Kingston Gazette, December 2, 1817, page 1

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[TUESDAY, DECEMBER % 1817.1 KINGSTON [VOLUME VII.------No. 27.] GAZETTE. Kingston, Upper Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollars per Annum—Exclusive of Postage. Agents for the Kingston Gazette. Ernes! Town,.TAMES RAX KIN, fclsq. York, WILLIAM ALfAN. Esq, Brockville, A. SH f- R \\ OOi\ &q, B'ilviUe,S. M'NABB, E'q. ***** ,*^-- rw«n«yiiMi^H»»»-^ ** u^—^^— ■ -i ---- — ------------------------------------ ■ ■■■■■■■■ , iM ■ n M — ■■ Mm^^aj^pi^^^^^ »:*Ti—^] ^SH # # Militia Pension Agent's Office, York, 1st October, 1817. |j_ liE General Agent for paying Militia Pension?, having received tiic sum of Five Thousand Pounds, in aid thereof; hereby Nawkof Widow. Cusack's Hotel, THE fubferiber having opened a new and convenient K.>wfci" ftore fit. mod RefpecHoily informs hip friends at'd the. public, thai lie has Taken grfat pains to furm'fh if. in every refpeft to mtiii a ft are of public patronage. Gentlemen travelling may rely upon having go-id accommodation and at lead ance. 1 zdy's and Gentlennefl CM rv daily (applied with Confeflionary of a'! kind and he I q la'ity- Alio the Prince Regents nvrmn? Drink, com po fed a&d carried n at pretf * en: ar the above concern by James Rerd\ tonfe&ioner. R. CUSACK. Kingston^ Sept. 6, I 8 1 7. I5tf JUST received by the the fubferibcr. a complete affbrtraent of Gentlemen*s Vi&atlis. Ofafuperlor qnalitv and wotkmanftic ,jj \ 'ua -J?*- Rjr;icl ... r I 'Hi Mir * Ifonftptli *nich will be fold very cheip for Cash J. FISK. Kingstont June 7th, 1817. Itr -1 tf-jji ijrenerai Ajjeni 101* pacing* mmua rciioivus, imimg i^utcu luc duxji ui r ivt- i uuusauu ruunu^ m am tftvvs Notice, that the same are now in coarse of issue, agreeably to the following; Lists :— LIST oi Widows whose Husbands have been Killed in Action, or by any Casualty or Accident while on Duty, Wounds received in Action, or from Disease contracted on Actual Service during- the late War with the United St* or have Died of ates of America. Name and Rankov late Hcsba'O. N A W E RANK Service or Regt to whieh h<» belonged. Action in which, or how Killed, or Deceased, and when. ACTION, ftc. I WHEN Period for which Pension is in course of Payment. FROM I TO Itlams, Ma^y '.»iiiir, Pliu'bc •Wj^uiiiU1, Sophia tSosniv, M. Madelcne ;".'io;h, Margaret :.'.ailici:on, .Nancy ..arl.:Jo. Mar<raet '"lapcnFit:", itlary Uuiic, Susan ;>':iv,is. !m i>ara ■*>'..r, (ill nor iV..I»;i, Ti ey «..•:? *'••! -..nnah 'y .\ -"\ ('.«'! .trine tf-U!D *c .)o f vlattha ai.. 1-liv^ijcih n, Luc'n.da do .'ar'oll, Nancy I -:i.».•*!, £ttfc&beth C'leiiUcnoeu, I'uuiy, Maiy 1 UiL, Mary ;-;:*l.-ii!.eu, Hannah •• 'aha ore, Ann \ 'ainpb^U, Nancy To Lease, I^OR the ter»T| often years, a Town i, aJjyinliig the Ganlf contain¬ ing two Fifth*, of an acre—apply to the fACcribcre: H.C THOMSON,! Chwch ' CHs. SHORT, j warden , Kingston. Sapt .81817. r 5 BOOT, SHOE anH Leather STORE. S£ U-- BSflwvt-w' 31 WiW-JAHS If Co nt hc\ Sign ofihf Co!,!-1 :->tst, ft.-vrt 1 (t'ole. Fli^aoeili 1 ■ ^arperitei*, '-'apiiia It aur-Ji., Mai\ B. < <;;>»:. .'-lancei ; »;'i«i:, .M'.ry ]).> do !>rm/u3 i-J./.?.:>eth ■ i)trhv, i';.f|o>e IM1:% Ma'^a"*t Oo do i or v'h, Hannah Pra "«»r, (Whaiinf ;-'ar-(i:jCir».i. ^'alharine Forbes, Atyi (I.a-. su y f.'i»ar-. W«rj wo do # ■ Gram, Alary J)o d» ;iaii:er, tatharine Mai'-cr, '.ophia *la:iu'r, iJariyoc ..