fnin^he glories afffci1 BrHhh F« nr, flat lUtle attention bas btfwi prt«l to whatm«**t.brHie state of *!>*• succe*- ,,,n» i|i'«-*a^. ii>»t now the rousidcnn Hon i* f»«'cJ on our atttfnfiwii, and Hie prospect is hy no mc.tti Mattering. This joiisanJ da-ttghters of our present ma* parch are all without lawful Usue. Sipposiii^, tlii-ii, "uburroti sceptic" passed through thsir bauds,4fc no child oFthoir's succeeding" 01* \u>\t chim- B,Mt of the Crown would hi* th.? I> -ko of Gloucester, in tin* itwtti of his sot- living his present Itoyal Consort; and titer him would come the descendants ■pf his present Majesty's Sister, the Dutchess of Brunswick, being proton. hat. Of that branch there are two young scions, whom political stortiis Compelled to seek shelter under rhc present stock it) England ; and a< Without tnueh violence to probability, %t may eventually look to thoui as af¬ fording a S.verci^n to this realm, it is Some consolation to reflect) that their 'education has been in a great decree British. We hope, however, that it *ill not be our misfortune to look ag- rfd beyond our own inland for a kin*. We understand that Prince Leopold is arrived at Carlton House, where a .Council is to assemble to day for the purpose of examining the Physicians. The following was received from ,Claremout this morning :— Ctarcmonf* Nov. 7. Nftver was s;ricf so sincerely mani- Jt^tedaa it is for the loss of our amia¬ ble Princess, by all tanks and degrees* Ebepreparations for illumination* la-t fc-Rht at Esher and the Rurrounding ■country were reversed. The ho -»es •*fe closed, and scarcely a lamp to be Seeu. A post-boy rid'uit? ttmmuh Wttfstun from Claremoni to London express, in answering tliti anxiety of *tM inquiries announced that a Prince *a$boms and rejoicing im.c.ediately •commenced. The inhabitants, hower- ■'j on learning the melancholy evvnt, ■f-ncwed their respect yesterday by do* jlHS their fcho^. and houses. It U to iea state funeral. LtVfeRVOOT.i Nov. 11. The qteftt Ml • TSr. 1\ ter's eb» rch Has tolled oft Satnrdny and yesterday, Atu) u nudlled pwiWrt have been rung x.n the 12 bells nf St Nicholas ; this nil! be Continued eaclulfti from twelve AOQltC o'clock, until after the funerul ©f th• ■ much Inmeut d Princess Owr- Jotte. All the ve-sels in port, of all nations,had their colors hoisted half &as*. The London Star thus introduces the ftftWcHoty information of the death of the princess :—ifc Lament, Br.f*n:s, Lament: the Idol of y*Mir Hen ■«, the Heiress Presumptive to yenr Throne, the amiable, Ifcp beleved Princess Charlotte. ill-fat"d Mother of .anilJ-fatcd Child, is n Mnore." sounds. —. _ 0\ ircivingnt Windsor the tnfant **Ml (lie Urn ftere deposed in the Chapel ; and the remains of the Princess in the Queen's Lnd#4. ^ The procession from Windsor fo St. George's Chapel, was in all the- circum¬ stance of funeral pomp : and was Witnessed with deep emotions by hmdredsof thousauds of spectators. The hearse was preceded by two troops of cavalry, and 99 servants in state liveries, bearing torches, 24 mute* ac- cmnpaufcd the body. Eleven coaches of the royal family, each drawn by six hor>cs, followed. The moon sliofce in unclouded majesty during the solemn march. The interment took place at 11 o'clock. The afflicted Prince Leopold, after the ceremony of the interment, descen¬ ded into the mausoleum, and alone, wept over the remains of his departed Consort upwards /fan hour. Prince Leopold has appriz -d the Duke of Yorli. of his intention