Kingston Gazette, November 25, 1817, page 5

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MOORE'S COFFEE-II OU « g, M t/o/jft Moore, T> ETURN3 hir. finccre ackuowledg V mentstohis Friends, and the P'ibKcat large, for then pa ft favors, and withes to acquaint ihcm that he has re- mo--cd to Mr. Anderson's new flone Houfe, oppofite to Mr. WetfelN Store, in (lore ftreet, where travellers and oth¬ er* may fcly upon good accommoda I tions and attendance, on reasonable) terms. The fubfuihtr, having rented this large, convenient and elegant build¬ ing, has fpatcd no exertions or expence in his p <wer, to have it furuifhed and at¬ tended in fuch a maimer as 10 merit the approbation of h:s former cuitomcr* and others who may honor him with their company. He has a good ynrd and ftablc fot car¬ riages and Horfes. Soupaevery day from \2 to t o'clock. Kingston,08, Ij, iBrft 2 off Public Notice. TftE Suhfcrihenu Executors to the Estate of Charles Sti<art, Efquire, d'eeafed, late Sheriff of the Midland, r^trict.bereby teqtie^tsall thofe indebt¬ ed to the faid Estate to make immediate payment to the faid Executors ; and all i thofe who have demands against the i Estate are requested to produce the fame duly attested, in order that a Sett'ement of the Estate mav hs effected as fpeedilv as poffiljle after the first dav of July 1818. GEORGE Q. STUART, 1 Exec- ^ ALLAN McLErvN. j mors. Kingston, Auj/tibt 1^, 1817.— ntf Attention ! ri RiVEItS, torn Quebec , I ^^ • is juft amved at Kingfton for a|[ few days only—ai-d has now unpacked *nd ready for fale in Store Street, Fifteen packages of well afforted GOODS, ■ and well worthy the attention of Town *R4 Onntry Merchant;—ih«y will be fold by the Piece or Package only. tae Uoods of the he^t quality, and a* Mr. Rivers ihortly trots to Enr*. | fend. th«y will he fold uncommonly low! .for (CA&H.) oude-^erv of thv Good*. ' C. KlV£ft& Store Street, Kington,! tad S?"t- 1R17, S________ Just Arrived, I0() Quintals dry Cod Fish, 10 Barrels Li.ig1, 20 Do. Bay Chaleur Salmoti, 20 Kpgs Loch Fine Herring, 10 Firkins Butter. /1LS0,—A. few Ajtt« beft , English Plated Harnesses, Saddles and Bridles, Martingales, Pads, Veli<es£s, Horse Cloathing, and 20 Doz. Fine Shoes. The above articles will be fold cheap for Cafh or produce. ALEX'r. MACDONELL ft Co. Kingston* 24:0 Jan. 1817. 5 ! ^_________ ____^______ TO LET, AND pofleffiort given the firft day of Way next, that Store and Houfe at pvefent occupied by Mr. Richard Smith. Apply to NEiL McLEOD. ' Kingston* Oct. 17,1817. 41 Notice. AIL perfons indebted to the fnbfcri- £\ ber arc icqueiled to make immc- diote payment AH kinds of produce v/ill be taken in payment, at the Market prices. The fubferiber has taken into partner- I /Kip hi* brother, //Kan R. iWacDonell. The biifinefs in future will be carried on under the firm r>f ALEX. XIACDONELLH Co. In addition to their former ttoek, 'hey are now receiving a general aflortment of DRY GOODS, tilQUOBS, GROCERIES. HARDWARE, Earthen § Glass, S:c kc, &e. AFXa MACDONELL.' Kingston, tfi &ft» i 8 16* 5 Smiths Work, jj Advertisement. THE fubferiber moft rcfpeftfullyj [ fTpHE Snbfcriber refpeflfnlly informs infmms the gentlemen of Kings-; j JL the Inhabitant* of the Town and ton, that he is juft arrived here from. | Town/hip of Kingston, the Towufliip Dublin, »nd haa commenced the bufi-! \ of Pitfburgh and Woolf Ifland, that he neft of Bl4ck and White Smith* in all is now erre&ing a Pot Afh work in the its branches ; more particularly that of: 'Vicinity of this Town, where he will horfe Shewing, irt which he will give 1 receive good Houfe Afhcs at the rate of the greatfft fatisfa&ion to thofe that em-j j Seven Pence C'y per Bufhel when ploy him. Thev may rely on having! 