Kingston Gazette, April 14, 1818, page 2

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Kr bUtfMfl n C1|RmM» of the £u>U% '< ^t; .- \ 3i ri i* iefl y .f:a^.^i« r pm*-«»« awl ffb*uir<. ,m bodi ui ,hr li.uutr—v.bica **. Mr Van Ko«fft»u«(t, mim-d mat MCWtfc jone*, Ibwk Robiuwn aud Bnnvell, l*« 6ci.<: fwnmiitw w take imti coMitaafloi to an •f to u] wortfe this^ liomeouoii the R.fOldlm.W • Ue Hod. ;»*<■ UgWaiivf CW*U, in mmm r ,i:."Ko-ulvvioi»..oi this iloi.».*>».iKfit.■)-<•' r >I0lldit} -*. IVSr.^on^oMhr Comioi'tr^ o.J the e*itfl«9 gf prii^p*. reported a* f-lSfatt* :— » K«-oh<-d, That die t i>xnnM>ns bare nevri ft,i^liohrtib*priuci}jVeilu<Tflfc4fwHii»Hi«»>- ft !•$#»' «»* ofilw«MlCttrrettC* M t»e fetirfalbr Council hi pawing Bills, bai d» ii,.;,! -i.u« (!«• r^erciseof tt*j.tdsmei»$ anrf « - neUoumiall BiiKframing Aid andS^'juro to lii VI»je*ty,«rin>p« -iWf. inheiuWI. D.-.: . bv u«itbrm«rluiotil«<l^«iJ nrtfev- >n. wt.'hoj waking z..>N «•,.-» .!:)!"ii'-,orni ih* rafting totally such. £;U,a<td ttau tae actir.i »<•., or a rartntoj p(i\.:u>le on tbejmrl of th* Coimnaite, would j b- snrvendfl Wig a *50nsti*«tUn*nl s-sch; always | ex**rci>ed l>) rr„« Howe, aud fcwi one hum*-1 by the Onunooj 0/ <v.-ai Britain*' mona wi.irli iln- House ftJll rtcvvr awnl .o it. oJv#4i 5P.UU the rW^O .12 KeaoJatiOO is j eq.<elWa(ijdir*bl;"oin-vi tfcf icavnuurof •> 1st pan of fhe$d Resolution of the legislative Council, aod 'bai mallear where iht- House tia* rrj*ct*d amendment* of the Lee; lar'i.e Co-ncil wl'boal police, and re-enacted the ,^:.?r-(ia;inreceive uV coornrrttiscc of ttiCj o..V -'iranchesof ihe LegUiaoirr, ihi- lioti-f j ha- (four =0 from 1I10 mo^i Cuacilla orj .1.*(*•)-»> j tit* 1 and regard fbrtfee iinrr^st-oi the Proi- inc*". uUriH'vor the *jut\#could *></ strained coo- btr ct5ao1)^admitiedj 0*n in noinstawc^^m »h#.- n nerid iM'utsbavr heou mat"' 10 a Bill* t|W direc- ob(*ff ofwhiCti Ua- been the rai&iag,ItS y* ins ittiii ajijiro. naliBjp mofiifl?. ' He iilved.Tfcal tbeiirrtpar ofibe thin! Re- Oalnflou of the L--^i Ja; v.- CotinoU, avowing tl* ;i l"©> i!o * 0( co«»->; J;nHie n*"*rs-ar\ ameud* n»< "is *•: ^ Moivv Bill, a. a breach of ibe pri- yi! ^' f-f tin?> Rou»e of Aweniblji c,. »• i .* coo&ktored b> ihia Honse, without \^.. * nfnjti *at light, winch, iu the troespirit or :irf'oi!-tiioiioji, 8oM> and exclosivel) aj)- p.t- ;iir> mihi> branch of the Le<ifiia«nre. Revolt ed»Tlia1 i' iiihi O|*iiiion of this Boose the h coIUcied coiiMnVrvion of the Itiroe i(e- B»: ' i.«t,,of thf Legislative Cuiif'e'.I, req«iiio tL follffwi»ig avowal :—That tins »»ij'ibe no,,- ?id*i it a« thrir Constitutional ',iK',»< l0 font* Money Bill>, t ith-r j^ra»:*ii:jr aid .'v 5iipphe& to Jli- Majesty,of impc>inpa»i\ cliargt* 01 b •ribftii wba -ot*v»*r ii|m»ii ihe i"i»|»l»", and i'» Bisect, Hrnfi andapnoiui iiibuch Bills, the end' aa-1 jjitr|i'»*ei, co,,*i-|.Ta'i«ni> Iimi:hi; *n~ and qit.)l:i:.catioo- User.of 1 and thai nuch j^ani , lini'nrioij** at"i di>|)(»Mtii»ti», ooghl no' 10 be interfered ivf*h hj amenaiMenfy in t!»? Le^l»- la [«e Crtfitteil, brcaafiv mcb ba- never liren pi ..aicrd <>y the t'oiiimi' 'v of tltia ProviiCt', n«- i^il lUen*ageand praeticeof tb* Bnii.-b P; liam^nl" AgreA&ol) hi ihr order of Uieda^ the Koiue w.-.u Infoenmiuiticeou :hc Rusoijiiou>oi'id-' !»