fcfa the «7vo<rrv oamtte. 1 lb o old T'lppofe Mr, Con:-!ny'9 ?n fve« :•> thcfeveral pieces which have ap¬ pealed in your Gazvtte, had pit a» reft ,<vcry u'.favoTAhk opinion erf his «cfcives If I 'h-»«ght they were not fn.cere for the proiV«'ty >f tbe !;ro^ince, 1 wcr.i'd p<nt, I ( cno rcafoti to doubt his loya'iy or Gi.ccn'.y. I believe: him an honell. t> Id. in 'enend-Mt cha'a^Vr, perhaps fomewhat too irritable : the dif.ipfioint- fnent he h^ met with (aa he could hoi neanly llo: p to men in Office) may have txv^ii nH his warmth. He h-ts n.ade nfe of po.»d argument to convince the * lightened part of the Province 'he ne- ccltfty of difperfing the cloud which h^s fo io^tr obfcimed a"d prevented the ] beam* of profperity f'ooi fheddin^r ttrar bcrii-m i' fiaenupou this happy foil- He if d (irons to tr.id out where the error j !?<*•• t it th t onr G wemmena'home j hw«" been k'-pt ignorant of their Minia¬ te - Kite cxercifittg their refpeftivc fooc- titftw noi according CO the general wel¬ fare of the Province, hilt to meet their ©w private views ? or are the Canada? off trifling importance to Great Biit-i 2in t!;at fhev-. "indifferent .f informing, herfett? It i* t-'o trie we Have long] been s heivv bnrtlitn to her, and perhaps j the f onci <he i* nd of us the better, fo-t 1 r.-e noteaf n why the people of En**. held on th«* 36th fcf Jfffcy, pWIHmf Lai idjowromeut from trir *i7th in«t. The I ■./hnirrr.an, (Ittchard Arnold Inquire,) lot lii'vio:: made hi* appearance^ Mr. t'uilrinou JVnnock was unanimously ftllod fo tiV chair-. The -lu.sTir-n (r.ftcrsome debate) was jjvr—W h 'Ihrr or ir t, the Committee whow'Tc, h*t»iit*r, chosen by the inhabitants of Augusta, did their duty in tJt£ "xprPSsiou of thvir opinion ol ! I «fcc p.olp«Mity .t the Province. 1 «o-w j 1 jj^ Cron).,nv,,. po,jfiva| srufimrnts in j«.? orfirs ought fO txeve m o<k b-lons „,.>nK ^^ wa. rarr;,1(1 ;„ „„. a|lirm. to.***** luipi.m ; *«*, lw ^7 »f« I Af;.^. wifh 0>i R d.s^-ntii.g votce. part, r*«*o rcafoii to doutt hi* oya-'y ;i ^ nf thili)k^ f<),. ,hp iniI)nr,i;ll or fineeHtjr. IWw """ an '"WJ"1' .ou.l^-t of the Chairman, was then unanimously c&rrtea* (Signed) WLRMDN rKNWOt'K. OBADfAH READ, 6%?r*. Mr. (lonrlny Wgkfi *he w&iMss of thn <l«i) on the27th M-y-by informing lii»* people (hat be had come fh^re on a very sacred business thnt of vindirating his character*—After som«? diilirultv in proc ring a p^rs n will n* to thke upon him tht* olli<v of Chainnan. cr^id much more; difficulty in procuring; a Clerk, lo whom lie was obliged UtptQ* raise half a GtntittQ for his services- -he proceeded to take down (he names o" nil present. Much lime toi* fnken op in 'Midi'avorin^ to prtvent. from eitltfir Totiugorspeaking at the Meeting Mi^sh if ho wen* not actually resident in A u- ■ gusttt : but (his point Mr, G. wns oh- lijCed to givn up, as the voice of t*. ■ people was unanimous in i*xt?tulfugi I <h,V.d V incumber^ nkh he^x II ^•frniegr* lo a!l who W|.....j * !,sessrd 01 a ireeiioid Within tlifi to vn- ship of Au£U*i.v By t'uh () r:«: n ag opponent was raised up ii^a;,.st Mr. G whom of all ofh^rs, J\t» v'.*;^d t . lWH»p down* Foiled •>. *lifi '.'nit a .^mot Mr. G*5 next endeavor »:&§ to prov.-- that one who signrd th** Resolution* of the C'uvmrtti*? wa? r.ot appointed r Comm*ttee-man in thesam*" manner fi> {rh* others, failing in fhi.