrward. JwoItp years of age is soon *T.oii4h toalfempt to teach t\tr. tl'.ifaiul (ltm!), excrpt the name? ol visible objects, Tlie child of which yoa -p^ak ran doubtless bo admilrt•(]. ivheij ij<- 'hall booldcnou»h,aiul i hope in? friends will Chen send him. The tmns of admission an: 200 dollars per annum for boarding, instruction, and cvrr) thills necessary, except Clothing, rite number of pupils the last yeai has been 30. Twenty more are to be ad¬ mitted no\l week, and probably no inore till the end of another year from tins time, as we have not accommoda- tioits for moie at present. The pro- i^resi. made by some of the pupils, in obtaining*] knowledge of abstract ideas and of the u«C erf Words, is truly astoit* ..... isbing, and evinces the practicability bufinefs was always tranlafted ; the I of introctiu^ that owfortunatC class 01" Governor and himfelf oidy were prefent j fallow cn?atures. The school has * * 1 the Governor then flic wed hi-n the parr.phlet in qutftion, which was of a J>o*iuca1 nature, he could not fay whether this wa-an official co-nmunica- tiofi ; he thought It was not, btcaufe be bad no orders fiibfrqncntly to proceed U:;0:i the pamphlet ; he coifidered it as a ^0 fide tiai com'nu »ication ; he did not believe the Governor would have tn;?de the communication had the witoeft not \irld (he fuuaiion of At¬ torney.General. This was all the evidence of publication. Mr. Serjeant Firth now applied for a Pew trial) on the grounds that there was no evidence of publication J the Governor had made a communication to tht Attorney-General it was true, but in doing fo he had done no more than hia duty ; he was bound to com- n.unieate to the firft law officer of the Crown, juft arrived in the colony, not only all he knew of the political character of individuals, but alfo all he furmifed In this in fiance, it was a confidential, official, and privileged information, and therefore could not be 0>ade a fnbjeft of criminal profecution. Mr Scarlett, who wan connfvl for Doftot Thorpe, faid his client had no p^rfonal feeling towards General Gore- He had, however, received an imprefli n on h'u mind, which he would be moil uappy io have removed ; that impreflion was, that though Gen. G< nftt hinifeif *£ually h>tve wi and some been iu opt ration one year, t»f the pupils can already write 11 belter letter than common uneducated youth ; \: rheir instructors have been enabled to communicate to them a knowledge of the general principles of the Christian It; ti^ion.—I consider the Asylum one of lh« most important institutions in our country, and it promises to be pro¬ ductive of much good. The Directors of the Asylum will publish a report concerning tit*-institu¬ tion, some time next month, and when it is published 1 will send a copy to you. If y»w wish at any time for more particular information, please to write 10 me, and 1 will immediately auswei your letter. Yours, &c. \ ABELH-tHT. COMMUmCATlOm. THURSDAY last being the Anni¬ versary of His Majesty's Birth Oay, the Officer* of the. Garrison, with all the families of fashionable distinction mi Kingston and its neighborhood, at¬ tended a Ball and Supper at Moore's Coffee Mouse, to celebrate the day. The Rooms were fitted up for the occasion with an elegance of taste, that reflects much credit upon Mr. vlo'»re, the proprietor. The floor of the Ball Room wa< Friday the 19th of