Kingston Gazette, November 11, 1817, page 4

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r ITER M'CUNtfFE %£ tf,.| lfjf:■ VK received by the late anvalej jj: * ;uui. ffer Fw iVe, at the*i ltotw3 ciieap for Cafli, the following GOODS, Viz : Strong Jamaica Spirit? Cognac Brandy, Port, Sherry and Venerift Wines, ofa very fuprrior quality* Lime Juice, Holland Gin, Shrub, Peppermint. MolaiTes, Bright ami Dark Mufcovado Sugars, R: Bned Loaf Sugafi Twankey and Fyfon Tea., Pepper, Allfpice, Notmeifs, Fig Blue, Indigo, Poland Starch, Engiilh Soap, Candles, Coffee, Almonds, Oatmeal, Barley, Pipe Clay. Pipes, Tobacco, Snuff, 1) y and Mai tin's Liquid Slaking, Wellington's Blacking cakes, ALSOt A general afforttnent of DRY GOODS, Consisting of Superfine, nailing and common Ciath>, Prlifle Cloth- of fafhianabh colors, ( Double and (ingle mill'd Kci ley mere, White and colored Flannels, Veilings, Chintzes Coairoon and Furniture Calicoes, Black and White Cambricks, G'andureUs, Striped Cottons, Cotton Cheeks, Bed Tick?. Dimities, TmtUd, Plain & Figured Boinbazcues, afTorted color?, Shawls and Handkf , different fizes^ Coltofl Shirting, Irifh Linens, Raffia Sheeting, White Cotton*, Baft India Flag & Black Silk Hdkfs, Cbinred Barcelonia do do Laitfe'* and Gent'9 Gloves and Hoficry,. A*A 5 46-4 7-4 Black and White Silk] Vei!«, . ■ Green Silk Gauze for Veil9, Ribbons, A few pieces Thread and Cotton Laces, A few pit ;»* 6 ^. Apron Check, Englftb WVitinu PapcT, Quila, Ink Pbwdcr, 2fcngai Stri e. Linen diaper, Table Clothe, laigc £Lz£, Green table Covets, Si'k Twilt, Black Sewing Silk, Silk Velvet, Black Lutdhing, do t>3ltin, A few pieces plain & fig'd diagonal SUk, Irifh Poplin, Italianet, White and Colored Janes, Gfilc Shawls, Fa flunnable Sto^kinGUs, Cotton fringes. Sufpenderc, P'unrl Pins, \fTorteJ Threads, P'atedand Guilt Coatard Veit buttons, Hair cord Mufline, Mul Muflin, , Plain and Figured Jackouctt Muffins, French Cambncks of a Superior quality Khtgrton, \6tA Ai.g 1 Hi7. utf QUKBEC * Corns/it'reial Academy % Board ing School, COKDtCTKD BY £. C. COLLIER, C\ DO VLB, and Assistants* "16 J R- Collie* beg- to acquaint his It.J frie-idr- and the public, that he ^)a.- co ;nested With him in the govern¬ ment of thtf Schools Mr. Doyle, his cUfCcaj Afliftant, wfrofe literary quali- Ecation* it fs prclumed, will prove a permanent advantage i.oihe Effabliftimertt. A few young gentlemen of genteel connexions, will continue to be received ks D3y fcholars, and it is propofed 10 recreate the prtfent nU'nber of 20 to 24' Boarders I to whofe morals, health? and iiTn>'ovemc-it,the ruqft feduloUB attention hVU be paid—In trie domeftic depart¬ ment, the b.etl p'ofliblc arrangements have been rqade to promote the health and Comfort of the youth ; and during the hours of recreation, a tutor will contlautiy attend to regulate rheir con du-ft, and to prevent improprieties. The foil and conltant exercife of the religions duties, taught by both Churches, will be promoted by the heads gi this Academy; Mr, Doyle being a member of the Ro¬ man Cathiue, and Mr, Collier, of the Pio'eiiant Church. The Greek, Latin, . Fr?ncf)* and Engfifli languages ; Geometry, Men- fu:ation, Writ'W, and Arithmetic ; Geogiaphy, with the ufe oftBe Globes* &c. &c. arc taught in this Scnool. v * v Yourtg gentlemen deiirous of taking It -{Tons cither in Geometry, Greek, or Latin, may have an oportur*ity of doing fo, by attending a.t the hours devoted