Kingston Gazette, March 10, 1818, page 4

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1 ER\E?T TOlf'X j Mansion Hotel. AIU.M. iTrward. ~\ ^ISHES t« acquaint the public, ▼ that lie has completely fmifhrd an *."trgani new built two (lory hiufe Ml the village of En-eft Town, for the ac- C'/.jvt, dntjor, of Gentlemen 8c Ladies. Ttiere being an elegant arched room, fory feet in length, Gentlemen and La- dieR may affembic with propriety for civil tcs real ion. Travellers may rely on finding good accommodation- foi Horfes and Carria ges, with good attendance. The Inhabitants of the Town and its vicinity will a'ways find the btft and pu- reil Liquors of every defcriptmn, for prompt pny only. . No pains will be fpared by Mr. F. to jyiv* univerfal fatifrfft&ion to all who may ijiink proper to call ."■ #rw hoarders C30 be accommodated at a icaf:oable rate Stndenrs at the Academymtot always haveche preference —\W;k1y payments will be required of ftr?Th7er< without Inrety. , Ernsst Town, Jan- 5,1818. $2tJ Contract. A NY pcrfon willing to Contract S$ with the Subfcrtber to t-'ke the following quantity of LUMBER* t. ' Afarlceti to be delivered at the Cr.-fs In th- Port of Montreal, or at New-Liv¬ erpool C"Ve in the Port of Quebec, as roar he requited, wffl aoply by I fitter P '* >.™<*t to th< fnr.fcriber. Town of K'n^'^'-n, or to M-flrs. McLean and McMillan at Prefcotr. SCOOO feet Pi c timhrr ready raffed 4000 Standard ftaves 7 onthewa- lOOOOOfCe? 2^3 j ters edge, a* rW Kingston Mills. fcOroo fct f<|»W* pine timber ready rafted ; 5000 Standard Lzvc* 1 wafers * 600c 03- deal9 2? <v ^ Tn » edge, at Ounanoqne fi^4OO0 feet fquare pine between Wc!esN Iflandand Prefcott, ready raft¬ ed. WW. HAMILTON. |: Kingston, *fm* 6, 1818. 3* FOR SALE, rhMre^i nable teim*, thot well known • flan * I for a Tavern, -fituatcd in the VVc.^tf ??*$'^ ' w v % wiiii fi nting the King's Highway, and 1 |»rf?c rwo ft-ry framed Hoofe. well fin ifK i. with \ \atg- Kuchen in the rear. %*'i1luif{brfweftty fpan-- of horfes, a (bed fe-r.-v feet lon^, and a qood hoiifenti th' vetr Lot, fir for the aco-r^mod tion of: -ftahlt family. The who!-of| the ,■•.!;.>jj* thereof being finfhVd in fcW<rkmVilike SMUi^rra and at prefer»t ojs- wpied by Mr. Alexander B. McDon- ell, ?r a Hotel. •' For further particulars, apply to the fubferiber*, or to Mr Alexander Mac- I)onell. Junior* Merchant, Piefcott, hy whom the terms may be made known. and an indimutabl title and immediate po.Tclv.. wifj he "»•',:!. * ' >! rX. ':•' - "DOX'ELL & Co. Klngtlon, 3d Jun. i8ifi. 32tf • j Vo 1 Sale* G /JNANGQUA Store & Mills. CHARLES McDONALD having taken his brother John McDon* aid, into partneinhip. the bufinefs in fu¬ ture will be conducted under the firm of C k J. McDonald, Who keep tor tale a general aflbrt- mmt of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. HARDWARE, CROCKERY, and mod article** enquired for at a Conn [try* Store, which they offer low for Cafh. Saw Logs Square Timber, Stave*. Pot a flies, and moll kinds of country Produce. They have a good Grift and *aw Mill in full operation—can Manufact¬ ure FLOURi iqnal to any Mill in the Provide ; they will ftipply orders for Sawed timber of almoft any defcription at fhort Notice. c Si i Mcdonald. Gananoqttn, Jan. to, 181 8 ZVf Allthok indebted