tt \fl other armed v/lTif - on Htefc it | jjtei Q|»U br f-ntltW in d*f*n iv'cd tf amino stfed »cfl>U Of war ftliU -)C i*tbcrr hntlt o< a- '.tv. i* If cither party ihodd b^ hrTtaffr i«defirniib'»f annuPing cIm'r itipiilsfttiun, t*aiidfbo«M g»v notice l«> that eflfeftj uto the other party^ii (balletic to be J •(binding a^lcr rnc **pirati*n of fix H Months f,oin the ^*tr ^ ',,co Notice wXhenaval force fo to b^ limited ■* (hall'be reft rifted 10 fuoh Cervices as <i wjli, !ii no refpe&i interfere wi<h the! ««proper duties nf the aimed vefTcIs of ♦ the other party." \ndwbereai tbe Senate of the United States have approved of the faid arrange- Birnt, and recommended th;»t it ftnnild be carried into <&& ; the fame having; llfo received the fanciion of his Royal Highnefn th? Prince Regraf afting in the name and on the b. half of kin Britannic Mdjelly ; Now, therefore, h James Viomor, PreGrtent of the United States, do, by J thiimy Proclamation, make known and] declare that the Anangement aforcfaid,] and every Itipulation thereof, hai been duly entered into, concluded md confirm¬ ed, and is of full fo-ce and effect. Given under my hand, at the city of Walhiogton, this twenty-eitfht day of April, in the year of our Lord] one thouland ei^ht hundred and eighteen, and or the Independence of the United States the foity- fecond. J^roes Monroe. By the Prefident John Quincy Adams. Secretary of State. I A.4 ^r ptyfoj [fa uft^ UJM <tu<?c<.T\*ia explored <iWy anrl solely eilW lAnofitors, at the lime of entry, Rmft]|t" accept or reject them." 41 The right » graitf subsidies to th«< m/ke declaration that the g>od* impor- •M «re intended f>r dep'Jit ; and fhall pay f"r ftoiagc, two >cr cent, ad vaWum orh' good*. At the expiration of the ya. nil goods in the depots will be| c "firteved as for Saanifh confurpptno. j and be dm if d - accordingly. Good?. originally entered in Spain for confump ( t)o*>, t<*nnr>t be exported without t pedal; licence, and paying the duties. Spanilb colonial produce mny alfo be depofitcd, and during the year, may be, free-y reported to other countries;; (rxceptlng pold, filver, cochi >eal and ndigo, which muft pay the ufual duties of entrance and (flue.)— After the \ year they alfo will r»e confidered as; imported for home contumptiou, and b dutied accordingly. KINGSTON : T(JESl)Al\ MAY 19, 1818. Among the pafTengers in the Steam Bo^t Froatenac, which arrived ycfter* day, were Chief Juftice Powell, and Robert Gourlay, Efq Pfm the Bait/more Federal Republican* of April 30 From ibuth America. Capi. Partlow, arrived hcrr yelterday, hfero&thaton the 22th Febfnuy the Chilian government made a folemn DECLARATION OF INDEPEN- PENCE, which the inhabitants of Buenos Aytea were preparing to cele- k«te%by illuminations, &€• at the time ■ffcw failing. The political and military st-ue of South America, ha** varied bgt viry *'ttle for many months pa:»t, with the f*cepti< , thai the army «d the Royal- m in Chili h«=. been augmented bv femforct.-menrn from Europe, and were •K^n making cfT-Hive operation*, hnr tiH\gt* ft'!' irwHuied at Ufa cip<i;d nl purifii-atioii. HUf! fc« ma to bid d« fiance p all the wttld. frmihe NT Sprtttttot, May 4. (\\o-eiine Squivdro.i. Captain Pendicton,otthefehr {rladnri ^ .0 Jays from Gibraltar, in forms m \h?t an Algerine IVpiadfim hud pitffcil the Hrait>, and >hat three Porui^ueue fnCa'ePand -mebii^ bid <»onc in purfute One A'^erine (loop of war d fell -oner were blcH.kadcil Weypsterday rcceiv.»