Kingston Gazette, December 2, 1817, page 2

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LIST of Orphan Children whose Fathers luive been killed in Action, or hate died from Woundi received or Dlseasf contracted on Service. Name and Ponk at'Deceased Tamer. Ri'g'nneDfOr Ser- T-tce i» which V NMi . <!o Cl>»M»f ftultlrrii of John RmdcrWun...... I iHNnfta Smifb......... Mat *in Mc< Irllan..... William < umffion. - -.. C(iiWir-*n oil »lailiias Saniltfon..... .»o [Tiinoilr) Skinner...... C :ild of Uohn Mcfirath........ Oiiidrfi. oflChancy Smith do <lo do do *» do do do do do do d* do do do rto do do * • Francis Wraver. I5«'l jam I II NYnkilk..... ra>per Mmfrlt......... John SharUrlnn........ John Galij.oi.......... Sa-ham Conger......... Will urn Dennis........ John Si.'iitli .*.....*... • Jonathan wi i itin........ I harlo Stevensun...... I-aur Walk'T.......... Lfwvt Bouguner Abraham \cre.. Samuel Nunu.., Job 11 Stewart.. [Solomon Mills. # • ■ m !Thomas Ruacli........ Rob'-rr M'Langhlin------ Jacob Van Camp..... ____V.W1 Radalptius Fuller..... Children of ilosrpJi Clapp...... do John M'Grath * • * t * • * • 9 9* do Hi^niamin Smith do Ada-a Forbes.. C'Jld of [Satnttfl W alson........ Children oTSiiuon Aeriiar'...... — do John Wood............ CutMof [Elijah Duttfty......... do ficorpe MxrlaU........ Children of Robert CdOfc......... do do do do do do do do do do do do CM W of ChiMran «f do Archer Likens.....,.. Hugh Buekboro'...... John O\erholt........ William Cole......... Pierre De Lamare. - -. fTliomas Smith . *...... Alexander Hutchinson. AtantOu R. Pease ..,.. Solomon NichoK...... Levi Burner......... John ton Story .,..... Thomas Girty.........J Ensign Joseph Porrier........Seaman l-«ac Petit............Private do Mon"hi Stover, Jun K \ \ K. Private tht Captain Private do (\o do do do do d« do do do do Serjeant Private do do do do do do Serjeant Pr.vaie do do do do do do do do do do do Serjeant do Private do do do do do Serjeant do Pri\ate do Serjeant Itenry Travis do do do do A -a Brown............■ do — I do Keefer.......... do do do do do do •Jacob K* William Clark......... he belonged. ( fill Lincoln third \ orK .ir-t Lincoln do t;r.*i York 2^1 Lincoln liieoipwiaid Oxford fifSl Lincoln do 3d Lincoln do jd Lincoln do do first do 4th do do do do do do ."uli do !2il York iu>: Gleirgary t Incorporated ■fir-t firemiHc second iio P< ince Edward do do Incorporated Aldington do Durham Incorporated lecond i urk do fifth Lincoln do 4)1*1 do do 3d do first Norfolk do Middlesex Oxford seeondNnrfolk first Ki^seX do ProvL Marine Prince I.d'uG. do Addiugton do Prince Kd'wd, do HaHfsgs do Oxford do 2 I -Norfolk do Oxford do ACTION Tu u'hieh killed J or how Dc ceased. Time of Decease* Name «f PERIOD tor which PENSION is in course of Issue. FROM Province Cvn- ftEvcT, Dol¬ lar at 5s. Que*n:-tnn do Fort George do York Chippawa Fort trie Casualty Disease do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do dp do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 18th September 18l7Christian a Ima.i..... thirteenth OcL 27tb May do 27ih April hfib July j4 September lifth November fifteeutb Nov. thirteenth Nov. hfth J an nary fourteenth Dec ninth December third December thirteenth Dec. twenty fifth Aug. twentieth Oct. [eighth Novenib. fourth Noveuib. 11th November November first December November 5th July do MS do M4 doJ dof do| Mi iia Mz do William Smith, Sen.... Kli/aheth TboniHJii.... Pluvbe Good^ou....... Elizabeth F.lrod...... Ann Sinclair.......... Catharine MrGraib.... Myranue Lymburut-r... John Benner, Sen..... John Warren, Kmj..... Peter Trumble........ do Lawrence Jennings----- doSaiah Doeksteder..... M-IG'-or^e Adams........ M. do de d< d( d Smith Griffin........ Anna Youngs........ William Walker..... Eleanor Chamber*. •.. Robert Nelle?........ Charlotte Acre....... dnlSarah Banghart...... CIJ Sophia Laflarty • * # • dc wentysecond Mar*l9 .lames Hanchel 2*ib August •iN March 27th March twentieth Not. thirtieth April thirtyfirsl Oct. sixth March •liili April thirtyfirst Dec. seventh April Nadab Ka&tinen...... tiolJolin I-iin-oii........ do Dianna Barber.....,. *l»:Nancy Short......... M4Dorotb> (Jriffiih...... do < iiri>liana (.',,ininin^-. '15'Anua Mits. . *....... M'M.sther Van Steinbur^.. ll 2 John Aerliart......,•• 43Keziab Raymond..... ninth December M4|Frederiek Hinds...... hrsi September do Kebecca Kenny....... 5th December MiMarv Beatty......... eleventh Decern, do Catharine Myers...... j|?lh February *MiKuniee foant tenth June M3;Jobn (Mark., tueiitvfifth Nov. Mr? William Scram i i * - thirtytirsl Jan. *I3 fifteenth Deem" l*2 ninth October 'K tir>t January *IJ twenty «evenh J«0*lS| twenty four'h0ct.*i2 tnirfieih June M: eigiileenth Scpi. *'tj do seventeenth Mar. Mi? do twenty third Jan. M > Hann dii nineieenth Nov. *i2 do l-i January do do do do do do do 0*0 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do John Warren, Esq..... FJizabeth Killmasier... John Backhouse, F^q... Kli/abeth Reams..... Violetta Dusten....... Martha Wolley....... Mary Roach....... Monica Tucker........ Francis Roy, Sen...... Sophia Nelkon........ -Il7th Match — — tat January an Bice.........twenty third Ja*« - -^ jfiisi January Gtellias YereJE........19«h Vo\ember — •— fir** January Deborah Bower.......ihirtyfirst Mare* — -— pirst January i-------j......^-. *„Jerusha Bennett......[twentytirst Feb'.a* — Uirst January Catharine Sla^ht......twenty ninth Ja4- — — Itiral January Catharine Poele.......Jtenth March — —' |hr»t January do twentvniuth Jan. M.') do tenth March M5 do ' New «lorc. I.J S. IIA TV LEY EGS leave to inform his friends & public, that he ha« taken the BEG the, . elegant Retail Shop.i" the Buck Stove of Mr S. Bartlet, in Front Street, and op- pofite to T. Markland, Elq. has rcceiv- ed, and i« now opening for tale, a verj extenfive nflbrtment of X*17()4 2 I LIST of Officers Non-CoramissionedOfficers, Privates and Teamsters belonging-to the Militia forces, and of Officers and Sea- mra belonging to the Provincial Marine Establishment,and Persons serving- in the Indian Dopar<,nent' who iiave been disabled from Hard Labour by Wounds received in Action, or by any Casualty or Accident while on Actual V-Tvice. ■^Tj* 1 JUi.A K A M E. jCdd (Q^i^invfHi, <»p **Tvice- lo which he belonged. f Action in waken orllouever Wouuu^ and when RANK. Hfkimfvt, \e. ACTION. A. Alward. Reuben Avery, Khonexer , AHam>, George Alleo, Samuel do. B. Bonnet. John Birell, William BeniflJll, John UouthelitT, Francois Borfaiid, Andrew liryHut, John J5o*ik, Joseph JBajttcr, Nathan Bvil Nathaniel do. B^aupric, Charles do. c. CnnnelL John, Campbell^ George (raw ford. James CJoneenonu, J. Uaptiste Corles, Swain P. Clement, Lewis Cameron, Dnniol Cliasc, Grorge Cornell, John Cnshman, Arts. William Cnrihitfr. Pierre Cain, Daniel Campbell, John Campbell, John Chisholm, William do. Cuho, Nathan do. Cull, William do. D. Drake, Richard, Desseaux, Joseph do. Deli«le, Jean Btfptiite do. E. Empcy, Philip P. Elsworth, George F. Fraser, Thomas Farnham, Archelauf J'tirray, Lawrence Falkner, JanieS