1 delivered at the Works, and fix pence their work well dofte, cheap and neat, by! {when collected in Town ; the AJMf to applying ut Mr. J. Meaghcrs, Barrack . | be paid for in Merchandise, ftreet, where heha9 commenced* j A Sleigh is to be fent round Town to All orders in that line will be gladly: colled the Afhcs once a week, or oftener received and ftrift attention given. RICHARD C0RRELL. Kingston 131b 0a. a 1 THE fubferibers inform their Friend* and the Public in general, that j j I they have received in addition to their former fupply, a large affortment of DRY GOODS, Glafs and Earthan WARE, Iron, Steel, Hallow Ware, A fmatl afortment of HARD WARE. Double and Single STOVES. Also*—Ladies and (Vntleinen's FUR CAPS. Ready Made CLOTHES. The whole will be fold Cheap for! Cafh, or ton approved credit. if neccflary. A.MACPHERSON. Kington, 17th Nov 1817. 25tf N li. Care ftiould be taken to Keep the afhe"> Dry and Clean a* none but wrnt i- of 3 good quality can be received. ■J F PETER ^UMMOND, EfqT Jl lateaCaprain in the 29th Regiment J of Foot refides atprefent in the Canadas, |and this* flion'd meet his perufal, he is learntflly requefted to communicate hi? • addref? to Deputy Affiftant CotDinaffary General l^UBBY, at Montreal, as the latier is delirous of correfpoi.ding with him relative to the affairs of Lieut. ffi/I, formerly of rhc fame Regiment. Montreal, 7th Od. 1817. 25 TO BAKERS. Government Contract. New Store. S. If A IF LEY, BEGS !e>v to i■ ■ f"rm bit MdKfo R the pul.lic. that he hai t^ken the e'cgsnt Retail the Buck Storeof Mr. S. Bartlet, in Front Street, ar.d ^p. pofite to T. Ma.klat^d, Efq. ha» rrceiv- ed, and is "ow opening for fble, a very extenfive afforTroeot of (■ Rags / Raws J / Executive Council Office% fork, ZtdOh. 1817. "l^fTOTTCE i» hereby given, hy ordt-rj In of Kis Honor the Adminiftrator in Council, to the R>pfefrw3tV»r»j» of *John Galloway and WiUiam Caldwell to make good any pretention tr* lot mi r ber j twenty orie in 'he fifth conceflion of the Townlb»pof Kingfton, within fix months f»wn thi» date, or ft will be granted to the occup1Mtt who ha* been in poffVflion fixteen jebts* JOHN^MVLL, Cii. of the Ex. Council. €ASTfl'p;ud for Clean COT-inpHFr.ibfer,Vr hereby fo;Md« '««. »kt j t i'xtttvt !' ar,d every perfon or perfonn fr* i ON and L»NEN \\mtAv„n ,,r n.ak^> or CJL anv tl '7 NOTICE .11 r< II A G S, (Of .my Color, j AT THIS OFFICE. I "!t~ S Hereby given to all perlons, that Jl, the fubferiber has every reafon to btlicve that Hugh Earl and Giorgc Siriih, (b#th of Kingston) have - ffercd. or willofl'ei for fale, a certain wrfft I ca^ed the fch'r. General Brock, (bt.'ilt in the Bay of Quint?.) Know now the fubLviber forbids all pcrfon9 from purchaimg the whole or atiy part of faid vefieK or of t&ying unto Hugh Earl, (as fhtp's huiha,.d,) any 6eight accounts rendered by him, up to thi> da;e, or any future date. Whenev¬ er Hugh Earl and G^or^e Smith think proper to under a correct account of the above veflePs coft previous to her fiift failing, on or about the I ft of July 1815, and her yearly expenditure* fiucc, wuh hfr freight received, and how that freight has been made ufe of, thtn the fubferiber will feel pleaiure in conf.r rriog tf) -ny arrangement they may wi(h, and found agreeable bo Giiphaiu O Petrie ; orovidlnp their wifhes do not exceed the bound*- of propriety. WILLIAM FISH. Niagara, Oft. 2, 1817.