Kingston Gazette, December 9, 1817, page 5

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» Succcfsful Fiirtttui I return piir hearty thanks to Mr. JLfercmribliag ^ t() la? ljefo,r llUr fcrs.the Mowing well mthenticated ucuianofthctxttaotdinaiy v«cld uf corn'crop. We arc fatitficJ thai intelligent and pariical fanners, who tJ1d\)pied the bc8 jfyftrm of culriva \ th'.irla'ids, cm in no wav fo eft u lycontiibnte rothe interclt of com -ity, a*by ptthlMhing tlie (uoccfsfn li« of their farming .pernio.*, »«d propels "f cultivation which prodn- d ilftJfc r^fult-. Thus whiethev ex « [qitntcrs of the iftand, and the neighbor- Ext I a 61 From anothei letter, dated 28th Tiie f ale of the 2ift did not extend further north than Guadaloupe, nor further ftuuh than Greneda, which laii pi ice ha^ i.ot very materially fuflyred. The w.itft ha* fallen nil the S. E. end of this ifl ind (though it ha, differed in all patu) and on the N E and W. quaitcr «f r>i Lucia, which is dreadfully de- vatlat'd. 14 - 11 the barracks on Morne Fortune blown d »Wu, and thirty or forty lives! I >(l. The government houfe in tewm iealjiirtt of emulation, they will point j | blown down, and the governor (Scy-' i the means of improvement. | rno-r) li.icc dead of the bruiiea " Wefolicit the intelligent Farmers of ", *•" . p ' We have received by the Trident, ihtdrtfj to communicate f on ii.»te t > ,for publication, all filth f..cfc> and jffidtbu*, aa in their opinion may! \k a tendency to correct prevailing 1 tors in the pre lent fy item of faiiin^, ,«rkcalculated in any way to benefit 'the leiicoltural inteieft Such cn.t- mmications will a< all time* be thank- ,ft% received, and omlpienuuflyi'ifert.** roughfatftfit "Jfourtidh Hyde Pari, Nov 5, 1817. Mr.Pctter—Judging from the ap-j fonnu of my corn that it was an ex ftwidiiiary crop, I mcalu.ed as a trial Wfacre,and had it pick;-J Its yield •"ninety one bufhels of (helled corn. Tbisgreat nuanti'V was unexpected to ffiyMf, »nd my neigi' could not be pnfuaded Ut fo'ne miftakc had b..-en committed. Tof.ti-fy tny&lf and them. * engaged Mr R. Stance.', a furvryor M --afurcanotheracre&to a-.tend Mnrfelfto j ™«&»Mg 0f t|,c corn. Hi - affi iavit is iichw—There are about twenty acres Jtlf field, the whole {4 cxe«U«tt c-rn, Wj«dgcd the yield uf half t.r it would J* "the rate f tk< two mcifuted acres. 'y field has been for f-veral years to r"fe, and ha. bee., piftroed chi fiy J111 ftttp; it 1,3J llo manure cairied m '*«*'epting ,he ufua1 quantity of plater •*WI; waS pl.-ughed the fi.ll tunc this J*,*e com planted in hi'is at the ™»I diftanc«- ; in other refp«&> the field *'bwt the ftl'ual cu'u:re for earn, but '*'wan done 0(1 it w;i- ('.one well It JpkwiRhcrJ and kept clean while it . ;iaFetr. w.,rk a mo >g it. It is but "'■■■- to a goo•! firmer, to mention that L*» cultivated nsuKi the directbn «! * Coiigdon, who ha the management >' .?"a-hilV'"1 my fa.m—Should »»• thmk the yield mentioned very ex- ,rjWWy. a* it i- tlimHi* t ■>'%» -. • .