Kingston Gazette, June 14, 1817, page 2

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t j ty»« Ship Montreal, on Lake Cm*, rk«. *nd Membw nf tbe Royal C»lUSo of °'ir?eonsin D»Win, formerly one of IK? Mttlira \ttendantf «t the Lyuig in| E >i'i fed in DaWia ; ac<j«3i>ts «J'« «»• b'lant- .<f Kmpftoo *"d its vicinity, titst; he elides near the S »Uth Gate, in part] of th' beoft occupiea by Mr. Richard-\ fcn. and intends praaiEnj; th? federal l»i-.,.ichc-$ of hi. pi-»feffion in futile.— Every auentior.'wi'.l be ?jaid to patients,! »i. them-'ft reafonablt terns. ft frnaU proportion of MEDICINE, oi a genuine quality, to be had. Kinsiton, i gib May, 1817- 1 a. ]|/>\ Seotft (1 LA WSrf UPPgB-CANARA, T MT SURGEON of HU NUjc*,|-— AN £££ 7V> repeal r«ri qfun net of the Partin- metU of this I'roviuce. passed m the Tr<rtyEtJit'>>fr«rnf (Its Mfffe'ty* Xngk entitled, *« tut art/or the bel- ter division of litis Province" and more effect/tatty, to provide fur the administration a) Justice, by comti* luting the Counties of Prcseott and Rtfvsell) u tdtsr certain modijicaauns, a separate District. [Pa -H ^4 of March. ISlfi.] \ V of (he RaStcru District of this Province,the Inhabitants of the Coun¬ ties of Fresco tt and Russell, in the said District experience muehinconveiiienci: in attending His MujOfctyN C.urts of Justice at present established. Be it on- acted by th »Kiag'sroo^t excellent Ma¬ jesty b) and witu the advice and con- Vent of ti.e Legislative Council and As¬ sembly of the Province of tipper Cana- (! 1, constituted and assembled, by vir¬ tue ofand under theautlioritj of an act passed in the Parliament of G real Bri¬ tain, entitled, '• an Act to repeal cer¬ tain parts of an Act. parsed in the four- teeni li yeaeoflita Maje ty's Reign, en¬ titled an r. t foi making more effectual provision for the Gov. rnmeut of the Province of Quebec in North America uid to rrmke further provision for the Cowrnnwnt of the said Province," and by the authority of the same, thai from aud after * he past ing of this act Something IS en * IR subscriber is desir¬ ous of sealing ALL his ac¬ counts up to thejothJUNE 1817* hi order that he may 3s now how h'- (land* in the world------- Thnfe, thcrcfoie. who have accounts a- jainft hiiru are delired to piefcnt them en or about that day, that a fettlemcnt may tflk^ place. He alfo expe-ds, that Jome of his country fnbfcriKcrs, who arc cne. two ard THREE years in arrear, tvill rz\\ and fettle their accounts wkh- Wt further invitation- STEPHEN MILES. Gazette Office, is':notion9 ftTav 2>8. 1817. .NOTICE TO LUMBER MERCHANTS Proceeding to Ouebec with their Raits :— "SlH iT&ety advantage will be g5*en lL to forward 'he Fate of aU defcrip- Uonsof Lumber that may arrive Oit lite Beach of St. Rocks, v-here every thing belonging to a Raft fit 511 for a higher price than in any other Cove, owing to its being to near the Town. Merchants and othtrs con ft- <} w*ntly give the Lumber the preference, a: ihe charge of ground rent and other expen/cs will be up.m m >dcrate terms. R, WOOD, fafpeftar of Lumber. Quebec, i6tb May, 1817, 52w6 i_r ■* — — Removal. THE fubferiber begs leave to inform Ik* «Vv*h>-. ditij 1 he (miMk, iluii he h'« remov d Uo n Barrack Street to the corner of Store and Wat rStreei, oppo- Jit« to Nfti Khby'-. in *he nr\v Stone Houfe. where he offers for fale a frcili aflorrment of Dry Goods and Groceries, GLASS AND EAR THEN WARE; all which he will difpo^e of very low for CASH. jflfo—Foot elegant Rooms and a Complete Cellar Kitchen, to be let in the; laid Honfe. MICHAEL COYLE. rZi'igstov* fifty 30, I£17. 