<l?by fhe Steam Boatq Niagara Newspapers up to the I ith In^fc It now appears fw<m these Papers that tiie whole District of Xia- ijava ha < adopted the principle^ and proceeded according to the advice of Mr. Goiirlay, in hi* Address to the [tesidont Land owners of lTopt,r Cana¬ da, dati'd 2d April, 1818. jfc*rjj Towndiip Ins h»*!d a regular Meet in ;t and t'bos^n a Representative. Th^G \l 'pr-'sotitativ h (15 in number, un'.ong whom are many of the JVIagi^trtfto?,) havr- m % and chosen four ta rc*««fe ?nl !n«» Di-fnVt at the Provincial c >iv u- (inn, which h appointed to me t at \' ik on rlv.- 6th Juiji next, in order tr« v?nd Commi ion*r> t-> lvi.,:ai\d witti an Addresstfl His iioyui H:^*.:i"« 'he, :'ritue il^titit r^*pecting th*1 ^tat.* of flit* I rovince. 'Va- C nunittt^ of \'-» ;i/:i;mDistrict hi* p.iidi-h-d a pkiftph, t: :f;nriiinir.4 all proc^diugp up » • rfti j rimv, and inviti'.i ' r.n? pe. p!o f otur! ;)i trYvt* to join » Ow s'Oil catue, Sa¬ turday Glh J M*lf: '•■ ua*!i«cd furTi .vn-u;p'. .Vfut'tiuf^to dioose Tinvnship ;*i,>r.*-l smitatiVos9atid the 13th "t th-* st"»v- mo)WU tor tl.fc*- mc'iiii^oi the <* it ,»(.- ?i»iiTar.\ ■- in lilts lutad h;n*n ol>a. ti 1)1 - 'iiri to e!u>i»sc Oi'iiiiot K pn scntativ-ja! | ,11.1 ft?.' 10 I.HO \l f\ 11 ■"..!' ; Crown, possessed by the people of Kn- gr/land, is the Rflf^guurd of all their oth¬ er lib'-rtb'., religious and civil. It is a regular me.111; enforced on them b) the (■on-tiiuti-m, of influencing the morion of the Kxecutive power ; and it forms the tie by v.h'rh the latter is bound t>> tn -m. In short, this privi- te»e is a ure pledge in their hands, that tht rr Sovereign, who can dismiss fhoir pi his pleasure, will never entertain thoughts of ruling wlthont these/' " If. through on foreseen events, the Crown could attain toh. independent of the people, in regard to itssnpp'ies, such is ilej extent of its Prerogative I that from that moment, all the means fhe people posst-ijN to vindicate their li¬ berty, would be annihilated. They would have no resource left, except in- de"d that uncertain and calamitous one of an appeal to the sword ; which is no more after a 11, than the most en¬ slaved nations enjoy, u [f we consider fchfl extent of-the Prerogative <»f the King of [fru»Ittnd, and especially the circumstance oi hi- completely uniting in himself all the exenifive and active powers of the State ; we shall find thiu it is no exas¬ peration to say, that he has power suf- { ficiiMit to he a-; arbitrary as the King* of France, were it not fat the right of taxation, which in Rutland is possessed by the people ; and th.-ouly convtltu- tionil difference between the French It and FiH^ii-h nations is. that the former can : either confer benefits on their! Sovrrei^n, nor hinder his measures ; while the I'M'er, how httensive soever the prerogative r.f theii King may t>«-_ j can deny him themean = 0l exerti'-a it.'*| RO&ERf PtiRtlr,Jun. DANIEL PICKET. DANIEL PERflTi Ernrjt "town* May 15 1818. 1 HcfTe ha* been trauftutited by a Ipetial meffen^er. Botii Hoiifeenf Pirliimeit adj>tirncd yeftcrdjyy to Thurfdzy, the id of April. Wajbington* (Penn ) April6. tfiig. It is due to fociety to publifh ti.e fol¬ io-wing flagrant breach of the laws o' God and man ; an:l it is hoped that the editors of newipapers in the United States, who wifh well to morality and 'he peace and comfort of foeiety, will difTeminate the information by giving it an infertion in their papers. On Thurfday night* the 2d April in ft. between the hours of nine and ten o'clock, Samuel Herrioit eloped from tlu% towrt in