Kingston Gazette, May 12, 1818, page 1

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>*:». [TUESDAY, MAY 12, 1818.1 INGS [VOLUME VII.—-No. 50.] xK't.t ■ . GAZ i*1 *• ■ r . Kingston, Upper Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN^ MILES.—Price Four Dollars per Annum—Exclusive bp Postage. ,22 !»*■.< B£^« Y TEAM RIVER OAT 3 JTTn— 1 at the Store of S. UST received- r « u* 6artlet,acofc *. J^t J tfbofBcert«f • luPmor *PMltl> for fait for cafh. May 5, 1818. ________________ ^9 Ia ^Tnotice. THIS !s to r^;f/ thc |"*Sc that Abraham We* J*M* a note againit me, which he oft«Mi»cd by fraud ; I therefore caution all perform againft purchafing faid note, as 1 am determin¬ ed never to pay it, unlefs compelled by the utmuft extremity of the hw. It is for one hundred dollars, and was given for a certain piece of land, for which he can give mc no i'tlc, the heirs being in Scotland. his . . Daniel g Reynolds, mark. CI-l^LM k^$, iM. 49 T FARMS for SALE. I,Efubf5nbr offers for faleafarm containing and Shed,an exc a •will soon commence running, ON the Bay of Quinte and the River St. Lawrenc-e, i | ftfc of Er«ftTc33 3crcs'In 'lle *«*»• between Prescott and the Carrying Place, at the I ving a good fhiwTO ** ""f*** Head of the Bay ; and will receive Passengers and Freight, on'; fcasohable terms, at all convenient places within the limits of its1 Home, On the Baj/ and the River. The Times t f its leaving; and arriving at its feveral stations,' the Rales of Passage and Freight, and other particulars will be1 advertised, as soon as the arrangements for rhe purpofe shall be tolled and ascertained* SMITH BARTLET, ) SOi.OMON JOHNS, ( DANIEL WASHBURN,^ Committee. Kingston, March 24. 1 8i8. Houfe, a large Barn and (tore, and* or Ue"1 f w-d [or* ta!ern in the country fof of ,he befi "tuatioiu Jlfo—One of a mechanic, townfhip of Kin »fc beft farms b *lis acrts, well titubt'^fton, containing too under improvem'11^. and about 30 acres SVnr. April 28, iSi TH BARTLET. 4Stf __ W» To 0Rbe Let, A ND Poflcl SOLD, / J4EW IRONMONGERY STORE. John Walking i^Oft S^L-E i jrt BSJfECTFOLLY acquaint* his friends and the Public in general) ijlit lie has opened a whole Tale r\nd tetdil Hardwai** iSrwre. at the ft and for- ,glfrly occupied by Me lira. H. W. Ttfilkinfon & C'1-. Main Street, and from jjic arrangements he hns made, will have conftantly on hand, a general afT;>rimeot of HARDWARE, Cutlery, kc which be will be enabled to difpofe of for Cafh, of approved Credit, at nearly the Montreal Prices ; among which arc the following, viz: Englifh and Sweeda Iron, Crowley and Blifier Steel, Wrought and Cut Nailr.; Trace Chains, Sheet Iron, Horfe Shoes, Fry in p Pans, SJnvels and Spades, Plough Moulds, Hollow Ware/ Grindftoncs, ChifTds and Goug.a. Locks and Hinge*, File*, Knives and Forks, Pocket and Pen- fcnive*. Fifh Hock*. Brafs Cocks 5rufliee,hammev8, Augurs, "^awa, Planes, Tea Trays, Stampt and Caft brafa Cabinet Ware, Wire, Tin Ware, Pins Needles Fowling GunsBrafs Kettles &c» Ac. He alfo offers for fale a fnvtll a{fort<- {nent of Crockery and Glafs Ware- j Kingfton, 50th March, f8t§, 44rf j T in Maryiburgh, cootaihmg 200 acre*, \i AT beautiful an J very valuable! I _l Farm,fitu-atcd upon Point Pleafant, _ May wf\4| 'i I . .uven on the ift modioug Two Sio^ new and Cora- < Stable Coach HouleMy Houfe, (wlrh 1 client Water,) at r.r ;,nd We!l of Ct Dodor Short, ueari the tiltnk Houie j^ate, which lc-uis immediately to thc RaceCumfc—Appply to ihc Piinter. King ft on, 40th VTaich, 181 d. 44tf bebS LoW No. 18 and 19, Gift ©f tlie!jFT|lHE fuhfc:ihur informs all tliofc Roclc J there arc nearly looacien under , II who arc h.