52 1 nvp full yc<?rr fo Jurors fn ihcsaid District of Offaw^ Pnd pet* [mm all other servicer in f^e sold Pi«* Irici of O-iawa that ftpp"rfiin „r relate to the Court* ofOytr and'i^rmhterand Crcneral Gaol Delivrry, r-sj Courts of \ssizeaod NU Pritt* to l,r. holdeo in the said Eastern District, mj law or usage to the cent ran notwithstanding. VII. jtnl he it further enacted hjf the authority aforesaid, xftat whenev¬ er one or more pri-oner *f prisomn <hall ho committed to Gaol jn tho said District of Ottawa for buj Felony or ether crime too high in its laturc tv bv. tried before the Court of (i»ueral Quar¬ ter Sessions of the Peace m the said Listrict of Ottawa, such prisoner or prisoners shall be removal from the District of Ottawa, to i\e common Gaoi for the Eastern DMri-t before the then next ittinu of flic Colli of Oyer and Terminer and Genrial (laol Deli- w ry in and for the Eastern District, thereto take his.* her, or their trial, for the offence orolfenees *vith which tin* said prisoner or prisoners may be charged,and the Magi-traeor Magis¬ trates who originally cpmnitk-d such prisoner or pri^onerSj to tie Gaol ol the District of 0(r;lwa. whn I and he IS hereby roquircd, when suei prisoneror prisoners are removed as aforesaid, to transmit to the Sheriff or Gwler of the I'Nstrrn District, the comnitments. in¬ formations and other docivneuts, res¬ pecting such commitment, vhich coni- mitnient bcinn; indorsed by he commit- , , . - ,. ,. ,. tine MajHrafc^hall boa sjlKcientau- n n. n-h of an Act p^ d in ^ fo t,lK;niMprof Ml0 airl Astern i^hh>earofiUs>l=Uc:-t}JS4,e^I.;en- |DisU./j/{o rp<.rWe R,M(|l ,)r;soncr „ [Copicdfrom!hcS. York Spectator.] Hvi.ifav, M:iy7. TTie foUowteg letter exhibits a m- ,n„rholvpi«»..«nflhfclistn.«of ho iuhaWtwitsof St Johns N- F. mti I If •l^h perhaps, does not equal, or at ■ast exceed, in representotion, the :cd at tlte differeni A'. !>e A SCHOOL Of fihrral Arts and Sciences. KjTVfiE preceptor of tin's School begs J- permiflion to acquaint his friends and the public that having removed a few doors from the former cftiibh'fhrntiit, to the commodious Stone hooie recently occupied by Mr. Henry B;jker, fronting Store Street, he will have it in his pow¬ er to afford hi- prefeut pupil*, and thofc who may hereafter attend, with a hand- fo ne Dived play ground and other nlea- fiitg Juvenile conveniences. He returns UitfcififQedacknowledgments to hisfrfends foi their very liberal tupport. if Ton of I the Reverend J, G. Wcayant is fiionly expected as Llher in In's School —He trulL fiom his former attention hi^ new arrangements and future exeitions to fe- enrea continuance of public patronage. The Evening and Sunday Schools are alfo continued at illis place. Scholars refiding at a diltance may be bo^uled and iuitruded on movlerate tei ms. * Kingston, May 31, IR r 7. "N*-/52tf titled, u an Act for the better division of this Province" as directs that lh< Counties of Bushel! and Prese.ott5 shni! fortn part of the Eastern District shall be npralcd,aud the same 15 hereby re¬ pealed accordingly. II. And he it further enttctcd \u the auth triltf a/orcuid* That from and al¬ ter the passing of this Act, tlsere shall be formed, ron.stitutfd and established a new District to COtlMs't of llie sai I Counties ofPrescottand l\ucsellto bfl calh d the District ol'Oitaua, and the said Oi tricfc shall eujoj allUn privile¬ ges and hi- *ii!*j"ct to the sanie Law*, ■Lulis and Regulations as any other District io this Province enjoj. excej>t as hi rfiiuaftcr j'rovided. 