Kingston Gazette, April 14, 1818, page 1

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[TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 1818.] [VOLUME VII.------No. 40.] /1 v%: a x » &-. A Kingston, Upper Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollars per Annum—Exclusive of Postage. ^-■fc-^ALaarriL- \;^-n~zyzz.:?£fj.:x ■J ■ a ■ :A e e 'U a a 2!H0B 12-4 Y A ND III VER E TO be launched upon ihe opening of the Navigation^ will sjon after commence runnings CkN the Bay of Ouinte and the River St. Lawrence, ™ between Prescott ard the Carrying Plach, at the Head of the Bly ; and will receive Passengers and freight^ on reasonable terms, at all convenient places within the Limits of its Jioute, On the Hay and the River. The Times »f its leaving and arriving at its (evcral stations, Vhe Kates of Passage and Freight, and other partieu'ar.s will be .advertised, as s -on as tnc arrangements for Jhe purpofe shall be eettkd and as^e* taincd. SMITH BARTLET, &0~0\KHN JOHtfS, $/ifslon% March > &A PEi'Lk WE i'SEL, 24. 18 1 8- To be Let, on SOLD, 4 ND Poiuifion given on the tfi x\. May next. That new and Com- modlOUS Two Story H u»fe, (with Stable Conch H*>ufe, and Well of ex c'llcnt Water,) at prefent occupied by Doctor Short, near the Dlock HoulV .{ate, which le-ids immediately to the Etaue Couife —Af-ply to the Pi inter. Kingftoo, 3Cih March, 1K18. 44tf ItUE Copaitncrfhip of Metcaff znd . IVilftston u this day diflulved. A. Metccalf isauthorifed to olofe the con- }■• Committee. NEW IRONMONGERY STORE. JMm WaiUris, a. bis ,*b 11 I bub TO KALliAiSU m the PwhOJk*i ik.\&s h/X^'itv/t, Ult bill Aplil} \ cern. /ci- " j\ * Apollas Metcalf. v e ' fC-ONSID^R V\ ILLISTON Kingfton, 18th March, iStS. The Sublcribei intends, continuing the SADLiNG BUSINESS till about the firti of June, at which ti-ne he sxjjtCta to Leave Kinglon He particularly dtfues all thofe indebted to him to make payment without furt^t J nollee—And is now ready to pay the demands, liciu ugdiuft him, 44 A. METCALF. I For Sale by the SUBSCRIBER, TqHE houfe (a;id Lot on which it Sand*) ;»,t pre fen t occupied by her ; in front u] No, [ block-Iioufe, and [immediately adjoining the Parfonagii. The itMuition i* ourpdlfed by very fe.v in (Ik* Town. Theft! who may be inc ineJ to parch tfe will do well to avail them- felvea of thin -loportutiity. Particulars may be had of the Subletiber JANE PAXTON. Kingfton, 30th March, 1818. 4+tf Parsnips, Carrots* A FEW of the above nam ed Vegitables can be had by applying at this Oliice. April io. is 18. THE [ubfcrlbei has juH received a large quantity of Cast Iron Ware, confiding of POTASH KE TILES, Caldrons and Su-*ar Boilers, Frank'tP, Box and Oven Stoves together with a variety of Kitchen Furniture, as Bake Pans, Pots, Teakettles, Dog Irons, &c-j Stc all of which are of an excellent qual¬ ity, and will be diloofed of on very rca- fouablc terms, at wh Icfaleonlv. SMITH BARTLET. N. B. TheP.t \(h Kcttl.s will be warranted if required- KitiPfton, lOtb March. 