Kingston Gazette, April 7, 1818, page 1

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• [TUESDAY, APRIL ?, 181*.] KING N [VOLUME VII------No 45.] Kingston Upper Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollars per Annum—Exclusive or Postage f>:3aQ£( TUB BAY AND RIVER TEAM TO be launched upon the opening of the Navigation^ will soon after commence runnings ON the Bay of Quinte and the River St. Lawrence, between Prkscott and the Carrying Place, at the Head of the Bay ; and will receive Passengers and freight, on reasonable terms, at all convenient places within the limits of its Route, o The Ti the Rates of Passage and Freight, and other- particular* will be advertised, as soon as the arrangements for 'he purpoie shall be settled and ascertained. SMITH BARTLET, ) SO..OVION JOHNS, ( DANIEL WASHBURN 44. PETER WET6EL, J;i the Bay and the River. Y/Mtfjfrfits temros and arriving at its leverai stations. To be Let, OR SOLD, AND Pofl'tflion given on the ift May next. That new and Com- modio'S Two Story H-.ufe, (with Stable Coach Houle, and Well of ex¬ cellent Water,) at prefent occupied by Dodc* Short, near the Block Houfc .ate, vhich leads immediately to the Race Jourfe.—Apply to the Printer. Kj'gfton, 30th March, 181S. 44tf ;'ij"^hE Copartnerfhip of IVfticalfaid JL Wilfiston is this day diflblved. A. Meicai is auihuriicd to clofe the con- cein. (** A\ ^ ^pOLLAS .VTetCALF. * * * ?C0NS1DIR WlLLISTON Kiwtton, 18th March, :8i8. tf. Kingston^ March 24. 1818. S TO tlE. John WaikiM, $, friends :»nd the Public i" paieral* Aat he his opened 1 wholefale and Ktail HaHwnte- Store, at the Hand for¬ merly occupied by McRYa- H W. Wiikinfon & Co. /17am Street, anrl from ^(■arrangement* he has made, will have mte|Uy--*vn hand, a general aCurfffiPftt ^HVRDWAR.E#Cutlerv, Sec which he will be enabled to difpofe of for C*<h( or aoproved Credit, at neatly the Montreal Price* ; amonq whictl are the following, v<* I Englifh and Swerds Iron, Crowley and Bliller Steel, Wrought and Cut Nails, Trace Chains, Sheet Iron, tfnrfe Shoes, Frying Pans, Rh-wcls and Spades, Plough Mould*, Hollow Ware, Grindftones, Chiffcls and Gouges. Locks and Flings, Files, Knivea and Fork*, Pocket and Pen¬ knives, Fifh Hooks, Bvafs Cocks, ferufheft,hammers, A ugura, Sa*W| Piane6, tea Trays, Btftmpt and Cart hrafs Cabinet Ware. Whe. Tin Ware, Pins Needles fowling GuHsBral's Kettles &c tc. He alfo offers fa fale a RoaH affbrt- Bent of CrocVe*? and G'afs Wave. Kincfton, 30th March, 1818- 441/ Committee. Vt Aovi-'"*?/!. TheSubicribei intends, continuing the SADLlNG BUSINESS till ab,ut. the fir ft o£ June, at which time lie «*;«&'. to Leave Kingfton He uarticiiarly defies all thofe indebted to him to make payment without further ••oticc—And 1. now ready to pay the lemauis, held again ft him. 4+ A. METCALF. For Sale by the SUBSCRIBER, X^KE boufe (and Let on which ft ^und>) ;»t preicut occupied by her ; in front ol N^. 1 Block haufe, and immediately adjoining the Parfonage. The ii nation i> Surpafled by very few hi rhc 1 y\yr\, Th<Me who may be inclined to purjhafewill do well :o avail them- felves tj r(.;, opportunity* Parcicular^ may b> had of the Snbicribcr J.vNE PAXTON. Km^ta. 30th March, ii<i8. 