-lcbttd to him, cither good improvement, and 73 bcarii g j by Note, Bond or «Mthci wife, that unfcfs apple and Pear trees. For particulars : enquire of Mt Walter M'Cuuitfc, J merchant, Kmpflon, or Mr. Wm. Bcn-j niker of Maryfburgh. j Having been informed that Aaron: Conner ha* been trefpafliug, by cutting timber* throwing down my fences, and putting cattle Into my enclofure ; now ' I hereby forbid laid Conner taking away the timber he cut—I alto forbid all and every perfon or perfon-* to aid or aflift faid Conner to work or take laid timber a\vay, wor purchafc it of him ; if they do, they may cxpeA to be piofccutcd aa the Law direfis. JOHN McBEAN. 1 Ma»yfburgh, ( March *8. 1818X 44tf thc lame isdifehar^^j oll> or before the firil day nf June ne:xt enfu;Ug the date hereof, their edped^ acCouni3 wfll be placedI « the haudi of an Attof»e* for Collection. Prom the Niagara Spectator. To the Resident Land Owners of Upper Canada. ■ Niagara, 2rJ April, 1818. GrENTr-EMEN. Yoit Parliament is broken up !— a second time broken up, from employ¬ ment of the rr.o*t Tital import to thc honor and well-being of the Province ! —Good God 1 what is to be the end of all this ? Formv own part, Gentlemon, I had little hope of satisfaction from the sit¬ ting of Parliament, after perusing tile Administrator's speech from tho Throne; and this little was entirely extinguished with the dis£U:fin* n*p!y made to that speech by your Repre¬ sentatives. That a man who had *p**nt the best part of hi* life in Upper Cana¬ da,—whose every interest and affecti¬ on rested here, should even redd a speech, riot only containing mean sen¬ timents, but notifying a measure, pro¬ voking in the extreme to the feelings of & large body tf his suffering country¬ man, was indeed heart-skkenbg : yer this was not all :—what could we ex¬ pect—what sensation could ^>weil in our breasts, >vher we found mt?n, cm- ployed au<i paid by these very suffer¬ ers to guide I heir affairs and watch overfhelr interests, homing down to kiss the rod of affliction, and in return for a most insolting offer, granting a re¬ ceipt in full for demands, equally just, -Mid weii authenticated ? Gracious heaven ! Did we, the off¬ spring of early civilization—the tir*t hope of genuine liberty—the favored wards of divine revelation, <«me to this new world, only to Witness the degra¬ dation of our kind, and be bumbled beneath the rude savage who ranges the desert woods ?—Surely, British )-•! Sustain, on itsrisin- tide, thai a.m-»tOT,,J i'""lfl* "' erous,—(hat noble—that manly spirit, which (irstcalled forth applause from the "idniiring world- It has been my fate to rest here near¬ ly two months, viewing at a distance the scene of folly and confusion,—by (urns serious, and by turns jocular, that the serious night not sink into the I iTH-lancholy. i hav* advised—1 havr- in duty offered services, but in vain : on went th*> sport, till yesterday, *hen the cannon announced to us that the thatth" British Constitution wit uthftt u beautiful contrivance bv which rhe ik people, when perfectly virtuous, " shall become all powerful." "^ vou markth^^e words ?—did vou ^ei^h V m thern ?—they are as important a* ta.-y are true. W«, of III men, havp least Kingston,March r igi3 FOR fale -H this Office—Standard Rules for the Game of 1VHJST— by Bob Shoxt. 4^ . FOR SALE, TT OT No. 27, in the firft concefnon t*'|li(E Copartncrfhip of Mettdfwi _1_ WilUstdk is this d^y diffolvfid. A. Meicalf isauthorifed to clcfe the con- revn. ._. .v S ApoiuacMbtcalp. (Signed) >CoNSID!,R Willistom. Kingfton, 18th March, :8i8. - The Subicriber iutends. continuing the SAOLiNG BUSINESS till about the firftof June, at which time he i*pe£V> to Leave Kingflon He particular!^ defire* all thole indebted to hin> to make payment without furtlier notice—And h now ready to pay the demand*, heldagaintt him. 44 A. METCALF. To Let, of the townmip of Hamilton, New Caftle Diftrift, Containing 200 acres, boundedon Lake Ontario in froir and the York road in the rear, dillant •r.c and a half rr.ilc from the Hamilton Court Houfe ; twenty acres of which ,------- «r«cka»d, and a fmall dwelling Houfe i^l the 21ft day of April, about 7 thereon Terms ctf pavaiei-t will be 1 o'clock in the evening, ran away from •wieeafv. Apuly tr James G. Bethunt, . the fubferiber, a thief by the nameot A ND immedia - A Two convc1'! Potfon g.ven Shops, in (lore ftftf»«« B?r*Z, ?T Tavern, on the cor..