o ?ns SALE, H NOTICE. KrwV.n,b>« r-..t.»t»rlll»-« -TTJiTKERH.AS bv Iht law W,ll reaop ftand foi a Tavern ll runted in the VH'»ge of Prcfi- 'tt. Lots No 9 a.-d It, fruntmg ih' King's HiyWajr, rod -< I- r,Te two ft >ry framed WonTe. well fin* $bed, with a larjre Kitchen in »he rear, fi^Ming fortwenty fpans of horfcsi ■» fhed feventy feet long, Bffd a ftwicl H tifcfeoA the rear £*At, fi: for the accommodation, r J V v and Te&Bment of the late ! klJH ■* RD PATT1N50N, Efq. ia * hf* life time of {Sandwich, 1 1 the province of Upper Canada, Robert Gihefpie, William Gikifon.and George Moftait, Exe^nitnTe of faid Will. the rf3 ef-.eaahle family. The wtotctiFH 1 do hereby rtqudt all perfons having ! flieKnitdm^ thereon, being firilhed tn{'claim* uponfeid Eftate, to prcfent the a w -rfoaitlikc mating and at ,.refei.t fame to me, duly authenticated, for I #cmpMby ^r Mcxandei B. McDoo-j payment: and all perfona { indebted *\\n an a H >tel. j, thirab. are reqnr ,d ro nay to me For further particular*. 3p;>lv to the] amount of thtrn refpeibvc account-. IbfaToibm, or to Mf Alexander Mae-(j Debta due to. faid Eftate in the f).>nell, Junior, Merchant, Prefcott, by j province of Upper Canada or in the whomth- terms may be made kr.^wn, j j United States, ^ordering the.eon, may fcxJan inhT.utable title and immediate be paid tf> George Jacob, Efq of oami- 1 * ' r-'1 °m, and James Gordon, »ilbt.rjj,or to either of ;>c* jrivrn. pofTeflion will t ALEX. MACDONELL & Co. Kingfton, 3d Jan. 1818. /fori / r r %gs 1 Rags I ASH paid for Clean COT¬ TON and LINEN I AGS, (Of any Color,) AT THIS OFFICE. P 1 wich, John a& ; Eiqrs. of Amhe ihem, they being duly anthoiiecd to receive the famt and grant acquittances G. MOF'FATT. Montreal, 20th March, 1818. 44yA To Let, AND immediate pofTeflion given, the HOUSE and premifes in Stuart- Ville, late'y occupied hy Mr. DaUon, fjtuated within half a mile of this Town, A favorable firuauon for a Gentleman Bn*J family a'id no lefa io for a j I ftreet, either for a tavern or ftore.—Ap DiftilU-r. or Inn Ketoer. Fo: further ply at thi* office, particulars enquiie of the fubferiber. E. BARNETT, Kingston, Feb. 24, 1 8 i 8 431/' V .LIABLE LANDS FOR SALE. (Tfl^HE following finaularly' ll defiraMe, and truly val- tiahle Land- n:ay be had, and immediate p'ifl ffion given, w th undt< iable titles,; ^x n'c far below th-.'ir real value ; and' it ii'-'M fcldom, even in a country fo ex tcufivc as Canada- wh<re uncultivated I.'-'ji.l- may in general be readily ob- t»'-', th?t fltuatiottfl fo eligible dud MUSICAL TVORlt QHOJITLY will be publifhed by ( K^) fubfeription. Musical Scleftions for [the Piano Forte, from the wioftappi«vcd matters, uccafio .ally iiueripeifed with original compofi ion= principally foond- 1 - rt -, ed on the moK admired Melodies of this a-e joint V <mcl leverally, appointed j , - i \ e t > j?a j ! country. hdtieiAry t^tflM of his Eftate, and j Thc7 chicf obitft 0f thi. work is to render more general as well a; intcreft- ing the ftudy of the bed compofers, aad likewifc to perpetuate the raott beautiful of the Canadian Melodie*. CON01TIUXS. Thia Work will appear Monthly; each number will contain fitfc pajje^ in the ufual MuGcxl type1 and in other ref pe£s will be executed in the fame ftyle a& limilar publications. It Li propofed to continue this work twelve months, at the end of which peri¬ od ihould it haw received fufficient en- couragement, it will mod probably be continued. The fird number (an original compo- fition) will appear in the cou.fe of the j.ext mbnfeh, an«3 will coniift of an Intro- di.