Kingston Gazette, December 9, 1817, page 6

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N A M F. -di* and RegrUnftfH, or Service to win oil he.hrliuigod. LTST of Officers, &c. concluded frora second pn^e. I! Action in which or however Vrtratidcd, Hiul when R \ N I . R I i ISM F.vr, tSc c. ACTION. ------------HT- H >rton, Samuel Hut* hUon. George Hoil kiusou, Samuel do. Holmes, Daniel do. Hull, Richard - I. Jarrie, William Jarvi<? William M. ' do. K. Kcrby, J a me* Rirkparrirk, Robert KtMiuedv, Andrew L. tiOttg- Joseph I.umpman, Peter, Jun. do. M. M'PoneltjJoha M'Gregor, John 3ji'Gregor, James ftf'DougaJ, Daniel fcrDerihtd, Donald ii.altimore, William IVrKinaoii, Charles JNrliain, Karquhar Al'Kenzie. Roderick Ai'Onugnl. Lauchlin filartf-n. James lil: jor, Th;»mas ftrOnugal, Angus M'Collun., I>aaiel Mitchell. John jTDoiieH. Donald Aiuuro, Finlav lyiWIulliMi. W'illiam ZVlMvachie, John do M'Dougal, Peter do. JHWm^hton. Rol^ert do. Millet, James A. ]Vi'lhe»son, Alexander do. ftl'DonaU, John do. P. Powell, Caleb feuie. Philip. do. JPro-ser. Samuel du. Q. tjuick, David do. Quick, Alexander do R. Rattan, Il-nry Jiver-on, George Richa^dsoii, James Richard ton, :i.!;I>ert Rcaome, Michael Kibble, Anthony Ruse, Alexander Ro»5, Thomas Hyaiiy John do. Rolmtsort, Joseph B. do. Randolph, Samuel do. Rose. Alexander do. Row, • olraaa do. S. Simons, Titus 6. Pmir.), Thomav Si-v -ilJiorn, Thomas Servis, Thomas Sei'lye, John Shepard. Joseph Sii\d»T, Jacob Sccord. James Stnll. Adam Steward, Daniel Servo-. John D. do. T. Treanor. David Ihompson, Frederick Teetor, Aaron W. Wler« **nmuel W-htaton, Joseph ' Wells, Jesse do. Warner, Zachariab do. When Wounded. 1'oriud for whi<*h Pm>ion is iu course of I^sue. PROM TO Private Seaman Private do do do do Captain Lieutenant do {Captain ) Major Rnsiga Private da do do d. Major i.i'iitonant Private do do do do Captain [Serjeant Private [Captain do Private do do l do do do do do dfl 116 [25] Valuable Lands FOR SAf.E, IN the Third Conceflion of the Town, fhip of Picfburgh, being Lots No. €, ibr h:Vf of No 7, and No. 18— An ii'difpiitable title will be given, and the terms of payment made eafy. H. C. THOMSON. 1st Norfolk Provl. Marine 1st Lincoln do. Kt. Volunteers do. Incorporated Incorporated do. do. 2d Lincoln ) Incorporated) <2d Lincoln 3d York Incorporated 1st Lincoln |Cps. of Colou do. Incorporated Kt. Volunteers do. Incorporated 1st Glengary Incorporated |2d Glengary 1st do. 1st do. Kt. Volunteers .Id Lincoln 3d Vork Incorporated 4th Lincoln Kt. Volunteers 1st Glengary 2d Glengary ilJastings Dundas do. Indian Dept. do. 1st Glengary do. ^Incorporated 1st Glengary do do do Fort Erie Lake Erie Fort George do 1 long Woods do Fort Erie fork Do. loss of an eye do. [Fort Erie [Chippawa Que.enston i 28th Nov. loth Sept. [27th May do. |4th March do. 12th Aug. |27thApril do. ' do. «2d Dec. (12th Aug |St!i July 13th Oct. 1-2 1st Jan. 13 do 1327th May 1st Jan. 14 1th March l>t Jan. 14 do I 13 do .'27th April 1st Jan. 181 IS 17 14 17 13 17 12) Cross Roads near Ft. Ge. 19th Sept. Fort George 27th May Fort,Niagara (accident) 10th March do. do. Li.indv's Lane Long Woods River Thames Lnndy's Lane jOgdensborgb Lundy's Lane Nftar Cornwall 0__densb?'rgh Accident Long Woods Blade Rock Queen ton Lnndy's Lane do. Long Woods ■Oidensburgh Hoople's Creek Accident Lost an eye by accident do. Lewiston do. |Acc*deut do. [Cross Roads Accident do. Ogdt nsburgh do. 1st Norfolk Malcolm's Milk |Piov. A. Drivers Accideot do. j do. Incorporated Fort Eri« do. | do [River Raisin do [Accident do neorp orated 1st Norfolk Prov. Marine do. <2d Essex fed Lincoln Incorporated 1st Glengary Ary. Drivers do. d fircuville do | do do 1st Lincoln do. ' Piovl* Marine do. kd York do. 1st Norfolk Stormont Incorporated 2d York Incorporated 1st Lincoln do do do do 5th Lincoln 1st do. |4th do. |2d Lincoln 1st do. |Ad. Dragoons do. rd York do. Lnndy's Lane Fort Erie Oswego River Raisin do. Chippawa. Accident