Kingston Gazette, February 17, 1818, page 4

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■f "•w"r;.;--:K { t i acqu.iifi the puhii* W [wax be'hasi ci mp . t ly :;-•*::■ an c r;v;i new built two lie y b ofi i £ru .'a fuf F r»tfrt !'■ wn, f r the a- pt . •,, • i.«ii of Cent! ril -* Ladies. Tbvt* being *" eUpaPt arched room, { v <*ct in length, ( and La- <Jit> y fTcaib.c with propriety for cu< r< tton. Travel1*!* may icly on finding £ o sicebmroo V*tion Foi Rorfes and Carria gv . wih Lf od attend .nee. The Inhabitants ofthe T^wn and its vicinity will always find the heft and po- r ?qui • o; ev^rj defci;iprion, fur prompt t-uy i«ii y. K'. j -in- will be r;;ared by Mr F. to pi-1- nnivci -ai ati-f etion to ail ivhfl may tli k prr:Je» to call .*$ few hoaxer- can be accommodated at s reasonable fate Students at the At tdemynvu*t ahvaya havctii-r preference ■— Werklv payments will be required of $vaofferfi wuhout lurety Ernest Town, Jon $ l8|8, $Z'f » " fi * Contract. ANY pcMotj willing to ContraQ with rhf Subicriher to uke the /••si^ quantity of LUMBER, to Markcti to be delivered a' the Cr IV.; JSt :hr Port of Mom-cal, or at ?Jcw-Liv erpool Cove in the Port ot (Quebec, a* may be required, will apply by Letter P fi-jiai!, to the fubferiber, Town of j KiuUSn, or to Mcfffa. McLean and MlM rllanat Piefcott. 15000 fi et Pir-e timber ready rafted, 4000 Standard llaves ~[ ootbtwa- 1 * 'm deals? ter- edg.% •i'U. 30000 feet fquw* i ine timber »e.dy rafted ; 50->o Standard tiavei 1 wafers <6coo ps deals z ' $ 3 in. \ edge* at GaoanOtjne ^0,000 feet fq-iare piuc between l#eii.V» Ifldudaid Pieicott, ready raft¬ ed. WM. HAMILTON. Kingston* Jon- 6, 1S18. 33 GMKjIfflQUA Store ^ Mills* C' < H A. R LES M.DONA I D hjwiog V taken his brother J*«&f McOon .•//, into partnership, the bufmels in fci- irc will be conducted under tl»e tirm •■' C U J. McDonald, Who keep for falc a general aflor*. ifJrlt of Y GOODS, GROCERIES IIA RD WAR E, CROCK FRY, anil moft articles enquired for at a O'un try St'ltd which they offer fa* foi Cam, caw Log*, Square Timber, Stave-. Pot n flies, and mpft kinds of country Produce. They liave » pood Gffft and ^v* Mill in fnl! i>per9)tnn—can Manufact me FLOUR* nqnal to any Mill in rh> Province; rhev will fu^plyoider? fo Sawed limber of almofi any defcripw'o'- at fhort Notice. c h 1 McDonald Gananoqua% Jvi 10. 1818. JJv Aliih'vfi indebted toCharbs McDa • a^d, wliofe accounts have bee- rnc due, are reqnefted to to maki ifTirncdi- a*e payment. SOOrk STOIfE Removed opposite '-he Sign of the Bible. J. II. Cheesman, Notice. >ESPECT^MLLY informs his \ frrendaaud th^ Public, that !v continues the BOOK BINDING.and BL ■ NIC BOOK MA. UFACTORY ;n all its vaiioiu braiicbes> two doo- frow tlit- Bo < .MOW. Blank Books Ruled and Bound to any pattern; Libraries turt^iired and .W Bo« ki re bootid to mat? li ;" SclH. r>r : at>\' ftyle Re luwot ! m ,at the Book Store, r. genial aifortiwtJt <>* Bin I B •'-• '. - ter^ft '-"""' • Co.