«, he hidca- vord 'o r-stal)|i«h the fact thnr ilieSaM CommitU'r* wcr-' not chosen a' >tll l>\ the annual and rcgnvir Town Mccfinc nf the Inhabitants of A'/gusta.. it wa- admUti-.d, aft- r <ioma discussion, that lory were n«»t thus chosen, inasmuch as tlie ftppointni^tit of ftOf h u Committfu? could not pr'»pcrl} be t\ui business of an nini-Ki", l^l)U< T«.WO >Xrt'(iH^, tnrii d'lty brina r \pr<*sslv limited l>y law- fn tfi'- " rbooking and nominating the I'a- rtshatid Town CHFtcen.n-—But it w;i Mr G.bnttowflm t*r pr#Pir< bv a'fworfe and more dreadful every] day- ine pUgue continues to • ^ ___'LI.______ ^_ iT.-ncat rcvi.-w - f his ^r(|w !r0m falling into his d«l»-vt, 5c|irfnl.s. Mr. (.onrlay not MH4^ this. expose, Withdrew from the Mit»tiu£. » Thou wwranonVhlflP AliiUt for ihfc ^. "And hang a ralfs skiv on Ihose reaoan( limbs."' Some time aft«*r Mr. G's defection. it wn prapewd, ti i%M was coming on apace, and the bo.Sur-ss of the day but half finished, that the Meeting be adjourned to the SOthfoIlowing, which wasaccordiu-ly donn^y the Chairman. The people m.-t, a? h4S been already seen, pursuant to adiMmim-.r»f) on fte :?0th ; hut Mr. G. cmtitraed " contii- ntafiimV9 though his absence was abl) supplied by li one d&ncntient voice." The Committee stated their reasons for the.ir conduct—pointy out the parts nf Mr. G's address to wHich they had ta¬ ken exception—proved from his subse¬ quent writings and proceedings that their opinions were \v.»|| founded, and were rewarded by th» vote which has been already rerordoU, In V j.e'i-f-F. witlili'tie profuedl of amend- lj=ei t from prefect appearances. G i the c-trrer hand, with proper management wrr liave thf means within cwieives not on- ' ly io Cupport our own expenses but to auTu oai m. ther ci»u. try for the gener- ©u>. fa? ifice6 me has made. Wha'ever m^y be the opinion of f »mej jr.ru, I cannot bin agree wiih Mr. G »ur- Jay. that in refilling gtanti of Land t.t p.o .1c fr "n »he Unfed States, wre have fc-e- pflrfoing a Mind policy. 1 believe i\ i- get'eratlv admitted^ th«t moll of| t!ie «>) ■ E.vi^rant> from the eld coun- t-v a-e in^a^a'^le if prowling for tbein J^veu. moi-h ^fs their families, ^ivin^ them * g;r=i't of good landi, with necei | 1;- v lirrufiU. and one or two year's pro I %.ri ta*9 ivehave had demontfra^vc pu> n?; c: the f-:6\ ; whiUl an N^encan, with h ixe, will make provtfion tor hrAifelt, a. -j provide for bis family, io the c^uric! c rwofeafona : fuch men are affbredlyl t. Arable in any new country. If wr feel t!.^ rec:-flity, ad '•pt mean* to renderthena ir ifFenfive by di&ribtiting them amoogft leva! fetU^ra, with whom they vvi.I .;(T» cia'eandintrrmarrv% Whatar we to cxneQ from emigrants who know h'-tle o no 'tin^ ab^uc c'tai'ing' lands, and let? I ct \hs nstUie of the climate ; f ich men ae only an incumbrance until they are ma Je a.'quvmcd by pra&ice ; to import ti.cn i- m additional expenfe to (,ur mo t: rcountry It"we will not 'tiff r men to fvttlt| who are capable of improving the C v':ntry how ar<- we to o:p..& an in- cr.ifc f» the value of our Landtd prop- t.rv. The G^nadas never can become *■)) :ahle, until a f"iiit s>Fenterprise fhali widely dHFufe itrtdf among ft the agricyl- tura1 Ivte cK J. believe it can be proved by docu- Iru-ir^ Mr. Gouriay was dellrou- of pot lefli- , \hv the greater number of De- i -ttr* !alt War (:n proportion to the. f tmber) werf Ri'f.lh Scorch and Irilh ;: 2 am inclined to believe thepcnetal cltfv) of Settlers in a new Country, feci j b- and mme by their individual interctt than th^i' Oaih af Allegiance ; and the t! i'-'.ei *•«" 'hit foil nv-ft congenial to t!4e r ha pt'irfs and welfare. 