Kingston Gazette, April 14, 1818, page 3

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fleflina the man ,s and liberal fprit of a gentTeftiam .• jp*rieJge f* o* to tefcmJI to tbsfftt'Wiaa, figoiutw' langingc of a feasnftu-fs,€- r« Jsa knotlefs thread." To the Traveller 1 return my Bncere thark.tor hi* well meant f.ipport — TVhen bcfcl by Ulcafti dirty fclW, a d' ^foiled frotn all ^ule^ with filth, it win* mi flight regard.—it begets tm pdt.'y debt nf gratitude to he vefrmtd Kin mleM by one p ^crsand liberal fpirit i could even wifc the Camdiau pab'tts fi,r thtir own fakes to rant-tuft h'*> liy'e of writing with tint of my opponents — tiiec>rre& di&ioli of a fell dar wi.h iimguaire untutored and gmf*.—the gentle fl..w <>f a mild temper with the Curbed fti-eMW of ab'ifc, —the fatfafeOSi -ofa liberal u.hd with the bafc infnvia- tion; and low tnfpicibM of bla/uardif u Fmm fnch exercifes. tafte may hegifl tQ gainit* tfdmsjiiiMna faculty : by and *yit may aflnme authoiityv—RW laws tft the muurcTV-tfftfa age ; and hy o;-en; I the piuer fources of mental c l! ymtiii. I As I have attentively peniied the flrifture* of the Traveller, and taken all in i»ood oart, he will, in return liltcn fen-'uflv to mine, In my throw- he tvPI recoffUifethe privilege of a cnti' - and in my Warmthi the zeal of one ■defending a favorite oof*. He will enter with m«* int>» abftr-ftion, and ex chu'n, MH is the canfe, it is the canfe. I ny foul V9—Here's at you then, •» y 4caj fellow Traveller, body and fuul of | two together* The Tiavclkr fays that T hive («leaped wbnj I fhonld on1}' 1. :.*e w Ike lM : nor,, fence! A Traveller! and ihr.k to gft through tl'i" heavy timbered country] <pl*h:nit leaping 1 \n fcbfohue imp ffi-j tility ! I have ha 1 to le ip e*ei v yard in fomeplaces, and then ran oi ti'^'op with mmoft faced to srai i fa^e quitters be¬ fore nijrht fall. This i- aim *t* aa gt"fedj apkeasmy friend Clark?* folrmn coot:- [eltotjoby w-iy t>f $»ckvt& Ha>bor. Too much enphtifi-fm fom Rrf.nmef] This is another whimfey of our Travel-] Ur. What Reformer ever fu^ceeded without enthuliafm I It W the very .fa qua nan of the pr-,f'ffion. Without a'l*i(h->f it I 'li^ht indeed vjalk ; yea, ***'k off the oourfe IP a 1 the tUjc.'Aintl of hopelcfTueffi, -by way rf ftacktft ra Strbotir It .va-i dev*4edncfs to the '•wfei in other word- ? nttuifi*ffn, which shotted St. Pan! Eulhtifmfai fa the] T"r" and atd'-n? fplrlt of goodnefs—the ftofife of i'elfifhnei- ; ir in, t • life the "gVige of tht cvaiw.e'.ical, the fpirit of t.iu Tt vua tKi.. ffiirlt wind ption by tervent langui^e My iJ kno viedgc of the character of the people of Canad.i" is not fo little as tne 'l'ravelli.r mny imagine,—perhaps even grrarer then hus own. I rather think he ha.' not even walked much, in theii company. He feem* io thitk that all thefeercts of the charaSer and [condnft of the people of Cirada may be I opened up with hi* key of*1 falfe pride/' anrg*->od moraWfl forgetting that charac¬ ter and ronda'd require more key* to unlock them, by a hundred fold, than hano in any one hunch ac [he apron j ftn";itr oi any houfewifein Niagara. Forth? comfort and ere 'it of the Pro- vince 1 hope before the Traveller has tried many