111. And be it enacted by the autho- ity aforesaid^ That it AmUl and may luwfu] forthe-Justices of the Peace 10 be appointed in and for the said District of Ottawa to fr: upon some fit and proper place within the said Dis¬ trict, wheiv a Gaol and Court House may be built in the same manner and -abject to the same Rules and Regula¬ tions as the Gaol and Court {looses are directed b) Law to be built, in other Districts in thn Province, Provided that nothing in this act shall extend or be construed to extend to authorize the said Justices of the IVace to fix th,- place for building the said Gaol and Court House en any reserve of the Crow n or Clergy or on any Laud be- longing to any person or persons with¬ out p»trn»i-.bioii iirst obtained from th- Govcinmentor from the owner of said Land ; and Provided also, that until such time n^ Hie said Gaol and Ouil House in and f<-r the District of Otta¬ wa shall have beenenicted and built whetheroutof the fund, produced by the District, as-essm-nlo and rates, or otherwise, that it shall and may be law¬ ful for the majority of His iViajest)'- Justices of the Peace for the said Dirt- trictof Ottawa, to appoint some place therein for too holding of th- Courts c^ General QuarterSe^ioos of the Peace, and ofali other Com is authorised to be held by ri-rtue ol thi« Act. IV. And he Hfu. th T enacted by the dhori-'y uj),re«ai,r, Thai the Courts (»f Genern I Quarter^ 'ssion^oi the Peace in and iW the said Di5tiietof Ottawa, commence on the second Tues- prisoners«aud from thence-hall be res¬ ponsible for such prisoner >T prisoners until discharged by duo co-r.-eof law. VIII. And he iifurthci enacted bo the authority aforesaid. T»at the ex¬ pense of maintenance, uf such prisoner j or prisoners- so convejed fjorn the Dis- | trict of Ottawa to the Ravfrru District -hall be borne by the Distuct of Otta¬ wa. IX. And be it further exacted by the authority aforesaid, Thai ui all civil actons brought against Defendants in the said District of Ottawa, Hie first process of the Court of Kind's Bench and the Wilts of Kxecufion after Judg¬ ment shall b- addressed tc the Siterifl of* he District el Ottawa, vvhe^e returns nevertheless shall be made to the oflwt of 1 he Deputy Cl»*rk of the Crown in iW Km£*tf*M 5>*i -1 »:n»t X. Aud be it f"rtfirr cplWted by the authority ajnresattL Thai in ail crim¬ inal cases in rhes.iid |>i,i,.H t of Otta¬ wa, it shall and m^ ^ lawful lor the Magistrates of the ;n;(| L>iwrict of Ot¬ tawa, to bind over |)artjPc Hll(j wftneiscs to appear at the Ci,urtofOver!mj 'for- miner in the Kaster(| j>^trict,whicli sl>-«ll •ave the same ei\^ci ani\ |,e equally binding on the pc, (iJls entering into such reeoirui/aiuN^as jf $Q\y entered into in t/ic Lasteni JJ.trict. suffi rings expenene (,utharborsof the Island: Extract of a letter from Si. Joint's F. dated 5th April, 1317. « Our condition In thu Island gene- rall\ is deplorable, the conscuuene^ must be serious if rel-f is not received from some nuarter soon : all the store hereare completelyempty : the surplus of provisions that weivin the navy store U exhausted, and we have but a few- tierces of Hour to receive from the com- missariat stores. Families of the (irst respectability arc draired of the pro- urions they laid in for their own b"p- port. There, are 2500 people suppor¬ ted by the charitable institutions, ItJOO others by the inhabitants, in messes, where they get a dinner every day ; bis- cuit is baked from tho