-nit^f-rr. j:-r. fo^mais,Iovow,I D*y, Letter, G ■ .J :' Sesljr. Rec«?fj ■nd Me<no~andun> F--!- '•--■ Alio, jan I;-, iw of Bo«»K« ; ^'~ •' vv! ich arr, ElqM •■ • ? r-"hs-»r.r..?._'•■ »- hniiit'i ArcWtfAwrei Wa»k«r'«»d Jol '- 4 Lt perfon* in^fcted to fteE<U*« x-| of the hte Jam* &m»m.l* ' of HaHoweJl, d.-ccsfed, w requeft^ ' call without de'ay, and fettle the f*« with Mr. Jamm McORt<-OK. nnv charge of -he eftaMKhmntf, at Ha' " ell bridge ;—and thole who hav- e > againft the faid e«at-j are defired .jrefent them for adjuftiient. Tbeftock in Tradeo* the lece?- tonfinii.e of a wry Lon-plete affortmet »iGood»welHai »'. a«>d wrj fiwta" ro; I.- Cpsjfiwy, i. «©* ^<'*"g •t^,:U ;" icf •'• low, vvv.ii deJeivedly claim tl» I attention of lh< public. Caft nr C«ootry prodncewiH ^e t*fe •n in jiaymenr.atd ■-> «dii of6m» eiveo to cfiOuftbJe Favtntr« or otUera. IOOOOp*C« 2J 3 Mi a; t'ic Kirigsio ' Mi O FO* SALE, Nreafonab'ctci rr^, 1 '<at well known ftand for a Tavern, filiated in the Vi . .- olPrcfctitlu Lot6 N.» 9 and 11, 1 . ting ihe ^-'nr'*:- HiyMc y, -"til '/l r ri;e two ftoiy framed Houle. well fin ! tfhed. wi"i a [argi Kitchen fn the hrai | ft rjljn.f fortweniT foaiv. of horlts, a fhed . iev«*mv feet lotip- and a e *ad holifeon th« rc/r Lot. fi' f »< the ace-ttmod ition 0■ :« , ••"r,,t:i!>^ ^ariily. The who»c ofj th- Mnildi".-*- tbereon, being fi- iihed in ft tF.ffcmanlik' mannera and st prefent 01 iioicdby Mr. Alexander B. McDon- til, as a Hotel. For further paiticfllars, apply to the fabfeibe's, or to Mr Alexander Mac- Dooell, Junior, Metcha^t, firefcott, by vhom the terns may be made known, j And du indifputaWe title and im*r.etiiate pofleCGon wiil b*= f^iven. ALEX. MACDONELL&Cn. Kbgfton, 3d Jan- j8j8. C. Hatch d> Co. OFFER FOR S \L5, Elegant Broad t >p bili Ksck, Taney 8c Wtndfnr bamboo, do Slat back, Peal Cane feat, WatericJOi Common, Rocking and Children's WARRANTED GOOD, At the:r Chair Shop, oppc flu fPin Powers Tin and Grocery StOrfi« ftorc itrr. Their Chairs are fupenor to anv they have hitherto'offrred fo? fa!e» CwU«»iiy Produc: received in payment. OTa Cabinet Ware for fale an abeve. Kingfton, Nov. iot 1817. 241f on,rf Prononnci ■« I' '• : ,v' c«» do. p rmtatOTe; N'ii»entf« Frew* v EngHih D.VT .nary, Pu'-i"- F'" b Grammar, md Murray's Kchool BocAs | Gerimn •" Mt- Fieccpjor, Smith & \ kcleN Vo¬ cal MuSc, Bil-K Telia nit.., Waiu* Pfitta* and H) >na,Qamp, •ltd Scieutiftc I-ibtariei adapted for JhfldrenN InUrt^^ n- Al! orders in b»- line of Bufinefs will -- thankfully recrived and fur.£tua!iy ■ttended to. 29ff Executive Council Offset* 7*or&. 2Zd*)c). 1ST7, T^JTOTICE is hereby given, by order X ' of His Hoio- the Adminiftratoi in Council, to the R<*mcf< nc*tiv-* o' John Galloway and William CaUtvelh to make good a*y prctenlwm to lot number fiv-M'v onein 'hi1 Oftli oonceflion ofiln Tow»,lhip. f Kingfton, within lis month. from tht« date, or it will |>e granted te the oecupp'tt, wh 1 ha» been in poiTcISoa (ixtceu j ears. JOHN s*MALr„ 67/.'