locks with hN favourite key ! he will fi id it a f,\\[t: one. Pride, is ll.ibborn thing to deal with. 1 would ra her unlock tw-nty other things, an i printed in your newspaper before I went with it to York hut 1 wa.s difgufted with your havinr, inferted in the Spe&ator a very impr. per articlei I mean that on the canfe ff Randal and Pbelps. Your oublirhingl'uc'.i trawh as that figned J. H- upon my bulinefs, was alfo, in my opinion, cefcreditabie ; and were fnch abomination as we ha Herons Ofeancr, to appear the fcT'ilication planned and.execut.d by my Uncle Toby and Tiim in order that, during its aflault, a fymputhctic movement might be made in the covert ways of the widow Wadman. Is it not poilible diet my worthy friend the Traveller may at this very moment be belabouring the 4* falle prid "of the ve feen in Mr. II people in order to (often the heart of ?ear in an BritiuSJ fome Cejiradian fair on*- ? ■A ' in my tranfadions with the people ot Ca:r;id», I have certainly found little] locked up hy their " (Ak pride," Indeed j I nth^r think not a finale door would evei h «vr beeu locked a^ainit my enqui- j |ries, had it not been foi my Reveeeudij faulifinjii.g Council" a, York, and l>e\\ wa« acluat- d bv a vrrv <:iff re**t p^S '»—, a pailion w'.i.h ha; chaiaclerrfed power-1 uprl fted priells that1 ait the a-"e, of Hierarchy, I mean intolerance ; and as I am a rhatter of-fjrt nan [ /hall relate a little llory by wav of: la'hati-'U. In Oftober lull I rode from York northw.uo by Youu^e Street. At the i!:iiance cf L-i.*ht wiles my attention was ^ttrafted by a building of a fing'ilar ap oearanee, but moft refembling one of our Kn^liih Had die barns, dr<'.pt from its piiia^. newfpaper.the Editor could not upon , hi»i receipt* from the public, afford ink * infB.-ient t* iupply his prefs : the public would defrt him to a man; and, he j would he I.on taught that " the better paitofwiliom is difcrttion." Such ittacks upon me I regret becanfe iley are difcfedftable to the country, iot ftorrj any injury I fultain from then*; for Dr. Johnfon's DOtlOD quoted by;.he Traveller as to rebounds^ being ferMceablc is very ttue. The traveller, ho* he has, fo far aptly ap¬ plied this quotation, is however, very much miftiktn.hi thinking that fuch an! addrcf*asnrvv iec^nd one totf»e refident kndownew of Upppr Canada might be publifhed '.uce a week in England for inontli; wthout cauling^a fingle reply." I h-'ve Mobably more experience in thefe maters than my fiiend. I have on variou, occafions pub'ilhed addrefTes in EoglanJ which have can fed rebounds I have bon bitterly aifailed on various nccafiona hren&rh the medium of New** pencr?, P:Ti*jhlet3 and Reviews ; r-ut, I never wroe on a fubj-cr. fo premngly important to the public as that of rny fe-J cond adH-efa to the Refident Land1 Its nieafuiement gave 17 jj owners o. !Jpoer Can-ida The Trarel- paceiby 9, and out of the roof foot a Hler, g«od natureJ.!y, telU M, that be lilt'e tlove chimnry of Stick. A perfofl !|dofca " Hit pretend to give any opinion llandiug near informed me ihnt it wa*a Church.aud one«fthe Church of En- ghmd I forthwith enquired wh 1 wa* he i fhe Luul It vva^ thi- fpirit winch £i.!,W 1 thewnrk of n;U,matim: m it 'vr ' ^•\|le O friend k:. r irit, which tuiinraiued tn.