o 7i.?it the place of Ins birth shortly and return to('l iremont in the spring, never to quit it. Mrs. Griffiths, the nurse to the Princess Charlotte, was presented with 150 guineas, by Prince Leopold, the da\ after the demise of his Consort, and then dismiihed. On the subject of a Monument to the Princessj the Courier gives the following ueat stanza : Raise not an Urn of sculptured art, That perislifith with years ! II r A/ i;iuftu>n(%s Sich British Hurtl li- r R-Jaih their 7c tr$* From the Montreal Gazette* Jan 11. A**CH»nt» fr «rn G:vat Britain are to tftn evening «»f the t;^th o\ Not. Filmland coutiuuci inconsolable for the loss of her beloved Princess—all seem, as it were, unable to talk or write on any other ^object but this alone : her towns and cities Vic with one another in demonstration of grief and regret—for instance when the at count of the death of the Princess LliariuUt? wa* received ai Xtmc& lie, rwy marls of mournful respect was p:ud to the deceased. The IHU of the several chui'i hes were tolled a full !»our, and a new Ila-i which had been prepared to nave in majestic grandeur on the ex¬ pected 'Jad tidings of the birth o! an heir to the throne of Britain, was half hoUted on the Castle. The ships in the river T)ue albo displayed their fla^s half-roast high* On Sunday some of the the preachers adverted t'; th« mournful event which had shrowded the nation in^orrow, in language that at once shed a lustre on the d».ad, and held furthau impressive les&on to the TO THE AMERICAN TROOPS. tuft as our oapcr, was preparing foi* the prefu, the brig 0»m*nodoTe Poite f- Captain Duanc, arrived at this port in ten days fiom St. Mary's with the in¬ formation, that the United States fqti&dron under the command of Com- fnodorc Hingley% arrived off Amelia IlUud, on Monday the 22d of Dec. that the Fort was immediately fum- moued to furrender \ and that on the following day at 2 o'clock P- M. the American troops took quiet polTeflion of ihe Fort and the I (land.—Com. Adv. A VALUABLE BOOK SALE. On WEDNESDAY, 28th inst* at ONE o'clock. JUST arrived from N4ontredva choice collection of BOOKS,among which arc". The Holy Bible, Englifh Dictionary, Phillin the 2d King of S:-ain, EnjjHlll and French Grammar, Pope and Miiton'-i Worku, Lattin^nd EnffUfh Dic\i)nary, The Hiftory of England* Enbita Hiilo»y, 4 Vols, The Englifh Ma^a?.inr, The Hebrew Grenadier ; With a great variety of oiher Books, tlcgancly bound. With a variety 01 Dry Goods. All of which will be f Id forenm. P. B. BEEDLE, A. & B. TO BESOLD, By Auction^ On'lhurrday the 29th inft. THAT fmall HOUSE, adjoining Mr Tdckcbury'g Sh*>e Store, and p.irili*n given immediately. Condi* don* made known at the laic. Sale at ONE o'Clock, P M. P. B. BEEDLE, J.& S. Jan. 25 »t. Harley. THE fobl'cribcr »viH rav the hi-/h- elt maiket oner for any k\ eii.my of PflRLFY. dcliveitd at his Store in Kiatrfto'i, during ihe winter. On h?nd a* ttfual, ;■ general affort- mern of DRY GOODS, Liquor,and G oce.ies, Salt, Crockery & Glafs wdi'e, &c. &c. All of which will be fold uncommon¬ ly h>w for Ca(h or anv kiid of produce. 3 S HAWLEY. Kingston, Jan 21, 18 f8* 35 FRENCH CORDIALS. 5. Haavl.yt has jwR received a few dozen of very fine Freeh Cordials, a- VU1CTOI I.-**- ^V/l WVJb, Xfc Swelled Neck. Scott & McGee, Surgeons, Chemists and Drug* HAVE received fiom London, Dr^ Mobsman's celebrated remedy for Goitre, or fwelled Neck. It has been found very generally ftfccefftful thronghont England, and is a mol eP- ftdlualand expeditious remedy for the above difeafe. Letters addrefled to Scott & MrGeeV Surgeons, &c. Kinglton, will be punc¬ tually aufv/.