MhMst toivv f[ Mansion Hotel. AlitiLP. rOKWAUJX ^TX^ISHES to acquaint the public, v ▼ that iiehas completely fimflicd an elegant new built two (lory houfe in the village of E.nefl Town, f«>r the ac- fci.mmodation of Gentlemen & Ladies. ThefC being an elegant arched room,' for.y feet in length, Gentlemen and La-(j ^ie- may attend) I c with propriety for civil j' recreation, I Travellers may vcly on finding good ^pconunodatiorn for Horfes and Carria- gca, with good attendance. The Inhabitants of the Town and it« tkinity will always find the beft and pu*. re'* ! .tquurs of every description, for prompt pay only G/fN/tNOOJJA Store & Mills. Charles Mcdonald having taken bis brother John McDon- \tiht, into partnership, the bulinefs in fu¬ ture will be conducted under the firm of C & J. McDonald, Who keep for fale a general aflbrt- ment of DRY GOODS, GKOCEH1F.S HARD WARE, CROCKERY, and moft articles enquired for at a Coun¬ try Store, which they offer low for Cain. Saw Logs,Square Timber, Staves, >mpi nay uutj« i P°tafhes, and mod kinds of country No pains will be fpared by Mr. P. toll Produce. give nniverial latisfa&ion to all who may (' They have a good Grift and ^aw think proper to call J i Mm in full operation—can Manufact- •\ frw boarders can be accommodated |*tite FLOUR, uqual to any Mill in the <U a reafouable rate Students at the | . Province ; they will fupply orders for X" .'c^vmu^t always havethe preference i j Sawed timber of almofl any defcription —»Weekly payments will be required oftUt (hott Notice. ftranffcra without furcty. Ervest Town, Jan 5, 1818. m A f«»Uf Contract. NY otrfon willing to Contraft with rhe Subferiher to take the win^ quantity of LUMBER, to market, to be delivered at the Crofs, in the Port of Mo treal, or at New-Liv¬ erpool Cove in the Port of Quebec, as may be required, will apply by Letter P .ft-paid, to the fubferiher, Town of Kingfton, or to MefTrs. McLean and McMultan at Ptefcott. ? 15000 feet Pi«.e timber ready rafted, 4cco Standard ftaves 7 onthewa. Itfooo pices 243 3 ler* edge, at the Kingston Mills. 20000 feet fquare pine timber ready rafted ; JfcoO Standard ftavea 1 wafers coco p>. deals %h % 3in. ) edge, at Gananoque. feet fquare pine between Welle*** Ifland and Prefcott, ready raft- WVf. HAMILTON. Kingston, Jan. 6, 1818. 32 ~ FOR SALE, (^ ^Treaionnble te*m , that wcH known > ftand fo» a Tavern, fi'uatcd in llie Vi! ^»ge ofPrcfcottj Lots N'. 9 and 11 fr..fling ihf King'c Mf.'l«*V4y» pi.H T.\'"t two ftnry framed Houfe, well fin- ifhe-f with a lar^e Kitchen in the rear, |t?.i !i« g for twenty fpan« of hot fen, a fhed feven'y feet long, end a good hnufenn tin"i>ir Lot. fit fin the accommodation of:; r-fre£able Family. The whole of [ th- iMiildiog* thereon, being finiftird in A vv rkmanlike manner, and at prefeut j oecmi-dby Mr. Alexander 8. McDon- pl. 0. a Hotel, For further oaiticulan, ^pnly to the fvbfeiibers, or to Mr Alexander Mac- jDnnell, Junior, Mediant, Prefcott, by wl^m the terms may be made known, find an indifputable title and immediate ifTeffion will be given. AJ FX. M/\CDONELL&Co. Kmgfton, jd Jan* 1S18. jitf c. & j. Mcdonald. Gananoqua, Jan. 10, 18 1 8- 33// AllrboU indebted toCharls? McDon¬ ald, whofe accounts htivc become due, are rrqueftcd to to make immedi¬ ate payment. C. Hatch & Co. OFFER FOR SALE, Elegant Broad top ball tack- Fancy & Windfor bamboo, do Slat back. Real Cane feat, Waterloo, Common, Rocking and Children1? J WiRR ANTED GOOD, At their Chair Shop, oppofice Wtib Powell's'Tin and Grocery Store, ftore ftrt. Their Chairs are fiipertor to any thev have hitherto offered fot fale. m Country Produce received in payment. CT^ Cabinet Ware f r fale as above Kingfton, Nov. to, 18 17. 