- ,' pci 1 , and v on to [be fociely of , i',(* oriviVire- they now enj y, *'lhe k-:viftegrof lsvirt£a* peace in the ^il.:^r_^eM-ml-eof'MwesrM1;? To "he Clergyman t ICre was 00:.c, 10 iue- cialiy appointed for this glace of wor- I in fl'iC'tce of tlii»| midft n,K ;.■ an. { fit wr .iws whatever U dea. to peace LhVty -wh.:,ver ha- been wrcllcd .\K v.r-»»':' ^ a buraiy p 'Wer— of ^boutthr mautr," as he feels himfeT "UnqtialJiVd to do Cm* tint he doe-* M not fee'attached to cither fide of the! aweSivn/ and ugatn is 4< happy to lay"! that he k** t-.^o ignorant to form any fhip ; but Dr. Srra:han, did Jttty in itil opinion :' vct notwithlhnding all th» oicca m mth. Whn ! f-u'd I> ha^ thi, j{ bihhf'ulnel, he. exprcflVs opininoiift as if he was qua. decided upon fostie points which Squire m-tch experience and penetrativ\)1 and upon others of ht^h importan^ where he is completely j wr.'ng. ' nd fr)W from the frH* fprcadmg do-nnuon Hri«i*T« ^ „ ., * . . " liy frk-^lf the Traveller, thinks that vcVery wnp«rifil obferve."mu(l acknow¬ ledge, that L have - been ** precipitate i^ymeafu'e./'and,^""^ me credit ^m.'M'll far «'xewaf* he won'd d, :.y me " judr- WBm "I'll n-tputi- iwithtt. Strength ofi.dgment IcM* ^ my better part, ilnd the Traveller may pick up what i»e- Ci-J9 is to foave betwixt us f.r a.trofc- mentM himfelf as be <wa>hzo«Z- IU Wdfaftbv my judgment a«d cuhuh- aim:theoneaSmyhclm the o thcr ae nyfiQlwk HUe*p for health, iR»r ih'ecauf,, ifoe«%fi andforjoy when, [j jtis triuminiant It wa. very precipitate^ m me b'iildLu^' been er^&ed foi fo little benefit{ to the count i y ! arc there no Pre(b)ter-' ranS| Metuodill?, nor Daptiits who tr mid occupy it in three vacant fuiidayj irf the rr.ouh ?" The D ctor, Sir" 1 .plud hi) ihi-iimn it, •• «t.; .^( iioJKidy preftvh here \ ~\ htia'lelf/1 Thii f'lirit of intolerance, the very 00- p.dtte of that chari'y which the Icfip- , tores fo powerfully inculcate, is that **• I'uiedly whirh locked me out frgrn the I Reverend Oo& ir's |c^)^»d graces ever juncc- 1 publifhed my firtt addr*-fa at t York, without fh'*wing him the proof ili-et or aficn^ hi* a.: i. He had, I atn to'd, fome I>*heine of publifhing an ac¬ count of Upper Canada lii nfelf. My toeibuA galled lua kibe. 1 l*ad mi luckily Oo »d up to preach in his Church% and, quickened thefpiuL of intolerance, which, when once alive, will kick Lftfft inteimiffi )n or end. It u much more inveterate and perfecuting than falltl pride ; but, thank God, all the clergy of Canada will n-'t he able to cheriih . it long on this fide of the Atlantic. , My information that the lettle Rector ! of little York would let nobody preach «ne [ To be concluded next week. ] ______________________"'■^^^^j^s KINGSTON: TUESDAY, Ji'RtL II, 1818. An t-li!rrlv woman bv (he name of FR \S- ER, wh* ha» fitr tome tiin»* been ahont King¬ ston, wa< found dead In the street oa Weflnes* -in) morning last. SNe W656ean »Q a Ha*e cS in;o\iraMon thr night before hw dfath.'a«-*We understand *he wssfbimeiiv fiom Quebec. _____ ■ • coMMUxiCjrroxs. TO THE MACrSTRATHS OF XHE DISTRICT. CiENTT-rMFV, The practice, which at present prevails, of permitting persons who hare Fufifcred loss by fire to trnvel with Petitions " Humbly shftwinjr- &c." • alls loudly for your interlV-rcncf.