. of the Ex. Council Kimston, Ph. 13. i^»^- Mooiiii'y CO F P B E - ii 0 U 8 E, Joint Moore 1 ^B ETURrW luafiheere a<*nowledg 4.4,' oients lo hi-* Friends, and the Public at fergfi T*or their pnft favors, and wllh •;. 10ncqvwnt them thai he has re¬ moved to Mr. Anokrsos's new dune Houfe,»fxt to Mr. Weifel% Siotc. in itore ftreet. where travdlere and eth¬ ers may rely npon good aceoramoda tions a*'d afr^^danee, on reaibnabie lerms. The fubferiber, having rente.! thU large. coiP^COieirt and elcgnnt buiid- ing, has fpan-'d no exertions or expgncc in hie p nvei, to have it t «riufiu-d and -it tended in hu>>• a n anncr a* to m.-rii th: ' wm. mrcii'. r.L, $ Kingsfxt, OS 27- tS»7- 32 njl i l £ ft hfc.'.bcr returns his nrnfl _ii eiatcfnlthauka to hi* filends and IctUlomera. Mid the refpc^taWe inhibit- anra t-f Kin^ilon. f*>r the liberal en jeouragemcot h^ haa received iince be [commenced bafincla in this p'^ce, a-id would inform them that he dill carries *>n the "77/i, C'^cr, Sheet Iron and Lead UtiGewfix in a:l |ta various brancheH, neai the Et.gineei Yard, where he hopes by his auiJuily and attcutiwo, (lil! to n'trit a (hare of public favor, aJTbring them thai nothing fliall be watrting on h; part, to faithfuvly^xccnte all orders with which he may be honored. II- has fur fale, a large aflbrtment of the belt ErM'tjh Double Tin Wart* of ev eiy defcription, ever ofFrred (or fale i« i!iis Province, and a Taege affnrtment »--r ¥apGn'(l9 CoMer and Hard Ware* li* aHo k?< ps »;.i hai d anaflbrtme t ofShtei j Iron Sloven, Stove Pii-tsand Elbowd, 40 boxes of -he bed Double Tin, and 60 boxes licit Shi e» Iron, f r fale cheap. O*ljroauce wiM betaken in payment, J lines Meagher. Kingfton j Sept, 30, 1817 14. mo LANCASTRIAN SCHOOL •prokuiun tvf his foimer etAommi and 11 November.—-Tie terms o* Tniii - d npRE Midland District ScKouT,™ -J- tlie Britifh ^y**trm of Edncatiuo, Ui'tici the ftipcrinie'dccc of Mr. J'MIn con. vvl o Ins been engaged aa rI*eaci er, will be opened on Maml«ynext# i6ti It tliV ■ MORNTEAL LAD&& Seminary, fJrMer the Direction of ftjr' & Mrs. ANDREWS, affiftcd by thdrSonaad Daughters. rHF. Pupils are limited to Thirty, and mnfi enter for 'hetcimoflij ■ntiw at lead. It is rcquciled tb I'.rre moUt^n notice of a removal wi|| be fiwnt that vacancies ^s they occim nay be filled. Th*- turns for Education, are frosnl n 3 Gut ^as per quarter ; always pay '.•* ad^ itice. .'>.",,/ Entrance is Ore Guinea ; anj '^ve SbAlinp perQnarttr charvcjfcr ?eu* and I"k. fupplied bv Mr. AndrrH One Cord of Fire Wood, for wrj child, (who ia a boarder) exj,cttcuift the Winter Ever-' ftady CTtnprifed in anfrful.fa cvariTi add accornplilhed Eonoer!gn,i taught in this EitablHhtnent, by the ret*, .edive pet ion* engaged In Drawing and Paintbtg — iullrutfii..n3 arc jjivcnbf '4,r. W. W. Andrews ; and fhMuk D'a'ttctugfl -nd tltc vinous uiei of the Needle, bv fhe MiiTes Andrewsi MuftCi DrtMtnjr. Drawing and Pulfy •:•;*, in its leveral branches, ^rechaig^ For as Extras. Mufione- Qr 3 Ctiineas, entrance jguirk Dancing, 2 do do Drawing, 2 do do Young Ladles admitted as boardeq at Nine Guinea* per Quarter, (paidip advance) and are ie^uircd to Iunnlh thek own Bed and Bedding ; and a Tabic, Tea Spoon, and Napkin, f^r tlieir own accommodation. They will be ailowd to vifir theh frirnds on Saturdays only. N. B It is known that unfnundeitt portaarc in'Circulation in diiiaut placa (frrppofed to arifc from fimlier rpctivfj calculated to lefien the reiiutatiou or |W i feminar). The Principal-' therefore confidffl nfecflary to r.queft perfnns relidingfrt horn Montreal, tofeek rnforoiatioaCfl* icrning theil cllabiilhmcnt of any * th -ir truly refpcctable patrons, wIm* children are under tlicit cue. Muntrail Dec 27, 1817. 3,mi ■ ?»♦ 32ir Wor Sate, rjl<l E Nrw MIL3LS <»n Bi> Cr«-k, .1. in Fi cden'ekfl)«rj(li, in aol re S ili!:.. with a fmatt, bin conv^rrieot Dwel¬ ling aoule thcr on eredted. ALSO* Seven Hundred and Thirty acies ofj J md. lyinc in the Tow iJfeip of Locha- bcr DifttiSiof Montreal and two bun- died xcuv in tb&Townfhip ot CaTden, I £r NOTICE. THEfubfcifber hereby forbids a11 and ev-'y perfon orpcrfons f\' m rnedling or making, or c-'ttii g any tim¬ ber, or trefpafiinj* in any fli oc whatever, upon Lot No. 21, in thi cii> conc^fllo *»t the low ftip of Kingft n, on pain of being profecuced according to Law J \RVH WORDl-N others who ttuay houor him with tin i cimiptoyi lie hat a good yard and liable (itT wr riageaand Hoik-s. Soups every day from 12 to 1 ,'chcl;. Kingston* OS 13. 18 7 - ^tf (h'.lhn^H and fom pence pei mouth pay- tils <; in ad *»• liy ordtf o1 the PreGd'ciit Si Tmstt« ' '2+ K. STANTON, Stc*y FHE SUBSCRIBER I]b FGS li ave to inform his fi-fendfl 8: D the public general!'/, that lie ha removed from hii former ftand to thv air, wMnl.e wel| half of UtNo ie j | *«P ^tely'»ccun«d hfjatm ibbot 5: .h- foUtb.eonwflinn oi f-id Town-; ^ ,K'ar "f "fr<ct P ace- whr,e n' /i^A SUlS^tilbtii \MTiLl, receive propafal* ^,r bnfld- VV in?»GR*ST vfl'..t alOa.- ano;.i'ie,on the North tide "f'He ijVf.-,and for making a Can.ii to take ifJC vvxterj from the rapid- at thi- fordinj ,iace, t • I the Golly at the landing when :}».- ']]]) i- t^ be place I. He requells Fbatpro polals may be given to hifn bo',,e ihe 20th tif June next. A T wn ;,h>t wi!i has now on hand, a general aflbrtment of ___ * Hardware, l/utieryf &c. Whzeh he will fell on the moZ moderate t term*. y - D.fliid. The whJe wiil be | j To Jet, the ftop late'v occupied bv fl>; : ,li:,r._.0r parriculaia, apply to (the fubferiber, and pofeffion given rm hlr J. Puttie, Kingfton, 01 to the lub. l>:.iber, on the premiles. Matthias Smith, FrrdrrieLfhurzh. Dtc. 9 1817- 29-1 3 3fail Stage* |Hj tHli fubfciiber informs the public S. that l^e iniends running a >fage Irom Kingfton to York, and from York t King ft 00 • the eni'uing winter, and v 1 i nmmence au (oon as the fl "ighing \m -nfwer. To leave Kingfton and Yorkcvery Monday at two o'clock. Stage Fare. F< m Kingfton to Bcllville, three dol¬ lar ; Pom Kingston to Sp'>lden*« Inn,fix do * : Tom KingMon t>> York, ten dolt SAMULLPURDY. g1 med:ate!y. SAMUEL SHAW. KingJttm* pi Jan. i8ic\ 32 For Sa >at this Office, A READY RKCKONER, Shewing the vain* of Grains of various Gold Coins 1 j current in the Province of Upper Cana da. ALSO, Improved Tab!? of the value of Grains uf Gold Coin, 11 er or under weight. i..