Jufit Arrived, fr& J/uii telscln Cud Fish, 10 iWivls Lliigr, SO I>». Hiiv ChBleur Safmoiij gU Kotfs I^kIi lune Herring, 10 Firkins Butter ^ \ ".— A few letts beft EtfgliHfl Plated Harnesses, Sa<Mies and '$W<iJes, :-.,ii • v**s*. i'nds. Vdieses, Hoi'se Cloaihing;, and 2\ Oot, Ifroe S;iot-.s. T k ihove aniens will be fold cheap for -,.'.ib or produce. Lands for Sate. LOTS number 6 and 7, in the 3<* conceflion of Rawdoo, contain! »g 4:0 acre* ; Lot number 1 1.3d conecffioo of" Murray. 200 *cre< ; E 'ft half number 2, 3d concern of Richrnord, 100 acres; L,t number 24, 2d Range 3d eonce* liiMirf Richmond, 200 acres ; Lot num. ber 20, 8th conceflion of Richnv.nd, 200 acre* : Eafternmnfl half numker 21, 3d conceflion of Fredericksburg co acres ; Lot itu nbrT I, 9th conceflion of Lough- borough 200 acres. For trrmv apply to Richard Robifon, or in his abfenee. Allan Mac Lean, Efq- Kingllon, 17th Nov. 1817. 2Ctf CO •.i.f.Xr m acDONELL & Co. LANCASTRIAN SCHOOL. JTi >y"ori, 241/j Jan. 1817. 5 . ......__ Smiths Work. jP*.Bri HE Midland District School, on ritifh ^vstem of Education, C. //ff/M ct Co. OFFER FOR SAT E, Elegant Broad t<-p ball back- j Fancy & Windfor bamboo do Slat back, Reil Cane feat, Waterloo, Common^ Rocking and Children's IViRRANfED GOOD, At their Chair Shop, oppofitc IVm. Powell's Tin and Grocery Store, .lore lire. Their Chairs arc fuoenor to any they have hitherto offered tot iale. Country Produce received in payment. Kj* Cabinet Ware fir fale as above- Kingfton, Nov. 10, 1817. 24tf Advertisement. ADVF RT15EMKN \\ at HE Cone; Ml heretofore exilling under the firm of " Rodi iff Atixrj Mar lay" at Point Frederick, was diffolvcd on the 24 h ultimo. The Subfcn'berh«ld* htmlelf refponfible for all leg*] chums airaiiiil the faid concern, Sfi well *ftall Permits] demands againtt hi5 Brother, who retires from it. and vvifl thank thofe indrbtcd to either of the parties to pay t'ieir refpcctfve accounts 10 Mr ROBERT GRAHAM, who will conduct the Bufinefs in future, fa Company w!*h the .Snb'criber, under the fiim of Robert Grah,tm & Co R. MACKAY. Kingston, 13th Nov. 181 7. 2j"t? TO BE SOLD, A Gem eel convenient Houfe* with part of a Town Lot, fituated in . (. . . j- hA , •*-*■•* Front fired ntar the Vfarket. in a moft u.HlcrthclupermtendenceofMr.joHN" npHE Sttfcfcribcf refpeflfully informs c%rhk fitw»ti«.0 for any line of public eaJ." _-*- *?Inhabitaota of the Town and builnefs~Fpr particulars apply to the THE fubferfher moll refpecHully son. who has been engaged as 1 _ informs the gentlemen of Iv'nt»- er, will bt opened on Monday next, 16th fownfhip of Kington, the Towrlhip ton, tlm bei»jt»ft arrived here f.o.n November.—The terms of Tuition three Df Pitfbur^h and Woolf Ifland, that he Dublin, and has commenced »Ik bufi- flulltttgs and four pence per month, pay- is now erecting * Pot A(h work in the f m 1 . *«*1 - • I 11 _l 1_ ' ..J_______ ____. - , . P___ ■ ■■• printer. Kingston, sept. ! J, 1817. 16 Oct? of Black and Whi"t mi(h. in all abic in advance* it* branches ; m->re particularly that <»f r (f '-'hewnsr. in which In w?U t(ivc the "c^elt fatisfac^i. n 10 thofc that em» r;ffn. Thev may rcJy *n Kavipg \s !