do. Fields Daniel do. a. Graham, Jarnea do George, Jumcs, Ensign do. do Private do Lieutenant Teamster do Private Serjeant 14 u - I f: r Private do (Corporal Private do Qr. Master do Seaman do Whf.v 'V',„.v„fl, J'rivgte do do do do Lieutenant Serjeant 1 rivatc do do do do do do do do do do Serjeant do. Serjeant Private do do do Lieutenant Private Captain Privata do do do do do ?d Norfolk Fort Erie 2d Leeds Accident at Gani 1st Lincolu Fort George Oxford Accident do. do id Norfolk Fort Frie 1 tLeeds Ogdrnsburgh [ficorpnrated Niagara Frontier 1*. Ks^ex .Vlonjwa^a 3d York Fork incorporated Fort Erie •di Lincoln ll2 Mile Creek I t Leeds iirock ville 4th Lincoln ^ch lesser do. do. PrwJ. Marine Lake Erre do. do. fneorporated Lundy's Lane t<t Lincoln Fort George Kt. Vohmteers.Ilivor Thames I t Ks>*'\ 2d Norfolk 2d Lincoln Irt Gkn^ary Incorporated Lenox Ad. Dragoons d Essex 1st Glengary 5th Lincoln 1st Lincoln incorporated do. 1st Lincoln do. Kt. Volunteer.- do. 2d Norfolk 1 st Easex do do do River Raisin Malcolm's Mills Chippawft Accident do. Kingston Accident Uivcr Uaisin lOgdensburgb |Accident do. Lund)'s Lane do. St. David's do. Long Woods do. Stonv Creek (Lake Erie) River Raisin do. Fort Meigs do. Stormoot O^den^burgb Northumberl'd Accident Incorporated ^d Leeds 3d Lincoln 1st Glengary do. *28thNor- 26th Jan. 27th May ,17lhSept. do. !8th Not. )22d Feb. j8tl. Oct. Oth AUi;llSft 27th April l'Jfh Aug. (SHli July 7(h Feb. 26th July do. |23d June do. 25th July 27th May VtU July 22d Jan. 6th Nov. 5th July 7th Jnne Lst.luly I Oth Nov. 15th Sept. KSdJdil iU Feb. Lt Nov. 21th Oct. 25th July do. hfld July do. ttjl March do. mh Nov. 22d Jan. do. *»»h May do. !2d Feb. Idtti April Period for wiiich Pensioo U in euiffStfOi PROM 1812 i a is it 1st Jan. do do 17th Sept. 1st Jan. 1S17 lc2 17 12 do 13 do 12 do 12 do 13 do 13, do 13 do 13 do 142Sth.Tu!y .lHtJan. 13,23d Juno 1st Jan. 'eo .Amount of Pen- siou I'roviuce C"iTc:.ry, Dol- l;>r a i 3^. J l-.t Dec. 18L7 do do do 16 do If 14 17 13 17 IK 1 13 Li n 14 17 14 17 \ 14' i; i i do. 22d Jan. I« Jan. •>tli May 1st Jau. do do 13 17 13 17 Luudj-'s Lane Ganiianoque UIa« k Hock Accideut do it. Volunteers do do. 3d Lincoln 1st Lincoln do. do [Black Rock |Stonj Creek do. l 2">th July 2l.stSept. 80th Dec, 2th Jaly do. 4tl. Jan. do. 30th Dec Oth June i do. 11 do 11 do 12 do 131'/til July 1st Jan. 141th Jan. Ut Jna. do 1316th June 1st Jan. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do d» do do do do do do do do do 30th June ■iUt Dee. If? 17 1(5 17 20 '10 20 85 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 48 20 70 20 16 1 3 16 17, ■16 17 lfi 17 16 17 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 48 20 48 20 56 20 20 78 20 73 20 10 20 0 0 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 18 0 12 O 0 15 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 H 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 7 0 n 0 0 11 0 l* 0 0 0 !3 17 14 17 13 17 do do do do do do do do do 16 17 16 17 ( Concluded on last page.) 16 17 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 69 9 7 20 0 0 59 15 7 20 0 0 20 0 0 71 9 0 20 0 0 Of utmost eve$ dewriplion* He now invites thofe who wifh to buy for ready p:>yt at uncommon low prices, to call and examin« his Goods before they purchafe.