-. (ton 2H,'h AW. 1817. Zi I Rags I Rags. i K 1 psdd for Clean COT- ION and LINLN A G 8, (Of any,; A'i THIS OEFICX J TTU.S !' received »nd for (ale at this <t^ Office, prire 7 <d Use MONTREAL ALMANACK, For the Year of our Lord 1 S l s. Atfi—ESSArS on PRACTICAL HUSBANDRY, Addrtfled to the C tdinn V rmtrs. ByC F Gktcb^ol November 14. 3r - laid out this feafhn at the ab«ve nam¬ ed p'oce ; the term* of fale a»d le-afe wflj he known by applying t 1 th> fuolcri- ber-j who has for fal< H74acre« >f J Uand on the River ftideau, DMng Ipti j ^os et 6 and 7 in firll COnccffion a'-d etfo*. 5 t3f 6 in the fecond Wftcrfliona with the broken front, in the ownihip •»f Maryborough : Alio for tS,;e. feve- ral lotes of'and and Town lot a" and in the vicinity of the Town of £ingfton, and a Houfe and Lot in ICiivjion Likewife, forf.i'e* the haf of Lot number ch.rtv four, in the fecmd con ceffion of the townmip of Diwington, contaimuff r 00 acres. For further particulars aoply t\ JOHN FERGtBON. Kingston* 2 5 ih Ma»- 1817. 3 81 f7 ~" 'sTovEsi ^ THE fubfciiber has jufl received at hii Btick (lore, Front fti cet, Dou- >Ie and Single STOVES & Sheet Inn, And liar a'fo on hand aa nfun a gen¬ ial aff-rtment of Dry GOODS, Liquors, AND GROC£Rl£&, Crockery and G!a6 Ware i. Crates ■: .inlced and Curriem Oil, Paine ground j "Oil ;—and expcA1 in a W w days a.i iddition to hi- Stock, all whici will be j old extrenicly < \\> ap at wh *le We. S. BAR1LET. Kingston 08 20, 1817. 32 Sigtm -\ * 7 E the uiidVribeii do ctrt'ty npO' ? ^ oath t*V't th* ^rifcrttia-l ie*t c 1 Jrrent in the townlhip of KinviV n, w...>j (made agrenblt" if> »ht annexed plan [that the road* iijT*HV&ed each other a: 1 right angles and thai at tlie lour cor¬ ner*, ftakd wee pUnud a: rigbi angiei z»c\ rhat each lot b* tt d and bounded diieftly op; ofitc it< correfp^ndiug mini ber, and that the lot* were flak -d as w<\) In the rear as in the front* and rhat tlu fi'd fc-tlerii to .k their land* Ealt and U'eft from the road h the lot- No. 17 and 18 in the t wnffripof King (Ion. J JOHN IVJRN'Eli, SOLOMON OR ERy ARTHUR ORSER, J^AC ORSER, ELIJ/.H GROOMS. Kingston, Nov. 2> 1816. 