[I, Y\\ '.j.V:h Samuel Ac'ams Jolin Adair Abel Augustine l.anrcnie Boody J*: *u;a I5oo:h Pi lire Radichon .Io:-ei>!i RastUio Lou I- JoHb on Antler I aac Brown Martin liover Jbcoh fialm Qtnrg? ii'*n H »:ir\ lioeen \\ l»i*clei Rarntim V illiam Burn a naQ Mo-es Bi'ighain «!ohn Cairoll GeOTgff CoiiheM Adam Ch ridtinien John Coon John Clark A:'*m. ti.i.der.ncn Pierre CaNa»-TcTre \\ ill»;;m l av'j l»r-;i V^dsva.d 1 arcnfloa Abraham I *de Ijaine- I'-; Renter (ii'iOif- i ivck \^ ili Mm Cope L\ reoua 1 orbin JoilJJ O'* lor Joseph jVrnis padl«% Darby David Lllis Jain*' I'or^y h William F»"ascr Sau»i""| i-'ari-iiig'on Forbes nW»ciia l Grass Goo«ge 'I ass Vi Ahum firaflt Suii.ii;'! Green (i.vj-**- Huin^r Zaoh -iah LTaictr i>-i.:<l iljincr iKiah Hill . ,rt".o M. U id, Manila ft^rU WHi'rt P* ivaie do da ( apiain do Private do do Lieut- Colonri Private do Srrj-ant Private Teamster Private Captain Private do Caplatn Private do (U> do i\0 do Teamater Pxitate do Serjeant T.rj'is'cr Privacy do do Pin ate second Lincoln iCInppawa fourth do first Essex do Aririington second l'*s-ex Ififrond Lincoln do fourth do second York ifirst Lincoln second Lincoln Lenox do Jfirst Norfolk 'first Essex Middle-ex Oxford fir-r Lincoln first Norfolk second Lincoln do first Lincoln Incorporated iir<t Glengary Hastings Lenox fifth Lincoln pecond Lincoln first Norfolk liicorporatcd third York tUird Ltucoln AfUitogton Oxford Ui-ea^e do Port MeJes Casoalrj' l{ivcr Ha>io Chlppawa do Disease do do do do do do do do do Casualty L'.mdy's Lane Port Eric Di.-ease do do do do do do do do do do do orfc I)i .-use do do '13 fifth Julv r>ightecnifa Deem, iir-i Aoril rifth May '13 twenty-seventh Oct. '13 *u'eiit\-tirst January *13 flifth July *)4 .fifil. July Mi mm December '12 'teiith December 4i- tw«-iitietli Apr;l *13 Isecond December MS (thirty-first December*I3J eighth Fehruary '13 sixteenth March MJ nineteenth Sr*pt. M3 fifti enth August M4 I-U fi.-t Jan. M2. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do \H\'i twenty-seventh Aug. Mi twenty-fifth July M4 twenty-eighth Nov. *W second January M.S fourth December '12 twenfy-ISfth October BIS February M5 Writ March M3 wenty-tifth January M3 |th:.rty-firs1 December *13 twenty-sixth J an nary M 3 founn December MV do ■vecoild Lincoln ;<'h«f-pawa first firenviUe Disease !l i ..Mm, i In al- ill .*-.;» l.iL jOi^ili i.ijtur. 'Vitvbatt ;iu'/.i 11- »•:;-1. ih 11 inhume-, Catharine Lit mi;-:' , -V'"C\ ;^i l'm\v9 t_hailotie McVon--'.!, Susannah Murray Prancefi Ma>. ":)oioiuy \U.'», Nancy \;: ii.'.'^-l, kiurgaret M(Co:lutn. Saran \iaiv--, Ruth f I Mcll-an, Mary MiHer, Thtitt M-loche. A change \'.rS'n.T>on, Jane |>0 do Mercklv, Catharine Do * do Martin, Sarah Do no McDonnell, Attn Do. do Lvdia Catharine of Kinj/fton, arir^ its vtoi;,ity that ih~y dill continue their Boot and Sk^c Wan* •, •■*, . , B „ . . , . j !".«• .-uk, Si!.utii:ah Faaory% where ttv.-y keep c-nfCni.y OtiJJKve-f, Sa:ah hano\ a large affortracfit ^f Lady's and »J w» M Gentlemen's Boots and Shoes of every l * m defer iption. Likewise^ a fupply nf good Sole and Upper Leather, of all kinds. Kingston, Qftober 6, 18 i 7. 1 <)\i STOVES. flJpHE tubferiber has jofl teceivedat JL' his Brick rtore. Front lbeet. Dou¬ ble and Single 5 STOVES tSf Sheet Iron, And has alfo on hand as ufual a gen¬ eral affnrtment of Dry GOODS, Liquors, AlSfD GROCERIES, * Crockery and G'afs Ware in Crates. Lfnicedand Cinriers Oil, iJaints ground in cil ;—and expc&s III a few day an addition to h-fe'Stor!.. all which will be fold extremely cheap at whole fale. S.BARTLET. Kingston OH 20, 18\7. t\ For Sate, SEVERAL valuable Town Lot*.