Kingston Gazette, June 14, 1817, page 1

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[SATURDAY, JUNE 14, 1817.1 KINGSTON [VOLUME VII.------No. *.] AZ np nn w Kingston, Upper Canada—Printed and Published by STEPHEN MILES.—Price Four Dollars per Annum—Exclusive of Postage. * •- • - t> ' Lieutenant Governor's Office* Tori, igth February, 1817. THIS is to give notice rhat Tenders will be received at this Office from fuch perfon orperfonsa$ may he detirou* of Contracting to render the whole, or my part of the Water Communication between La Chine an.l Kingston, by the oourfeof the River Rideau, navigable Fof Boats drawing two feet water and ren feel ffidth—alio, for boats drawing three feet water and twelve feet in width. The Tenders are to fpecify the num. berof Locks and the places at which ii »prop"fed to build them :,a!fo toe num ker of Flood Gates in each Lock—am] the periods for completing the work by (be Iu'fh Creek. Tender* w'll alfo he received for open ing the Communication in the directum of the Rideau Lake, and the water.* communicating from thence to mud Lake, and from thence to Kingdom Teudrrs, Rating the fecunties for per¬ forming- the contract will be received til! the 30th of June nexc inclnJive, and flu¬ tter particulars may be known by ap¬ plying to the Surveyx Gen. Office at York—The Office of i ho Deputy Quar- ter Matter General at Quebec—or the Affiftant Quarter Matter General at Kii'^llon, ZCth February 1817- 41 . MOORE'S COFFEE-HOUSE. Notice. - - ■ < 1 THE fubferiber having ooened the! Houfe lately ereded by Mrs. Fin- j He, next dooi to Johns & Finkle's, ref- j pe&fttHy informs the public, that he has J r*k ALL perfons indebted to the fubferi- ber are requelled to make imme- diote payment All kinds of produce will be taken in payment, at the A/arket prices. The fubferiber has taken in*o partner- , I (hip his brother, ^llan R. A/acDonell. en great pains to furnifli it in every J j The bnfmefs in future will be carried on relpett to merit the bed of etiftom. Gen- j j Undcr the firm of travelling may rely upon having | good accommodations and attendance. WM0AT. Their being attached to the houfe a ,ood yard and (tables, Teamllers can liavt [tillable accommodations. Sft'tps eveiy day from 12 to t o'clock. 6Vvm or eight genteel boarders can attended to. *• J. MOORE. Kingston, Feb. 1,1817. 35 be / Education. if j. 'o:> Just Arrived, toO Quintals dry Cod Fish, 10 Barrels Ling, 20 Do. Bay ttttfenr StOina 20 Kegs Luch Fine Li&mu< 10 Pirkhis iiuttcr. W/..V0,—A few felts beft English Plated Harnesses, Saddles and Bridies, Martingales, f^ds, Vclieses, Horse Ooatliiu^- and Of i\ iV " <.JUuz. riue SUoes. ! fc*< a(h «W produce. ' >ubt'K MACDONELL & Co. For Sale, jTibe Store of the mbfenber, Fork, fed, Fluor, Ptafe, Oats, Seed Com, And a General a for■Iment of SHAKER GARDEN SEEDS. P WETSEL. Kiagst'm, March 1, 1817 39 Books §. Tracts, BLAIR'S Sermons, Po-teus' Evi¬ dences, the Canadian Vifitor, bo.t^Joi fiugle, together with a great variety of ufeful Books and Traftn, foi ttuiog people-for Sale at this Office ;— vltere acccf* f.ay be hid to a fundi ch- culacing Lihrary, three times a week, on ♦moderate terms. augufi 1. 1816. 4^v6 to let, AND pi-tTeflion given the firft day of - May next, tiiat St^re and Houfe at prefent occupied by Mr. Richard Smith. Apply to TORRANCE & McLEOD. Kingston March 13,1817. A. 41 OcnHcman wifhes t'o procure a NwTe, to attend a iick La<!y. An elderly woman would be preferred ; , to whom libera! wages will be given. Apply to the Printer. Kwgfton, 10th Jan. 18*17. 32 Mr, & Mrs. WOOLF, EG leave to inform tile public* j that on the 12th inlh they pur- poic to commence a Bonding ani Day) SCHOOL, in die houfe recently occu-j pied by Dr Maniuhy : for th< fn^ruG-J lion t.f Young Ladks in the different I branched of Female Ed«cafi«n. ] Card*: of tcims and every other re-J j;iifite irforma:ion may be had on appli-s cation 1 < tl.em. A'i-ijston, yl May, 1817. /! ^ For Sal ALEX. MACnONELLk Co, In addition to their for*rer (loek, tiiey are now receiving a general afT.rtment of BUY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, Earthen Sf Glass, &*c. kc. kc. AEX'r. MACDONELL. Kingston, 0 Sept. 1816. 