Kingston Gazette, November 25, 1817, page 2

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LIST of Orphan Children Tt hose Fathers have been killed in Action, or have died from Wounds received or Disease contracted] J ,s * * on Service. a I ACTION in Name and Rank of Deceased Father. .Regiment or 5*r-phich killed, vice (o which i>r how De¬ ceased, Children orUofaii II rlo > Child of Ci.ildreuol do Cm Id of Nv\Mh.________l_ K %h K»_J be beWp-d. eiiriersliol.......iPriviie"" I*'**"' t.iucoln Time of Decease. Vatnr of CtJARPl \y. PERIOD for whirl. PENSION is in roilrse . of fesue. Province CtT8» RKVf-T, Dol¬ lar AT J>. ~~ r FROM [Thomas Suihh..........j do Merfl't. McCKSlaV......l;»|u\.in WSIIiRTii \ nrneiab•«• #«*i!*ri • &ic Mofbist? Jtairfden..... ?to*it!n SftluTrer..... JuMi ftbOi%itha. Children ofOi»*x\ Sunrb.......... ill* do do do do do do d<# do do do do Go do do do do do do ■ ■ 9 * do 8* tto do do do do do I rai.cis AYea* Benjamin Newkfrk. Ca-per ShaiVlt......... Uoiui &l*afkiN0fe.. John Oallpot..... Sasbatn C^rger— William Dennis........I .lofan Smith___,.......Se*feant Jo;iHiiian Unfiin........•Plhttle ftrlea StevT'iin-n......, '!o ii>aac Walter..........', do Lewis BouirhjTer .-......• da Abraham Acre.»»......j do Jotui Siewarl..........l do JSpluman .M'Ms........ Sei,J€Ant iTJiofua^ Roach.........Private [Robert M'L^ghlin..... do [Jacob Van Cqmp...... do Child of [Bodolplwi Fuller.. ChUdrenof Joseph Clapp...... do {Joan M'Grath..... do do Child of Childvea do Child of do Children of iio ttciiianiin Smith___ Adar.) Forbes...... Samuel Watson .... of Simon Aerbart.......„. John Wood... [Elijah Durr'ey George M^rlat.........frtarjeant Robert Cook......... da • ■ * t # do. do do do d. do do do do do do do do do do tie do .do do do Child of Children of do do lie do do do do Archer Likens.........Private J Hugh Liuekboro*..^... do John Ovfi'JioJ*......... do William Coin.......... do Pierre Dc Lamace..... do |Thcn;a> Siui.h......... do AJexander Hutchinson, ..Serjeant Alauson IJ. Pease.....,. do Solomon Nichols........Priratc Levi B".tnrr..........I do iJohn-t»n s»ory .,......Sivj.'ant Taenia-- GirLy...,,......Ensign tafgph Furrier........Seaman Isaac Petit.....v......Private ** — , do Martin Storer, J do — — do [Heavy Travis.......... d* ;— — i do |Aaa Crown............. Jacob Keefer. William Clark Ho Child of . do ' — Children of Hugh Thomson do do do do do do do do bird Voir ur.t Lincoln do lM York 2»1 Lincoln lucorporald Oxford |l;r?t Liucoin do 3d Lincoln do ».i l.iiicoia do do fetet fkt kh do do do do do do 5th do *<! York ilnaril'o.atr'd rtist (itenville second do [Prince Ldward .lo do Incorporated lAdrtingtoH do Dm ham Incorpi/Wted 4'ccnd ^ o.k do Ififih Lincoln do br*i do do 3d do (first Norfolk do Middlesex* Ox lord |&ecoiiil.Noifolk llir>t Bases do PioO. Marine Prince I-.d'wd. do Addingtnn do Prince EdVd. do Hastings do Oxford t\ Norfolk do Oxford do '^ueerMon do 18th September !£l2irhri='ian Almu>i.....• Ut Januarv IM7. »U!_i _ .__.L l\^ * . \ r ' i_____fiu!U. l" ... I - " I TO thirteenth Oct. Fort George i^7th May ;>8 do York |Lhi|>pawa Fori Erie ( asual t.v Disease do do do do tfo - do do do do do do do do <\t\ do do Jo do do do do do do do do do do do do ■do do do do lio do uo do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do f7ti April fifth July \ 4 Septemhef lnf;h November fifteenth Nov-. thirteenth Novk Irifth JaiiKary Ifourreenth Detr-. ninth December third December inirteenth Dec. twenty fifth Aug. twentieth Oct. iphth N'Oveinb. fourth Novenilh Mtti No\ember .. November \.r<l DecembT November ."i h July dojWiHiam Smith, Sen... M3i: luabeth Th-jrn^n.... .. Piurbe Oood^n... i... do I.lizabeth Klrod...... xi 1 Ann Sinclair.......... do Catharine MeGiath... dolWyranne Lymbuiuer.i do' Mi M3I M2 d» do do '14 't do d« dii ; .lohn Banner, Sep..