- ■ ...vouareat liberty W ^./ ■....., Sd. -CO-.P-UI.B ^v„ of Mr. gptneer, jMefc^ County, fs. Pcuncn Spencer, being duly Iworn, itpofe h and faith, that at the resell of Mr Wfl'nm Bard, he attended on I he tA day of Movcmber, 1817, for Hie pun.ofeoffurveyingand meaforinjy the produceo* anacreof corn in bl-i corn- yd—Tbeftid Reuben Spencer furth r faith,that he fnrveyed one ac.e accord¬ ingly, and marked it out—That a hftflci t wss filled with eais of com, and (he"led j idhisprefence : when (helled, thebflcetj lull of "-ars, made one bufhel and live pints of enw Reuben Spencer, f.y? he faw the corn on the above arte, picked & thrown into heap^, from which ieapa it wa^ meafured into \\h- bafkot firll ffieafiired, and great attention piid to yctiin,: it always equally full with the Ifeetfiftl fitit meafured The pr >duce of the firrt acre, meafured in the ab<-ve manner, was ninety feven buiheU and one quart of {helied corn—And tbfe the faid Reuben Spencer, verily he'ii-ves to have been the produce fairly me.tfuredof tkacre, and turthe' hr faith not. REUBEN SPENCER. Bengal papervof the 2d of Auguft.l rile American (hip Salus, Harrow, ar-j lived a; Ca'iuita, on the 30th July,! fom the Writ Co*.ft. j Accounts via Vfadrae, cf the 19th j July, (late, ihdt a v.'ry frrioud infurrec- j tioii broke out on the 13th of May at | SaparonaKj ( Balavia»)one of ihc princi¬ pal Refideucesattached to ^nuSiyna; in rfhich tiie Reiidcnt and his fa-rulv had i fall-ii victims to the treachev of the natives* A force COiififtjng of about zoo n»eiK 'nilitary and nival, had been lent by the butch authorities to quell the rliibirbance, but without effed, nearly the whole of the party having been deluoyed immdialely on their landing. ■ KINGSTON : TUESbJl', DxczMur.uD, 1S17. ■ ■ • * • • * At a Meeting held at Ifcis Coirtl l!t»:se o-i *.'i'.' hirrt ilny «*f ?).'cenj!><-r, [Si?, Rrv. ft. (>. KT0A-UT in-tbcChair-i di* iMInwiMjff^porj | WMl tl'* l.i'inn< u«»:•-*» p»t-»:U'h1 by tbf Uvv. U •"'. Cuntois, Chairman ofUir Comiolt'.r*' .j|>l>n;:!.c<1 For drawing uji Lavv« mid !?•'£ la- ! in*.,- lor tfw p>vVrnin-vt nf :.;.-*• KISGSTOX 1 ClXPJtXIQSATE SOCIETrr T'iENTT-EWEN, Previous :o -uhmiiting to \ou Ru!»'a and Rcft"i'aoon» mr ti'e giHenuu**nt ofiliej '\iv;rti»v C<»T|»A»>no>ATE Soc.ETT. yw.r C:..nmii eo ri'"-u it MC|K*<iS*,:t£ to crliVf ^omi* iCt' " vu\ nl»»* vAMona, »*\;)!i;i.u'.<»ry oi \l,r ob* j'rrt.iiid <'iOT»«t»n ufitir ln.-;i»»iSou. Your ComniiHee hvi- fully ftvvutcll'ttt Utt- 1**1 comma', r'uoi-nistuuces. &jitc)fiacic Osari'.j \s iioMi' pnuliterlvenfvtff) mlfcuic- \0'i ei»i!-i'f|.!rt.e<*:—but, a^ die SUUatUuJ «>i Uie pv >c 1-, «no:n i' himh proyoecd torHiwe, i- • Wiy JuV'ivnt from 'l\u Of tUO**\ u!u»are u- I naUv tin* object* tv' eliaritablct instiouions, iis th^v kind of relict'Ui be KitornVd. wit;, *»v couwh'.imipc, varv alnu fiiwi t.ia» s;,- lerall. ijloviliil your tosrit'evasciui on hope r.-. ditf/rmj wit olio be ili'-rr-iilt-.. 'I\i Vwit aim* of local informa'-lon, may ■ r ■. . tml . 11 rVeqiunitij hujipi ••>, that wiiibt ih<s if 1 r..r:tn»iig icaeuvr :tnrl blUI'SiiiS "i ihr Tuwh, v,Im*:c tlh\i tj|«t iii-iv/fl, 'Ue 1'H.nno! in.-l rn»i«!rv n»-ldeni,ur«* t'uiupiauihw oftbeu iHidn'.il*, in procMi.- iiand* i\v «lu' couimoc ("»*■ >»i i^ oi' Uusl) livneo, wnn, men U * * * |mh|»o i* I to .'