Kingston Gazette, February 17, 1818, page 3

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AniTrantt, ty P^vi^rt£ the Uyghttr bf tfte f&ttffl&t May 4m\ means to defray the expence of J£**, **?# to bc parried to o- or) fee Location and Grant of land flowed upon than by His, 9im\ Hiffhnefs the Pr n.e Re-j the w althy Uaronetsof the kingdom WhaU-tei may have been the conduA rf the mvther in other particulars, it fn kn.'wn,jhar in -he education of her children (he was extremely drift | and th it her daughter* art- among the molt a*.voiiip'i(hed and beautiful females of the kingdom. Boston, January 31. Spanldi American News.. A bulletin of the Charlrlon City Gazette contains, what is called news horn New-Grenada, &c. ftatirg :— Tftat the new Viceroy had officially •otitic J. 'bat lie cou'd no longer thv kitigdo.i ,im confequence of difafterB expyrie ec] by his parties on the plains of Caf. n re ; That VjoriPo had threatened to ex¬ ecute <ne of hit Genera}?! for having! rent, in His* Majefty s tume. The accommo*»ation for His rM^jciiy's Rcpt efeiitative, tor 'thePublic (XScea, and for the lc;iilative and Judicial Autho- rides, at th^s tear of Govern-j jnent, wa-i heretofore co Gdcr- U, and an antra d fun, liberal! Inproport o to the Revenue,' at 1 hat tinae, #as v'ted, toa> lumulue for the pu p »fe of tendering that accommodation imore fuitab'e. \ \ The preflureof the war, in-1 duced the Le^'flature to divert j retried witl> 5000 men, before 300 ln- tlutfundto the immediate de (**-*-*—' ■ fence of the Province; I fab-1 ■ mi? to you the propriety of re-; placing the furn fo accumulav ted,with an increare,at the fame | rate, to this time, and h m far; (ircuniftances ma) juftify rhe] augmentation of the Annual*; pInftalmenr.and immediate mea¬ sures for effecting the object. You will, of cwrfe, advert) to the Laws expired or about to! expire, and revive or continue- fuch as*may appear to be fi«-i ceffirry to the welfare of rhe Province. tend to that objeft, you may; wy upon my hearty concur¬ rence. — LAND COUNCIL. ^The thre^ nexr Land Coun- u'4.ys will he on Wednrfd-n* J>4$thnf February. a<d the 'Wiand 29th of April. dependent-* ; Thru on th-: 6\\\ October*the Indepen dent1* had defeated the Royalifta, audi captured the province of P-i.npUna :— That in Catthagena the Spaniards were preparing for an expected fiege. 1 News from theS"urhSea Gentlemen from Panama, ir.form, that (the la, at roy*l army in Peru had been routed,and that the patriot armies were in triumph*; I a-it march for Lima &—That i afc ■ hid* already become independent, which h.