Kingston Gazette, March 3, 1818, page 1

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sSs»ws^»eS^>A^!55i - * [TUE SDAY, \1 IIKUI 3, 1813 1 KIN 1 C5r [VOLUME VIJ,-----No. 40.] ^ t ■ . Kingston, Upper Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollars per Annum—Exclusive of Postage. rJ#Hii?-.-*lLJ*StH*at2Si ('J! !**■-'. liFfi •;-'AJC"^3; ;7sae . Jgcntsforihe Kingston Gazette. inftifewn^AMRS RANKIN, Ehq, York.WILLIAM ALLAN, i:>q. WkviHe.A. WIWWOOO.&* Bfll*Hr,S. MNAI^B, F.-q. MoBirral. N. MOW I ,R, Printer. PUBLIC NOTICE. r ! T'/W fubferiber having been rvgu-j larly appointed agent to tVir ^a/w yoinx/on, of Montreal, Baronet, ha* uk- cnupon himfrlf the fuperint"nd:uu ^ of Amhertt lflaild. AH perfuus dt&otii ofPurchaGng or luffing lauds ti erron,| will make application to him, at his Of¬ fice in this village, where refpetf nble let-, .: tiers will find every encouragement This Public Notice is given that no one in future may plead ignuranee and "to inform the public, that no known tres ■ P'offcr lhall hereafter efcape with impuni¬ ty, but that every ftich perfon will be ^proiecutcd as the law dire£b. RODk. MACKAY* By his Attorney, D. H/IGERMJN. I For <ale by Public Auflion, OM Monday, the !6th day of March next, if not previoufly dis* pole:! of ^y private ial.*, the H ill of a new rhooner . f shout 54 tons burthen, \\u w lyiny in th> harbor of Kingston— For further particulars* aPP*y dt dWs Office. Rin-fton, F b- 12, t$i<r\ $* To Let, \ ND im media'e poPVffion given, x'JL Two convenient Houfes, with Sb'pa, in (lute ftieet, near Mr. Blake'sj Tav-rn, on the corner of the ftreer lead- jliljj fiom the Artillery Barracks to the French Chinch For ■ ar ienlars apply to JOHN W FERGUSON, Store Street, Kingston, Eeh i 7,181 8. 3R 37 w4 i tfnfetf torn', jFV*- $ , 131 £. ih------------------------------— Barley. THE fubfer^er will pay the hiyli ell <naiker price fi'r ar.y quantity A CONTRACT, \\ ILL be given for Piling and Burningoif tfaa timber at Pre I iqiii|]tf the tnfuxng Spring, oh 75 acies I [of G".*und, and for lowing the fame in- j »o prate : awd alio at ICingfton for rut¬ ting arid Drawing ab«*0» one milt 500! Coid- of vVood :—<-n each nl whi-hj [coi tract (by being fumiihcd with furG« leient hcuiitv) a final? advance will be i i-.i.'C Iq *» • Er.-oireof B WHITN'-Y- ^Barley, delivered a: his Store in j j Kingston, jan 16. rSiS ___ggtf liogfton. during, he winter. 1 'JO BE SOLD, On hand as ufual v. general effort 11 . * w* of DRY GOODS, Uquo^atwlll A Home ami Lot 11- Store Sxrret, fees, Salt, Crockery fcGbfii*', A between Mr. Dug W and Mr. ,|c &c ji*;-.vci?-—for particulate apply to tlw / AUofwnlch wlUbf fold uacnmmon j J) low for Cafe or any ki«-d of prince.., S HAW LEY. U 11 Kingston^ Jan. 21, 1S1S. 3 5 Fi*0« /Ac; Baltimore Patriot, Feb. 5. Appeal to Humanity. //e /W hatkpity upon tfat Puory lendeih unto the ttBfd ! and ifiat he linth g/i»it, will Ar/My fcftn again-----"?'iu>ei us, xi\, 17. 4t Assi.-t tbem hcartst'rom ai-g«ish fiee! u Assist them, svveetjuuiaiiily !" Ah ye ! who meet siern ^ Lnier'd frown, Ui)li*;ii bj fortune's powrful band ; '.ViiOsce the chi-J. ngsao* laUdown, Wtia utl her eomlor^ ai ( : Ob think of their less hai ,;> doom, ^ nt»m [lovwiy^ s. a«p w**e» assat)! so fcparkliug lire, i.u dutiful room, Revives their cheek, eou, wan :u.d pale. Dee^ howls the »inU ! the pelting rain *>npa tlirougii the =ba:tret: eaaouienicold 5 iVhlie ll*e?au raoi.Uer"sa:msaniUtiU iiei uiraiu, atiivenug in neir i'old. in \uiu they raise their p.ieou* cry, And titeud ai huvgt'} lit- <ire*& call; fiier Oidy Jboil a moUici'a ::jr:i I . liiviroal) watuKi) tilt Ltais nut fall, S'-retru'd on bis mi=e»ab..