.Uiiid ui hoh pin tns, ..1 np|)oi u- i»ii\ of Ijecomili^ at'qt'aiiitr.l w\-\\ -well oih 'r"> •,\u'.it\ 11 would -\i:e!v uoi »»nl> vcrj uia.eriot- l_V coii'i'ibuie Iodiintui>.i tli>ir*'ss. hat woubi at illv "Hine lime, tend 10 prnioOie tlu* nri.-oe. - il) of i-»■ eoijitii\ini'> a! I.'ir^v. li is a laoieo.'uluV t'a.^: :oa; during Chelate tuinmei. man\ fibi*fifl Mien .iftfi' th<>\ h.*vi avri- wsl a Kingatou, were Lempied over lu we L1- nifed Staw.< by the greater tae'.li^es a flora ed for oi'iuinin^ employiaenl; and ofUiosc who ■Ud remain, many wtve reduced to tilf mo-i wretched ata <• of poverty and *.\ant. Tbe^e. tlioa^li sefkitls, art* UflBcCfMrar> pvils. In a counry so exii-n-ive, it is Irapoii.tde trial the denand f«rlaoo'ir, -imuld U% already clut'ed —nor indeed, is it so j it onl\ requires, dial tuenew Colonist br*d)recu^clto tuo-" pointsi, wit" -'i* tlieirsoi vice-- ar«- atopi \* anted, and wulj mod-ia.e industry, tbej will in a few yeai>, be able 10 i»btni 11 ilia; competency, in search of which the) left tin ir native humes. To furnish information therefore 10 the Fm- i^rani,on hivtir^t arrival, and toa-^isf him in procuring employmrnt, yaar Coramulee con- SidertO be the primary, and leading obj-ct of ihi% Institution; aud with M< view liave drawn up s-»cii rep^Ia io;.>, a* will contribute with the co-opera' ion of .nc coinuiatiity, to ac- conptili lh"-e desirable end.-. Wit1! respect 10th**adiniiustering rempora- •v -elief. your Committee have oot thflMchilt nece>«arv,'0 coimuetbc di^cret'onarv power, of tne rsffics*!* of the Society, bj any limited -neeirtc ree;ifa*1on»; it u howi»ver-«ironeh • • • 1 1 4 Taken, Sworn and SobfcrlHedl before-nc, tbis 7th NTov 1817 \ RB.a>LLIKSJ«ftfeeofthePc4Gt.cj^^ «*«»- be, a- ail to* in Philadelphia Nov. 2 1 htrad of a letter to a rejUd ub * I ■' if" tih city, dated St Pitrres* ( M-:rt ) 27th Odoler. l8'7 "On the 2! ft I'fM. thi- ifiVd I was iKttrd by a dreadful burrcanc, which lr- ravaged feveral ilh-^'la, to their Awoll total ruin. Thu ifl "1 has fttf t j adopted, a ma\ >e^een the Society, a. ihuea ■ la- po-jibletVom impo-ition. |« a more advanced rtagc many other im- portanl eou^idorafioii- will wwrwfily arlve ; foi ;'ie present,tm vever,tl.e «gg*if:<m* rbWi j have Seer al-ead> ottered ma) be diein-dsut-J \ oi'r Committee have therefore only to ey- ,)ri>,, r'.ei' fiwvrnt boi.e, tha: at! will be v.^'-v U. crtmr forward :»» the Ktpport of an in^iti*- ..on.vUiiriMM mm |fl«n<, «he love ..! o u feed much, houf" blown d wo, and m*- If- -hw c«ww •. ^.d foviteobject, their .om- >Tliv«loft thereby ; and of 20 to ?o' ^uandad^au a.ce. } ' LAWS AN'i) RSfirLATiONS. I. TheSoeieVt -bull c^osWtofa Pre- (1 and Uo V'i^ Presidents a P»ii^'frt?T| a Committee of bis and .nv-inbrrs. II. A S.-bscripti ■>« of Ten Slnllings 'CuVv-oer iMinuni. shall cen^Htote a mrmbdr of this SiuHft), and a benei'ac- ition of w t l««a than Ffro pounds H. VC*ir%y. a nicmb1 r for life. ML This Se..