Kingston Gazette, May 12, 1818, page 3

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graph under Kingfton dat<-, ir fhon'd . I treTpafs, for which an aft 10n can be fuf- have been '* the death of tfcie King of! ta"»ed at law for the damages. " - ' '------ Vo« the lame real".n. lU;l more obviV 'be lai"-* Spreden, inftead of Offender. In the State of Now York, thr Se¬ nate and House of ftepmswitafWt?* have had some clashing upon (he subject of money Bills, which (he Hou*e claim an : exclusive li^ht to origlnat*1 aiularneud.; The Senate, on the contrary, contend that they have an equal right ; and that the principle of the British Gov-' eminent, which was in force under! their Provincial system, when the J Council were appointed b) tH«s Crown, i is not applicable to them, as a Staje. under their Democratic Const'itutv^iv, by which both the Senate and Unit* ere elected by the People, to whom i It, therefore, a matter of indifference, j i i charily ofyoui assertion thai ,l hngland s^nrt- j | abrNuilai.uually 20,000 ufDcr youthful sons to i * i r M^hich branch originates Bill> for rai$- inj; and appropriating money. By mu- i tnal a^re'menf, th* vofe>. proceed- | ings and resolutions of both hnus*** Teppectiyoly upon the, subject, were finally expnu^ed from th*; Journal's.] It is there a question of l^ss impart-1 *nce, than in this Province, where, a* in England, one brandh only of the Legislature emanate* from the people. Sunday Schools appear to h^yr been a*tended with ereat succers in the City of New York. About two tl ion sand ^"holars, old and young, are Rfateri tv be receiving instruction in that charit¬ able mode of edncati*:u. Cape Vinclnt, commonly railed Gravelly Point, in the State of New York, at the head of the river St. Law¬ rence, is we understand, establish, d as a Port of Rirtrv. And \\v are hap. py to learn, that a subscription for im¬ proving the road across IV*>lfe- Ulnnd. is in circulation, on both Rtdes. Such an improvement will be very bftneficiil to Ktngston&otlrev townships in this Dip- trict. It has long been Deeded and desired. In Certain seasons of the year, this route of travel is highly * o'rtan' fetid w-co^nry. Vfe ait* i... .»»" » that the money subscribed is to be la"I out under the diieriiou of MesMs. \W Belstvu k Kelsry, of Cruvlly 1 ouil, mid Mr. Hitchcock, of the island. Sir. lie Ray, who has mifiseribetl two hun¬ dred dollar* for this purpose, ha. emu- p!«fed hisT.unpike fromlirowuvtlle U. • the village atGravelly Point. comivsk.moN. At the hue VtffM of Seffi ma, hnldcn at Kinj»fton, there was an indictment foi an Affau't,charged to have been Com¬ mitted in an atteinptto prevent the pros¬ ecutor from travelling a certain road on Wolf Iflaod, known by the name of Cone's road t wnich was alleged by the profecntor to be a public high way* but the defendant scontended that a w*u not. To prove it a lawful highway, it was certified, that it was laid our by a fvrorn Surveyor, and that ftatote labour was performed m it, under fcYcfal over- fcer? of roads, for a number of yea's be¬ fore the late war * but it was dated that in the war, it was obftrutted by t>ee* cut djwn ^crofs it in fhweriil places, by ■©Her of the Genera! commanding ?t nutty any lublequent ohhVu&ion of a lawful highway whether with or without j the pretext of ".ider^ from at y officer, civil or military, i* an indictable offence, \ All Bw Majelty's fubjv&t have a riphtj totravil on any King's highway with- out anv interruption. By the exilling law of the Province, there i- only one mode of dilcontinue- lug a lawful highway, and that ts» by a | report of a fwom county furveyor, pre- dlStcd upon a written application of I2j free -holders, and returned to the next: Court of .seffibns, and, in cafe of no no¬ tice given to the Purveyor of an intend¬ ed oppofitinn, confirmed bv the Jul*ices, as a matter of courfe, but in cafe of fucb notice of oppoikion, then confirmed by? si verdict -f a jury. If. for inllance,' Cone's road has been onc?h j»a'ized. ei- th'rby having been laid out by order- of the t? gift rates, while they bad the authority of hying out highways, or by a regular report of aeowtty furveyor, or: bythe pei formaece of ftatute labor on it,! according to tlu- aft f»r ^hjt pttrpnfetuj it. a lawful highway ftfjil, notwithflarid ing the obttiuCtlOn of it for n.ilitaiy; pnrpoffs, in the time of the wir, even thoupfh no ftatutc labor had been done) on it fin, r the war Had this point been mad* and argoed, in the lite caofc in the Seffiotia and the attention of the Court drawn to the coullderation ?<f it. there is linie doubt but fuch would have been then dt*.ifion. An ex iff mg highway will rot be dis¬ continued by the laying out <.,f a rival highway, uaiefs 'he furveyor reporting the new one, opufi theapnlicati in of t 2 free holders alio report a dilcontiuuancc of the old one Some erroneous notion^ have been im bibed on this iubject ; ant it h proper that the en or (hould be corrcded, let! i'lcantiOUfi perfons, through a mifaopre- hention of tlu 'aw, fiiuulo expofe thtm- tclvta to pui iilunent. 44 44 44 fc* P»wr EA^ianil! thou art «i devoted deer Bcrpi with evfery »tl JSul that of fear. The Qatiuitshttrt jail mark ih^e lor a pray, 44 They swarm around thee and thou stand's! at bay, Wnd&unted ^till lb**' wearied and porpl^x'd Once Chatham »av\] thee, but niiosave^ thee next." Th*> Geloui, a people of Srythi.i jjpaiitferi iheiD^elves in deformity that th«'y might have1 a more teniole appearance io their ooemi^ b;.t )ou reiine tipun the policy of a savage na* ' tloik, by niaking us ierrible only to our friend . Poor men of Waterloo! PoorCencral Brock, infatuated victims io complete the blood ihlrs- tyofl>rir,ffofan annual 20^000, senl'a}ir<)ad by lloinieidal Kngland, *nl$ to b? stain. Undor tbii construction of jour Address, I ha\e not yet been able io rli<ctiver either the folly o. the ba«en>&*of mj conduct,aad it will now b«» for tiie world tojudg-', to whom these epiutem went property appty. Of Doctor Jouea U maj be ra'fl thaf lie l*tw o«o*ighl up a large familv ^ilherodit a-.d honor, and has lived iu (hi- l*iovinre h) y«»»r« w'thont a bli*mi»fa upon hU puboc op private character. I need not sa^ more t«» reecomend such a man to the esteom .if all (rood men. and nu reputation and >eaisl»oth render hi.o 'nvulncra!>lo to either your ?fitire orcoiitempt ; Of Mr. Walker I can say that he opposed ilia inim-oull as you call ft to the enemiesof his Country at Lnndy's l.anc, and ai olbeT piaiv^.acd he was unfortunate enough to haven 4i nom eol' of a Brother fall in iha: action.*- But both |)f. Joni^a and Mr. Walker w*ni prepared u» ihe m^tinjc to have gftscn <WU every infttrmaliitn antt answers to your que- 1 r^ret that jou? enquiries have failed in ln«r.-ri«c>oii anyii formation as to the charar- ucu andconnectwrcofthe "other ri^bl wor*l tli-e-." Fff.-orif, SU. I bdve the honcr to be known toeveiN ^ein|prnan ut Ifork, and the *aM-tu<;'ion to be intimate W5th verv manv of Siiem^ uetmul therefore hav. kepi uVrti ttjfef* ma&mpanfaw. ym tould not have failed it-ar- fng of vie. From th^ mbanlVopic picture you hav drawr of^e BHtM] Oo'cAnuneut, von remind oeof lli'jj.