^, "«r Mr. Blake - inK from the Arlill*' ^f the ft,reet lead" French Chutch twjT Barracks to the For particulars JOHN W» apply to Store Street, Ktngsl. FERGUSON, 'dn.Eib 17,1818. 38 NOT i r it ALL accounts 1 ■* ^li« bers, and due to the Subfcri after the ill day of remaining unfcttled pntin.otbe hands junc ucxt> will be colieAion. of an Attorney for THOMSO, Kingfton, April ^ y» DETLOR. 1818. 45 w6 to oppose us in Correcting th.? errors o£ our constitution. The British consti¬ tution lias provided for its own im¬ provement, in peace and quietness ; it has given us thc ri*hf of petitioning the Prince or Parliament : and, this tight, exercised /// a proper manner, is. com* petent to satisfy every vpcuous desire. My present purpose is not [0 onell on theory ; but, to recommend and set example in the practiw of using tbii glorious privilege. As Individuals, we hare a ri^ht to petition the Prince or Parliament of Britain ; and* we hava a right to meet for this purpose in col¬ lective bodies. My proposal now is, that a mceliugbeforfhwith held in each organized Township throughout the Province. I chilli take uprn me to name the day for the .meeting of the people of this Township of JSJifi^'iia ; and say, that on Monday u<*xt. th© 13th hist. I shall btf read) by ! 2 o'clock noon, at Mr. .Fames Rogers' Coffeo ! bouse, to proceed to busio^^alon^H-ith J whoever is io< lined to join me. The people of each Township «hould, I con¬ ceive, at meeting, choose a Ri'pr* **;n- cative and Clerk. The R.yi-■-.'■iicju tives ihould assemble froth thf sbvc^I Townships within each District, orj an appointed day, to draw up a peti¬ tion to (hoi rince Re^pnt, and, which could ^oon after begot signed by well wisherto the cause. The District meetings should, with*- out delay, hold Conference by Repre¬ sentatives, ouch resprctively choosing one, to moot in a Provincial conveiN ! tiou, and who should arrange Mie u .io'y j business, dispatch commhsi^uers -o nitli them, as w- \\ aR with the Rupreme government. Two or throe Commissioners would sntfice ; and Hip necessary cost of carrfing rhe whole ably and respectably into c^CCt. would require but a trilling COOtrifcn* tiou from not play wax over ; and. now wp bate the Just received mL TVTOTICEis hereby given, that on EamiltouN or to JOH- STRANGE. K'm&ton, siprii 20, i 818 • 47-6 Notice. I THEfubfciibtrrcfpcafully informs the pubVic. thai he intmds to con- ♦*nue the Boating butinefs ihisi I'vafoti 5 ( theicfore, if any perfons wilhtf to fanf- j port Plank, Boards, Brick, Lime, Sand, ■ John More, who had been committed to Gaol by the Commifliouetbof the Court v>f J7equeR Any perfon that will take up uid ihief, and bring him to the fub t'eiber, or keep him fo that he can be obtained, fhall liave the reward of Five Shillings. GEORGE C. HERMES. Constable* Fredericksburg}), April 20, 1818. 48 Subsudfor Sale By the 0 On* ( tfJENT of excellent per & M'Lean, rr. v , , n >> t\ a « .*i«. dK8j made by Hop- Cafksand Bottlee— * ^rrirr> t Aj.fcott—£IDER in . r ;M,rn .Fine Yellow 50y/P A few QKMD&%q quality Kingstm3 April zt lie. &c. he offer* them h> tervictd-— Apply at Mi, John Iv ^- u\ Kiu/^ton. WILLIAM YLREX **<[ MULTIPLICATION Tables. For the uie of Schools, for fole fti this OiS.csi 11 on & Detlor. NOl, i8r8. 