—2t—6w \yRTE the fubfciibcrs do certify upon v ? oath ttr.t the original fetile- tnent in the townfhtp of KtnpftoOiWas male agrerable t<» tUe annexed plan, thai the roa^s intrrfeAed each other at right angle-, and that at the four cor i'cr% flakes were planted at right anp'e?, a'td that each lot butted and bounded d'ne&ly opp.,fite its correfpording num¬ ber, and that the lots were fluked as well W the rear as in the front, and that the firtl fettrer* took their lands Eall and | Weft from the road between the lot* No. *7y»d 18 in the Cownihipof Kinglton. Signed JOHN WARNER* SOLOMON ORS&Ri ARTHUR ORSERy ISAAC 0R*ER< ELIJAH GROOMS. Nov. 2, 18; 6.. 16 K LIST received and for fale at this Of t/ ficc, price iy*S, Poems on his Do- mestic Circumstances, by Lord livron.— With the Star of the Legion of Honour, and other Poems ; to which is prehxed, The Lift of the Noble Autho*. Nov. 28. C ni . a c. ^ ^_ • •'npENTr>ERS will be received at thf< Morjeau & St. G:rmain , | officc onli, % oV1(ick p M on Kingston, \9thSepi. 18.7. I 7111 j We-Jnefday, 10th of December next, from perfonn wifhingr to ftipply thifi Gar-ifon forfiS BM>nth«, commencing the 2cth December 1817. and ending 24*h June, i8i8jW'th Bread to be baked from Flour furnifhed from the King's Further inform?.! ion may be had on application 'o this office. CommifTariat Office, Kineston, i 8 Noveniber 1817. 25 ""advertisement. nflHE Concern heretofore exiflinq; I under the firm of" Rodk i$ Alexr. Maciay" at Point Frederick, was diffolved on the 24'h ultimo. The Snbfcriber h dd? himfelf refponfible for 3]llee;wl clainw a^ainfl the fdid concern, as well as all Ptrfonal demands againft his Brother, who retires from it, an J will thank thofe indebted ro cither of the lM'fit> lo pay 'Cii<:V Hfl(*C4fWC --rCCi>»Mfcy to Mr ROBERT GR.AHVM, who will conduct the Bufinef* in future, in Company with the Snbfcriber, under the firm of Rubert Graham & Co. R. MACKAY. King$toii| 13th Nov. 1817. 25tf & NOTICE. all r^m g< or cutting any tim- jVn.-«i fftretp<4ttrti n. nny (h*pe whatever. 'upon Lot Nn. 2 1. in the eth cone (Ron of the towCiipof Kinjrrlon, on pain of being profecuted atcordinfi xn I aw. JAtVF* WORDF.N. Kinp(Ion, 08 12,1817. ti\n6 Notice. A LL perfonn indebted to the Eftate J_*\- of the late James Gumming^ la*e of HallowelK deceafed, arc requefted to call without delay, and fettle the fame with Mr. Jamfs McGRtGOR, now in charge of the eJlablilhfuent, \t Hallow- ell bridge ;—and thofe who have claims agaiuft the fdid eilate. arc defired to prefent them for adjullmcnt. The Hock in Trade of the deceafed, confiding of a very complete afTortment of Goods well leiii in, and very foitable to the Country, is now felling off at pri¬ ces fo low, as will defer vedly claim the attention of the public. Calh or Country produce will be tak¬ er, in payment, and a credit ot 6 months given to reCponltble Farmers, or others. J0HNCUMMING^xtculox% SINGING SCHOOL. finHE fubfcrihfli propofea to teach a .1. Singing Scl/tol, in the Town of Kttigllon, to comnence about the loth ■ of Nov. next, if a fifficient 'lumber of Scholars (ball he ubfcribrd for. The fubfcrir>ti(»n paper may be feen at the Printing Offten* where alfo the terms and further partii ii*er« may be known. THOMAS SWEETING. Kingfton,Oft- i8, 1817. 22 WM. MITCHELL Kingston* OH 2 7, 1817. 22 Ki \gslon, In order that no perfon may plead ^norancc in taking any thlc from Je- *r0 Jackfont on I-©t No 15 in the fe- ^nd conceflion 91 the townlhlpof Kings- J°u« the property is the fubferibers in ww. and equity, and will be recovered aB ^'°n as jultice can take place. fcPt- 16 1817. Amos An/ley. ™ —J ■ __ **^^—-------------------------------------------------— — >^< * ■* ■ Church Catcchifm For Sale at this Office. Victualing Cellar. THE fubfoiber begs leave to inform his Friends and the Public, that he is now opening a Vidualing Cellar, un¬ der the roof where he keeps a Grocery Store, near WoTdcn's Wharf ; in which will be ready at a moments notice, hot Coffee or Tea, Soups, Beef (lakes, Mut¬ ton Chop, Oyfters during the feafon of them, and every thing that the Market iiffotd,, at any hour in the day, and rei¬ ved up in a neat manner, nearly half cheaper than can be bad in the public houfts about town. Having employed one of the beft Cooks in Kingttoo, he flatters himfelf that he (hall be ib\t to give every fatis. faction to thofe who many favour him with their cultom. N. B. Six or Eight boardera can have good accommodation* up tt#l*% at a low rate. .