\«a*,a tyfiU *» J--------------------' T — »» » * » * * i i 4. . 4 A. A K- added, that in cafe of refufal, he had orders to give chafe to the Algerine vcdel, and, to fink them. If ail the maritime Powers would hold the fame energetic language, there would not be fo much rcafuO to fear that thefe com¬ municate the plague to us, and their piracies woiud ccafe of tbemfelves. New Tori April2$. One day later f'r^m l^mdon. By the arrival of the fall failing fliip Atlan1'^: from Liverpool wt have recei¬ ved a Liverpool paper of March 27th, containing London date* to the evening of the z6tb, London. IVcduefday Evening Aprd 25th. A near relation of our* who has refided twelve year-- ir France, has 111ft arrived in London, and informs us that j the Veto prononnccd by the King on j the recruiting law, 1*9, by many of ihej bell friend* of the Bourbons, confidered as the death warrant of their dynafly. It was underflood that all the MarfhaUof France we«e under fliong; impieillons of indignation againfl the! King for this extraordinary application j of the power with which he is entiulted J under the new cooftitution. The Hutuos Ay res privateer La I Patriots has captured no U(> than 24.] fail of Spanifb fhipb, and a galleon with IAOOXCO dollars on hoard, in the neighbourhood of the Canary lflea. CLEARED. May 4th—Sch. Gaihnnne, flib^on,. for i\e\\ca«rlo— Sdi. Kingston lack^t Ueid, Foi Sai-hofs liailn.r. 7th,--Sch. Com. I'crry, Pu^h, for Sacket'S ilarbor. fHh.—Steam Bout Charlotte \V«h-> HitLon, for (he Lay ot Quiut?^-^Rrlu Triumph, Cook.., for Sark.-t^ fhvbor. 11th—Scb. Traveller, Gzi*% for Chwego,—Srh.v'om. I errj. Vty*h, for Sacket's Ilarhor,—Schr. Uarorme, Cowks, for luUne>vUle,—Steam Coat Kronteu&c, M'Kentn-, far York,__. Boat llnnit, SprHgtoe, for Packet's Harbor,—'Sea. L.-vantine, Ditvie, far Crenesee. PtUCE or Ftwt rsioss hi the KinSsi>>u Market, tltirwg (he _____ prist -wt. ■\KTtCLl'>. Beef ....." pre rui'M III * t ft lb. lb. ■ • cut. pair each lbs. do/,. bn»h. The Savannah Republican of April ift gives intelligence from the army to the j 30th of March. The Georgia militia i and regulars, 2000ftrong, march d on the 26th March againll the Mickafuka rtreu sweh n ivrhnr 1 -^ eu Lvr |j Wtl *Bi Col. iViilton with M lnrofn thai u:an\ of ;.h a',.jiP;,c(* sHv t'ifns'U' \ hi I! an(^ his warrmrs had ai rived at rt Scott. 'Jctparr, I .;<. not 3i(t,,t.eliead f,0'*t tfOUf fa 'H^rirth ,,'v nti|. r- thr tHc ihi'nr, in I frtn*ranrlai' and wire immediately to fo'. o.v the i main atrnv. Gen. lackfon had oivcu attUtcs, orevei u ei v,,v qputaranre of rfpjec- Oanncii tnc active command of the army. Pa H TttE A'l\i.%/<>.V Gl/.l.TTE. r/e/j,and I thereto- !l0pc sou «nl rect iwhi. w.theoflMlten.periju, ,^a, i( ,r,av havr ti„. vmtr&ti -.on. adn^njtioashad upon us, thai of .a sing a '.n\t£> I I nm, Sir, *Hurob'i. UMf>. Servant, f\(), s|\| o*;iiV. r £(. «fton. to render the palTa^e of an invadfniT enemy acrot theifland mof€ difficult"; and that, fines the p-ac, it ha- beci only panhlly clca- icd out. This military interruption ap¬ peared to be coofidered by the pvcf:ding }urtice ris« difcontinuance of the hu'.h-j 'vay. It is true, he did not dive* y ex- = prels that o?"ivnon> nor was the point j difcufled ; but he feemed to take it for granted, by requiring the profecutor to prove that flatutd labour hud been per¬ formed upon the road after the war, and diredins the jury, that their verdift Ought to turn upon the fr.fFiciency oi the evidence to thit effect, which he ve ry fairly and impartially recapitulated j to them. The jury were fati<fiwd with) the evidence, and accordingly found a * Verdia