41 Vrt*m the Ljjnr t anatld Guzette. USD COUNCIL, TH* Ihfrr-nexl I-nifl C Mimci1 rl:jv< Will ha on (V twsttatj Uiemb ami £9tD ol AtofH, ■•*;,.J SQtli .May. ALL perfus are cautioned againli purchafin^of Samuel Eiongh, a j prt#mifT.iiy note, given by tlie fiibfc'bei to him, foi £50, dated Seot. 5, ift*7» which note was obtained by fraud and without valuable confiJeiation. NVTH-\N BKISC'O. Ernest Toio^h March io, 1 S1 8. 2-4? Boot Shoe and I Leather STORE. ATo ft" ■iendsnndtlu- l'nb'.ic HI (put• Id, h»« ooeuvd a wlmkiak and that he (,'>s opt ;(tail tiard*a>« Store at the ftaod for Klfcit-fotl & Co, flftws ;*f<(, omj Hem the arrau-e.nciu- lie 1)3? made, will tare •M,{U-tly «"' h-,,vi- * ^'™rA air,rt:;ir,,,t IfHARDWAREjCutlerr, ic which -V will he enabled 10 difpote fff t'.»r ^Cifli or approved Croiiit, at nearly the ■Montreal Pnces ; an, ,ag which arc the following, vi, : Euglhh f nd bweed, •Iroa, Crowicy and Steel, Wrought and Cut, Trycc Glwi«», Sheet Iron, Horfe Sliow, l'ryiog Pans Shvels and Spad«, Plough Mould. BoI:oW Wnre, Gru.dllones C*fflrh ind Gouges, Locks aod K.o^, t.u-s, Knives and Fork., Pocku andI P.o- knives, b.lh H,oks. Brals C,k,, BrofcaJuMMKn* A;,,ur5, ^w^jea, T« Trays, Stampt and Call bratt Cabrart Wn« Ww, Jto W«e. Pms Needles Fowling GmwB*S& M»*6 He alfo offerfi for fak a f«»ll a^'1- 1D€ntofCr<*ke.ya!.dGV»Wa.e. Kinglt-n. JOth March, .8.8. 4T- '• .. • .n A»»«[!r: Alluu, W lUiiun Aia..,. ,, fwjMi Viin'liH, bciijainiu AiiUio^n, Lillisvoj^, V . i • m"' • • i- i.ita.ui. ilal-T, UfuixMi I', l>u . ii. i. .».s». !. V. l»t*rii:i'.;n, .liii'in" l>:lo< .( JtlH'I'll l>t>riii, iltix-.i !>.*.U>, .\..Li; »i;i.-a:.i I'n. m i»it* IJrucKrtl, Jame? iiiuiu Join) i5k.,_ tl'i, iM.iui l'. i5)4t(^i.' . Aiiiiions, l-ra1; eca Um-i*\, it. ik«'cu (Semi's, Ai-g'-iujucO^ lam, Mrs. Auntf Laroun$, it< ver-.Mu W. ca , lieiii^ Cnu|niuni, |*r&ucou> t iiarboiuif*^ Luca«( iarK. .>. ^a*.iuiun C-lum;i, Junu *-»#^j n.^Jdii'i Cocit, Jam**-Cdliifi'^, Jolltt ti»lli..# Km\ L««»k, il**-. ^ \"«»a. Pi'irr Oi«v.!t>r;| .i (Kcpil • ro.—, AliMcuiwi I Mi/,rn j, Jok.n C ..^ for, John Guney, ll«uiy i urn», !Urs« Ue.*.,. Joliu Uea.;c, Jean Dc K*iit.\\m», Joirj.J iyeta>u V'anfiiilm' ./'Wior 2, .Vti'li-iuu'i l*«t leite, ^iavK UutVe^ue, riecrj Uagueafc, u«.,_ rv i)>er,Thouia- I^d.^on, Wilhaiu Lllcrbetj. ■»'»u*i I.inioi'J, tHjii.'i I.\an>, .liic:-::- Fa*rlttn r JiM'p i 1 fUy, *»«ft-1 K«wry, diaries Kraoc!*^, t^jtCri l"?j »»n, Jue*ji> iia*<*, Wiit'Uin G**a« :virs. Junt' Ci.nar«i s2, JTiiaiuaa Ciuvu, «^»i... (iotidcail", Parnck Gorman, Jatues VV. Gi> John tJranliJ, R Uraves, Mr. Griiih-'i^i«H Kns?ei Grecu, Mrs.Grvj,Kawiaad Haouuu!iU J'Kin Hut'OS, Josuuu liatiib. Ai^aJrirn ?'".inlt:, m>i;, Lleauiur liaU, tat.ii^ llail, Amanle ii ._ rUUXi bauicl ilviTMMl, fflWUUa H'.IIut, JoK.