24tf en < u » * 1 » Rags ! Rags ! 1 ASH paid for Clean COT. TON and LINEN RAGS, (Oi any Color,) AT THIS OFFICE. Executive Council Officei York, tldOfi. 1817. NOTTCE k hereby ^iven, by order of Hia Honor the Vdminillrntor in Council, to the R^rmfeTmitivt's ol *7oAn Gallowny and William Caldwell* to make pood any orete'»'n»n to lot number twenty nne in the fifth concelfion of rhe Tow'.llnpof KirifMion, within fix months from tbl3 date, or it will be granted to the occupmtf who ha*'oeen in poflcflion fixteen years. JOHN^MALL, CI&. of the Ex. Council. & NOTICE. THEfnbfcrfbcr hereby forbids all and every perfon or perfi^ns fifnna medling or n.akinp, or cutting any tim¬ ber, o» t*efpaffing in any fh^pc whatever, upon Lot No. 21, in the eth conccifion of the towi fhip of Kingflon, on pain of being profectited -Hccordin^ to Law JARVI^ WORDEN Kiimfton.JOcJ 22.181^7. z%\^6 thn Rarley. IHE SUBSCRIBER, f Jt, e!i market price for any quantity Of pARLfc*v, delivered at his Stoic in -Uiugfton, dtirifig the winter- ' O'i h 'i d as ufual, a general alTort- ment of DRY GOODS, Liquor*and GrCcciiesj Salt, Crockery & Glaf« ware, &.C Sir. Vil of wh'ch will be fold uncommon ly low for Cafh or anv kind of produce. S HAWLEY. Kingston* Jan. 2 1, • 818. 35 FRENCH CORDIALS. S. ffawlty* h^9 juft received a few dor.-n 1 f very fine French Cordials, a- Aoog which are. Crc'rne de Noyeau, Cre'mC de Moku, Cre'tne de Annis, I.imonada Sopi^fiiia, E»0 Sanb Parcille, J e ect:*r de Phelcmc, Ne Plus Ultra, \)t XJ Ean Royale, By 'ozen or .Single P>otlle 1 c AV»F. into the enclolure of the fuh« fcriber fi-me lime laft autumn, a la» e Hagy fuppnfctl tn be two or more yearb. M The owner can have him by piovii g property and paying charges, JOHN W1LLLT. mbqpimt Feb. a6, i$i%, 40 EGS leave to inform his friends & the public generally, that he has ♦ moved from his forme: Hand to the ! fhop lately occupied by Jonas A.bbot & 'Co. neai ihe Market Place, where he has now on hand, a general aflbrtment of Hardware, Cutlery, &c. 11 Which he will lell on the mufl moderate I terms. To let, the fhop lately occupied by the fubferi'er, and pofieffion given im¬ mediately. SAMUEL SHAW. Kingston^ $tb Jan. 1818. 32 ; For Sa :at thii Office, A READY RECKONER, Shewing the vcilue of Grains of various Gold Coins, current in the Provioc: of Upper Cana¬ da. ALSO, FERGUSON'S Improved TabI* of die value of Grain; of Gold Coin, 4 *er or under weight. TO LET, a^<J poflc(Sdn gt^en fitf May next the Shop now occupied by MefTrs. TayUr k Parker. Enquire of PArRICK SMYTH. March 3. 