Kingston Gazette, June 2, 1818, page 1

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7;yjgvr>r<^yaiv£.?v^ wyratyppg,^^ g8ESSSSB5BSS^SB +fm imjfyfsz , — [TUKSD.VV. Ji'M %t 1818.1 [VOLUME VIII------No. | ] A Kinoston, Upper. Canada—Printud and Published by STEPHEN MILES.-PrJCE Four Dollars per Annum—Exclusive of Postage. jPT^sui.^.riiv^i:»3S^«: kiukm* TrA*;M7?^&tt&^&3*x-x'~ *&■•'&■ -~*s*«ias»«u^t^6*iLWfc~tti Agents for the Khij£$fnh i'<iizrite< F/nesi T<>«n. J \>ll# it V XK IN, Jv-q. B^lvillr, S. IW'NABB, I!q. Morifr^al, V. MOUTH. Pn-itor. fyHis Hw&m SIR JOHN COPE\ S H f; R B R 00 R&% km:> ht Grmd i Crofs of the won Honor all' Millary\ Order of the Bnth, Comw.vuler of His J Mdttsfy9* Form h the Provinces of North America. A PROCLAMATION. HF.REAS. heretofore for the 4 LL perform indebted to Daniel XL Jones & Infield, Race the 2d of J'i!y, \ & 1 7, are requeued to cemf an.) make payment by the IClhot June ; and ■all tliofe that have any demands again!) jlhem fince the 2d of July, i8t7> are re- iquelled to piefcnt them for adjuftmetlt, JOIIMC. INFIELD. Ernest Town, iZtk May, i%i&. 52 I w *7t Y/tr 31 At the Stable of the JLaJFjJD J- 1 fubfcribrr.on the iSth of April, by * man by the name of | ftffiph Cochnm, a dark br.;\vn M ARE, With a round white I'pot in her forehead; ifnpnoftd to belong W fome prrfon WHEREAS, heretofore for the j j supooua to oc.™, ^"-^-j," * Duroose of roA-oinCrw &*llthr %y of Quint*. Tbe ^« *m*3£*!i Z .nfm-ing thc|iq.H:ae.. .« prove P^Jft^S exigencies of tltr Piihlic Servie.-, His Excellency S)> franp Prcnwt* baronet, ( ;hei; Commnidi-ux fl« MajrUy1* Forces | in Buufh Notth America, did make and j cltfuonn •re ^renarea number of" Hills Army BilU. and r.JUifctl the fa<t:c from time to time to be iifaed from tfi£ Army J pill Office cftnblilh. tl for thai pm-po'cl at the City cf Qoehgc* agreeably to the Pt'.ciCons of tne ltv';i«..' AtV; of t\\t\ Province wf Lovyet-C^Mada, made for fttpurpofe of r'atilif.stiitf* ttjeCtVtrufafctioti of Army hill*, j — And, whett?^ U is lit wd proper that the Aceouul? «f the] &?d Auwy £ill Office flu.nld be Hpajlyj clofcrl ^ — I ba^y therefore ttrmigfrt fit i In iffuc this Proclamation, hereby requiring all Perfoas holding Ar»w Bills to prtfent rile feme For Foment at the Army Bill Officii*the City ©FOucbec, I #n or befou the $\[{ Dsw of October fext* on which c'ay the Ar»T.y Bill Office will be finally doled :—-\nd in oi flich *.rtfentation tor p.irnv:iii pitUn ttiat feijiod. the holders uf fu.cb Army $£'\\h,e<nniot lecei^- M*clnin fi.oni the Military C lie It ibe payment thertof. , Givcji under my Ua^\ and oca! a! A'*n»s at ilic C:»H'e of Saw l.evvi<,; "i^iltr: '?i-V of ^"(V", tl||i Iirll .rif oi M<yf ," l*»« **»r »• O-itf 1,1-VTd Owe 'rho-l'jnd EiuM Bwft- dirrl ;.-id F.iu'1^'0. and in the fifty eighth Year of His Atajetty't Rv Hitf E^cellmcv's Command. T. K ADDISON tj Milivaiy xSeoetary. M"^MARSHALL nqwfU \m\ ^^ friends who have not ha I their 1" \ ' , , ■ » t , » ply to ,ln;d take herav/:-y, or (he will be ptpof ' cd for fate to pay tbe lame. JOHN A DAMSON. ~ f iR&fslOR SALE. npHE raWcriber oftm for b\e*hfifi .!_ conruiniog JjJ acw«, m the towi' ifliip of F-nult Town, 2.J OSBCcffi^n, ba¬ vin- a good frame, a laigS Barn and Slied»an epcefitM iV-d foi a tavern and tb.ic. and one of the bcti GtG8tiyJWJ hi '.l;e country for a tRechaaic. Akh—Qixc of the bell fauns in the townihi;.