on ri»c ftibjtd of l*ttl«mcnt, aflttrca me that neither in thefe Provinces nor in. th? Cured States, has a propvt fyltem he**<.'pnrfoed. The tttw< filling nf the wold ©ith rru'n, Humid not be the foltf ohjc& cf political wifrf'tioh This fhuuld j rrcard the SJUnfi ot'i: with beings of J fi^enori'ltellcd and feelings, without wl.i.-h, the defer! had brttei remain oc- ctipretl I y ibebeavet stud the bear-— ThflE f cieiy of a fuperu'v kind may be nnrted iip in Canada, by an enlarged j and liberal connexion with the mother j coi'f-'V, I an? very confident; and itsj t^-iiijr realized it the fluid liope which induce* Hie to come forward with my prefent propofel, and which, if thefe prop'vfab meet with fupport, will contin¬ ue the fpur of my exertions to complete tbfi work which I have now in view. WanV6fyou, Gentlemen, have ho-n bred up at ho.ne, and Veil know how fuoerior, m many refpe&s, are tl e 2r- ran Lament <; and habits of fociety there, to what they are on thrt fide the Atlan- tic. Such never ran be hoped for heie tinder the pre lent fyltem of colonisation, J which brings out only a-part, and that only the weakefl part of fociety—which place* po-ir i*nd deftrtute individuals in remote fituaiions, with no' object before! thet but coveting fellfthflefi—no *id -—nn example *-»nt) f- ar either of Gotl or man. h it not pofltbie to create fuch a tide of COTOrr*e*ee '"t would not cuiiyj bring w;tl i part ifiortty ItltloGftetyl crmp'. f.. v/i'h a1' 'he liicn^.h and or-j de- a"d refinement ch it has now at-1 tai. dit> BrifTi. :>eyr.nd all precedent :?: Sit. !y government wouid afford evefj facility to a -commerce which would not only enrich, bm eternally bind together Bviiain and bCt P-ovi ices, by the molt powerful fy nvp&thies of manners and taftc and nffii-ction. Government never can too ranch en¬ courage the growth ^f this colony, by a liberal fyltem ofenrigratmn. When we oomc from home, v;e are not expatriat¬ ed : our feelmssas Britilh ftAje&s grow Mh»t»&eiflu nmv* of ttet co«ifl-[ is j an J ccrtsnniv no *V*fd W*; l„- mncfe of its ion.****** i* ftilfl fb«p i» *&* .tc. f rulflr'dulsqf»'^ proceeding wider Britifli a $eft y ; andj I, r the talk, i/tiej ■wilibu! tale jo nmcb „.ic 01' its tU»?H fl-uriini >» to«.vfl>L-s is. livable. irtv Hy «ei»wd l»v men «h«. erne wish! Some gentlemen have met my Ideas aetKk-r means fr^n the High!at* of' so cordially aMo.offir. 10 collefl infiw- Scotland. In the Oen-f. • try I e ! nation, n i only tor .l.etr mvn, bur, for Cvernmerrt podecerd me 'oxfred the> iownm->. C.r.efil u.f ntattoa, p..ibinc and dinky, ^ic, ha» bteii M •■-.ve., i- o. ihe ..n!y ieq.iilite_: au- Uil without anobjta. ' h.-.i'y » •«■ wn«d «*f that lpece-. GcsTi-EMHN.—The pio iric- audi which will IIOJ < nly carry wci-htwnh ^lerva.ioti-wl-ch T nave recently mad-. , it to ■-. dill an, e, bin remain anfweraMe .m the fpot for whatever is advanced. The defiratVti point therefore, is to ob¬ tain \-K\?\Kifci-aru(eh from each lowjhip, and tn have thefc hf.eited Sy the ligna tnre >f i: many of the rcfpi&able inha- bitanta as potfible. To accomplifh this in fhc fpeidieft and m"il eifeclual Plan¬ ner, a fcieetfng might be held in each townfhip, and in th« loace ofan houi or two the bufinefs might be perfected. J'he quen*='« liavc been drawn out as fimply a-* pofiible, with a virw to the praclicihihiy of havii'cr thc.