44tf HYMN, BY HELEN MAHIA WILLIAMS. While Tbee L seek protecting Pow'r, He mine vain wishes still'd ; \iu\ may each cnosenrled hour, With better hope* tie dlPd, Toy love tin' yowornf thoii^ht bestow'd ; Ti> T.'ic* ;ov thougllts would n>ar ; TIi\ men*) o'er ray life iiaa tiow'd j Thai oiercj I adore. In each evpnl of life, how el ear Tiie running hand 1 see; Sacb bles--iii^ to my soul made dear, Because confer*d by Tiiee. ;n every joy thai crownstny days-*- lu every pain I hear— »iy heart shall hnd deLgtit in uraisc, Or seek relief io prayer. When gladness whtgs my fe-vour'd haur, - T!i* lovi* my heart shall Oft: ile-igud wlken slarnto of sorrow Iowot, My sonlahal) meet thy will— Ay lifted eye wilium! a tear, The gaib,» nnz aiorm "-lii'li 3ee ; vJvaieadras* heair know io fear, Thai heat l shall res' on Thee. Hoot Shoe and Leather STORE. . /ifV a «i« heron and rcfpcC^ablc mtr- , «///. ting of Comjrtiiimn» mtrrfeu ing f]T- ■ <«P«rt«'*»P heretofore Ex- j fcoyri ArchCh-.piers in pa.o; 11 -* »ftmg between Jamw R.Armftn»n^ JSolicc. ol Upper Canada, held at Comp;:uio . Robert Walker\H»rtel, L« Kin^fton, un t!i».iyhd'y -tf February, 181B, forth pttrpiffe of taking into confidcratioi) the pa-icnt ftate .d'tha; branch ofMafoory in tl«e Pi» vince, with z \icw to tiu ad¬ option of iuch rcgn*ationfc b» mi)j!ii be'* infure its welfare, prolperity and jJ')Od government throughout the laid Province of Upper Cauuda. It was agreed to eflab- li(h a Grand Royal Arch Chapter, which ha^ accordingly be<n etxeiee] and riuly confeciated, agreeable to the ancient forma and ufages, under the name. Hyle and title of " The Grand Roy at Arch Chapter of Upper Canada,"' and the Grand Office - for the prefent year have ! anJ JArnes Doogall fuodef the i\im ot Anntlrong a .d Doughlljifc ihi* day difTdved by mutual L'unfent, Ail per4on>; therefore who are Indebted to th:- faid firm either l>y Note of hand or ilo-:'k account, arc he«el-y rcquelled t«j make Immediate payment, to either ol the rfubferihers. JAMES R. ARMSTRONG. J iMES DOUG ».LL- Ilalliwcll, 25th vvlarch, 1818. 44W4 Joseph Murdock, Tobacco, Snuff & Candle, MANUI'ACiUkER, S'ore Street, KiUiHon* lie, that the above articles art M::n- I7JL<» WILLIAMS & Co. at the Sign of-the G'Adm Last* *ntorc ftreet, ref.>ectfully inform the inrvihi":ante of Kingllo.i, and its viciuity, that they ilih cuntinue their Hoot and Shoe Manufactory. I where they keep conftantly on hand, a Urge afftrtment of I.adv'** and O^ntle- men\ BOO To and SHOES, of every defcription. IrlKnwrsfi^ a Ittpply or good Sole and Up pet ■ c:»ther, of all kinda. K:n>i<ton. March 7, 1H18. 41 tf Garden Seeds. 3Tfr AISTvD at Lebanon in Canaan, AX) State of New Yoik — Juft re¬ ceived and f.»r iVde at the fubferiber*^ Audli'm Room. ARCHIBALD M(DONELL. Kingston* March91 1818, 4itf been duly eiei^ed and infLdled. ..«.-, ,- rants will the.'fore be iffued to thedif-j}-** fereut Chapters on proper application, J! uf "ft«rcd by him. and be hopes to give which, with all other communication*-, !thofe meichants and ho,ie keepers, who are in future to be addieiTed tothe Grand,! favour him with their cuftom, the a- Recorder. |' h')Vc art'c'es» atJ ffood a,'d on as reafoua- ; ble terms as any that can be imported, j and he alio thinks it reasonable tl;at any Mafiufacllurer in thele Provinces, (hould be encouraged, provide! hi- articles are eqinl t»> j::y that can be obtained. tiiarcb 24, 1^*^. 43if By order of the M. E..G H. P JOHN W. FERGUSON, Grand Record*.*. FOR SALE, THAT beautiful and very valuable Farm fituated apoaPoiut Pleafantf in Maryfbur>ih, containing 200 a*, res, k'H L«:ts No. I 8 and 10, calt of the R"ck ; there are nearly 100 acres under goad improvement, and 73 heating apnle and Pear trees. For particulars Oquire of Mr. Walter M'CunitFe, ff.