• Ic we'l done, cSeau arkl res*t bv j ■£ at M. ]. Motrhers Barrack <a . win re he '. ,n* con (nt-nced. j. I an & \" Mvlers ;n !iat line wii' be ^'adly receded 'lid ftiiclt ntemi"U ^ive*t. 4 ings:-r. r jth 03 2 f By ordei of the Prefidcnt & Trustees. R. STANTON, Sec'y. N. B. An EVENING SCh'QQF. alfo will be opened at th- lame rime, he term* --f which may be krovrn by apply¬ ing to the Subicriher. Rb. JOHNSTON. \TTE the fubferibete do certify u; on W oath tint the original fettle- ment in the rownlhip of Kin; il«»n: was Vicinity of ihi.s Town, where he will receive good Houfe Afheu at the rate of Seven Pence C'y per Bufhel when delivered at the Works, aid lix pence when collected in Town ; (he A final to be p<.id for in Merchandize, A S'ci^h is ro be fent round T(»wnto rolled) the Aftcs Once a wtfek, or oftener if neccfiary. A.MACPHERSON Kingston, 17th Nov 1817. 25tf B. Care fli »uld be fken to Keep Public Notice npHi ». bfcrihffr, inform thei. Friends W* agreeable to the annexed plan, .;ie afte. Dry and Clean, as noix JjL ard the Pubiic in general, th«rt r,I?l the roads interfered each other at thev hive icceived in addition to their »%*« anjj?«f and thrtat the four cor¬ ners, (lakes were plant^d at right angles, a* d tint each ot butted and bounded diiectiy oppofitc its correfpondrng num. what i'. of a good (jnaity c-an be re -,Y former Jupply4 a brge affunment <f GOOD.% Ghi^ and Earthati WAKli, Iron, S*eel9 Hoilow Ware, li fmall ajfwtmnt »f Mi\Z\> W T?Tr. Dv-.'^-ardSirj:'! S I OVKS. stuo - ' adie- an-*! C nt emen's FUR C-APS Heady %dt Cf.OUIEH. T:.• ,m ole will He lold Cheap for Cain, 1 ■ Qi her, ;-r.d that t'r lots were ftaked a?, well in the r«-3r a' in the front* and rh.3t the full f*rt|Cc took their land0 F.3ll and Wi'fl fio-i t!;e road hrtw«en the lots N-. 17 and 18 i«. the t.-wnlhino^ Kii'gftuo. S&ieJ 'JOHN WARNER* SOLOMON 0R'*LR, slRTHUk ORSER, KslAC OR KRy Fl tJ4U GROOMS. Kingston^ A'o<v %% 1* 6. t6 ri at-*rtovi»% ite •' Germain MOORE'S C 0 F F E E - li O U $ E. Jo/in Moore, RETURNS lu^Guccreacknowfedg- mei tt. to hist Friends, ard the Public at large, for theii p?(l favors, and wiuVs to acquaint them that he ha* re¬ moved to Mr. And»r*on*s new (tone Houfir, oppo(itc to Mr. Wetfel's Store. in llore Arc: t, where travtllcrc and oth- era may rely upon good accommoda Midland Diflria, 1 ffSff virtue of a to <wit ; I JM^J Warrant to ma directed, figned by two of his Majcfty'a Jultiveft of the Peace for (he fui'd Dif- trid,Notice si hereby given, that a meet* ing of his M ij dy's Jndfccsof the Peace foi the divifion of Fnuitcnac, will be holden at the Court Houfe in the town o* Kingfton, at eleven o'clock in the J **CK ft»renrHm,onSATURl>AY,thc27thc.f in but , r » — .1 c l re > , tmn pvrtent month, tor the puruoio or ceived. r- 1 r ■ r i_ renewing the Licences for me year next enluing ; ltkewife for granting" ntw L.i* ce^ces to ihofe who wifh rir make appli- caii-nf.r the feme. All Inn, Tavern, arid Public Houfe keeper, will there¬ fore give their alien "lance accordingly. ROBERT YOU:-G*, High C^jlobU. Kingston* Dec. ?6 1817. 