Kingston Gazette, March 31, 1818, page 1

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'■•-»- -«- t^au* •v.'i^r v. [TUESDAY, MARCH 31, 1818.] KING TON [VOLUME VII.------No. 44] AZE T Kingston, Upper Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollars per Annum—Exclusive of Postage. > EBE vi 5SS3SSK5 SBESu ^... Agents for the Kingston Gazette. KrocscTown,JAMES RXNKIN, Esq. York, WILLI AM AI.LAV Fsq, Brockvillp, A. SHERWOOD, F>q. BrUylle.S. M'NABB, F.«q. Montreal, N. MOWTR,'er. r* -v -* ♦* ■ LOOK HERE! JT¥lrlE fuWcn'brr has juft received a Jl frefh fupply of GARDEN SEEDS, which he will feel bv the box or fin&Ie paper, t.tiled by the Shaking Quakers, and wamntcd genuine, viz. White,YtfHuw and Red Onion, B'ood $nd Early Turnip Beet, Scarcity, Car- jpt, P-rfnip, Long an^ Early Cueum her, Watermellon, Muflc .icllon, Dutch Summer Squafti, Crookneck Summer do. Crookueck Winter do. White Head Lettuce, EarlyCurled Head do Sneck led do. Salmon, Scarlet and FarlyTur afp Radifh, Drum Head, Savoy- Red! and F.arlv Yorkfhire Cabbage, Flat and French Turnip, \Sage, (.'avenue Pepper, 6quafh do. Double Pcppcrcfrafa, Bur net. Rue, Summer Savory, Pa-flcy. hx paregus. Pink, Saffron. Ea:\ June Peas, Early Golden Hotfpor, Charlton, Green Dwarf Marrowfat Peas, Straw¬ berry Dwarf. Ear'v Sixweek Dwa»f Bean**, Cramberry Dwarf, White Cram- tjk/ry pole, Kidnev pdie. 4LS0, GRASS SEED, Pickled Herrinjrs, Butter, CV.eefe, *c. ftr, N. PALMER. Kingston, March 12, 1S18. 42 \ A RETORT. Lord B. who fports a fero¬ cious pair of whiskers, meet-! ing Mr. Curraji in Dublin, the! On Friday la« Duncan Cameron, Esquire, was swera in a* Secretary and Register of thisPmrince9?iee IVUtium latter faid/ when do you mean | Jmi*7 Esquire,debased. From the Uppf Canada Gazette* to place your whiskers on ?he:» >l.«.ri,Twf.. ... nr rnft,MT —-« K /..« 3, ~. - I PROVINCIAL PARIJAMKNT Of peace e^tablijhment f 1 he tor-1| UPPER GANJD L mer replied, B when you place, your tongue on the civilIm* No affectation is more vain ■ and ridiculous, than the at-j tempt of poverty to appear rich.] IT- ■*»•* * Joseph Murdock, Tobacco, Snuff & Candle, MANUFACTURER, Store Street, Kin 3ft >n, JNFOR'^S his f.Jcuds *nd the pub! | there, to convey fheir real Kblute, which ' lie, that the above articles arc Man- j! mav b- in this Province, and *o repeal part ol and amejjdau Act pitted in ik- l25rh )ear of iiU iVIajtmty*8 Reign, %.u- tit!< d, " An A«| for th^ iurtiin Ke*;-- terhig of Deed*, Conveyance*. Wills House irf Assembly. movdiy. march, 23 JH1S. The Registry Bill being read a third time. Mr. Jones moved, that it do now pass, and that it be entitled, " An Ac! to provide Tor the registering of deed*. Conveyance*, WilN, and other incum¬ brances, which way nJlect any Lands. Tenements and Hert;,!itarmuts, the same being executed in the United Kingdom of Great Lirif-iin and Ireland, or in any Of lii- >iaj-st)'i» Coiooirs, and to onablr married women residing ; uf«ftured by him, and he h\ pes to give thofe merchant* an^i houfe keener?, who} favour him with their cufrim, the a-1 b'tve articles. a*2 orood and 1 n as reafyna-! Boot Sho° and Leather STORE. ble term*! an any that can be imported, ;| and other Incui';hraur-.-:, wliii'is s«:tH and he alio thinks it reafonaVle tha*" any ! I be made or ©aj affect Lai»(.!-, iVn •- j Manufacturer in theft Provinces, fheuld !. mer!*^. or Blor«dltaments within (■?;.• be encouraged, provided bU articles are![ Province : and^.I.\o to rtjH'ai part oi tqiv.l to any that oa*: be obtained. , ja*.d amend 0» Ai t passed in the &3d March z^ <8j*. 