^ I L, :»;».t*rOrt, Katpn i|(i.i^*ou, Levi Uouk<:. j J'»jiii ti.>i>ivjl, baac ii.m^ii, YVtJliaui -'a/ I WiOirarCt .lOUi-mi, t l.zahcUi Joue:.-t ( oieiii^() J, K.M»ln%.;«:»n K<-iiy, Isaac tviiigtji, Ueiifi K'.i<;o,riaj, Jaccpic Lofiarice, l'eir-r Laflcu* •\ -i'.iii:; 0. I-f<», (ieiwgc Liiiirj, Joliu Luij/ Mf.UJ>3Cl, W:!|ianl L\r.»n, \ift-H^ MacAlI|.„ ici", .)imiii JlaitHI, Di'ina Ala«u'UU), Henw, Mc'JtwaJd- -loin, McDonald, Jauica MarDoj^ B\-\, O. .^^ci^>^n•M. Wliluuii Mt-Doui'll, i Ui'ru'itti *lci\4Mi.n\ Join: >«M.liitu, W'tlfta^ MiNish. iliitry >lc\ oa, Andre Marco uj. .io-oifii Juavi^Ur, iiyiaia \lai?ion %2* Jov,.^ Marion, Warj ftSay, riioaias M^rs, Jol}n S.-doaM', ApylltM Alooro, William Monro .> nrVlYh fc^partucHhip V»crctof.>jc Ex il filing between James k.Ar'».lltung ami James Duugall, (wader th^ Brai of Annrtroug and Duiigal!) t» thh d.iy dlflulvcd by mutual confent. All pjrtou* therefore who arc Indebted to tin I'hid in in vithcr bv Nite (if hand or BOvkaccoUQt, are hereby requeued to make Immediate payment to cither of I the BubfcribcTfi. JAMES R. ARMSTRONG. J Mty DOUGALL RaUowell, 25th March, 1818. 44W+ Joseph Mtirdoek, Tohacco. Snuff & Cmuttet MANUFACTURER, Store Street, King ft ( n» MFOR^S hi- fi-nds and the pub- ___ lie, that the above articles are Man- [ufadured by him. and he hopes to give j thole merchants and houfe keepers, >Vho favom him with t*ieir cuftortt, the a- | how articles, as goad a»d on as reafoi.a- ible rerrn? as any that can be imported, j 1 iV'jlj WILLI \MS & Co. at the| Sign of the Go, Jen Last* Stoic lit ret, refycCtfuily imoun the ii.habiiautt of SCm^llQsi, a*>d its vicinity, :hat they ftil) continue their Boot and Shoe Manufactory. wlierr they k en ronlKtnily on hand, a large aflbrtment of Lady'« and Gentle* j men's BOO TS and SHOES, of every « dcltrintion ! Likewise, a lupply of good Sole ar.d 'Tppn I ea>h:*r, of a!1 kinds. KtngstCUy March 7, tXi8 41tf NoncEr " VLL accounts due to the Subfcri V;*r5, ai*d remaining ur>fettled after the ill day of June next, will be put invOthe haads of an Attorney foi collection. THOMSON &f DETLOR. Kingfton, April6, i S13- f$w& Notice. THE partnership mentioned a few months fince, between Timor* fi? Moraa* ceafed on 3d April, 1818. As no papers have been E&lttd to confirm and he «Ub tbmks !t vee-lonaV-le that any [| the Am* Mr. Moran bai received ac Ma'iufacturer io thefc Province*, iltould " "* " —»»—. be encouraged, provided hi* at tides are equal to any that can be obtained. March 24, i!S 18. 4rgtf \\\u i x. -.......