-i dy rliall be dominat- *Withatha«ebeen dtivtn from thetr mchoragein this poit, Hot one h'^ yt ^turned ; and it U much feared, roort of *cm have be™ rotally !..!». The 1 ale ^gan early in the morning, and conti- ted with IncreTint! violence. m»tt! 4 o'clock in the afternoon, iorttig wWch ^imctrep« were to-*n na f?o(n the foots— "tt torrents of van fu>m the h:"h mnon- ^fnsaiound the town brought -io^n luinitnfc rocks, trees. &c ovrtwhclming m«hur co'Tte dl bcfoie tliem The ™»w!th which tbeh mfes were r ^fed, 'in2 o€, cV ftpnu like Irghi fhe.gles **«e air, and Falling in all <R«c£ti«*o^ to "* mnruf»(T danger of any ': i!v that Jtfltoted in the ftuets. I nvv*r wlrnes- I M-' ' Mow Wa more awful and dillreff *«<»ttfit*«TA- 1^ calami.v 'r^of the in I lcei-e. . c mo- fiom the diffeient eyl 'Jle KtM«*»M tioMrw-.iosATt: >o- .^>t'Tt shall be toftudBm- ul.,) ,-' nt u-r ic : Ikvo the di>tt^e» efiWitat emUf'tiitft and others, in ami t.'.oiit Klhgri n. IV. ThelVHideu* V^ePresia^tt^ ■ :a;un\-asii: i »u!t * ' 5tcd atrial- ; !h, and tii> L .fymrW. j . | V. The bu»tue&&ol ioc.t'ty stiai • il 1 he transacted fey t^o Visitors, to^« chosetl froui 'heCnnimittee rnonthlv. VI. All ftppflcftfitttw made to tho Members of t,,is Sllcicty lor relief, sf;all be refefrL'd by Ticket to the Visi- torSyWithasMement of the case, &c. by persons sri rcterrintr. VTI. The Visitors -ball enquirr in¬ to all cases o* distress, thoy shall havp thf: disposal Pl'liocessarles, and money ton certain piOtttftj and they shall be required to li^ocure employment fordr relieve the ^ailts °^ n.11 who are con¬ sidered objeVts of <hia Charity. VIII. TW Visitors shall not have the power oi disposing of a sum excee* I dint; four flrflw*ttl the same time, and ! to the samePCT8°flj without (lie sunc- tion of f he Resident, or one of the Vr. Presidents ^"^ *wo numbers of the Committee. IX. In brf«to n^sist the Visitors in iiuding empfayment for the men and women who *hall be dependant on this charity ; tW inhabitants of Kingston, shall be respectfully requested to make application l0 them, when labourers, | wash-womcT*) servants, ice. are requir¬ ed. X. Farmers and country residents, shall also b' respectfully requested to make similar applications. XL A Book shall be kept by the Visitor^ foi'entering the names of such Emigrants. <ts on their first arrival, may require relK'fi °r desire information. XII. In no iithtance sh;ill this Char¬ ity extend to persons: who are entitled to rc'ief freW the District l«\inds. XIII. Siunll Donations of money. of fire Wood, cast Clothes, Potatoes, &c. shall b- thankfully received, and ackn nvle(U'*d. XiV. A Magistrate in each Town¬ ship -bull be fuvni-h*d with a Cop) of th'se liegotatioti9 and shall be request¬ ed to C- ronwiucalp to the Society3 wbal nt mber vi additional lalsourer^ or me-1 cbanics mi^ht be employed in his neij.'iborliood, ami to specif) whitde- scription of Tradesmen are most wau¬ led v.ben.he resides. XV. Such Medical Gentlemen, as shall declare Ihcir intention of giving tlic-i i roiei'ioual advice graiuitously to persons recomnietuh d by tlu; Visit¬ or or Commit tee, shall be considered .vl.'.ub rs of tin.-. Sac'nty, (i dependent of any subscription,) and honorary toll mber.- o| the Ca.niittee. XVI. A general Moiling shall b.