Kingston Gazette, April 21, 1818, page 1

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[TUESDAY, APRIL 21, 1818.1 KINGSTON [Volume yii.-—No. 4?.j . I — T Kingston, Upper Canada—Printed ahd Published by STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollars per Annum—Exclusive op Postage. «M * * ac772C JBootf Shoe and Leather STORE. WILLI & Co. at the IO A T TOj/be launched upon the opening cf the Navigation^ 3 j Sign of the Golde% Last, <tore ftr*-ett i refpe&fully irrfonn tfec inhabitants of Kiugllo",* and its vicinity, that they llill continue their Boot and Sh?* Manufactory. where they krep ronftantly on hand, a large aflortment of Lady's a id Gentle¬ men's COOTS and SHOES, of every defection. Likewise, a fuop'y of good Sole jjand Upper Leather, of a!) kind$. Kingston* Mm A 7, 1H18. 4Itf NOTICE." ALL account' dpe to the Subfcri bers, a-id remaining un fettle;! •will won after commence runnmg, ^ the Bay of Quinte and the RrvEfc St. Lawrence,! _ between Prescott and the Carrying Place, at the Head of the Bay ; and will receive Passengers and Freight, on reasonable terms, at all convenient places wi.hin the limits of its Jioute, On the Bay and the River. _. ... • 1 ».*^_« I! V/,f 1/7/'* t-ariiici«iip mcmiu'icu TheT/Wjofits leaving and arriving at its icvcral stations,,; ][ ^nlhg ^ ,)eTwecn 7hn the Rotas of Passage and Freight, and other particulars wiU be1)4^* **&*<* 3d April, 181 advertised, as suon as t'ie arrangements tor rhe purpofe shall be THE fubferiber informs all ihofe wh& are indebred to him, either by Note, Bond or othcrwife, that unlefs the fame is difcharged on, or befoie the firft day of June next enfuing the date hereof, their refprciive accounts will be placed in the hands of an Attorney for Colle&ion. GEORGE DOUGLASS. Kingston, March 23, 1818.. 43tf To Let, Jk ND immediate pofTefllon given, jTA_ Two convenient Huufcs, with Shops, in liore (beet, near Mr. Blake'a Tavern, on the corner of the ftreec lead-j [fig from the Artillery Barracks to the French Chutch For particulars apply to JOHN W. FERGUSON, Store Street, Kingston, Eeb 17,1818. 38 Jfettled and ascertained. Kingston^ March 14- 1818. SMITH BARTLF.T, SOLOviON JOHNS, PETER WEYSEL, Committee* \ >•.... »«' , on Tncfday the hour of ten Therefore, a1! Midland DiJlriS. 1 ' pli E Court of tonviti A ' General Qnsr* ftr SefTinti; of the Peace foi thin Diftri&, ^ilVbeViliJen-.a tttf the towi of Kin?fton *<Vrhdnvof ApnLat the v- -lock in the forenoon %Mct*ofth' P*a«, CctonerM, ConOa- , Mi* and all other Peace Offlc ers, as wel 1 0 thofe rhnt have any bufinefs to ^ trant -*flat faid Court, are hereby required co tokr notice, and give their attendance fcccOrdin?!v. 1 n H M McLE a N. Skrjf Sheriff Office. April '3. 1818. 46 Com mi<*itritit Sale. X%TV L be fold bv Pob'ic \uftion, *V\ OB MOND *Ythe 27th \pril. at the Commifariat Store, the under¬ mentioned articles. «iz. Emptv Hum Puncheons, and Etnfltv Pork Casks. ff^Salr to commence at 12 o'clock. Kingston. IGtb April 1818; 4$ VOMUS&iSi IT SALE* TljtE re--r5onofa I.eafc for the two Pr " *;- t ! -»fou«. P a niece of ground with a large commodiou* &*«, on i"*- j Cartyittg P"'?ce, at the head of fh« Bay j of Quintt, at prefent iti the occupation of the Commi(r,.riat D partment. The oropcrtv ro revert to the owner. R.C. Wilkin?,' of the Carrvi'v Piacc, on the expiration of the fthov* peiiVid. A Me lifxhff above will be made ai Public Auction, OH Wedt^ffiay 6 h I Mmv nexu 5t the Comn\i(Taviat Store, on the pTeTDifcft- Afsh Com'x Grttls 0/ficei Kingston, tpi April, 1318 - 46 3 j , after the ill day o; June next, Will be [ put in > the hand* of an Attorney fo: ' collection. THOMSON iff DETLOR. Eingfton, Apri 6, 1818, 4Jw6 Notice. ^/I fffM c^riiicrihip mentioned a few hornvr, & 8. As hetn figned to confirm the above, Mr. vicran has received ac cordltv '\*\u- iei,iciit, a rcmvnieratioii, adequate to his S-rvIcies, from the Sub- J fcriber. N. B. All deU», Notes ->f hand (Prcvioi»v to the ibove date,) will be honourably Sen kd by the Subfcnber, who reqaefts tfct>i< who arc indebted to the above Hun to p3y the fame without delay to T THORNFR. Kinglton, April CV| i-;i8. 