-»#» N. PALMER. Kingston, 03. 28.______________121( MULTIPLICATION Tables, For the ufe of Schools, For fale at this Office. I THE ftfbfcnhw ha- received and t»f- Fers foT fale u his Atiftion Room, oppofite Moore's toffee Houfe 60 pairs Wellitoton Bo^ts, 136 do Gents. Kimpct 36 do do drefshocs bound with filk, 6 do do do <o do & linM with lt 60 do do ftrongdo do wiih leather, 36 do boys do io do do do 30 do girls fine <0 do do fit 100 do Children* fhoes afforted. The above will b» fold either whole- fak or retail Anfc, M'Donell Kingston, \yh0S 1817. 20tf C. Hatvh~$fCo~ OFFER For sale. Elegant Broad top hall b?ck, ^ Fancy 5c Windfo* bamboo, do Slat back, Real Cane feat, Waterloo, Common, Rocking and Children's J WARRANTED GOOD, At their Chair Shop, oppofite Wm. Powell*s Tin and Qrocery Store, (lore llrt. Their Chairs .ire fuperior to any they have hitherto offere(j fOT {ajc. Country Produce Feceived in payment. & Cabimet Ware f;,r fu]e as above. Kingfton, Nov. i^^ j3,7# 2+if JOSEPH MURDOCK, (Late from Ireland,) EGS leave to lnfmm the Publick, that iic lias coiMmrnccd t|lc Chan dhry Bufnef nearly Oppofite the Union Hotel. He flattew hi.mfeif that from hKeXperiance ^835^ he will be able to give IatisfaicliSll t<) |hofc that will in the Lands for Sale. LOTS number 6 and 7. in the 3d conceflion of Rawdon, containing 4.00 acres ; Lot number EtvjO conceffion of Murray, 200 acres ; E::ft half number 2, 3dconceili «n of Richmond, l OO acres ; Lr>t number 24, 2d Range 3d concea- (ion of Richmond, 200 acre0 ; Lot mitn-j ber 20, 8th conceflion of Richmond, 20c acree ; F.aftemm'>H half number at, 3d conceflion of Fredeiickfourg 50 acres ; Lot number t, Qth concetHon of Lough¬ borough 20c acres. For term.- apply to Richard R obi I on or in his ah fence. Allan Mac Lean, Efq. , Kingfton, 17th Nov. 1817. 2$tf lancastrian school" CO < X V favour him with theii above line co mm auda I Kington, 14th N^y# l8l?- 35tf THE Midland District School, on the Britilh System of Education, under the fuperintendence of Mr. John¬ son, who has been engaged as Teach¬ er, will be opened on Monday next, 1 6th November.—The terms of Tuition three {hillings and four pence per month, pay¬ able in advance. By order of the Prefident & Trustees. R. STANTON, Sec^y. N. B. An EVENING SCHOOL alfo will be opened at the fame time, the terms of which may be kr.own by apply¬ ing to the SuLfvriher. Ra. JOHNSTON. Tenders WILL be received at the Cnftom Houfe Office, until the Tenth day of December next, for drawing into the Government Wood Yard, at this pi* e, during theenfuing winter, from one to twelve hundred Cards of WOOD, from the " big hills " on the road lead ing lo the King (Ion Mills. Tenders to be fealed, and to contain the names of two fuictiefr for the perform¬ ance of the contraft. - Kingston, 1 qth Nov. 1817. 25 FOR SALE, BY Thomson SfDetlor 2o B; rrels Prime Pork, 50 Ban els Fine Flour, too Boxes Yellow Soap. Kingston, Sept. 29, I 817 D m, Oj almost eterji desci L \imu He now invites thofe who wiffi to b'uy for ready pay, at uncommon low prices, to call and examine his Geodt before they purchafe.