*. |joll8 Warren, E«*l---- Peter Trumblefc.%--»- Lawrence Jennings-- Sarah Dock>teder-- •• (n-or^e Adams. .•.•••- Smith Griffin \;ina "Sounp. W illiain ^^alker -.• I.leanor Chamber* Robert Nelies., ,;• t V * 4 ■ 4 • • • ■ da Charlotte Acre..-. dn Sarah Biinehart.', 'II Sophia LaliWrty .. James Hanchet .. N'.idab I.a«tinan. doljohn Lam*on...-. dot,> anna Barber... lJ Naocv Short-------. 4f I'Do-otDv Gr-ffi'h. . dotCbrisdana CntattW5*;« 'lb Anna Mitts........... •IS Esther Van Stein*iur^- l*2 John Aerliarl —..... 't&Keaiati ttaymono •••• niii-h i).-«-era'per M-S Frederick Hinds ..... Pthi September do Rebecca Iveiihy. -.-----■ &th December 4i2 Mary BeaUy......... leiewnth Decern. do'Catiia-iftc Myers jT'.h Febniary 'I-i'Eun'ce flrdnt... •IS John Clark...* i...... 1 IS WUKant Seranu.. '13John Warren, Da--- *'l*Kli/abeth Killma-^1"-* John Backhou^-, V'^-' KUzabech Ream) — ViolctUt Du-teit.."" 'went> second Mar4iS 2 Uh Aogubt Ittisi March i 7 th March twentieth Nov. thirtieth April thirtyfirst Oct. sixth Marth -iixth April thi/tyfirst Dec. »t venrh April V u tenth .Fine |tv. entyfifth Nov thirtviir-t Jan. fifteenth Drcm- ninth October hr*.t January twentyseverib Jinn.S twentyfourthOct.*i2 tmriietii June K\A eighteenth Sept. 'j^ do seventeenth Mar.5IS * * » * t t ■ k Martha Wollcy .."•*" Mary Koach.......... Monica Tucker.. Franci* Roy, Sen..... Sophia Nel?f»n. V * • * 4 do do do do do do do */» do do do do do do do do do do tio do do do do do do do da d* do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do fio do do do dn do [twenty third Jan. 'llliiaunali Bice.,.:----- do nineteenth Nov, 4ij do tbirtyiirM March 4I4 do ;tuent\ first Feb. *IS do ttwecttniath Jan. M'i do tenth March 'I.'ijCatha.lne Poole./- ■' do l-lellias Ytrrex...'-- Deborah Bower Jennha Bennett Catharine Sl.'i^ht. rio !7th March !&♦ JannarJ' twenty third Jan. jiirsi Jac.i:arS . I9tli Hoi ember jfirti January ......[thirtyfirst March (first Jauuarv jtwentytirst f*ebua. ist January twentyninlh Jan. r-»t January euih March w -i January • * *. '17! '14, f* 'J7 Ml lii M3 M7 MH. '17 •IS M7 31s* December 161 # do do do dr do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do rf» do do do do do do d6 oV do do do do do do i* do do do do do do . do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do M6 M7 MG M? M6 "I Mol *I7 'lf^ '17 M6 M7 •16 M7 W 26 2o ?o 2o «o 2o "io ^o 2o 2o 2o ?0 2o So So 2o 2*» 2o 2o 2o 2o 2o «o 2o SO 20 20 2o 20 2o So Vo 2o 2o 80 2o 2o 2o 2o 2o So 2o 2d , 2o 2b 2o 2o 2o 7& 17 2o o *s ia 2o o 82 2o So So 77 2o Y b 2 o 4 n Q to** ia 5 2o v 9 o If o 1 o •H o O S| o H o > x#i?()4 a i LIST of Officers. Non-Comnu^ionod Officers.. Privates and Tean.sters belonging to the ]VIl,it'a F<'rces, and of Officers and Sea- ersons serving- itTlbe, fodioa Department, who have been disabled men betongbg-to the Provincial Marine Establishment,and Persons serving in the »"«""' "enariment from Hard Labour by Wounds nceived in Action, or bVUIIV Owualtv 01' Accident ire* °" Actual Service. NAME. Rank ami Ke^iment, 01 Service to which he.belonjrrd. I Action in which or however "Wounded, and when * *' ! A. AUyhtH, Reuben A.