&ioh, and Vl iations on an admired Canadian Air, w th a Finale composed and arranged by S. CO DM AN, Orgai-ift of the Cathedral at Quebec. Subfcriptionswi'lbe receivetf at the Bookfellers—Mr J- Brown ; Mr.CuN- mngham; aad JMeffra. Nickless & McDoHKIrL. Terms to fubicribers £l o per annum Non fubfenbera 4^ a number Sulfcriptiwisf"' *&* above work will be \ received at this "-fice- Valuable Lands FOR SALE, N the Third Conceflion of the Town- Ihip of Pitlnurgh. being Lots N*. 6, the half of Nu 7» and No. 18*.—An [ndifputable t\tl{ will be given, and the terms of payment Made cafv. H. C. THOMSON. Kingfton, July 2B, t8i7. 32 Kotic^ BLA NX Summonses Subpoenas and Executions, for rhe COURT j OF REQUESTS, For Sale 3L this Office. A Lt perfon. in-lebted to tVetflatr _^\_ of the tat-e James Cumnring, late of H■.Howell- deceafed, are itqne&ed to call without dday, and fettle tbfc fame with Mr. Jambs McGregor, oow in charge of the eftahlifhaient. at HaM^w- ell bridge ;—and thole who have claim* ag.iir.il the faid eflate, are defied to prefent them for adjiift ment- The flock in Trade of the deceafed, confifliig of a very complete affortment of Good* well laid in, and very fuitabte to the Country, ia n»w felling off at pn- cefl fo low, as will defeivedly claim the attention of the public. Cafh or Country product will be tak¬ en in payment, and a credit of 6 montha given to refponfible Farmers, or ©there. JQHNCUMMWG,\ WM. MITCHELL, j Kington, 08 27, 1817. /I TJS £y Execotora" S3 To Let, \ ND poiTeffion given immmediately, -i-AV the large houfe lately occunied I by John Size, eligibly fituated in %Store March 17, 1818. H tf FOR SALEi A TWO HORSE WaGGON, 1-jERFECTLY new— Likewife, a; ; few thoufand 18 inch SHfNG* LES.—loonhtof S. MERRILL. Kingston, April 2 1, 18 18, 47 Blank Summonses For the District Courts, for Sale at this Office. clii £ -a EageoitAj in good neighbf.'urhi)ods, can he fecured. it j. r. ocnjirin.i\f "^ ksrt* sJ shs Vtry richcll Beech, Maple, Elm and OaK Land, in the 4th Coneeffion of Hope, lying upon Smith's Geek, with jc arres cleared and fenced, new log- lionle, well built and dove tailed, fruit trees, &c. \vitli a mill-feat, between 4 £nd 5 milee from the flounfhiag h'ttie Town of Toronto- on Lake Ontario, where there 13 an exei iient . market G ANANOQUA Store & Mills. CHARLES McDONALD having taken his brother John McDotl aid, into parrnei'hip. the fettitiwfi in fu¬ ture will be conducted under the firm of C & J. McDonald, Who keep for lale a general afTort- ment of DRY GOODS, GROCER IKS HARDWARE, CROCK! KY, and moft article^ enquired for at a Coun¬ try Stoic, which they offer low for, Cafh, Saw- Log*, Square Timber, Staves, Potatoes, and moft kind* of country Produce. They have a goe^ Qrtfl and *'aw Mill in full operation—can Mannfact- i BLANK BAIL BONDS, For *alc at this Office. Officers Half Pay, and Artil¬ lery Pcflfion BLANKS, For fair at fin's Office. TO LET, PWVfffE building lately occupied by J*- R%. Rohifcm, Efq. a* a ftinp. fituate , next tfhe Government Houfe. For Iparticulars apply to Allan McLean, Efq Kingjfton, Januaiy 23, 1818. J5tf uie FLOUR, uqual to any Mill in the | TUSTF received and for fale at this Of Province j they will fu;>ply orders for* <Lr Sawed timber of almoft nay defcription at (hort Notice. Cither for buying or felling. The Laud jKof the \*ery firrt qualii), and in a go.»d populuoi t'eighbourhood, forming , k G & J- McDONALD. fcliogcther a mofi defirabte fjflidence,! { Ganamqua Jan 10, 1818. 