Mav, belnrr the! nmntrfrr? of the Royal Oak, the Gen¬ tlemen of the Point (>av,a har.dfornere paft to their friends of this Town. The mirth 1,1 the day eomm^ced at Iwlf pall 2. when theoobJegarre of Crcdct con¬ tinued till 6. The gfffftanen rlkW par¬ took of a Dinner, fei ,ed up by Mr ThocnfoO of the Poir.ts winch rcfleftcd much credit on that efi.ileman. Gene¬ ral harmony ptcvaijnl^ the remain* Jdrrofthe evening until 1It when other refrtftvments were fervc<| 1 Among a variety of Toafls given on j the oc^nfton were th fjjllowme J 1. The Kling—3 Ci.eers. 2. ThcQncen—Do; 3. The Prince R.^cnt_D.:>. 4. The noble D»ike qf Wellingtotj^o. 5. The cfti,c Immortal Ncl- fon 6 The Memory of \]xc ]atc Si,- Rob- ert Hall. 7. The prefent Com nandtr, and Offi¬ cers of hi5 ivlajefty'a N%«al Department, V'l I* .tilt Hv.n, yB 8. May tKe R0f^ Thiflle and Sham- r 'ck, long flvmnlh, and may the motto Of the CanadVag be, death or vifl »ty. 9 May tt^ combined allied f.trees ofj Europe, neve, j00fr thc In ill 1 re tlwt em bla/ons the pn^e of hiitory, in recount¬ ing the G!ori,)Un Battle of Wate^louj We are haup) to llatc»that tiiouuhj furfoiinded hi numbers who ate inimic¬ al to onr Government j part of whom are actual fetters ameng^t us ; that cfr- cumfla cccan never present the loyal feelings of <*n Engftfhmnn difplaying the-nlelves o\\ futh necaUons Molt hap.vy fhould w« be, if the ftme fpirit of patriotifm dilplayed itfelf at ail meetings throughout t^e Colmy. Notwith^an- ding we fondly hope to fee the day, when the Rof^ Xhiftle, and Shamrock, IJttafli 'Uriftl i»Ver their oppofers, when] in Brit till don»injons> patriotic meetings' fhall not be liahle to ihe cenfure of a rebel party, iMlo at tnc very moment ofj their TreafonOijflfa&ion9a ate dcvonrinaci the very fefteriancc wF»ich (h >uld feed the ofF>pnng t(f a \0yA t.oh;ny. and fup- port thrift why kavc bled in defence of their rights. "A LOYALIST/' Kingston, juns 9/ ,8iS. Melancholy Event. In one of our London papers, it is dated, on the authority of a letter from a Merchant of Palermo, dared March 2d, that the city of Catania, in Sicily, had been deftroyed by an earthquake. i JEtrta* it is added, was making aj rire-idful noife, but no iiruption had taken place. Catania was, from a iiinilar cauie, ne^ily detlroyed in 1693, when eleven thoufand perlons perifhcd in the ruins- N. T. Spec* / Montreal Herald, Mai/ 30, Arrived at the Mdtifion-Houfe Hotel, in this city.on Sun.lay Evening, the 24th ii ilant, Col. Barclay, hu Maj^'.ty'a Commiffioner under the 51 h article of the Treaty of Ghent ; the Hon. Ward CniPMAN,and Mr. Chipman Jur his M^jelly'a a^ent tinder the fame article, (the latter accompanied with his Lady,)! and Mr. Odkll the Secretary of the I Province of New Brnnfwiek, wh > we learn is to be employed tliii fcafononone of the Surveys. Alfo at the Manfion Hotife Hotel, on Thur&ay evening, the 28th it:ft the Hon. Cornelius P. Van Ness. Efq. Commiffioner on trie part of the; United Stairs, under the 5th article of the Treaty of Ghent ; Wm. C. Bradley, lrfq Agent on the part of the United St.itr«, and Lt Vinton of the U. States Artillery attached to the agronomical operauona under the fame article. ( price of pnormoNX In the Kingston Market, during tho * a • * fr 4 AttTlCLKS, j per Mil inn Vnil I'nrk........... Fouls.......... Ttirkevs........ OecBe.......... Otie^M?......... Butter......... F.c^s........... Peas........... Potatoes........ \m\$i.|f••.»• i •• Turnip-......... Carro >......... Caotiage........ Hour.......... do............ Tallow.......... Lard........... »I a i............ HlilM TO Hi. Lb. CM I. each *toz. biiih. * * bead Cwt. bhl. Hi. Ton bundle corti 0 r, 11 9 0 0 0 i) ft v I** 0 0 « r» 0 5 0 8 0 0 n 1 0 o a n 1 12 0 1 0 3 0 0 1 1 is 0 0 0 7i 0 0 8 V 0 0 0 IV 12 ft 4 7 ! 0 0 0 0 8 i 0 S 0 7 0 0 7J 0 I 9 b 1 0 8 0 0 4 S i° 0 6 \ II 3 0 1 0 4 1 a 0 o 0 0 to 2 io 00s 15 n ti 9 0 T NOTICE TO ^Delinquents! SK PiilS lEliis muier the necessity of catting upon ALL who are in arrears with him, to n-ake immediate payment. Actual WAN T for¬ ces him to give this notice; — and no one can excuse bimse f by saving %t he surely ctnft nv art ;ne} for I am not mo it Uuut two Conscience,—An Indian being am- on*4 hi< white neighbors, asked for a little tobacco to smoke, one of them having some loose in his pocket, ga-rc him a handful. The following da\- the [ndian came back, enquiring for th«- donor, saying he had fnnijd a quarter ot adoUaramong the tobacco. Being told it was given him, hi* might keep it llfi answered, pointing to his breast, *; I got a £ood man and a bad mar* hiQre—and the good man say it a n't mine ; I must return 5t to the owner. The had man say. why hegtte it you. . anditH your own now ; the ^ooil I man <i\\\ that not rii>;ht ; the tohacco j is yours, not Ihe money ; the had man say. ncv.Cf mind, you got it., £i> buy some dram ; the good man say. n>, no. Vom mus( wot Jo <o : «o 1 don't knov. what to do, find I think I go to sleep ; hui ihe good man and the bid man keep talking all niglrt, and trouble me, and now 1 bring tliemoncy buck {feelgood. IVairrtozau Mtnj IS. Great increife of Stock ! ! Wc aie credibly informed, that 0 the yth inft. a refoeftable firmer Rutland, in this county, had the follow¬ ing almoft unparalleled acceffion to hi» family and (lo-'k, i'» theftiort f:>aceoF24 hour-, viz : Hia lady was fafely delivered of'a fine pair of twin*. The occupants of his farm-yard. actuated by (imilar impulle for the increafe nf its inhabitants, produced — feven lambs, fifteen pips two calves, and one colt—Total 27 ! ! Are not agricultural focieues ufrful where there is a good fele&Ion of dock ? or three t/ears in arreer! lot be assured. w TilOU ART THE MAN*' Gazette Office, Kingston, June, ISIS. NO TICE. r THE co*>nrtner(hip of Rvfart Wth liams & Co. h this d*y diftblved hy mutual confent. All perfonv hiving dc tiandH a ainll the coneern are Teqn^ft* ed to prefent then f. r fcttlcnent, <nii all perfnns indebted to the lame, are re- qucfted to snake immediate payment to Robert Williams Eiq who ii duly iuihorifed to fertle all accounts of ttic concern. Robert Williams, Jonas Abbot, Titos S. Whitaker. Erncjl Town* 2 \jl May, 1818. 2/3 HF pnrinerQj:p heretofore exjfting M'twecu Th ')0i ner M« ran \*> • !is- 111 of T solved by mutual confent. All dehu, clues and a^ainfl the concern, will be fett'ed hy J. TUorncr, an-1 debts due to the concern, are to be pa.d to futd John Thotner. John Thorner, Mi chad Moran. Kingflon, ^th June, 1818 2'-3 BOOKS. THE fubferiher rcq-'eil^ thofe who have the following ;5ooks. bt!o 1^- iflg to him, mipht be returned immedi¬ ately tn Mi fa REED, viz. lit and zi vol. Shakloear, and 2d and 3d volume Children of the ^b^ey. N. B. The -ft and 2d volume of Sir Char'e* Grandifon muy be had at the fame rate the other fivt volumes (bid at, by applying as abov*« J. THORNER. June 8. a "ucn the Arcnoriul Jteri^ Jm> beloved Sove-||throngcd by WSr% THEATRICAL. It 19 with i,leafure, we obferve that the inhabitant* of i^;nijilonj are once more to have iome rat}onal amufement among them.