1 d> not difowcr any real henelit to rhls Prov- fciee in fettling a number of old Country men ationgtl tbeu former Officers, un tdi >t is t'» t ufl ive them a few veac4, for the t*iwe wtal'hy to reap advantage of ifheirlaboriou: toil :—I (hall have ihe in jeel however for otitcr^ more capable t- digeft the matter. If 1 ftiouM he ■dee-red prefnmutive ifl offer in;' tbeie -b icrvathns, I fhall have the fatisfacftion, jn feeling mylclf acquitted, by a dcfirel to aflilt truth in its vji tnousntflertakings, with the farther hope of exciting a mo't al>!c advocate in behalf of a generouv firmer who h^s the f,.mit lo (land forth • hv champion of our Rights and Pu'vi- Jege*. VISITOR. clrarlvr)roved that the Conmiittee w;i^ 'inTT-i appoitmd by the [>eople who were a*- ^enibl-d At the \ own Meeting,after tin proper business of the day was ov. r Mr. G. then ordered hisClerk to writ ^ (hat the Commif^ee were nol rh wen b^ p-hcannnai Town Merting oi August-.*, ana proceed tosSievy that the C ramit- *'\\ in fctating th:tf »heV were fh-iM ap painted; were zmhy (lf fctkcliood. j Ini^ophi-trx did uoT> how'ever, ^ur- |-Jeed. Mr. Gootlay was railed tti or¬ der, and nt he.^di utluilh'd \\\ a- much as the Committee had conceived them- -dve^i.pointed by rheTown M>: titiff. that the) w^^oi'a,,^^., Ur then made tiir ridiculousa^frtion that thwe wfis (1o difference between aw/*, htkc *\-<\i\ fulschouL We mu«t l^ave 'hft|}|\ enough to ^nbpnse tin* it LIVERPOOL, \pril 16. Sir John Murray, rf. P. for \Vc7- _ month, the hero of Tarragona, is Jto jhavetht; 58th regfnent, vacant by the dctth of the llm. Gen Norton. Sir James I,empt fucrrcds to :he ^d. Well tndia regimen-, vice Sir John Murray. —Gen. Don,Prom the 95th is to fucceed the late Gen. St. John, as "o!one» ofthe^fSth 'ejrimrrtt, and Sir T. ITifl »p f« t'» havr ttc 95th. Drowned, off Portfnouth, on the 2 ill of Feb bv the oveVtmT,;og of a boat in a fildden (quail of wind, Mr. Edward N. Longmotc, aged ;8. midUhipman, An board His Majefly"? fliip Rocbfbrt, a->d fecond fon of the late George Longmore, Efq. medical (h.ff, Quebec. Died, at Fdiuburgh, on the (25th Feb-nary, Lieut. Colonel G. Kubmfon, late Canadian Fcnciblec. f.ord Palmerfton, varied at on the Bthof April, as he wai afcending the 'icp. if the War Office, by a Lieut. Davie* of the 6id regiment.—The ball 0"!y crazed him and produced a flight contufion on the back. The aifafliu was rtrieltcd. rage in a terrible manner. This diflemper, of which above 50 perfoi s die daily in the city, [alls in general oily 24 hours, without any previous indis¬ position, without having tele any fymptoms of the difeafe ; Other perfons frequently fall victims of death from the in- jfe&ed air, and the ufe of un- wholefome food.