company with Lydia Brice, the wiff of Thomas Brice, a refpedabie merchant of thii borough- Heniott had been r:»lcen into the family ot Mr. Brice, to whom he was related about 6 years ago, in tlie capacity of a ftore keeper, and has lived, we believe, in his family, the greater part, if not the whole of that period, iie came poor to j Mr. B. and was treated by htm with the! greatcfl ktndnefeand friend (hip. A bout | three ye:.raa'40 Mi. B. took him into partner (hip. and generoaQy allowed him I the half of the piotu* of the dorr, although he had not a (ingle dollar ro put into the Itock. The partneiihi/j continued until a fe.v weeks back, when j it expired by its own limitation | There arc faid tv.o* ..t pr<-f^nt in thii country levcral perf.ns tium America^ who are ultOg moil improper means la promote emigration to the United States and who have fuccecded aheady in feda- ClOg about 200 people to join m the fcheme id cemmeiiciug a new colony m the back woods of Kentucky. From the G <ranei\ of May 7. Tl.e weather during the lad month has been ie ark-ibly co'd and back¬ ward lor the Seaikia. On the i^th w«- bad a levere (lorm with a fall nffttow ; upon the higli lands it is laid to hay£ been frt»m 12 to 18 inches deep, and continued on the ground for fev-raidays. A colder, or a more backward feasor) has never been ku'wn in thin country by the oh.ctl inhabitants The con* feq^ence of which is, th^t no ptfnjrref i* yet made by thr fa;mer in piepaiing t!ic- loil to receive the Spiing crops. Destructive Fire. The Union Mflli in Ancaftrr the? property of Meffffl. Andrrf>n S: Tifdfl :. were entirely d droved by tie on rn? moining of rhe lit inilant tOffttHcT with a quantity of wheat, and Hve: During all this time H. was trcared by hundred barrels of floor, the ornp-rty -f Mr. B. rather as n fo». than as a di'tam. t[ie *hove eentlemeu— It is conje^nred, i " \Sui here a most important ohser-j vaCou is to b1 made, aMfj | entreat the' raider's attention t . a\,. uqbjeet. Tuislj ri,'ht of ?rantin^5alisifVies to tht'Crown :.\}\ nnlj be ett^ctaa?, vv|j •1- d l>\ un V-seml-dy >* 'i it \$ exer- Whati, ir, the. »r*.,re fhnt const!-; tnt«? iie- d.:i" rfttiC' i)"^w.(.i, thepolh.-| cal -t! -ari-.n ol Mie Fn nt h and B gfrh\ ant mi.-, «faic< UvHr *-.^;»ts rwim mil-1 .»aid!y (.; be . ; 'flie dillVr-j •::.v ii.'s in tli'-, that Vhere has n-verj l)'>en ti !vi;,:and ino-e uM ooe Asem- 1 :-ly rimt vtriUi wipp!) V|It, wants of *M -i T Cmivetition nl ^ ork >u 1 fit!: 7 >. ver/:r:i. iiiisnas Always kept liimj tt ;i itat** n 1 of a fie" :*nht£i h.ii of r j '.01 tin- K' iiiusenta- ; :il dep< nl IMC' . v ■> i-i tiie p» r»pW: i,h- \m n we*yarj -Hie (MnJuUfet3 eontnl..i»i^ the AA*i|«u»-nii«v: and hmv |,MV bocv»t the lib- I J;*;v , vV u. l^ i'oil Vitb adf?rtij: d b 'low K I S'i*> ♦• G\if*KTT&» rly * •! el t .e vu have . 1 rtkuiiU' ofthet^. tod an armer jothe port of Gibraltar- Tht American fqwadron were ttiil Itp tMreights, but weie daiiy expected at Gibraltar. ft at In coiifrqnenc.e ?i "^r- (>* ^ur'ay^ pro-5 p-l-d to RvlideuL j,,«u i h <,dci*, t« IjrtC t( and uni'e in pctitiouinjj thfe Prince rte *. j; m, is ha> been ••» Inbject o.* rnquwyj wji thcr tuch piOCcdinjjr. arc Legal ? — I ihc 5 h Anu-ic f ibe liili 'f Kigbt^ , It A-ill. v i -ry, Sui 2 c 2 leclare^J >|M in.iy, at |> »ii'*, nave sunk, (hoy haw always 11 :\i ujd tie in>'Iv«K Mi>-essed of ;t mo.^t j . if? 11' al n. ivy «■( restoring it, whvn-j iv.'i theyhavo thon J4t pr »i»er so t*> do/31 THE SB/#>").M - , ...