*d | excited great alarm in Lima :—That: the Dorrs af I ima and Guayaquil were! et WW, fremiti gftfrttfy drlc! t!9 ttieir||d^airif! ti^ad actie meao-i of offence ; let ihtfstn turn their] | the ,;lofy of this i mention to this Province, ihey will here find employment for their capital, which will add more to their crediit as Britons, than in improvipg the U. States. After which feveral refo>lutiona were fubtnitted to the Meeting by the Secre¬ tary and approved of, tending chiefly to infoim what perfons arc noil likely to fuccecd 1m Canada, with rudeiia'id direc¬ tions to guide them btfore and aftet their arrival. The thanks of the meetttig was then given to the Chairman. JOHN VlNCENT.SrcVr Several Free holders of I hi* town- (hip iefireto make public their difap- probation of the Unjuft Road Aft, and that mcaiures be taken to lay the fame befoie the Earl of Bathuret, that the Prince Regent may know hof the poor are burdened by men who will fcarcely touch it wlfh the tip of their little fin¬ ger. On a per fin f»om England ex- picfliiig his furprile at the Governor fl gi¬ ving hi» ai^ut to fuch a Bill, be wa-. au- fwercd that at that ieflion, a lar^e fum of the public money wan voted to him for a piece of piate. Wi I any man con fider that as a mark of icfpcfil to the Governor ? If thry h:id fubferibed a meng ihem'elve.n.out of chirir '»wn poefc- , you migbc confider it as fuch ; but afij catarrh ! But ft! fiut irl nvcn'ion addn a fingle laurel to the myrtles which you wear, the motive that led to th*: difcovcy at- fures to your Tex, the tender and rcfp'.tft- ful admiiation of ours forever. And my Mufe takes with pride this dccafiori to tranfmit to the lateft pofterity this tri umph of female ingenuity and conjugal tendernefs. m mder.enuent army of Chili, Wjltoghfwwy another pciftm property, nucd in Peru, to jo;n r> powerful - (() |Vw y^ ur ref -^ |fl ^ abfuuJ|t mm fiwta •, —that the;|?nd ca ouybc ronfid,rtrcJ a8 a mcrc j'>n, even w >rfe than givi*\^ a fptat to catch a w'-.^Ie—Free holvlcrs look vvcM to your re;.itfcnt itives, obferve what they are ab >-it. at>d reward them at th<* nexi e'ertu n ; ai"1 if ttawttrdlV of lllcir . Itniit call thctnoffas thvy deferve-— In all which ^av ° ^eiyi r iY ^^^^'^^ w^«r^i Ynu^foVavcly f.iP,.rlcd the U in ail wnicn ^) , vefTeIs had appeared off P.nama, and II, J,^Y 4>in^ Ac kf war, under fa ma- Uffeiiger, wa. fupo.f.d their flag will Hy in tn. »ny pvivation8j w.,u!d fooft fiad redtcf. " 'Jr.imihe tiege^t : the |Ctagd^ms did umph fr >m Cape Horn to the nort point nf Venezuela, withi i fix months. /•ro-A-ance mult a'wav* be made in # Spanhli accounts for hy -e u J* he -/*ut k"u- w ihem, atho ,^|[ the tetta in your own Keprefcictatives. fauit 'VUF.SbJi, FiiBHVAm 17 1818 • 4 * I itfflprei&'iff, Extrjft from HelPs London "Our relation? with .-inenca have I "^corrn fo impovtai'tj -,r at tualt Hi a- P'AtcIh ufbrcouviig :i, tail we ihai. ••efcraw c • ct them t • an ^pvnuuity when w c»a diKul^ than V'1! •Hfe!1:^ Mr. v! t'.r-e i n 'nan J efiakn, a,,d aiuv,,y, .....IIJn „ ,'v...,,t, arc- no. M*« - • 3°* ...vo^r-.-nhctru. gl-ryo. tl^cm- rV: out itbM always bua. our opivut, ,d',,k,m,l-Crlo1.a; dm o LuJtliegreatcft ttatefraen itaa coum i) ; .ve,p,od.H-cd. tUt Halifax. Cau,ua Sc. Ire no. worth what they would , •ptntual:)' .-.It BttgfcurflWj 'hat •- CO.