*red. and the Medicine for¬ warded. Patients are reqneftcd to b*e particular in defcribing the ll/,e of the fwelling and the length of time they ha»e been afflicted with it. They have alfo received. Warren's pi-eventive to the Itch—no matter h<»w much a perfon may he cJtf poled to unclean beds, or to people a£ feftcd with Itch, by applying a fmall quantity of Warren's Solution to the {k"n on going to bed, they will be tho¬ roughly guarded againft the polTibdity of infection. The following Patent MEDICINES will be fold cheap, atid van anted genuine»vtt» fc Dr. Muffmau's cure for Goftre, of fwelled Mecfe. Bavnion's Cancer Ointment, Hall's Itch waft, Glafa's MagneG'aJ HiU»» Peroral lialfam, Steers9 Opodeldoc, Lee's Pilta, - Hoopcr'b Female do. Coiies' do. Godfiey'8 Cordial, Barclay's Aromatic Vinegar. B*»wen'9 Sago Powder, Sago GraidJ Cephalic Snuff, Scott'* Worm Powders, Ravntay's Medicated Spice Nuts, Torliagton1! Balfain, BtitifhOili Odontalgic, or cure for Teevh Acbfi& Patent Paregoric Elexir, Bateman'fl Peroral Balfam, Genuine Court Plader, la "j> Oil- Oil of INirprntine^ Olive Oil and Oil of Vitriol, Aqu: Forttd, Ordcrn from the country e>nrefuH^" forwarded, =tnd extdte 1 with difpstch- Ktnsisto'ty Jan 2^/' 1 ft I ^« 3 rwj- Removal. THE rnbfcriberfl have to acquaint their friends and the public, that they have taken the houfe formerly ne* cupied bv ^f. Ri-.-hnrd Smith, two doora below tlvif o*d Brick St-ire, and next door *-o Michael Coyle's ftone buildings Comer of Store and Water ureeta, where they have this day opened, and'will ex¬ po^ for Idle, a choice and well aflbrted Collection of living. Quit deddcrio silpudor ant modus Tain can capitis f............. mong which re. 1________. Cre'me de N^yeau, 4 • • • i nvthp(1pat)iof'hr!Viu'-^« Charlotte Auijasta. the Dofce of York beconi«9, 8fn>rtif!PrinrpRe?out,thc presumptive heir to the British Throne. The 1>»J<«S of Clarence, K"»t, C"rnh >.rb'»cl, >"<*- sex a..d Cambndsre. follow the l->»ka ef York, in succession. None of th-m Jiave lesitimate children, and the lounges! Friore is in his 4:Jd y<ar. '"Tha Princecs Royal, is the Dowager of Virtembi-rs. =uid ha« no children. 1 he Princess Du<hess of (ilfucestcr, was ' married i.. 1810. and «P heViM» Wi lately delivered of a stiil botn chiUl. The thr«-e other Vrinr-.se? have n-ver heen married. Th" K*»*ha5 a nephew fn the 41"* year of his aa;e, and niece •In her44th, oBmnrrH Funeral of the Prfn,t"« Chnrhlte. T.ONI>0 N.Nov «0. Th"v left Clavemor.t on Tu-day fironmsr. escortpd hv a detac!iro:'»t of th- lOfll dn,mo^. -The r-otliu con¬ taining the It.fai.t an<! Dm,was placed in a nionniHg coach, drawn by «jl b'a-k horses, accompanied bv Sir R<-I>rrt G-irdhu;- and Colonel ALln- jSr„/^.._The he*rse containing the Stat.- Offm, in whfi !> w-r-the remains of the Priucpss, WW drawn by ei?ht black liorses. Pr'Ulfie Leopold fol¬ lowed in anolluv rmch. accom¬ panied by the ReTfrewd Or Short \ and mowrninij coach:- • nrce'vled eon- telnhic the honr-hoW «»f bh Uovd HigRAAtf. ThQ or-, -essiuu v as b-d by "SShor^mon.thr-e;.- r.-i ■>.«'»"• skarfs &c. Great number. ' • I > ! «tth»ni-«oe.S. Sinn, and all tfi-« Mh f the plftCBS •■%S«gbwhi/cb it passed, tolled in soiemii Fire . On Wcdnefday night laft, about 12 o'clock, a fire broke out in the Hat Manufactory of Mr Jabex D- De Wut, Old Market which entirely COrifuntcd the fame together with ano:htT arij<>inin«r, anda'fohis large Stone iioofe, occupied bv MefJrs Healy & Wright. Mr. De- Witt fuftains a lofs in partly manufac¬ tured property, Stock, material* &c. toother with the building* eftimatcd .