2p TOWN MEETING. Midland Distriajs. iJ»Y vi-uie of a warrant figned by ^ two of His Maje^y'a Jufliccs of the P-*?^c f«r laid Dilbict, and to me Jn order that no perfon mrjy plead *'««« a"d attendance, on nafonable &rt&edt the 1 nhabitam? ami houfchold- IW. \%ww :> wt&rfij[*M c&& t m Jc- ^rnift 1'he fublenVr, haimg rented ^°f,u".....!'»"#! '".7"".1"._"f R,IIK»- lytf thro >cklon, on I ot No ic in lU le- ftw large, c- nvenient a«d elegant build- !°n" ^t'iburgh and Wo [|-Jfl.>rrdf ^y- /T -non iy.' o*//. 1«1 7. — con J conceffion b- 'he townhhipof Kings ton, the property i« the fiibfcnhers in Executive Council Office, Tork 22 J Oct. 1817. T^J^TTCE i* hereby given, by ordff foon as mfticc can take place. ^ of ^ifi Honor the wJmVflrator fept, \6 1817. Public Notice. in '"' un"h\ t--. rh, R. pr f- • ■ rtv s of John Qnihivdy and Ur: ';rtm Caldwell, to Ki^ke <?o< c ?.i v pr* enfiufl to lot ntJ'i ber t\\<v\ c In 'h- fifth conv-elfion of the ^HHE Subfcn'bers, Executors to the Tow 'fh»V-^f King*', in, within fiv months ^- Estate of Charles Stuart, Efqnrre, frr m ii'i- date. * r it will b the • C p'i»t, who ha*> been jJxtcen years. * ed to the faid Estate to make immediate JOHN SMALL, Cli. of the Ex. Council. hu, has fp.ud no txertiom %x carpenw «"K «r liable to pay any public-i» h, his power, to hr;ve it furnifhed and uc- rnent. or rates, are hereby rulified to few and equity, 3Rd vrtB be recovered as tended m Inch a manner as to merit the rnCrt at lh< Cmn\ Hoti,e ,n Jj r°wn approbation of his former cuftomei sand of Kingllon, on Monday the Fifth day others who may honor him with their of January next, at 11 o dock in the forenoon, for the purpofe of nomi mating Amos Anfiey. company He has a good yard and liable for car- a"d choofin? fi« peifoni to ferve w the : granted to decftd, late Sheriff of the Mfd'and, ' in pt-fleffion Di*m&,hereby requests all thofe indebt- riageaand Horfes. Soups every day from 12 to I o'clock. Kings/on. Oft- 13, ifir;. 20tf THE SUBSCRIBER offices of Town Clerk, two Aflcflor*, one Collector, one Town W.-rden, Ovci'w fecra of Highways and Roadv, PountJ- kecptrs, &c- for the year ei)fning< ROBERT YOrNG, High Conflablc. Kingston* Dec. 16, 18 I 7. 2q , 0 ho-ncE. WTffJEfcbfoitber hereby fo'bfds all J at A dvery perfon or perfoiits from medlrng f<r making or cutting any tim¬ ber, o* trefpaffing in any (hype whatever. Upon Lot N.v. 21, in the 5th contiTlon ol the towi fhip of Kingfton, on p^in of feeing orofecuted according to ! d\v. jARvr; WORDFN. Kingfton, Oct 22. i8f7. 231116 Notice. ALL perfow indebted to the fubferi- hcr arc rcquefted to mak^ imme- diotr payment All kinds of produce will be taken in payment, at the Market prices. The fubferiber has taken into partner¬ ship Th lit ALEX.MAFnpNWslA Co. In addition to their former flock, they are now .ec-ivii)g a general affortmerit of DRV GOODS, JLIQUOMS, OfttK TIMES HARDWARE, Earthen <$f Glass, $'r ?;r. i;r. AIX'r macdonell. Kn^itim, \/L Sept. ibl6. 