Kingston Gazette, June 2, 1818, page 4

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FOR SALT!, !! NOTICE. 1 ONreafor.abv rrmstNt*rflknowns ^TTTHEREVS. by the last Will food fori Fawn fit * itiMic, V V and Tcilim-nt of the late Village o-Prefcntt, Lou V- j i dtt.ljRlCH vRD PATTiNSON, Efq. in fruuing ihc King's Hi-',way, and aji hi* life time of Sandwich, in the province kr/e two duty framed Houft. well fin jof Upper Canada, R »bcrt GHlefaie, iflted. with a large Kitchc:. in the rear, j- Qi.kif u, and Geotge Moflatt, flatting fortwemy fpaik of h< rft , e fhed i !r.:c jointly and fevcrally, appointed fcventy fert Jong, ^nd a gm>d hmrfeon J jfiiaefrry Legatees of his Euate, and t» i rear I .-it. tr Fcf the ace *nm >d-ition ' j Execot r* of fa id Will. «fn "ei^eSable family Tne whoVofj! I do hereby nqnell all prrfons having -the building* thereon, bemg timfhvd itil cMmfr upon laid Eilale, to prefent the Ti %v. rkm.njikc manner, and at preie-»t j ■ fame to me. duly authenticated, far Ofccnpii ' bv Mr. Alexander B McD*>n- payment; and all j.erions . indebted •eV a* a H .trl. ! thereto, ar*r<?quir .1 to pay to me the For furihe' particulars, apply to the-, amouct of their refpeftive accounts. JbhfenbefV or to Mr Al-x.mde. Mae- i * Debt? due to bid Ellaxe'ifl the L nr'1. |unr»r. Me chant, Pt'etcutt, by! province of Upper Canada or in the **h >m the^Wna may b* made known, j; United State*, /ordering the eon, may indifoutablc title and immediate. .be paid to George Jacob, Efq. < f Sand- ;wich, John Aden, and Gordon, Eiqr*. of Amherflburg, or to either of Valuable Lands WK $MJ£, XN the Third Con..cflr,on of lhe T„wn. Ihip <>f Fntorgh, being Lots No. 6, the hull of No 7, ari(] No ,8—An indifpotablc title wjj| be givcn) and the terms of payment m1tje tafv. H- t. THOMSON. Kingll July 2^t ,817. 32 BL AN ft BAJL BO, PS. For *afe at this office ft Notice. *■ Officers Hali p.,v, and Artil¬ lery PenfiQo BLANKS, For fait- at this Office. fcr-^ an colT( ition will he j-iven. ALFX. V-CDON'ELL & Co. liii(ffftoo, 3d J.ra- i8ifc. utf Rigs! Rags! i frSH paid for Clean COT- VVfH and L'NLN ft A G S, (Or any Col-.r,; AT THIS OFFICE. ihem. they being duly authorized to receive the fame and giant acquittances. G. MOFFATT, Montreal, aoth March, iSi8. 44V1 i BLANK Summonses Subpoena* and ;Executions for the COURT OF REQUESTS, JUST received ai^ for fale at this Of hce, price- r/8, Poems on bis Do¬ mestic Circumstance* })X Lord Bvron.— With the Star^f tfH Legion of Honour, and other Poems ; f0 whieii is prefixed, The Lift of tip Nolle ^thor. < Nov. 28. 32 To Let, i' For Sale at this Odke. AND immediate piitfc&an given, the j HOUSE and i.Temifesin Stairt \ii!c.l.itey occupied by Mr. D»itoa, fit. tc ; within half a mile of this- Town, | a favorable 61nation f*»r a Genth akflm Qn "amily, and 90 lefn fo fol a I^;l\i' ,v «:r Inn Keeper. Fo.- further p it.xj:ar> enquiie of the fuh'tcvibei. E. BARNETT, TO LET, I^lOR any term wf years npt exceed- in Fifteen, or, the molt reada¬ ble terrn^—Thai well known valuable Hand in the put-lie line, fituate on the point at Gananoquv and recently occu¬ pied hy Scth Duwtt. together with the Moue, Barn, Staples, &c—For for- thei particulars appty rothefu' fcribei JOEL STONE. Gananoqua J<m*$. 1818. 33// Blank Assessment Lists, for tf/.Ainco partnerthlp, ttebSneftiu fo.Jj«/e «tlftw (Mfe.