to {he refpective Studies. Notice, A LL prrFons indebted to the Eftate XjL of the late Janes Gumming* late bf Hallowell, dtceafed, are reo'-elted to call without delay, and fettle the fame) | with Mr. James McGrigor* now in- charge of the eftablifhment, at Hallow-, ell bridge ;—and thole who haveclaimsj againU the faid eilate, are dcfiied toi l )prcientvthem for adiuftment. The (lock in Trade of the deceafed, conlilling ofa very complete affortirwntj of Goods well laid in, and very fuitabrc; to the Country, is now felling >ff at pri-1 ces fo lew, as will defetvedly claim the attention of the public. Caih or'Counrry produce will be tak¬ en in payment, and a credit ot 6 months given to r*fponfibie Farmers, or others* JOHN GUMMING*! - WM. MITCHELL, \ Exccutora K'vi-ruon* Ucf 2 7, 1817. 2 2 Wanted, FOR THE PUBLIC SERVICE,] One Thou&nd b&ftieis of OATS, and- One. Thouiand Fe*\jr hund¬ red bundles of STRAW, Of 1 a Iba/each to be delivered into the CommifTinat Macazinen, at Kings¬ ton, in the months of January and Feb¬ ruary next Tenders for the above fupply will be received at this Office.untiJ tliei ith No»- vember next, inclnlive. Commiffariat Office*, 1 Kingston, 08* 28, 1S17. ( "22 Victualing Cellar. fJ^HE fubfciiber begs le^ve to inform JL his Friends and the- Public, that he is now opening a VifiuaYing Cellar- un¬ der the roof where he keeps a Grocery Store, neat Worden's Wharf; in which will be teady at a moments notice, hot CofFee 01 Tea, Soup*, Beef itakes, Mut- j ton Chop, Oyfters during the feafon of them, and every thing that the Maiket affords, at any hour in the day, and fer- ved a neat manner, nearly half cheaper than can be had in the public houics about town. Having employed on? of the bed Cooks in King It on, he flatters himfelf that he dial] be .ible to give every fatlfl- i aft ion to t*io(e who many favour him with their cuitom. N. B. Six or tifjnt boarders can have good accommodations up Hairs, at a low rate. N. PALMER. KhgitoHy 08. 28. 22 tf Just Arrived^ LOO Quintals dry CodFish* 10 Barrels Ling, 20 Do. Bav Clialrur Salmon. 1 20 Kegs Locfj Ki,iL. Herring, 10 S'\rkins ij.nier. ' AI.S0,—h feW fctts beft English Plated Harnesses, Saddles ami Bridles, M&rUngalc*, Pads, Velieses, Horse Cloailiino-, and 20 Do/. Fine Knoes. The above articles will be fold cheap for Cadi or produce. ALEX'r. MACDONELL & Co. Kingston* t^tb Jtn. 181 7. 5 TO LET, AND p.uTciTiaigiven the firft day of *May next, That Store and Houfe ac iprefent occupiedby Mr. Richard Smith* "Apply to TORRANCE & McLEOD. * Kingston, 08. 17,1817. 41 I! W * THE SITBWIMZ rlLL Kceive pr,rfal; for b«.M- h4 % t* .1^ *_f iKa nuM\ and for making a Can.l to <*K th***V * JSotice. A LL perfon? indebted to the fub^cri- £jL ber are rebelled to make imme- diote payment- AH kinds of rroduce will be taken in payment, at the /r/urket prices. I The fubfcribci has taken intc partner- fhip his brother, Mm R. ^acDouell. The bufinefs in Mure will be carded on under the firm oi ALEX. mCDONELL$ Co. In addition tc their former (lock, they are now receiving a general afTortmeut of DKY GOODS,*1 LI QUO MS, GROOERIRR HARDWARE* Earthen Sf Glass, &c |rc Src. AEX'*- MACDONELL. Kingston, ijl >"J>t. 1816. c I Rags ! R ags f CASH paid for Clean COT¬ TON and LINEN li A G 8, . (Of *«» Colpr.O, AT THll OFFICE. 20th of J.-- — , br laid out this (eafon at the above nam-J ed place; the term, of lale and Wit- will be known by applying to the Faofcrt- ber, who has for fale 1174 acies ot [.and on the River Rideau, being lots N03. 