3SV7 In order that no perfon m:iy plead ienorance in taking any title from Je thro Jackfon, on Lot No ic in the fe- c mi conc^ ffion ifi the townfhlpof Kings tr»uf the property is the fnbfcribers in law and equity, and will he recovered as P on 3s jutliee can take place. fept. 16 1817. Amos Anjley. Pubiic Notice. THE Subfciihers, Executors to the Estate of Charles Stuart* Efquire, fdeeafed, Lite Sheriff of the Midland, Di-trict,hereby rcque-t* all thofe indebt¬ ed to th* faid £sth*e to make immediate payment to the faid Executors ; and al' thofe who h<ive demands Against the Estate are requested to produce the fame duly attested, in order that a Settlement ot the Estate mav be effefted as fpeedily as poiTi' ie afrcr thefiKtdayofJoly 18 »R. GEORGE O. STUARTf| Exec. ALLAN McLEAN, j ntor>. Kingston^ August 11, 1817.— iuf ADVERTISEMENT, The fubiciber offer* for Sale * Following Lots of I. and 1 o 3' 'r* fn j'h ar y r--'Mfi t!i€ 61 fa o uc'fiuui ot th (-ore be twee* EmrA Tmwo and 1 fw'e,;, kfbur^h. N'o. 18 and 19 in the 8.h co .ccflj0fl r>f Muvi-av No zi Eaft half-id-c-«ft. ofSi'W No 9-- ICth COUcrfli^ uf R;wdcli N->. 4—8 h c Mc<lin n. Hnmiogfci No. 14. 15, 17^18 25 and 26l'nthe Oth tiifUvfli' t\ ot 1 huritiW. N« 3-|-*nd35 fn the 4th concc% •>c Vaugban, near Tork. Also, ■ Several Valuable Town Lots ir, ^ Town oi Kingfton, WM. CRAWFORD. Fredcrtd*btiT%b% Jan 10, 1817 3^ Stolen, OROM the Yard of the fubferiber L on Sunday evurfngfoft, beerwrcj icven and eight o'clock, a Buffaloe ^ R W Marked iitfidc 'K ' in large letter Any perfon that can pive informal^ Cj that the Thief or Thieves may k brought to ju.ricf.lhall rectvnTHSM POUNDS REWARD, by app'.yh,. to the iubferiber. ROBt. walker. Kingston Hoicl9 January 19, 1818. 34 & TO LET, AND pofleffion given imnediately, -^*- a Houfc. comaining he rooms, i trood Celler, Wdi and Gardwi ; and 1 good Bake h ufeadjotniog it the oven ►f which will hold 200 Loavc uf bread • I ply to the fubferiber, nCar Me Cathg^ v 1 hurch. PHILIP VIAS. liinjtton, Nov. 7, t8i 7. ^tf 1 alu.jble Lands FOR SAi E, jTN tlie Third Conreflion of the Town it n.ip of Pttfturgh, bef-.g Lots No. 6, ihchalfofNo 7, and No. tS___An indil'pntabk title wdl be given, and the terms ot payment made eaiv. H. C THOMSON. Kingfton, July 28,1817. 32 Blank Summonses ^or the District Courts, for iuie at this OHi.cs. Smiths Work. HE fubfoiber moft refoe^fottj ipforiDs rhe gentlemen of K-n^ t n, that he is Juft arrived here froa Dubiin, aud has commenceJ the but nefs of Black and White niich, iii ill jus branches ; more particularly that of horfe Shewing, in which bt- will jriic t.egreaiefl latiafa&ion co thofe thatem- t.loy hi:n. They may re'y on hailnj liieir work well done, cheap and applyingat Mr. J. Meagher', Barrack ftreet, where he ban commenced, All orders in thai line wi!j he ffladlj received and (Lift artention given. Kingston 13th OcL 21 , rHE fubftriber- beg have totnforoi their friends and the public iu ge¬ nera1, (hat they carry on the TATLORING BUSINESS in Main Street* where they intend mife tog every article "in their line, on more reafonahle terms than has bern door for a number of years back. Thofe who wifli 'o favor them with their cuftuffl, may rely on having thcii w rkwell m and on the AorteR ti'»ticc for r-j/h, Norr is & Stevcm. Kingston, figJA^ ifij^* ^#

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