>. \j\uu, Ann Nr\!H>, 1 am. fHAT beatitiful and v:ry valuable Farm (iuuitcd ujion Point Ple.dant. in Maryibar^h, COrtaioing 200 arrcs, bcinr; Lets No. l 8 and 19. »* «f Rock ; there are nearly 100 aces undei Eood improvement, and 73 **antg apple ar»d Pear trec3. For Pg^olm enquire of Mr. V^alter M'Ctm.ffe, merchant, Kinjifton, or Mr. Wm. ben- 'Biker of Matyiburgh. Having been informed that Aaron Conner ha* been trctpafling, by cutti. g - Sar.nvo, ^otui Scott, muiw swa^ timber, throwing down my fences, and Ti^flr™*WJM»«^ „., AmWevv SUuk, Mr..M^.aii,*>aiiu-b ti. _ 0; J^eph Tui-neo, M^^alen Dh»|^ \illtani 'J'lwmp-oft, Ma iiiopj;^i «^w I tonutvy, <*a»K», Wnlamler liavi 2, italdMrw>l>u!«!:> *i»aa V\aU, J0lf(| W.r.,^ ii- V>aUt>n 2, Sija Wafco . udlp WrUU, B rlir> Wii^lrr * Mn- c,a kfi ftUbarc.Joliu v\,liis l-^'o Voom, I tluiri Wi^t, S.uuoeJAnKU N;r. Uo,,. THE fubferiber informs all thofe who ate indebted to him, either by Note, ■ Bond or othtrwife, that unlefi I the fa-ne isdilcharged en, or before llie firlt day of June next enfuing the date hereof, their refocsftive accounts will be placed 111 ihehandaof au Attorney for Collection. GEORGE DOUGLASS. Kin*stony March 23, 1818. 43tf cording 10 hU'ctinest, a remuncratioi., adequate to hU bervicics, from the Sub- fcriber. N. B. All debts, Notes of hand' (Prevtoui to the above date.) will bej honourably Settled by the Subfcnber,' who requdV. thofe who are indebted to the above firm to pay the lame without! delay to ; J. THORNER. Kmgflon, April 6, ibi8. 45 For Sale> irmaiii^J. B.-»mcanie, »:'ttl U> .■'■-"•! To Let, ■••ii" A: I putting cattle into ««y euclolu.t ; now lhereby forbid faiiCon.^-r tabngaway Ik timber he cut-I alio forbid all a<<1 every perfon or petfaxm io aid or alu.t feid Conner to vvo.k or take laid timber S way, nor purchaf. it of him ; it thty 0". 'they may t*pe& to be proi'ccuied as the Law directs. . „„ ., JOHN McBLAN. Maiyfbirgh, ( ND imnediate polTrifion given, Two convenient Houfes, with Shops, in Itore ilieet, near Mr. Blake's Tavern, on the corner of l' * [reel lead¬ ing from the Artillery Banaelta to the French Church For paiti-liars anpl)' to JOHN W. FERGUSON, IjTheowne Store Street, Kingston, Ecb 17,1818. $8 l-JCrty, and ON reafonable terms, that well known Lot. and Boildings there 011, in the Town of Kington, fronting iwo Streets, formerly the property of; !r. George Maikland. For particu¬ lars apply to Joseph Bmn-lamaur. Kingston, April 6. 18 1 8. 45 4 o.fs mulotinfr? ;-.:au--. fclwia ioi-K, .'•'•'" »•' "■«• Robe Match 28, 1818. S 44 tf ^■"S'i- jQWSMGAUhAMUl. MULTIPLICATION | Tables. For the ttle of Schools, For fele at this Oifuc Garden Seeds. i^AISEDat Lebanon in Canaan, \j State of New Y«..k-J"A "• _ «ived and f.r hie at the fublcnbcr f Ruktforth Qam f VBi8T-\\ ARCHIBALD M-DONLLL 46 11 KlasslWiMurd'^iti^. I by Bu b wHOiT. ll 4itt TAKEN up adrift, near WoOTJ Ifland, a number of FLOATS, wner 19 defired to piove hi* pro- fa vc them. S.tmuel Cone. Wolfe Ifland, Apri1 6, i * tj*._____45 bE3nK Su'pa; »as and Executions, for 'he COURTj OF REQUESTS, For Sale at %bk OfifiC, PEOVINGIAL 1 A!U.r>Mi-XT QV UPi EH CAS Ah A. House of Assembly; The FItghnft« BiM bf :^ n-ml ti .Uirrl mi'-»o. .Mr. K-'iw II . ■-.:vri| i..