Kingston Gazette, March 17, 1818, page 1

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[TUESDAY, MARCH 17> 18L8/) - ' I. J J ! ' I." KINGSTON [VOLUME VII.------No. 42] GAZETTE. Kingston Upper Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollars per Annum—Exclusive of Postage. Agents for the Kingston Gazette. Ernest Town, JAMES RAXKlN, Esq, tork, WILLIAM ALLAN, Esq, BmckvifIe,A. SIIF.RWOOD.Esq* BrfljjIK 9. MjNABB, F.<q. Montreal, R MOW PR, Printer. Notice. 41W4 ALL Perfons to-whom the Eftarcof the late Commiffioner Sir Rob ert Hall, is indebted, are requeued, toprefent their demands ft>r fcttlement. <t~.\nd all thofc indebted to the faidj Eftate, to pay their refpe&ive debus, on C before the firll day of April next, to the under fignedor either of them, who *re duly authotifed to fettle and receive! the fame. ' fyntd* E. LsflVS, M. SPR/ITT 5- Executors. S CHR1STT, Kingston* U. C- Kt&tpk March. I«'S. P % Thofe who have anv of ^ir Ro~\ fat Hall's Books in their pbffeffion, will: bc nleafrd to return them immediately. Tr_IE Fubfcribet has iuft received a targe quantity of Cast Iron Ware, confiftinfTof POTASH KETTLES, Caldrons and Sugar Boiler**, Franklin, Box and Oven Stovca, together with a jjrirtv of Kitchen Furniture, as Bake ftrts, Pots, Teakettles. Dog Irons &c W all of which are of an excellent qual¬ ity, and will be difpofed of on very rea¬ dable terms, at wholcfalc only. SMITH B \RTLET. N. B. The Pot \(h Kettles will be *ttramed if required. Kingston. to/A March- 41 VA».l3 -BLE'LANDS LOTS No 24. 2? ^nd 76, ftrfl em. cdSunrffilir t« wnfliin of Ma- ryibmrrh. Kafl «ft** *<*&' in tl,c Mi('* Jaud riWHa. comprffin:* the moll vain 3o!f part of " Point Plcafant." and eon (tiding about 3°° ***«*; No 5'% n^ft cones (lion of Sophias. fcur^h, Midland D!IW» From */ze Ufficr Canada Gazette. PROVINCIAL PARLIAMENT OF UPPER CANADA. H<?uae of Assembly. February 16, i81*L The Sabbath Profanation Bill #*« read a third time, and ou tnotion of Mr. Cameron, passed and entitled uAn Act to prevent the profanation of the Sabbath.*' Mr. Jones moved, that the House do on to-morrow, resolve itself into a Committee to take into consideration Hi- Honor the Administrator's Mes¬ sage, respecting the Frovu*cial Agree¬ ment. Mr. Jones moved, that the House do resolve itself into a CoTomittB<% to take .into consideration His Honor the Ad- {tnir.istrator's Message en the estimate f r the current year.—Ordered. Mr. Clench moved for \t ave to bring in a Bill, to amend an Act to afford re¬ lief to persons holding and possessing Lands, Tenements or Heredita¬ ments, in the district of Niagara, which was granted, and the Bill read. The District School Repeal Bill was brought in and read : and Mr. Burwell moved that it be read a second time to-morrow. In amendment to which, Mr. Jones moved thai the word u to-morrewM be expunged, and u this day three months" be inserted — which was carried. Mr. Van Koughnett moved, that the District School Bill be now recommit¬ ted—which was carried. Mr. Robinson moved, that the house do now go into Committee on the Pub¬ lic buildings—which was agreed to. Mr. Secord reported the following resolution. Which was adopted : Resolved, That it is the opinion of * effect. j J Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Committee, that a Committee be appointed to draft a Bill, authorizing the remuneration of the Commissioners of this Province treating with the Com¬ missioners of tie Lower Province rela¬ tive to Duties. Mr. Jones rr*rved, that Messrs. Ro¬ binson and Va> Koughnet, be a Com¬ mittee to draff a BUt in pursuance to the resolution «f this House relative to the provisional articles of agreement entered Into b<-+\vcen the Commission-] ers of this Province and Lower Cana¬ da.