-v, ■aaHty, w>**l wc 1 !»;Klv"ii' i,l' ;fM.iie.. r<*»mr pring ••'•" •I'.nviiil'Oimi. Tnc •, \;.. in ^eiu'ial .• •*: s vieiaity, hav« ro' v.- ht»t-»i o- mion^.i and- rti- (j.c pi .-nc;. Mif\vn jmvi tiren, a.t!-oli are,uuti. fni cdiajc- Seanvlvatr*1 tK<ur«b " I L'<t! it is the right of the fuhjecls tope \ I aaa b«^an :«> put o»Jt leaver •■ "a partial iithn cht £in?> ayntall town*.urns and ^^ T/^ff^'0'^**?ra^^v'\^- BOSTON, May t. Latest from Port au Prince. Arrived at thi* po»t this morning the (hip Hcbrnn, capt. John Pe.kius, in 19 |j days from Port an Prince. Death of Prefident Petion- By the above arrival we have received j a Port an Prince paper, of April 3, j (printed in French) which contains the drtai'eofficknefs, death and burial of Irt President of ffay ti, Md the nomina¬ tion and inflallation of :ajor General I J«n Pierre Boyer, as his fucceffbr. Pe- Mion was in the 48th year of his age, and died on the 29th of March, at Port an Prince. The event appeared to have enved the whole of that part of St. Domingo with mourning and grief; and e«ciy foecies of eloquence was employed tuem'ola/en his virtues and fervices and mmlm his memory. burning falutes fired every ten I ftinutCfl, and repeated fax twenty-four j kours, announced the event in all paita of the Republic. Tht following Important and encoura¬ ging Commercial Regulations, have rtccn Span s....._____ Albnl, Valencia,Taragona, Betcclo Majorca, Ftrol, Cornnms G.jou. VlgA, Biiboa,St. Sebaftina, and St Andero, «r«declared Pnviiedtrcd Pott* : — Into prt/fcculiuns Jor fuzh petitioning are illegal- eeUbraud lta;ute •« tinqoeliiuna-! h!y 3 Itw y,\ Upper Lunada.But there is another ^ctt 13d! Car. 2, Stat. 1, e 5, that no petition to the KLi .g or either; houfc of Parliament, fpr any alteration 1 I in church or iitate, fh-iii be finned by: conitnoUtied »•.i::i <»ra»,,i.M Jiave b< -n Hooded. 0'i' nimvTsabnu t 'U'^iittir•traMOppnriunuj m <iirf their ;,jvinp -v.■^;J,;_Tin- fta*.i of .'•■• wiciene-a'e o- nv. :.e •.,-riou.*. ttwa -i<» e«a* .oour.-iioit—'snied ••"e... Mould jv<mm lie a'*-;: It 1 w» -avt* a.» a 'rA-\ce. in.-i' »csd-ttoie ai#*i .iarve>t >.^all no' fail. .more than 20 pe»i .iu. unlrt' ih -natter 1 thereof be ap; r vL\l b\ three Jullices of the Peace, or the ttm - ty £>! ;; Grand Mr Miles* As »*i.7 «f t|ia Readerfl of your pa^er ate member* ^f r)lt. Methrvdirl E 1 hey arc eonlcquently now in force, and mult be coudruedm, connection. If th= petitions propufed,; thetetore <ire for any alteration ill mat- j tcrs cllablifhed by law, in church on State, tluir object mull be approved of by three JulHecs of the Peace, or the ma jwr part ot a Grand Jury ; and when fo [them and others, t\ ,. Wc a,c a.,j have fome months ago, * ithdrawn from u.ider the authority and ^jr;ir] aion of thai faid Chinch, fortfog follow\ng reafoiw. 1 ft. By uIm-iq^ ^j,tWve», under for.! eign Ecclcfnilic au^orjtyf #t have hith- | erto fortified our pri,-,:Cjples a, diflentcr* relation. But mark the bafe ingratitude with which he repaid this fvu-u ilbip Like a fipent he (hmg bis friend in th'- mo(t vital aud ten ler part H" inlinuated himfflf into the yfTeit'ons of his wife— the partner of hie bed—the motiier of In* L'.-iovcdco' d and x< bbed bi'i >fher who w<s -»u deir .. him as h- ow life B.' ftagr^ut and enormous a the guilt of Hcrnt ti :nnlt have been, we are perfuaded tliar in the progrefa and ac Ci-m.