5, 6 and 7 in fir It conceffion ano Nos. 5 & 6 in the fetond concefhon, with the broken front, in the. townflup of Marlborough : Aifo for Sale, ieve^ ral lotes of land and Town l<>ts, at and in the vicinity of the Town of Kingfton, and a Houfe and Lot in Kindlon.------ Likewife, for fale, the Eaft half of Lot number thirty-four, in the fecoud con- ceffion of the to'wn(hip of Darlington, containing 100 acres. For further particulars apply to JOHN FERGUSON Kingston, 2$th May* 18 17. 52 rjpHE fnbfcriber has received a gcn. JL eial Affortment of todianw Laie from Lurope, together with ihc moir ajjproved Patent Medicines, pUr. jn.fely fclcftcd for the Canada*, alfo a qpn-ntfty of Oils, and Lying OTatetfcj. for Wh.'u^i'^tories, vi^^; Paregoric Eiiser, Tin liri^toiifi Baifarn, Sir John Hill's Pcftoral Balfam of Honey, Dr. Ben. Godfrey's Cordial, De Lambert's EfTence of Tyre fof chaiiKH'R Grey or ItedHair to4 beautiful Black or Auburn Steers Opodeldoc, Br.'tiiliO.l Lde's, ^nJei fun's. Hooper's and Coit'a cclebiated Pills, Eflential Salt of THE TRUSTEES OF the School in the front Concef lion of Frederickfburgh, give public notice, that the faid School is opened, in the fchool Houfe near John Camp's* under the inilruCtion ef Ml, Burns, who teachee'Reading, Writing Ei ^lifii Grammar, Ariiluo'tic, Geog¬ raphy, the Latin and GrcA Languages, ROBERT McDOW\LL, WM. CRAWFORD, . ^ JOHN CHURL-B. Fretkr'tdsburgh (Ah 20, 1817. I2$MJ 1^ Smiths Wo it. TAKE NOTICE. JTB AN-away firo(n the fuhfersber, on] $L\i the 7.4th inft a Shoe-m;:ker. by he nam." of Daniel McGarty* about five feet 7 inche-i high, thick fet, black hair and beard»dnrk complexion, largebrOWD eye« ; wore awav a Mark hat, tailor's jacket, dark grey fai:or trowfers, He has ftolenoife knife, a quantity of tack*;, and one leather ;>pr,>n—had hired with j the fuhfcriwcT for fix months Whoev¬ er will (eoiire the laid run-away, or bring him back, (hail receive one dollar re¬ ward. ' x I GILBERT PURDY. fiimgston, Oct 27. .N. B. j4 irood (hoe-maker will- find conltant employment by applying as a- I bove. £2wa WANTED at the above Academy a young gentleman about 13 or 14 years of age, to be articled for 3 (or more) years. He will be boarded and educated gratis, and be entitled to all the zdvantage.s porTcfTcd by the regular hoar¬ ders, during the two firft years ; in re turu for which he will be required tjie third year to afiilt in the School. Application on this fubject, will be re¬ ceived rill July Firlt, Quebec, 6th May, 1817. 4 Jilaiik Deeds and Memorials, tor laic at tlu» Q&ce. Kan-awa)% f^lRONf the fubfciiber, on the 15th fi. QQ.. an indented appredtice, by the name of Richard Davis> is twelve yean* and eight month* old, wore away a pair of grey colon-ed woolen trowfers and veil, a butternut colored coat, black hat and thick fhocs- Whoever will re¬ turn faid apprentice to the fubfenber, (hall receive fix pence reward, but no charges paid —All perfons are hereby forbid harbouring or milling him on my account, as I will not pay any debts of his cojy lading after this dare. RICHARD J. GARDINER. Sophiqfhurgb* Of.. 18'* 1817. 