* bed, i oe wietcaetf fat ho r iiiiks Infi'.'icf« !aie sicklies, rvsfc U|}«n%is 'he ^i, Au J out v hopes Horn d; a u reli*'. r.:e pa.?nU:tender uvi.iv.',fai eyes, viii.gU* tju'ii !aiuia!"i 1' -ini Ueuuit; L-reali w^ir.-fiom*;, r ion rtiC, irvie>lisouredt/om.uuia 1^. foanUiu streams. >,nchl— the traiu-^oru r&ighi b< Ihsue 1'uMJu.f! tU'-'ii ^ifiW*U»5 tooeute ; it bit) lUtts-au uJ eoaiiWi ;Ui..c, \i.d MBnAcpprefttfVvea^iv ce&se. Suijticriuer. Al.l-XR.TREMAIR. j l'.;,.-n..n, Fc!> 16, :Si8. g8tf dm-' FRENCH CORDIALS. 1 veiy . j/f)». has mft iccrivei^ a ' w I i .viULTU^LICA MON Tables. For the u(e of Sehooh. Pur tale at mu Office. .• r»^Sw^«« r lOr ^ )r air ■ • £.r \'c-1.1 d^- Plvckrne, Ife Plus . !»"•••» TO LET, f ,^0K any Urid ufycar* not in I'iftei n, as\ ih- molt [ exceed re?i(onn < 1 v ici t\\*—'l'har well ki.uwn va(ti »rdc i*o bee i|tt-^!nv <n neal'iireturn, Ke^.iuautethi4r faded c-k-i: ! iUv. i*- • -ark irkii. (i,.:ir irtm, fcuigivtt—rthu; la..^iijct* eamioispeck ! 8/civ«.' i\s /i- -'at ^n.Wffh It- Poor ! tk<- \ Lvid villdttioci him iu Um.- .• Ima'tU. quiry as to what was going on before rny arrival in tho Province. Yonr pub¬ lic men 1 imd were most lovingly at¬ tached toyour tateGovernor. He was praised for hi-; fc" mild adLiini^trafioir' when lie had done nothing ; and, in the nuiUt of mischief, he was foiullc-d . he was fattened. While yet he must have been lau^hin^ in his sleeve at the subservience of the Last Parliament, hr found the present one witling to stifle the remembrance of sab ervfency; and while it «bnuid have, b'vju moving im- peachmeut against himself, wranpHng about the expulsion of one of its own membeh for having inadverteutly pub-J ij&hed the truth. Sure of his friends iij favor and iu oilire, he could ever. dtt*b oil"ill- !a^t card uitli eclat ; and di uiMsiug Parliament hi a stile on- hoard of since the days of Cromw> II,he could fairy home as much (lattery as secure for himself a snug retirement in ! Pownittg-rtreet. Though i thus speak let it not be thought that i have uny pcraoiml pique to j^i:itifv- I never *;iw jour Ui'Veru- or : I ufver peiWT*i d wHh any on*- of your FaHiatneotarj disputants, i have druvMi my pi. run* not from a paiti.t bui fui! view of the subject. 1 wish oH to Matter* and certaiuH'donotfear, - Of ail things let it not be imagined that I would stir up any on*: tt» anger or to contempt of con ^ti to ted authorities. It is tiiv ojunion that in all countries, the .vu^tlues> of Government keeps pa.e with the viituohs spirit of the people ; and in ii;> country has this spirit less ro c •nt=Mni wi(h than here. Since mat* tors haV" been allowed to go so far vtroiig. I would have the people of C'a- ii.:(lr» take home to themM-lves ever) particle of blame lor the past, and re- UU--mber what has hepp^ir-d only a> a guard for riie future. Wh'-rever 1 have ! ' rn' \ giiarci lor me liuuve. >> u«-rever 1 nuyv . 11 ■■■ii-.juirei.l.fioifemor /lore's privatecha- ' ' lj ;:r.irr ua> l>t en spoken of with reipeCt, II ti >\ -n It 1 *x If t. nflM nrivate c.hai&c* da*.din tUeuubltc line, filuate » • 1 he I pviot u Gd.iMn'.qoa and uce.iiiy occO- IIyou lit By o «t i "r Si.lCrtf Bottle Kenioval- piedhy ^*^ih Dowa:^ together wi-h 'he, Ba=u, SubU> "Sfcc—*W fitr- tlict particulars apply *o the ^blcribt* lOEi- BPOSE. llbnii -oili with many private chatac- To tm Rwtf/«i Land Oivmi. U->v,-m iork : but \- it not al o true' of {jLpf'l ' (tthhta. I(i>at *w»roni1 rtof pubHu affaiw has Qob^ilrcs, t'eb. 1818. h, g htandiit* jest : rjay, H "MiW! • j did m>--4fvhe h mior «;f addn sM.14 !Ul yout t'arliami'^l thai good Faith but i. iW tivtvSktm ol 11^ Opp. r||h. u r.iKe.l with, and that the rights*! (;U {Jrti»a<!