Ogdcnsbnrjh Liiiid)'s Lane do jOgdensburgh do Prescoti do [Chippawa do. Lake Erie do. [Lundy's Lane do [Fort Erie jOgden&borgh iLunday's Lane York Lundy's Lane Queenston Fori George Queenston Black Rock do. Queenston St. David's Accident Chippawa iSt. Dzvid't [Accident do. Lundy'sJLane do. Errors Excepted. ,25th July 14th March 5th July fe'jfhmly 23d Feb. 25th J uly 11 oth Nov. 2'>el Feb. 28th Oct. 4th March 30th Dec. l :>th Oct. [2$th July do. 4th March P2d Feb. I Oth Not [14th Dec. Hd Oct* do. lytliDec. do. !'2lst March do. (rlthOct. • Mm S.ipt. do. iBSd Feb. do. fcth Nor. 16th May do. [12th Aug. do 22d Ja*. do do do km j-iy- :*tu Not. :ih May 'i2d Jan. do 5th July .'•itli Jcily ;2d Feb. :5th July do [22d Feb. do. !24th Oct. do. 5lh July do lOthSept. do [25th July do 27th Nor. 22d F«-b. l25lh July |27th April 25th July 13th Oct. |27:h iVlay loth Oct. 1st Jan. do 13th Oct. 18th July 15th July 5th July l2~2d July ratfe Dec. do 25th July do i 14 12 do do do do i\o do | do do do do 30th June 31st Dec. do 13 do 13 do 1410th March 1st Jan. 14 do 14 do I I do 14 do 13 do 14 do 13 do 13 do 13 do 14 do 13 do 12 do 14 do do 14 d© 13 do 13 do 12 do 14 »2d Oct. I;t Jan. 13 19th Dec. l't Jan. 14 21st March 1st Jan. 13 do. 18.1st Sept. 'tst Jan. 1322d F^b. U( Jajj. II do 1115th May :!• t Jan. 1412th Aug. j 1st jan. I Ymh jan. ll*-! -Fan. Md Jan. 1st Jau# hi 17 do do do do do do do 1 14 17 13 17 14 17 . 13: 17 13: 17 II 17 11 17 30th june do do do 131st Dec, do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do •do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 11 12 14 13 14 13 do 13 do 13 251 h-ruly list Jan. 13('22d Feb. 1st jan. 2 Ith Oct. St j;mi. 14,5th July 1st jau 13 100. Sept. Ilstjaa - * 122 14 13 12 14 13 14 12 13 12 do do do do do do do do do do 14 1st jan ilst jan A'Hiiuiit ot I'i n- siofl Province Curicnf), F)i)l larat 5>. 0 O 0 0 12 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 01 0 0 0 101 0 20 0 0 Notice. n 16 17 16 17 16 17 16 17 16 17 16 17 16 17, :i' 17 15. 20 20 20 20 56 20 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 43 20 60 20 55 20 20 66 20 77 20 20 52 20 47 20 78 20 78 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 9^ 0 0 14 24, 0 0 13 5 0 0 0 0 13 SJ 0 0 4| 0 o 0 13 0 15 0 17 0 17 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 l a 16 16 16, 17! 16 17 20 0 0 20 -0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 48 15 4 20 0 0 77 1 4{ 20 0 0 83 15 7 20 0 0 49 17 3 20 0 0 66 3 10 20 0 0 10 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 60 0 0 20 0 0 12 do do do do 14J do 12 28th Dec 1st jan 14 25th july list jau 0 0 0 F-ingfton, July 28, 1817. 10 Officers Haff "Pay, and ArtiL . lery Penfion BLANKS, Jfcr fak «t ihii Office; Notice A LL perfons having any demand, a- f* gajnft the Eftate of the late Bry- an Crawford Efq. of Adolphuftown, de¬ ceased are hereby requeued to produce then cW, duly authenticated.-^, all perfons indebted to the faid Eftatearc hereby requeftcd to make immediate payment to fVUliain Alexander Grant, K- . 1 ~ . Executor, . Kingston, 1 gil July, tSth g KDWARP MA'MAI,0N' *.«■! Agent for Paying MiUtf ?£7,ioni9 104 For Sa t at this Office, A READY RECKONER, Shewing the valut of Grains of varioua Gold Coins, aurrent in the Fnivfnc- of Upper Cana¬ da. JLSO, FER(.LSONS Improved Table if the value of Grains of Gold Coin, 4 ref or under weight. ATTORNIES BlankTsiliT^ Costs, for sale at this OiEce. JUST received and for fale at this Office, pr.Ve 7£d. the MONTREAL ALMANACK, For the Year of our Lord 18 18. ji/o—Essjrs on PRACTICAL HUSBANDRY, AddrcfTcd to the Canadian Fanners. ByC. F. GRfiCE,of Montreal. November 14. jc ALL perfons indebted to t! ? ..."afc of the late Jama $ukMtn$t !