- held tmlfyearly, in theMotitfwof Ma) and rSovoMtbcr, of which due notice shall be +\\ 11 b) the Committee, in the K.n , inn (!»/., tie. X \ 11. TUi) Visitors, or any three vlember- *<i the Couuniti.e, shall b" 'uipftwi 1 ij ic. mil a Special Cif*neitvl -Vieetin^, ovei|:iys Nilice then 01 ha- ping bi nliist giv^-u lit the Cia- Will. N.» addition to,ornlterntioi» if these l/iws and Regulations shall be made, except ataGeucral Meeting. LAWS FOR THEC0>1:VIITTBK. I. The Committee shall have the ijotvor of filling up at»y vacancies which \m\) occur in their Mer..ber.% between w (he interval of their hah yearly KleC* rion. II. The Committee shall appoint Monthly two of its members to act a* Visitors, whose name-. >hall be publish¬ ed in 1 he Kingston Gazette. ! Hi. The Committee shall meet on the first Monday of each month to ad¬ mit the visitors' accounts, to inspect iieir reports, and to appoint new Vi¬ ctors. IV. The Visitors shall be furnished with a Book,into which they shall en- "er the various cases of distress relief* »d, the Monies expended, and other Mrctimstances connected with the cha¬ nty. V. The Visitors shall be instructed '■o administer as rarely as possible pe¬ cuniary relief, and on all occasions, where it will admit, to furnish the ar- piclcs required. VI. In cases where it shall be found necessary to support Wives and Fam¬ ilies in the Town, while the Husband: are employed in tiie Country, it shall I).- required of th" latter to furnish such portions of their wages as shall be deemed proper and just. VII. The Committee shall, at their liscretion, decline administeringrelie; 'o any Emigrants whoshaH rftfuse such Employments as may be procured for them. A fter the above had been read, and unanimously approved, the Meeting proceeded to elect the Officers of the Society, and The Rev. G. 0. Stuart, Rector ol St. George'** was appointed Pwrfdewt. Thomas Mark land and Alexander Fisher, R$f|t& Ma^i>trates of the Mid- laud L>istrirt, Vice l*ividcntei i J. .Vlit.aulay, Ks!|. Tre-.i^arer. Rv. R. (!. Curtois. Cap. to the For. tti v. Mr. Catteriek, ('apt. iW»bft, R. iN. C. A. lUgi'T, J A. run.: c, > F.^qrs. II. t,. Ihomson, ) ;"Wcre appointed Members df the Com¬ mittee* The following Resolutions were then proposed and agreed to. Resolved bt. That these 1-aws and regulations be inserted in the Kingston Gazette, and that one hundred Copies be printed for distribution. yd. That a Book for Subscriptions be opened at the Store of Mr. John Macaulay, Treasurer. Donations and Subscriptions received. ! II. 0. Curtois,....... G. O. Stuart,........ Thomas Marklaud., . . Captain l)ol,b«,..... Lt. Col. Macpherson,. C. A. Jlagerman,. Annual »tib:.cription« £^ 2 \o 1 5 a 1 1 \ 10 5 UoilH- iiou. BUF.LMNa 5fimc Court dt^trucnon ir lal«e hnnor,»nod» Daring tin- vcngcdudC bmh of man and Got* Murder **arh other in a ^eht«e1 -tvle, To ^ain r. place in fojhiun\ fuiemOdt £:Ie. ******** ... - . ;_ ... . .,_, 5 5 5 Mrs. Ilagerman9..... John Kirby,........ James (jcddcs....... 1 Alexander Pring!ev .. 1 Samuel Shaw,....... 1 William Mitchell,... 1 Capt 1 ayue,) Hoyal 1 Lieut. Jebb, ^ Keug.s. I Thomas Catterick.. . 