• *■ lii i»* 1 'o met]. ,*pS» Hnu^e rennned. M-. C« '*v reported* that the Cnnwilftee had idtuy;e(|ii)e repon of tiie Sistect C^iuitnlttee, w ch ne-viiwdireea#d o nhnut to nte House, 1 I ivmt'huai receive and adopted by thi- }i 1 c a^ahove—wem, otff- M(. Van Ko i<nue 1 moved rbat Me$f*.Jdnes ai <i i) "a<il (»»*a Conwrtuce loetfrr^ «'p to Use fi . inc Legiilfftive Cot :icil, fli^ K" '»J-»fio«- H »'ii.'# on the^'thjecl of ir* priviJegea— •a-h eh vva ordered. \li. Jo:ie>of Hip Co'*»mitiee to carry up in L'^.dativeCouncil, he fte-aly- (tion< oi this ifoi:.*' 0:1 the subjeel '»f pr§iilege. ^r* pnrieti ihcy had done sa Adjinriied. T'le^div 21. f >(•■. Nfflle^ofrhe CoaiiaitteeloAr^iirerto {fi> ii 1 A Iministrator, 'he Address of this P*n •<>• nn t\.....*ii»*c* of rcn'ingent expC04.*ea. re|» »• 'tl they had ■'«■" «so. A'c vcaMf ic toe order of the day* the Bnn«e went iu ». Coinini icr Oli the --rare of tne i'*o- Tii ■■■'*. Mr. M'Cormid* in i*ie Chair. Th- liiui e r*" 11 * ed. Mr. M*Corm c« reported thefhllojviotf *^e&- ol;. 10J-. ulncl. wer^ait'ipted:— J 1. fir-dlicd. Vhai it i* the opinion of 'hi 4'" ii.u. ;ee, liat tne pretext %itUjtlioij tyt 1 hi- Pro% nice requires tU«ir nwwt serious c*oside- ta:;.)o, VI. Resolved, Thai it i^ rhe opioJon of th.r ConviTiitt^e, tfaa,\ 'br •■omninn",v'iott i -a Ee h\ t*.' 1.if.iv«*rnorGore, riorioiftire la-- S^-ion 01 Paihatnciit* to (In- House* 01 Hts hiaje t> Ctnrriinient n«t\'n<r niifc'ieio*the u-onl w**an ofsepfl> for the excels of the evppndilur^ 11- Cditi d m -nppo't of the Civil Aamiiii»rafio*r of'JIM !* ii.uiCt', o\e** and above the acnnal PuvHatBentarv Oram ofthe I ni*.»•;! Kinedon fcf , i'-.r itMA'icc. ami lil$ recontioi idaiiov wa ti>l •*(»."•. Cf •ho'ifdli- priiv«di d u. i***oivan\ '0is- '■ app"V*ra im*of the Pvti«4>ie?a] r<e- 'mi" sl» • Id l« n>ade,tmperativeij cidl$ti|ion thi Hoi *o .'>amid ioto.'ae ntcan- po»es ed bs t' vv. : •••. o comply with 11:> .Maj'.lv*- K'^a' vtit Sf^to Consider hoM lar ' wilfaApc iv ; »'^i •n-.ii|p'*ii-aiii^ ^a:i*- its o^era^imi «p- 0. •._(•• ir:if ife.-rrest- oftlireo n •*, mi is pre- $e::» [nfau -la^.a^d tbeexpjtl eoc» o.amu*ti'-r ir-»• h fudon into the 1* ■ teal r< source «f th Provtiiee, hi her ono* CfUi**ilrnio ac ,»n ; air* Ka»tiavf u^nvfai th»' pte**M av^tem of C utpo] i<-% a .d arfnngeini n ; 01 fheeAecuove'Jrpa. mnnt, in their varieii" beaniigs,;uecalculated tonnKcinin-ircon— q-tenco, tin'jrrmvth, wet- fcM-. pr<^peri<y n lacive |»o';ti ai i.;(|»on- aui-'- of iif Colony,with :he inn int-rc<!, ho- uoi ami ad\ao:aeeo' '*e Bn i»!: aipt'c. Yf. .i-jiicMiao'. • ' t't.i' Sit •:.- . I) ri i!, Van JfOi*£ui;e;'. Mall ,u<\ vj \lar.i-t in u S li'Ci C.'oiti:>i i' ■*■ 10 • xainiiiraeil epotl pi 1 ;iede- tau •' ..r iiuitb of the e^pendi i-rt* 01 mv hh>- pr-^ e ;.nt..i :o HsMujc i\ in(he5Ac!tvearof IIi« "hiii'M*'- K'-'gir. »> an /let, wtli\,, 'A, Act c'<>."n b to IX: - Mnj ;^ u .ujq uf mom \ tyt h .' rfe|Va>ixiii ihccxi»enecj o\ the ( .».' A.In ,;..i'uaviost of the Go%ei i.m.'iu 01 tii |* o- vi '»•••; al*« *iirx;i(hi'j'k<tnd iej»cii■; iip*»|i *.*.*- ,!••_ tai!- u ac'"0'jiit>of :in':\o#'ii'lihfroi'i!i(-nifni \ grut,u4 vo Imv \iuje*t> ia*( Scfsiou ol rhi* i'n.n..mrut Iiv an Ac;4 Cinnj J. a*. Ac *ra. .