-^Abo, AriA* ider the firm uf j ffietical Tablet, f< A LL perfono indebted to trreFftate J_!L of the late James Gumming) late of Hallowcll, dccc?fed, are requcfted to call without delay, and fettle'he Came with Mr. James McGrkgor, now in charge of the eftablifhmcnt, at Hallow- ell bridge ;—and thofe who have c-aim*- againft the eftate, arc defired to prefent them for adjuRment. The Hock in Trade of the deceafed, confiding of a very complete aff^rtment of Good:; well laid in, and very fuitahle to the Country, is now felling off at pri¬ ces io low, as wdl defervedly claim the attention of the public. Cafli or Countiy produce will be tak¬ en in payment, and a credit of 6 month given to ref.nnfible Farmers or others. ITCHELL, j ExccUl0r* :i JO HN C WM, MITC Kingston, 03 27, 1817 S2 FOR SALE, a two horse w'aggon, i1 PERFECTLY new—t.ikew.'fr, a few thoufnnd 18 inch SHING- ' LES.—lnquiic of S. MERRILL. ' { Kingston, /Ipril 21, l S18. 47 € GANANOQUA Store & Mills. iHARLF.s McDonald havfeg taken his brother 'fohn McDon Blank Summonses For the District Courts, for Saic at this Office. VALUABLE LANDS FOR SALE. Kingston, Feb 24, 1818 43tf V .LUABLE LANDS FOR SALE. WRHE following fin^uhrly [B drfiraoiCj aiid trui\ val- Ujo.i: Land'- may *>t had, and trumedJaf j turc will be conducted »ji C k). McDoiuld, Who ki*ep for fale a general afTort- ment wf DKY GOODS, WQCER1ES IIJIW WAR fi, CROCKERY, and m^rt articles enquired Tor at a Conn- offer low for Sch for the use 0, oni*. NHW IRONMONGERY STOKE. John Watkins, pa+mfr** rA undr^ble t.tles ! J.y St,,e they o «r*te tarMowtlrir teai nlw j and lgi*'~,r W»q«ar^lirnbtr.bla^ it^lutMdim. even inn country foe* | Poteflies, and Jnoft kfeda of count,)' tenfive a« Canadii. wheoe uncii tivated j ™ ,,ce- t i *, «-«*Mt I. r-j.u u lluyhave a pood Grill and »W imd- mav m general he re-uny r>o ...... ;r ., *. Kt - tamed, ih'-it lituaM'»ns l>> euj»ioic ano a- • ?.j*t*.ire<>n?f in good neighbourhood^ can be '.ecurcd. Lot '. Comprtfing Mo Acrw of the •fry rtobtfl EkCchv, Mi'ile. Lr.lm and Crtk Land, in the 4th Conreifion >f T: :-e. ivtnii upi>n Jjttritti a Cveek., with I* acres cleared and fenced, n w l.»g. I lio tie, well btriU and dove tai er», fruit, trees, Sc With a .nih-ieat, between 4 jHnc. are requefted to to mal* ^ M*ik:n, i:**t^ • "'e payment. me Fi OUR, uqnal to any Mill in the Province} they will fttpplynrdecs for] j Sawed libber of almoft any defenption at fbott Notice c st j. Mcdonald. Gfinmnf i&. 7j* tct $§98. $yf Alhhof indebted toChaiN« Me Don-j ja'd. whofe account- have become; mined in 5 f.vnil Jo'.'aud. j an.i 5 miles from the ilou»iihinv litt'e Townol Toronto on Lake Ontario, vh re titer? is an excellent market ci'i rt,fc>i buy<ng or feUir.g- The L-and ir^f ihe very nrft qua'iM. in a gv>d ponul ju» i.eijihho.irhood, B>Ptntng j altogether a moil dcfirable refidence, j within a (hofttntteof the great road be-, Blreen York a^d Kin^ftun, 1 zd. zoo Acre , being Lot No. 1, in the crh Co'ic-rflji-ii t>f H»'pe alons^ll-'c, the great road between I tope and Hr ! m*' ok, ieaJing to the new and fiuiinfh i it: r Ji-U«emeuts ^fCavan r.nd Mona^'ian | i^n the ttice Lake, in which more tln-n| fanilies and perfo^a have actua' y jn.i !carci"lv live-.p e frojn she Town of I o» :n o, where there in a jg • id mtt:ke'. ; it is in an oUl leitlcneet. a< r^ neighborhood >s .pepcons a. d *\C\-i:ert. Th* re are about 30 wren c'ifa e-4 " ' fenceO, wilh ■■• ti'tr (Irrjrn of liv" - 1 * e an i th- greatti pprt of the 3 ; 'i.j.enor quality, the relt good Meadow* 3 . o Aries occuppying