teCbarlss McDon •dd, whofe accounts have become -ue, are requeftcd to to make injmedf- <'it payment. C. Hatch 6c Co. * OFFER FOR SALE, Elepant Broad top b:ill b;ick. ") Fancy & Winder bamboo, do Slat back, Real Cane feat, Waterloo] Co\r i"'n, Rockinp- and Children's J warranted good, Ar their Chair Shop* oppofm V/m. Powell's Tin and Gr. eery Stoie, ftore tirr. Then Chairs are fii.erior to anv I they have hirheiio offered for fale. Country Product received in payment. (Tj Cabinet vVare for fale ** above- Kingfton, Nov. 10, 1817. Executive Count*I Office, Tort, 22(1 Ocl. 1817. JXTOTICE i* hereby {T|vrn» ' y order X n of Hie Honor the Adouniftrator in Council, ti» the R'-re^nTiitivris o* "John Galloway and IViU' Caldwell, to make good any pretention to l.,t nnn btf \Wrftty oiwe in th* fifth coc^fRon of the Tow (hip of Kingfton, within R% months from tin's date* or it will be granted to the occupant, who haa been in poffefiion (ixiten ycarj. JOHN SMALL, I Cm of the Ex. Council. » _____________ & NOTICE. THEfnbfcriber hereby forbids all ar*d every perfon orperfons frfm medltng 04 making, or cttinp any til her, 01 trefpjnUo** in any (nape whatever, up'^n L'»t No. 2r, in the yth conccfiion of th;' towr flifp nf Ktngiton, »n pain if being orofectitc;' ^cc^rdfne to Law. JaPVP WORDFN, Kin i(t«n.EO£r 21. i8it. %%wfi TO LET, and poFrffion gTven firftj' May ntxt, the ^bop now occupied hy Meflrs. Taylor & '^rker. Enquire of PA 1 RL'JK SMYTH. March 3. 40 TO LET, and pvfleffion given the firft May next, C*e ho fe now oc¬ cupied by Mr AmosW. Brown En¬ quire of PATRICK SMYTH. March 3. aq Notice. THE Co-partnerHip heretofore ex- ifting at Bellvilk, under the firm of John Hubbard and company, 19 this day diflblvedj by mutial confent. All pcrfons having claims again (I the fame are reqneftcd to preftnt their accounts to Andrew Kimmcrlt for adjuftment ; a:d thofe indebted to the ftid co-part- ei (hip are drfired to pay the fame to .\ndrcw Kimmerly wihout delay, oth- erwife they will be poc in the hind of an attorney foi collector, JOHN HUBBARD, AhDRliW KIMMERLY. ^elKille, acthFeb. 1818. 4or To Let, <J • A ND immediate pofTeffion given, the XjSL HOtTSE and vireiiiife-- in Stuart- cille, lately occupied by Mr, Dalton, lituated within half a mile of this Town, •1 favotable (it oat ion fot a Gentleman .wcl family, and no left fo for <» DiftiHer, or Inn KetDc-r. For further particulars enquire tA the (hbferiber. L BARNETT, Kingston, Feb. 24, t8l8. 3ptf 0- LOST ! ON Tucfday, rlc \jih inft. in the Town of Ki<giton, or o-i th • r-*a I to Loughborough, three NotCKdf hand, one of .£-'3 : if1: 6, againil John Montoney, one or / V 180 agaiult the fame, and one again* -Abial Pielloti of XDS 190—Whoevti will return laid Notes to the fubfenber, or will leave ihem at the Printirg Office, (hall he handfomely rewarded; and all perfons are her hy forbid puichafing faid Note-, or paying any thing 100 them, un pain of being piofccutcd. JOSEPH BUCK Kingfton, February 18, 1818. 39"v3 CANADIAN COURANT PERSONS who W V.t..rcT0rire. IC. Ceivrd the nhov'-p per at *hi> Of jfiee, are informed that they wj|| |,.-,(Ce. fo« ward receive them jit MQORF/s Coffee Houfe, and that they u.;|| f^e ac- CountftMe to Mr. Moore for lnem fVorn the Firft dny of January, \%x$__w|io wi'l receive iubfcriptioivi in ^jtyje.