- Ins ni l'i "t;ij -i\ a *um uf mom* |i»- Cfrfaw* puTpotea ttteiviu laeot'onud,1'—which waior- •fi. Rubicon, \taati-r in Cliancry, bmu^h' don 11 ;»i. n lie Iiim;. ;)n ! p lativ- Com '• I, .. r hii-i miii -ahum ii-d-iivend 1 '»ir <f. ,4k- *•., and ui-i:'- i' •' ;r\ . v .- » .1 J ;, h 1: , fonoMeratlonof IW Resolbtiontof Ore House] fa*-tf ■ ly*d*Ii*ered v.- .'coav at the bar I .Ihs In-' e l;\ iwooflt* Meoiftef*. !{'-oi\-u. Tna the Lesri-lati-ct ooncil ar.d JniiM of WmMj oflhe lJro\incc of Lppcr I'nnaiJa aieet^orditiatebtaochosofa Imn-cd :,. sMatun\eoostito.ted l>> theSia-oieexacted 1. The 3J>1 >• af {>1 ^^ Maj**^'" ^r,ci«. r'.a' alt powers ImwunltlM and privileges .*l either inont... are derived hoio 'J'^: Statute jude*'e*into; re-pecnveKfiuee and con¬ sent to Ii. .•\j">;>. lotnake Law*, poi rep«ff- nr;i.r •oii.a- let* fo> ' Iu pcfli'■, n el fa re and ^( d^Ovenini n' of the Province. T1'--:! in ai ■; i'* a Iji-o d* raiuleoorfeofpro- c-riiii-c n ai)vi«ie r.nd consent to law-, iWs Ho••■'■ .'o"Mio! iiVm- the power, aathoriry nudpnvile^esof the l?pper Hoo« ot ParllH- meti grovuroui ofthe i#raeftee of ages, ana nt'Minahi • 10 ih»- cireom«ance> of itife Cohnif. Vhai Mo* Rou^eoS ^-•enibU, adopthiR a> id T» p<*. ihe (unimons Hor«e oi Parliament, am riiiinrineali [hepatren* finmanicie* a:.d privT- lege* thereof tttiotjwKifted b* the word* o» -piriiofiU ror.jiiirii';oT=.more ilian the L-"£i- la' v.- ( n'tiicii won hi lw* jollified to a tnnt loi i'-'-iiatid '"■• Meioher , tileJidivew, Immimltiee [a>td privilege*uf theUpper {louse of Parlta- nnMI. Thattheori^inofall suppHe>ineHherMOu»-e or e^eluMveh In '!ti* [lou»e«f A»seioH>»TOUSl h. "m !.di'••' ' mi lo ■»<u etth -r liouse reiain nn* • Moerofr»jretion ; '.attar exrrciMNd' li.e - .jjh. wi niu- .inn ov:jrii;ai Btil. 1- ctptallj' in- il'.iiereiit. c.\»- p tbttt wifJiOtHttie rxeveisC ot iw-ti iir*ii.'- «! Miere>nil oaioic..ti;r conference I, 1 ween thi t*%o .lo^-e*, titiie fe v.-a ted, am' tit [>• Lllc pervtee <ifin>« d. Thai 11" llow-e of \ d-M.b: Re?oJo- 'ioMsd--! ri dot tlte Barofiftisi lfoo>e ebvlari thai It would no* avci ile *o any coiifeieiice 01 the "•tlijici ot'n Mwoey Bill. Taai the asucnilineiitsmade to the Hill, en¬ titled an Ar'tomaki- firrthef |no\ ion I'm n •£ Fsiius he Trad** betweeo this I'rowficean*1 liie U'fticd S u»e- of Atn •■ica b> the Lejfhda- |}ve (ottni'tl, wre t.i ronf. n:» *oa nanoitiil !•*- fida ai*. of T»«ule lutpHl'ted in hoi a il>» t>f* Ir i!i> **'aj'* •>*• (toveromeart 10 rediire fhe hnril*- enoffhc people, of whom the tiidividnfj? of i:*»> lioupearea parroaly diottogui^heiSb^ tin ,J.ntj iir.j.(!•#•*; npon ttvcw in their Leci*1 •» ,v; 1 j.. arit\ opn». ci. defend and support 'hcitt- ;»-r»'<i t»f i'o \\:.olc. TIkii havlny ffomeanaofittterehaoffJi^opiH' THE AliDR^SSof the Honorable! our union with fhc parent Kinjrdom, the LtgfnatlVcCouncil of tHc Province of Upper v. oVjada, !n anfwer to His ExceJleney tKe Lieutenant Govcrn«>r's Speech, upoft opening the fir (I Se»- fmn pi the l^rgtHaiUK of the faid Province. Wednesday, ^9'h *Scprember, 1792. To Ms txc^;enCy JOHN CR/iViCS SIMCOEy Efytoire, LtSutenanl Governor of the Province of Upper Canada^ &c. i!te. tfr ion \-:iti the lion-r ef A^euiiil\, W. b. way "I coof; n *-e in* aniejidmenu, the f tr U..