-n anfwered in ihi- ^cnerj) way. They embrace only furh rrta'ters afrit mull be in the power «»f/-very l* tellitfcni farmer to (peak to, and the information to be obtained by then will be lufficient to affure farmer and othet* at home 1»bo have m« ney to engage in adventure, thai adventure here will not only be rational and bfe$ but that they themfclves may lit down in Canada with comfort a* d independence. Alth . jh 10 prevent confufion in tht fftneral fulfilment of the icheme, I have confined 'he ranm of ciocric* it would itiil be veiy dcfirablc if inteUigent indi viduals wo\)'d communicate their fenti* tncHtfl with regard 10 any mealuie of iui- provement which occurs to them, or any remai itable f'aCt 01 ibfervatiou they may have rnadec ncercing the climate, foil or |cultivation of the Province. Should any correfpondenc dififke mv i.f! g llU name publicly, he need only give a caution, and it fh.-ill be oblei ved. if the qnerfefi obtai notice* a.id fuf- ficient documents are !*• if warded to me 1 (hill arrange and wibliftl them in Eng- la <-• w:'ither 1 am foon to return. Had thi? icfk irauired fupeiior ability, fuch an ofTcr would be preemption. I rhink it recuirt*; i dilflty alone, and that I fhall 1 '•(/n Pricr of miming grgfs for hOjf% \prke of reaping and cradling wheat—fay~ /'//;'. in each cafe, if board and lodging is included \%lh. Co/} of clearing and fencing a riven quantity of iacjd land, fay jive acres, by contraB f \C)th Pnfent price of a good work horf \ ye r old* alfo of a good co*v, ox, foeeptof the fine age. zoth.—Averagt quantity of wool yield ed by (heep: and what price the wool now brings per pound ? 2 is f.—Or dinar) time of turning out leasts to pasture. a?id of taking them home into the yard or Jlable ? 2 2a7. — Ordinary endurance cftbeflagb- ingfeafon i and of commencing ploughing in fpring ? % zyl ^Ordinary feafon of fowmg and reaping wh?at ? 2+th —Quantify of wheat required to' foiv an acre and how many bujhels per acre are confide red an murage crop. Z$th. —Quality of failure : \/L as it refpeels feeding, and what weight an ox of \ nears old will gain with a fawner's run ; id. as it refpcSi nail- and the quality of dairy produce ; noting the price which butter and cheefe mad*' m the Townjlip Will now fetch ? 26//> — ')r dinary eourfi of cropping upon new lands, and afnrwards when broken upfront graft ; stating <dfo. when and for what crops manure is aPphzd .-' 2-jtb-—/fany land is let on Jliares ; to what extent this is pfaS'fed, and what the ordinary terms ? 2 R//, ~JTht price of wild land at the first fettletmnt 'of the Town flip* its pro ^ grtflw rife, ai.d prefnt price; alfo of\ landfJ far cleared ; sifting circumstances as to buildings,proportion cleared, or pecu¬ liarity, if any, of healf nation ; referring j in every instance to actual sa>cs. tgih.—Qvantily of land now for fair i jc/A.—State of public roads* and ij capable of much impro-n'n'nt at a mode¬ rate expence \clfa if any water conveyance ; I or if this could be obt>"ned, extended or improved, by means of canals, locks', ijfe. • l- \m*t* that *#* *, Amelia bar—Iw^cfi in.cou.- -'I:3',IT';,;; *?'■« ««r •>«" it**** * n.< i.fan^ much as thi*; ™! tr . ,. , ^nM J « • arTfiedhy/^^wh.JialloJKi kind« /rnui, w wiiiv>i' —• arCA,1Jfi^e head of Afa wheat wm luonpht home .#.lhi« town in l8fO,by I m* Uo ol.-cked h W a held . M;,.aea_from varions acc.rlrnts only feWr quarts was obtained until i*.o— The prefent feafon th-re were pn-bablf railed ioe bufliels of it. • t From the Weft f*fa Gazette Thfl Printer. tl l nitv—I ;itv the printer," fa"d my node Toby "He is a poor df/d,'* re¬ joined I- ■ How h» faid rry uncle T0bv—" In the firft place, he mult rnJravonr f> f-kafe every body, and ten to one if he pl?afe* any body : In the between Aury, and the go\cr- noi and colonel ltvin v\ab«.oni* [pletely at a fland. SAVANNAff, Oct. 23. Latef. from /.india We have leen a gentleman who Ir ft Amelb-Utai.d on the 2cth inftant, who iniorms us that gov. Hubbard tried on Sunday Jaft, of a fever, after a few day's Mneis ; and that the oreateft confufion reigned on the illmd. It was not known nee'itren'oe nf the moment, peiliaus aj fmall uaraerai* pops noon him; he! when our informant left Amelia, who would fucceed Hubbard, or how matters would be ar- hallily throwi it rothecompefitor—u «s|!ranP-ed. Two prizes and a ^^^^^^,-^2X^ from the coo ft of and rnrpofc* !"