^ifhrnc it of thi^ bale and criminal tranf-ictiou, lh* partner of hin Jjui*t bore her fad < Treated, uniforn^ly, by her hufba' U with teudernefo and af- fiftion-s»-plentifully fuppliel, by hin, with ^ei n c- (T.i*y and comfort ot life — hie huppincf* was b ujid Qu in hcr's ; vet. refiardlefs of every ^ood ptincip'e, fbc hasbmft afuoder rhe ttnderctt rics, and defened him an I his bploved child jf;r an uuprhicipled paramour. That loci'ty may be put nn thier tin aid, »nd piovente^ fr -in #flbidia^^ thiv pni v pair any countcnunce or proiecVlO U the folf object of Tl»i- pnb'icaMo » ; anil for this QUtpoCc it \* tbo'tpmprrio give the fo'iowinG[ dis- criprioi it rlieir perlons : Htrriott is about 2S years old, tall and (lender made, m. bahiy c. feet 1 f incheft high, pale rvswntcuancCj and rather a down look ; he har'otl i»ne fore-tooth in his under jaw ; (low and mild in 1 is manner of converfation. l.ydia Brice, whole mai'trn na*ne was C-ok. is a woman above the middle fixe—haft a placid agreeable countenance, with fb*T*etnin^ of a penfwv ch'1 ; !he is about 28 vcara of age—and, wlnt greatly aj5^ravatc« her crime, has left an aifr&iotiate daughter in her ioth year Her charac¬ ter, until this bafe tranfa&iun, ftood fair, and to their moil intimate Friend* and acquaintance^ hci ftlf ai,d h liband a ipesred to live happily and crmtentevlly lincc their marriage, which took place marly twelve y^ar* ay;o. Any iuf<'tmatioa refpeAing the Ueniott, fo that he may be brought to punifhmrnt, communicated ! to Pnoma* Brice, merchant, W-ihSington county, P'a. or 10 John Henderfou, merchant, of the city of Baltimore, h1^ authorifed agent, will be thankfully that the Cue was occvilio.ied by the friction of the machinery. io Suicide. Saturday nio' t ihft, a man by thft name of 'Jean Nicholas, late a foUi r in the De Watteviile Re^irr\eotT p't a pe- 1 Jot! to his exijhnce by cuttina the ar- terien in his arms an a IDocktug nan* ner, caufing him to bleed to death. ■ A CtfvnVLFDGM l»NTS.----" Rlffeffor'9 I and « Fifitor", (hall bej du^y attended to. \flRPIFJ\ ^t Hallowell, Aprl1 ggth, by tSe Rev. Rnh. McD 1 all, Afr. fofa lane. to M'fs Flrnor Ri harm's, dangSter of Capt Owen Richard-, both of that town. A: I receive d. JUSTRECEIVKD,- ND Forftafc at rW« Office, and at vaiious Stores throughout the- Province, Principles k Proceeding*. OF THR INHABITANISOFTHE- DlSTRJCTofNlSGlR^ For addreffing His Royal Hfghnefs thi- PRINCE REGENT, Refpe&ing Claionaaf Sufferers in Wait Lands to Niiiitia-menf a»*d the rrenerai benefit of Canada.^-Price One Shilling Hatifrx. Ktn^fiWk May iR, 1818. ri A Card. THE fuhfcWber {•forms the Merch¬ ant* and Trader* of Uooer Cana¬ da and State of New York, that he has commenced bufmtfs in thfo City. a«?« General ^gent and CbmmifltOfl Merch¬ ant—Any bufine'* entrufted to his care- will meet with dUifgew aue "on. BENJAMIN tt*SRT. Montreal, 1 oth May, 1818. 5 1 m6 . / " „ ,f , ■ r erto tortuiea our pii,,:ClDjes ai ( it enters u,r part or a Grand Jury ; and wneo to wft,w;n. » AL \ > u 1 * , 1 • 1 • '1 .-,; '{from the LttablimcJ chmoh. and have approved, they aie v/ithm the protection - .. a 1 , . . 1 r o-rt r »• 1 1 n*. ever been Subjected co .nauY privation* of the Bill i Rights, and are conttltu- ,?. . * . w,7 It K. , ■ , 1 , ,5 d. . dla n..... [aaddifadvanragesia tbta Province that A itioual and legal. See 1 Black. Com. j 14^, to the lame etket • ^ Hawkins. The Stage between Kington and Pref-j con U ducontmued Thi« would be' moie to be regretted, had not the new Steam Boat Charlotte, now commenc ' ({Tenting denominations have uot been fuhjeded to, a]|(| we fa believe it incon.paiil^e with onr AMegianceto \i\* Britannic Majefty, fcabe under the au¬ thority and controulj 0f any Foreign pre¬ late, Piince *>r powc.r> 2d We difappr >veof tb«Epffcopa!