\ 1 Council Ot*'"- not rounder it rea>onaMc ilia ech ainendm-^nts sljnnJd be ;n»ar-":ia a lireael) Mi'M'itil.'sr-, and tlia- ha*i..g deelarrd n> itf. Re-olttiioiu MaiMin- r\ so the House of Vsseoi- KI)'« tiiat ii \Mnit<I rorhearnmei.'Juieni^ to rno. nc» Bill*,sue1 }lv uiiifion on^iH -o ;;<:.i-i| jea- *oeahle -ati-f;icf:i>ii fit that House, N*%*-ti ifi;- privilogi had Kmn^ij violated) and restore the rouT>eand barnionv oj proceeding in the Pub¬ lic business. T!:-i- he*c ReKolntitHUi he communicated b\ the pvopev Officer off hia tJovi^e to iJie House of Ai cinl>i>.flnd thai tii ■ ame, te-j»'r!j.*»* v.ili iheRooi' ii.ttMifihi lioi-.eoi AArioht^ ofthe i')Miaiul Sad insiani, delivered fti ih. Bar of t'ti- hnitte, and Lheitrst Fle&oluiioji ufthiahoUbC ihceopnn, be pru»Led. Li*gb!ativc Co ncii Cbaottyer. £<Uh March, \*\3. Mr. Jooc> moved thai the hou-c do, on i» niorroM re otve i-'self Imo a'O'ni.aiiice of it.<» tvl ol<, to :al»e inio con dr.a'nn. iln* It'-oln- • ifii. of \tf* Ho**, the Le^i-lative Council, cem- tiuinna:-' in thi-* hoti>e this da^—ffhiCh vtn.-> order* d.—adjon* ucd. 1 Spterh of Ws Excellency figa Or ii'Rs Sim cos 1 Efguire* Lieutenant Governor Df:h* Province a Upper Canada. 6f* &* tfc. Upon open?,g tht Tint ScfltOl) ofthe LegJUsture ..f the hi<\ I'rovtnce* May it pkt-tff your Excellency% To permit lh*e Legiflutive Council to cxprcfi their Congratnlaifon* to your Excellency up^n your arrival in this Province, a:;d takio^ Clpon ynurfclf the luperintendcncc of affairs ; aud alio to offer their dutiful acknowledgments to His Majclly tor having appointed a cha* iadcr ot fuch tried Loyalty, and known attachment to the Britifh coniHttjcioo, and all the forms which iccurc and main, tain it, to reprefeiit his authoiiiy upon the firfl t'llablifhment of this Pcvioce We acknowledge, with ad.riiiation and gratitude, that the wifdom and ben- cficeoce of onr mod gracious foverciga, and t lie Biitifh Farltatnettt, have ben emiuentiy proved $ not oaly in ttnpart- iii;i to Uh the fame form u* Oavernntent ; but alio i-i feeutfttg the bnefit by the many provifiju.. tlmt go*rd this memora¬ ble Aft; fo that the bleSIngi of our; invaiuable ctuiil'tution thu- protefled,! und amplified, we may h ipe, WtU be ex- tended to the rrw^'tt P«»fienty. We aie grafelfi^ 'u being apprized thnt the guat .iP^ momeotut-us trulls, and duiies.whuh have been eon-mitred t'.the RcprctVnHtive^.?f thti P.o^in-e in a decree i^fmirely beyond whoever, •rill thi* period, have diritsguflhed any •therCo'ony, HI** **k*nteA f'Oi» the Biitifh Nati«n,tfPoQ 3J:,(l coofidetAtioo oftht anerffV atid hazurd with which itn mhahitai.ts have f" owfptiawmfljr fup- oorted,and defc»dcd thc lirit,(h t0ulki tut Kin, Wehopetoe^m the f:imc rPfrit of patviQtitm in thf nmm officen of the civil adminiltran>>n >' antl tnar uUr ** low tabkSU of t',c Brttift Empire may not be difappoinj^ lh thnr exprftatl0 w <»f rhat union of »">nftry and wealth, ot commerce aod ?™er* w,,,rh ma>r « through all fw^WW* rr We hope that the experience of future years will Ihew f'l3t «he natural advan- ofthe p.o^'"ce of DPPW Canada t*ge» die inferior to m • ae on thin iide of the no fc- ccnt Tt esoay. 