43tf [jyi-^r-offtfeMaje^ itc^n, entilred T »< Sigtl of the &r(£» A*w/^ Store fr.ert, refneftfnUy inform the ifihabJtnnts of J^fn/^o'i. *«*d its vicinity, that they flill continue the»r j?<?0/ ^7W<:/ Sfa* Manufaftory. .where they keep r,onftantly on hand, a feTge affo/tment of Lady's and Gentle* Wen'< BOOTS and SHOES, of every » defenprion. j 1 A I,ikewisk. a fuooV n* p'ood Soldi-1. . and Upper T ea'her, of all kif.d«. Kingston* March 7, f«i8 4itf • JF fuhferiber informs al< thofe| who are indebted to him, fttvcr; by Note* Bond or otherwifc, that up*cU , the fame is diichar/ed on. ©* S:-fo:^ tt.c! fir|} day • f J'Hie next enving ilie daw! hereof, their refprQivc account w:!l be} placed in the hand, oi a-- rittorney for Col'edion. GEORGE DOUGLASS. Kingston. March 23, I 818. 4.3tf For Safe, % N reaibo' hie term1 9 lar-re ' v\ the Two J i > Story Hone Home, in the town ' Or jfmgftmh F'»»- particulars ^pp'y to. Vf. TC-lints, the owner, in Montreal, or i to the fahfenber, Kuijffton- | NICHOLAS MOR1N. ! Which was {(ranted and the Hill read. Mr. Van Koushnetl moved for leave to bring ill ft l»iil to repeal the laws tmw in fofce?granting poundage to *h?* Receiver General on monies passing rhriueh hi^ hand?."' Which was grant¬ ed, and the Bill read. Air. Robinson moved for leave to bring; in n liiM to iv»<r..' tTe the trade. between thin Province and the United State* of America? !■/ Laud or Inland Navigation, Granted, and the Bill read j Mr. Flail mored for leave to brins: np the petition of the Freeholders and ofb«jr Inhabitants of the Counties of Kent and P<sex. in the Western Dis¬ trict. Granted. Mr. if all mOTed for [eave to hrin^ up ti.r- petition of the Magistrates of the Western District. Granted. Mr. llatt moved for leave to bring ■ip the nmiif'-r petition and othftr pa¬ per* of the Magistrates, Freeholders and Inhabitants of the Counties of K*nt aid Fa ex, in the Western Dis¬ trict, to prevent the removal of the County (o*vn from Sandwich, and to answer certain chargus therein made. Granted. Wftdnesday 4. Mr. Jone^ moved for leave to bring in a HI! to alter the laws now in force granting Liceures to Innkeepers------- (•j.oit^d. uppry Kingston, March 23, 1S18. 4?w3 To Le?9 Garden Seeds. R* AISED at Lebanon in Canaan, State <>f New Y^.k—Juft re ceivc-d and f-r fale at the fubferiber'sj Auction Room. .ARCHIBALD M'DONELL. Km rston. March 9. 1818. 4ttf_ THE fubferibet has juft received a large quantity of Cast Iron Ware, confiftm? °f POTASH KET LES, Caldrons and Sugar Boilers, Frank'in, Box and Oven Stoves, together w'th a varietv of Kt'chen Furniture, as Bake Pans, Pots, Teakettles Do* Irons, &c &c all of which are of an excellent qual jty, nod wii) be difuofed of on very rea- fooable terms, at wh icfale only. SMITH fiARTLET. N. 15. The Pot Aft Kettles will be warranted if required. Kingston, \olh March. 4.1 NOTICE. ALL perfons in Upper Canada, who have claims on the fubfLriber, that have not been acknowledged by biro, will be pleafed to Oliver them to Allan M'Lean* Efq. at Kin^fton, with¬ out delay. And thofe indebted to him, to make payment or arrangement t* that cffeS on or before the ill of Mav *LCXt. P GRANT. La Chinef qth March 1818. 41-4 ND pefTclfion givi :> i-r.mmediateiy, rhe large hoofe lately occupied by lohn Size eligibly Btoatrd in Stoce jilreet, eithei for a taverii or itore.—Ap.- ply at thi-; office- March 17, 1818. 4jtf mm h *ik AND pofT.-flion given irr.mediatrly, ad ub!r Lot, in StyartvHle,on. which is a blown Ea^tSan-ware Manu»| faftnry, in good order, a fraroc houfe, j and a Stable. F01 further particulars apply to the fnhferiber, on the premifes. Marturin Fournaise. Kingston, March 18, 1818. 