—"Too much the ^a u r . . contributemon williouly. Whoever thinks well of the fcheme and feels a dtfirc to promote it, let him n* t hefitatc or delay : prompt affift.tnoc will be every tiling; and a? to trouble, let individuals compare theirs to mine. Thoirgh 1 gratuitoufly make offer of V move warm with dirtance. and our great- ray time, I mini be relieved of expmft a-* rr rxyericc-teiches-isthemoic tovcu-i a(A« f^%yk, A\\x\ (hatt <&$*& a'lV c:aie the i>rii»ciple9 of onr native land— coaimunicarjons to be poll paid. No &c 9 3 l j7.— What, in yotf opinion, retards \ the improvement of you ' Tow;t/hip in par. ■ titular, or the Proviftf* W general; and what would most eontt ihte to the fame ? A caution to thoft w^° u^e r>'c Beinjr informed Lh* the crops of rye, rhe prefent feajon, a"re jrenrra.lv vtty mucli infi iled with erynt nr cock's fpurt o the. wile called ryvjf,<>ty> «%\, \ It •; , the coti&try wherein the fcinicica have m;ide the •n-'-atcd pro^refs, and where a- lone are cultivated to perfc&frtn the art.s of fecial life. At home, we have ex perie-u-ed evflu : we know that inllances are then. which war againft the pn'n- ciptCfl of the eoiiftitution and Cduutera<9 its moft benevolent Jcfi^ns. H<*rc, we an- free of fuch influent c^» we arc per¬ fectly contented, and a Sue field lies o- pen to us for cultivating'the beii fruits of civil and religious liberty- An enlarged and liberal connection between Canada and B itain, appears to me to promile tin fmjipiefl rCfifTts t > the canfe of civilization. Jt pfomi/efl a new aMv. i'i the hifhvy ofOUrfpecie^ : h pro mifc* the growth r*f manwen wit't man-, ly fpK*t,rnndefly with a£quiiemetit*,tfndi a !-vr nf truth fuperipr to the bo.diing ofdefpicahJc vaniiy. j ^he bte wa< fuminSed the Itrongefl ] proof .fth* riling fpfrit r^f this country, eve under ev-ry d<(iidvantd^C ; and pi¬ ty ir won Id be. were f»» nobli a fpnili ever again e\pofed to u>(k The late I \v;.r (hawed at iftcetlfC alicdti./ii which, Britain bares 'o Canada and the defiret v.*;iich Ca*ndt has to continue anrlei the wing «»f Britain. When a connection] is eflablifhed hftween the two countries' ««qrthy of fuch matlifclratii n^ all rift v:li ceale. B;iMi"n uill no longei have to expend her millioriii here. Tin's conn- trv will not onlv be equal to ft- own de- f nee, hut the lafl h<»pe of invaii ;n will vuhcr before it^ ftreiigth. Wwile Cau*j ada remains poor and negle&ed (lie can only be a burrhen to Brita?:; : when iriproved and wealthy (he will amply repay every d*f»t, and become :he pow¬ erful fWend of the parent (}ate. What 1 conceive to be the firil requi- fiitr for openiner a fuiuble communica- tl*>n with the mother country, fa the d'-awinrr out and publilhing a well au- j « .•«• 1 r vr I rt' , '"""""""' •■'"'*• "Mijiune. iron Cfl 'adi. Tht-cannot be effefted bv a ! rema* lable fprings ? \2th Building Jones, if any, of what quality, and at how much per toife they can be obtained at the quarty > poit paid. WO ptiloti, I think, wh - tntercfta himfelfat all :n the matter, will grudge his item in this way. Divided among!I many, fuch charge* will be trifling, but accumulated upon 6ne« rhry would be ferious. Should the worfc fucceed to ray wffli. T would piopole noc onlv puhhYlutfr it m the Eneliih but Gorman language — It is well known thai the people of that nation are moll d« limbic lertlers, and it is a fact chat many of then: have ur.t the ™ean» of communicating to their fri-nds the very (ttpetJor advantages of this country. One of them wh;» has been in Canada 13 years, lately told me, that '• roufand* and tok^uda would come o ver, Jid they hot know how good a country it is for poor peoples/' ROBERT GOURLAT. N. B rfddrcfj all Communications for me, to the Post Ojicr, Qtfetnslm. R. G. QUERIES. 