*eiy9 Kbenczer Adam*. Gcorse Allen, Samuel do. li. Bonnet. John Bu-!1, Wi!liam Bernard. John Bouffoelier, Francois Boriatid. Andrew Bryajit, John Book, Joseph Baxter- Natn-ia Bell, Nathaaicl do- Beau pric, Charles do. C. Connel!, John, Campbell, George . Crawford, James (Jonceftcau, J. liaptUte Cortes, Swain P. Clement. Lewis Cameron, Daniel Chase, George Cornell. Johu Cushman, Arts* William Cart bier, Herre Cain, DanieJ Campbell., John Campbell, John Cliishnhn, William do. Coho, -Nathan do. Cull, William do. D. Drake, Riciiard, Desseaux, Joseph do. Deli^le, Jean Bxiptiste do. a ftmpey, Philip P. t!?wor(h. George V. F-*a«er. Thomas Fitrnliatn, Anhelaus Fitrray, Lawrencp Fj*lkner, James do. Fields. Daniel do. o. Graham, Jtfines George. James fa. ---------------^^^ . RANK, | Rkuimiat, &r, ! \( TIOV. \\ nev Wniivop o. Private do Lientc: Jit 'I canister do Private [Serjeant Bugler Prinze do |Corjx>ral 'Private do Qv. Master do Seaman do 2d Norfolk 2d Leeds lvt Lincoln Oxford * do. 2d Norfolk bl Leeds Incorporated Id fiwa Sd Vork liieorpomted Jth Lincoln Ui i«.-'.'i.J>- 4th Lincoln i. 'iSfh Nor. I JForf Frie Accidrht at Gananoque J26th Jan. Fort George lAcridei.t do Period for which Tension is in course of bsae; FROM Amount of (Vn- .*-ion Province Currency, Dol¬ lar al 5-. Fort Erie Ogdensburgh Niagara Frontier iMongWtga - Fork lort Btje !c* -\iU> Creek Mroekrille •Schlo5w<t*t («7lh Alay I7tI)Srpt. do. Isml Marine" Lake En> do. i d0. Incorporated T#nnd\*s Lart© I>t Lincoln iFortG^orse Kt. VoluntecrsHiver T/iames 1st Essex |ad Norfolk .( Lincoln 1st Gieogaty Incorporated Lenox Ad. Dragoons [2d Essex 1st Giengary 6th Lincoln 1st Lincoln Incorporated do. M Lincolu do. Kt. Volunteer^ do. 1 Lieutenant Private 2d Norfolk 1 *t Kssex . do do tlo Ilivcr Raisin [Malcolm's Mill* jChiupawa Accident do. Kingston Accident Sliver Raisin 'gdeusbnrgh 'Accident do. iLundy's Lane do. |St. David's do. Long Woods do. Jony Creek (Lake Erie) M*er Raisin do. Fort Meigs do. i do IKnsign do Storrnont Northumberl'd Incorporated «d Leeds 3d Lincoln Ml Giengary do. Kt. VoJuuteers' do do. 3d Lincoln 1st Lincoln do. (Ogdensburgft [Accident toady's Lane ('annanoque Black Rock Accident do l28Jh Not. , !2d Feb. Sth Oct. jOth August \'27th April 12th Aug. teltk July |7th Ftb. |2fitli July do. 3d Junip do. 2.5th July |27th Way Sth July |22d Jan. 6th Nov. Sth July |7th June 1st July 10th IVor. il5th Sept. 22d Jan . 22d Feb. 1st Nov. 4th Oct. 5th July do. v2d July do. |4(h March do. 12th Not. |22tl Jan. do. 5th May . do. ll8I2Jl»t Jan. do do !7UiScpt, 1st Jail. I 1K17 0 li do. 23d Jan. 1st Jan. 13 5th May 1st Jan. Black Rock (Stony (;reek do. 22d Feb. 16th April 25th July 21st Sept. 30th Dec, 12th July do. •4th Jan. do. 30th Dec. 6th June do. 131 13 do do do 12th.July 1st Jan. 4th Jan. 1st Jan. 30th June 31st Dec. do .6th June JU Jan * I *"H 17/ do (Concluded on lqSt page.) o i 20 Q0BnfSC Commercial Acedenw 8g Soot ing School, cftNDtfcren by E.C.COIJJER<C DOYLE and Assistants* ■»Aj R. CotLiE* begs to actjuainr I?jL frfends and the public, that has conneftcd-with him in the gov ment of the School, Mr. Doyle, claflical Afliftint, whole literary qu fication* it is prefnmed, wiil prove \ptrp\antnt advantage to the Eftabhflimc I \ few young gentkmen of gcni conneyions, will continue to be recei as Day fcliolart, anH ft is propofcd increafe the prcfent i ii"het of to to Boarders : to whole mo al^, health, improvement,the moll lidulons attentd fhall be paid—In the dunieftic depal ment, the beft poflible arran^coirl have l>eeti tn^At to promote the healt and comfort <i the youth ; ajid doriq the haur« of recreation, a tutor w cohttantly attend to rcgu'arc their c <hid, and to-prevent improprieties, full and conflant exereffe of the fcl'gi dnties, tanght by boil? Churches, will promoted by the heads of this Academ I Mr. Doyle being a member of the R jfnan Cathiifc. and Mr. Collier, of*' 'Proteftant Chnrch.