43tf To Let, A ND immediaie poOefRon given, ^ Two convenient Honfe.q, with Shops, in (lore (beet, near Mr. Blake's Tuvrrn, on the corner of the ftreet lead¬ ing fiom the Artillery Barracks to the French Chinch For particulars applv to JOHN W. FERGUSON, Store Street, Kingston, Eeb 17,1818 38 MULTIPLICATION Tables, For the ufe of Schools, For fale at this Office. ALL perfons are cautioned againft J^ pwchafing of Samuel Hough, a promiffoty note, given by the iubfeubet tn him, for ^50, dfted Sent 5, 1817, which r>ote wa> obtain 'd ! y f aod and without valuable e- • fideratioo- NATH N BRIS^O gfmt Towh Match IQ, 1818. 2-4PJI TO LET, FOR any term of years not exceed- in Fifteen, on the moft reafona- hTc termsy—That well known valuable itand in the public line, fituate on the^ point at Gananoqua. and recently occu- j pfed by Seth Downs together with the j Houfe, Bam, Stable- &c—For fur-j iher particulars apply to the fubfenber. JOEL STONE. Gananoqua Jan. 9, iS;8. 33// Blank Assessment Lists, for sale at this Office.—Also, Arith¬ metical TablesJ'or t/i£ uae of Schools. ATTORNIES Blank Bills a Costs, iov sale at this GUicc. b a A ' toenaJyle nur-wd .vo.non f'u§ r-«i Hstafr to ali-o and oouvej rhm-w.4 Wfech «as earned at.d U\t iJli: signed. The Kii^bii^y I>ju was rea^l a fh'i ! time- Mv. Jones ^,)Vrd, thai !t do 11 -h past, that if b., c.,»tit!r.d, « An Act to r>-,>•»' -;■■ A,» pay*tfd in &e 35th year n! tV \hj ^y'g Rri^D, entitle, « An 1 - j- . .r(>(jn (iu iiijriMHtyol !)»>r^o:- rs w ^t.rned to ti.«r Hodifi °' •"» ■ .'• 'i^aaJaO to repeal an A-1 W •' " ' ' .,li vp;ir.»f Hi- Mh- jj-.v..-. .'.'•>;.•-, 1 ...PitJoel, "'An Act 10 .■■;> nlonr! ivnudl part of an Art j>n<s- f' i-i tit- " :'. V"'-.).' of H « Mije.-tjr's ilfig'u ^'ltitii'l '• A.. A. I to asr- rtui;< thei*legU)iTit) ofpi«rsoi)S to ba returned -J the H'u:-c 0(1 Asset;il;h, »!!)(] tr rimki further and more aflcrtnal |»ro- vsoii for siMurii(;g the frei.-dom and •.^ritutionnf (h« Tiuliaini'iit of tl.i- 1 rof'uice. Whicih was carried, and the iiill signed. Mr. Van K"M?HinrM cf fhe Commit¬ tee to earrj up to Hisilouor the Ad- 3-inibtratoroT. the Civil List Expend!- t;ir»-. reported fhnfl ,\u,y {ir.d (]0„e ,,„, and that His UdU%r had been pleased to make the io!lo\y.jn^ re.)|y ;__ " Gt.MI.EMtv " In rompliaiu e with the Address. Isballjiiv.- imincdiate order* thai a statement of the Appropriation of the aunual grant to 1\\5 Maje-ty, in iiid of Ihe Civil Administration of tiie iro- vince. be laid befhre t|lc Hou=e of As- semWy." The Forfeiture Bill being read a third time, Mr. Jones mov;^, that it do now pass, and that it l>.e entitled, ** An Act forvestingin C;.mlrniS!)i()liers ,he e8tates of certain Traitor.^ an(j a|ao tnp cs. tale, of persona <iu.cjarecj Aliens, by an Act passed in the 54th year of His Ma¬ jesty's Reign,|pd? u An Al.t t(( declare certain pe*sons fherein descri- oc.l, Aliens, and t f, Test ,neir estates in His Majesty, and .ror applying the pro¬ ceeds thereof towards compensating the losses which nis Maje},ty>s gub- jects have mcialnM jn consequence of the late war, and for ascertaining and ,atibfyiu,-the lav. Vu| debts and claims thereupon."— VVhrlcn was CPrrie(i an(j the iii'i signed. i Mr. B.>..ellmo,vedfor]eavetobring up the petitionol Truman Burdich, of the Township of Oxford. Granted. Tuesday 3. Mr. Van Knughnett of the Commit- teetodialt a bill for ('ne rernimei.a. tion ol the Conim.