18th Sept. 1792. Honorable Gentlemen of the Ltmflwm Louiict! and Gent7 men ofthe Houfe of /Jflmlli. i have i'i.Tn,on-d y «u together, under [theauthortty of an ;\t\ of the P^.Jia- jmeot of Great Britain,.pul&d loft v^a;, (which has effabii/hed the Bntifh Can* jihcutu.r, and a!! the fonu which Iccure, ' mail tain ir, i-. thi- dilh t country The wifdom aud beneficence of our m ftgraeimis Sovereign, and the Britifh P»rh=*rfcent,have bee- rrorncutly proved, not only :'D impartfng tu ua toe fa ne form of G vernmtnt; but ^ f, i,. f€cu. tring the benefit, by the many proviii n» that g4ta-rd Vm memo, ibieafi : fa ta«t rhe b!efTiug8 frtor invaluable C-nluty. ti« n *hn protefl d. Dnd ampliBed, we may hope, wfl be extended to the re- moteft pofte/ity. 1 he and morrentueua tmfti and duties which h-vee been committed t, 'hr KepefeotarieejtoftfaiaProvince, in adegreeinfi -tdy beyond whatever, till ithis period, hav. diftingniihed any other colotiy^haee origfnated from the Brrtlft Nation upon a juft confideration of the energy, and hazard, with which its in¬ habitant! have f0 confptcuouiy fupport- ed and defended the Br/ttflj ConftitUtion, It.afp.mthe an.c patriotifin, now called upon to exercife with due dcJibe rationawd fi-HEgh»f the m*m office. ot civh adminitiratiow, that ymu fdlov ubj ftaofthe Briiift Empireexpe« t! Atlantic; aud Cf,M ^ C™ f puace iutereft tJf'°"«h'ts "*fc°te« TheUthiflifi^rfg^JKSSSftef prepared the ^^y for its fpeedy colont- zatiou, we pe.finde ouifclvcs that our loitering care w,|, improve the favorable; fiiuation, and |hat a nnmerotu and ag- ti-.-u'tural penult wiil fpeetiiiy take pof- i.-ffionofa foil and climate, which under the Bn'tifh Laws, and the munificence with which Ili» .v'ajdty ha* granted the Lands ofthe crown offer fuch tnau* itcli and pecoIJai AdvantagCii WILLIAM OSGOODE* Speaier*. To -which His F.xcflh-ncy was pleased to return the following Answer : lloHoral/L Genii wi'it^ The b^utiunnt ofduty 'o liis ,\fa- j.-sty, a;:<) aitachmeni to tins British Ut>nsfiiatio;i3 tvhieb you have express¬ ed* give me she most Sincere satisfac¬ tion. I b.°» leave to return my thanks foi yijr con^rati Uiious on n*y arrival t(.| hike upon me the ^ v. rnm^ut of the Proviuce, and for tlio obJi^io^ manner in which you M?e expressed them. The Address tf th.- Ilouse of Assembly ofthe Prafince of Uppw '-auada,| in auswer *° M* E*celh itey the Lieutetiaul Governor's Speech upon Opcfling tll€l hrst Session ui" tne Iji. ghlatnre. V le i fou. mmmot that union of indurtry and wealthy,ommcce and power, which may laft through all fucccedirg agca. The natural advantages 0f tfcc pro- VinceofUp cr Canada, are inferior to none on this fiuc ofthe Atlatttic ; there can he no lepame intereU through iu wholeexient; the Brfttfli form of Go ver. mem h.*& prepared the way for ;u fpeedjr co bliisatioa, and, I truil, that y-u. kdl.nng care will improve the fa 'vor ble iuu.uou, and that a numerotw aid a^riodtuial p* pie .[jj fpCtfd0 t^mStSion of a f. fl, a:ij &' which under the Untiih Law.. fln<J &1 n.u...ucen,e wirl, which Hi- Majeilv ban Ctnted th« tanda ol the Ciown/^.J J;futh u.aniieit and peculiar jtuiuuvc wcuiic.i*>.. 1 {meaty ancotira wmxnfiATflm inthSepf. 1702. To llh Rrcr<l,"Ktl SOUS (i It At'ES SIMCOK. Ksijuf-rr. LicutenuntGo¬ vernor of t1^ P'^/'act' of Upper Ca,/aJa, $fi* $r- 4'c. Ahuj it p1' -Mv $60? 8n ILiicy. WE, Kep^WfttWives M th" Com- rnons^fth« I fcvince nf Upp^rCanada, in General A ^Ln,uly Cowvan«d, ftioiit sensibly tlatr>""(1 b) lh« string test}- mow) of His M«je*ly,'« paternal ten- darnesb for th's UCM ' »'«ivince Sri the choice he has g^ciously been pleased to make ofyr'ur Excellent;) to presTtfc over its infant progress, beg leave to congratulate -vt,"r KjcpHeney, as we deourselvS, l,|)ou so di»tln«uhh-»d a mark of (he l'to.