-___ Thnfe indebted to the ft'hfci:|nr fot tne Canadian Courant, are inforn,e(j \\v±x. w is neceff^ry to make immediate payment. s- MILES. Gazette Office, Kingflon, ?oth Fehniary, 181^. 39 np J.7_ N. vv W I LLP on Big Creek,! If, in FfeUertckibtirghf in r^od re j pa.1, with the Weft half of Lot No 25,' "■i" th' fourth covceflioji o*" nud Town-J .flit-?, with a fmaH, hut »'0'ive»»ient Dwel¬ ling Jtoufe then on ercrted. ALSO. $eya Hundred and Thirty acres of Land. lyU'g in 'he Townlhip of Locha fcer. Diftu'A of Montreal, and two hun- j(ltfd acu- in t'e'IVwnlhip of Camden, niiri'and Biftrifl. 'The who^e wiU be fo!<; i-he-ip.— For rj^rtlculatti, apply to JfljR. J. Tuit!e, Kingfton, or to the (ub- fc»ib( r. on the rrc'r.iL«. Matildas Smith. Frednridjburgh, Dec. 9, 1817. 29 13 1 Mail Stage. fftpl3;,_ fuMcn'ber informs the public - J[ that he intend* running a Stage frcr T-ngllonto Yo'k, and from York -t.- Ki!»gii"n, the enfwing winter, and V'i 1 ' mmencc as* Ibon a^ the fl ighing ViH vifwcr- To leave Kingfton and Y.^k every Monday at two o'clock. ■Stage Fare* Fi^rr Kinpllo to bellville, three dol lav»: frorti K'n^^tor. to SpoldenVItm,fi? do1 ; fiom Kingston to Yo»Ic, ten dol&. SAMUEL PURDY. Kingflorii 28/A Nov. 1817. 27 THE SUBSCRIBER, fEBEGS leave to inform his friends & j _il 25 the public generally, that he ha>- removed fiom hin former (land ro th-e (hop lately occurred by Jonas Abbot & Co. near the Market Place, where he has now on hand, a generai affortmeitt of Hardware, Cutlery, &c. Which he will fell on the moft moderate terrnc. To let, the (hop lately occupied by t!je lubferiber, and pofTeffion given im¬ mediately. SAMUEL SHAW. Kingston. $th Jan. t 8 \ S. 32 • ———__ For Sa •: at this Office, A READY RECKONER, Shewing the v:»lue of Grains of various Gold Coins-, current in the Provinc- of Upper Cana da. 41. SO, FERGUSON'S Tmproved Tab!^ of the value of Grains of Gold Coin, * *er or under weight. a /over Seed. Large quantity of Rfjjj CLO¬ VER SEED, for fale by the fubfenber EPHRMM BLANCHARD. Kingston) Feb. 19, «818. ag 2 A Music. \ LL inftrument3 of Mafic made and *** Repaired by Daniel Moore, Son to Joseph Moore, Armorer, Point Henry. FLUTES, tipr, and New Keys made in the neateft manner. Point Henry, hivgston Feb. 19, 1818. j 39w3i Elegant Sleighs. npWO elegant and higUy fii.irhed _i_ Double Sleighs for file. Apply to SMITH BARTLET. Dec. 16. 29tf 1 J Rags! Rags ! c ASH paid for Clean COT¬ TON and LINEN R AGS, (Of any Color,) AT THIS OFlrlCE, US T received ami for fale at thifc Office, price 7{d. the MONTREAL iLMANACK, For the Year of our Lord 18 18. jVf.y— ESSSITS on j PRACTICAL HUSBANDRY, Addrefled to the Canadian Farmers. ByC. F. Greci-, ot Montreal. November 14, 25 Notice. ALL perfons having anr demands a- gainlt the Ellateof tiie late Bry¬ an Crawford, Efq. of Adolfhulto-wn, de- ceafed, are hereby requelte-J to produce their claims, duly authenticated. — eilfo, all perfons indebted to the fiid Eftateare hereby requeiied to mak* immediate payment to William Alexander Grant, Executor. Kingston^ \<)th July, 1817. 