33// witiii:. a fhort mfle of the great ;road be-} f Allthme indebted toCharlss McDon- trrccu York and Kingfton. * T |ia'^' w'l0^e account* h*ve become 2d. 200 Acres, being Lot No. f, in' due, are requefted to to make icnmedi- ;be 5th Coneeffion of H-.pe, alnngfiJej ;8rc payment; ______ the great road between ti.ipe anc* Ha- j ~ "" ^ '"" " irii('on, leading to the new ind WiwV j j JHE SUBSCRIBER, Jnt iftt'ementd of Cavau and Mcaghan,' ! on the Rice Lake, in which more than ;, If 2| EGS leave to inform bla friends & ?;oo families and perfb.ls have aftualjyJI Jl^ the public generally, rhat he ha^ ocated, and fcartely five mile7 from the,! removed froui his former (land to the j f ftop lately occupied by Jonas Abbot & 1 Co. near the Market Place, where he has nocvon hand, a general aflbrtment of | Hardware, Cutlery, &c. Town of Toronto^ where there i* a good market ; it is in an old lettFcneot, an' th i^ighl.orhood is popo-ous and exrehe \t. There are about 30 acres cleared and fenced, with 3 fine dream of livt r ^H"c'- and the greater part of the, ) ^r« - of fnper or quality, the reft good i . ^a M m . • } i! Which he will fell on the moft moderate 1 -■ r ^ .-^cre8, occuppTinp- nearly ff, r c l r> it7- .terms. (MtecuuK lire nf the (raunan^qne Lake, { «, . * V . « • • . .v it.. 'r«„. rt,- r c^...i r> Vl i^' ;: 1° »et, the mop lately occopied bv in me lowufiktp or faouth Cn.-fbv, Dis-.l-i r .r » **-* '- - - ..:£i *r iAu^ii, -..,r.,j 1 it r»'tflc «uo(crioer, and pollemon eiven im- tnCt or Johrltown, CMinltintr wholly ofu ,. , r ft mediately. broken f.outs. the back noKen t.outs. The hack parts extending] #0 'hero d from the Rideau Settlement/ fc Kingfton, from which latter place it i&fcarvely 30 miles Hiltant. The Land j is good and well timbered, and the J fituatien Gngularjy beautiful and roman¬ tic, with weeded iflands in front. SAMUEL SHAW. Kingston* $th Jan. 1818. . 32 The above Lands are particularly defi'i j. ^\ notice. The fnuatin? wer cholen by a competent judge, and | they will be fold remarkably cheap, the proprietor wilhing to concentrate his ibr^es in another* quarter. For further particulars, apply tn R CW'OffltJE, Efq. York j C. FOTH- FPGILL, F.fq. To.omo; WM H \- -r- MiVrONMtfo Kingftcu or Prefcott j 11 m rt orto SKaW aRiklOURi Efq. \1on-J Veal. || April i. i8t8. 47c For 3a :• at this Office, A READY RECKONER, Shewing the value nf Grains of various Gold Coins, current in the Province of Upper Cana¬ da. ALSO, FERGUSON'S Improved Table of the value of Grains of Gold Coin,« 7er or under Weight. TO LET, ND p- )! iiion given oc 'he firlt of 'i May next, the .\o: 1 « 1 prerni- fe*. at prcltut u« '.uoi-d by U xto- G<- I dfta it bei-^ ; Yji> b ri<-' te, it w A b=- Jet to the ! tp; ■ - ■/ or P tot j : .g- .ijer. A|jjj PR jfogfton, i&& jfcriJ, iftii* +■]■ DtJT received and for lale at this Office, puVc 7{u. tbc MONTREAL ALMANACK, F01 tiie JfctO" ot our i..wid 18 18. Alfo—ESSArs aa CllCALilUSiiANDRY, To to tUc Canadra.i F-rmers. ov' !•" 'Jklce^ ut MtntrcJii. ficte, price i/tf, Poems on his Do- mestic (Circumstances* by Lord Bvron.— With rihe Stare,/ th? Legion of Honour, and otlnei Poems ; to nhich is prefixed, The Life of the Noble Author. Aw. 28. 