of convi&ion, which ha» ellab- lilhed the legality of the road it»quetlion. J This report of the cafe is given for | the fake of noticing the doft.ine which appeared to be admitted by the presid¬ ing Juftice, as above dated ;^ not with a view to its application to thin particular road ; hut as a general principal, appli¬ cable to other cafefi, accruing in confe¬ rence of the late war. A. military <bihu&ion of a public highway, by trees cut acn fs it, or a ditch dug iu it, or a battery ereded on h to a time of war, for the ptirpofc of necciTa!y defence; a^ainft an aftual or expe&ed invafion, may brjuftificd, up¬ on the principal of neceffuy ; but it does not difcontinne the highway, or affeft i^lcoajity; any more than a military 1 Vttrlyh fh& lutiil'ivss of many i for th fin af\ /'iu."..................SW4VT. A.ntiiJ«ia, \]&j M, !S1& To ROIH liT ii'1 ULW, I.H^rotK. lu the Klnp^ton fJa/o"r of «li»' SKi'h oi \pril, >u»t aibli'f-.cti the Lsili or upon ilie«ih- |i*ei of *h.1 repl*i oinn \\w Cr*wiioi'tw nf *U\ Township, 10 your cireuia ot Oetobei la* uud call upon tliem a> ,l honest m«»n, iuid 1:1 *'\'i'e m* their end'M'.or for 'he Public good/* o 9 ire their rea o«- for denyunr sou. tiie »"* fofinuttOH \ouai liiai. liiiie so i'arue»il y Uea'iT- •il. THedaje of eh ••.airy art* over, hut 1 ara per- '.»;ip> reviving the eiuerpffieu of iho e ••arl\ •lays, in emering theliste ivli'h you, the Le\i- ». ban, in ?0UT manner I sbo ild :i\ ihe ver\ Ca'ibaoof Newa Paper alter cat inn. Society ha* claim- upon every iniiviil-ai vvhen the Public gooil 1^ coucerneil, and .tun**4 thine more than contiauiug In rctirwneul is iiu"*twa^tt tiiat is threatened 5 the pouofHo-| nor then, ceases to be a privaie staiion auii I am nn\\illin«r by my silence, to sanction yoar opinion, that 4ieoce acknowledges the truth otyour charires. For myself, Uien, Sir, Iha-l the honor to be one of the enrht worthies, whoohjecert to your nihlress; weei^ht, -o ably oe-is;na'"d by you, are fight plain ttolKtewd yeoman of this l)i>- tric. w e had not even tin eleemosj nary gra u- ity of a maslstnste among u^. How then could it happen, on that swell a display, of learning 9auald exeite our jealous^ } We-e the scien- c?> ever £Up;>orte<ib(Y thrt vulgar? Wc canno- profess, with >/OM, ihe b.iliant endo • mvn:.' or aiav-'etnieal e.iura'im, am* are lost in the lab- v riot Us of your mttaphorkaHllvsioHs .- ttv.-an- i ot tV'l:.ei!ate you upoti \He nappy un;nraii/a- »ion of ah**n uorct-, ox participate fa the btttu- tisx of latin dcrivalionv. We **nniteinglario«ifM l* Uampdens*" then h;iH nothing to jr»;ide Us but our own plain M'use Alid it d.iX not i!quire any exiraonUna- ry exercliatioD of the &enfiOVUtUl »o di cover *oiir principle.-*, oc iuore;iian our Common rac- lue. to oppose your success in this Town- siup. Weoppo-ofi yoo upon principle alone and that principle fouuded upon swme oi nic spvpssion-vln your address. We did not li— tentorne busy tales of Private^candal.wnetn- ! er yo«: were disaUected at home, di?con'ei.o**l or di^appotBted in re! It wa- our nlniple duty, to cultivate or Inarms and^w Uionght with Zoroaster, that in making iv\ogi*am* of wheat gio^v wii*reooi> one had grown before, we were as deserving ofiue gratitude of our country as the active promoter of a faction or 4li« uhtnaior ot the aifecfiou? 01 a Colony* Weoiuldiiot roaiprehend the rhap-orfyoi yourvt certain PoJUical restraiuts to Improve ineiu," and wo v\ere ignorant euotlgh tor?