1 John Macaulay...... 1 11, C. Thomson...... i Archibald Richmond,. 2 10 Daniel Grant,....... 2 Cliarb i Morgan,..... 1 5 The Kcv. R. G. CcRTojsand H. C Thomson, Esq.are appointed Visitors for the present month. KINGSTON, JStar.-tt, 1817; To the President and Member's vj the late Kingston Patriotic Association. GnN TLKM1.N, The Rector,Church Wardens, and Congregation^ of St. (5t:or^e,- Church, in KiUi*<ton, request the President antl Members of the late ivtugstou Patriot¬ ic A -ociation to accept th-'ir thanks for the gift of an Organ, imported for the use of the Ch'urch* In presenting the assurances of era- titude, the Rector, Church Wardens, ami Congregation are duly sensible of the mean- thua afforded of celebrating a purl ' i Divine Worship in a more solemn *Sc i npressi ve manner, & of (he liberal and laudable motives by which the i'r*\-.ident and Members ol the Kingston 1 atri >tic Association were actuated. We are, Gentlemen, Yourfnithful *nd Ob i^' fl m ivunis. GEO 0 SH ART, iivctor, II. G. THOMSON./ Church CilAS. SHORT, $ Wardens. The ausioin solicitude cf a filler, rc- qucfts that if Mi. Abraham Dodcttc, commonly called Doolittle, i^ within the Pr )vinrcs of Upptr-T Lower Canada, that he will ifpmrdiat-ly adsiref^ a line to hn, (Mrs. Mary Aim HOT, Bcilv.lle, Upper Canada ) Editors of Ntwrs Pa¬ pers in Canada and in the U"-red tJiatea I will excite the warmeft gratitude by gi- |vin^ 1 his an inicrtion in their rtfpc^ive iPapi r.s. Beikille, Nov. 29, 1817* 5t8 4 Th • next Subfcription AfTrmb-y will be li Id ai Walkti's iioul on Monday ihc I5*lt i llant. Kingston^ %th Dcctmb*r, 1817. \ [Cn-.I>H Xii ATEn.} On B*«i*i t's Dob ativt; onowxeo. >\ hocVr ilion ui l that b&tt may sliay, And overtook :liist«'<,p. On ^ild Ontario's margin pray Tog-aze upon tin.1 deep, Know, thai upon itspehhW b^d, Boueaih tin* tioinh'i»nj» wave, B*«d»it*i» poor Dor, reliiciaat died, And found a >valVy grave. The loss of Hull,* his master said, I ever w'dl deplore; More wit andsicn-.ethanme he bad, And now he is no more. Here IS*s«;*tt >pokfi the truth for once, II is well known, to many, If p>r thp Dog; had wit or sense, Hi AftSter neVr had any. * Butt, the name of th* Oog. * • The Tavistock Canal, forming a com- ^unicalion with theTamar, and which was commenced fourteen years ago, and has cost £*7o*ooo was lately open¬ ed. A numorous company of between 'ico and -loo persons, in boats construc¬ ted of sheet iron% proceeded through the tunnel, a distance of a mile and three-quarters underground, ben**ath a canopy of solid rock, at a depth of 45o feet from the summit of th** hill. \_London paper. TUB WBWRIBEn INFORMS his friends and the pub¬ lic, that he propofes during ihe win¬ ter ieafiw, to deliver a couiG; of Lec¬ tures intrnduftory to the Itndv f>F GEO¬ GRAPHY. Thefubjeftsofthrc nrfe will be illullrated by the ule of he Globes, and a variety of Maps and Charts. The different proje£Hons of the fpScre, and the principles on which Map* and I Charts arc constructed, will be explained 'at* ejriy as pomble; and their praclieal application to the conftru^ton of Maps of different