-4, i* (i-u'iv. | a », ^.,J »iaj^»t\ a-nm«fiimi. -n tora« diitgavnte- •ui.-.cgiiu- Highuay>*tUroufehooi Lh - ...;>- fhc I..Mfar> Bill hc\nz r-a*! a (i",ir ! Ime. Mr. Vat Kii'y.r..' i:n vni shai it da .nw , >invu.cM -um of mj . ro tiirr#-a - *n- LI- a.flr> ofthf L"^i^i.»,i\.- 0>u«ic5l -ivi u.-.- -^ \>T:3'»i,.ac(l t'pruifacrpurjKUtf tia ;/» «^n- •iimril." Cavrli»d. J'lli' Kill tOtrUln" tr"' I r-i !-.:i (*%!:r*!o^ p tl«f? ant? ndvuiiced b) h»- UHiiort^r Vdm-uicuaturf : 'H ■'taut ed iiu Address of tin. Hdue^ b i_; r«n i ;i i!iir*l tim<», Mr. \ an Ko zhnest m^rpd c!.at tin B1U -iw uov pa**, antt dm u bo cuil ■ >!, " tm lc :« mak**good acrrta:ftvainof mi«j v ttaurd r»r.U ;i.lvniit\'d i>^ liss IIaiiot Saiuud Soit It, u >i \'jfni!ij-iratiir. uiu^mni (on.. ^oMrc&a during Uo i»r;*c nt Sc -..»«."' t .irri' 'I. Mr. VS;;'!) rnm*rd :or Irave to brine, up lite jjetiliOii ol £ami| JtfUOHItt. Tuesday 17. Mr. BoultOt), Mas:»T t:t Clin.;*-i v. brnuff'il down from UlC Hon. the Lt'gi>laiis«.- (.omicil.a M^'1^, j fo;u>vv< : ** Mn. si'K.'.hiir:, Tiu* ll"»n- Hi" I-iCi-btivo Otmcil rivin"ta conferenceniih ill'* Uoutrnni>s Hoii^col A?- ••'.i.^iv, *u prepare a j"i..i jkddre- -A Im»;Ii ii'in,»•* i.r^litf l*rovin i^i L £t »iUiirf, m W«8 ltu\a) Rigbav&s tfto I'nuc* tt«"gi?nt, r^Utdve 10 ihe«;rnjitii*tf Lauddtotbe incorporffted u..- tiaatid Volunieers; thv Legi**stHvc O*^." I lia\e atj»;ninl"d i>\ot>;"iT- \ipinbci> a I i>inn})L- ii'»' for ihai |» * i"* !s «t'» *viii'»'-1 iu\\ .«* •.<. »-t n Cominitre' oftn<*Cciunw»j tiouioui v ■ ta- Ul^ in lit;1 l.iir sl&tivc t «. ,.t»i i nambfr. ftitae rising 'i iU»' ihin-f no- da) .\|-*-i-. Iitii..iut. Ilu i, »i via mi; anil ll;*!<- iii'dii, were HppOkfi cd u> til* a CmmnHtre ^o r.u'i'l :i I'■'HID;. '■'*" i '"«• ,!on. tOC !.-\.»vlii4.^« L'o«ni il, |i'»' uaai io i\w .n>f.\. ttci aj'. iVli. \ an ivt* gltU^UIUOvrd^M Irr*« o Ltr.^ inauiii»Mi;'> ll pu i of and amrtnt ;n«UAf i.o\\ iu t'u.t;", ^i.ii.ii..^ .,■ .1 :o... I« iio«»;;-o - Bht*d 10 ".'^ HltJ,\|H v Io - .:: :' rticn cm O'M ■•ii- Hu ma) nave uefn Killed !,» Iti-'it'iutr—Which v\u U» .. t>»» niAtiuu of Mi vii *..miiii, Ihpoeiilion «*i" tiif* Ufrcnmi' i wt KinpHton *v;i i"- d VI. \U \l.i: .11 HI'!.. <l I• • -I• :Lr .'.»>, i- du,on\\, ir-Jilif if-i I: lUCOfl I OOttn i..v uf .ur vvliok", 10 w... . ...•» * .i. i.l • i-iu:» id/ ,. t.