4° r¥lO LET, aid poffdfion given the X fir ft May sext, the bo'ife now oc¬ cupied by Mr Amos W» Brown En¬ quire of' Patrick smyth. March J. 40 -- -- — -— Notice. THE Co-p;rt:ier(bip heretofore eX- iiling at iellville, under the firm of John Hubbavj and company, is this day diffolved, by mutual confent. All ptrfons having cairns againft the fame are requeued to prefent their account* to Antlrew Kinmerly for adjuftment ; and thofe indebted to the faid co-part- nerAStpare drfimd to pay the fame to Andrew Kimrnerly without delay, oth- erwifc they will be pot in the hand of an Attorney for collection. JOHV HUBBJRD, ANDREW KIMMERLr. Bcllville, 2cti Feb. 1818. 40t AND immciiate puffeftion given, the HOUSE and premifes in Stuart- ville, lately occupied by Mr. Dalvon, htuated within half a mile of this Town, a favotable Qtuition for a Gentleman and family, and ho lefa lo for a DiftlHcr, or Inn Keeper. For further particulars euquite of the fubferiher. E. BARNETTy Kingston* Fck 24, 1818. 39tf CANADIAN COURANT. PERSONS who have-heretofore re. ceived the above paper at this Of¬ fice, are informed that they wiM hence¬ forward receive them at MOORE'a Coffee Houfe, and that they will be ac¬ countable to Mr. Moore for them from the Fir ft day *f January, j 818—who will receive fu(>lrriptiori3 in future.------- Thofe indebted to the lubicriber for the Canadian Counmt, are informed that it is neceflary to make immediate payment. S. MILES. Gazette Office, Kingflon, 20'h February, 1818- 39 Notice. 4 LL perfons having atny ^rmands a. ^1. gainll the Ellate olr ^ ]a(c Bry an Crawford, Efq. of Ado,|phljftown dc. eeafed, are heieby requelt,ed to pr0f]ucc their claims, duly auth-mr;cntff1._^. all peifons indebted to th'. fa,*(j Eftateare hereby requeilcd to m^ke immediate ..ayment to William Alexander Grant, Executor. Kingston, 19/A fttfyt r.%Ty, 32 1 Notice. J ALL perfons indebted to the Eflate of the late James Gumming, late of KallowelL dtceafed, are requeued to call without delay, and fettle the Came with Mr. James McGregor, now in charge of the eftablifhment, at Hallow- ell bridge ;—and thofe who have claim- againft the faid eftate, arc defired to prefent them for adjuftment. The ftock in Trade of the deceafed, confifling of a very complete affortment of Goods well laid in, and very fuitablc to the Country, is now felling off at pri¬ ces fo low, as will defervedly claim the attention of the public. Cafli or Country produce will be tak- en in payment, and a credit of 6 month* given to refponfible Farmers, or others. JOHN GUMMING,! r , I %*,*! n.^^TTT*, r 'jLxecutonel IV M. MITCH ELI Kingston, OB 27, 18 17 3* SMITH & BU nTRWOR-ft "p ETURN their fincere thank,\ JLlL their friend* and the public in nevai, for the liberal encouragement rk they have received fincc they rcce menced the Hatting Bijinefs. fi. have an extenfive affortment of t Ladies artd Children's BQH NETS, of various colors and (hapes. Gentlemen's Beaver if fim CaftorHiTS, Likewife, Knapt and Wort Hats. Which they will fell very fo^ f* calh or approved credit. Produce taken in payment, Jan- ^ »______ J4 Notice, THE fubferiber retnrna his mod grateful thanks to his friends and cuftomers. and the refpe&able inhabit¬ ants of Kiugfton, for the liberal en¬ couragement he has received fince bet jcommeiKed bufmefs in this place, and I . _____,( would inform them that he ftill carries; j District,hereby r. quests all thofe indclj. ion the Tin, Copper, Sheet Iron and Lead I cd totnc ^id Estate to make immediate 1 Bf//inefi% in all its various branches, near* the Engineer Yard, where he hopes byj 1 .......