—The following are am¬ ong the articles now received, viz; DRY GOODS, Superfine, midling, and low priced Cloths, of all colors; fupeifine doobtc milPd drab Hunter's Cloth i Goffacfc, Wellington, Purple, Scarlet, Green, and fafliionable PeliiTe Cloths; Caflirrxreg, a (Tor ted colors ; Coatings; Fearnoughts; Flannel* and Bft'zes of all colur* ; India Cottons ; Shirting and Stiipe do. Apron Checks ; Bengal Stripes \ Chintzes; Caliches; black and white Carohriek* ; Gi'ighams ; Furniture Ca¬ licoes ; Dimities ; Cambrick do. Fan- oy, Wrought, Corded, Plain, India, Book, Jaconet, and Cambrick Muflifts ; Frith Linens ; do Diaper? ; Silk and Cotton Shawlfl and Haadkerchie fs } Black Barcelona and Flag Handker¬ chiefs ; black and colored* plain and twill'd Bombazettes ; black and whre Lace Veils ; thread, cotton, and Mus» lin Laces ; Bobinetta ; Footing ; La¬ dies'and Gejulemen'e (ilk, cotton and worlted Uofe ; Lamb's wool and cotton Socks ; Ladies9 and Gentlemen's lilk and Leather Gloves ; a nioft elegant af- fortment of plain, twilled and figured filks and Sat.inn, uncommonly cheap ; a very handlome afTortmcnt of Ribbons ; worlted Tippets and Comforters ; Mo¬ rocco, filk, Webb and Nett ufpcn«lers; Children's worded Caps ; Men's fcailet do. Stockiuett Pantalbooa ; Grey cloth Trowfers ; doth Ct-ats ; Silk VclU j Wnrfted and cotton Drawers] Hat Ca- ics ; wool, knapt, and line Hats ; La¬ dies Kid and MorOcCJ Shoes ; Men's fine and coarfe Shoes and Boots; a icv? fetti plated Carfolc Harncires, &c. HARD WARE. I K( ives anil Porks ; Razors ; Shears and Sciff.'rs , Trunk, Chelt, D ,or, and Pad Locks ; Hi.-ges, Butt< & Screws • 1 atches ; Handfaws ; Tenon Co - Keyhole do.; Shoe and Carpet.UrV Hammers; Pincers; Shoe Knives Awlo and Hafts ; Coat and V.'ll Rut! tons; elegant Tea Trays; BraTs, Iron, and Japantd Candlefticks ; elegant pU« ted do. with patent Slides ; elegant pla* ted Cartors ; Japancd do. Pocket Lan- thorns ; Floor, Dirt, Shoe, Horfe Scrubbing and Paint Bmflies ; Quills i Ink Powder ; brafs & paper inkftands • Shaving Boxes ; Pocket Books ; hair and clothes Brufhed ; Plain Irons a Gimblets; brafs Nails ; Pins; Gold Scales ; Riding Whips; Tea Kettles • brafs Kettle* / Britania Metal and Tin Tea Pots; Tabic and Tea Spoons ; Braces and Bitts ; Coffee Mitts ; Sad Irons ; Frying Pans ; Shovels and Spades; patent Window Springs, (a new and improved invention ;) Chalk Lines ; Fifhingdo. Curry Combs ; Car- penters* Compafles, Gouges and Chif- fe!s ; Englifh and Swedes Iron ; Blifter and Crawley Steel ; Nail Rods; Sheet Iron /wrought and cut Nails, of all iize*; brads; Double Stoves; Iron Chains ; Snuff and Tobacco Boxet ; Combs j Spectacles; fteel Snuffers; brafs and Iron Wire. CROCKERYS^Ghss IVARE. Elegant Tea fetts of China ; fine blue Ware ; blue and Green edged, en¬ amelled and cream Colored Ware, a great variety and extreme'* cheap ; double flint and common Dreamers; Tuir.blen & Wine Glafleb,Waterloo & Spanifhdo* GROCERIES $ LIQUORS. Rum, Brandy, Jamaica Spirits, Ho|. land Gin, Shrub, Peppermint, Wkfflccy ; a few buttles Cream de Noyau, Cfttf de Moka. Anniieed, and Impeltal Nec¬ tar, French Cordials of a very fine qual¬ ity ; Teas, Mulcovado and Loaf Sugar, Soap, Candles, Tobacco, Snuff, Segars, Chocolate, Vinegar, Wines; Curriers' Od, Linfccd Oil, Paints, Salt, 3cc. 5tc. And in addition to the above, he vm'U receive very fhortly from Montreal, La¬ dies'and Gentlemen's Fur Caps Miuens and Gloves, Buffaloe Robe*, a large af- fortment of London made fupcrline Coats, Surtouta, Pantaloons and Veils ; and many other articles, too numerous t» particularife in an advcrtifemcr.t. N.B /111 finds 0f Country Proi/uce, Pottf&u, &>V. will be reteiveil in toymen* ■ for Goo<ls. Kingfton, 24th Nuv. 13 J y. 16

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