— \ on are not pcrrhups aware of the niis- nhiefs which may iv>ult from it. (l directly has a tendency to operate as [an indtK^mpii! to the* poor, to become iuct*udisrie8 of th^irown property. A Log Hut with it:, furniture is of trill hijj value-, but if destroyed by fire, it fur- lislios abundant matter for a Petition. Now a*, no cognisance b taken, cither of actual loss SUvtajnedj Of amount of contribution levied, it mnv in mauv rases happen* that the suff.rer \< not i'i:l) assisted^ but is in fact remuncra* ted. It is by no nieans our fotAiifion, by thU slat^mfnt, t<> close the potkets of the charitable, or *o recommend that tf//Pt*lfllons should b&quashed- There ;irr*, no d.otht, mnuv ra^e^, where di«- Liettferrant Governor■'*• f>iVo:^\ J brk, March ltd. LSis. s ItlS Honor the Administrator bag been pleased to appoint llEmtY doii>r Bou/.toif, Esquire, l&trrfctei at Law,,. Acting Solicitor General of t/pper V&- nnda, until His Majesty's pl-.asure be- thereon known, BOOKS. THE foi ow-ine works will ^e frd«l on THURSDAY E*en?ne 16th toll, ar the fuhlcriljer's An<vtfon Ruom^ pofitively without refcTve—Sale to com¬ mence at 7 o'clock. MarfhaH's r.ife of Wafnin^ton c vol^ Johnfon's Poets, 8 'in. Pope's Works ft do. Duncan's Poertt«| 2 do. Bn'tiOi Cladiek-i, 4 do. The laft containing' th^ Speftirorfc. Ramhlfr, Giiardiau, Adventurer, and- Per'ian Letters. Bums' Works* Fli.'^on" of Enpland, -.* vols. Sir Crnrles Grandifon, 7 vola. Sliakefpcar, 12 vols + With a great variety of oilier ^ork«- 'j. T1IORNER. April 13. 4^ fu se UK o t tress is real* and where to re would be ifthnrafln- To pr.nrirt imposition, and by so r?\'r\l~- "a------ei CX' , ,n /'^ ° Sh*r" *^ll|V -utitl^l to relief, %vc would! f luHth/.mport;u„rc tu the pnhhc ns| j .l|fini: {j hofe which called iforth my (ccond ad ihoui.i fo ,n jjcjr of rebound*. bnt himfdf, has often recalled io my mind a ftrikl'ng con.r.ft of fenumsnt. .none of the greatefl charades that c.,er-raced the ch.ncl, of England. rthr Gencf« cooutry kaping\ jClmft Weeks ove •no d! I'owed the ob«Ken, in ordct to ™Ac up my WW upon fome p hi* enneded wuh my .« fcheme,-vrry pr^piUU to crofs ov,.- "»1 Y U-H..W Traveller has allowed tne ■ off which '.as appeared in ^ p»b»«] pvin.s too ,,:ch to i-H.ence h«nu«on9 ioft!lCcl.ara,t,rofilK- People of Cana ST** n,i§hC hlV!-..beCn iStJS wouM appear >"*^»? about a matter whicli nugtu »-"- lwi,at never would appear Hi mfwered fn forte days,--veryprmp*tof American ch.-ader, in g. ■ to fend ro York a pennon or^p-e enta-. I ^^ .fl ^ f g enerdl, ha> Europcan*> .-......-.-...... L. . ,,„• much h"low its nue level, from ta, great to KivC evidence of fads my duty £ ^ ^ ^^^ ,ft „ewi^per tion to PavHamtnt, prayWf to beallowc. duly- I-.res, wc The pMotarf BOf^hmd would r,o^ aliow the grand coniUtuii-,na! | ,Wll ,,»• t(,e cmi;I. try to be wa.