47-6 ALL accounts dT and remaining! v*r*« firft day of June ncue to the fubfciiber, the hands of an atto unfcttled after the WILLIrt, will be put^ into Kingston, April 2 ocy for colleAion. N B. AfewM POWELL. differm colours;-* »8'8- <*«3 pieces Nankeens, Church \Jbr fale as abtve. Sale )&SU second Speech Ol ths Administrator, who has appropriately sunk down from the Throne to the Chair ! Gentlemen, the constitution of tlu< Province is in danger, and all the bles¬ sings of social compart are running to waste. Forthre^ years the laws havej been thwarted, and set aside bv execu- 7 * •ire power;—for three sessions have your Legislators sat in Assembly, and! tfiven sanction to the monstrous—the hideous, abuse. A worthy catastro¬ phe has closeG this farce of government: —your Commons and your Peers have 'tuarelled, and, the latterwould assert, that the constitutional charter of Cana¬ da may be trifled with. What is to be done ? Do you expect any thing from a new Governor ?—you will be disap¬ pointed. Do you .expect any thing from a new set of Representatiees ?^i here again you will be deceived. Your Members of Assembly are now at home : compare their characters with those amur.d them, and you will find them equally honest—equally wise— equally independent. Now, that they are returned to society, as private in¬ dividuals, 1 should be the very last man to call in question their worth or their probity : they are probably every way above par. It is not the men, it is the system which blasts every hope of ;;ood ; and, till'.he system is overturn¬ ed, it is vain to expect any thiug ol va¬ lue from change of Representatives or Governors. It has been the caut of time immem¬ orial to make mystery of the art oil Government. The folly of the million, -Mid the cunning of the few in power, h ive equally strengthened the reigning [belief j but, it U false, deceitful, siud ruinous. The people of every nation, may at any time put down," either do¬ mestic tyranny, or abuse,—they may at any time,h) a simple f uudation for public prosperity : they have only to \v: honest, aud. in their honesty, boid. In n^ lust address to ^ou; | said, 'nch Petitioner, It u going out of bounds to reckon r»u ' -r\ thousand petitioners, and a dollar frt>m leach would make up a <um adequate • for every charge. I should rccoinm- d the subscriptions and payments to coin* mcuce at the first Township mee*': --, the money fo be paid to th*4 Cl&rlc*. who should keep iu hand one seventy for local and incidental di-bur^ein-'ii^i and pay ovei the remainder to a T~-a« surer, to be appointed in each DutrioL bv the Representatives, at tin-:r i:rs| meeting. Beyond making choiije of Representatives and Clerk1-*, Tiie less that is dune at Tovv.iship nteetings rh« better; debate, of all thing3,shoul be avoided. The Clerks should minofs transactions, and keep a list o** the subscribers, which shoi M immediale|y> be published in the nearest iY«w^pHp* p within the Province, and, week nftefr week* io the tame manner, should ho reported, additions. The public wvuli thus, at once see the strength Sc groula of the cause, as well as have vouchers for the payment of cash. Every transT artion should be plain, downright, and open to view or inspection,—every principle should be (fept&red—eygcy proceeding be made ke.oun. The simplicity of all thia, and ths ease wit|i which it may ne s^compljih- ed, is obvious ; togo into more nnuu'e detail at present would be wasting time. No mair, by joining the cause, can lose more than a iMlar-j and no r*« spoustbiiity whatever is incurred. As I take upon mo to nqme the day of Meeting for this Township of Niagara. so that Meeting may appoint days fop the meeting of ruber Tcwfldhipf, aud- for the district meeting ; seeing, thaj it can be matter of noconseouence wha settles such points, provided the uwsU neas thereby has a fair chapca of con>? menc.emeut, and that th* whole systeei of petitioning may proceed wifho.f doubt or delay. No man upon such solemn occasions, should s#y if I aii> greater than aui>tlier9 and will not l»u seen acting with him ;fl tio one ohnuld say ** 1 am tesa, and £herefor^ presume uot to hoi myself forwaid." On sucii an QfcasiMf and under ^uch circuiu- staucrs a.4 th^ present, every paftyfanj{ every personal prejudice, sneuj-x tie putdov9^*e«cry eje should be rcs0» i»t&v bent on iiti »n& &ip| tt^^p

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