Hour we receive j from the Kin^s stores, and -old by small quantities to such as are able to purchase. The whole of our stock i* nntsuHicient to-upport us three weeks. The Magistrates have described our state to j our Governor. Let us beg of you to use your endeav ?rs to have re¬ lief sent—Then-is plenty of cash to purchase with, if provisions were to b* had. For G<;d's pake make our want" as public as possi&le, so that we maj get succour." <t h;,ll 7 7 rliat 1 ai AS it has been reported im one of the Exc utors of ;he1a-!t Will an! Tes'ament of John Mb Laughtin, late ofPittfburgh, decea¬ sed ; this is logivc, thai I am not oni» of 1 he F.xecutors, but merely a wi'mefsoffaid Wi!l. JOHN BAILLIE. Piitflwrgh, June 4, 1^17. 1 W3P STRAY MARE. rf~1 AMli into the indofurfl of the %S Snhkriber, ah-'ut three week* jgo, %h»fMare. The owner is defucd to prove property pay charges, and take JJtr away. PHILI.IPDALEY. EroMt Tcwi*,Ju«»c C, 1817. #iw3p (injS in rhe mouths of January ami A- prM, and on the ftturlh Tttwdays in the months of June and September. V. Ami be it enacted by tlu author¬ ity aforesuii^ That nothfcig in this act uorrtannd shall V\tn\A to alfect the }«. r.Mlicti..,, of His MajestCs Court of King's Benoh in (his Province, or to make it nere>.san or^awfnlln issueany Comnjissions of (J, erand I'ermin-rand Genera: C'aol Delbery or Commissions of Assize and >-J8i Frius for the said District of Otta„a, orto nufhori/.e any or the otBcers to be appointed in the ^a,d Uutrictjto in am wKeluterfera in any of the proceedinffi of the said Lonrts, but that all actions that shall "a*fi bee.,. ormiiy hereafter be com- monced. in either of the ^ai<! Coorts shall and nTaj be tried at the Cottrtsof A«to and Nisi J-rius and General uaol delivery for the Eastern District. "' the same mannerns if this Act had oevetrbferi made,flny thin { herein con¬ tained totliecoMfrarv notwitijstanding. V I. Andbe U further en ad ad />,, the authority afnresaitl, Tint notwifh. s'antth>}Ctheappoit»tmentofnSlw.rin'in *»<\ far the sai ' NOTICE. THE fubferiberfi beg leave to inform the public, that they have coin- menced the Storing1 & Forwarding Business. They will unload and receive Goods from to thiir Store Honfe. at the Outlet ; and from thence bring them 3- crofs the fmall take with boats, to their Store Houfe, iiear Mr. Hnghfoo's. They have alfo a Scow to Ifgbten the baats at the bar, at the Outlet. They therefore take this method of informing their friends and the public in general that ihey will be in a fituation to tranfj'ort Goods of every defcrfptfon be¬ tween this and Long Point, at the flior- tcil notice,, and on the mod reafonable terms. Wm. KIRBY&Co. Hamilton^ May 24,1817. 1 w 2 STOLEN, FROM Mr. Thompfon's Wharf, Kingfton, on the night of the 11 th mft. a Yaul BOAT, with fprit Mails and fchooneT rigged, with a boomed Mai0fail and a falfe ktd Ipiked on. Whoever will retarn faid bo&t, or give inf..rmaiion where it may be found, wdl he hand- fomely rewarded, ^nd all necelTary char. g« paW. SILAS MAT. Kingston, May 2-J-, I 81 7. 5 !tf FOR SALE at this OFFICE HpHE » Proce'dine.of a flr*- uJ ng^ofa Court Mar. Iff /M\hoWen "f Ql'^c, for the tri. Jiot u. Bbnoit BgH»ER,of the 4.1st Kegiment of Fo(-t, in July, x$\e » Rags ! Rags ! St. Juun.*, >T. F. April 4. Melancholy >vent.—A Sealing srfcr. bcloiipiii;? t(» Mr. Thomas Danson, of Harbor I ;ace, was bl>»wn up a fow days Mnce off Cape St. Francis, in n bich a;xidf nt most cf the crew were kill*<!. si< of whom were brought to Harbor Grace In another schooner and buried, tv.oothcr*. were blown ^o rttom* — the Captain. John .