nearly 9: t&Ltf f 'e of the Ganuan'tq:ie Like, ^t. th cw (hip 11 South Cf'^by, DiV ti <a j^nnlTown, confiding wholly .f h ufce^ 1 o»ts thebacsb pans extmdiisii t l rp from the itidc%*i Settlement t l-LiitgAoiii from wuieh latter place it i* fi'% i\dy 30 n>iles diltant- The Land it good and well timoered, and the lit at ion finoulai y beautiful asd roman¬ tic, with wooded iflatidn in Front. rl1ie above Lands aie particulaily idcltrving of notice. The i'r<iatt<md vri cbolei'.bya compercnt judge, anil •tii , wi'ioe fo'd iemaik,ib'V cheap, the fn'*fPUor v.idiinjr to c<mctulrate hi* or-t* tnan-th " quarter. Fo» further particulars, apply t(» R C.« OKME. E% Vo.k ; C. TOTH- ]£ R Gl I.' F k). T»r. .mo ; W M H I - MILTON, lifq. Ki.i^Uoti or Prrfcxtt; or to SHAW AR.wOUR, Li'q. Mon¬ treal Apil 1, JS18. 47i 10 LET" A NDp-»<T In n given on the firrt v.f J?li M^ytfCXt, the ..ouie n.j pienii- ico at \i\u\ in ot* upiftd by D* flo" Oed dc^— it b'.'i' ['. " I1- -ubi<. Ho life, it wi ■ fci :^i frpi-uil * or t gctkci. ApjiK ftp . !J 'I/-' THE SUBSCRIBER, ESPECTFULLY acqaatnn his JL friends and the Public in general, that he has opened a ivhoiefole and retail Hardware Store, at the Hand for me fly occupied by Melfrs. H. W. Wi'kinfon 3c Co. Mam $ircet> and from the arrangements he h:is made, will have con Hazily on hand, a gvneral ad rtment Of H \ KDWA RE, Cutlery, ^c which he will be enabled to difpofe of f »r Cafh, or approved Crtdit, ^t nearly tin Moutnal Pt ices ; amaQg which arc the Mlnwingj vi/ ; Englifli and Swceda Iron, Crcw'ey a« d BliUer 6tCtl, Wrought and I'm TvalN,"1! .ac-^CVinM, Sheet iron, Horfo Shoe-«, Frying P*w« Sh vels and Spajdes, Phiugh Moulds, HoPow Ware, OrinditoPei;, ChiffeK and Gouges, lock^s and Hmgefl, Files, Knives and Forkb, Pocket and Pen- k nives Fiili H; aoks, Brafa Cockv, Brufhes. hammers, ftueurs, S>aws, Planes, TpjEOS kave lo.Worm hi. fiienda & 15"- w w^n'1^ ^ Jj} the wbiiegenerally, that he ha^ ^n I r A"*' „,u' W,re* P"1S removed ftoip his fonner Rand to the Needle* Fowling QunsBrafc Ktuie> &c. n. _ 1.. ... ^^..' a l„ r...... ul... c. Ac (hoplately ^JbcUpicd by Jonas Abbot St Co. near the Market Pfecd where be ' [has now on hand, a general aiTovtmcnt of liar ^?j aware, CiHierv, &e. Which he will fell 011 lhe m« it moderate tei .nJ- To let, th- *1i"n lau'v nrrupied by the lubtctit er, an.i pcvfTcfBot given im ! mediately. SAMUEL SHAW. Kingston. $th Jan. I 3 1 8- 32 For Sa » at this Office, A READY RECKONER, Fe a!fo efferr for fale a fmall affirt- mei.t of Crockery and G^alsWa^e. Kingll 0.30th March. 1S18. 44'f 10 !l fale at this OtSce—<tandmd Ruiftfor tht Came of WHlS'T— by Bob Sho^t. I 46 Removal. ~~T OrS No. 24. 25 and 26, firlt con j Jl-J celijonofthc townfhip of Ma- ! jvyfcurgh, Eafl of the Rocki in the Mid- j land dillrift, ccrupiifine the nioft v.'lu : able part of fci Point Pleafant," and con tabling about 300 acres. No. 5 1. tiril coiiodlon ofSophias- I bur^h, Midland Ditlrifl—200 acrea. Nos. >J6 and >9 Second cohceffi- n^f Arneliafburgh, hay fide, Midland DiV 1 ttift— 400 acres. ! N08. 