\K J&ZOOQ—The principal Cofferers in the lofs of property in the Stock, were Me». fere HcaleySc Wriph», & Meffm Arm> ftrong & liuntii >n, which it edimated at £3 $00. The fire originated through che card,.... nefs <if an individual whorti tJlr, DeWitt in charity, had TufFeied to fleep in the building —Montreal Herald. TOR K.January 15. The Earl of Selkirk arrived here e^rj Saturday laft, from the United States, by way of Queu.fton. It u faid th,^t hie l.ordthip expected to meet here one ot the Magiltrates who iiTued the war¬ rant for hi* aneft, but being difa lpoi^t- cd in that expectation, be proceeded »on Saturday to Sandwich MAJUilEJ). At Adolphuftown, on Tnefday t-!he 20th inft hy the Rev Robert McDc-*. all* Mr. j*>hn S. Hermans, Merchant, at Hollowell, to Mifa Sarah, dat»gh er of the late Captain Paul Taumpour, 0f the former place. On Tuefday laft, bv the fame, Mfr. John Si/Is, '-f Frcdcricfeburgh, to tijie widow >f the late Brvan Craw fird, Ejfq, of Aolphullowru Cre'me de Moka, Cre'me de Annis, Limonada SoprTioa, Eati Sans Pariil'e, Le Vectir de Phelcrnc> Ne PlusMtra, De L* Eau Royale, By dozen nr Single Bottle.* Public Notice. IN confeqnence of the general mourn¬ ing, caufed by the recent afflicting intelligence ff the dca-h of Her Royal Hijjhnefs Piinccfs Charlotte AugnlUi the next Subfcviptiou Call is potlpoued until further notice. GEORGE H. MARKLAND, Secretary. Kingston* 26th Jan. 1318. ?$ ~TO LET, ntlflEhwUiti^ lately foccupicd by JL R. Robifon, Efq. a& a (hop, fuuate next the Government Houfe. For particulars apply to Allan McLean, Efq. Kingfton, January 23, 1818. 35tf WH ERE AS Lucas VANLuviM, has abiconded from my houfe, being an indented apprentice ; this is therefore to forbid any perfon ot perfons harboring or trading him on my account* Any perlon who will bring him to me (ball receive the leward of fix pence, & no charges paid. PETER RUTTAN. Loughborough, Jan. 20, 1818. 35W3 CONSISTING OF ---- Flannels, Chintz- Furnitures 5c fringes to match ; fnperfine and fecond quality CLOTHS, amongft which U Welt of England black, »f a mod fuperior qoalt* ty ; Ladies* an«l Gentlemen's black 3c white filk Stocking* anrl Glove<»,do. do. ftrong Shoes and wmfted Stockings, of all dcfcriptioi^ ; India Cottons &c. Which, with their former ftock, they a.e determined, as ufual, to fell very low for calb. The above being all felea<d by Mu Thomer, who is juit'etuaned from Moo- treal. are well worth the attention of the? public* ' . v¥ THORNER& MORAN. Auctions cv<.ry EveDlrigj as ufuab K}fi$stons Jan. 26, 1818. N. B. On WEDNESDAY Eve*? fag, the 28th iudt will be fold, a collec> tion of Books, Engravings, &c &c. THORNER & MO<AN, /tuctioncer$A WRAPPING PAPtiR. OF an excellent qiu.lity,for la'e as above, LOST, BLANK BAIL BO^DS, For sale at tins Office. IT, ET WE EN Woctlcii's warf and J Wool's Coffee Houfe, a Biii of ilic amount of £\o payable lo B.arer. on the fifth or iixth of thi» month, and eodorfed on the back hi th« hand writii.g of the SubfcribeV,« Po.k Ml T* a* it was ci"en for the pny-ncul oflWO barrels of pnrk. If any pe.lon has fount! kid L-ill.and will Produfe it immediately^ they (hall be Rewarded by th'. »••'■i-.nber> at Moore's Coffee Houlc, W Kin^lloiv E. ROSS, Kingfton, January 20, UUftf ?/l%