\t\imiGAT£OXS At a Meeting of a refprdable num¬ ber of Y o-tien Fanners, held at the Vil- lage of Waterloo, ia 1 he Tuwnflnp of Ki;-grtoP»on Mo-.d^y, ift Feb 1818, ' Mai*.1 JuHfc Pvurm r in tUe Ch.iir — Mr G our lay's sddt-eft to the refideut r a"d ho-'■>>' f Upr>er CiiUM.J' , wm \ lead a!i>' ^imp'y explained by D vVafll-i Mail $\ »J U Wal ■ ii ./"I . »«.«1 nl , o •') iliW 1 *i:c**liti ■' c -miii'-) with his icq-iell hy tri i rJSKfi C APT AW y <&g FARMER j oi>i:, il Keadcr, \ou lis*- r. ic»' au off'ver I nresiuue, I > WtivcalO] K dw BH^PI in '"".irai-iav. \Vi;b gokl iae'd coat, cotk'd jir#ll u„,; Janeiro nUiltlt. * Aud bcli and ^\^ord that oe\e.r sau a ffilv. • do admif* a Son of M'irN, 1 HnM v\ liitlia: i'; maaydbe ^n*-1'^' -un-ats heon. Aud uravrly fuiig'tii, foi fuiar a.ui j;lij;iUf,a Crotvn, A. 4in hi* UlV iif'er did anuc;r|lin ,ni.»n# Vol like a e^nain Captain * »(nHi I know. run c.»uf>vleraliou and Oil* Tien. ao.wcmiJ When IsraftTs Kine pnr«ueH His mud r.iroT, Draftu the council of the pitfus Sfei: Ti.c peoolc'b love withdrawn; he poon foresaw, j A |i(MVriful rival in Ins Si'ii»iu-law ; And (ilmihr envious Monarch riimmM to bleed, II is daughter's hovlmihl. Saul !u d<atl> die c-d The hero, ubu hnd conqnewd vith a cling, Tlie bard, «ho^e harp had often Mio^ud lh« Kins; : M Drae David hither !" he with fury rrlpp, *v Tlnsda\,henea.h tny m>rar,tlie recreanidies." \ urmrcly ynuih, the Monarch*- 01115 s,,ll» The friend uf David, gallant .lur.niiian ; "aiihfitl to &!f nd-hi|s disediey*d hb «*ue, Iti^kM Royal vengeance, liva\'d paternal ire, \uil to Iii?vsi5ter did the mu!i impart. t>! then What IMUtES WrUflg pOOf Wirhal's tender beart ; " Dearbunband t-avo taysclf—Ihey come," sht Toen plat ed a nselew lo^ wllhin her bed; And will: a gWU'fi blark-iikv ball1 ^nedre^t Thai n-ad ivhlch Davids unptlal pltioM pre.*'. Her busbaud ll«-d. an a*m#fd trooji aupears \i.ii entriii.^.hnd uie an » o.i- vi ife in t«-ai ; " Voil neek for David ! ihrre he lie?'* she raid, A bunting fewr keeps him id 111) b d ; Disturb him not, in tttcba t.-in^/id state, *k R:'-pre'. my serrow>tpitv MlchaPf fate.*' W'bil-thus-tie ni'nU>!icf father*! martial traiu, By =.ecrei poises David gains the plain, frvu -p'*edshis tuiiveoVi mead.i»,hill .^ da'e Till Raiia'^.-oiisiUeir future monarch hail» A'hile Zton'i dunlin »Mcel.tna e ihewife. Wbosp pious fraud prftaervedbei bu>baads I if**. IV -- II A man by the r.arre of Michael Gran¬ ts, (la&e a foldier) was found fri Zen in fuch a manner, that he died in a few moments after, on Munday (POflUng, the th iii(hr,t,o' the back road hading to Perth, about 20 mile* below Kingilon, a litt.ethi: (r.\. of Mr Wm. Buei's. It 1- fuppoled he was intoxicated!— \n awful warning t*>all who indulge theoi- IfeJven in an improper ufe of Spintuoua l^iqtiar-s. fottfftStf U,-The mowf cordial funtof rrarm'.ny and Friendship U d«>^ ■ ribed fo eiist b< i*f"n thfi Uri r>|j St \rricrican GoTernmrtit^ Arnotu;Mh- er tiicum>tance<j <he liberal ded»irii of the Admiralty Court ft* Halifftt, oa the subj.cfora number ot Arm rvatl n hin- bim-ls, detained he our cfo^ers is bring within the btmndt nt (he BrU r.i*h li*Iury is stated fo hnv • 1 -• nf>d in the minds of the kmeti&n* a very ravorable feeliftg toward- tfci-1... , .". VVesef* no reason whattve-r to kffl'tcU pate thatanj'thing will arisp lo ii.t-r. rupt snch 8tnicabJe sfintimrnt*^ vthii-h i' is so manifestly- for the haopiness of l^rli nation* (o cultivate fr.