^ionerS) reported a dratt, which was rVceimj and r(.ad- Messrs. Frrfser ^ Hall were ap¬ pointed to be a CoVnmiUee to at.(iuail„ Jte Hon. the Legit ,ative Council, thai this"House had a^epted the amend¬ ment made by thai Hoa^e 0„ t,,e 0ut. lawry Bill. Mr. Robinson ^oved for leave to bring in a Hill to 1 ■ j a„ A<.t pnsS(;fi in the .'ifith year of ,|is jy[ajPs(y... nVdgH, entitled, l\ An Aa a.)pn,pna tm- a sum of moncv, (ort|u% encourage- mcut of the cull'i¥aUau of Hemp.» I The Members Wages Bill being read ;j third Tune, Mr-H.ward moved that it do now oa-s. and thai it he entitled, M An Act t' increase the wages of tbe Members ih the ftouv* of Assembly. Carried. »:ul llu* liiil signed. Mr. Baldwin, the Master in Chance¬ ry, hrouclit down from the Hon. the Lv'>Iafivc CoanciJ; the- Illegibility i>ii!, ?'*nt np from this House, with ^me amendment'-, which the? recom- tn-vtd to the adoption of this House. .\]r Van RoughQett moved, that it b^ r^o'vpd. that av the amendmeuts made b> Hio lionorsible the Le^iftlfttive Council on the Risibility liill. do nol in any manner aii'-ct the ittfoiug and ■ippropiiaiinj; ef money, this IIoo^i will Vfft exercise its undoubted righl to reject nil amendments made to Money liill^aod that the amendments be now rend. Carried. Mr. C'lenrh moved for leave-to brin/z u;> the petitions of Mr...lane Jenes, ol Niagara, widow of the late John Jones who d»Md a prisoner of war in the United States, and Mrs. Ann Hostler, and Margflrfcl Derby, widows of the late Heman ]Io^t!or and Gtforge 5-ierhy, of fJrantham, who died ol divease contracted whilst on service a» militia meft. Granted. Mr Bur well moved for ler?^> to brim; •p the petition of the Magistrates of the District of Niagara. Granted. Mr. Jones moved, that it be resolved, that an Humble Address be ore»ented to HiH Honor the Admin- r trater, rerpiestin^ him to order the proper Oili* an io lay before the House. a detailed ac< unt of the expenditure of the money granted to lih Majesty •t tiie la-t Ses1 ion of the present Far- liameot, entitled, tfc An Act granting to His Majesty a com of money for cciluiii purposes therein mentioned ;" and that Messrs. JL>urand and Howard De a Committee to draft the said Ad¬ dress. Granted. Mr. Fraser moved, that the petition of the Hon. and Rev. John Strachan, be now read? which was agreed to, and the petition read. Thursday 5. The Hemp Dill being read a third time. Mr. Robinson moved that it do now pass, and that it be entitted, M An Act to repeal an Act passed in the 5Cth year of His Majesty's Reign, entitled, •' An Act granting to His M ijestv. a sum of money to be applied for the en¬ couragement of the cultivation of Hemp, within this Province." Carried, and the Bill signed. The Commissioners Remuneration Bill beinij read a third time. ' Mr. Van Koufrhnett moved that it do now pass, and that it be eutitled, ■; A» Act to remunerate certain Com¬ missioners therein mentioned. Carried, auil the Bill signed. Mr- Jones moved for leave to bring rt a Bill to alter the laws now in force respecting Arrests. Grunted, and me Jill read, Mr. Durand of the Committee to iriifiistrator. on the snhjeet of voted la-t year, reported a draft, whi^B was received and read. Mr. Dnrant* moved, that it i- tTre opinion of this House, that an Humbte Addrefis be presented to His Honor the Administrator, that he v\ill b» pleasecL to canae to be laid before this flou&i such papers as may have been recei> d from Ilis.Vla|e&t)\s Goverument, relate it)gto their having withheld the ukorI tnoney for defraying ti e charge? of the Administrati v. of the Government