-; joice to a Constitution thai we coowaered 10 be political manumioon, nor Could we fe*"l our- Ives happier from your rt*uibitiou. - ^ Where igflopauceia bliss 'tis foil) lobe wise. We p« itee'tl) agree with you, upou the ben¬ efits thai might result from a correct Statisti¬ cal account of Upper Canada; but we *rftre not desirous ofeneauraging eDnigration to»ucii a? might deem thewn-ehe* """t-,»' "Ptl,i,ic:i 4>r OT hoidiliff C»p»n?rt P» Mny I'lowei\ 1 labour tin- he luifl YORK, Apn'l jb From the N. T. Spcdator of April ^4. Latest from Liverpool. The fh;p Mrrcniy, Kae, arrived laft evening frcon Liverpool, in the (liort IO iflatjc ut IJ d-»y» Tbi. M •....) filled on the ift *>f rehmary, and was W to ton......... • *,al •••........ Parte........... I'rtwlS.......... Tnrkeya.....,v. ^11****4* Oheese......... liii'tcr .. Ekgs----- IVas..., Potatoes O.-.'s Turnip>........ (Jarroia........ Cabbage....... Flour......... do........... Tallow......... Lad.......... Hav........... *»raw.......... buituM- Wood.......... cord 4 0 0 7 0 0 6 5> It) 0 head r-vt lb. Ton 0 \> 0 5 (l 2 t) 0 0 I 0 I 0 3 0 I 0 1 0 3 0 0 I i IS n 0 0 7£ 0 11 $ 6 0 14 12 6 0 0 6 G e 6 I 0 6 rtlfr'on. of the Schoi-ner ;COmPt,,cJ to pm back, on account of bill tried Jn tiiiHi ^•!L«il«-rT™ ar;,val »** 08 !" power of a Wachine whir* 1 W£^ ?f \T*°* ?** \° thI*& ntcd f.r propelling fn.all I of March, ami! .iv.rpool to the 20th. Vi-fTel* In ligTjt M orlo w;„k ont r Three ifcwfe* bar neb of flonr, were fold at liveruoolon the 24th ot Ma>cn, of a H:r'or w.;tjj a COi;t«ary wimi The tx.vtJllait c„H1|,lerc]y a«ifvverc.l|ial 55* . hwex^edrti..^ the vdM proceeding, I The Wof Spam had declared the with a com-.,aratlvr!v fma|, wei. at j!porta of AlcfWA, Cadw, be. Andero, ih' r^'eof ^ 1....... „, „,;i„, „„.. hm„ .!: •. and CoTUnna ircc ports. ' 0 0 8 «• 0 7 3 «) S 0 07 fi 0 a 9 i) 0 -,i 0 l y ft X 0 0 1 6 0 1 $ 0 4 0 0 0 9 1 - 6 000 0 0 10 9 10 003 19 COMMISSARIAT SAr.E. Batteaux & Diii^- harjfi Boafe ILL hi fold ii Pi i, !c \UC- _ TION, m MOMDW the rft of June next, at t!ie ComoiUttiit Battcau YaiJ, at ibis r»,,ft, . m, ,-,c, of Baiteanx and Durbnin B- at-* wi;h ihcif tpyutleaa»t<^( . Sa't to co'Tiirenr-e a* » o'i lo.;kt P. M. Aft'l. Com'} Gen'lt Office, Kingston 84 M'ix, «8l8i 5» rn'e or 3 )in,<ts or nines per and he fr-cl- ccnfiriint that when ihe' machinery is coraplete, it will perform at the rate of 5 miles per hour. L*Ho council. The three nPXt Lnnd Council <??v^ will be on Wgdnefday the 20th May, and ioth Jullcand ,ft „f July. LONDON, March 13. It ra ftat-d that hc(idc8 Lnrd Caftle- reaj>h, thr U k, r<jchtl;eu W;U al(o be prefent at t! r Cl)riarefs of fovereignn. The Cenfrcb ;t {s fry fay, wi!l bt held at DufTeldt.i tf The £mp(ron 0f K uf- fia and \uftn., a];d the KinR of pruffia, after meet.nji ^ Vienna, were expeAed to piocced to^,h(.r to Frankfort, where icfidencefl we^ preoaring for them. Af¬ ter remaining fome time thcre, they go I on to Di.lWd.irff j, ;, fa|d, that among other things, lhere wj„ he a qilrftion before the Congrff| rPfpea;ng Conveu- iiona on the f;ihj^a Qf European Com- Military Orders. A Savannah paper of the iith fnfl mention^, that ordern have been JITuetl to the whole of the militia of Georgia. to hold themfelves in readinefato march at a rroment's warning, equipped with jfixty rounds of cartriagw. The fame paper Itatesj, that a letter dated at Amelia oq ihe 4th Ml. mentions a report fom St. AogaRinfrj 11 :hat 600 Eutopcan veterans were tx- pcticd there to defend that place/1 Removal. ffcott & Al'Gec, Surgeons^ Ch mists 'iff Druggists^ MAVE rem -ci ^ the Store" .vdy ocenpi d by Taylor & Packer, funaie nearly oppofiw Moore** CoffVc houfr, between Mr, Pa-.Ick Smytn's Crockery Store and tht Cuflan H^ufe office. Tht nfi n.i attention will be p;id to eveiy branch ■ t the PiofrfHon. They have on hand a general a!T»rt- mentof DYE STUFFS, PaTCNT MRDIC1NF.S and OILS; ACIDS and evciy Chcrr.'ral in ule. Kingston, yfh A7<iy% 1818. 