| Philadelphia, May 6. Death of Cbriftophe. ■etter received ^>y a relpeftable mercantile houfe in this city from Port au Prince, dated April 13, fays— " We have ;n'r received authentic news of the death of ChriflopheS' It is fingtdar that both the rival fovptei^nfiot'St. Domingo (Tumid have died within a few days of each other VViil not France eventually obtain pos- feffion of iliac ifiand ? * v • «krfe of iiauon-i in ports, Foreigners, >mitywith Sp*n, as well as ftfijeo.. »>ay import and enter any foreign gtwdt, j •aftiormerchandife, (which may be Wully imported) and may depofit the 6«e in the King'* warelioules for one JW, free of duties ; daring which urn-. th«J can be tran^fci red »• often as the Owners choofe, and be exported to any Ho free of dones, ex-1 Extract from Dt Solme on the Con- alitution 01 ESGl.AfiU. -v All bills for granting money must] nave tht-ir beginning in tiiu liouse of Commons: The Lord> cannot tako this object into their consideration but in conv:qnence of a Bill presetted to Lhem b) the latter; aud uit: Connnan* .live al all times been *0 anxivuilj u»*-j ua;i us of thU privilege,that tbey ha*ii. n.-vv.r aiiilciul the Ltud-eviMt to viia&>s' ^y change iu tUe money bih which ^aer, choofe, and te «W * ~7 ; . , . biis whicu the xVcUeya.. I** mc world, alio free of dunes ex• -i ^^J r* ^ ' d the L,rd, m lake cad o a Mi iftevjthcm^^^qnefledand^xpeaed topay him a failary Mt tjic direction &i the conference ot B f|v;ips amj Miniltcrs. We wilh alfo to fay ^zt wt; krl0w that we have been exco:fnman;catPj by om Epifoopal Mctbodi^ brethren, but we detie to inf »rm all thHt w;/n t€) knnw the truth, that th-., t.xcom!nunica.i*m took place fome tim c aft>.I we ha ] pUb Ucly of out own f.^.c ourfeWes fio-n the-.*, believing .he funda.^l|U| do&rines «i the vVcfleya.. Mvih jjn>f & for diftinfik. ,uil*elv>*> Provincial Meih- VI with f.iwn (tih holding wi-^ LONDON, March 20. Id Puiffia, a report prevails that the K-.jr « on the point of marrying ((/ main gaud*) a Mifs Vt>n Bradetltiu, a \#£y .if great beauty, daughter tu the •/linifler Meckleuberg Schwerin, now lo Iged with her mother at the Royal oalace. Rumonr fays that an interview which the Dnke of Clarence had with SklioiJlera on the lubjeot of his marriage with Mlf* Wickham, they Hated tbeobje£tion that there waa to the Royal AflVnt ; hue in timated that to an union with a Royal P.incels of a Foreign Pn-tellant Houfc Ue alTent «f hw Royd Hijhn h the Prircc Rej»ent in Council wotdd be gi +ti\ The Duke of Clarence c-»nfcntcd to ibii atrauocmcut, and an otfer of an Building Timber* A Quantity of excellent Bur/din?, 'limber, for Sale, cither by the; Frime or pet. the foot. Enquire of the fubferibcr. CHARLES PAIVSON, f Auctioneer* Kingston, May \ 6th 18 i 8 51 tf T JTTi BVT1 At the Stable of rhq JuJliJF -I % fobferiber, on the 1 8th of ^ pril. by w mai» Dy tnc a ,c ot Jofeph Cochvian, a da«k brown MA K E, with a round white fpot m her fort head{ fuppoftd to belong to fome ptrft ii iu the B^y of Opiate The owner is rc«-. quelled to prove property pay chary*. , and tike her away, or fhe will be cxpot- cd for talc to pav the fame. JOISN ADAMSON. Perth, April"25, 1818. 5J_^ tcTTet, ON teaf nub'e ;ern. , forone or n ore years, and | giv n immc- diateiy that fuiuble itaad fo. a ftlup and fmall family, opp^litc to Mr. Kciward Walkers For particulars apply to ihc lubiciiber- JAMEs CUhNlhGHJM. Kington, Aiay lb, iSib. J»