__Ryr m> already i{yucd) it 15 t«n. that \he Theatre is to be open¬ ed on Fnday e^enjng next> by jyir. khw. nedy. Fiom th- Montreal Theatre with Singing and Recitat;on9% The pnt|«aaM undertakes the diffi¬ cult tafic of Berforming plus ihe firll night—but we undcrftaiid that his in¬ tention is, if 4roatei,„ cnollgh vo|un. teer after the firft ,light tQ get fome performance* for charitable purpofes, and doubtlefs fi,methinir wiil be done by Wayofremimefat;i)n for fafe exeTtion5. A dehre on h|| patc of f(lch a benev0. lent nature, t0^ar(j8 rndigetlt emigrants, and the poor gcnerall j4 certainly high¬ ly ptailf worthy, of Mv icet;nedv>3 taknt9 wc havc heard much, in hotli" walks of the Dra- ma. It is Bert|{n he ha3 bfen a grcat favourite in Cai!ndaj anj wc llnderitand he has given So*^ cntertainmcnts in va- nous places wi|h t fl)ccefs . and from the choice (cicaion he has announ¬ ced in his Bilis, fi,r F|iday everijngi we anticipate again j^ olir Theatre gra- ced,withanume.0ll9 a(remblageof beaiicy Boxesi and the Pit .Mechanic*. The Rearing Calves. Boil half a pint of flaxfeed in two quart-: of water, ten minutes, to a jelly ; then add fkim milk enough for three calves, and the fame proportion of feed for any number of calves. This food given to them twice a day or thrice when quite young, m.ike-i them healthy | and vigorous ; and is prepared with lefs tiouble than other broth or hay tea. This method U now praftifed by a farmer in this vicinity with good effeft, who took the plan from the farmer's q/Mant,?. 151, which alio fays that ilaxfecd j-lly with hay tea ii good with¬ out milk. Berijblre Star. President ISoyer, of Hayti, is a coloured man, obout 50 years old ;— and was one of the commanders who expelled the French invaders of St Do¬ mingo under Lc Clkro and Korn- \mhkU'. His courage and niiiiiin} skill are highly spoken of. One of the lirs*t acts of PretMenl Bover, of Hayti, was Ihe liberaliou of all prisoners, not under sent* wee if death. A white president could not iiave done a more humane deed. Bost* CentineU U IttRIEIh At Adolphustowu on Tuesday the -2d iitst. bjThomas Dorland E*q. Mr. fieOIWB II. Pkti.oR, ot the linn of NOTICE. THE fubferiber heqoefta a'l thofe who have any demand* againfl him to fend in their account} duly ant hen tr¬ eated for payment, on or heforp the 20'h June ; and all thofe indebted to him, are requeiled to mnkr immediate pay¬ ment. LOUIS TAPIN.' King (Ion, June 8, 1818. 2 WANTED,a Groom and a F:•*. mi-r.—None will pleafe to ao- ply who do not bring with them the mod fatisfa&ory credentials.—Enquire of the Primer. June 4, 1818. z WANTED to hire, a refpedable Woman as a Wet Nurie.—Eir- quitc of the Primer. Kinglton, June yth, 1818. 2 Oats and Peas, For fa!e by Monjeau & St. Germain. June S. 2 II r|iHE Boat DOLPHIN, is in good A order k»r carrying Lumber, or any kind of cargo, and will do bulnn Is on u* mode-ate temisas any other Boat. The Dolphin will fail in the omrfeoi the wttk for Bell villi,— Eor particulars apply to the fubicriber. rr JOSEPH PONCEY. K'm^sicn, June tf. IS1-8. tPJ