45 pap ers have Second Hand CABLE, For Sale by MONJLAU & St. GERMAIN. Kingston, April \o, i8iS. 46tf Notice. THE fubfcriberrefpeftfully informs the public, that he intends to con¬ tinue the Boating bufinef9 this feafon ; thtiefore, if any perfous wilhes to tranf- port Plank, Boards, Brick, Lime. Sand, Sec. &c. he offers them his fervices.— Apply at Mr. John Dawfmi's, Kinglron. WILLIAM YEREX. April 13, 1818. 64. o From the Parliamentary Register of 1791. HOUSE OK LORDS. Lord Gienville rose, and said, he did not think himself called upon, on the present occasion, to go into the bill that was passed" seventeen years QgO, commonly called the Quebec Act; • or did h* conceive that it wa« neces- sar) to enter much at largf into any argument to shew that it was proper to make some alterations in that act. !lo did not think himself then called 11 to pronounce on that act cither one -iy or another. That bill, his Lord- the Town of K.ii.,,,<\0.u fronting jj ship said, passed under particular cir- For SVv/e, N reafouuble ter.mSf that well known Lot, and BuilJinga there 1 i: on, i two Street', formeily ijlc property of * r. George Maikland.. i\,r particu¬ lars apply to Joseph B!vrinr*atnaur. King'-ion, April 6, lb *, $t 45-4 CO Stm$8ARiAT CONTRACT. rij-:\t jii rcn^€ts wi'l l-e received JjJ ti th« Office until Saturday the mh Way, -:-ext. tor a fupoly rrf FLOUR ?jr Ho4 MHJrftf#« Mavya/.'ncs fi.ation, wa:ra:rcd to krc.j at fweet this and [J7 ICII-JCI 3 11 Hi 1* 0.1 «*.w »•-» ----- j— el of 196 lbs. and iiive the names o* .fnreties to be hound in the contrad ftmnd for twelve months fiom the date of delivery. The tenders mil ft at 3*C the rate per ban two fnreties with the perl'on making tender. No tender will be received after the hour of twelve o'clock, on the above- gientioned day. Apt. Cm*J. Gen'ls. Office, Kingston, 1 3/A April, 1818. 46 THE fnbfcriberha* joft received a large quantity of 1 jCast Iron Ware,\ confiftinjr of POTASH KKTTLES, Caldron* and Sugar Boilers, Franklin, Cox and Oven Sioves, together with a wictv of Kitchen Furniture, as Bake fans Pots, Teakettles, Dog Iron*, &c &e all of which are of an excellent qual¬ ity, and will be difpoftd o» on very rea- louable terms, at wh.defale only. SMITH BARTLET. N B The P>t A:h IvettUa will be >ai ranted if requirrd. NEW IRONMONGERY S TOR E. John Watkins, ZSPECTFULLY acquaints his friends and 'he Public W general, that he has opened a wholelve and retail Hardware Si ore, at the (land for¬ merly occupied by MefTrs. H. W. Wilkinfon & Co. Main Strut* and from tb* arrangements he h^s made, will have co. llantly on hand, a general aflortment I of H vKDWARE, Cutkry, &c.which he wil: be enabled to difpofe of foi Ca&i ov approved Credit, at nearly the } Montreal Pi ices : among which are the following, viz: Englifh and Sweeda Iron, Crowley aod Biiiler Steel, Wrought and Cut Nail^, i'race Chains, Sheet Iron, Horfe Shoes, Frying Pi.ns, !Sh-vels and Spades, Plough Mottlda, ' HoIm.w Ware, Grindilones, ChuTrla I and Gouges, Locks and Hinges, Fik*j : Knives and Forks, Pocke'. and Pen- knives, Fifh HpoSu, Brafs Cocks, 1 Brufccs, hammers, Augury Saws, Planes, Tea Trays, Stampt and Call brafs Cabinet Ware, Wire, Tin Ware, Pins Needles Fowling GunsBraf* Keitiei &c &c. He alfo offer* for fale a fmaVi aflbrt- ment of Crockery and GlaU Wa.c. Kingfton, 30th March, i8t8. 44tf To be t^eU OR SOLD, AttD PofTeffim ^ilVcn on the ift May next, That ncw and Coro- modiong Two Story H'uifr, (with Stable Coach Houfe, anfj Well of ex celleni Water,) at prefeiflt occupied by Dodor Shoft, near the Block Honfe t^ate, which leads immediately to the Race Courfe.