52 I CIRCULATING LIBRARY.! Miss Read, TAKES this opportunity of ac- (quaintiug her friends and the pub-1 lie. tha (he has given up hev» cr»m niffioo Store in Store street, but intends com* mencing bufinefs immediately, on her Ofen account. She intends going to Montreal in the cinirfe of a month, to purchaic the moft falhi<-liable Soring arrie'e*. She alfo returns her -ost (io- cerc thinks to her friends ^nd customtrs for pa»t favoun, and hopes for a contin uzrnce t>f them as foon a& flie can procure a Store She fifties to reform the fubferibers to the Library, that fhe will m.<ke every aPo#anee from this date until the Li* brary 10 again opened \ and any perfona who h§*€ books belonging- to it, will be j fo goo'l as to leave them ot Mr. Th'orn- er's Swe. Mils Read alfo requests all perfons who ar^' indrbted to her to bo fo good a* to call at Mr. Turpin's, where fife now refidftS. and Icttle their accounts with her. KmSsUm> March, 16, 1818. 42 ~ TO LET,. ~ ceed- reafona- bleterf"*—That well known valuable Hand if* the public hoe, fituate on the point ?l Ganancquo. and recently occu¬ pied by Seth Do\m0, together with the Home* Barn, Stables, &q. — For fur- iher p^rticulere apply to the fubferiber. JOEL STONE. Blpnk Assessment Lists, far sale ill *hk 0;/iec.~Ako, Arilh- meticfll Tables, for the use of 1 VAI.U BLE LANDS FOR SALE. IOTS No. 24, 25 and 26. fird con- A cefli'-nnfrhc t'.wnfhip of Ma- ryfbnrgb, Eaft of the Rock, in the Mid¬ land diftrift, comprffing the moft valu¬ able part of *c Point Pleafant," and con taining about 300 acres. I No. 51, firft conci-flio" of Sophias- burgh. Midland Diitriift—2CO acren. j No-,. 86-and Sg. Second conceffi n of [ Air.t-liafljurgh, bay fide, Midland DiV trift— 400 acres. I Nos c and 6, fecond conceffi n, Ame- '\ Hamburgh, Lake fide, r 400 acre«. I No 3, third coneeffion of Hallowell, j Midland DifiriA, 200 acrep. No. 12, eighth conceflicm of Thur- low, Midland D>lhi&, , 200 acres. No. 9, fecond Coneeffion of Camden, Midland Diflrift, 200 acres. No. 70. fifth Con. Camden,200 aires. I No. 0* tliirn coneeffion \ Nfurr.iy ui (the Dfftrifl of New Cattle, too acrei*. No. 5 4th con. of Murray 200 <io. No. 10 fourth con. Hamilton, in the Diftri^ of 'Mrw Caftle, 2CO acres No 32, fifth con. of r amilton, 20odo. No. :9- feventh con of HHhiimand, Dj(t:i£l of New Caftle, 200 acres. No. I. firil con of the townfhip of Clarke, in rhe Diltrict of N. C 2c® do. The local fit nation of the above lands particularly of the firft nine Lots, ia very advantageous, and the foil N excellent.— Th' term® of fale will or found very tea fi nahle ; and a great part of the pur- chafe money will be left at iniereft in the hundfl of the cut chafer. Application to be made to the fubferiber. D. H ^GERMAN. Adolpb us to iv n. 1 $th March, 18 18. J SMITH & BUTTERWOHTft, KETURN their finccie thank* to their friend* and the public in f& teral, forthe liberal encouragerucni tfe( hey have tectived Slice they re com* menced the BdHihg Bvfinefs. Thry have an extenfive afloriment of Ladies a*d Children's BOW. NETS, of various colors anil fliapes. Gentlemen's Beaver & fir$ Caftot H *TS, Like*vife, Knapt and WgcjJ Hats. Which they will fell very to (jjf Cafh ci approved credit. Prbddce taken in payment Jan. t. ^^^^^ 34 Public Notice. THE Subfcribers Executora to ih§ Estate of Charles Stuart, Efqum. deceafed, late Sheriff of the MidlantL District,hereby requests all thofeioddif*. ed to the faid E*tate to make immediate payment to the faid txecutors ;and ill thofe who have detnanoa againat the_ Estate are requested to produce the fam& duly attested, in order that a Settlement of the Estate rmrybc eff«:fted a* fpeedHf a9 poffiSle after thefirstdayof July i8t9. GEORGE O. STUART J Excc^ : ALLAN McLEAN, J uicw Kingston, Augiifitli, 18r7.