of this Province, as communicated to this Houfe at the last Session ol Kaxttament, in a Mes^a^e from His Kxce:i;.:ry France fiore, Esquire, the Lieut«-'n:u;t Governer ; af,d 'hat *\j- >-rs. Vaa Konghnett and Robinson^ bo a Com¬ mittee to draft the said Address, Carried. Mr. Van Koughneft of the Conft mittee to dnft an Addrr-- to iiis Honor the Administrator, reported a> draft, which w»* received and rend. Mr. Prase* moved foi leave to bring in a Bill to regulate a Poiiee in tlie vil¬ lage of Kmesiowru and other purposes therein mentioned. Granted. Saturday 7. Mr. Jones moved for i^ave 'o hriitsj in a Bill to remunerate Thomas Kfeajs and other-, for certain monies advaae.; ed by them. Granted. Mr. Durand moved for leaw to bria$ in a Bill to regulate costs in certain casei \u the Court of King's Bench.*^- Grar.ted. Messns. Jones, Chfjstlrr. McMartin and Robitisou, were appointed a Com¬ mitted to meet a Committer of the Honorable the Legislative Council, (o prepare a joint Address to Hi* Hoc^o'f the Administrator, on the subject of the improvement ol tbe navi^ativ-rw Mr. M'Martin moved to brine in a Bill for granting to His Majesty Duties on Licences issired to certain trediia persons tht'rein mentioned. Grant' }■ Mr. Fraser moved fnr leave t* rtri*.^r in a Bi!! to divt«l»* rhe C>«»| tie* of Lenox and Addiniftnn, ?n tht Midlnnd Ui^tiiei of this Province. Granted. Mr. M'I)oqin»II moved for !«avi: to bring np th» petition of Al"*nnd"i \tc Donnell. of I,oi No. pj. in the Mxth Concession of the Towu-.hip of C«»rfr« wall. Granted. Mr. Jones moved fi>r l.^ave t<* bring np the petition of the iolnhiicints of the: Township of Kingston. Granted. t Mr. M'Nabb moved for leave to bring wp the petition of Thomas Dor- land, Alley Dorlatyd", Arent V^endyctej and Cynthia Veudyck. Granted. Mr. Kobinon gave notice, that h^ will, on Tuesday next, move for leav to bring in a Bill to provide lor assess- ing and levyin^th" rales on lands not inhabited in this Province. Mr. VanKoughnet* moved, that ft r»e resolved, that an Humble Addr-«s b'* presented to His Honor the Adminis¬ trator, praying him to inform this House ifany orders have born received from His Majesty's Government, for granting Lauds to the Flank Corny panics, Volunteer Corps, or to the Incorporated Militia, for their sen? vices during the late war with the United States of America ; and that Messrs Jones and Burwcll be a Com¬ mittee to draft the same. Granted. Monday 9- Mr. Robinson of the Committee to drafta Bill to eonhnn the Pmvisional Agreement entered into at Montreal, between this Province and Lower Canada, reported a draft of thes&me, which was received and read the first time. ( The Hawkers and Pedlars Bill was read the third time. Mr. M'Martin moved that it do now pass, and that it be entitled, " An Act to continue an Act passed in the 66th year of His Majesty'* Reign, entitled, c An Act granting to His Majesty, du* ties on Licences to haw keis, 1 tdlars and Petty Ciiapman, and other trading persons therein mentioned, and to ex¬ tend the provision of the same. Car¬ ried. The Civil List Repeal Bill was read the thin! Lime. Mr. Jones moved that it do now P&8S. and tliat it be entitled, vt An Act t" rt^ peal an Art passed in the 56th year -f Iiis MajestyV Keign, entitled, i Atv Act granting to His Majesty « -u.n -f ilioOey towards defraying the e&pencM >f tho Civil Adi.-iinisua.iiiii . I the Government of this 1 rexine, and >o u Iraft au Address to iiis Honor the Ad- H*,*'B* to Ui» M^<J a sum ot monejr

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