« '■-•< --ite <,* :lv A\nh L)c(oo t 1 .a i. a:.'I • r> a-'d»' , |><t-> hcti .i/u\* (• rty have b en violated i>) ve- j rv fuuetiunaries appointed *-° render [VtUera Mii*red and secure. not a fart, recorded ven in the tpsevft of your late Govenior, that ttiis I'ro- vinre owed it*) safety during the first year of invasion entirely to the loyalty of its pun nilitiu ?—ilow in thfi namo of God, could all this lia*,e haipenerl nad the iav\ been impolitic,— had beO» pie from the United States beet! un¬ worthy of its iulopti n : That there were unprincipled uiiiaus iu Canada was indeed proved by tint wai : but \% ho were tiiey ai.d IV. in whence dhl tlw y come ? lias it been shewn tioit the majority were Americans ? Is it i\at true tliat t»:e basest of all weie Euroi- pean. bom. The swaggering Beclaration of a w^r {minister, founcUd on iIih dogmas of autiqyatrd lawyers has said, tli^u we cannot change our a I gianc? ; but thisgreut question, for Die comfort of individual right, was l-oug a^' set at rest by Bi-jtishActs of Irariiatneut, in the utce of which Deciaiationj and dogmas are but empty sounds, ihe good ^euv -»t ourariLceatprsestablifihe^ this principle ;»nd in laugnagc tije most Jper^picuou- declared u Object and its end; witness the following extract from the Utb ot George thi' $&&bA9 chapter 7th, a statute, **Jbf nu4urui>- ztng such foreign protcstanls and 6*//»- ers as are setllvdttnd ahuUseiUcin any of fits &h0Mtjfy$£olotii£sin America*** i'he words of this statute run thus, Ci Whereas the inert asc of people M the ..uansot advain in- the wealth and strength of any nation and country ; and whereas many foreigners anfj stranger, from the lenity o* ur ^ v- ernment, the purity ol our reunion,thtf beijeht of our laws, tiie advant.', s <«f our trade, and t)ie seountj ol ouf property, might be ndncvd to come and settle in >oq)0 CU Hi H%* jesty's Colonic IU Ain.-c^a, i! Iney were made pattak'is of (he atlvanta* gesaml privileges which the :ui."hjI b ru subji c!^ 01 ilii* n-alm 1)0 < ujo^,". utntyon; if was ■ t« !, *• that 1 at| ami ull-'i lie ln^t til JuiM! \1 Ut all persons born out ol th< . :»' e or Ins Aiap sf^ ujto bhall b-Av<- >■ i\Q d >,, ho shall herealUirreside li.r t::. (>;» .>{ seven )? ais or more in any of hi .1 In* i.ies iu America and siiaii cothavt; h - n absent from thence abov two month* at any one time and sita ! ke the nsu-# j Gan-inoqva Jan.ty* lofB. 3 vf T- m fubkvibcra have to acquaint. th«r friends md the p*bhc tbttl h 1 1 I" . t , _ tfniuHl TO LET.. 0HW1 HE hoi!.HBg la'cy "cr .piefl by! £ luvcuueu ihe houfs luniuarlT «>| Jf K B.t,hif»n, ElVj. a' a fiiop fitua . J coId!.y Mr. Rich.rd Sinith, twodoo.>- ncxt tbc Govenimci.t Hoafc. F«>. y„w their old Brick Siwt, anu m-xi ,j! tjcolarB app)y tfl Alia-". M« :.ean, E.q C£liMi c..»»<-. ft»»^"'S; I birnei rf5wre»«w W.t-r rtreeis, whvrel Aeyl. « t1.i. day o,ced, a,,, w,|. «-| 2 to. ( and well affo.ttd Collcfti-m :»f ^,- Drj/ Goods, CfC. CONSISTING "F — F!a,neis,Cl.i,t7.Furniu,-S&f»m(;C-sJ ^direand fixond quality which i« Welt of W|andb^k,,famonfur.rq:;rh-, Ki.igitoi-, Januaiy 23. ibilS. 3*'- j TTJ^fHT. pre-ruTes at prcl'ent ocenpied j Ji. by the fubfeviber, eonfifthifl "f ja larpe Two-ltuy houie, bake houfc, jtlable, &c. For patticulars, app y to ;t!.e lubfetibcr. LOUIS TAPIN. Khipton, Feb. 2,t«u'-. 