>t.,in|y frt arKie: theyj would not Glently :,Jt.rmIt tbe ^A^ ttf' properly to be t..;flcd w;lh> Jts wJue lank, an.i ita lccillrity leffl:ned . t^v would Dcil par- ove. fnch a fTOrr, •he tlirone a, that l«ltf !v $$ ,c:ej from the throne ..f Canadjv, wj,W eenfure : tluy would foon lU^ma,ilc the conduct otne.r Reptefcnt^,^ w=re tl,e tQl provoke fuffennj^ cLim,nts wih ndulationa in repK t<) c,i:b a fpeech.l But it i» itnpoiTible tf.,r thin rs t0 CwlI)c loj fuchapnh fn Ey^,^ pe,ip,tj there may be,d hy ro^ue, ; but .hey never will end.,,.,. lo"be inlu|lcd by fooli. The Traveller, i\ order that he „,ay comba; the " falfe pr;d... 0f the peop)e of Canada, has moll llliaccc<untabiy taken I it far granted that .hJ9> „ie:r ruling p„. Sou, wa> offended \\.\lh my grg addref*. '• It tei»d.-d/' he fr,iys>.« ra,ber M pro. vokc than to eoneil.;ate the mMi oi t[ie CApk ;" and he th.;nks „ meQ of //&r<|. minrlsyor^fl/ that a WM not verv con. :.I.atory." 1 befc notion3 muft c'erta;n. ly proceed from | bce of m go„d friends brain I a;.)pt feveral 6zyi # Y..rk, aftei tbn R4drtg, was pubVi(hed there, and r,- k n' .,cm among the hap. py day, .if mv ■. te, ,-or Pvery pelfon who .•onverfvd with me ,n the lub:ea feem. cd p'eafed with my performancc. Two iBOnth*ago I PflMftu named the Ad- .r,.,..Hra...r audCh...f Juft|ce ag btf;n a£ thcheadofthele, 1 ^j, n ,w gjve g fcw more WB.Mt.OM, powdU Mf> (now. Judge) Bon\ton an., threc fonSi t!« M.irrs Jorvifev CoUCamerrm,Col. Wed,, Captam ^ GjbWj w;th many others. Im^edjately aftor thig !^WrtW Ifetoff on a journey to the ^ The kind ooti i met Willi rtoi] • t j ^.^j ,m the people induced me to rerruin oui o* , , V ' • m . . , i , ouble the time, and travel double Hie ,-A _ T , , r^.,1 . , . diitmce 1 had firlt i .- ■ . t L - cnteita:ned molt ho!puably by rrnny . .. ., . .u.— individual to whom 1st. Thft-1 all Petitions should br sanctioned bv n Niigistntte. c2ncl. Thill thcactofll iimount of]o?s nu-<taiiicay baring beon ascortained b\ ATidnvif, or by tlie frstiinony ofcred- »b!e nci^hboiir^, bo inserted in the ho¬ ly of the Petition* * 3d. Tilat the V'etition should be in fence for a lhni*H3 time, and that ir ^]n)uld be confined fo certain parts of thfl J)-strict, according to the a;nouut -if U?SS. Tjir^i" regii1^ i^n<! would at oner re- \\fte us fro.n fh.f apprehension of im- r)-»<tition : and if persons contributing were cipMuI to iosert the amount of ■iipir subscriptions, by being thD-s ena¬ bled to asenrtain whether a Kull*icie«i •um bfld been collected, we should no longer have the idea, that our mite Hiitjht be either super'.luous or Ulfsarj- ,»lied. Your*. >^:c. Ii. S. Midland D$ri3t 1 rp H E Court oi to wit: J *- C'^iicra: (!Var- te*r Seifiuns of the Pracefor this D.llncl, will be holden at the Court Efoftifi iu the town of Kingfton, on Tucid'jy the 2^ih day of, at the Hnuf of ten o'clock in the forenoon : Therefore, a!l Ju It ices of the Peace, Co!0><ers, Co ill v bles, and all other Peace Officer*,-a* well j as thofe that have any bulinefs to tnnf- act at laid Court, are hereby required to takr n.-tice, and give their attendance accordingly. JOHM McLEAN. Shetjf Sheriff"* OJJi<.el dprtl r 3. 1818. 46 Co j •; m fa $a t iit t Sale. VXrit-t be fold by Public ^Gd&% >? on MONIV.Ythe 27 h A: riU at the CoinmifT3iiut Store, the undcV. d»e«il»"iicd articles. «ia. Kinpty Hum Piinchcons, and 'Empty Pork Casks, (Tj'Sale to commence at iz o'clock. Kingston, 1 oth /lpr\l% \8! 3. 