5orf mcrce. Oth. .. objcctJ are alfo to bet diicuiTed, wh;!:h Wfife pm fu], arrangt,d at the Congrcfs of Wknndi% • « v ■ * ■Frcm //jf ^. r. tyrifa/or, yf/r/VzO A new Minister to Ruffia. TheN.»ional lntdl;Rencerj nf Friday. rmonnceMha) Q JValhinnton Camp- ell z Senator . c<) r, from Ten- • appointed by the Prcfi- n bell nefTce bas bee dent, with the bat;on of lhe Senate, ft. S? w Ay Extraordinary and Mmte rien,/oteniif> to the Co„vt of Rulua, in tfc room "of Mr Pinky, vvno.s about -orcturn t0 thc jniteu btates rOitraiatt to impiovemeoi, obi- pnhliral re>uaihi^" as oncouraawn*,»» 1. vh^r? \i:»Mmipir ♦"mi^ra*** under iho li»u ' .•i r*r.e*v. £ M:*der Mtat waic-.i-v.or'i, a Spa .p(Ci,fs in rtfifiite We uirt not wi-..i bv a |.i:h- Ucation ofaUchseiUJmeuts to-provld- »«io aux AAfttab^ of|he fent Critini Paiharrent is ^^ of_and , pa,tia! change of Mu . |d_ 0reMwffle I0 r„ct«d LA Liv 0i who goes to Ro.nefor hu ^^ ^ sidmomh to be fnccecd. d Ld Co)chcfter or A-r. Pefl * ItisfaidL, Mrlvnle ;8 to relieve the thTCd.?!&**& lnI"dia'a,,d tha! icauon or suci: sentJineucs wjwvvw- .< v« «■• ' " f Wilicflcv is to have Lu. aixiUary in u Cv***W»» fl««>ai ^ rT«to<i j JMd«Uifi * pifS^ ^ ^ A4a»itaU|. BUFFALO^ April 14- Caution to Millers.—A grid-mill, be longing 10 M-1T18. Wilder and Pcabody, in the village of Attica, Gencfcc county, was burnt, together with a la»ge quan¬ tity of grain, on the evening of the lull inltant. The miiler filled the hopper with grain, put the mill in upeiation, and fell ailcep. It is fuppofed to have ta¬ ken tire by thc friction of the ft ones after the giain had run out. Lois elumuttd at 4000 dollais. BOSTON, April 23. Ey the Canton, from Canton, arrived laft eveni'. g. which (lopped at St. Hele¬ na, Feb. 25, we learn that Bonaparte er.jaycd good health—heard nothing of his having been aifl iled with the liver complaint. Port of ivi.gstou, EST Kit ED. May 5th—Sch. Catharine, Gibson, from Newcastle, with Flouv Staves k Plank. Oiiu—S( h. Kingston Packet, Rein, fromSackc t'> Harbor, with Vegetables. 7th—Si h. Com. Ferry, lu-h, from Socket's Iliibor, with Pas- n er§. 8th—S.h. Com, Owen, Sinclair. horn Niagara, with vy* bbls. o\ Flow --Steam Boat Kr.njtcuac, from Niaca- ra9 with two Companiea of tin* 70th llegti—Sch. llnn.bmd, Cone, from Capp St. Vincent, with Iron War-. o^5li_Sch. Triumph, Co.-k*. fmm sackct'^ Harbor, win. I'a-sr u ;■ -i - llth -Sch. Tiavclicr# G|«fifi>« from Valuable Lands. IjTOR fate by the fnhferiber Lot No, a_ 18 and 19, in the t< nth Conr ffi.>r., and half T^ot N". »8, in the 6ih con- c.ffion, of the Townfhip of Picr.-y. \p~ ply to JOHN BURNETT. Kingston* Mayyh. 1S18. $oii he enciufnre of the fob* or about the 2ill of CAME into! fcrber, on ^^ II Apiil,aCOW.0f a black co*oflPThe [pwner is reqttcfted to prove property^ pay charges, and take her away and pa/ the Printer. JOHN THT &NETT. Kingston^ Mayqthi r$i8. 50^5 FOii SALE, Fanning1 Mills, ^">F a fuperior quality ; which will \Jr b;* kept coo(\nntly on hand by thft fubferib r, -rice 25 dollars, P. J. FITCH. Kingston Collins1 CreeLl §oti May 12, r«i8. j For Sale, "ff" OT No. 24. in the 2fl conceffinn of I A the townlh'p ot Kingston —For pijtticularsappy to the lubicobcr Wiilt^m Reyiiokis. Kingston. May 9, :8l& iwp A Second Hand CABL£, For Sal «•> MOMJE vO x iu jEkMa IN Kingston, April tg> 1«18. ^^

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