34 MONTREAL Air Furnace. EG leave to ara,ounce to the Pub¬ lic, tint tiiey ha»<j commenced the LiuiiiK-1's wf v Fou filers, The Steam Boat PRONTENAC T'LL commence sailing from this Port the ensuing; weefc at the tbiiowinii' Bates of Passaire I £ ungstoti l>o Do Do Do s. 10 15 0 to 10 0 10 0 a. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 On their property, to »t ■-*( the Quebec Snhuib^, inin edtatelj adjoi.iin^ the Ship "THE West half of lot number nineteen ■ Yard of AMth 1 Urt Lo>an Sc Co. ' in tlu fecund CQrtCeffion of the town- . j where they will furinfh /!/nl Calli.iga ol i\\m of Kit.uflon, Applv t>> the Printer \\Al deleu'ptinm, a^ierahle to fueh Orders Kingsiaft, 3<d\> 10, 1^1 j 3iv6 NOTICE. a.-they irviyrv-lvc,—_>\\{ ,. lMrukfmiih\ work wf everv kmd executed with neat • nrf> and difpalch. A i A LL perfous having any demands /' jL againi) the Eilate of the late; ELIPIMLET ADAMS* or vTarp- Sun»hf deceaf.'d, are her .-by reqnellcd, • l1 pM lOU Itul. *. Aih A.A y ., .)i|ar i.lit U ted,—alfo all pctfona indebted to the ' I'd £<iate arc hereby fequefted to make immediate payment to SIMEON WASHBURN. Adin-r Rxcciotr* Hallowell, l 2th Nov. 1816. ^iv6 STEAM B0.~.T~ Mansion House. I'T^HE fu!-fcn'!»er be^sleave to infotm JL his friends and the public pene rally, that he has taken that Large and commodious Houfe in Sacketfnarbor lately oceugid by Capt. Wn>. Vaughn, which is now opened for the accommo¬ dation of travellers. He ple<igcs him- fclf to the public, that no pain* (hall be fpated on I i- part to render the fituation of his gitetts pli-afint and agreeable. Good Cai >iage^, and careful driver?, will be kept for the accommodation of gentlemen. WILLIAM JOHNSTON. Sacketjhxrbor> May I, 1817. 40 TO EET, THE weft ha^f of Mr. John Bayne's Houfe. For particulars enquire of the owner, at S. Merrill**. KLgston, 2.yh April, 1817. 47 Blank Deeds and\ Memorials, For fale at this Office. . Montreal, JVov. ,1, 1ST 6. N. D. Cbiligiven lurold tvietal, deliv. cred at the Worfc*~-»fay ai the rate of CS P& ;»'li» 3'id fo; uiJ £raf$ 4d, gad Copper 66 pei II*. 31 to Ernest Town,............0 to New Caslle,.............I ; to York and Niagara,.......3 : to I>nHiu<>lon3.............3 to Prcscott,...............1 Piescolt to York and Niagara,.......4 : Do to Burlington,..............i • York to N ia^ara,................I Children uuder three years of age, hajff price; ab:)ve thr(5& and under ten, two thirds. A Book will be kept for entering the names of Passe;.£*er*, and the Births which they may choose, at which time the p^vage monev w-ost he paid. PabHCiigers are aflowed 601bs. weight of baggage, surplus bai-^a^e to be paid for at the usual rate. Gentlemen's se.vauts Cannot sleep or eat in Lie Cabin. All applications for passages to be made to the Captalh. FREIGHT will be transported to and from the above (>Iare* at lb'* customary rates, and delivered to the different consigaeeg. A iisto! their names will be put ra a conspicuous place on board, which ihust be desmeda sufficientnottee, and the (inods, when ;akeu from the bteam Boat will be considered ai the risk of the owners. Hrngsttm, MauSl, IS17. 52 And the fllgiiest price [>ai M YM, AViv .Vltlicold bre-.vcry of JaS- llobinsofl. GiUexjM &• Binicj/. Kingston, 26th Dceeir bfr, 1816. 31 TO LET, Suitable Tor a pcfion in a mcrcan- tile 01 other pubhlif line of bnfineftr. a iarge new built HouiV ' wo ftones higi), with a good cellar : a Wharf and Store, fituate in a moll eligible part of the town foi bufiucf-;, being in the vicinuy For particular? 4T of the market place. enquire of the Primer. N1EW (GOODS. THIS r'ay received at the Store of S. Bartlet, ice Ciflcs wmupii Hid cdV Nails, ,A all iizes. Wind' m Ghfs, Iron, Steele, Nail rods, Sheet Iron, GROCKERr&GLASS WARE in Crates and Hogfheads, White Paint, Mustard in Kegs, Hyfon Skin Tea, Coffee, Chocalate, Mv.lcovado Sugar, Jamaica Spirits, Currier's Oil, and A lar^e addition to bis Stock of Dry Goods ; And has on rhe wav up from Montreal, AGREAr VARid.TrOF G 0 O D;% Of almost e-very Defcriprion? Which will be f Id very cheap by whole- fale only. February I, 1817. 35*f . .* —* FOR SALE, ■ A HOUSE and LOT, in the village of StuartviUe. F#r o-otieuiaiV enquire of JOHN D ARLh T- •Kingston, April 26, 1817. 