5 payment to the faid Executors ; and all "1^/"ILL receive propofal-i for build- thofe who have demands against the ** ing a GRIST VflELat Gan-________ _____________ Estate are requeued to pi oduce the fame """que.on the Worth fide of the nVr, and "j\/foc.~. '^ "I7I-. 4. • 1 dnlyattestefi, in order tliat a Settlement for making a Canal to take the water IVJclSOlllC F CSlIVtll- 0/ trie Ebtate may be effe^ed as fpeedily ^rom tnc raP,r,» at 'be fording place, tr» as pofii1 'e after thrfrntdayof July 1818. tnc Gully at the lauding where the Mill GEORGE O. STUART,? Exec- « «o be placed. He requells that pio- AELAN N'cLEAN, J mors. P°ra,s may be gives to him before the 20th of June next. A Town pint will be laid out this feafnn at the above nam- Kingston, August li, 18/7—-ntf —^ Ra 'S s Rags I l CASH paid for Clean COT- TON and LINEN RAGS, (Of any Color,) AT THIS OFFICE. rriHE Feftiva] of St. John the Evarr- J, gc!ih\ will be celebrated by Lodge No. 6, A. Y, Mafon on Saturday, the 27th infrant, at the Lodge Room, at __________................m m.....^ VValkerN Hotel Thofe Brethren who ed place"; «be ter^ oV'fic and leafe ™£^¥Vn%* felrfvity of the day, will be known bv applying to the fubferi- ^,» r^f Jc fignify the fame to Mr. Ro- ber, who has for fale £174 acres of bCFt Rfalkcr two days previous. Land on the River Ridean, being lot3 Nos. 5, 6 and 7 in firft conceflion and Nos. 5 & 6 in the fecond conceflion, with the broken front, in the town/hip of Marlborough : Alfo for Sale, feve ral loten of land and Town Iota, at and By order of the W. M. JOHN W. FERGUSON, Secretary* Kingston* Det. 16, 1817. 29 FOR SALE, JUST received and for fale at this Of and a Houfe and Lot in .... flee, prtc* r/8, Poems on his Do- Likewife, for fale, the E^a half" of Lot The Life of the Noble Author. Nov. 28* in the vicinity of the Tow., of Kingfton, T OT No. tif In the 5th concelTion. Kingflon..... J-^ of the town Hi ip of Rodney. ALSO, Lot No. 6, in the 12th conceflion of the townfhip of Portland ;—For fur^ ther particulars applv to tlie fubferiber. JACOB FANARNAM. Kingfton, Oft. 30, 1817, 23tf For further particulars apply to JOHN FERGUSON. Kingston* Zph May* 1817. c 2 tf Take Notice. To Let, IJIOR one or more years from the firft . day of Janua y .,e»t, the Houfe and For Sale, Or TO LET, TMMED1ATELY, an elegant 2i X Story dwelling Houfe, fitted out \ LLpcrfon.™ forbid purchnfing p.emi^s in S^^l^ ZJSHSL in the molt commod.ous manner, ,lfo J\. from Ifaac Knight, two notes of pied by Mr Dalle, i C. •. an excellent Stable together with hand ^amft thefubfcrS 1 for fix! Erf. Ze"?*£%£. ^mS th Town Loton wh.chthey iland.- ty d.!h„t or thereabout , the other o„c ««/.«, fo, a Gentfcma^ W<1 mT£1 A,,,perfon m^0gto leafe or pu.chafe fifty dollar,, to the bed of my recoil** M tefi b f-r a Dhliutr o I^ulr the above w.ll find U the.r htcrcft to tion , which two Note< are m.jultly de- F.r further paa, 2 c 'j re of the make .mmed.ate appWeatum to tained by him, they being al.eady paid. fublc<,ber. P l " °f ** HENRT CASHADT. Kingfton, Nov. 3, i8j;. 2jtf igaiicady pai SAMUEL PUKDY. E.MAKNETT. 27 Jungateo i5th Dee. 1817. /0