1st. Name.fhuation and extent of your Tern nfkih P 2d Daie of the first fttkment of your Twti/hip, nunder of people and inhabited houfes ? d. Number of Churches or meei'wg mufti ; fowler of projefftonal preachers, and of what feBs ? dJh. Number of medical praaithners ? 5th. Number offhooh, and the fees per quarter P J r 6th. Number of Stores > P& do Taverns P M. Jo mills, and of what des¬ cription, nolththe rate of grinding, fawing ana Carding w-jol P 9*b. The general charter of the f I and furface P J J loth The hinds of timber produced, naming them in order,as they mofl abound? I \th. What minerals, if any, have been moment or indicated, co.d, lime/lone, iron duty to remind o?ir ic.njer.-. of (he p< i- fotlOUS properties of f|wr ^.^ afK, tQ caution them againlh thc rfcc u[c 0f fuch grain either for breaul 0I for pT0Vtu<i?r. It has been obfervedj ty e-ninent phylici ans, for more than {wo ccmuric6 that whenever the crops. 0f ryc i)avt. |)ecn much fpurrcd, fomc epidemic dika.c ha5 loon afur prevail-dj among'thofe who lived chiefly on ryij bread. Paniculai inftancea of this oc.rurre^ ;n GiftV,c.it parts of Europe, in tlhc yean 1596,1048, •675,1709. 1 7 16 ;.>nd 1736, and have e n minutely defciitbed by J-iuffinan and other diHinguiihedrTKe,, bersol the Facul¬ ty- And many of % he epidemic;: winVh have ravaged our own country withi.. the toll rainy year* have with much probabiiity been ale. ihvd chiefly to the, fame caufc. It i- therefore he duty of j vvery one who ufe ry^, carcfiiHy io ffte ' it from-dl I'mtH i^efon'tluy flour it. if it can be effected in «,o .'tn.r way. the {mm ih.uIJ be ' ickv-1«,..[ w.aiu by gniin, r.ithcr th-m c ndange. health aiid life by ' tiling it, even in Cnaifl qu.-ut.*.. ai a conftituent part of d*\W ore.id.—Should any wifh other prorf of the deletcriou* eft. els of trg0t% let thvm pulveuTe :one and admiuilter if to flic-O'coi. k<o , a id they will fee from actual c&pcrimeui h w fpeedijy i"l wi 1 deftroy life. The following paragraph, on this fubje&i is extracted From the Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, V »|. xv'ri. " In the year 1710, a cafe is given in the hiliory o* thc Academy of Sciences in France, which U as follows. A peafant at Blois, who had e;»tcn fpurrcd rye in bread, was fenced wiih a moiti- (icatiou, which caufed all the toes of one foot tii fall off, lhe<. the toes of the other, afterwards the reflvaindei of the feet ind lartly theflefhof bothlcgsand thighs, leaving the bones bare. •pof faid mv uncle, with a fifth" too much' ihccafe** M N">r is that all," rontinued I \ «hefometime1! hits noon a piece that pleafeshimwy'/'.,/7v.andhethink^ i: c»nn-1 j bur ^'O down with hi* ftibfi riberfl ; but alas ! who can calf^ate ?—H " inferts it, and all is over with him. They may forgiveoth?