—Ordered. Mr. Jones moved, that Messrs. Van Koughnett and Burwell bea Committee to draft a Bill h pursuance of the Res¬ olution of fhis House, authorizing (he payment of a SkMti of Money for the re¬ muneration of the Commissioners of this Province, treating with the Commis¬ sioners of the Lower Province respect¬ ing Duties.—Ordered. Wednesday 18th. Mr. M'Mfl»in moved for leave to bring in a Bill to continue for a limit¬ ed time, an Act passed in the 51th year of His Majesty's Reign,entitled, "An Act for grantiYg to His Majesty duties on Licences to [{avvkers, Pedlars arid Petty Chapniffe,and othertradingpei*- sonstherein mentioned." The House vent into Committee on the Contingent Account*. Mr. Nelles reported, that the Com¬ mittee had agreed to certain resoluti¬ ons which he was directed to submit to the House, an#j which w ere adopted. Mr. Jones %ot*d, that Messrs. Van Kon&hnettuuri Hatt, be a Committee to draft an Ad,jre3s to his Honor the AdinlnislratoPj respecting the Contin¬ gent Accounts aiTveeable to the resolu¬ tion n{ th\'< II jjRflB Mr. Robinit>n moved for ieaT.» to Ithis Committee, that a conference be,. . -; ,,...•'" ......*;*_ ~; ""\ "' mincted with the H n th, Legisla- JjMJJ a JWI ,., piwl< « r„r Mm ! J <W,;>Mha o.rtofhi^Worthe |hc lorfeitrd lv.ato-.aud satisfy in* the 200 acre*. ..... ^ \dn\inisti.Mt'.M"- >lr*HNai"t! \\\ the opMl* . ftfthr pr *s. 11I S'.-^-iiMi, which n.lutes 1 the Public Buiidiugsat the. Town of ; ork. Mt-ssr-. Burwell ntul Van KonghneU were appointed a Committee to request a contereiu" on the ab< vc resolution. Mr. M'Nabb movi'd for Wr.vr to bring up thr* petition of Andrew Kim- An.el.afbar^h, bay fiJc, Midland Dw- u;^__ 400 acres. Nos 5 and 6 feennd conceit n, Ame-j • i;a-,K„r.?h. Lake fide, 400 acn-s. " No 3. third conccfiion <-f Hallo well, Midland Dill rift, 200 acres. No. 12, eighth cnccdion of 'fhur- low, Mid'and Dill' "^. 200 acrc«. fin, 9. fer-'.nH Conceffiui) of Camden, Midland Dill'-ift. 200 acres. No, 70. fifth Con. Camden.200 acres. No. 9 third conrrflien <>f Murray in the Diihia of N*w Caftltf, 2co acres. No. C 4th en. of Murray 200 do. Np. 10, f'H'rth cnn. Hamilton, in the fKfirid of New Ciftlr, 200 acres N0.32. fifth con. ofJfamiltMii, 2 00 do. No. 19. fev<-nth con of Haldimaisd, Dillria cf New Caftle, 2GOacre'>. N(,. I- fir'l con of the tovvnfhip nf Clarke, in i»>e Diftria of N. C 3oe do. The' local fiMiation of rhe ahc-e lands particularly of t!t firfl nine Lots, is very'| advantageo<i*,a. d the foil is excellent. —' The terms of fa e will be fomi'l very !ea ionable ; and a great part of the pW chafe money will he left at intcrtlt jr. the j hands of the ..Uichr'.fer; Application t< ' be made to the fuhrcn'her. D. H \GERMAN. dd'ilphusiQ'wn 1 ., 1818 5 tib March Altf NOTICE. granted, and the petition laid on ih>~ table. Tuesday 17th. Mr. Van Kanghnett ni )v«d for lenve to bring In a Bill to continue an Act passed in the 5.5th year of His Majesty's tirign, cutitlod, " An Act to supply .in certain cases, thf5 want of County (Courts in this Province, and to make further provision for proceeding to Outlawry in certain cases therein men-1 tinned," Which was granted, and the' liill read. The House went int-> Committee on the Message of His Honor the Admi¬ nistrator relative to supply. Mr. Secord reported the following resolution, which was adopted : Resolved, That it is th? opinion of this House, that an humble address be presented to his Honor the Administrft* ?or? requesting him to lay before this House, u statement of the application of the Monies granted lo His Majesty by an Act pn^ed in the .r>6th >ear of His Majesty? R"it?n, entitled, tl An Act