5 and 6 fecond conct lfi n, Aire- liashtirgh, I ake lide, 400 acres. No 3, third conctfGon of llallowell, Midland Dirtric't, 2COacres. No. 12, eipl'h conceflion of Thur- low, Midland Difliift, 200 acrci. No. y, Irccnd Conceflion of Camden, Midland DtftriQ, 2ooacre4. No. 70, fifth Con. Camden.200 acres. No. 9, third conceflion . f urray in the Diihicl of N< w Calllc, 200 acres- No. 5 4th con. of Murray 200 do. *f*Jo. io% luuriu eon. t'jamiiion, in the1 DilUicT of New CalUe, 200 acres. No. 52, Bfthcon^of Hamilton, 2codo. N'*'. \g, leventh con of Pialdinuod, Dillridt of New Calile* 2Coacres, No. I, firdcon. of the townfhjp of Clarke, in the DTftriftof N. C. 200 do. The local firnation of \he above land) particularly of tl.t fittl nine Lots, is very advantageous and the foil i* excellent.— Th-: terms -1 fale will be found very tea fmablc ; and a $?reat part of the ptir- ehule rroney will he Ictt at inteteft 11 the hands uF the put* hafcr. Application to be made to the fubfcuhcr, D, HAGERMAN. SMITH & BUTTER WORTHS METURN their fincete thanks to their friend? and the public in gfc. ncral, for the liberal enq^uragement that they have received fincetthey re com. menced the Hatting Bijinefs. They have an cxteufive afToitmcr t of Ladies and Children's BON. NETS, of various colors and Chapes. Gentlemen's Beaver & fuf© CaitorH.ATS, Likewife, Knapt and Wool Hats, Which they will fell very k>w f<JT cafh 01 approved credit. Produce taken in payment. Jan. 2. '32?*' _____1____^______ Public Notice. THE Subfcribera, Executors to the Estate of Charles Stuart. Efqtn're, deceafed, [ate Sheriff of the Midland* District,hereby requests all thofe indeht- ed to the faid F^rate to make immediate payment to the faid Executors ; and all thole who have demand* against tl;e Estate are >eque--ted to produce the fcme duly attested, in order that a SfttJemtfft of the Ti^titte maybe effefled a^ [pcedirj as pojllhlt after thefir«tdtty of JuW 1818. GEORGE O. STUART,\ Exec- A.LUAN McLEAN, j utor^ Rin^scrm, Augufrtii, 1817-—3^tf "•1 A(,'*Iphvstorztiny 1 5th Match% 1818. j 4ttf Notice. ■ Scott & M'Gee, Surgmnsi Chemists &f Druggist , iT-."i '^^' ^ resnnved to t'v ;->t ax a 'y JLJL occupied by Taylor & Parker, fitttate nearly oppofite Moo'c's CofKc h ule, between Mi. Patrick Smyth^ C ckeiy Sioie an J the Cullom H» ufe ?*i Shewing the value of Grains of various j \ office. The ufua1 attention will be paid Gold Coinsn current in the Province of Upper Cana da. JLSO, PElUiCSON'S Tmprwrd l^ab1^ of die value of Grain" of G dd Coin, 0 ~er or under weight. fale at this 47"*, J!.TS !' reeeived an" for i; Office, 01 ire 7{d. the MONTREAL ALMANACK, For the Year of our Lord 1 s 1 s. Alfo—ESSATS on PR iCTICAL HUSBANDRY, Addrtfled to the Canadian Farmers. BvC. F Grecs, of Montreal. November 14. «^ Foil BJLM, "" Fanning' Mills, funerlor quality ; wftith will kept cordlamly >u hand by thc hfciib<i, 1 1 ice 25 dollar*. P J. FITCH inglton t.o!l'f:t' Oral, I rwtf i) \: i i! [V> every branch if the Pr.ifciBon. Tliry havr unhand a general afT»rt- ipent of DYE S TUFF.-?, P s I'EN T MEDICINES and OILS; A.CXD8 and evrry Chemical in ufe. Kingston, gti iftjj'j t 8 1 8* 501 f FOR SALE, FTflFAT beautiful and very valuable -i_ Faim.fituated upon Point Pteafant. m Maryfbiirj*h, containing 200 a-.res, being Lots No. iS and 19, call of th* Il^ck ; there arc nearly tco acres nndci -rood improvement, and 73 beat tig apple and Pear tree«. F-.r particulars enquire of Mr. Walter M'Cntiitfc, merchant, Kinpfton, or Mr. VVm. Ucn niker or MaryfhuiKh. Having been informed that Aaron Conner has been trclpaifing, by CUTfine timber, throwing duvvu my fences, and Rutting cattle into my etictofnre ; now 1 hereby forbid fAid Conner taking away the timber hecuU — I alfo forbid all and every perfon or p» rfuns to aid or ?lliii laid Conner to wtnk or take laid tim; c a way, nor purciuh' it of him : if they do, they may expect 10 be ptofecuted as the Law directs. JOIINMcBEAN. MarvflMir^lw /, *$& i MtS 4 LL perfons having any demands a- l\- garuft the Eftate of the late Bry- Crawford, Efq. of Adolphullown, de- e.'