MONTREAL LADIES * Seiiiiuary, Under the Direction oi Mr. & M.s. ANDREWS, aflifted b\ iheir Son and Daughters. THE Pudi's aie limited to Thirty ; and mill enter for the term oi iix months at lr:h\ it is requeued that Three month- notice of a lemnfd will be v:v in that vacancies as they occur, Hiay he filied. Tin ['i-mffor Education, are from t to 3 Guinea* per quarter ; always paid in rdvnce- Schoo/ Entrance is One Guinea ; and Five Shillings perQuaiUr chafed for Pav and Ink, fuppli-"dby Mr Andrews. One Cord of Fire W»"d, for each child, (who is a boarder) expe&ed in she Winter. Every Itudy eomprifed in a ufeful, lit¬ erary, and accomnlilhcd Education, is tftitpht in this Efljhlrlhment, by theref- pe&ive pcifon* engaged. In Drawing and Painting—rnilmclt-ma are given by Mr W W. Akdrfws : and in Mufic. I>Tcrne\ and the v$nou< ufe« of the Needle, bv the ^iJRrt undrew*. M'lfie. Dancing* Drawing and Pnint- inr. in its fever al branches, are charged for as Extras M'*ut-pe Qr 3 Guineas, entrance -1 guin. Dam ing, 2 do do JDirwinjy, 2 do do Young ' adie.« admitted as boarders St M-nc Guineas pc Quarter, (paid in advance) and are required t<> fnrnifh their own Bed* and Bedding • and a Table, Tea Sp ion, and Nankin, f r their own Bccnmcnodati m. hcv will l>c allowed to v fit tliei** friends on Saturdays o.Iv. N. B It is known «htt unfounded re¬ port- are in cifc«l 'tim in otflanr laces (I'H'Oofed to au'fe fiom fin:litr motive*) ca eu'ated to leflen the reputation of this fcm; wj T! e Principal- therefore confid.rr it ttereffary t*« «*q >eft o-ri ins te(ld:n^ far ■ Montreal, toftvk information con- Ctttltng their citab'ifhmcui of anv o- th-ir truly resectable patrons, whole childr-n *re under their care. Montreal Dec 27,1817 3 \ m 2 T. * .: "cribc: ini irr«*hi> fi lends at id the piil/ic, that he propoftffl during the winter feafon, to deliver 3 Cenrfr of lecture* inf^du&ory totle ifaidy of GEOGRAPHY. ThehuV jcci »f 'hrcourft- will be illuftrated hy the tiic of'Me Globes, jnd a variety of Mat S and Charts. The d:fh rent p ojec^'onR ^f the fphere, an«1 the principle? on which Maps and Charts are conftrutted, Will he explained a* ea«*yas r^iTibJe; tnd their practical application rorheconftruclion of Maps of diffrrcnt countries, wfll h< continued as a rego'ar exercife throughout thr courfe, Ac Nnunland Civil Hfdory are in- timat- ly connect d with 0* rgraphy. oc¬ casional notice vrili *-e tak' 1 of theft ; an-' the m.-ft apnrovcd methods of Und¬ ying rh rr pointed out. • U i al.'o intended, fo fr"- as time may atd'trit to perform a number ff her* ieil ex :<-rimcrifs 011 a varic y of '-linrra k-e- ci.nens ; in order ro .ffi'f rKc rouiH hu <juirer. to nro'V-ute kv hwfcIF, the in- tcrt'lir j» ftudy (if Nfinrr-i^ n .ts Ji introrlurfio-v lefrme will hr rjrftV- ered on ihe 2d of J nuarv, at half pall 6 G'o'o k in thr- Even in , when the ;<!an w:! he more fully mif-hied : A ffer that, fho'-Ma numb-r ofvounp- mtn, fnfficient to l>rm a cJaf*,c me forward, the c^ut'e will hr continued to the be&'juimg of Atpffl : dnrinc which time, three Lec¬ ture- will he delivered every week. Term* ; two Guineas foi the courfe. JOHN WHITELAW Kiirgfti n. Dec 9. 1817. 28 Smiths IVork. T'^F ruJifcrlber m. f{ refn^fully i forms the jrentlemen - f Kinw- JMI, that h£ is j„a arrived here from DitHm, and has commenced the bnfi- JM* Of Black and White <mith. in all us branches; more paitieidarlv tha; <-.[ borft Sheffiiur, in which he will <rfvc the jrrcptca fatfsfaaf-u 10 ihofc thai em¬ ploy fiitn The* may re'y on having the.