granting to His Majesty a sum of nmn*v for certain purposes therein mentioned." And also informing him, that &S&&AH as such statement shall be laid before us, this House will take in- ro consideration the expediency of grafting (he further sum required by tlit* estimate accompanying his Honor's Message Mi- Jones moved, that Messrs. Du ALL Mrfo-wb ITwWf Canada, who Mi- Jones moved, that Messrs. uu- hSedtt* * *• fnbfcribcrj Lnd and M^X-Ub be . Committee to that have not been acknowledged by him, will be pieafed to drfi« theni to Allan M'Leai, E«q. »t Kiugfton with¬ out delay. And tho'e indebted to him, lomake payment or arrangement tv that effea on or before the Ifl of May ** P. GRANT. La Chinr, tfh March l8l8- *H Advertisement. ^|UST received, and offered for fale « bv the fubferihers, a quantity ot Ted Currant Jelly, preferred Rhrfober riee, Gonsberfiw, Plumbn and Strav? draft an Address lo lh< Honor the Ad- ministrator,in pursuance of the Reso¬ lution of this House—which was or- th.'lc'd. _ .. The House went into Committee on the subject of the l>rovi*ioual Agree- 11 ""Mr. Swayze reported the following Resolution, which wusMw™; . .. R-solved, That it is the opinion of | tbU Committeel.that a Committee be| appointed to draft a Bill to ratify and CoSrm certain provisional articles of ,..,,omcnt entered into by the respee- r,;e Conunissioners of this Province :„d Lower Canada, at Montreal, on fiee. Gonsbmi«, Plumbf and oj * *"U^V f \ Tr« h 1817, relative to tl.n jtwt .claims o| creditors tner«ro|>i»i Which was agrped to, and the Bill ren.d. Mr. Baldwin, the Master in Chanrr- ry, brought do\,,, |rom |he lion, the LfgHlatiTe ConnCi|, a Mrssa^e which he d.-livn-d to (he Speaker, and hal¬ ing withdrawn,i\ wa* read ; when Mr. Rurwell m^ved, that Messiouv Jones. Robiusoh, llatt and Chrysler. bea Commit tet.' „n th<> part of fhi' Ro«««e, to c'o"fir Wlth the Committee of the Honorabli the T^ui-lativp Coun¬ cil, on that pari „f \\v, Honor the. Ad- | mlnistrator'* S|)f.e(.h at th«» opening o>' the present Se^ion, which relates tr, (he erection of |>uhlic Buildiups in ti.. Town of York. Mr. Van Ko^hnett^f the Commit¬ tee to draft an \ddress on the subject ofthe Contingent Accounts, reported that the Committee had agreed to a draft which he vas ready to submit to the House. Vfcfefc was received and read. Mr. Van Kei^hriptt moved, that the 5th Rule of ths House be dispensed with, as far as Ffelates to the Address to his Mono;- th,. Administrator, and that it be now r^ a second time.— Which was a^rch(| to, and ordered to be engrossed, ai,j reuj a third time to¬ morrow. Mr. RobinSOf, mOTpd for leave to bring up the pe»;fionof the Proprietor-. oftheSteam-boi^t Fronteiiac. Which was granted. Mr. Durand r^07ej for jeaTP to bring up the petition <,f <,un,in inhabitants of the District of l,0ndon".— Granted. Mr. Jones m^,,,] fof ieave to biing up the petition '.fSUUfjry inhabitants of the town of Iu«gaton,-~G?anted. Mr. Howard »n0v(d for leave to bring up the petition qfBHla Flint, merchant of Brockville, with a documentaccom- pairing it.—&iauted. Thursday 19th. Mr. M Marti;, moved for leave to bring in a Bill, t^ rppea| ar) Act pass- ed in the 56th y>ar of His Majesty's Reign, entitled, a Ao Act for granting to His Majesty | sum of monev,andto | provide for the vpp^ntmeut of a I»ro- l-yincia) Agent.- which was carried aud the Bill rea^ The Outlaw,,. *Bm wag read a se. cond time. The House *j\n| -U)to Committee on the Outlawry B p Mr. Jones re;,.',;,^ the r>;n arnend- ed—which was i%Te;vedi nud ti,e Bill ordered to be *M„rrt!