- ------ ......-...... ^••»oi iw his afliduity and attention, ftill to merit! ' E'tatc are requested to produce the fame a fh^re of public favor, affurmg them! ! ^u'y attested, in order t^at a Stttlenti tlwit nothing (hall be wanting on his; j of thc^Estate maybe effefted aefpcrdilj part, to faithfully execute all orders with) THE Subfcr/bers, Executors to th Estate of Charles Stuart* Efquirt deceafed, late Sheriff ©f the Mtdan/ — — '—---------- — -------*-^ ••••■*^u(ai payment to the faid Executors ;and a.. thole who have demands afrainBt tfct which he may he honored. II? has for fale, a larire affortment of the be(l Englifh Double Tin Ware, ofVv. jery defcription, ever offered for (ale in 1 this Province, and a large affortment or I Japan d, Copper and Hard Ware. he ;aiio keeps* on hand an affortment of Sheet I Iron Stoves, Stove Pipes and Elbows. 4c boxes of the beft Double Tin, and 60 boxes beft Sheet iron, fcr fale cheap. C^Produce will be taken in payment. James Meagher. Kingfton, Sept. 30, 1817. 14016 ~~ "stoves. THE fubfciiber has juft received at his Brick ftore, Front ftreet. Doa¬ ble and Single 6' TOVES & Sheet Iron, And ha? alfo on hand as ufual a gen¬ eral affortment of X>ry £/(yOY>S, Liquors, AND GROCERIES, Crockery and G'afs Ware in Crates. Lin feed and Comer* Oil, Paints ground in oil ;—and expect in a few days an addition to his Stock, all which will be fold extremely cheap at whole fale. S. BARTLET. Kingston 03 20, 1817. 32 BLANK BAIL BONDS, For sale at this Office. Officers Half Pay, and^ Artil¬ lery Penfion BLANKS, For fale at this Office. Church Catechifm &er Sale ^t this OfTtcp. as poflihle after thciir^t davof July i8:& GEORGE O. STUART,7 Ex* ALLAN McLEAN, J man, Kingston, August if, 1817___1 itf ADVERTISEMENT. The fubferiber offers for Sale life Following? of too acres in ^.th and coo ifi the 6th conccflton fif the Gore bftwc^ Ernell Trwn and Frederickfbutgh. No. 18 and 19 in the Rtii co»«ffi> of Murray. No ^1 Eaft half 21! con. of £it%. No 9~ioth coneeflinn of Rawdew N<>. 4_Rth concefli«»n, Hunting No. 14, 15, 17, 18, 75 and $6toW rtth coneeflinn of Thurlow. N" 34 and 35 fa the 4th cuuctfi* of Vau^han, Kwi Vork. -Also, ^1 Town of Kmi'Mon. WM. CRAWFORD, Fredericlsbur%h% Jan. 10, 1817. **ft £r TO LET, A ND pofieffion given immediately, ____a Honfe. containing fix rooms, a pood Celler, Well and Garden ; and a good Bake-noufe adjoining it, the oven o* which will hold 200 Loaves oi bread. Apply to the fubferiber, near the Catho¬ lic Church. PHILIP VIAS. Kingflon, Nov. 7, 1817. 24-tf 1 j UST received am] for fale at thffl Office, price 7\A. the MONTREAL ALMANACK, For the Year of our Lord 18 18. S?/fo—ESSJrS on PRACTICAL HUSBANDRY, AddrrfTeri to the Canadian Farmers. By C. F. Grec£# of Montreal. November 14, 25 TO LET, T'HE building lately -occupied by R. Robifon, Efq. as a fhop, firnate next the G'wernment Houfe. For particular? apply to Allan McLean, Efq Kingfton, January 23. 1818. 