- unnui ilur -ni«.1.1.1 - *>l Iv.njr- i*H« ri'lair.? io DuUcrtun (iUmbtii\ Uixurcd. V.tJi(i-(lay W Tin? i nil Anesi Bill being ivad a iiird limtf, .Nit. Jones movi-d thai it do now ,»;'->. a fd . ,-i; i. be fiui'l'.l. ** -\u 1c; •» r »o ,i| 'Hr -t-^- nul !ai^ llOtt mi foriTf relative *j A ■> - m Civil a»'» ,,,JC- a*nl o iii^Ke furioer pcuvisions lor Ui^ rtWMtt*1 i-a-i • d. Mr. \ an Koughi*«*!l obtained l^avcio brine ma Bill uj appro «-4atea 9» -i aftarj far toe erection uf'. ••r..i'. i* b*l.i ! u.Li i-jj- in e- \L11 L>iA.iricts in this Province. Tbur^ay 19. Mr. JoiK5mov.r*;liat it b«-ri-oi.cci, t*&i as be aaieiidmcni madt* bj it:.* Um" fn I«*i ;.- \.- ConociU to a liill 'i,i prroratbra »»: r. i tuiiU'o/* An Actio nmk^ninhci pfovi^&oa ior rfgol&tltig ifielrsde luivvon this PtoiiAce ami lh* L u.icti S.^ :-•-.' int^tfrrr «ni. :»»• ■. . Uttubied and excta rv* right inhc «*!it tu u*e Consmona^, i« ;n r nn»! »^|<joj»■■■«• ting nioii-y, Ats rlou^cif of opinion bai the sairl interfereotfcifl a nigh breach ofto^riTStel ges—nhifb wa> ontered. Air. Uuranii moved thai ttostkure Jon^and ll^tt he a Conmil f*etO carry tip to «iip i.or. lue begiulilivc v <ni:icil, ihr RoaolotiOn nftids iloiiye, upon the nbj^ctof its pritilejes------ The lion■>' vtcui iuio CDinmi.teeon the pub¬ lic A'Cotitus. Mr. raiaerou r«*portrd^lhat the Comtnime hud a-touted tlie fAp«ntl ot the select Coiiimit- tee—v.hieh was received; Snt-irdaySI. Mr. Baldwin, Walter in Chancy v, brntrrht Jnwa Ccoja the rlooorib)e the L.r*:.lauvi ( ii tcil, i<*' following re^olottwig i *■ teso>ved, Thar in fruiting aufi^ndment! io a Bill *ent up from th;; Cuimvin- Hoh-. ol '*»• vni;>'; . eiifUted, '" !•! Ae: to u-uk" fttthet I ro\i tOttforregnfBtii^ he trade p»nflWen ih« Pro«ii W and lie" V\' r»;l ^iate- of \:n<- ta. ■ ,-iihI!>M. t-ir led ;i|-o.« thepviniiplcth ii it < n - -;.,'■'ce wuri! '-v»aiy (opa-j the same, w I .i con id not in the earerej*e bfii^jodgfo^ui t i iiscretion, wirboal Bmemi*..eci-. KeiOlved,TliaJ tlie Conirtoj* Honw of ^ - -'Mnblv ha.»iii; hi', c »o ifj-'et^d .i1.! ronfercoce hi iii-—■ bjentof JVioury !•:.'-. i>o coarse *-^- iuin> to tiiC Lejci'laiive Lo- ni il. Ihm n ',j!i- rt h o ubntil itsjodpineii an*1 <*a nnf n. to M-jeci whoily tbeortW^d BiM.nnl^ - thi C<M- moil'- HORSe of A-'iibU t\ilt '•oniniiif a- :t b3£.heretofore,Itl nan> <*a i done, ev ad »;. ^ ur pre-.euf s' >*n» . t" rejivt the aOiei^d- i»>*nt>of Hie LejtMafive ComKil «i'L»»'iJ «:^- liCi-.ant ri'-enuci ibe n.aiter*0 a- '«• >«••* <*^ tne Cuiicurteuceof tiie o.ber branch** «i t-ic l<ep**ature; K > MWil, lliat lki« Hoiw does "or mm id t (theneucrsa>j aujendwehcxtoa Hoavy BM1 'a a French ol the (»»».<! -; ol (ai tum • •■ h»:uM'Wf A*?* ill's -noveiihel' «, M I i -x> rnndidVreil b\ hai tiou-*. in ur said If*1 •- kiuu;tbe L* -wUi:*e Ctv/oeil w U n>*h**r .*tl iinMidiuer ^ io BiHs far rat » and le^^lJiJ ...•ney.aiul mrvnl) withhold la .• .ni. .^ uc anr*. l.-iT'ila IW •*.. it .' llia^ibiM, ^In' March, I •i4>.** Mr. Juaeft movtu u*^* tic li'/^uc do noia -*tf i I .1 fl II

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