—The plague rages aifo in the neighborhood ot Algiers, and farther in the interior of the country. To this we may add a mortality; among the cattle- Befidesj thefe dreadful fcourges we j have other fuftVrings. '• His Highneis the Dey cames; daily and mthoat\\Hmmh More refpcGt to perfons, people ^obe'iobJi arions 0 arretted, executed or b&niQied, | and -gracioufly feizes on their property. " Every perfon is fo ter¬ rified here, that people pretty openly exprefs the wiih that! % forr-e foreign fquadron would j make ks appearance, and fome Chrifl'an power or other make it-cif niaitcr of this ilare of of them fufpended from ropga and all in a moft perilous fituation, but by the activity 0f their fellow-citizens,they were all faved. The damage » eiiimated at 50,000 francs. On the 8th of April, the marriage of her Royal Highneft the Princcfs Elizabeth, with Prince Philip Auguftus Freder^ ick, took place at the Queen's palace. At the fifth Anniverfary of the Church Mijftonary Society, held at Bi iftol in April laft,one of the gentlemen who ack dreffed the meeting, "flated *' that he had fpent the evening and part of that morning, at f tbe bed fide of the celebrated ! It appears that tht Dey of Algiers died of the ph.'ue »n the 11} of March He was fucceedtfd hy Coggfa (;avalli, formerly his mmrtttr, who xv;, pio. claimed the fame day. The nev Dey imrndiately ordered all the female -hritlian- and jewclTca in confinement to be fet at liberty. From Ball's London Metsa wa« ! Tofhc Editor of the Kingston Gazette. Silt, Mease to insert the following in your iwxt paper. Ax a Mooting of fhi* Inhabitants of Augusta, (railed by the following pla¬ card—" Mr. Gouriay begs leave toin- fnrw the inhabitants of Augusta, thai he will h at the house of Isaac ilurd. in th^said Township, on Wednt-Mla\ v \t. fhrSJthof May, at 2 o'clock, Irad/to shakf any hoivst man by Ih. h;t.»d. or look in the face those who have dared Loehtudsi uu character-'1) 'he paroxysm** of his rage whieii icdldn, iiito thfa Biisprablr Pttare of -h win^ himself iu rrulv worthy ol'his nn'af nre- de<:esSor. rue 1 ^at Knight oi la >lan- ;h«t. Failing in hiv^rand at'rmpt fo -addle till? CjAni^iittce with ti»u ign<h uiiuj" of falsehood, Mr. G mustered up hi* forCGS to ftiitiffter charm*; it was truly despet'trte. Thi* wa* to shew Ontt ihry liad ue^Ierted th.-ir duty to their constif/refitSiA drawing np ft solu- 'inn*i usaiu^t his sucfX'd principles*— lie wuhed rhi- (juration, of aH things, to be [Htr. that a vote of (Tn»-ure knight be passed upon (his unfortunate Govt- miitee%—After much discussion—after Mr. G. had HaUeird and stormed hj 'urns—after he had attempted to palm npon th' poopii' resolurioiis which had '»ot been adopted uor even put to tin* vote—fearing, that instead ol a vote of censure, such an one* as appears in this paper would be passed, be xctthdrevs his motion.—Ala*! po^r G**url;;y ! he now brought up his reserve. This was hi> lirst address to rhe people of t*pp'-r I Canada, in which he proposes to pub- j ii-h a S'ati-tical account of this coun¬ try. He read it over, commented much upon it, especially, upon (hat part which speaks of the Genesee coun¬ try ; lie expatiated upon if* beauties— drew a Comparison between the happy \tntc of the people there and our ■* wretched condition^* aid all edged as rhe cause offheir *upr§me felicity, their freedom from Li political rvstriiints" &c. <tu. and then challenged the Coin* inittee toshew upon what parts of hi> Address they founded their opinion ol iii-principles as expressed in th'irltu- >olutious.— But when Mr. G.