—Apply to the Printer. Kingllon, 30th Marclh, 181S. 44tf I? Till E Copartncrfhip <y{ Metcatfzmd 1 Wiliistan is this dfoy diflblved. A Meicalf is authorified to c|0fe the con¬ cern. f°t ned) \ ^POLL^s Metcalf. Kingfton, 18th Marcbi> :8i8. cumstuncefi ; but how far it was widl or ill adapted to those circumstanceSj1 llf hid no information ; and if lie had, I he conceived it was not at all necessa¬ ry at that moment to enter into any ;uch discussion. It was sufficient to say, that some alteration was certainly necessary, both from a consideration of the present circumstances of the times. and also from a consideration that that bill contained a plain indication that it was passed with a view to its particu¬ lar application to the circumstances then exi>tin£, and the Parliament at mat time foresaw that an alteration would be necessary in some future pe*- riod, when it would be proper to adopt another plan. That moment, he conceived, was now arrived. There was no necessity for withholding from the inhabitants of Canada a participation of those pri¬ vileges which were enjoyed by the iu- aabitants of every other British colony. The province of Canada stood in a dif¬ ferent situation from the other British possessions in America. It was not a rtpAKEN up "adrift, near Wolfe X tflAttd, a immher of FLOATS. The owner is delired to piove his pro¬ perty, and fave them. Samuel Cone. Wolfe iQand, April'6, 1818, 45 BLANK Summonses Subpcr.nas and Executions, for the COURT 1 OV REQUESTS, Kingston, loth Mtrch. 41 I Fes Sjdf at this Offoaji The Subfcriber intends^ continuing the Sx\DL!NG BUSINESS till about the firft ofjunt at which time he ocpecls to Leave Kmgfton He particularly defires all tLil>fc indebted to him to make payment Without further notice—And is now reajjy to p3y the demands, hcldagainft hi^# 44 ________a. Metcalf. Notice. THE copartnerdiip ijeretofore Ex- ilting between Jamws R.Armftrong and James Dougall, (unacr the firm of Armrlrong and Doug^ij yrs th;s day difTolved by mutual coufent. All pen'ons therefore who ate Xndehted to the laid firm either by N«. tc Qf hand or Book account, are hereby rCqUe[led to make Immediate payment to either of the Subfcribers, JAMES R. ARMSTRONG. JAMES DOUGA'LL. Hallowell,25thMarc^ l8lg# ^w4 ___ _ — — FOR fale at Ais ® c[xctSt(mJarJ Rides fir the Game > 0rff£ST— by Bob Ss^at: v ^5 colony planted, or originally conquered by this couutry,und to which the laws of Great Britain mi^ht be transported ; but it was a province conquered from another nation, a colony already In possession of settled laws, already in possession of much agriculture, and of an extensive commerce. This was the state, with regard to the great majority of the Lower Province of Quebec ; but there had been particular circumstan¬ ces, since the conclusion of the last peace, which had created a population ill Upper Canada of a different sort ; a population which had not only been formerly acquainted with British pri¬ vileges, but which had retired to that country for the express purpose of en¬ joying them in greater perfection than they could elsewhere. After these preliminary observations his Lordship entered into a most able justiiication of all the principal clauses of the bill, lie said, from the circum- -tance of the inhabitants of the pro¬ vince consisting of two classes, it was judged proper to divide the province into Upper and Lower Canada, such division having a distinct Legislature, i withiu itself. It bad been ittted tbac| I the French inhabitant*: of Canada were so much attached to the prejudices of the Canadians, to their custom**, laws, and manners, as to prefer them to the laws of England. He thought such an attachment deserved a better name tfian that of prejudice. He conceived ?t was an attachment founded in reason, or iu something better than reason ; iti the best feelings of the human heart. His Lordship said, it was undoubtedly a mistake to suppose that any Go vara* ment was free only as it