- «v-,rk wt'lidone, cheap and p>eat, hy ^plyfrjat Mr. j. Meaghem, Barrack ftreet, where he has commenced. AH --rders in that line will be gladly mccivcd and fti.'cl attention given. Notice. A LL perfons indebted to the Edate j^_ of the late James Gumming, late of rlallowell, deceafed, are .equelied to call without delay, and fettle thr fame with Mr. James McGrkGor, now in charge of the citahl.uWnt, at Halh-tv- ell bridge ;—and thofc who have claims againft the faid eitate, are defircd «o preiedt them for adjuftment. The Hock in Trade ^ the deceafed, ccnfjflingofa very complete aflbrtmeflt of Goods well laid in, and very fuhahk to the Country, i« now felling nff #t pri¬ ces to low, as will defer vedly claim th*e attention of the public. Caftl or Country produce will be tak¬ en in payment, and a credit of 6 months given to refponilble Farmers, or others. JOHN Cl/MMLVGJ Esecutor3 r/M.MITCHELLA Kingston, 03 2 7, 1817. 22 THE fuhferiber returns his me ft grateful thanks to his fiiends ard cuflomers, and the rcfpe&able inhabit¬ ants of Kingllon. for the liberal en¬ couragement hr has received (nice he commenced bulinefs in this place, and would infirm them that he ftill carries on the Tin, Copper, Sheet Iron and Lead Eujinefs* tfj ail its vaiious branches, near the Engineer Yard, where he h ues by his sffiduiry and attcttion, ftil! to merit a (h re -f public favor, afTuring them that nothing- fhall be wanting on his part, to faithfully execute all orders with which he maybe honoied. II-has for faie, a large diTortment of the belt Englijh Double Tin ll'are, of ev¬ ery description, ever offered for fale in this Province, and a large afTortmerit or Japan'di Copper arid Hard Ware, lie a'lo keep*, on ha: d anaffortment ofShcet Iron Stoves, Stove Pipes and Elbows. 40 boxes of the b^ft Double Tin, and 60 boxr a bell Sheet Iron, f*,r die cheap. (reproduce will betaken inpayment. Jzmes Meagher. Kingfton, Sept. 30, 18 I 7. 14016 Church Catechifm for Sale at tliis 03ke> f I IHE fuhferiber** beg leave to inform JL their friends and the public th ge¬ nera', that they carry on the TAILORING BUSINESS in Main Strict* where they intend mak¬ ing every article in their line, on more reasonable terms than has been done for a number of years back. Thofe who xrilh to favor them with their cuflom, may rely on having their Work well made, and on the ftorteft notice, for Cahh. Norn's & Stevens. Kingston, Sept. 9, 1817- 32 Notice. ALL perforr having any demands a- gninfl the Eftateof the late B» y- an Crawford, Efq. of Adolphuftown, de¬ ceafed. are hereby requeued to produce their claims, duly authenticated. — Alfo% all perfons indebted to the faid Eftate arC hereby requeAed to make immediate payment to IVrtfiam Alexander fihront. Executor. Kingston, igti ^ufy9 1817. 52 Valuable Lands FOR SALE, IN the Third Coticeflton of the Tov^n- fhip of Pitfburgh, being Lots ]N"o. 6. thehalfofNo, 7, and No. 18.—.^n indtfpntable title will be given, and the terms of payment made ealv. H. C. THOMSON. Ktnjrfton, July 28, 1817. 32 Executive Council Ojftee, York, zidOa. 1817. NOTICE is hereby given, by or^er of His Honor the Adminiftrar-or in Council, to the Reprefentatives of John Galloway and William Caldwell to make good any pretention to lot 1111 1 :.»er twenty-one in the fifth conceiTrcn of he Townfhip of KingAon, within fix moiv ha fr«»m this date, or it will be granted to the occupant, who has been in poffefiuon hxtccn years. JOHN SMALL, CU. of the Ex. Council fr NOTICE. npHEfubfcriber hereby forbida all -II- and every pcifon or pufons fi- on medlmg or raking, or cutting any tim¬ ber, 01 trefpaflmg in any fhapc whate- er, Opon Lot No. 2tt in the 5th coiiofluon of the townfhip of Kingllon, on pain of bemg profecuted according to Law JARVIS WORDEN!. Kmofton.Oa.2z. 1817. a 411116 BOOK STORE tfcnovtd opposite the tUgfl (>J the Bible. J. B. Cfaeesman, 13 ESPECTFULLY informs b?