*al ravnr- ^ e antici¬ pate the pei M,ual »fi*f»ffloti or ;i|l Ubliaji'stv1 s IiU)al ^bfech?, in rhte extended sel!^,cincn^ in finding their political InteiJ^1 a:,(1 n,;iit ny i)r"- tetition, r.**iwi!c1, i] !" t,,e uniro,, chamc- tors of a 15t:e' '^:j Swtwi >»'»(l SWrfiw- And we beg 'wave to assure your Rx- celh nc\% thai1 our P*?r*°«'»l endmmr* 4i«U not he ^vaiitujgto reudpr thesa- Usfaction n»u'n,:i.u il !l n,a) depend on g^-j a steady and J^™"0 *uPI>n|t -^ trerj 1^uic whh Ai 'hu,i *uu<1 lc> strengthen • and add our mite to irs splendor, and JOHN M'HOXFLL, Speaker, To which His Kxrellency was plea sed to ma&c the following Answer. Gentlemen, I am much gratified by the expres¬ sions of Loyalty lo liis 'Majesty's Go¬ vernment contained in your answer ro my f'prech. and I am highly obliged ' the confidence, which you reposein m\ appointment to the Adtniiurftration C the Government of Upper Cauadn. Speech of Ws ErcellencuJ-GRAFES S1MC0E* EsqUlre9 Lieutenant Go¬ vernor of the Province of Upper Citnoda. lS'c. cvr. Ac. Upon Proroguing the Legislative Coun¬ cil and Acvrmhlv. WEWtE^AY, tttll Oct. 1702. Honorable Gentlemen of the Legisla¬ tive Council* and Gentlemen rfthe House of Assembly. It is with very great satisfaction that ! have considered the Acts which you have found expedient to frame, and to which, in consequence of the power delegated *^ me. I have this day pv*n rnv'assent th;it tliey sJiali bocome la^v-s ofthe Province oi Upper Canada. ' Aa th" dnisiou ul.ich Iji; 3Jfcje$ty, in hi= wisdom, thought proper to make of the late Ii >rince of Quebec, obvi¬ ated all inconveniences, and laid the foundation for the establishment ofthe Kivgltsh Laws in the Province, it is na¬ tural to preMim--tliat you would ^eize the first opportunity to impart that be- nelit to your fellow Subject, and by the Act to establish Trials bj Jury, and Iiv that which mak'-* the Eii^ii-h Law the RuIp of decision in nil mailer* of 'onfr»>ver*y relative to property and civil rights, you h.ive full\ justified the public expectation. Vour other Acts ^em caletllated to promote the gene¬ ral welfare, and convenience of the Province. His nUjosty. in his-benevolence, ha, viiljj directed a seventh from such land- as drill he granted to b^ reserved to the Crown, for the public benefit, it will become my duty to take those measures which shall appear to be ne- ces»ary to fulfil 11 i - Majesty's gracioos inte-tions, and I make no doubt but that as citizens and Magistrates, you will give evcryassistance, in your pow- r, to carry into full effect a system from which the public, and posterity, must derive such peculiar advantages. Honorable Ge (le/nerty and Gentlemen] cannot atim»ss yoti without ear¬ nestly dvirhiit yon ti< prorr.ute by pre¬ cept and example, anv-ng j'our r^s- pective Con tth s, the regular habits of piety, and morality : the surest foun¬ dations of all private, and public fetid¬ ly : &tu\ at thi*'juncture, j particular- l\ recommend to vou to explain, that I his; Province is singularly blest, not with a > mtitiUed Constitution^ but u Hi. t CoOi'titution which has stood the tesl of R\p< rience, and is the van/ Intuge. and Transcript of that of Grtat