(St,d and read n third time to-pi' rmvf. The Add;-^ a hi", fjonor the Ad¬ min fttor, on the subject of the; Con- ii- xpenres, was read a third time <i d >assed. Mr. Durand, of the Committee to confer with a Committee of the Hon. Legislative Council, on the subject of a joint Address to His Honor the Ad¬ ministrator reported, that they had agreed to an Address, which he was ready to submit to the House—which W was received. Mr. Tones moved for leave to bring in a Bill to alter aud amend the Regis¬ try Law of this Province, which was granted, and the Bill read. Mr- Robinson moved for leave to bring up the petition of sundry inhab¬ itants of the Home District'—Granted. Mr. M'Nabb moved for leave to bring up the petition of sundry inhab- •tantsofthe Kastern part of the New- castle District, and the inhabitants of the Western part of the Midland Dis¬ trict—Granted. Mr. Burnham moved for leave to bring ill a Bill to repeal part of and amend an Act passed in the 55th year of His Majesty's Reign, to equalize Rate* and Assessments. Which was granted. Friday 20th. The Outlawry Bill was read a third time. Mr. Van Koughnett moved, that the Outlawry Bill do now pass, and that it he entitled, " An Act to continue an Act passed in the 55th year of His Ma¬ jesty's Reien, entitled, " An Act to • upplv, in certain ca^es, the want of County Courts in this Province, and to make further provision for proceeding to Outlawry In certain cases therein mentioned." Which was carried aud the Bill signed. Mr. Durand moved for leave to bring in a Bill for the confirmation of certain Marriages in this Province. Which « a- <iitnf I'd. Adjourned till Monday. Monday 23d. The Provincial Agent Repeal Bill Was read a third time, and pissed. Mr. Jon& movrd, that the House do how resolve itself into a Committee of iho whole, to lake into cousid<ration the expediency of revising and reprint¬ ing the Provincial Statutes. Which I was agreed to. Mr. Durand reported a Resolution, which was adopted, as follows : Resolved, That it is the opinion of fhis Committee, that a conference be requested •• ith theHon.the Legislative Council, on the subject of revising and reprinting the Provincial Statutes, to- gefher with such British Statutes a* particularly apply to this Province. Mr. Jones moved, that the House do now resolve itself into a Committee of 'V whole, to take into consideration the expediency of improving the navi- ;ation of the St. Lawrence. Which was agreed to. Mr. Robinson reported a Resolution which wa< adopted, as follows : Resolved, That it is the opinion of this Committer, that a conference be requested with the lion, the Legislative Council, on the subject of the improve¬ ment of the navigation of the S*. Law¬ rence. Messrs. Jones, Hntt, Howard and Chrysler, were appointed to be a Com. rriitlee, to confer with the Honorable 'he Legislative Council, on the subject of the improvement ofthe navigation of the St. Lawrence. Messrs. Jones, Robinson, Durand and Hatt, were appointed to bo a Com¬ mittee on the part of this House, to confer with the Committee of the Ho¬ norable Legislative Council., on the propriety of revising and reprinting the Provincial Statutes. Tuesnav 24. The School Bill was read a third time. Mr. Van Koughnett moved, that the School Bill do now pass, and that it be entitled, " An Act to repeal part of and amend the Laws now in force, for establishing District Schools in the se¬ veral Districts of this Province, and further to extend the provisions of the ^ame" Which was carried, and the Bill *i$tted. Mr. Jones moved for leave to brine in the Revenue Bill, which wis giaut- ed and the Bill read. Wednesday 25. Mr. Clench moved for leave to bring up the petition of Margaret Rousseau, »»f Ancaster, v7idow7 which wa» graut- 1 led. Mr. Clench moved for leave to bring up the petition of Joshua Pell, Esquire* Which was granted. Mr. Clench moved for le*,ve to bring up the petition of sundry inhabitaufc* of Niagara. "Which wais granted. Mr. Clench moved, that so much of the order of the day as relates to the District Loau Bill, be discharged.