# \t friends an-| the Prib-ir5, that he continues the BOOK BINDING*Mid BL .NK BOOK MANUFACTORY in all its various branches, two doors from the Book Store. Blank Books Ruled and Bound to any pattern ; Libraries repaired and old Boob) re bound to match in Setts, or in any flyle. He ha-, on hand, at the Book Store, a general aflbitoieot of Blank Books Sf Stationary ; ConGfting of Ledgers Journals Invoice, Day, Letter, Giard, Orderly, Receipt and Meuorandum Bookft. Alfo, juft received,an Inv-ice of B00KS ; amang which are, llut'-.n'.c Mathematics, Ben¬ jamin's Architecture, Walker and John. fon's Pronouncioj; Dich'onaiK*. do. in Miniature ; Nuoent's French k Engliui Dic°.i*»nary, Perrin's French G, and Murray's School Books ; German Flute Preceptor, Sn ;h & f ittle** Vo¬ cal IvTufi", Biti-?i Tedsirrerits Watts' Pfalntftaisd Kymn«fCymp Muring do. and Scientific T-i^r^ries adapted for Children's [{iftrttfiititf. All ode** 10 his line of Bflfinefa will be thankfully received and puncTually attended to. Kin ston. Dec 1$. tSr;.______ 29^ ~M"0 O RJ?S C 0 F F E E - // 0 U S E. John Moore 1 I"5 ETURNS his finccrc aeknowlede- \j ments to hi^ Fiknds, and the Public at largtf. 'or their pr.ft favors, and wifli^sto acquaint them that he has re- moved to Mr. AndiRSOn's new Houfe. oppofitc to Mr. Wet&l'fl Store, iu flore (Ireet, where traveller* and fith- c:n mav rely upon ^>o"d aecommoda tions and att< udan..e, on reaionaMe terms. The fuhferiber, having rented this large. c< nvrnient and tleg-ant build- in n, has fpar^ii "o exertions or expence i'» his p wcr, t" have it fnrnifhed and at¬ tended in futh a ma-incr a-i ro meril ihe approbation of his firmer tult'mers and others who may honor iiim with their company 1 He has a good yard and ftablc for car¬ riages and Horfcs. Soups every d.iy from 12 to f o'clock. Kingston. Oct 13, 18 • 7. $2£f THE !>UB\Ckili£R WILL receive propofals for bcild- in^aGRlSTMILl.BtCan- anoqne.on the North fide of the river, and for making a Canal to take the water from the rapid* at the fording place, t-o "the Gully at the lauding where trV Mill is to be placed. He reqtnds that pto- pofals miiv be given to him before the 20th of June next. A Town plot will be laid out thi« leafnn at the above nam¬ ed pliee ; the term-- of fnle and leafe will be known by applying to the fuhferi¬ ber, who has for fair 1174 acres of Land on the River Ridvan, being lots Nos 5. 6 and 7 in firlt concefll<»n and No?, e & 6 in the feeoud conceffon, with the broken front, in the townfhip of Marlborough : Alio for Sale, feve- ral lote«^ of land and Town lots, at and w the vicinity of the Tow 1 of Kinglt;»u, and a Houfe and Lot in Kins (Ion.----- Likewife. for fale, the Eaft half of Lot number thirty-four, in the fecoud con- crfhon of the townfhip of Darlington, containing too acres. For further particulars apoly to JOHN FFKGUSOtf. Kingston, 2$th May, 1817. cztf Casack's Hotel. THE fuhferiber having opened a new and convenient Houfe it] llvne flr. nioft Rffpecrfully informs his frienda and the public, that he hat taken great pains to furniuj it in every refpeft to merit a fliare of public patronage. Gt ntlemen travelling may rely upon having good accommodation and attend- ance. Lady*a and Gentlemen can be daily fnpplied with Confcdionaiy of all kind and belt quality. Alfo the Piimc Regents morning Drink, competed and carried on at prcf- enr at thr above concern by James Reed confectioner. R. CUSACK. Kingston, Sept. 6, 1817. 