.'T'cd, are hereby reqviefted In produce their clatai**, duly authenticated-—sJ/fo, all peifons indebted to the faid Eflateare hereby requeiled to make immediate payment to IViii'tam Alexander Grant, Executor. Kingston, \<)ti) July, 1817. 32 ADVERTISEMENT. The fubferiber offers for Sale tltf Following Lots of Land. tco acres in 4th ;ind 50010 the 6th conceflion of the Gore brtwee* Ernell Town and Fredericklbu'^h. No. 18 and 19 in the Sih co'icclTtgii of Mm ray. No 31 Eafl half 2d con. ofStdny. No. 9--1C01 cotyceffion of Rawdetu No. 4—8th concrfTion. Huntingdon, No. 14. 15, 171 18, 45 and 26 in the 9th conccffich of Thurlow. N'\ 34 atid 35 in the 4th conceffiutt of Viiughan, near Yotk. Also, Several valuable Town Lots tn th* Town of Kin tf ft on. \ WM. CRAWFORD. . JV; eherntkJour^tJ, yun. 'TO, 1 ftj f-. ^J| Smiths Work. THE fubferiber mod ttfpedfalfa iifoima the penticrr.en-J King^ t* n, that he in jufl arriv( d here hrm Dublin, and has commenced the bift. nefs of Black and White Smith, in all ita branches ; more particularly that of horfe Shewing, in which he will j»;ve- ihe greaieft faJsfa^pq to thofe thai w# ploy him. Thev may rc.y on ha%iiur their work wc'I done, cher.v and vat, bv applying at Mr. J. Mea^hers, £anatk Itreet, where beha« comoicnced. All orders in that [fat will be ela<5y received and ft 11 £1 attention give;.. Kingston 13th 08. 32 To Let, VNT> poHHtiAn given the firft of Mav next, a puoiber '*-f rooms in the line Barracks. Enquire of Al H. EARL. arc;j '3 42 A Card. TEE fubferiber* beg leave to inform their friends and the public in ge¬ nera , that they carry on the TAILORING BUSINESS in Main Street, where they intend mafr. :ng every article in their line, on more reafonable terms than has been done far a number of years back. Thofr who with to favor them with their cufton, may rely on having their work well matjc, and on the.fhorteli notice, for Cath. Nonis& Steven*. Kingston^ Sept. 9, 1817- »* 1H K PANOPLIS'L THE fubferiber informs the Merch¬ ants and Traders of Upper Cana¬ da and Slate of New York, that he has commenced bufiuef* in this City, as a General Agent and Corrruiffion Merch ant — Any bufinc s entruited to hi3 care wiil meet with diligent attention. BENJAMIN ff.,RT. Montreal, lot A May, 1 S 1 8. 5 : rn6 Notice. rHE fttbtc«ib*r refpcctfully inform? the p..blic, thai he intends to cotz- tinue the b.»ati'<^ SmfiaeH this feafon ; therefore, jf any perions wifhes to tranf- j^Ort Plank, BnardSj Brick, Lime, Sand, Sec. &c he offers them hi- <Vr>piy at Mr. John Dawfon1 , Kmi.-jIou. WILLIAM VJtl For the Year iSi6, For Sale at thia Office. Jcte 1 1 L^omp^ 28 Blank Deeds and Memorials^ For fale at this Oflke. white Kmi.-I'oii. mot To Let, T?HAT well k'iowa large . . STORE, in front of the Dwelling hoofe of the fubferiber. It is well cal¬ culated for Commercial Bnlincfs, having a laiye commodious ccl!a»\^blc of holding 1000 barrels, with the advantage of the wharf, where vciTtld of 40 U)M may load and unloaded. Foiwaoierg would do well to improve this opportu¬ nity. For particular? apply to the fufc- Icrtbci'on the prcmifes. JVMES ROBINSON. Kfogrteti I pi Mftrchf 4^

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