— Apply to the lubfcriber. Allan Mac Lean. Kingston, 0c7r. t, 1817. IQSf Wants a Situation, AS Waiter, Bar and Bo«»k Keeper; to attend a Gentleman as Body Servant, or Butler in a family the fub- tcrihor, who has lived three years & two tnnnths in his prefent fit oat ion at Wal- k^k's Hotel, where an unexceptiona¬ ble* char a<Ster given. CHARLES DAWSON. Kingfton, Nov. 7, 1817- 24tf Pauor>on,;>ah l'ett| MarJ Peii't, S^smnah 'Ieauro<S Geeite tli»k, C'-i"i'»rin;- Kaboee, Marie Angelique > Humeri?, Sayan Stewart, l/.icretia TO LET, A ND poffeffion given immediately,! -C\. aHoufeand i.ot with a Stabk,1 fituatcd in Stuartville. Alfo, one Houfe and Lot, fitnated by the French Church, lately occupied h \\x jjfcpV: St. Germain. One Houfe irtd Lot, next door to Mr. Too, font I cfUge. Enquire of MQNJEJ1U 6? Si. GERMAIN* Kingston OS. 46,1817. »*rf >;*?•['!*, Hannah Ue, ?.iary SjHinnec, Tanheua "00 do run*c>\ Ann Taylor, Sarah 'lial, Uavbaia J Teal, Catherine ' FinupVius, Debaran TaOoi, Mary iio do Va.idrrbarratck, Mary v'at.^ickle, Wargaret Walker, Harriet Wviphc, Elteabeih >Vilkersou,Kanty \YoHVnm, Catharine Wolf, fclsey 1 Warner, Phoebe Wilkerioiu Mary WiI,oi., BKtaabeUi Wigt<*y, Mary 1 \\ (lite, Hannah do do Young, Nancy Young, Mary 107 •\\ 1 iiamiilin Jenuihan Marat [tiehard Tl.:/eil John JohoMOd Truman Johnson fivitge Ring Hiikr VVm. Kendrick \-aliel Kyes Vlexander Lytnbumer iJohn LorrWl^e Jw> |)h l-a Tour C'liri ropher McUonrll Daniel Alunay , .loloi May Do..aM RlcDonell Donald McDougaJ Collin MoCo'lum UoM.eliu- nlarka Allan McClean James Milier i.ouin MeJoehe Daniel Mcl'herson Christopher Merckley John Martin Hugh McDonnell Stephen Pec* Da\td Pulse John Patterson Baiouel Pew Uriah Petit JParschal Heaume l.loim Rwrk !jean B. Kabbee William iloherts Enoch Stew ait Henry Sionns John Suckle Nazarein Spooner Prhicp Edward Incorporated t.rsi Lincoln do fir^t Gl^nearv first Lincoln do do InrnrnoTu'cd fl'fih Lincoln second (irenvHIc Piinee l.dward ImcoihI Lincoln lirsi Israel IfoMrih Lincoln Oxford !■ -»eot»d York lihird York first Leeds do fourth Lincoln *:Cih Lincoln Froiucnac l^eond Lincoln ltird York tir 1 Lincoln iceond rH^neary second Lincoln Oxford Kent do do do rio do I (,° [CrwiaUv ill! I)i r;i-»e do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Chipnawa York I) i-ease do do do do Casualty Disease tif:h March twelfth Match 1.1 twenty-seventh April *13 .Lniiiarv '15 levenrh Starch '13 (wcniy-seventh Oct. '13 tifih July «M seventeemh !\fay *1»^ Lhirty-first December SW Ki.\th March '!•* • venreruih Decern. 'I* thirtieth Mav 4l^ • L-.^htrenth Feb'y. *1S vlvth Jnlv *I3 tirenfy-vecond Nov. |sei-fiin| I clMOary bi«th OcloSer .Line November ■ ehih lehrnary liwen'y-roortlr Oct. •enih October tenllt Ortobi-r (first Drcember Itcnrh December December Itir^t January ifouriecnOi .lulv '14 MJ [nr*i V*.ss'*x Addingion Dn chain ■ 1 George Turney Rom -I Ta_» lor Laurence Teal ^ Zacheiiah T«wl Jeremiah Tompkins ]>eter Taylor Corn's Vender Barrack Da-, id Vansickle Mdnard Walker Charles Wright Jacob WVlfceiSOB Philip WoUrnm Con rod Wolfe Michael Warner Robert Wilkcrson Hantncl Wil-on irhri>toplo-r Ripley JSathanicl While Henry Young ftenn Vouiig do Prov'L Marim 1 do Casualty do Disease do \ddin&ton Dr's. do _ I do second Glengarv do — I do econd liiucoln Vddlngton Lenox tecond Lincoln [iceond Norfolk first E?seat -hird Lincoln Prl. Ar'y. Dm. firPt Es?ex thirte*entti August rwenty-niiiili Nt»v. [thirty-tfrst March fifth July *-14H twenty-seventh April MS Ici^hih November twentieth March |ln->t Febroary twelfth December tiot January first February tiimh October, iebteenth May third January fifteenth Ao£ lirst Jan. do do do do do do do do do do do do do 'NiuWfihMarcii hrst jau# do do do |2?ih October ri'st Jan do do do ixtii March ;ir?l Jan. fOth May iirst Jan. tto ixtl. July •. 1 %l#u do do do do do do do do do do do do do M3fourteenth July tiist Jan. do M4 17 MS '17 Ml M J M:j •13 •n; •1a •19 as •18 •18 •18 •13 •IS M7 M3 •11 •IS Ml M3 M71 1 •12 M3 •ia •19 •13 M3 do do do do do do do do do do do 31st December 1S17.20 do do do do do to do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do • do do do do do do do do do do do do s do do do do do do do do do do do do do Canada Currency, lOollat at'5* Ml d •IS d Maihir fifteenth March (fourth December twenty-eighth Feb'y M3 'H MJ MilitiaArtillery Addingion -econd Lincoln Frontenac second Lincoln do lihird Lincoln do Prince Edward (Oxford iCCORd Lincoln lf;fih Lincoln incorporated irst Lincoln Second Lincoln Incorporated (irst Lincoln do ond Lincoln irst Norfolk fer&t Fs-cx r-cond Norfolk Prince Edward 1 'j-l!U.\ Cbi]>pawa Disease do do do Kiver Rasin Disease Casualty i'lom uounds in ) action at Ft.Meig-) Disease do do do do Chippawa do Disease do do Action on Lake Eri do Disease do Fori Itic FortGeorge Chippawa Casualty llroease fifth July timrteenih June twelfth December tenth September [first January t«ent\-t»r.-t January lir^t December [twentieth March tenth Mav nineteenth March ihirt\-hr?*t March tenth December (thirteenth Octobei Ml •13 •IS M3 M3 •18 •18 M3 •is •131 MS M;i fifth July Ditto ninth January *15 seventeenth January MS twenty-seyenth Dec. "IS tenth September MS lelghteenth March MS 11S I do do do do do tlo do do December twelfth August tweniy-seventb May ifth July Itwenty-first August tenth December first No\etnber Ihfth June thitiy-fust Deeemb'r MS leL-veuib October '12 ifteenth March M-l do , rd Jan. hirst do rifteen'h March tirst Jan. fourth Dec, tirst Jan. ■281 h Feb. first Jan. do do do do do do do do do do do do thirteenth Oct, , irst Jan. do do do do do tenth September jirst Jan. do do do do do do do dp do do do l.iiteenth March iirst Jan. 1 1 M5 M7i M4 M7 14 M7 M3 M7 14 MS M7 ■17 M4 MS M4 MS MS M4 MS jthirly-iirsl Decembr. MS do leightccntk Novem'r. M*2| do • 14 '17 do do do do do do do do do (to do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do rio do do do do do do do do .to do do bo m , 20 0 0 MR •11 •18 •11 t (Seenext page.) _ • 28 20 *0 20 67 2!) SO W SO 90 -20 150 SO 20 SO SO aM i6 •0 ;'0 M 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 o o o o 0 o o o o o o o o o o o 0 0 0 S 0 0 0 0 0 0 "* o o o o o o o f* o o o o o o o o «TS37 7 2 J Blank Deeds Memorials, For Cile at this Ojiice. Dwelling Ha r * w » ■% f , ~r£ r ufe and Hake-houfe ^___to LE i tor , , . , any number ot years tna'. may be agreed • t '■ . ' ■ r upon. rorparticu- lars enquire ot r r I k ,WAnL7ER M'CUNIFFE. Blank Summonses Far the District Courts, for Saje at this Office. To be Let, 1 Room with a fire place and two Ikd rooms. Enquire at t&iis Kingftoc, Nov. 5. 2A

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