>.atdown (he sun hud sunk beneuth the western iiori/.ori. • Mr. Jones then rose, not to reply to 1 rnrer of March (22. The Bourbons hare followed the exnmple of other countries in recosni- /in.j tlieaccession of the pres#nf Kiuii »f N-cdtn. He is now acknowledged bv every civilized power- Ti,is is an ;pra\and h very hnport?uii out.. ;„ tn,: history of the tftonarchfr* of Rnrope, I( Ftands forth as a precrdent and an ■sample, that the absurd ivottens bitb« pifo imputed to Kings and caj^net^, of the indefcasibility of re^al rixjits haw happily passed a-*ay, and thai fhe^ord •f tin? people i* acknowledged to be of equal importance wih the rights of descent. A« this principle i> a real pirates. "Of the militia the third part is killed, baiuttied or has • deferted ; great difcontcnt prevails amor.g the remairder. 1 he Dey, however increafes rhe number of his body guard j by blacks, and has planted before his caftls a Strong line of 24ipounders, u-hich com¬ mand the city. M Several magnificent buil¬ dings are creeling for the Dey and his family, in the midft ot the general mifery his High- nefs frequently amufrs himielf vnth balis, and caufeS the neighborhood of his pa.ace to refnund with niufic. The unhappy inhabitants,pr.rticu:ir- ly the rich Jews, have been obliged to pay a contribution of 100 coo piaftres, and 12 of the moft beautiful gir!s ; of the latter, fome have, however, ranfomed themfeWes for dif¬ ferent funis, fi om 4000 to j 8000 piallies. w 1 he lquadr«n of corfairs which was out larely on a cruife. lies ftill difmantled in the harbor* "Some of the principal Arabian tribes in the interior of the country are in a ftare of infurrecti-jn, and it is iikeiv to whom the gallons' of this age and pofteriry are great; he found her on a bed of ficknefs, but furroufitded with her Savioun prefence, enjoying an inward I peace, which could only he ' derived from the book of God. She commifiioned him to be her aim; ner upon the alter of J that Society, wiftiing them JGodipctd." A Remarkable Difcovery ofi Murder. The murderer of Mr. Martin, * • receiver of taxes at Bilgny, fays a letter from Baf-fur-AubCi wasdifenvcrcdafr* day* ago in the moll liugnUr manner, and arretted. The crime WU comrrtried on the 9'h of rebnury on the high load, at one o'clock i" tbe aft.'rni-on. The (hot entered Mr. Martin's heart, and he fell down d<.ad. He wa returfiog from eollecti gf *$* had only i?o franc about him, nf wbuo he was robbed, ns well a«i *>f hia watch and a ring". The charge of the pun WW rammed down wi'h a written paper.** This had bien carefnlly tnken up, and catrtcd away with the body. Tbe wilting wap (iill legible. Op this p»cc of paper there, were exprefTmns are nf'd in glt&fil manufad\oiie*i date of near 15 ycar-s h;ick- Uj-Otl this (in v.I" tndicationi the judge vcoi to the owner of the^laf^manufadtory at BiW examined Ins hnok*« and ftieceeded irv finding an arrirle relative to the delivery of glaffl, of which the paper in uueflmp wa« the bil' of parcels. The Rifpicioa immediately fell en the fon inlaw of this individual ; the latter had been out of the country for ten years. Order w^$ ^'iven to arrtft the perfon fulpeQ^ When the officers came to him he wag on bis knee*, praying. In his fright he confefTed the <Wcd on the fpot, and ivcn mowed where the watch and ri'1.0 Wfrr which were indeed found under the thatch of his houfe. which, mid I • . : ;;;z.i"'::"?::.!"