liri tain b\ which she has lona establish- . d and secured to her Subjects as much freedom nod happtuess asi> possible to be euj-'.ycd, under tne subordination necessary to civiii/ed Society. VOKK- April?. Yest^rdny atotie o'claefc, Jii- flon- or the Administrator wc»nt in stnte to the Leg! Isfi-ve Council Chamber, and being seated on the Throne, the Get\~ rl'unan Usher of the Black Rod ua< sent to require the attendance of the! H »use of Assembly* when lii* Honor, afttir giving the K*yal A^se »ttoa numF her of Bills, was pleased to close the Session with the following Speech :— Honorable Gentlemen, and Gmtl men, When 1 called yon together in obe¬ dience fo the law, it vms in full expec¬ tation that you would assiduously la¬ bour to bring up any arrear of public l)UMiie;s. The ready pledge offered by your cordial Addresses, in answer to my sngge«tfaiis from the Chair, continued me in that hope. I the more regret fo hive experienc¬ ed disappointment, and finding no pro¬ bability of any concert botweeo the 'ho, I cornereluctantlj to close the Session, its business unfinished. I do most earnestly entreat you to weigh well, dullug the recess, the im- portant effects of such a disunion, aud Inat you may meet resolved to Concili¬ ate and be useful.*1 The Parliament was then prorogued to the first of May. Th xt /;nr* "'^M *f>nl, 1SI8. Tfce Horn* of A^eniWy uu>< pii^uam lond- .n. diww a- theC'asiloofSt Lewis.aiffdii wes- v" na> nwived, leqKiriii^ \U M^cnvr in *U» lat.veronncn Chaki er, rhenalwa.- *»»Mrdai :»«;' Castle. |W ihetM- b«viita»M )'. -i>; l.xrrl.,-o.\ [\\v (toVPrOOrin Cli,t^;i- Ijt-aMd.oKiu'il.elt.MulA.scnuoi^e.u.^ur vrturjirlvr%t0l1if (MlSta klrftff^ te'cy-jy?,; V, (or* vou, putt ii HOW in in$ powi'f t*» close this nrotraccctl Se->.-ion,and r« enable you 10 rnmo o VQar tomJUfX anil homes. I «bould feci my elttWM^ever, wanting m jo». ice, were 1 ro dismiss you wio^uiu a^uiii.^you satisfaction will* wht^h I Itavr vi-wed ..e harmony iha( hftn inarh* <i \our pmotfei. n«s. anil the luborions dUtg«B*ice with which .h'-> ba\c hrpi: conducted ; and for tbesf* emu a -ni p:onf- of ynar Zealand patriiidno* I Dire iioAei vou mv warmest acki.»«lertjjnirjitb. Gentlemen ofthe House uf dvstn&ffa To mmi m> Uiankd arc particularly due, fos the readv llbrrallty with which \oaJtavegrao- t-d the Mipp!if« for the current year: and I- trust yon will no- dvuht (liar in the application of lac nionie* you have placed at m) di>|K»sil, i v.ill he guided by a due regard to ^conomj, ion of the LfgUtatii'6 GoiOUU, Genlhmen vfthe Houseof Aiscmhly•, The measures you have adopted during the Session, are valuable evidence>tu me of) our r.-card (o the welfare of ihe Province, add of our a'tai'iimeni to ihe Guvernuicnt under which >on live ; and in iaki;.£ my leave of you iiov\, I (feci a confident hope, tliatiiiyour n--- oeciive dis:riris,\cu will )Our?eivc.