\cv»all, died tin d:iy he was landed ; the remainder of flit- cre-^ are dpadfullv wouude<!, we are not iu possession of further partic¬ ulars, April 11.— On Sunday night last, a- bout half pay < lOo'clovIi, a distressing lire broke out at a teuomcut occupied] by Joseph Cressy, n^nr th- road lead¬ ing to 'Vvfs f;irm, and notwithstanding ttoe early attendance, and spirited ex- ■ rtions of (he inhabitr'tits, tlwee build- i igs v.crr* toiallv (dcstro)td before the |F%fi>^>««ty pofl uiuV-r. 1 iif pnnripa' saflOFerain this rouii i.^ration, are as follow;—:The Heirs of Mr. Matthew (*, fo uhom (he property be- h»ngrd. Mr. Cressy, whose wife, 4 miidrm and servant girl perished in the flames—the bodie«, with tin-excep¬ tion of one child, were dug out of the ruins yesterday morningsboekiugly mu¬ tilated. It appears they had retired early to res(. and wcro not auakervd u*jti 1 the lower pare of the houLo wa ^.. finmes ; when Mr.Gressy3 forced his viay thror ;h a window, by which he was much injur* d- ilis family fencta- roared to (blli «\, but perished in tin- attempt—when found, the mother had the youngest child in hcrarms. Capt- Johnson, his wife and *hildren, fhe el¬ dest one only eight years old, William Carlisle, his wife and three children ; (ihismau was me of the sufl'rers in the calamity which happened bv fire on the memorable I2fh of fVbnmn ) their families had only \\d\c to llv from tiie house with (heir cioaths in their hands, and dress themselves abroad—Riihard C urran—In the cellar of his building, were, it is said, npwa^b of 10 bbh.po¬ tatoes, which tb^ proprietor wassHling at the exorbitant price of one shillina pei do/en—shameful Imposition on the noeanltoa poor! the wind blew a tale from about K. N. K. with a hmr) drill of snr,w._Vi1(<general alarm was Lrst given by the armed Association, on guard atthc Conn Huu<e, fn how con¬ duct merits omj praise ;) though rroin the excessive diift, their w'gnali « ere hot seen from the garrison. OrthbCmtnW lire—the loss to Jte|W»Ferer&must be smfftndto«r. eia flu,,-ail—fhoythrrefo/v must neenl andTvetrustwill enjoy r«Jicffrom the Kind hand of henrvol- nee and chorifv. dri! lri"Se - I1' be "sicncd {°r "»* Oreadful accident___!{. Q,~ 'Tillia'-i \fttfiersandTI\oimi?Slarta» 1 he name o| the o'iurThonui B iBViflfc, ton. As early as si\ o'clock in the morning! ,,u7 w,'ni removed, undrrmt litar\ escort, from th«'jnil to the new !'»ndVw(dl to be executed on fho pew drop. On Uu'ir way, the Lnddit^ve¬ ry cheerfully sun* hymns all the time they passed. Beaviiigton scemetl v<ry d.jecud-—Many thousand of %pPi-tn- tors kept assembling Until noon, lo wiu ness thetrulj*tragic scent\and coiMur- ted themselves i:i the most p,ar<>able iuanucr, without tin* lea-t disiurhanee. —About twelve o'clock the unhappy men appeared oi\ the platform,attriid- ,4 b) the Rev. Mr. Ilayton, Chaplain to the jail; tlie iVw Air. Vaughsiij the Sheriff, and other officer*. Since 1 heir condemnation tlte LudditPi had conducted themselves in themootbeca* ming manner, desiring forgiveness o£ fiod,uud forgiving Blackburn and Bur¬ ton (by far the worse characters,) «no wfre admitted evidence against tlnm. tleaviiigtou, an iguorc;it uai:, sensibl * of hi- situation to tl ■■ la f. ^a- vldge thanked the Rev. ^wUter-for their kindues; and attention on thwr behalf : he said he had intended to^y saorehotthr-'Ume was Mo far none, hoped the people would fake warni' ghy their fate* fear no man^ but fr'arGo^A .Vclar-'d their innocence of sheatfrfc Vmosaddres^ed the people:—64Frisads and felloweomitrymen!