47 Notice IS hereby given, that the old fchooner LARK will be lold at Public Auc¬ tion, at the h.mlV of J. B- EiVclliyn, on the Ath day of July next, at z o'clock, P- M. for ground rent and charges, un- Uu(heis I'ooner removed, and tiie rent •Ofl chprgts paid by the owiicr*. E.^-*hLSTYN& AINSVVOR'IH. %f yweitt) 'June Xj i5>s;. Iw T J'UST received and for fale at this Of ficc, price 1/8, Poems on his Do¬ mestic Circumstances, by Lord Byron.— Wuh the Siar<f tl: Legion of Honour. and other Poems ; to which is prefixed, Tic Life of the Noble Author. Nov- 28. 26 ~PAPEU HASUtSGS. HE fubferiber has lately received) a lmal> affortment of PAPER) HANGINGS, for fale on rcaionablc turns if applied for f»on. ALSO, A few Boxes Mould and Dipped CAM ILLS & SOAR And a new fupply of Dry Goods & Hardware. S. BARTLET. For Sale, /fl PART of* L'-t near the Mar- O/jE. ktt P'ace, with a houfe on it. For particulars apply to the Punter. Kingston% Jan- 2J, 1817-___________?4 LOST, (£*%$ Pi'lday the 23d in ft ant, between \.Jf Hatter's Bay and Kingllon, Tiro Gold Seals, A Gold KEY and RING. Tke Seals arc engraved, one with - Coat of arms, the other with a Cred, and the initials '\. G —Whoever will bring the fame to the Printer will receive a fuitabie reward. May 24. 51 Bak » i March, 1817, 43 To liaKers. GOFER NMENT GONTRAC T f RENDERS will b* received at tliis JL Office until 12 o'clock on Monthly the 16th June, from pei (bns wifhiug la t'upply tin's Garrilbn for i;"|X months,eoui- meocing JJth. June and ending 24th of December next, with Br<£n<J, to be hiked Flour furniflied fi^m the King's Magazines. Further information m,ay be had applitatuvn at this office. Conimillaiiat Office*, "1 Kiu-Uou, Maj z:61 1817. J A WAITER at a refpeaahle houfe, who understands his bufinef- in e- very refpeil. No one need apply but who is thoroughly acquainted with the bufinefs.—Enquire ai this Office. April it* 1817. 4rttf PACKET, THE Schooner Commodere Perry, will another feafon fail regularly between Kingllon and Sacketlharbir. Ho:fes and all kind of freight taken on board as ufual—Good accommodation for pnffengers.— For PaiTage or Freight apply to the Matter on board. J. G.PARKER. may 17. For Sale, A Vy/LUABLE Farm, with bufld- ,ngs a's° 'arSe inripiovementa tiierc- on, favorably lituated within 28 miles of Kingston. Perfona dclirous of (>ur« chafing to inquire of the Plintet. hin^ston, July IO, 1815« 3iv^ THE SUBSCRIBER "^TTILL rtceivc propofuU for build- ▼ T ingaGRISF MlLLat Gan- anoque.dn the North(ide nfthcrivrr,and for making a Canni to rake the w-ior the Gully at ihc lauding whereihr Mill is to be placed. Ke requcila thit pio*. polals may be given to hi: before ih* 20th of June rteart. A Town plot will belaid out this lealon at the above nam¬ ed place ; the term> of fale ?«nd hafc will be ku >wn by applying to ;ht Tu' fcri- ber. who ha«s for fale 11; 4 acre- of Laud on the River Rideau, being lota Nos. 5. 6 and 7 in RtB concefii -i ^nd Nos. 5 & 6 in the fc. ond eoiU'rffion, wiih the bioken front, in the t-v\«.i/hip of Marlborough : Alfo for Sale, 'eve- ra) lotes of land and Town Ws at and in the vicinity of the Town of Kin^ti-in», For further particulars apply to JOHN FERGUSON. Kingston, 25M May, 1817. 52tf A small quantity Qf ONION SEED For fale at the Dr«ggtft Store of F. CARLISLE. Kingston, March 12, 1817. 4itf Strqt/ed* FROM t\n&fi Mtlli in Pittfbnrah, the 29th April latt, three working OXEN—two of them black, one witii a white face, the other a (tar in his face and a bell on ; thr othrr a red one with a line back, all aged about 7 or 8 yeare. Any peifon who will return thern, or give information where they may be found will be well rewarded. JOHN ARMSTRONG. Pittsburgh, May 28, 1817. S2W4 ^* 011 5' j UST received by the the fubferiber, a complete aifoi t nicul of Gentlemen$ Cloalhs. For Sale, Of an excellent quality —Enquire at FS Carlisle's Druggift Store. * Kingston, 22J May, 1817. 51 w^p njT|HE Widows Sec. recommended by JL the board in the MHIand Disc trict. can --eceive their PENSIONS, by applying at the Offi.-e of Dam* iel Washburn, Eiq. in Kingston. April 25, 1817. 47 O A T S, For Sale at thU Office. i Of a fuperior quality and workmanthip, which will be loid vciy cheap f .r Cash. J. F1SK. KluptQ'h June yb> i8lj« 1 Blank Summon -es Fur the District Cruris, t.r bale At this OdJce,

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