countries, will be continued as a regular exercife throughout the courfe. I As Natural and Cfvil Hiftory are in¬ timately connected with Geography, oc» calional n«>ti*cc will be taken of lli^fe j and the molt approved methods of itud- yingthem pointed out. It is alfo intended, fo far a* time may admit, to perform a number of Chemical experiment;, on a variety of Mineral fpe- cimeni ; in order to nil'! the young In¬ quirer, to profecute by himfelf, the ia- terclliug ftudy of Mioeralojy. An introductory lectu»r will be deliv¬ ered on the 2d of J muary, at half pad 6 o'clock in the Evening when theolao will be more fully unfolded : Afie# that, (honld a number ofyoung men, lufficient to form a dafsc-une forward,the •"-■ui e Will be continued to the brginnm^ .>f April : during which time, three Lec¬ ture^ will be delivered eveiy week. Termfr; two Guineas foi the eonrfe JOHN WHITEL.aV. Ebq^l m, "Dee 9. 1817. 28 Charles Dawsou, BEGS leave tn acquaint his f id* and the Inhabitants or' Kin-lion, that he has re-commenced tne Auciimrer'nii*; Bu*Hn&&$9 At bis old (land, Oppnlite the Market Place, where he has For AucVon and Private Sale, a large TiTortment of Superfine and co-iri'c Cloths, Kerfeys, Flannels of different coiois, Calicoes, Shawls, Cofton, Stockings, Hats, fur Caps, &c» With a great variety of other articles'* ALSO A few Gallons of Irifh Wbiflcry, Spirits, ^c. & two Pipes of Red anrj White Wine Kingston. %th Dec. 29 N. B. Sales every Morning and Evening* A ftory has been travelling through-j out the continent dffcribing the parti- culat* of the murder or Mif« Pat ton, in Georgia, by her lover in a fit of jcalouly. . The fl.-ry. of itfelf, i^ iuteiclling enough,; and defcribes the charaft-r of an aban. doned man and the cfrVcts of intemper¬ ance ; but tht-re is ;ioi a word of truth in it, the Augulta Cbronkle lays, and we arc • ot forry for it. Canadian Coarani The Now-Hamp-hire Patriot says, {hat a Squash ha- been rai>ed in Con¬ cord by Captain David Davis, which weighs 115 potmds, and measures* in circumference6 feet and one imh Three squashes Ofi the same fifiiBj weighed CZ55 pouiuls. THE PANOPLIST, For the Year 1816, For Sale at thi? Office. [Complete 3 £9 For sale, or to let, ON remarkable low terms, and nof- fefRon given immediately, the two) liory Sto-.e H ufe a 'ynv ed by Mr. l);i/ne, litnatcd in a .-leafant part of the Town. For particulars to the fubferibera. B. & E. STARNES. Kingston, Dee. 5, 1817 2& II A L.L thole having \\J\. the f.ltateof the late Capt. Tho- Weohferve. by a Proclamation in the Quebec Gazette of tlu- 27m ultimo, bat the Provincial Parliament of lower Canada, will meet on the 7th day oi Ja- n.aryacKt, "fertbc ci^atdi oi bull- w&J* J1 I ma» Paxton, of thi* place, will pleafe to I render theit accounts, properly authen¬ ticated, on or befoic the 1 It of May next, to the fubficriber, who ts author!- fed to liquidate then ; and all tkofefvba arf indebted to the Eliau, arc requeued to call and fettle the fame. JAVE PAXTON. Kingston, Nov. Z>t 1817 z -.y Tat es l • theuleoi bcho^Bt fcr iaie a; ...u, ^tu.t

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