> contintfe o )*■ actuated by nV samf %no<\ principles uhich have I|trj9 mttoenccd your public con- duct*and that your be-t exertions will not 'ie wanting, to iu>til them equally in;o afl around y>\\. The King's Health. On Saturday a quartet iy m.etino; of the Q^eeo-'a Council wa& held ac Wind, lor, an J the fallowing repoit vva^ gj?ai in by the Pli) (itf ms : — Wmdfor Caflle Jan f 41 His Majcfly ha* pnffed the lad month iv a v-'f tranquil icauner and in a good ftarc of bodPy health. ht:» iiia Majefty's dilordei remains unchanged." The following circular ha<- 'vtn fent to all rhe member, of the Hoo&ofCoUV Oiona, who ufualiy vote with the Jid- minillration : Foreign Office, $d Jon. j9i8. " Sir,—As buinuTs of inpeitanec will he Wrought under the confideration of P.irlfnircnt, immediately upon i^3 meeting* I take the liberty of carneftlj requelling jroor attendance in *h* Houic of Commons, on Tuefday, the zyih inlw I have the honor to be. Sir, your faith¬ ful and obedient fervant. (Signed) CASTLE RE A GH^ An evening paper fays—We under- fland th;Jt Lord Sidmourh, foitje uav* lince. ftgned warrants for difchaigingall thf reonatoing State Prifoners, upun their giving thefr own reeognizane to appear to any chaige which miglit he broughtagainfl thtm next—a condition with which they all mofi ciueifnliy complied, except two]Lot>don pnfoncidi, and a man of the name of BcnboW, /roni Manclielter. I aw- Tlje Session was then closed with the foil O mibmen ofthe h^UWiM Council The a. iduiyr «iuj niic6/«a J»ve applied A\,.tnci afet'^ful attempt fcj been «nade, on the I ft of Janoa-y, l0 conJume the remnant of the devoted town of St. J"hn\ Newfoundland. In con- fequcuce "f thh attempt a reward „f £SS°$ nas I>ecfi offered for the :Uiprc. henfiou and convidtion of the otTcndcre* From the East Indies. Calcutta papers to the 15th of Oc\. have been received at Bolloiv The Eaft India company are necocf-- atiY'g a loan ar 6 per cer t* \\\ epidemic had prevailed ,'n )nd?a which had caufed a ^'eat number i,f deaths ; n( t a drop of rain had fallen for upwards of a month—the h?at was ms ceffive in the day and the dews heavy af night, t ' which was attributed the prin¬ cipal c?ufe of the dtfeafe From the iQt'i to the 21ft of Oa. 524 cafes of Cholera Morbus occurred in Calcutta of which 479 were Con vale teen t. At Chuprah ftc perfons were cut off during the four firfl days—56 on the 19th, and 61 ou the 20th ult. War in India. The armies in India wtc in motion. A letter from Menu fsys-t-'* A!1 t!ip CrooptJ in this part ofthe world Wrfll foon be in motion. The whole ofthe Britifh forces were aflemhling. They are to march for thp Upper Provinces agafnft the Pindarc-f;. who were fortifying themfelves in the hills, and incieafmir their numbers by recruiiing matchlock men in all quarter!. To the Editor of the Niagara $f>e$akr. Niagara, \6ib March, 1 81 eL Sir.— It has been a rule, hitherto in. variably followed by tne, nc*cr to regard jthe writings olthofe who deny us their name*, 1 tlinil nuw malce exception io favour of your correfpoBdent, the Trav¬ eller Thiifincerity which cbaracV(. les hi, wrrfewg Js manifeft ; and. where, in the mam, there is fincerity, we are wiil.'n j to let timidity 0le::d for a feign¬ ed denature The Traveller meant to do good, and, without a breath of ma- kvolencc, labours iu thecaufe of truth. If his labour fjt in aught deficient, we biarneootthe man : we try to hud for him an apology ; wc alTumc the wordi ofthe Poet, ami fav, " Who does rhe bell hia circumftancf allows. t* »i» Docs well fi Ihe TtavellcrN production hai fulUci- eiit of ihtfquttoker in mo.h bur is wofoiU d^Jt'tute oJT ihe/Jrr/'.r in re, t "darkwicjh counfel fav rtfc>rd» wiib^nt 68

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