*|. but they can't forgive -i printer------I»t ha^ a boil to print for— l>e h^R Etota, and he has wi-e men : and eve>%' dunce, that knows R from a KihIh fut« lets up for a crtick — iTie prettv mifN' excln:ms why don't he give us move poefry ?nd bon m"t^ ? Away with the** ftale pieces. The politician clap^ hi- f'^e^k: on his nofe, and runs it over \[\ fearh of violent inveclivc ; he finds none; he r;'kes his fnccks off. folds them— claps them in hi* pocket, debating the paper good for nothing but to bum. So ft gfOPS. Every one thinks it ou£lit to he printed - <cprefsly to i>leafe himfelf, as lh? is a fublcjibir, and thus, weekly, it is bro'^ht to the grand ordeal." Trim could no longer contain him- fe'f, hut rillny and making a Rtidc to the middle of the flot^r, with his arm-* akiri'ho. and his head Upright, exclaimed with a loud and audible voice, H If I was a printer, an't plcafe your honour, I'd pleafe rayf^'f. I'd never give up the ground to any one, or renounce one fenti ment. I would not be fwayed by th< whim, raprire, folly of cveiy one, but W'.uld mark ouj a (Iraight line, and ptltfue it " (Here Trim traced with the RftUtfcqT|Hit 1?'»-k': niit% Ifain ^r.fru my (foot.) ■ If I co'dd not fucceed in a plain, independent comfe. I'd fr<-c'y kick the beam." Q in the corner. Africa went into Amelia on Sa'urd^y laft. Large quantities of prize goods were to have Keen fold 1 ft week; bat ia corfrquence of the riiftyrbancc between Aury and Irwin, the fale was put off, — ( From the Boflvi Certtine! Nov. 1. J Arrived below, lafl: niv ht, brig Hope, B den, 35 dayi from Si. Seballians. Important report.—Capt. Bodcn informs, that a day or two previous to his fating, a report was in circulation, that WaR had been declared between the Spaniards and Portuguelc, on account q'l fomc p<»flefliona which each nation claimed in Snurb America. The report reached St. Sebaflians by thc way of Madrid, and it was generally believed to be true. finale hand : it mud he the work and, have the authority <>f many. To give.' j* c^mrnrnceaTenta I fub*"it to your con-1 C legation the annexed querites ; and, CMi'd thefe be rephed *of from every tnurnflitp in the Province, tKc work WMi'd he fir advanced, Thefe queries In.e been (hewn to manv of the moll ref- P'cl-ible individuals in the Province, and eh fcheweof ^o'lecl'ncr mate.id* fn (his w 'V. for • wiHiral account In... by ev¬ ery >•••. h.ertn approved S* tne have d 11:!" W^tciher there exift-; fufficimt » «> I Vh If Irichs have hem made, and the r eofl per thoufand ? Vfn /fkjm**' l^ncd, and the price per bnjhrf at the kiln ? cfter. - n it! .; '. \k. Ipint in the i emote I towQVoit* to rcui/ lu them- 1 hope there j l iJtA Wage* of Bhe&dth, ma/on, mdrarpen.u ■ • .-.vdihc rate of their piece work r ■ . Fii>e/y ? _ •■&* ' Vagtif of common labourers per :u*-per winter mm/B, per fumtner mth. p» day in harw/l—alfo *,am „r •omen fronts fi<r weei/or hpujewd, ami m *wonn andjorjpiotdng f I n Spurred rye in not only hurtful to man, but to ant mala ; it has been known to deliroy Ihcep, dogS gfiefe, ducks and fwane, that were fed with it for expert" nunt : thefe died mifrrably, fomeconvul fed, others mortified and ulcerated." From the Exeter ( V H.) Watchman. I have recently affitted in meafuring and weijrhinir iome of the Celebrated Malaga Wheat railed on the krm of Nath. Gil man f Elq. in this town__the experiment waa made with irieat care and exadtneia, and tlur refult (hewed the Wtf%ht to be 67} poimds to the bufhel. This fpecies of «vheat ii probably fuperior ro any in America—the flour made from it does not lufTerin comuarilbu with the bed Philadelphia, or Baltimore The fsllwtng paragraph is from the London Littrary Panorama, of /lug. last. Ipnrtant to Merchants. By inf t nmion lately received from a cen'leman refiding in Holland, it ap pears that the..\mencan mim'ftei \\\ tlrt country has fncceeded in procuring an ordinance tegulatfng trade to the Ifl:m ) of Java, by which it in provided that foreign veffMs coming from that ifland aic exempted from the import dufes at Belgium, noon prodncinfj evidence of their havin paid the export duties at B«.v^iia. Upon the fame authority, wt have the picture to Hate* fince the lit of J.nuHiy, no other or higher -tonnage dntic-i are i;i 00fed upon American vciTcU, in the Dutch pons, than upon their own frUefa. Frojn the Philadelphia Aurora, Oftober 30. Spain.