-i.32tf ADVERTISEMENT. . The fubferiber offer* for Sale tjfc j Following Lots of Land. ico acre? 10 4th and coo in the 6th coneeffion of the Gore brtwttt Erneft Town and Frederick (burgh. No. 18 and 19 in the Sib conceflW ofMifrray. No. 31 Eaft half 2d con. of Sidny. No. 9~icth concoffion nPRawdcrt No. 4—8th conceffu.n, Hunringd'J No. 14. 15, 17, 18, 25 and 26 m m 9th coneeffion of Thurlow. ^^ No. 34 and 35 ?n the 4th concrfW of VaOghan, near York- Also, . a, Several valuable Town LoH in "• Town of X.njfrfon-. * WM. CRAWFORD. ' Fredericksburgh, Jan. 10, r8j<y. »*.* Smiths Work. re fpe£futy V* THE fubferiber moft .. informs the genf!emeT»rjf K-ni tnn, that Ire is juft arrived here frL Dublin, and has corrmenced the ty^ Oefi of Black and White Smith, in M more particularly thaif 4.1 tf Notice. ALL perfona having any demands a- painft the Ellateof the bte Bry- an Crawford, Efq. of Adolphnilown. de- iceafed, are hereby requefted to produce j their claims duly authentic-ited.—^#0, jail perfons indebted to the faid Eftate are hereby requefted to make immediate payment to William Alexander Grant, Executor. Kingston, xgtb July, 1817. g2 its branches , horfe Shewing, in vntcn hc win p# thegreaieft fatisfaftion to thofe that ID which he will ploy hi m. i tieV may rely m h I on. a»tni their work well done, cheap and »eat,U app'yingat Mr. J. Meagher*, Banicf ftreet, where he ha* commenced. All orders in rhat line will be glad* received and fhift attention given, * Kingston 13th Off* 3» To Let, A ND pofleflion given the firft of May ;-Z1l next, a number of rooms in the j5ine Barracks. Enquire of I H. EARL. 43 March IJ. FOR any term of years not ex in Fifteen, on the moft rea J3oo£ Shoe and Leather STORE. nQVCl ATlORNIES Blank Bills 0i Cos&t for &ale u Uiii Q&c& lylL WILLIAMS & Co. at the Sign of the Golden Last. Store ftreet, rcfpeftfully inform the inhabitants of Kmgfton, and its vicinity, that they Hill continue their Bout and Shoe Manufactory. where they keep conftantiy on hand, a large affortment of J adyS and Oeutle- men'. BOOTS and .SHOES, of every defcription. y o< good Sole rB '1HE fnbfcriberH beg leave to infcrft JL their friends and the public in rtj neral, that they carry on the TJrLOR/NG BUSINESS in Main Street, where they intend mafc ing every article in their line, on more resfonable terms than has been done fur a number of y?ar« bark. Thofe who wtfh to favor them with their ciiftoiw may reiy on having their work well matif} and on the fhortetf nniice, for Caft. Norr is k Steven^ Kingston, Sept. 9. r 8 17- „ jn "" raE ^ PANOPLIS% Forthe Year i8id, For Sale at this Office. / [Complete j jjl Blank Deeds and Memorials, For Jhle at this OfSce. To Let, Likewise, a fiippl j ai:d T7ppt:, I ea« hrr, of all kinds. 1 KingHTOt Mairi) 7, itfi^. 4«tf I THAT well knowa large wbitt STORE, in front of the Dwelling houfe of the fubferiber. It is well cal¬ culated for Commercial Bufinefs, having a large commodious cellar, capable oi holding 1000 barrels, with the advantage Of the wharf, where vefiela of 40 tort may load and unloaded. Forward** would do well to improve th« opport^ iiityt Tor particulars apply to the fufc fcriberon the prem/Tea, JA\ EiJ ROBINSON. A'JJff/^i 1 jth JtianbK f