36 and Geuilemci/b, overdo, d shoe* anc «w ftfd Stockings, of] &^3^^ow-ft^ aUdcfcrip.ior.r.; ludia Cottons, &c. Which, with'their fewer tefik th,y, ^-.K-tmnc-d. asuftial, to lell very low j irT;eabovebei,,a1ircV.aedbyM, Th,r,a, who uj..ll.eiu«ned from Mo - .real.arewenwo.ththcauent.onoKhe PUbl'C* TH0RNER & MORAN. Auct.o^s every Evening, a3uma' Kingston, Jo* *6» *&»«■ |rt„„ 35 0fanCxcene1»tqu3lity,forraleasabove. Onondag'a Salt ,, TTUST received and for fale at the i'«J Store dTS. Bartlelk 29 A. TO BE HOLD, Genteel convenient Houfe* with part of a Town Lot, fituatcd in 1 Front ftreet near the Market, w a mod eligible Htuation for any line of public bofinets—For particulars apply to the j printer. Kingston* sept. 15, 1817. To li.'l tiie .pint of par'v. find :\wet j r r) brtath which fctghi stii against » :. ea- :\ -.<» ehas-te and etlicieut. i t*r- L*or"u'i atiusioli to p-liti al concern-.', coosiioev of b'*li K n»o? d by t!».epurest j intention?!, and debiting :»;ike ike wel-1 fa re of this Vrwiwe md t^ parent state || } espatched a l-'\>} of my ad-!ress, a* }| Toon «ts p-.hli i.tvi; '•» be presetit«Mi to! Lord IkU'rturt, and trusted, that b) ' palm and di?.pa**i»nale statirinent at home, the supreme ^Mvernmont would be best pfrstiaded to amend the errotr .»['original ii^tituii'M., [n these 1 con- j chived lay the chic I obstacles to the prosuerjt) of the PvoTince : in Canada I thought t!vc was ?>ut one interest : in simplicity I Sfcid '"- here ive are free A iulluene vidnal:iand public bodteH: it should appear, if possible, to be the unaoim. ona desire of tiie whole population. Thi^ would gi?e cnttfidenee to Furlia- mcht to proceed with' ut bias, hesita¬ tion or dread :—it would ensure suc¬ cess U> the cause. Before «e b nrd of Governor Grrc's favorable reception at home, there was SUtUcient call foi the declaration of public opinion and lor some energetic 32 Stolen, ON the 15th inft. from theftableof t»!efabLnber,twoBUFFALOl ROBES. Should they be oftcrcafoi] Lie, . generous reward will be given to any perlun tba will Hop them, or give information where they may be recover- td by ihe owner. ^TT,rt? FRANCIS CARLISLE. ! Feb. 17. 38 J Of UST received and for fete at this ficc, price: 1/8, Poem on bis Vo- vustic Cirpimmtes, by LH Byron.— font ih, Sur'td tbt Le^vi "I X°'!our> andothci Poem, ; U> whieft » wh*^. The Llfr. ojtU Nitit Auikur. ■ ATTORN1E3 Blank B;l!s tx Costs, tor ale at this Oilice. _____ _ * NO i ICE. IN order that no perlon may be ,leCe.ved in purebifing a Lot of Land. oftWed for fale by Svnd ***!> Public Notice it hereby given, that 1. |aiiy perfoo or perfona make any purchase 0fy^LotKo.5,h. tlufec^o Con- ccfliot. of the iownfcip * K»»^ftoD'^muctFu-dy.tlKy will m« wtth ,]ifapu>i.tme..t and U-i- rtv procci. diJ.g.i..ft«hcSubfcriber ,«.rcg..dt- andwib be recovered a, loo., a J-^"- -,bCObUiine"AMOS.,NS,!Y. - Kiosttoa, February u, OHft &*$ || Since then threo months have passrd [j I away. IntHistitne | have travelled j more than,i thou?a«fj iuiles ever the Province s I bavect hrersed with hun- drgda of i\\r xw-i resectable people : i have gravely and deliberately coualfl* ttrei what I have he=vrd and seen : 1 have changed my niiitd ; and, most un- tHlvne^Fi iffwt dio.-i«|e my course of kroceedtn^- This country, I am now! move through the whole ProviiiGe to rescue it from the thraldom of folly k "rifuuiation. This intelligence, only t.ovv. received, leaves not a doubt as to the necessity of the case. It shows that \i\? gross munnev in which the Ca¬ nadian parliament v*as di-Tpissed hn* been niisrepre.