33 BLANC BAIL BONDS, For sale at this Oilier! H Officers Half Pay, and Artil¬ lery Penfion BLANKS, For fale at ihi» Office. Church Catcchifm for Sale at this Oilitc. ■ Executocs Notice. ALL perfo-ns indebted to tl e Eftati of the late James Gumming, la> of Hallowtll, deceafed, are rcqoeBed * * call without delay, and ' fettle the far: with Mr. Jamfs McGrkgor. WOW ■ charge of the eftablifiiment, at Hallow ell bridge j—and thofe who have clair agaxnft the faid eflare, are defired t' prefent them for adjuftment. The Hock in Trade of the deceafcd confiding of a very complete aff^rtme" of Goods well laid in, and very fuitah. to the Country, i9 now felling off at pr» ces lo low, a« will defeivedly claim the attention of the public. Cafli or Country produce will be tak¬ en in payment, and a credit of 6 month- given to refponfibie Farmers, or others. JOHNCUMMING>\ WM. MITCHELL, j Kingston, OS 2 7, 18 I 7. $2 THE fuhlcriber returns his mod grateful thanks to his friend* and cuitomcrs, and the ufpe£taLle inhabit¬ ants of Kingtlon, for the liberal en¬ couragement he has received fince he commenced bulineis in this place, aod would inform rhem that he (till carries on the Tin, Coppery Sheet Iron and Lead Biifinejsi in a . iu various branches, near the Engineer Yard, where he h^pea by h»fl afnduity and attei tion, rtii! to merit a fh^re of public favor, aiTuring them that nothing fl^all be wanting on hi- •vm, to faithful!yexecute all orders with which he maybe honoied. U- has for fale, a large dfTortment *«f the belt Englifh Double 'Tin tVarcwoftv- ery defcn'|Aion, ever for fale in ihifi Province, and a *arge aiTortment or \ Japan*d, Copper and Hard Ware. \\< aifo kc-ps on hand anaffortme.-t of Sheet Iron Stoveft, Stove Fu-es and LIbows. 40 boxes of the beit Double Tin, and 60 boxes be(i Sheet Iron, f.,r f*le cheap. Cj" Produce ivRI be taken i*. payment, J.*mes Meagher. Kingfton, Sept, 30, 1817. 14m6 , r*% 1E\S O F F E E - li 0 U 8 E. John Moore, y^S ETtlRNS Itih finccre acknowledw vl\j mer.t^ tp Iu- I'ricn- ?, ai d th* Public at large, foi thtit p-ft favor?, anc wilhri to acquaint rhem that be ban re¬ moved to Mr. A k or * son's nuv (Ion-. Home, nppofite to Mr. Wetfei's Store, in ftore ftreet, where traveller and «th- eis may rely upon ^ocd accomm* <'a tions and attendance, on reafonahle .ermp. T he fubfciiber, having rente-' this large. Convenient and elegant huih? iajti has fp^red it<j exertions nr ex pence . in hi« power, to have it furniflud and at I tended in Inch a manner at to merit thf I approbation of his former cuftcmers anc I other* who may honor hiiii with their company. He has a good yard and ftable for car- riage*and Horfes. Soups every day from 12 to r o'clock Utf Kingston, 03. r.«. 18 17 STOVES. THE fubferjbor has jull received a» his Brick liore, Front ftreet, Dou ble and Single STOVES & Sheet Iron, And has aifo on hand as ufuai a gen¬ eral afiortment of Dry GOODS, Liquors, AND GROv.KRIES, Crockery and Gl?fs Ware in Crates. Linleed and Camera Oil, Paint* ground in oil ;—and exp€&6 in a few days an addition to bis Stock, all which will be fold extrejnely cheap at whole fale. S. BARTLET. KtngstonOcl 20,1817- 33 «T TO LET* ND pofTeffion given immediately, a Hoitfe. containing fix rooms, a good Celler, Wei! and Garden ; and a good Bake-houfe adjoining it, t^eoven of which will hold 200 Loaves of bread. \pp!y to the fubferiber, pear the Catho¬ lic Church. PHILIP VIAS. Kingfton, Nov. 7, 1817. 