•'"'•'-"•'•- i-h^t <*im* w:u follow tbA ' r hand does not eucouraire any source Of rinarchy, wemu^ta-ain impress our satisfaction with its roco^uitio.i. I Extract of a letter from a j^enrJeman in London,of the firll nfpecia^ility. to. his friend in Savannah, dated Fcb-i 2«, |8j8. l* A rumor has prevailed for fome time pall, that a divorce was tf> take place hctwecn the Prince Regent and the Princefs of Wale* ; and it is now as- lerttd, with confidence, thnt the ap¬ plication will be made to parliament, during the prelent fcflion, for thn pur- pofe, with a view, ic is ftsted, to form an alliance between the Prince Regent 1 and the Dutchcfs of Pa'ma, who1 as you] may fee by the prints, is (hortly expec¬ ted in London." j example, as the Algerine government is in wane of means to reduce tiietn to obedience.—M.iy the iniur- reclion extend hither V* has LONDON, April 2. Mails from Hamburgh and Flanders arrived to-day. An article from Algiers, I dated the 27th of Feb- ruary, reprefents that feat of barbarity and oppreffion as fuffenng moft fevercly from! the ravages (^f the plague. Wei feleck the following articles from the Hamburgh papers : Hamburg, March 26. We have received the fol-1 lowing letter from Algiers, by way of Marfeilles :—. " Alters, Feb. 25—The itate of dungs here becom A frightful accident plunged the inhabit ants of Viliiers4e-Bel, [8di e and Oife] into mourning. On Wednes¬ day, the 25th, between four and live, the workmen were taking down a hrge be 1 of fix milliers weight.—There were prefent, befides the work¬ men, about fixry perfons, at¬ tracted by curiofity. and about 400 women in the church, A fuddefi crack from the arch was> heard, and in ah inftant the church was encumbered with enormous ftones, which fell from the height of 80 feet with an horrible cralh. The women, in attempting their efcape, hurt each other, and a. numner of the inhabitants of 1 the place, attracted by their j cries, on entering the church found 25 of their feUow citizens mortally wounded. Three of them died in a few minutes after. About fifty perfons It i^an mtereflirig and ftrfking fnfl, that, bippafing the Britifh and R>rcipi Bible Society were to diftribute a* many cop.es of the Scriptures each year, as i hey have done during the grft t<we!Kie ytarsy wherein 1,67^994 copies have been circolated, it would l?ll take fmr eeniuriffi to fuppiy eacii individual in the wo. id with a- copy ; and this is tak'ng it for pmnted that the inhabitant of rhe countries called Chvillian are already' (applied, A morningjo-irn.iT jjives the following as an cxtraftofa pi Jvate letter from St. Helena, datsd January 26 :—" Bon.i- pane's regimen almolr confounds o^ir calculation of the material* of which he is compofed—fo opr*>'lte tfoeS h*- appear to be from !»is former habit* of life. He has not pafTed th.- thrcfbold of his houfe thcie four months : fhe confcqn.-ncc i% his legs are fwollen, his corpulccc fall tncre>ifes, he cannot help complmoinfof having a moll painful pa'pftation at the neart, and his countenance ij extremely pallid. His lulienaudere manner (hula out all defcription of perfons ; he refuted to fee the Admiral (Piampio) a day or two fince. Gen. Montriclon, we are told, lately hinted to his Imperial ma*. tcrf that he bad half a mind to go to Europe; when Bonaparte replied, 4 you have always hitherto proved yourfclf devoted to me ; wait 12 months longer, and then you will return with honor; for I fliall by that time be no longera trouble to any one/ Certain it is. that hrs health is become in a very urecaiioue (late." 3 y A minifterial evening paper Uft—u A ver> extraordinary plirfm-im«/i ; *l TVi. i'^*-w**»Mrumor is in circulation, to e J {remained m the belfry, fomejjwhi.h we cannot give credir