22-3 SINGING SCHOOL. THE fnbfcriber propofea to teach a Singing Schools in the Town of Kingtton, to commence about the loth of Nov. next- if a fu.ificient number of I Scholars /hall be fubferibed for. The fubfeription paper may be ken at the Printing Off ice, where alio the terms and further particnlers mny be known. THOMAS SWEETING. . Kingfton, Odl. 28, 1817- 22 Valuable Lands FOR SALE, JN the Third Ccinceflioi. of the Towo- fln'p of Pitfbiirgh, being Low No. j 6. the half of No. <j} atJ(J No. 18— An' indifpntabic tide »;u be given, and the tern.s of payment ^a^e ca|V. H. C. THOMSON. Kinglton, July 28, 1817. lo Notice. ALL perfons living any demands a- gaind the Eitatcof the larr Bry. an Crawford, Efq. ,>f rdolphuftown. de ceafed, are hereby requelled to produce their claims, duly authenticated.—sfifb% jail perfonfl indebtdtothe raid Eilate are hereby requdled to make immediate payment to fViltiam Akxander Grant, Executor Kingston, \gtb 7uly9 1817. 8 JHflHE fublcriper mud refpettfully JL informs the geuclemen of Kings- tun, that he h jult arrived here from Dublin, and has commented the bufi¬ nefs of Black and White Smith, In ail its branches ; more particularly that of hoifc Shewing, in which he will give the greatcll fntisfacrjon to thofe em* ph.y him. Thev may rely on having their woik well done, cheap and Peat, by applying at Mr. J. Mcaghcrs, Barrack ftrtet, where he !ias commenced. All orders in thai line will be gladly received and ftiift attention given. RICHARJ} CORRJlLL* Kingston 13th Q34 2 r____ nnKE febfcrlbere inform their Friends tf and the Public in general, tkat (they have received in addition fo then foimer fupply. a large affortmeot of DRY GOODS, GMl and Earthan WARE, Iron, S'cel,Hoilow Wjre, A final] ujhftmtni of HARD W4RE. Double and Single STOVES. Also, — Ladies and G.cntiemen's FUR CAPS. Ready Made CLOTHES. The whole will be (old Cheap for Calh, or flioii approved credit. Monjeau & 8t. Germain. Kingston* 19/* Sept* 181 7. ■ 'lytf .emon», Wlitaton'*s Itch Omimeii inborcL Dr Bateman's celebrated Pccifi. ' ral Drops, Dr. GiTon's Reumatic Tinfture, do. Female Pills, lioynton's Cancer Ointment, Oil of Turpentine, Olive Oil, and 3 quantity of excellent Lamp 0:1, in jar>, Spirits 1 f Wine, Oil of VitrioJ, and •ve'-y cffenti.-l oil in ufe* J The above aic genuine from Eurotx, and free from any adulteiation. They may be depended upon as fuperior tt> any as yet in ported, :-nd will be difpoU of on reafonable terms* Country pra&ittonera will do well 10 avail ihemfrlves of this oppportui.ity 10 obtain a fupply. Prcfctiptions careful¬ ly made up, and the ufnal branches ut Phyfic, Surgery, &c. &c. put Anally at- icudcd tt>. JOSEPH SCOTT. Surg**ony t^. &c* KirrgRou, 3d No:V. 1817. 2jffil v3 Mtdfin W JT^)'virtue oH , JLJ) Writ of U\> RCU'TK/jS. 'issued 011/ of His Mujti' t.ifs Ciurt it/ King's BiiichJiuUlingCif '•il Picas in ami for Ike Mhltlcittoto trier aforesaid, at the suit if RICH' Al\U ROIU^ON, of /he'T-an of h'ligstoii, in the said Dislu'rl, Gem* num., tigaiiistlhc LatiitsanitTtiiemenlt <f JON. IS yjK ALSTlKBt «/'"'< Toicushiji !•/' liuhiiiuml, and DisiriJ ii.'oresuiil, Inn htepcr, (iirecteilt('l"e Shei {(Taj (he said Midland Dhtrict- I k'tiiii&ilgtor/it said jl/\y°!>- ■» 1 e rli, ear iuri,j hi »«„,{*,■■$. ' t"«- 'lujnsiCoueesshuofnief^:* liiehmond; M ,iece Iff?** ■■"!'■"/ Abound, id,- mi%^' * Kuekatnen, mjbtkm : that i j cmnmem-kig in j, out o/ilu said "i"1' ^^etn^rTe^ 'our Agrees, West tzco chaius f1' South Sixteen degrees,, East j^g Chain* Ftfty links, more or Us» / ^^it^Easte,^;^ For Sale, ON reafonable terms, the rear half of Lot No. 14- in the fourth G>n- ceiTlim of the Tcwn-fliip of Kington, lying abt^ut t\% mies front town. There are, forty acrceti >nder improvement on which are year.'t CQt 20 tons of hay, with a fuitablc potion of plough land. Apply at tin'* * ffi;e. Kingston. 