4^ CKcc'ded thofe of any 4i P^lfon *f 0 r"vtri«'c. iv-'ter ! only now in fellow .v O. rcy Dear , think h>* abiur;1ly *'^i* iu ; u-ttfi fc......- . 1 nnUVC as jni^'trwt" >n an b^A, '-f tnc m ■A in upon him. n-. am oft n,..i'c-f».i CO'iIf.- -hat nincl arc Ulc, malicioiw this addref« was o»V f()lc introJl,aion ; and many tavern k^ wouU accept from me no pay. g^ a fi|) ,e CQfn. plaint of theaddnU (ljJ t hear fr,,m lhc mouth of a f, 'g^ CT nad.aa during my Wi!1' «">' miles, nor had I Ac fliRhteft idea^ war ,- Jnft Aj «ule t.11 1 tm ^ .dle no^.nfc which appew^du. ;UNla,ara gpcOa. fVrtffcn erfemvore, on Jons 0*ftnt- £.v- 37/// /i/'ir/. »Ao died through inebriety* in the H'Mritat*—Addres¬ sed to the sick hi/ a Patient. St>ldifr-,mi>st seriously reflect. With solemn awe on that object N'»\v laid before your eyes ; And h-ar in mind tl»at dreadfnl scene, Which ongfif 10 caution all such men Iin^m^cianer to despise. It indicates thai from lb' excess Of that has* custom. Drunkenness, A rise* every evil, ■VVMch im:dicale?s»rh foal'.sh men 'Oftin the -iiiares ofdea'h and sin. The agents of the d— v—L When that poor vie' qnafTd With much delight the baneful draught, Ah 1 little did he think Tliehci nous crime of suicide Was guiltaitarhM to those who died Dcpriv'd of sense through drink. Of (hi- p'»rnicio'is vice heware, Le>t \ on may thus untimely share That man'sunhappvfato— Think on the evrlastin* wnes Which Sc ipture says awaits on those Whodie in a drunken state! Kingston, 31st \JHich. I91S. J. NT. YORK, March 26*. On Tuesday week, Daniel Soles junior, about Ifl wars of a^e, Mffd p himself io hb Pather^ hotme« ami ch- following day an Iu<juest was held oa I COMMISSARIAT CONTRACT. SJEA LED Tenders will he received * at this Office until Saturday ih« 9«h May, -ext,fora fupply of F LOU it fof Hi? Majcfty^ Ma^a/Jnea at ihia ilation, warraoterl to keep Avcet and fuuiirl for twelve months from the date' of delivery. The tenders mult state the rate per barrel of 196 lbs and give the names of two furetie* to be hound in the contra:t with the perlon making tender. No tmder wili be received after the hour of twelve o'clock, on ihe above- mentioned day. $fft. Com'y. Gen'Is. OJfiee, ' Kingston. \yh sf/jrilf 18 r 8. 45 COMMISSA R1A T SALE. THE reverfion of a l,eare for the two ending feafons, of a piece of ground with a large commodious Store, on the Canying Place, at the head of the Bay of Qninte, at prrfent in the occupation of the CommifT-iriat Department. Tin* property to revert to the owner, R.C. Wilkir.s, of ;he Carrying Place, on the expiration ot the above period. A fale of the abovr will '>c made at Public Auction, en Wed .rfday 6th May nest, at the ComnuiTa:iat Store, on the prvmifes. Jj?t Corny Get?Is Office, Kingston, \ ^h April. 18 1 9. 4d y A Second Hand CABLE, For Sale by • MONJEAU 3c St. GERMAIN. Kingston, dprd IO, 18 I tf. 4^lf Notice. THE fnhfcribtr refne&fiilly infnr-nj the public, that he intends to con¬ tinue the Bearing bufioefs thi* lcifm j therefore, if any pylons wilhes to trnnf- poiiPia.ik, Boards, Brick, Lime, Sand, ^c. 3cc he ofien them h;s fervi.-ep.— Apply at Mi John [}*wf> n'n. KtMoftoiU WILLIAM VEREX. I April 13, \$i*. > 1> 6090

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