-, Ordered. Mr. Clench moved,, that so much of the order ofthe day as relates* to th$ second readjng of the Niagara Regis* tr) Bill, be discharged.—Ordered. Mr. Hatt moved for leave to bring up the petition of Nathan Baldwin, Esq.—Granted. Thursday 26V The Shop Licence Bill was read <| third time. Mr. Van Koughnett moved, thatthq Shop Licence Bill do now pass, and that it be entitled, " An Act toimposf a duty upon persons selling Wine, Brandy, anH nth^r Spirituous Liquor* by wholesale/1 Which was carried aud the Bill -i^»ued. The Auction Duty Bill was read e third time. Mr. Robinson moved, that the Bill do now pas$, and that it be entitled, u An Act granting to Hi9 Majesty a Duty on Licences to Auctieneers, and ou Goods Wares and Merchandize sold by Auction." Carried and the Bill signed. Mr. M'Donell moved, that soTnucft of the order of the day as relates to the House goiug into Committee on the Absentee Bill, be discharged.—Order* cd. The Hawkers and Pedlars Bill was read a third time. Mr. Van Koughnett moved, that the Hawkers and Pedlap* Bill do now pnss, and that it be entitled, *' An Act to continue, repeal part of, and e\tend the provisions of an Act passed in ihm 56th ytarof 1U> Majesty's Reign, en« titled, " An Act for granting to Ri$ Majesty, Duties on Licences to ers, Pedlars and Petty Chapman, aiwi other trading persons therein mention¬ ed." Carried and the Bill signed. j Mr. Fraser moved for leave to bring uptho, petition ofthe Hon. and Rev- John Strachan.—Granted. Mr. Van Koughnett #?nve nntirQ, that he will, on Monday, move foj leave to bring in a Bill to regulate costa in certain cases, iw the Court of Kiug'f Bench. Friday 27. Mr. Howard moved for leave to bring iu a Bill to make good certain monies issued and advanced by His Honor Samuel Smith, Esquire, Administrator ofthe Province, pursuant to an Ad* dre$8 of this House. Which was gran* ted, and the Bill read. Mr. Howard moved for leave tobrinj in a Bill to increase the wages of the House of Assembly. Which was grao> ted, and the Bill read. Mr. Jones moved, that it be resolv* cd, that it is the opinion of this House, that an humble Address be presensed to His Honor the Administrator, re- qoesdng hira to direct the proper offi¬ cer to lay before this House, a state* ment of the appropriation of the sura of ^2500 granted to His Majesty by an act passed in the 56th year of his Majesty's Reign, entitled, " An Ac* granting to His Majesty a sum of mo¬ ney towards defraying the expences of the Civil Administration of the Govern¬ ment of thisProvince," and thatMesrs. Durand and Van Koughnett be a Com¬ mittee to draft an Address. Which was ordered. The Bill to make good certain mo¬ nies issued and advanced by Wurranjt of His Honor the Administrator, was read a third time, and passed. Mr. Van Koughnett ofthe Con^mit- tee to draft an Address to His Honor the Administrator, on the subject of the Civil List Expenditure reported that the committee had agreed to an Address, which he was ready to submit to the House, which was received and read. Mr. M'Nabb moved for leave to bring in a Bill ou Tuesday next, to al¬ ter aud amend the Laws tiow in forcd relative to Heirs and Dcvi/.eesof Nom¬ inees of the Crown, to whom no pat¬ ents had issued, and to make further and more effectual provision for the same. Mr. R"binson gave notice that fce will on Monday nexi move for leave to ibang in ^ BiU Cw repeal au *a f***pil

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