£Tchant, Kino Hon, or Mr. Wai. Ben- Aa of Maryfburjrh. Having been informed that Aaron Conner has been tTefpaffinjr, by cutting timber, throwing down my. fences, and putting cattle into my cnclofure ; now 1 hereby forbid kid Conner taking away A« timber he cut—I alfo forbid all and PWy pcrfon qr perfoni to aid or affift fa»d Conner to work or take laid timber away.norpurchafeit of him ; if they do, Acy may exped to be profecuted as the Law dire&s. JOHN McBEAN. Maiy(burgh, i NOTICE. WHEREAS, by the last Will j ________ and Tettament of the I^{jnjrlH£ iubferiber informs all ihofe j llL who are indebted to him, either RICHARD IWriT^SQN, Elq- in j JJ_ his life time of Sandwich, in the province I} fcv tfott B->nd or othervife, that unlefs of Uopcr Canada, Robert CilleioiC, WKHam Gilkifoii,aud George Moftatt* are jointly and ievcraily, appointed |j hereof,'their rtfpcdive ^counts will be tiduciarv Legatees of his Etlate, and j • D|accCj ;n the hands of * [the Ume ifidifcharged *.n, or befoie the fird day of June next C;-duir»g the date /TTfHE fubfcribci has juft received a JL large quant it j of Cast Iron Ware^ eonfiftingof POTASH KEITLES, Caldrons and Su^ar Boilers, Franklin, Box and Oven Staves, together with a variety of Kitchen Furniture, as Bake) Pans, Puts, Teakettles, Dog Irons See Sec all of which are of an excellent qua' ity, and will be difp.»fed of on very re*~ nable terms, at wh-dcfale onlv. SMITH BARTLET. N. B. The Pot Alb Kettles will be\ warranted if required. Kingston* \oth March. 4-1 ! iary Executorb of laid Will. I do hereby rtqueft a:i perfons having claims up..n (aid Eiiate, to prefect the fame ro me, duly authenticated, fur I payment; and all pcrions^ indebted i thereto, are required to pay to me tL^ ' Amount of their refpe&ive account^ Debts due. to laid Eitate iu the ( pi, Colledion. *n Attorney for GEORGE DOUGLASS. 45li* Kingston, March 23, f$ig,. o For Sate, N reafonable term-^ a large Two Story Hone Hovfe, in the town province of Upper Canada or in the j of Kingllon. For part;cu[ar8 app]y to United States, oordering thereon, may (Mr. Kaunts, the owner j„ Montreal, or k. paid m G,o,Be Jacob, EC,, of *+$» th,»**%*£*. ^ iqrs. -f Atuherltburg, or to euncr or 11 Kingston, March 2$, , 3, g. ^w| -.hem, they being duly authorized to receive the fame and grant aeqoif slices. G. MOVF.VTT. wich, John Alkin, and James Gordon, F.fqrs.'f Anther Itburg, or to either of To Let, A LL perfoo* are cautioned againll JTsL ptirchafing of Samuel Hdugh, a pr«miffoty note, given by the fubfciibei to him, for £*r0> dated Sept. 5, 1817, which note was obtained by fraud and without valuable consideration. NATHAN BRISCO. Ernest 7own, March lo> 1818. 24P FOR SJLE, AND poflVffion given immediately,! . a double Lot, in Stuartville, on which is a Biown Manu¬ factory, in good order, a tremt henfe, :md a .Stable. Fo.t further par'icular* apply to the fnbfcribrr, oil the pemifes. Marturin Fournaise. Kingston, March i8, 1818. 43tf March 18, i8i8.< 44tf MULTIPLICATION "5*Ues, For the life of Schools, ' R>r fa^e at this Office, Montreal, 20th March, 1818. 44)'1 |! \ ND immediaie b0ff^bn given, _______ ---------------|i f\. Two convenicni Houfes, with FRAME. For Sale, on reasonable terms. u% At FilAME for a Houle, iS by 30Jl French Chuicli. d/jL i«t, two .ftories high.—Ea<3, in ftote fti«t, iL,r Mr. Blake's . Tavrrn, on the corner of tf,e flrect lead- ii.iT the Artillery 9arracks to the bfiCU'.rc ' f pf{Ik Printer. Kingston, March 3c 1818, 44 11 For particulars a-,-] to JOHN W. FERGUSON, ' Stoj.e Sweet, A^'--.'3», vFi ,7f 1818.38 To Lei, AND poffefTion given immmediately, the Urge houle lately occupied From the Upper Conadu 'Jazette. PROVINCIAL PAUL! A.YIENT OF t/PPEft CAi\'Jl)A. House of Assembly. Tuefday, icth March., The Marriage Bili being read a tMrd time, Mr D'ira d moved t!