—We have received rhe Madrid Gazette of the 14th of AU£UfL ( There is norhing new in this city,(Midiid)except that the king has agreed to abolifli the (lave trade, in confi.ieration of the (um itf i2oo,ooo fterl-ng, to be paid by Great Britain, which will be liquidated by bills on merchants in the ports of Span, who will have per- tnifiion to import Bri.iih maim- faclures to that amount. The London Gazette, Jnly 2^. WHITER. \ LI .Jnly 2, 1817. His Royal Highncfs rhe F*i»icc Retrent ha^ hern plcafed, in the un'rc and on the behalf of Hi« M/|t(lyf hi direct letters p;*tenr to paf-. under the pmewt ffeafl of ilie 1.7ru cd Kiii^Hotn r I Great Brftaffl ard Iielarx!, coifrr: the horrvnr nf Knighthood Upon fffj/fc ■ Henry Robinfoiu Ffq Commilf iry Q. nu-1 to His Majclly'sf rce> ferv/ng in Canada QnFBECtOa^her^ The Sf-afou fa thi* neighborhood hai lately aflumed a melancholy andratheran alarming at:pearanCe. On Sunday after. i-oon there came on a viVent fno» ft(,rfT| which Continued till twelve o'clock the n'xt day. leavinjj the rrround cove,r(j wirh feveral inch g offoimr, uhiA although partly diffolved bv an im¬ mediate tain and thaw. (fill im- ccv.Tf rbe emund. Considerable fields of Qt aud P ati otatoes arc completely buried under the fuow. vSir-ce Tiic.May there ha* been 3 ha-d frolt. and this mornir.rr there are large quantities of ice on the beaches, and fmil] fieldaoffr floating in the nver. Vet v ITtt'e n'ough^p haa yn been done in this dMncr, and (bould the winter now fet in, ft will have a vp,y unfavourable mflnence on the intcreft^of Agriculiare. Mild weather fs however flill peneraly expeded, as there U hardly an mUance of the wint early. er commencing fo Savannah, Od. 22. ' ^ FROM AMELIA. We learn, that a disturbance of a ver> (eiious nature has rakenpLcebetween commodore '1U7 and S°veruor Hubbard- the former wifliing to place his ~-----troops over the troops of Irwin, which would not be allowed-in confequence at this rWbas drawn up his troops and threatens to put his orders mto effect by force of arms.-^ Colonel Irwin, it is faid, will jvlift every thing of the kind. It is feared blood will be fpiic before the matter can be ad- Moft extraordijiary Production. I have fe-n twelve Potatoes the Pro. lindum offhfi farm of l.cwh Edward Hubert, Efq. of St. Dcuia on Rfver ChamMy, wc^hmg u Pounds and a quarter, 2 of them weighing Cijcri lm prondiitrd a quarter, Sotfaeia 2 pounds each, making 8 pounds and a half f^om 4 potatoes j the other ft WefgltiW t?h rr 0.1::. lib, 13 onz. &c. rhev are Knelifh whircs, 27 years from rhe ked, the produce is forty e'erhr bofhcls fiom two. Editorial Duties, There are but few em loymeota rrore tcoi us (fays the. National Regffler, a work 1 f Irtrlmjr ment) none rrqui/inga a^eatcrihare of prudence and firmnefa, than to conducl with tolerable propriety a Dublteju.nal. The editor who does julhceto thc community and to hit lis own fljUr-Thc,c aie F^?i ^ fpcc,s| Juftedf Sc— ^^» conic.er.ee, n»„a occafionally jprt iiaibrage toindividuajn, who often milhke the fimpje dffcbarge of d.uy ft,.-an ad nf pciio..;i|e.,mft)-. A i.evvfuaper con<liifi> ed with fome ahfliry ,"s a powerful engine. Aware of this, cxertioua are not (parti by mdh'uhah to eolifl the pafljori*. the Prejudices and iiiterefls of the propriVtur on paitieular topic-. At one time he i« afla.Ied by the bhndifhmenU of QklWJ, ntanothe. bv theinvcAlvet, of malice. he.wtf.,1 effav i„ Vvin hUn by Icin<ln<l<, the lawlefsand overbearing threaten him with perfoaal ij,jury. Xo prefcrve h»'i