—\ on see hire -'.x men r.cing to suffer tuuocctirly : the man who committed the rrirr^1 willscaft be at lar^e.—-Take warning by our fate—Farewell" Mitchell few vvords,,mnch similar: and without any nppareutagitation th.^y spoke to several frionds jn the crowd ; and flu. w or?»n- 40s, &c* to Some of then, aud desirin* fo be r meinhpreu to (heir .VoMiniilittu acquainiauccs. When all things «ere ? ady for the fatal momentTAmo*,with a firm and undaunted vie<\ *aid he would now singah)mn,and^^ired the. people to join them, which was readily complied with by uumb'rs. rh« h\"m he ciiose, and io x\l\u h he pitched the fnne, was from Dr. Watts ; How sad our state by nature is ! Our sin how deep its stains ! And S\t\n Viv<h our captive minds Fast in his slavish chains. Bwt (here's a voice of 90? TOtun (jrfloe Sound" from the sacred word ; Oh ! ye despairing sinners come, And trust upon the Lord. Oh ! may we hear the: Almighty ciU Anil run to ?Jie rvMef ' We wo„ld belr'v- thy promise L0rj, O ! help our unbelief! To the blest fountain of thy blond Teach us, O Lord to By 5 There we ma) wash our spotted Soofc From sins of deepest <\ye. Stretch out thine arm, victorious King. Our reigning sins subdue! Oliveth^ old Dragon from his seat And form our hearts anrw. Poor, gnil/y. weak, & helplessworraj On th) kind arm we fall ! ■ Be thou our strength, & righteousaesi Our Jesus and our all! All the Luddites joined very earliest- ly in Mniiing (be hymn; iromedlateii after which the platform fell and laun¬ ched them into eternity. Ueavington declared his innocence to the last, and catted God t* Kitnm he did not set the stacks on lire. We lament to say, that the mo*t of thase misguided men, in the bloom of life, have reft rc/V/or^, and more thfrtj //////;/ children, to add to the mi>eriefl of the present truly calamitipos times! * ■ The Gazette de France affirm?, hut we doubt the fart, that c«nforn:fl!;/r fo - fresh I real y the two Floridas linve h?fn ceded by Spain to the United Mates. r>,r„ London, April 19. EXECUTION 01? LUDDITES, fce, Wv/,,-, Jjtrii 17—Themost dm. a«choy spectaefe Cver witnessed I l, 'tester to«L idace this da ( y, jxj the Casl District -i Ottawa, the bhenii of the Jiasteru Di»uici»imj| land the highest price paid for CLEAN ru o„ols,v,,lnw,lun(ft;rs,Mi.(.(i jrjfth vfe. the six Lttdditei, fo- •!,. ««Hmglaee machines, and finW K th H COTTON AND LINEN R A G AT TOiS OFFICE. Bnnssr.ts, April 8. According (o the !a>t accoiitifo from 'he .\orfh, it seems that pcople'stninds n re greatly agitated in Sweden, aid thai several persons were arreted atStock- holm on the2Mand 'll'M'Shut uinatli. St„ckliul,„, March 25.—Thfl Mar¬ shall of Court, C_\M.T.ssfron),\iho |>->- sesses e-fat.-s in i'nmeraida, lias bora baiiu'hed from the kingdom: he must 4'Jit the capita! in three days. The Journal called The U/non. or ■ <-""<livmwan Nutwmtl JournaL hu c**spd to appeal, rtnfJ f he l««t numhrr, "'"ch contain, d, among other thin**, "wwiittetf, on the ci-devant Gotern- meiitsof Poreiffn Kiiisif, has been.'i'b- J*««n to the Censure of the Jury «'* """.Vf the Press. The pamphlet ' ■Jll',d t'ltnttithrtition on the lilh >•/ ■]'"'■"■■ »«ir, has been Ropprew^^ •"■ Editor a||„oM ilT..T.edi:itelv.ift«-ri'» r '• r'«'""i»ee. Tlwre rei-n* here a *up- J were—JosJiua ATiti-hell l„l,, «*l*ft John Arno., Wufflc/A i ls«res ujv- w^j ^ Cflltuialcd ^ L^f

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