-ter anil improve.—Courier. Montreal. Feb f. 1 g r ft. The Right Honorably th< Earl of Selkerk arrived here on Saturday lalt, Ttter an abffrlcc of about eighteen months from this city AT a meeting of the Committee of the K.C S. at rhe houfe of \. Prutglc, Efq on Monday the 9th Feb. 1818. the Vifiten f>r the Is ft month reported., that the fdm of /Je 1 7 6 had been expended hy them, in relieving < ue man, fonr women, and nine Children recommended to the Charity of the Society, and that five men have bett provided with emp1oyment. Vifiters for the ppx' month, Sam'l. Shaw, Efq. Rev. Mr Cuttois. o.!V\ei'lid. I tttfiM-UO tut- UK. pivai, true pui i,n yfwIDovttWwild b. to make. to the bdl bargain we could »o« ttam (he United 5tatc,, Go tiuy u.ult ; aud U ]i better to kt tSc:u go, iKfor, an thct debt tptbifc country. of eight hundred uuiiotu bc aaacd General Mina. k;tM' hi-. In Mifwer to rhe Q^iiery, what in yom op in ion 4, retards thv* improvement qI y iur Townihrp and the Province in gen- i-ral, and what would contribute to the fane lit The tjrea* quantity of Land in fr<uU fiturt'on* which has g«*t int > a few perfons hands, thtou^'i the necclK- tie* of their fotmer owners, th <fe l^n'is are unfi "tied, and aie yearly increaling in value, by other men's lab .ur, tha i,! by induftvious fttrnaera fettling ihout J then».a*u! aking the reads,without the, ownerft of the wild land being compc'l-. cd to pay a penny f-ward? it. | 2d. The ven unjull and unequal ^oad 1 dnty- a duty fraught with opptcfltortfj ■i ;.o not, «f bivajl.amoutat«i. ivwii«tni^ «\« lipio . .-eR*ar ■larviuj; a* Ui., (ritf. if you-n lr**!enf the man w.. .\(\ know.. Read, o it I) road he mih|>. • .jale below. A bulletin of the Baltimore Ptttviot | j fewcrfy to be «|«»l!«d in the khgdoOj of the lOtfa anouncc-i the arriv»i t«KT€ of C«ot. CbotSi B»«» Ca.npeachy, i$ Say, who informed, that information lu. nccii ic^ved there tbat Gen- M11A haJ bceu tmutedw Mexic ■ ;thatthec;ty ha) Ucn bnlirur./yiiiuminated \ Uiat tte toliow- aiofMitVi wen diipctfedO< anmhd.ted; aud, of cotufe, that the caulc ot the 11 Pa;rioU,F in, was ia a forlorn Hate. The Florida* of ■> Wef-ot, and contrary Co '-be very, pri-rip'e of Brit id) tegiflatiotl, wneie as- ; feff-d taxrs iocreafe in proportion t<-a -oerlons me^»ns ; t «ke the window tax fen txa pie, where fix windows f&f$f$ !,r year, or 1/3 ,r. wi.dow, ince^hn^ >i*'3a ■ nnVly till ca^.h window payj oxm: p itiu 1-1 The K ^d duty hee ttquirera man(wliO per*'apsiia^ not brend t> fee* hi- 'anil- f ly,) to work three days \.\ RoinSt Fnrme- j-.*, 1 me i» ' i:,»r da>, Vgreed tobiti)^ 't-i-* wellknov^ u Cap'uia uooi], Vmi for eiic'i co.ti he* Cap*.. «n ^a&^onay. Pen sllltlrng^ .1 i!ie rtht)le 01 *\i \\n3 j;tii»il. V»r> rlv-ap.indeed, Rca«ier. \,a^i not? . •••! •■ em hj< 1 ttldoui to li • f., t|| \ • K'.'