08. ft* 1 S17. 2Qtf BLANK BAIL BONDS, For sale at this Office. For Sale, rriWO town Lots, lunated next to B the Prints Office For further particular* apply w Mr. F. Bofs-Uy GRORGE BARNES. Ki»Bflon,Oa. 3c, i«i7. 23w3 A Convenient \TOUSE, with good offices 70 KjL LET* for any number of years that may-be agreed upon—-for particu¬ lars enquire of IV4L7ER M'CUNJFFE. Kingston, QQ. i7, 1117. Z% JUST received *nd for fale at this Of fice, price |/8, Poms on his Do- mvstw Cirrumstan.s* by Li rd Byron — With the Star a/ the Lqjon of 'Honour and other Poenw | to which ig prefixed' The Life of the A Me Author. Nov. 28. 1 Executive Cpunri! Office* York* 2%d0a. 1817. NOTICE is hereby given, by order of His Honor the, Adminfftratoi in Council, to the Reprefentatives of John Galloway and William Caldwell* to j make ^ood any pretenfion to lot number I twenty one in the fifth concefiion of the Townflripof Kingilon, within fi>c months from this date, or it will be granted to the occupant, who has been in pofftifiou ' fiattotn years. JOHMSIVf ALL, Cm of the Ex* Council. 0- NOTICE. npHE f.-bferiber |ltr«rby forbids all -I- and every perfon or pcrft,ns from mcdlrag or making, or cutting any tjm. bcr, or trcfpafllng in any fh;,pc whatever. "ponLotNo 2, (nth t)|C of tf,c towr-flup of KJogftoa, on pafn of bnng urofceuted according t-» Law K/ngfton.Ofl 22. ,8.7. 2,m6 Killer side, to the plaee of JL*,-! • containing Thre/jeresifCdV 1 he same more or Uss, xeith a tkeeliiu. und out IJoiiscs then 0/1 erected. * ■ A ok 1 do herein, give KOTlCP /hut the afon said piece of 1 Ullli , gellur vHh the b,uU!ings\herecn<,£. ied, a-ili be shtd und adjudged /« a lug!** hidder, at the jJwfiffrJJ J Oku of Kingston,-on SATURDAY ^TUlRDdaijofJ^uJyfl text ensuing, at the hour of Eleun n ___ .. o'Clock in the forenoon. jiJSNRl THORP, Dupiit; Sbaiff. And t'Trrtj person or persons having La/id anil prett/yew Ijjj JSlvrtgttge* ot ntlu-r right or incumbrance* tfrf here* In/ advertised ti> give notice t'her-eoj Jo the stud Deputy /Sheriff*] at his Uwtf in the Vittug* of Ernest Tovn, /jau- otis to the sale thtireaf* . UK Mil THORP* Deputy Sheriff. Kingston. 20fl March, 1817- ■ 45 TO BE S0LD9 4 Genteel cofvenient Houfe* with _fa- pan ofa Town Lot, Rtoatcd in Front ttrcei neartne Market, in a mod eligible function for any line of public bu(i,,oni_For p.aicuiars apply to the printer. Kin^ian* sept. '5, 1817. jg J WATCH MAkIngH^TT riVriE fuhferfber tt&BWj. informs A his friends and the public, that ne catMtton the WATCHU CLOCK gring bnfinefs, at hi, Uoufe, at the uln A ° "*? below the vill;igv h newdlbegratefnllyaeknowicdged, BJ t-V public's humble fervant 8 ■ WM. P. PATRICK £"^Tou.„,oa.29>liil7. 23w, Jl mHEfiibfcriben beg leave to inform JL their frunds and the public in uc "-ral, that they cany un ,he ' , TAILORING BUSINESS 1 •n Main Strettt where they intend rrak- '"g every article i,, tli^-ir Kne, on more rcalonable terms thai, has been done tot a number of yi-31s back. Thofe «ho wm l^ favo' th«n with their cuflom, may >dy 01. bavin^ their work well made, and on »he /horteit, for Caft. Non i.s k Stevens* Kingston, Sept. y. ,8.7. |j TO BE SOLD, Y the Subfciilcr two pafr of ,,,,.„ ^.ACA'.SAJ/TffS' MIL. l&mtWKjwriL and Caiiiole. Walter wcunii-fe.

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