24tf A t Valuable Lands FOR SALE, IN the Third Conceflion of the Town (hip of Pitfburgli, being Lots No. 6. the half of No 7, and No. 18.—An indtfputable title will be given, and the term* of payment made cafv. H. C. THOMSON. Kingfton, July 2X, 1817. ,z Blank Summonses For the District Courts, for Sale At this Oil^cfr SMITH & BU ITERWORTIi; EETURN their (Incere thanki ta ■ >/** « • - 1 ■ B« their friends and the public in oC, ■ ral, for the liberal encouragement that t.ey have received fince they re cotrt. renced the Hatting Bufittefs* They <ave an extenfive afiorifnent of Ladies and Children's BOflw NETS, of various colors and fhapes. Gentlemen's Beaver & fin$ CaitorH.vTS, Likewife, Knapt and Wodl Mats. Which they will fell very tew ftp caft or approved credit- Produce taken in payment* Jan. t. 32jf. — « — Public Notice. Distrnft,hereby requests ali thofe indeht" ed to the faid Estate to make immediate payment to the faid Executors.; and all thofe who have den>and«= against the Estate are requested to produce the fame duly attested, in order that a Settlement of the Estate rr»3y be ehvrted a*fperd9j! as pofllble after the first davof |u!y 18 £ 8. GEORGE O. STUAR i\\ Exec ALLAN fiJeLEAN, } nt0n> Kingston, August ! \, 1817.— ntf adver'i;is™;;nt. The fubferiber offers far Sale tfiji Following Lots of Land. 200 acres in 4th and 500u\ the 6rh Conceflion of the Gor^ hetwetf Erneft Towi- and Frtderickfbnrgh. Ni». t8 and 19 in the 8th cccefliou of Murray* ; No. 31 Eafl half zdr-^n. of-Sidny. t No. 9—10th eoncflion o( Rv.mUm \ No. 4—8:Ii c.mcefli »n, HnnungM, No. 14. 1 5, 1 7, 1 8, 25 and 26 in th« 9th copcefl] n ofThurlo-.v. No 34 and 35 hi the 41k conctfl"^ of Vaughan, ntr^r Yurk Town o( Kindlon. WM. CRAWFORD Fred'ericksbitroh, Jm% ro, i V 1 7 ^ j Notice. i|HE Parinrrfhip L'T'ofore exiflimj b^twrrtl the Inbfcr.hcrtf jj thiqda5 odi'olved bv mutual Coirfeirt. All pfr, ions mdebted to the fubferibers arc » quelled to make immtdinte p-yrr.«-nt|0 Neil McArihnr, who U duly aurhorif^ to receive the fame ; and all tlmfevrU have demands agarnfl rheuiare rrgorju 10 prclcnt them for Liquidfttj n, NEIL Mc/jRTfiUR% JOHN Ahs!RTtiUR.. Conce con t 24//J Dec t X i 7. a Smiths fForiz. THE fubferiber mnfl refpeflfnliy informs the gentlemennj Khigi. Ten, that he is jnfl arrived here from Dublin, and has commenced the bnij. nefa of Black and White Smithy in ,ij itfi branches ; more partrcularly that (|f horfe Shewing, in which he will give the great eft fetrVfaAinn to thofe that err; ploy him. Tht-v may rey on having their work we1! done, cheao and F-e?t, hy auplyingat Mr. J. Mea^herc, Barrack ftreet, where he has commenced. All orders in that line w-KJ he gladly received and drift attention given. Kingston 13th 03. 21 pTpfHE fiibfcriber- bep have to inform A their friendn ar»d the pubh'c in gCr neral, that they carry on the TJTLORWG BUSINESS in Main Street, where they intend mat ing everv article in their line, on rporc reafonahle terms than has been done for a number of years back. Thofe who wifh to favor them with their cuftoto, may rely on having their work well madcj and on the fhortrtt nonVe, for C*fhm Norris & Stevens* Kingston, Sept. 9, I 8 r 7- 3* THE PANOPLIST, For th<* Yflar 1816,. For Sale at tin's Office. [CompUte.] =s Blank Deeds and 1 Memorials,

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