.t UiMirt, die Kai-iier was iiillawed •<* cut ! I! \>hol\ oi'il UjrOt. Ki'.jjm; o;y;* .- g'TJlli'tt- Xot"! sfton a trondron! heap r^f e.ood was bro Aiwl -fi,,s'> l»U*dat| m ih--i .i;/ ah\\ ^uure, * id for iirei'C ■tl*-lli**oUlin»'aua>keduou|5lM ••» • .lid he a Searle. coa.. revere. s>> • read:- mack 3 v.hat ilM rl ■; Curtain s:i; . 1'MbeoUi Favmw tandinpa, hu^uor. • ■, ,evn Shilling foreaea ■ -.nd 1 .! i-ay, . u liaiig me if I give a tanli,.,,^ more. The Fanner'd. -nen smil 'd and shook h»' head, PiiokoiTh-. ui a id-trok'd hi,, \0e>:* ofgrej. \ul\er* caiudy to the Can^iin mid, then bir, I'll iake tiie wbok >n ii away. I iviit |*av vnnd, v ill von et^>ilt shilling ta^ ie.q»ir*d the I' -n in u •tiiilnoi' luoml, Toe Partner ad, 1. * ^ j^aiixs I make, 1*11 nave teu =tiiMin<- *»r I'll l|uwe ihe wood. The Hon. I'Ienky Exsjcike. We have the melancholy c*u- l ty te> aim-mince rhe death of\ the Hon. Henry Erfkine. at hi» I'car at Ammontlell. on the 8th1 inft. I bus at one a^d the fctme moment, the gveat leaders ar^d! tlieornaments of the Scots Bar,| as well a- of ' ^<" Irith, have paid the ilebt of nature r Henry iKrlkine was 1 ns rhe Dean of Faculty, to which he wa raifed bv liis brethren, f om Their refpect tor the funerority of his talents, and irs u-itorm • aiittenance of rhe dignity and inticpende- ce of the bar. On ihe rern-rn of rhe Whigs to olllce, he was appointed Lord Advocate or Scotland, at the time when his brother wa^ made Lord Chancellor of Great Britain. Ir was peculiiriy honorable to the illuftrious family of that at one and t!ie fame time, and for many years, the two brothers of toe Nohle Earl Chautd be the unriv lied leaders of theEngli'h and Set ts—both equally eminent, not only for the ardour with which ihey main- For Sale by Fubiic Auflion* ON Mondav. tlie ifith day of March next, if not previoufly dt$ pofed of Kjrprivate fal- the Hull of a new "chooner ofahout 54 ton* hurthen, now lying in the harbor uf Kingston— F«»r further patticulars, apply at this Office. Ki.-.rfton. Feb. 12. I8l». 3*5 ________ - ^ 1 ■ 1 1 For Sale, BY PVBLIC A' ("TIOX 4 T Si Geo'ne'a Chnrch. on M-n* *~\. d iy the t*A inll. a^ \2 ^'clocki tlie LEASE of feveral [.ot? of ground, fitnate 1 on the tndtrt ltr-et, »>eai the mar^ ket —THe conditir d« of the J.eafe* will be made kivnvn on tl-e -t3V offa!< H. C. THOMSON, ) Chnrch C. SHORT, J Warden* Ktngtton, Feb 16. 1818 3* and another who is rioting in itUMiy, to d<i but 12 j >rc we rcfled upon i,hc fobjeft, -Mny« work : other> with a fn>a'! tena- ' mvftt 63 do right or twelve day. work, and thr nnn who has a fpucio'i^ dwelling Them the more w,- are t^nviiceJ Uiat ;he | whole oi the Florid-oflte abuui to puts J. ErSe ha,! -four^dthoufand.oiacr.soMand.todono TKciiknceof D-.n Om's on the oc-!Jmo^- \'i;>»» l*U s:»ve, \Uf Cajita^toft^no\« lake il, I ca»*J ijmi 1 tay booor, :r.n * v.U»-i|. so, tliffii'iner^ai-.i'M »e«Ui tig* raakeit, oodfo squicSkl^ . e%*n cord. >r, oil tue c% r> ^d. The t-rnrovement of the