->ettted in Rngland ; and that ministers lab-»r under the most fa¬ tal mistakes as to the laws and policy Which have made and Mi^iaiucd this country. Gentlemen, the British Act of Par¬ liament for encouraging the settlement! oi the Colonies waa made over to yon with your constitution ; andj/a«r Par¬ liament alone, in conjunction with the •onvinccd, cannot be vavrd from ruin ij Briti>h sovereign, had u right to alt-r a ures nor by the {jit- This Act was framed in wi-dom, b) temporumg mea ,!ies .-tforts and reasoning (1f any individual: it ;t is to be saved reason aiu\ fact must e|*< dily be urged before the Throne of our Sovereign by the united voice of a . oyal and determined people is ! to be savedyour I arli.n>lf.ut now assem¬ bled must beheld uptoltsdoly bythej trength and spirit i i its constituents : a new leat must be to.llC(i over iupnb- >c condiict : the «eople of Canada tUst a>anme a chfr.»ctcr, without l(i,i,-h. at) PailiamewHinaturally dwiu- .U-e iiitor.oni -mpt^antj i)rCome the -mew jiois- i\ uotthc ^)"»i:ofcXccutivepov.- I and under its auspices the de-ert vtiUb of Cauada begu to unfold their treas¬ ures lor the use of civilised man. If theoretical opinions could ii^ive been entertained as to the policy and sound¬ ness of this act beiore llu-late war, tfcatj trying crisis should have dismissed them forever. Is ii -not a fact that three fourths of the population here emigrated from the rutted States since he ti tolittloA : is it not a fact that one i i ualf of these people catite invif- d by • prodamution9 and with tht* »*•<- fr sh EsMod fromtlie British Pa/lSaRtel*} as Iheir security : U. it ^;ot » lact Lhfttj rural born subject of Great Britain to I all intents and purposes." Gentlemen, when I read this !awmy blood warms within me with the wU rug (hat i am of that nation which pro¬ mulgated it,—that nation which did not even allow such a monstrous sup¬ position to appear in its civil cod.- as that men could not change their aliejjv jance,—that nation whose parliament could boast of inducing foreigners te give up their aative allegiance and ac¬ cept ol our*, from (he lenity of our o'o- vernmentylhepurity of our reUgioiu the benefit oj our lavs, thewlvaniagcf of our trade, andtlie security of our [property* These, Gentlemen, wero glorious blasts, such as none but th» liiitit-h nation could maintain : these wore liberal and worthy rewards, to dram peopletoour colonies,and there* by to increase the wealth and strength of our count ry. Such modes of seduc¬ tion,—such boasts and rewards are ;to£ only iue.oceat but useful in xhe mo$4 exalted seuse : they tempt individual* to IIv from beneath th«» rod of oppres- rion,and thereby diminish *'. pitwvr of >!e-pots,—they excite natimifl 'o em¬ ulate each other in virtue a (! in peai£ Compared to these what aie the b'«a^ta of war—what the rewards of con^v \ * 'I'liey do not seduce Ium force men Lrnitt their a.Hegiance< t-)\v in.-tigate an^ kep alrv* every furious pa^oo ; they vreaiteu and impoverish, not aurcouu^ try only, but, our kind. The t;rand purpose of Go?efrwnei . is rhe protection -of our prl" ' ,l" 3^- psopetty ; in return forwhicia w$ 0*« it ourattegtatice,even unsworn. VV3^ , we remove* in a ix^einin^ tn;enei IVom bentttlti this protection^ our u!U» giauce Is n'A^oimbly and fairh at iui mid. ii fore I, myw4f-, ^ile I for \ T- iA »„.• r v 3«1 1 .eitu of these m.-ii -^- -d foreti.n^t m ra^a, 1 w.-iu-jio. 1-.i -:l Ws i u .,'. i> ItisbutP.enm i ,lt ( earcheo.he ^l^^Z Mti*4&*l U» •D-lfi«aii«b*ito*«i»to«||i <*, public journabawd o i,onvi^madeen- Uatuc; ftuewuvf «•« ^ ^ 75

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