- of K.iH«fton, concalnloR ico aGtes, wi-iltimbeji-l, and ab«»ui *o act?* under imprr»ve<rw "it. 1 S.MiTH BARTLI.T. kf April ?R, iSiS. TO LET, ^f^NicifonaWeterinsforooeormpre \ V yewrc. and j ofi^ Bion g^eti imrr.e Idiately Am fuitable fitfd fcr » M> an'; (null hmi>I. o;:!v>fite to Mr. Edward i i Ws-'Uew. Pw partieujars apjfly to the L,,-7//,W/:5 CUNNINGHAM. Kln'stoHyMay i8, 1*1*- Draft of an Addrefs propefed for prcfe?uation to the Prince Re- gmt—submitted to the confedera¬ tion of the people of Upper Cana¬ da, for animadverfion and amend¬ ment. To, His Royal Highness, George, Prince of Wales* Recent of the United KiNGpOM of Great Brit¬ ain and Ireland, &c. ike. The Humble Addrefs of Inhabit¬ ants of Upper Canada. May it picafe your Royal EGghMfi, 'i ue fubjecls of your Royal PatUer, dwelling in Upper-C s- nada, ftiould iieed no words to ^*ivc ailusi:ince of their loyalty, if the whola truth had reached the Ihrone of the*r Sovereign. Hjs Loving Subjects have tseaiaa to believe rh.u the tvyth not been Eoid. During three years of \va-._ Ufper-Canachi was expofed |».| i fie ravages or' a powerful atwl iaveieratefoe. 'i he Govenji. aneni oi tiie Uiiited Srates 1. -id been long conceiiing »iie inv> lienor lv. flic DP paratiens a!?;ainil it, h-a.i j gether negieclful of Britiih in-} tercfts, here ; Government tranfadior.s, which ufed to give fpirit to trade and induitry, are at a ftand : troops are with¬ drawn ; fortifications are !;•« fcred to 20 to ruin ; and ru¬ mours are abroad too {hocking to be repeated in the Royal ear. k May it picafe your Royal Highnefa to liften calmly to the complaints & grievances of the people of Tipper Canada, \yho are fully aifured that your roy-* ill Highne& has been kept ig¬ norant ot'moft important truths —who are well allured of the generous difpofuions of your royal heart ; and of your de- lire that Britiih Subjects, (hoi:id, every where, fhare e- qually, your paternal regard and aia.ction. It was matter of much pro vocai ion to ihe people of this] Pi—\ince, to lee, even during the war, which afforded fuch1 ftriking proofs of their loyalty land valour, reports fent home,! highly rating the merit cf re-| guiar troops, while the tribute dv.f: to Canadian levies, was from thence. Canada contains, within itself, ample ipeans of exhonoratinc: govern nient froni the claims ot fufl'erers by war j and it is within the fat of your Royal Highnefs to rentove, by a finale breathy the evil now hi iuftly corrplaincd of. MiHion3 of acre^ of fertile land lie, here, ar the difpofal of your Royal Highnefs, upon t':e credit of which, pu' under pioper m> nagement, nor only ttie i-;r claims of loyal f.iffercrs could be inftantlv advanced ; bat 5' A ;»;c vO rf#ml CARI-r, For Sao by MQNJK.AI1 ft St.GF-RMAIN hingsiw* stfril >o, 1^'S-______A'/* Valttabte L-uiil^ ItOR Mpbj tt't fubferibff Let Nv, * 18 and 19, i»th' tcrrtlj C«uv4hmi, !Ui(3 !«alf Ut ^.;8» in \Jhe &k «•». of the TowifHi" of 1 I. tl V. KingslWh May^th, 1818 chil.lren inoc-Hlatcdwith .Ik- cow pock j matter to ap,ly imm,cli.-«tdy, a^ he *iU no! attempt keeping it M circulate afierlhc montl> of Jmie. zuh May, iSiS. «*" N. B. The cliiUren of the poor in oeu'ated gratia. _____________ milE* fubferiber taring .Wermjnrd j|JUU lor cam. J on rem ving from K.i »S««n early j I MgP J,.»»»»