32tf LANCASTRIAN SCHOOL. PlflHE Midland District School,on JE the Brittfh System of Education, dndcrthe fupciiniendence of Mr. John¬ son, who been engaged as Teach¬ er, wilt be opened on Monday next, ififh November.—The terns of Tuition three (hfllmgs nnd four pence per mouth, pay¬ able in advance. By ordei of the Prefident & Trustee*. 24 R. STANTON, Secf. WE the fubferibers do certify upoa oath that the original fettle- ment in the townfhip of Kingfton, was made agreeable to the annexed plan, that the roads interfered each other at right angles, and that at the four cor¬ ners, ftakc* were planted at right angles and that each lot butted and bounded dire&ly OppofitC its coneiponding num- bcr,and that the lot« were Hiked as well in the rear a* iu the front, and that rlic fi'ft fcttlers took their lands Eall and Weft from the road between the lots No. lyand |R in the t<>wnfliipof Kmgfton. SigmdjOHN WARNER, hO LO'VJON OR o'ER* ARTfflTR OMSBJ^ ELIJAH GROOMS. Kingston, Nov. 2. / 8 16. 32 In order that no perfori may plead ignorance in taking any title from Je- thro Jackfon, on Lot No. 15 in the ie- Cond conceffion in the townfhipof Kinga- too, the property is the fubferibers in law and equity, and w;]l be recovered afl fion as jullice can take place. fept id 1817 Amos Anjky, Public Notice. THE Subfcribers, Executors to the Estate of Charles Stuart* Enquire, deceafed, late Sheriff of the Midland, 13'vt nil,hereby requests all thofc fndeht- ed to the faid Estate to make immediate payment to the faid Executors ;and all thofe who have demand* against the E rate art requested to produce the fame duly attested, in order that a Settlement oi the Estate may be effected as fp- edify as poffihlc after the first dav of July 181R- GEORGE O. STUAKT,! Exec- ALLAN MrrLEAN, J mors. Kingston, August 14, 1817,— ntf C. Hatch 8? Co7 OFFER FOR SALE, Elegant Broad top bill back, Fancy 6c Windfor bamboo, do Sfet back, Red Cane feat, Watcrl 10,. Common, Rocking and Children's j WARRANTED GOOD, CO rw* At their Chair Shop, oppofne fp Powell's Tin and Grocery Store, flore rtrt. Their Chairs are fuperior to any they have hitherto offered for la!e. Country Produce received in payment. cy Cabinet Ware for fale as above. Kingflon, Nov. 10, 1817. 2.ftf ""advertisement.^ TjT^HE Concern heretofore exifting _1 under the firm of " Rodk & Alexr.-'♦. Moday?* at Point Frederick, wat diffohed on the 24 h ultimo. The tSubfcriber h >lds himfelf refpoufible for all Ie^al claims againll the laid concern, as wHI a^ail PerfonalN demands againft his* Brother, who retires from it. and will» thar<k thofe indebted to either of the parties to pay their refpeftive accounts to Mr ROBERT GR.\HAMf who will conduct the Liofinefr in future, ia. Company wirh the Subfcriher, under the fum of Robert Graham fef Co. R. MACKaY. Kingston, 15th Nov. 18x7. 2ctf TO LEASE, FOR SEVEN YE.IIIS, APIECE of Ground, fuppofed to be about an acre, tli^ioly fittiated (on th.-borders of Grten B *y, Point Frederic k,) for a Brewerv, DiftiUery, Tannery, or a lumber Ynrd. For par¬ ticulars enquire of the fuhferiber. * And he hereby f M'hids any pcrf<»n or perfon*. (rr»m trefoafltngon faid premife% efpedally in taking 0|f |y„d or gratel from the be;ich 00 pain of being piofe- cutcd t»> tlic ntmoll imorof the lavr. JO'W-PH DENNIS. Pt Frederick, ti Ihwimr, I 81 7 2? ATfORNtE^ Blank lJ^lTot Costs, for sale as this* Oilicc,