3^tf 0-TO LETl THE premifes at prtfent occupied by the fubferiber, confiding of a large Two-ftrry houfe. bake houfe, liable, &c. For particiJars, apply to the fubferiber. LOUIS TAPIN. Kingston, Feb. a, lHi8. * 36 I Onondaga Salt JUST received and fit Lie at the Store of S. Bartleu 29 TO BE SOLD,~~ Genteel conveniens Houfe, with part of a Town lot, fituated in Front ftrcet near the Maket, in a mod eligible fituation for any line of public bufinels—For particular? apply to the printer. Kingston, sept. 15, i8i> 3a Valuable Lands FOR SAIE, IN the Third Conceflion of the Town (hip of Pitfburgh, being Lots No. j 6, the half of No 7, and No. 18.—An [indifputable title will be given, and the tt'rmK of payment made ealv. H. C. THOMSON. Kingfton, July 28,1817. 32 Blank Summonses For the District Courts, for Sale at this Office. A H ATTORNIES Blark Bills o* Costs, for sale at this Office. J LI ST received and fot fale at this Of (ice, price 1/8, Poens on his Do¬ mestic Circumstances* by 4-°rd Byron.— Willi the Star of the Lmon of Honour', and other Poems ; to wbch J6 prefixed, The Life of the Notfe /inhh. A CONTRACT, WILL be given for Piling1 and Burningoff the timber at Pref- quifle, the enfuing Spring, on 75 acre* of Ground, and for lowing the fame in¬ to grain : and alfo at Kingfton for cut¬ ting 3»Kj Drawing about one mile. 500 Cordu of Wood :—on each of which contract (by being furnifhed with fuffi- cient fecurity) a fmall advance will be made. Enquire of B WHITNEY. Kingston, Jan 16, 1818- 3gtf MULTIPLICATION Tables, For the uie of Schools, For (ale at this Office. Notice. npjHE Partnership heretofore exifttiy JL between the fobicribere is thi^a diflbived bv mutual confent. All Ptr foil1* indebted to the fublcribers are tl quelled to make immediate payment h Neil McArthur, who is duly authoriy to icceive the Tame ; and all rhot'c wk. Iiave demanti.i apainll them ;«re requeja to prcicnt them for Liquula'jon. NEIL McslRTIIUR, John Mcjrthuju C once con, z^sh Dec 18 I 7. * Smiths Work. THE fafjferfber mofi refpeaf,^ informs the gentlemen of KinRJ. xm, that he is juft arrived here frnm Dublin, and has commenced the bufi. nefo of Black and White <rrmh, in j|| ifs bianches ; more particularly that qf I'orfe Shewing, in which h^ will tf,t the greatell fatisfadion ro thofe that em. ploy him. Thev may rely nn bniiv their work we!! done, clear ami rcm.Iw applying at Mr. J. Members, Barrack llrcet, where he has commerced. All orders in that line will he gladly received and fliid attention given. A trigs ton 13th OS. 2 I • PlflHE fubferiber^ beg li*avetninfoqn X their frfrnds and the public in ^ neral, that they carry ny I he BUSINESS TJTLORING TO LET, FOR any term of years not exceed- in Fifteen, on the molt reafona- blc terms—That well known valuable Hand in the public line, fituate on the point at Gananoqua. and recently occu¬ pied by Seth Downs, together with the Houle, Barn, Stable*, &c.«— For fur¬ ther particulars apply to the fubferiber. JOEL STONE. Ganwyaua J«*. fr i8i8. 33//" III Main Street, where they fnfend mok* inp every article in their line, on nwe rcafonable term? thnn has been done fcr a number of years bnck. Thofe who wifh to favor them with tlrefr enftonj may rely on having-their work well madfc and on the (horteU notice, for CaA. ' Norris& Stevens- Kingston, Sept. 9, 1817- 32 I THK PANOPLIST, For the Year 1816, For Sale at this Office. [Complete.] t9 Blank Deeds and Memorials, JSwftfc at this (Ifficrv