«tc of HaUowcll, dtceafed, are rtqiiCflid to call without delay, and fettle the fa^e with Mr. James McGregor, now jn charge of the eftablifhment, at Hallow, ell bridge ;—and thofe who haveclaimi Hgninll the fold eftate, are defi'td tg prefect them for a^juitmeht. * The (lock in Trade of the deceafed, confining of a very complete aHnrtmcnt of Goods well laid in, and very As it able to the Country, is now felling iff at pri. ce6 fo low, as will defeivedly claim the (attention of the public. Cafh or Country produce will he tale- en in payment, and a credit of 6 mouth* given to refp^nfible Farmers, or others. JOHN GUMMING,! v WM. MITCHELL, j E*<™** Kingston* 08 27, 1817. 22 _^_____ ^ _______ ^^^^^^^^^^ -_^"""-"^ ^-1-1__^-1-1-1^m■_-■^p-k—___^_-_-_^-___^^^^^_^_^_^_^_^___ THE fubfeiber returns h\% molt grateful thanks to his fiiends and Icuftomers, and the relpedahle inhabit- (antfi of King (ton, for the liberal en- :o>i<ragcment he has received fince he commenced bufinefs in this place, and ! would inform tliem that he ftill carriw On the Tin, Copper, Sheet Iron and Lead ' Bujinefs, to ai! its various branches, near the Engineer Yard, where he \\9ft* bf ;hi^ affiduityand attention, liil! to went •a ft ire of public favor, attiring them that nothing fliall be wanting on hrj ;part, to faithfully execute all ordaswkh I which he maybe honored* IJ? has for fale, a large affortment of the heft Englijh Double Tin mure, itt* ,ery defcription, ever offered for fale in tthis Province, and a large aflortment or Japan'1 dt Copper and Hard Ware. He aiio keep** on hand an affortment of Sheet Iron Stoves, Stove Pipes and Elbows. 40 boxes of the bed Double Tin, and 60 boxes beft Sheet Iron, forfcle cheap. CU*Produce will be taken in payment. James Meagher. Kingflon, Sept. 30, 1817. *4m6 Sheriff's Sale. Midland District,? Bf **** *£ To Wit; \ JtSWritoJh* I ECcrt 10 ft; issued out of a* mm, *tf$ Court of Kings Ilnich,htU<Mi£l:- vil Vivas in itmiforthc ^■'dla"'\^!i' trid (foresaid, at the mit OJ «/(.//• of JONAS VAN ALSTINE, of tk TuxctitiJiip of Richmond^ and Dis/n'd aforesaid, Ion Keeper, df&ctfdto thl Sheriff of (he said Midland Btirii-K / have seized and taken in Execution* «$ belonging to the said JONAS VA# ALSTINE, apart OJ the South lias, terij/ corner of lot number Seventeen ^ in thv first Concession of the To&mh'tpd Richmond; which piece of Land f$ batted and bounded, or may be other. zciselcnOi£n. asfolloiis : that is to sag commencing in Jroot oj'ike said concti sion, at the South Easterly angle of said Lot No. Seventeen, thence North Sirteaj degrees^ Wert Fourteen chaim and Ftfty links ; then South Seventy* 'our degrees, West tzco chains ; then South Sixteen degrees, East Fifteen I chains Fifty links, mote or less* to the heater's side ; then Easterly, along(^ I renter side, to the place of beginning; containing Three Aches of Land, bt the same more or L-ss, with a dwelling and out Houses thereon erected. Note I do hereby give N077t% that the aforesaid piece of Land, to get her zeith the buildings thereon erec' fedn zeill be sold and adjudged to tht highest bidder, (it the Market* in the 7own of Kingston? on SATURDAY^ the THIRD day of JANUARY, mi nefbensuing, at the hoar of Eleven1 o'Clock in the forenoon* ' MENU}'THORP, Deputy Sheriff. And every person or persons having claims <>// the ubove described piece of Land and premises, by Mortgage* or other fight or incumbrance, are here* by advertised to aire notice thereof J* the said Deputy Sheriff) at his Housi* in the Village ajErnest 1own, pnvi* ous to the sale thereof. " IJENU) TIfORP,< T DrputV Sheriff. Kingston, ZO/h March, 1817. 43 THE fnbfcrfbers beg Jrave to inform their friends and the public iirg*' neral, that they carry on the TATLORING BUSINESS in Main Str<vt9 where they intend mak* inrr every article in their line, on more reafonable teims than has been done for a number of years back. Thofe who With to favor them with their cuftntu, may rely on having their work well madcj and on the (hortrfl noticet far Ca/h. Norris& Stevens. Kingston, Srpt. y. 18 I 7- _k . "» 'J liLANK BAIL fiO.vDS, For sale at this O-Bca

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