naviga¬ tion of rhe Kivtr St. t .awrfnce»by or k in^ locks for boat* to afcend, by the ra pids, the benefit of which would be un- thcS'knowt' to thi« Province. At prefent ew- in the negQciaiiom||fi*y atticle is brmjrht to u«t ?.t a great exnence. tirne and tilk ; the fame may cunation ofthe King Ufe matter a tcr- ikury ;the declaration of the Pitffitieiit in hb melfige of the 13th imUat, ii»at Spain cann-t maintain her authority'! there; and the marked ^ureAi-m in fcmemrlTase. that Coufonnd \n-iSi', you shall tVo shilling !»ave Kxciainrd tn-' t lap'ain, v\uli > rtrt eyes 01 iianie, Bui tUf*rr-*'ii»r r 'oi en \(>£* ./\\ ,,*„, rei'"ive, \t lr.isi. 1 <-on- aferthiurf |KWfor tbem. rh**hon«*5l Farmrr -inii'dan-lj pai^ no more, 'u: took me to- uiui'.i poor ,niif ^door. * The F.i'-nc; pasttivtfyi tfaafa A present 0/ three cords telhz tip'iin. Mo depending with <e the government of j Spain, it is expelled every ifttttefl " W«l j leprnvided tor ;'—all conspire to pro- ducea eonvic^ion thdt Don Onis, m behalf of hia fovrreign, has conic nted tonur taking pilTcIfion of Amelia, and that the Florida* will, ere long, bc formally conveyed to the United State*. This, then, depend on ii, Is the thing %>hhh Don Onis has fo long had in his httcbu pocket. We (hall fee the whole of it prclently. U.ider this perlualion tc congratulate our fellow citizens upon the likelihood of fo valuable an acquili- ton\ and our mercua it*, who have filf- & red by Span.fh fpo iati.>n$ in particular, ?a the pr'fpeft of being compcufated tor Ihtir lufle*. [IVaJhngion City Gazette A Lro^o.u pager w&&&£ that aj^vhich be laid with a*:y article we hive to ex¬ port : thi* caufes the consumer to pay a higher price for wry a»ticle he waui* from the feaportfi, than the peopietothr Lower province, and on the contrary every article we have for export, is dtiuin Uhedfl by the expeufe caufed in fending the articles down—we hope a few fpirit- cd men of capital 10 Eng will turn the r attention to this objed and that they m.y find am;.le -eanB to recompence them for their money expended, hy an increafe of looulation, as that willcauie a greater traffic up =*nd down the nver. That we a^ B. itilh robjeas view with regret OW fellow ci'i/.ens at home, as- fiitinp veiy rece .t enemy with dicti coital, ia the canftrafting r>f a cana^ ia the even: of anyih- Mr. F.ditor, By Rivi-ir p!ace to t^e following lines, in the Kingfton Ga,2ctle? y(>u wih oblige a conltant reader. ExOTl.GUS« ORIGIN OF PERUKES. Charming and tender b,ejn^$ \ Q yon our mother* 1 out flftet'8, onr rpiftreffes, our wives and our dauglacrs j SuppOtl of .'urchiMhood, happincr3 0f ovir viper years, a'.d co tifort of our 0u affC t y;>n whodou^e our enj-.yments an<j a]|cv|. ate our misfortunes. OrSament of foci- ety, O Woman, what ^)ve a!11j what retpeS d'^es not man owe you > Who can expref^ the chatm yoi, j€ll(j to exis¬ tence ? Not left lovely ingenuous, it U you, O woman, who ^3VC brought wigs into falhion. This ;. not irje jm-aii- cft of yonr titles to our gi atjtuJe. Thank> to