- The Gieek, L?tfn, Frmcht i Englifh languages ; Geometry, Mc furatTOii, Wi iting, and Arithmetic Geography, with the lift of tie Globet% &c. are taught in this School. Yonng gentlemen dclirons of takin leffonB either in Geometry, Grc-k, Latin, may have an oporttmity of dr.i fp, by attending at the lioiire devoted the refpe^ive ftftdies. WANTED at the above Academy, a young gentleman about 13 °r 14 year»of age, to be articled for 3 (of more) years. He will be boarded ami educated gratis, and be entitled to all the advantages pofTcfTtd by th« regular no*'- dexs, during the two firlt years ; in rt» turn for which he will be required U*J third year to affifl in the School. Application on this fubject, will bcrfr ceivedtill July Firft. Quebec. 6th May, 1817. " TtiE SUBSCRIBER \MTtt»lt receive propufaK for bulH ▼ T fnjj a GRIST Ml G.w anorjue.on the Norrhfide of the riv-r, ar. for making a Canal to take fh(- waf jfrnrn/hn.rap«'*- «tJi|t lorrjmtr fJliift,, 'the Gully at the landing w here'hr |v?n ifi to be placed. He rrqurfli that pi- pofelfl may be given to him before !U 20th of June KXli A Town p) n wi| be laid but this feafnn ar the yhove namJ ed place j the terror of f?.'e and fc-ajj [will be know n by applying to the fubferfi I her, who has for fale 11 74 acres of Land on the River Kideau, being ]{)^ 'Noa. 5, 6 and 7 in firft concefflon and Nos. 5 5c 6 in the fecoud conceffion, with the broken front, in the lownftfa of Marlborough : AKo for Sale, fevc. n\ lotes of land and Town lots at and w the vicinity of the Town of Kingfton and a Houfe and Lot i;. KinL;llon...». Likcwife, for fale, the E«ft half off,,* number thirty-four, in the frcond con. ceJTion of the Kownfhip of Darlington* corftainina 100 acres. For further particulars apply to JOHN FERGUSON. Ktygstom 2$ih May* 1817. ^2tf '"jTIHE l'liblcnber returns his molt- Jl gratefiil thsiJtt to his fuVnds and cuftoiers. iind flic rrl'pea^ble inhabit¬ ants of Kingfton, for the liberal en. cour^rrement he has received fince he commenced bulineia in this place, and would mform them that he flill carries oa the Tin, Coflter, Sheet Irw and Lead Hu/incfs,jn all its various branehc*, near ilie Engineer Yard, where he hopes by his aflidnjty and attention, ftilj to merit a (bare of public favor, a/l'ii.fnfi them that nothing be wanting on his part, to faithfully execute all order* with which he maybe honored. \lt has for fale, a large afiortment of the beft EngK/b Double Tin IVaret of ev. ery defcription, ever offered for fale h this Province, and a large att-rtment or Japan'd, Copper and Hard IVare. F.'« aifo keep, on hand anailortmei.t ofSheet Iron Stoves, Stove Pipes and Elbows.- 40 boxes of the belt Double Tin, and 60 boxes beft Sheet Iron, for fale cheap. CFProduce will be taken in payment. James Meagher. Kingfton, Sept. 30, 1817. /4m6 NOTICE, RIVERS informs the Public, <» that his fray in Kingfton will be 9"ly a few days more ; and i* now felling uncommonly low for Ca/h, Peliffe Cloths, Blankets, Coun¬ terpanes, Chint* Furnitures, Damaffc Table Cloths, plain and twill'd Bomba- zettcs, 8fc—Alfot a variety of FANCY GOODS. Kingston, Store Street, near the Put- VJpttt $9/6 Sept. 1817. 18

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