■ injolvncKt. will on the feft -by f\ W commence IclUt-s off ■* /«/ «^, <hc «ho'e of his Stock in TlWfc with- JOHN BURMfiTT. Ah. CQII BEER. our, BW«ftiag of a i'mah but general afi'onmem or DrV Go^fls, JUST received at the Store of p. Bartl t.a cosj(i-anm-:nT qv f)^. h^r rclsof Beer, of a fuperior ,qualityf I(m fait For cafn. 49 London* April 4. The ?rranj;errients for the celebration of .the nuptials of'he Princefs Eli'/aoeth, .it wasyeftejviay undcrftocrd, have bvgti fo j filmed a^. not to interfere in any refpeft jwuh ;he Sittings of parliament. The I jcert'nony wil5 take place fo eary a?. jei^lu o'clock on TiuCJay morning ne^t, St the Queen's Pakec j f->r whi:h tiir,e j defies 5 and at laii ij\e accu- jmuiaied .torrent of viol^a.ce burft on the defencjkis chil¬ dren of the Diitiih Empi -e. -.Kor were they alhiled by the II weapons ol was alone. An Lti- II fidious Proclatviation preceded • the hc>0 of the ciicmy—forget-1 iful erf honor—regardk& ot lu»-j n:anhy ; and, daring to iv.ducc] the fubjccls of Britain fvovn their rue at>egiance« 'J'he fub- y <%> of Britain remained daunt- \pfe and firm, it was not fur property that they roi'e againllj the Invader ; the I;.v<\der' would have fpared to them their property. They flew to arms in defence of the Rights and Sovereignty of Britain. Twice had the American Stan¬ dard been planted in Upper Canada, while yet but a hand¬ ful of Britiih troops aided the • native battalions of the Prov- incee ;—twice did thefe raw been IoBi* niafiial uiulv other jj unfairly let down. Nay the principle? of the nvolt loyal fttfejectos here, \A'ere often ltisr-i nr.j-tifcd by Britifii Officers, ig-j norant of human character, and vail turns couid be railed for the improvement of the Prov¬ inces, and the incrcafe of rcve- Inue to Britain. I Another ^rieyance, manifeft- ing the neglect of governm nj to the concerns of Upper Cana* da is equally totorious ; and mull be iliil more abhorent to the generous feelings of y^ur Royal Highnefs. The young men of this Fro. vioce, who were armed v jt« defence, ha^, for their i\ irif«.d conduct, the promife of tlicir Commanders, that land vvou!^ ibe granted them, as 3- reward (for their ferviccs, as foon ag war was terminated j and afr iter this promiie was univeriah iy confided in, thr Ptrliament of Upper Canada prfied an t\v- rraordioary 4aw, in ihe face of fill) more to of eircumftances!;elt;u>i!hed Butift pnnaples, whicli.ifl-cl it, in this put oP thai the miiUh tbaafc* pv& 6e the world. It was not to \\ii-hi!y»nd thefrontier. Wnh thefe the immortal 8r< ck. He jtdt-",1P'-»""ifcs> and in obedience lq •v appreciated Canadian worth,!i«hjs law the militia pafscd be- and his memory will happily! yond rhe frontier with aiacrity ; bmrcheriih, in the minds ot] yet, fince the peace,rhegrfiaiet the Canadian people, a due re- (part of them been dei.u-4 I'a-ard for the genuine fpirit of aj the pledge of rhetr extraordin¬ ary Cervices, and the )*n>1 is [unjuftly with he d- \° Britith i..Idier, at once gener¬ ous and brave. The loval Inhabitants of Un-' I Such ingratitude—inch dM- per Canada would diidain to hor.or—fuch errors in policy, notice miireprefentationsof in- your