thisfubli-..e invcnihn ; how Tiany dilhono'ed fhjS venomies !nvr heen retrieved from their jj{\.nKe! ho v many rained the p; ivfleges, and guarded the lives, liberties and properties of their fellow citi¬ zens but alf > for their briiiiant wit, perfect inre?rity, and ir- refiftible perfuifion of their profeifional exertions. The conveiNational powers of Mr. J Henry iirflcine were of the fi ft order—prompt, srentle, and luminous—his fLifaes of wit irradiated every c iUntenance, while its amenity lefr no ftin£ behind*—Foreign paper. To Let VND imnedia e pc^effioi vivent f'wo c nveni'nt Hoil «. ir:tb Shops in Itote ft"er, neai y4*. Bleke9! Tavrrn, on the corner •* the Itre-. lead¬ ing from t*ie \rtillery Barracks 1 the French Chinch Fr ar'icylam appl' to JOHN W FFrf \Q JSOM, Store Street, hinjsten. Ecb 17» i 8 1 #. $9 A CUNTRACT, T^riLL be given for Piling anJ ▼ T Burning oft tin timbrr v pref- quifle, the enfuing Spiii^r on 75 actcS of Groiindi and for lowing the fame in¬ to grain : and aifb at Kiogllon for cut* -in^ and Drawing ahout one ».ile 5-jO Cords of Wood :—on each of \*htVh contract (by being furniOied with f.'Oi- cieut fecuritv) a f^all advance wi'l be made. Enquire of B Will FN E t. Kingston, Jan if5, 1818- 33tf ~ TO BE SOLD, T A Houfe and Lot in Store Street^ between Mr. Duglass* and Mr. Powet'i—for pdrticular8 apply to the Subfcribcr. At-EXR. TREMA1R. Kingfton, Feb 16, :8i8/ 33t£ Stolen, ON the 1 jth i It. fran l^e ftable of the fabfcnber, two BUFFALO^ ROBES. Should they be offered for fale, a generom reward wil! be given to jny perlon that will Ho- them, or give {..formation w'le'e thry may be recover¬ ed by the owner* francis Carlisle. Feb. 17. jfr 1 naked k#p« haw bcca fortincd Idhnefs —There is no character* in fociety more to be pitied than the idler. It i* not only irkfome to hiu.felf, htit he hinders the industry of.-then. Rifh p Tay'or once fail to a larly who ne^ec ted the education of her fon :m the pica th*t he was too jroun^ to he confined la study. " Madam, if y«u don't fill your fon's head with fomtthing, belu've me, the devil will." Maum Louis\, Ditches of Parm;» Un issued an edict forbidding he r s«b jet*, to kneel to her—a homage win-- •tiejustly puvs, \% due only to G ' ^verato upon the d«fgy in berdomi;- hn« ft> make Ufrf »uhJBi*ts seusibl ■ this, which hitherto she has been u ■lie to da. Louden paper T, 'I 1 NOTICE. ! order that no per fan may b$ eceivrd in pufchflirig a Lot of Lanc^ offered Ear fnle hy ^amn^ Pnrty, Public Notice u hrrchy given, ih^t If -viY perfon or p rfnni make nv nurchise of laid Lor No ir in th*- fee nd *^or. • fffi'in of the Town(h»p f lvin"fton# Fi >m Samuel P"dv th y will mee' with difapO'dntmeit and loU Tht >n 'ec- ■'ig agm'nll the SnhfcWh/r fn reg»'d ta f-i't Lot, t'q Ilceal. QtvA and u» i»iftf >nd wil! he t^ecovrredas (00n a JmlicC enn be obtained. ^MO^ AN'C] FY. K'njrfton February ||. 1J4 • y jRw^ MUl /ri m.ica'1ov Tables, For the u'enf Schuufc^ Foi ialc at t fllvc. I

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