*at it do ngHf pal"■:, and that ii be entitled, 4i An Act to a nend the laws a^-wv in force for con¬ firming and maki;;g v^.l.d certain mar¬ riages heretofore con'ra^ed in ihif Province, and to m^ke further provi- fion rer the tame Carried. The Peufion Bill being read a thiri time, Mr. M'Martin moved that i: do now paf», and that it be e.ititied, u An Act to repeal the laws now in foV-ce* f >r granting Peftfioi'3 to perfns difah'oi ;n the iervite, and the widoWi «nd children of pctfons who mwy have been killed, or wh*» may have died by dffctfd contiacted while on afttial lcwice, and to make pfovifion for fuch on'y a« w^re ] wounded anddilablcd ill uftiira with or by the enemy, and trie widows ai?d children of fuch ws were killed [if ac- lion with or by the en*my, or fitch 33 died on a£hi$) ferffce from wr>nnds of difeaie contracted by reaf>n oi hxA fervice." Carried. The Emelt-ViIIe BiU being read 2 third time time, Mr. Fiafer feorcd that it do no^jr pafs, and that it be entitlfd, %i An t\& to conftiiutc th* 7Wn of Bath, in the Midland Didriel, and to pfovide Fof laying out and furveyi'i^ town lots a:4 ftrectSj and a market place therein, and for regulating the police thereof." Car* ned. Mr. Van Koughnett of th£*Catttmlttetf to Wiiit on His Honor the Ad-TULM'ttra- tor wi:h the Addrefs of this Houfc, on thefubject of Lands for the Militia, re* p; ned that *h"y had done Fo, *wi phlt Hia Honor had been pieafed to reply a# follow* t ct Gen'lemen^ -l No order lias been received by t^ie Government of this Province, from His Majetfy's Govcrurnenr in England, fa»' jxra'itii»o Lands to the Fla-ik C' nies, Volunteer Corps, or t. e Inco:po- rat'd Mili*.is, for their fe vices during the late war with the United States of America.* Mr. Van Koaghnett moved that tfac Houfc do on to-morrow, reToWc itfelf into a Committee, to take into c^nfid^r- atiwn the propriety and expediency <'f addreiTinjr His K yal HiyUpefe the Prince Regent, on the fubjedt uf grant* ing lands to the Flank Compa *i~*% Vo¬ lunteer Corps or the Incorporated Mi¬ litia, fot their fervictf* during the lart war with the United States of Araerica, Ca.ricd.' Mr. Cotter moved for leave to bring up the petition ofEbeneier W.inShuru, of the County ol Prince Edward, £ftj£ Granted* Mr. Durand moved to bring- up the petition of John Moller Granied- WednefcJ.ij? i u The Revenue Bill bei.i^ read a to«4 time, Mr. Robinfon moved rhat it do now paf^., and that it be entitled, u \n \St to eKplain and amend part of an Act paffed in the 41ft year of Hi* MajeSy'l R.i-Mi, entitled, ■ An A& fof granting to Hfs Majefty, his Hcira and Succe... fotfli to and for the life of rhis Province, like Duties on Good* and Merchandi/i brought into this Province from the IT, States uf \meiic3, as are now paid on Good*- and Merchan lize imported frorn Gnat Britain and other places.*' Caf- ried- The Receiver General's Poundage Bill being read a third time, Mr. Van Kooghnett moved ir do now paf^a^d be eutitlrd, " an Act to repe4 the law* now in fol^ce granting roond* age to the Receiver Gshcial" Car^ ried. Mr. Hall obtained leave t*i bnny in a Bill to extend the p-yvihons oi an Aft patted in the 56th year of Hi* Majefty** Reign, entitled, " An A£ granting r<* lief to Inlolvent Dc'->iori," wuich w-s read. Mr. ttall obtained leuve tobn-ig tn 3 Bill to alter the kite trt h-.i!dir»- '*-e Courts of jHftirt vniUu the VWdsi.i Pillrid, which *aa reed- 1 b/lohn Size, e'igibly Ikuatcd in Slo.e f Mr. Robiufci .l;:jir^J leaw to br\ i. Il.cet, rithcr fo. a uveru or Hore.— \p- in a Bill tvpri)«d« f«l the ^ • ->,-u: ply at litli office. j of Uud, nut Occab.^ I • ' W P« -y, .

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