Royal Highnefs may be .dividual*, fo'comrar> to noto- w.ell allured, could not exilt, Irious truth, if thefe had nor j wuhout extraordinary ?nfluen, obviouflyconipired, with other j'ces ; a^,d were your RoyaJ caufes, to lefen the re-ard, Hi^hncis fuCc.ently informed which fliouW fubfift between as to thefe, and of the trye It .te Britim fu ■iecls, here and at of Upper Canada, we thnrer home—to influence the con- ourklves, ffioft |mpovfcirtJ: I duct of minifters towards thej changes would fpeealy tafce ^jaee, as well tor the gl >ry «'f the Throne, as tor the binent of The loval fubje.&s of His Ma-! tits ful-jerK "' Permit t he loyal fuhgecrs of battalions wave the laurel of | gene: al intereft of the Prov- I victory over the proflrate in-Lances. truder- on their foil. Thefe- and year of war law Canada jefty m Upper Canada, fulTered Lntendinir with yet tittle as-llgrievo.ufly. curing the war, In 'fiftance from the parent fbte : !|their property, and many were , e determined i, to.-k pace: the claims ot faf- enqmry to&[W*> _ ncy fu. cclKci-n. tj,e marriage ; but «3I retura t» ; A ULAN MACPHLRSON. , id..iW;„,r r<fn(n on lt.e ^d n4, at whvh Kingston, z 1« />/.')', I*t*. 5.3w5 . ] ^ ?,ince an.j Pd.-cts will be prefcntM. •"-------------------"--------------------------L'iV lady of Gen Sir H. Campbell is Pot Sale* ";'r,ived tron'windfor'to *m al ,,c By the f.ibfcviber, iOdozs.afOmM*- ftwj^' ROI'.T. Rl' IWWMOH. Kington, J>lay 2 jrf, ^^________S 2 AND fawuedtM: peM«f ^,ven« Two c..vo;Men( HoflftfS, «t« Sll(ipS in Ito.e il-et, ite« M'- »WW * Tavern, ».. the cor,.« of .be llree. lea'l ing f.omthe AnilUxy ^arrncts %o fb£ Frcncb Chinch FdrponteulaM 3?p1ytQ . JOHN W rf.E:i^US0N, Stoic Su^%^'?>^' i7»l-Sl8' 3? arrived trow Uvamage. LONDON, March 28. W andca-ftana that the Duke of \\M.iti«-n may certainly be expecvd in EngL- d it- the courfe of next we^. .' amillion, who has been arreted ,n fufpician of filing o" *f Du^ »*• f(„n,erlyahufT:«r,and made an ajtc.i,,. catbeirfeof h« CoW »* E*r,rff« He » to year- of »g« of «traorJ...-y conra^andf«..-v:lnefs.-:[tjsc:r.,n t,iaM-,,. p.lh.-.i!t'or,K.B.n Belguy ltd thai lSbhT** wf *«* J fo. „ ia known that he fUeurmu,h mo^ in Faria- i" • - His Majefty nifrcly to fay as much, at rhe prefer** time, cm this ftrtge&a a^ aiay inJuce I : r r ■ u««-. ♦■i^l'tfiPr*. was everv reaiim to ex-'Uoper Cana<la, are of immenf? w ft, »nd the fi e of revenue iimmecHarcly feOlow ; yet noth-! and wiae mto .he wiWerarfj ; wtffencfo th H confummiel'.-m, has followed, b-at del.y and bu: Icattcred over theJ-rovjnce, "'tl'^rS ^i-S-^ ^iJd^ofjhis UndjS iefy Ku.&ed_a.lld dlit burn WOT o^ ^ o £o M|m|) „ b „, .. the entuu am;> t^ , „„„„,„. tvtnce. who. it is bi I'eved, have of now \ ith finding government re- ""hTnow ;VrV .ton tomftp***** ^ very priao-j -elrs lincc tbTre was an end of &J.whkhjt fa «*WJ3 U j Imt. grange W fey, thefe Ifottrfn. ,JU1WV* ihv»tiww«»v ----- |i . - • , •• .mo the Prt,inees ; and peace h^^^fe^ wa. proclaimed when war was ^g«^^ fe^n fhein to purpofc* of Li. no longer to be feared. _ ||m™ ^nC?BI-f 21 «««,iJ fifhnefs. The icandiUws aLu- „ 1V 13 ,.,v^......,,fes, in this departiiwu, came The people of this! >,fomeyears ago to &ch a piuU ' jot momlxous magnitudes that

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