approached to democratic principles. Absolute mo¬ narchy, absolute aristocracy, absolute democracy, had, in the history of man¬ kind, been tried in the scale of expe. rience, and had been found w Anting. Our own constitution, which was com* pounded of these three, was the iirst iu the worid, and the envy o*" every sur¬ rounding nation. // writ far that re<t* son that the if ice re no a: about to com* municate the blessings of the Englhk, constitution to the subjects of Canada^ hecuusc ihey Kcre fully convinced thai it was the best in the ivorld. The Lc* gi stature of Canada consist rid of thr>>& parts* representing thai, of this country. The Governor represented the King ; the Legislative Council represented that body in this country, whom he then had the honor of addressing ; and it had been objected, among other tiling?, to that Council, that it would consist of two different classes of per* sons, some only to sit for life, and oth¬ ers by inheritance. He said, there was precisely the same objection to the august assembly he bad then the hon* or of addressing ; some of that 80068 derive their titles by inheritance, white others only sit for life, and a third clu3?J oni^ during one Parliament. l It had been stated, he said,asano6* jectiou to this bill, that the lower pro* vince might oppress the higher pro* vince, a? all the trade of the higher proV vince must come through the lower province ; the lower province nii^ht tuaU ■.» "«iJ flu lie it pn.'U'M-a, ami iiaighfc harass and oppress the upper province to any extent, and that Gnat Krifatit could not possibly interfere consistent¬ ly with her profession of giving a fr<fo Constitution to Canada. h'-com eivetl that there was a difference between -a free constitution, aud a free and indo dendent constitution. Great Britain had not only the power of enacting laws, which -were obligatory on the in¬ habitants of this country, but she could alter aud new model those laws accor- ding to the Circumstances and exigen¬ cies of lhe times. If this were not so, it would be impossible for a nation to» improve in any one part of its consti¬ tution ; and if Great Britain had a su¬ perintending power over the laws, aud government of this country, he concei¬ ved that she had the *ame power over Canada ; and that if the lower prov¬ ince were to oppress the upper pro¬ vince, by imposing exhorbitant diitie-*, it was competent to this country to hold the balance between the two proviueet, and to remove the grievance. Another objection has been taken to this bill, because all the commercial law of England had not been transfer¬ red in a lump to Canada. Lis Lord¬ ship said, he conceived that such a step would have been attended with manv inconveniences. In the first place |rftt« uy parts of the commercial laws of this country did not at all apply to Canada ; and even in the city of Loudon, where trade and commerce were better under¬ stood than iu aiiy nation upon the faco of the globe, it was conceived improper to admit common juries at Guildhall* to exercise the rights of juries ou mei- cantile questions, which were always tried by special juries of merchants. If this were so, how much stronger did rt apply to the iuhihitautS of Canada, who were infinitely less acquainted with the commercial law of jthis coun¬ try, than any persons in the city of London? ll this system, therefore, were to be introduced, it would be at¬ tended with the greatest uncertainty and confusion. Another objection that had beea stated to this bill was, that it jwd not rendered the Judges indep^de; '. Hi< Lordship said- this was certainly a circumstance of very great import¬ ance, and a most desirable object ; hut frrm the piesent unceilain State of the law in Canada, fcte thought the ftp* pointing Jud-es in rhe way >n whUh tlnv were appointed in Great liri'ain, -would be attended with omh fi>ortf L

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