—The following arc am¬ ong the articles now received, viz. DRY GOODS. Superfine, midling, and lorr priced Cloths, of nil colon ; iuperfioe double milPd drab Humeri Cloth* CofTack, Wellington, Purple, Scarlet, Green, and falhionable P.IilTe Cloihs; Ciffimerch, afforted colors ; Coatings; Fearnoughts; Flannels and Baizes of dl colore ; kidis Cottons ; Shirting and Snipe do. Apron Check* ; Bengal Stripe* •; Chintze- ; C-tKr-«e» ; black and *hite Cam bricks j Ginghams; Furnuurc Ca¬ licoes •; Dimitien ; Cambrick do. Fafw oy, Wrouglit, Corded, Plain, India; Book, Jaconet, and Camh-ick JMuflmy ; Iriftv Linens ; do Diapers ; Sik at>d Cotton Shawl* and Handkerchiefs $ Black Baicelona and Flag Handker¬ chiefs: ; black and col*>red, plain and twiil'd Bombszettes ; b'ack and whiter Lace Veils ; thread, cotton, and Mus¬ lin Laces ; BobTnetts ; Footing ; La¬ dies'and Gentlemfi'p filk- cotton and worried Hole j Lamb's wool and cott m Sockfl ; Ladies' and Gentlemen's Bffc and Leather Glove* ; a molt clegautaf- iVttment of plain, twilled and ivu'ed filks and Sat ius, uncommonly cheap ; a very handlorre dflhrtmcnt of Ribboiii; ; worried Tipptts and Comfprten ; .Vfo- rocco, filk. Webb and Nett Solpenrlert; Children's worded Cap* ; Mm'a (culet do. Stpckinett Pantaloons : Grey clotk Trowfcra ; c! th Coatu ; Siik Vefts : worded and cotton Drawer*0; Hat Ca« le?; wo^I, knu't, and hue Hats ; La* dies Kid and Moroco Shoes ; Men's fine and coarle Shoea and Boots ; a trw fettl plated i arii>le hameiTes, Sec. mtfm) ju uuL. Km've^and Fork* ; Rar >r» ; Shea^% and ScifTors , T.unk, Chtll, l)r> ,r, ind Pad Lockt ; Hinges, Butt* & Screw* -f Latches ; Handfafeni ; Tciiom jq ; Keyhole do. \ Shoe a»<d Ca'pe-.t';iV Hammrru ; Pincers ; Shoe Knive?, AwU and Hafts ; Coat and V-ll But¬ ton*! elegant Tea Tray< ; Brafs Iron, Jand Japaned Candledicks ; clepant pla¬ nted do. with patent Slides ; elegant pla¬ ted Callers ; Japaned do. Pocket Lnn- thorns; Floor, Dirt, Shoe, H"rfe. j Scrubbing and Paint Biufhcft; Quill-* % 'Ink Powder ; biaf^ & paper [ k'l^r.d-; Shaving Boxes ; Pocket Bo^k* ; hair and clothes Brufhes ; Plain Iron* ; Gimbltts ; brafs Nails'; Pins ; Gold Scales ; Riding Whips; Tea Kettles ; brafs Kettles , Britania Metal and Tin Tea Pots ; Table and Tea Spoons \ Braces and Bias; Coffee Mi;U ; Sad Irons ; Frying Pans ; Shovels and Spades ; patent Window Springs, (* new arid improved invention ;) Chalk Lines; Fifhingdo Curry Combs ; Car- |penterV Compaflcs. Googfa and Chif- fels ; Euglifh awd Swedes Iron ; Blilter and Crawley Steel ; Nail Rods ; .>heet Iron ; wrought and cut Nails, of all fizefl; biads ; Double Stoves ; Iron Chah* ; SntifT and Tobacco Boxes; Combs; Spectacles ; fteel Snuffers ; b'rafs and Iron Wire. CROCKERY^Glass WARE. Elegant Tea fetta of China ; fine blue Ware ; blue and Green ed^cd, en¬ amelled and cream colored Waic, a gre-tt variety and extremely cheap ; doable ilint and common Decanters ; Tumblers & Wine Glaffei,Waterloo & Spai.ifh do' GROCERIES^ UQl'ORS. Rum, Brandy, jHtmica Spirit -. Hol¬ land Gin. Shrub, Pepprrminr, Wkf/lcey ; a few bottles Cream de Noyau, Cr.-arn dc Moka, Ani:ifeed. and Imperial Nec¬ tar, French Cordials of a very fine qual¬ ity ; Teas, Mufcovado and Loaf Su^ar, Soap, Candles. Tobacco, Snuff, Stgars, Chocolate. Vinegar, Wines ; Cnrriers* Oil, Linfrcd Oil, Paints, Salt, &c. Sec. And in addition to the above, he will receive very fliortry from Montreal, La¬ dies' and Gentlemen's Fur Caps Mitten* and Gloves, Buffaloe Robes, a large af- fortment of London made fnrofi^e Coats, Surtnuts, Pantaloons and Veils ; •Htid insny other articles too numerous to particularife in an advertilement, N.B All linth rf Cmmtr > Proeh"e9 P'jttfhes. i$c. will be rece'wd in paxment for Go'itls fi i8tf I! liingiton, 24th Nov. 1817.

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